Chapter 33 Scarlet heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 33: 

(Qing dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli... 

I glanced back and realized he was holding me with his right hand while using his left to support the blanket, not as awkward as he made it sound. I rolled my eyes at him, somewhat exasperated. I reached out to adjust the blanket for him, making sure he was comfortable. He motioned for me to sit beside him, and we both fell silent for a moment.

He smiled at me and said, "It feels like a dream! I've been thinking..." 

I interrupted him, asking nonchalantly, "How did you know I saw Fourteenth Brother? Aren't you worried about him?" He chuckled and shook his head slightly, then continued, "You didn't seem surprised when you saw my injury, so it's obvious you already knew. That could only mean Fourteenth Brother told you. As for worrying, not everyone here serves the Crown Prince. If his men can search, why can't mine intervene? No one has come to report anything, indicating that everything is fine. Besides, since you've seen Fourteenth Brother and remained calm, it's evident he's already taken precautions."

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Some of his points I had already considered, but others were new to me. I pressed further, "How did the Crown Prince find out?" 

This time, he furrowed his brows in thought before replying slowly, "I was careful when I went out, so it's unlikely anyone noticed. Perhaps I was simply seen by chance. After all, not many people are familiar with me or Fourteenth Brother's appearance. It's more likely that the Crown Prince, wary of our communication with the capital, stationed guards around the area." 

Curious, I asked, "What's happening in the capital? Why is he being so cautious?" 

Eighth Prince smiled patiently and explained, "The Emperor forbids me from contacting the capital. The Crown Prince is preparing for this, both to catch me in the act of disobedience and because the Emperor plans a major reshuffle of officials soon. According to Fourteenth Brother, it's not in our favor. Naturally, the Crown Prince doesn't want me to act prematurely. By the time I return to capital in September, everything will be settled."

I pondered for a moment before asking, "What can you and your brothers do if the Emperor has already made up his mind?" 

He looked at me with a smile and said, "It's a long story to explain all that! But in short, even though one may be the Emperor, one cannot always have everything go according to their wishes! If you really want to know, I'd be happy to explain it in detail."

I pursed my lips and remained silent. He chuckled and asked, "Where is Fourteenth Brother hiding?" 

With a playful smile, I replied, "Guess!" He smiled faintly and said, "Since you're asking me to guess, it must be someone I wouldn't easily think of." 

After some thought, he asked, "Is it Princess Minmin?" 

I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed and replied, somewhat dejectedly, "Yes." 

He looked somewhat surprised and remarked, "It's really her? How did you persuade her? That's no small feat!" 

Realizing that he still wasn't certain, I felt a bit pleased again and tilted my head, saying smugly, "I'm not telling you!"

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He remained silent, just gazing at me with tenderness. Glancing at his arm, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fear as I said, "How could the Crown Prince have the audacity to shoot arrows at you?" 

He chuckled softly and replied, "Shooting arrows at thieves, it's only natural. And if it can be used as an opportunity to get rid of us, even better, isn't it?" A shiver ran down my spine. Suddenly, thoughts of the final outcome flooded my mind, and the sense of security and ease I had felt just moments before disappeared, replaced by a profound sadness, causing my expression to become distant.

He sensed my change and suddenly pulled me into his arms. I tried to get up, but he held me tightly, pressing his head against mine, whispering softly, "I don't like the way you were just now. It makes me feel like you're distant from me. What's on your mind? Are you afraid? Don't be afraid! I'm here for you! I won't let any harm come to you."

As he held me and spoke softly, Li Fu rushed in, suddenly seeing us and hurriedly kneeling down, bowing his head. Letting go of me, the Eighth Prince calmly asked, "What's the matter?" I sat awkwardly, keeping my head down, too embarrassed to look at Li Fu.

Li Fu quickly responded, "Someone came to report that the Crown Prince is in the Mongolian camp. They've searched inside and out three times, turned everything upside down, but found nothing. Now they're planning to search the tents here." 

The Eighth Prince smiled faintly and sighed, "He's really going all out, not even afraid of alarming the Emperor. But his timing is perfect. He can serve as a witness for me."

I was taken aback and looked at his arm, thinking that this wouldn't be easy to conceal. Even if we could hide it tonight, we wouldn't be able to hide it tomorrow or the day after. Once on horseback, any exertion would make the wound bleed, and how could we hide that? What excuse could we use to avoid riding and hunting?

The Eighth Prince ordered Li Fu, "Make a cup of hot tea! It has to be scalding hot!" Li Fu responded quickly and left. 

I continued to ponder silently. The Eighth Prince straightened up and said, "Help me with my clothes." I acknowledged and got up to fetch his clothes, handing them to him as he stood up to dress himself. I put aside my embarrassment, my face burning, as I helped him dress. He stood quietly, letting me help him with his clothes, buttoning up, and adjusting the collar. Finally, I inspected everything carefully to ensure there were no flaws and nodded to signal that everything was fine.

He looked at me, reached out, and gently touched my face. Just as he was about to speak, Li Fu's voice came from behind the screen, "Master! The tea is ready!" 

He withdrew his hand and softly said to me, "You should go back now." Without waiting for my reply, he ordered, "Let Baozhu come in!" and went to the outer room. I followed, wanting to leave but also a bit worried about how he would handle the Crown Prince's visit. I hesitated for a moment.

He sat at the table, casually picked up a book, glanced at me standing still, and said nothing. He took the tea and tested its temperature, then ordered, "It's not hot enough! I said scalding hot." Li Fu's face tensed as he hurriedly took the cup out. I began to feel that something was amiss and looked at the Eighth Prince with suspicion.

The Eighth Prince smiled at Baozhu and said, "This time, I'm afraid I have to trouble you! Listen carefully!" Baozhu hurriedly knelt on the ground. He continued, "When the Crown Prince comes in shortly, you need to accidentally spill the tea on my right arm. Make sure it burns me. As for how to make it look natural and flawless, figure it out yourself!" Baozhu was stunned. The Eighth Prince asked sternly, "Do you understand?" Baozhu quickly nodded and replied, "Yes, master, I understand!" The Eighth Prince smiled and said, "You may go now!"

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I was shocked. A whole cup of scalding tea? But I couldn't think of a better solution. I just looked at him, but he didn't glance at me, calmly reading his book. I bit my lip and turned to leave the tent.

Just as I lifted the curtain, I ran into the Crown Prince and four others approaching. Although there were people searching around, it was very quiet. I thought, it seems he is only suspicious and cannot be certain that the person he saw was the Fourteenth Prince. Without concrete evidence, he wouldn't dare to make a big deal out of it. Since he can't search openly, he can only come to test the Eighth Prince. I quickly knelt to pay my respects.

He frowned slightly, then smiled and said, "Miss, you're actually here! But since your sister is the Eighth Brother's wife, it's natural that you're closer than others!" 

I smiled back and said, "Before entering the palace, I stayed at the Eighth Prince's residence for more than half a year. I know the Eighth Prince has a good ointment for bruises, so I came specifically to get some." As I thought to myself, since he said it like this, there's no need to distance myself. The relationship is already clear, so I might as well be open about it. I extended my hand for him to see. When he saw the green and purple bruises on my hand, his frown relaxed, and he hurriedly asked with concern what happened. 

I simply said, "Got them while riding a horse this afternoon!" 

He said, "I have some good ointment for bruises as well. I'll have someone send it over to you later." How could I refuse the Crown Prince's favor? I quickly bowed to thank him.

He then asked, "How long have you been here?" 

I smiled and replied, "I chatted with the Eighth Prince for a while, so it's been a little while!"

He pondered for a moment, seemingly wanting to say more, but the Eighth Prince had already come out to greet him. As he bowed, he smiled and said, "I didn't know Second Brother was coming. I'm sorry for the late reception!" 

The Crown Prince smiled and told him to rise. While casually scrutinizing his expression, he said, "I came on a whim to visit you. There's no need for so many formalities."

The Eighth Prince stepped aside, respectfully inviting the Crown Prince into the tent. As he followed him in, he glanced at my face briefly, paused for a moment, but his steps remained steady, his expression unchanged, and his smile intact as he entered the tent.

I took a couple of steps and saw Baozhu hurrying into the tent with two cups of tea. My pace slowed down. Shortly after, I heard the clatter of a cup falling to the ground, followed by a servant's panicked cry of Baozhu saying, "Eighth Master, this servant deserves to die," the Crown Prince scolding the servants, and orders to call for the imperial physician. 

My heart clenched tightly, and I quickly walked a few steps, hiding behind the tent. I saw someone hastily leaving the tent to fetch the physician, and Baozhu being dragged out, kneeling with his head down outside. It seemed he couldn't escape several dozen strokes of the cane. As I was thinking this, Li Fu was already directing two people to gag Baozhu, place him on the punishment bench, and start beating him. The blows came one after another, and soon blood began to seep out, staining the ground red.

I closed my eyes tightly, took a couple of deep breaths, and quickly turned to run back to my own tent. I didn't want to be part of their games anymore. I didn't want to see so much blood. My life was already unhappy enough; I didn't need blood to make it even more miserable!

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