Chapter 34 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 34: 

(Qing dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli...

Why is it so dark? There isn't a single star in the sky, only the sound of the wind blowing around. Boundless pressure tightly envelops me, and my heart is filled with fear. Suddenly, I see a faint light ahead. Without thinking much, I start running towards the light. Stumbling along the way, I don't care about anything else, only wanting to quickly reach the only source of light and warmth in the darkness.

As I got closer, I saw that it was the Eighth Prince holding a lantern, walking slowly in a bamboo-green robe fluttering in the wind. When he saw me, he stopped and gave me a gentle smile. Seeing his warm and jade-like face and modest smile, all my fear, panic, and confusion instantly vanished. Feeling relieved, I joyfully called out, "Eighth Prince!" Just as I was about to walk over, an arrow suddenly flew swiftly and struck the lantern. As the candlelight extinguished, the smile on the Eighth Prince's face turned into one of poignant despair, his infinitely sorrowful gaze fixed on me as he slowly disappeared into the darkness.

I felt a heart-wrenching pain and screamed, "No!" I abruptly sat up. 

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Yu Tan, who was sleeping outside the screen, rushed in, "Jie! Did you have a nightmare?" My heart and body were trembling uncontrollably. Yu Tan hugged me and softly called, "Jie Jie! Jie!" 

That smile! That look! I suddenly hugged her tightly. I was so cold! Yu Tan didn't ask anything further, just quietly held me in return.

After a while, I slowly calmed down and said to Yu Tan, "I'm fine now! You can go back to sleep." 

Yu Tan softly asked, "How about I stay with you tonight?" I shook my head at her and lay back down. She tucked me in and quietly left.

I lay wide-eyed in the darkness, afraid to close my eyes. The grim, despairing smile and infinitely sorrowful gaze kept haunting me, no matter how hard I tried to dispel them. The more I struggled, the clearer the images became, and I felt myself shrinking into a ball. Thoughts surged through my mind. I remembered the Eighth Prince's relaxed demeanor when we first met in my sister's room, his cold voice demanding my promise as autumn leaves danced around us, his silent presence under the snowy sky as he walked beside me in a black cloak, the sorrowful and hopeful look in his eyes as he held my hand and asked me to wear the bracelet, his warm smile under the osmanthus tree, the scent of lilies emanating from the paper charms...

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Although the Fourteenth Prince never explicitly mentioned what the Eighth Prince had done for me behind the scenes, I wasn't naive. When I first entered the palace, the leniency shown to me by the old nanny who taught me, the subtle care from the eunuchs and palace maids in charge of me—how could I not have noticed? There were probably many more things I didn't know about.

If I could choose, I would rather have landed in the Fourth Prince's residence. Because knowing the outcome, I always wished to keep my distance. Everyone has selfish motives, and I couldn't have approached him so recklessly knowing the ending. But over the past four years, bit by bit, like the bracelet on my wrist, he had become inseparable from me, a part of my life. Even if I built walls around myself, they couldn't withstand the erosion of time.

I spent the night sleepless, knowing from Yu Tan's movements outside that she had woken up. I had made up my mind and got up from bed. Yu Tan saw me and exclaimed in shock, "Jie! How come you look much thinner overnight!" 

I glanced at myself in the mirror, and lightly replied, "Probably didn't sleep well, my complexion looks a bit haggard, giving off a misleading impression!"

After carefully outlining my eyebrows, applying rouge, and wearing my earrings, my face was paler than the rouge could cover, but my eyes were exceptionally bright. In the depths of my black pupils seemed to burn two small flames. Smiling coquettishly at my reflection in the mirror, I murmured, "Whether we can change history, it all depends on you!"


In the early morning shift, the Eighth Prince saw me and looked startled. I glanced at his right arm wrapped up and focused on serving tea to Kangxi. Kangxi was listening to the Crown Prince recount how the Eighth Prince got burned. After hearing, he simply instructed the Eighth Prince to take good care of himself. After the Eighth Prince kowtowed, he returned to his tent to rest.

As I was serving tea to the Crown Prince, Kangxi asked casually, "Did they catch the horse thieves last night? Did we lose anything?" 

Facing the Crown Prince, I noticed his hands trembling slightly on the desk, and he replied respectfully, "No, because they were discovered in time, nothing was lost." 

Kangxi took a sip of tea and said, "The Mongolians are not very happy, they said there were thieves wearing Mongolian robes, but after searching the entire camp, nothing was found." 

The Crown Prince's face suddenly turned ugly, and he quickly stood up, saying, "I was reckless for a moment and didn't consider it carefully. Please punish me, Father!" 

Kangxi glanced at him and said gently, "Think twice before acting in the future." 

The Crown Prince hurriedly nodded in agreement.

After Kangxi finished his meal, the Crown Prince and several ministers accompanied him for horseback hunting. I watched them gradually disappear into the distance, and the crowd dispersed. I stood silently for a while until I couldn't see Kangxi anymore before turning and walking away.

As I approached the Eighth Prince's tent, my steps slowed unconsciously. Although I had made up my mind, when the moment came, I still struggled unwillingly. But thinking about his care and efforts over the past four years, I gradually moved closer to his tent.

When I entered, Li Fu was serving him his meal. With both hands not functioning well, he had to rely on Li Fu. When he saw me coming in, he stopped and quietly looked at me. Li Fu stood behind him with his head bowed. We silently locked eyes for a while. I gave him a faint smile, took a few steps forward, and instructed Li Fu, "You may leave."

Li Fu quickly glanced at the Eighth Prince, bowed, and swiftly left. I pulled up a stool and sat by the Eighth Prince's side. With one hand holding chopsticks and the other holding a small plate, I picked up some food and brought it to his mouth.

He didn't speak, just silently gazed at me, his eyes faintly showing a hint of unease. I placed the food back on the small plate, smiled gently, and softly asked, "Don't you like me serving you?" 

He looked at me and said, "If this were the first time, I would be overjoyed; if this were the last time, I would rather keep it forever for future use."

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I gently looked into his eyes, smiling, picked up some food, and brought it to his mouth again. He looked into my eyes, and I knew that besides tenderness, there was only tenderness in them now. He suddenly smiled and opened his mouth to eat the food. After taking a few bites, he suddenly called out, "Li Fu!" 

Li Fu hurriedly entered, and he said with a smile, "Bring the wine!" Li Fu hesitated and said, "Master, you are injured, drinking wine may not be appropriate." As he spoke, he kept glancing at me.

The Eighth Prince rebuked, "Are you the master, or am I the master?" Li Fu, upon hearing this, dared not say more and quickly retreated. In no time, he came back with a jug of wine and two wine cups.

I stood up to take the tray and said, "Just one cup!" Li Fu's tightly furrowed brows relaxed at this. He bowed silently and retreated.

I poured the wine and brought it to his lips. He smiled at me, and his eyes, once dark and gloomy, now sparkled with brightness. Little smiles danced around, making his face even more radiant. Such unrestrained joy! My heart stirred, and those traces of reluctance melted away slightly. It was still worth it, at least he was happy now, wasn't he?

He continued to gaze at me, and all the calmness and composure I had when I entered vanished. Feeling embarrassed to meet his eyes again, I averted my gaze and teasingly said with a smile, "Are you going to drink or not?" He quickly took my hand and slowly drank a cup. I also had a sip.

After serving him the meal, helping him rinse his mouth, and cleaning his hands, Li Fu cleared away the cups and plates. I arranged the cushions, ensuring he was comfortable, and asked, "Do you want me to find a book for you to read?" 

He smiled and said, "I don't want to read anything! I want you to sit with me!" 

I smiled back at him and said, "I'm on duty today, so I have to go back to prepare tea. What would Your Majesty like to drink when I return? Besides, I want to go see the Fourteenth Prince."

He didn't say anything, just looked at me with his eyes. Seeing that I couldn't resist him and not wanting to oppose him now, I sat beside him and said, "Just for a while." He smiled at me, sighed lightly, and said, "I've been wanting you to sit by my side willingly for a long time!" My face felt a little warm, and I lowered my head, not saying anything. A hint of sweetness arose in my heart. Women couldn't resist sweet words.

He leaned closer to me, and I instinctively moved aside. He chuckled softly twice, then stopped moving. I felt his gaze fixed on my face, a mixture of sweetness and unease swirling in my heart. The pressure grew as we remained silent. Suddenly, I stood up and said, "I really have to go!" 

He smiled and said, "If I don't let you go now, you won't dare to come next time! Go ahead!" 

I smiled and was about to leave when he said, "Don't go see the Fourteenth Prince just yet." I paused and looked at him. He said, "He's with Princess Minmin, very safe. Wait a couple of days until the Crown Prince is less vigilant, then go, alright?" 

I asked, "If everything is settled between you, it's best to let him leave earlier for safety." 

He replied, "Things are almost settled, but right now the Crown Prince is probably thinking, since the camp has been searched and no one is found, if it really is the Fourteenth Prince, he will definitely try to return to the capital. So, they'll keep searching the outskirts and wait a few more days until the Crown Prince's suspicions fade before leaving, which is more prudent."

I nodded. I thought to myself, I should be less impulsive in the future. Compared to their meticulous planning, they have been accustomed to these things since childhood. Even if there were ten of me, I couldn't match up to one of them. As I thought about this, I left the tent. He softly said from behind me, "I'll be waiting for you tonight."

Walking under the blue sky of June, I tilted my head back and stared at the clouds above. From now on, I couldn't afford to be as carefree as floating clouds. With a hint of bitterness in my heart, I told myself, "Love him well! Do your best to make him love you with all his heart!"

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After briefing Yun Xiang on the duties for the evening, I returned to my tent to freshen up and tidy up. I soaked in a tub scented with rose water, closing my eyes and letting the fragrance envelop me. It occurred to me that this might be my first date after arriving in ancient times. When I felt my whole body was infused with the faint scent of roses, I slowly got up.

Although I wasn't skilled in elaborate hairstyles, I spent some time to put up a charming hairstyle. Looking at myself in the mirror, I felt that it was worth the effort.

I brushed my teeth with green salt and a homemade toothbrush, then rinsed my mouth with water infused with rose water. After a while, I spat it out. I knew I couldn't achieve the standard of "exhaling like orchids," but "exhaling like roses" should be acceptable.

Everything was in order. After admiring my appearance in the mirror, I thought to myself, this was probably as good as it gets! Just as I was about to leave, a round-faced Mongolian girl ran up and said, "Our Princess asks the lady to come over!" 

I thought for a moment and replied, "Please tell the Princess that I'm busy today and can't make it. Please forgive me. I'll visit her in a couple of days to pay my respects." She looked at me with some confusion and then hurriedly ran off.

Entering the tent of the Eighth Prince, I couldn't help but wonder how the Fourteenth Prince was doing. He should understand the Eighth Prince's intentions. As for how to deal with Princess Minmin, if he couldn't handle that properly, what was the point of competing with the Crown Prince? 

The Eighth Prince was leaning to the side, playing with chess pieces. When he saw me coming in, he openly looked me up and down with a smile in his eyes, gesturing for me to sit across from him. He asked, "Am I your 'pleasure-seeker'?" 

I ignored his question and asked, "Your arm isn't in good condition. Why are you still playing with these?"

He chuckled, "It's just moving my fingers, no effort required. Besides, the burn isn't serious." 

As he instructed Li Fu to remove the chessboard and bring the meal, I inquired, "Is Baozhu alright?" 

He grinned, "He can handle a few beatings!" I sighed inwardly, remaining silent.

The two of us quietly finished our meal. I read to him for a while. Under the flickering candlelight, his expression remained calm, lacking the usual smile that often graced his lips. However, his eyes were filled with joy and happiness. Whenever our eyes met, I would feel a flutter in my heart, quickly lowering my head to continue reading. When it was time to leave, he didn't try to stop me. Instead, he held my hand, clasping it in his for a while before letting me go.

These past few days have been calm. The Crown Prince's expression seemed to carry a hint of frustration, indicating that he had given up. I've also met Princess Minmin a few times. I don't know what the Fourteenth Prince said to her, but she didn't speak to me specifically. However, there was always a teasing glint in her eyes when she looked at me. Of course, after paying my respects, I would promptly withdraw and maintain a distance from her.

This afternoon, I waited for Princess Minmin to be alone on purpose before smiling and approaching to pay my respects. She waved her hand, indicating for me to rise. When two women share the secret of love, they tend to become particularly close. Princess Minmin was exceptionally kind to me, and as we strolled casually, she asked with a smile, "Miss him, don't you?" 

I smiled but didn't reply. She came over and linked her arm with mine, saying, "I think he's quite good!" 

I glanced at her sideways with a smile and remarked, "How old is Princess Minmin this year? Only around fourteen or fifteen, right? Yet you speak as if you have a lot of experience." 

She lightly pushed me and pouted, saying, "I compliment your beloved, and you tease me like this!"

I chuckled and asked, "Would it be alright if I visit you tonight?" She shook her head and replied, "What if I say it's not okay?" 

I teased, "If you want to keep him for yourself, then I'll give him to you!" 

Her face turned red, and she said, "You're really sharp-tongued. I can't argue with you. Come over tonight."

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