Chapter 13 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 13: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli...

Although it's winter, the sun today is really pleasant, warming me up from head to toe. Watching the spectacular equestrian performance adds to the joy of life!

The Crown Prince sent invitations to all the princes, princesses, and young lords a few days ago, stating on the card: "Equestrian competition, let's all have fun together," and so on, a long string of words. But in my opinion, it could all be summed up in one sentence: "I'm bored, everyone come and keep me company!"

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The invitations claimed that regardless of gender, as long as one rides well, there will be rewards. But I doubt anyone present really cares about the rewards. It's just for the fun of it!

At first, Jie Jie didn't want to come. I had to persuade her persistently until she finally agreed. Although I don't know how to ride a horse, I put on a riding outfit along with everyone else, adding a touch of elegance to my appearance. I admired myself in the mirror and was quite satisfied. Jie Jie also said it looked good. Looking at her, and then at myself, I sighed, thinking that the mother of these two sisters must have been a great beauty!

The majority of Manchu men and women are skilled horse riders, especially the imperial family descendants who have been diligently practicing since childhood. At this moment, groups of people are riding horses outside. Inside the tent, most seats are empty. When my Jie Jie and I entered, the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Princes, who were sitting and chatting inside, hurriedly came forward to greet her. I noticed that the Thirteenth Prince seemed to be in a particularly good mood today, and I couldn't help stealing a few more glances at him. He immediately noticed and raised an eyebrow at me with a smile that seemed to imply something. I quickly averted my gaze, but caught the Fourteenth Prince observing the scene. It wasn't a big deal, but for some reason, my face flushed.

Suddenly, we heard cheers and applause from outside the tent. We all turned our attention to the outside. We saw a snow-white horse galloping gracefully, with a young woman dressed in bright red riding attire seated atop it. Her crimson skirt fluttered in the wind as she skillfully wielded her whip, picking up the small flags placed on the ground with each flick. The onlookers cheered louder and louder. I had never seen a girl with such impressive riding skills before, and I couldn't help but stare in amazement, joining the crowd in applauding and cheering. After completing her run, she gracefully guided her horse out of the arena, while the surrounding crowd continued to cheer loudly! 

I was so excited that I couldn't help but grab my Jie Jie's arm and exclaim, "Oh my! Now I truly understand what elegance and skill mean! Today was worth it just to witness such a spectacle!" 

My Jie Jie chuckled and pushed me away, saying, "If you like it so much, you should learn it yourself one day!" 

I looked back at the scene with infinite admiration, sighing, "Each person has their own destiny; we cannot force it." The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Princes beside us heard this and burst into laughter.

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As I was savoring the breathtaking scene from earlier, a young woman dressed in bright red riding attire, with a charming demeanor, walked in, holding a riding crop. As soon as I saw her, I awkwardly suppressed my excitement. It was her! She turned out to be the former Mingyu, now the Tenth Concubine. I silently sighed, indeed, there were reasons why the Thirteenth Prince fancied her. With such captivating grace, how could heroes not be charmed?

After she entered, she casually glanced around the room. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Princes both stood up to greet her. I couldn't help but feel infinite sympathy for the Thirteenth Prince; how agonizing it must be for him to address her as "sister-in-law"! 

She lifted her chin and looked at me, saying, "Still haven't learned any manners, I see!" It suddenly dawned on me that her status had changed now, and I should have greeted her. But then I thought, she didn't even greet my Jie Jie, so why should I greet her? Hmph, I'll ignore her! Just as I resolved to do so, I suddenly remembered that the Thirteenth Prince was standing right beside her, watching. My heart trembled, and I thought it best not to provoke this tyrant. Reluctantly, I bowed to the Tenth Concubine and said, "May the concubine be blessed with good fortune!" 

She snorted and ignored me, taking her seat. After she settled down, I took my seat as well.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence, with everyone staying quiet. Just then, the Crown Prince led a group into the tent, followed by the Fourth Prince, Eighth Prince, Ninth Prince, and Tenth Prince. We all hurriedly stood up to greet them.

The Crown Prince smiled and said, "You may all rise!" As he sat down, he turned to the Tenth Madam and said, "Father has long praised the daughters of the Guo Luo Luo clan, saying they best embody the spirit of our Manchu women. Seeing you today, it is indeed not an exaggeration!" 

The Tenth Prince's Consort smiled and replied, "The Crown Prince is too kind! Imperial Father was actually praising my elder sister!"

This was the first time I had seen the Tenth Prince since the wedding banquet, and I felt a bit uneasy. Since he entered, he had been staring at me intently, which made me even more nervous. I didn't dare to look at him at all.

At this moment, a young man was performing in the arena. I had to admit that he was nowhere near as impressive as Madam Tenth, so I wasn't paying much attention. While I was half-watching, I heard Madam Tenth say, "Maertai Ruoxi, since you're dressed in riding gear, why don't you give us a demonstration?" I sighed inwardly, here it comes! But with the Thirteenth Prince nearby, I didn't dare speak out of turn. I held my tongue and stayed silent, receiving a look of approval from Jie Jie.

A moment later, Madam Tenth added, "I heard that General Maertai's daughters were raised in the military camp. Your riding skills must be exceptional. Why not show everyone what you can do today?" I thought angrily to myself, won't you ever stop? With riding skills like yours, even most men can't compare, so of course you want me to embarrass myself. While thinking this, I glanced at her and then at the Thirteenth Prince, but remained silent.

Then the Crown Prince laughed and said, "Maertai Ruoxi, go ahead and give us a demonstration!" 

I quickly stood up, but before I could speak, the Tenth Prince said, "She can't ride. Last time when we went for a ride together, she just watched from the sidelines." I thought, Tenth Prince, you're not helping me at all; you're making things worse.

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As expected, I heard Madam Tenth laugh coldly, "It seems the rumors are not entirely accurate! They say everyone in the Maertai military camp can ride and shoot, with many excelling in equestrian skills. But today, it seems like mere gossip!" 

As soon as she finished speaking, Jie Jie stood up, smiling slightly, and said to the Crown Prince, "I am willing to give a demonstration! However, I did not bring a horse today, so I need to borrow Madam Tenth's horse!" I thought to myself, Madam Tenth really hit a sore spot. I felt a bit worried, unsure of Jie Jie's riding skills. But since things had come to this point, all I could do was watch.

After the Crown Prince nodded in agreement, Jie Jie turned and left the tent. Feeling anxious, I walked to the front of the tent to watch. In no time at all, a white horse carrying Jie Jie galloped into the field. While the speed was not necessarily faster than Madam Tenth’s ride, Jie Jie’s performance was remarkable. At times, she rode side-saddle, at other times, she hugged the horse's neck, lying flat against its side. Occasionally, she rode using only one hand on the saddle, and sometimes she even did a somersault on the horse. She wasn't merely riding; she was a beautiful sprite dancing effortlessly on horseback!

The crowd outside erupted in waves of cheers, and inside the tent, there was a chorus of acclaim. Several skilled horsemen, such as Tenth Brother, Thirteenth Brother, and Fourteenth Brother, were also full of praise! I clapped with all my might, thoroughly impressed.

Finally, Jie Jie stood upright on the horse, urging it to gallop straight towards the tent. Today, she wore a narrow-sleeved red silk dress under a silver fox fur jacket, with a long tassel belt tied in a butterfly knot at her waist. Her hair was simply styled in a chignon, secured with twelve perfectly round, luminous white pearls. Standing on the horse, her skirt billowing in the wind and her ribbons fluttering, she looked as if she were a celestial fairy descending to the mortal world.

I watched as she gradually approached the tent, her speed unabated. I felt a bit worried, and the surrounding guards quickly moved in to form a protective circle. Closer and closer she came, everyone growing more tense, the crowd around us falling silent, each person holding their breath. Suddenly, a long neigh broke the silence as the horse came to a stop, ten paces from the tent, Jie Jie still standing firmly on its back. There was a brief moment of silence before the entire area, inside and out, erupted in thunderous applause.

Jie Jie dismounted, casually handed the reins to a nearby guard, and walked into the tent. Once inside, she bowed to the Crown Prince and said, "I was reckless and request Your Highness's punishment!"

The Crown Prince laughed heartily and said, "Such excellent horsemanship deserves a reward, not punishment!" I stole a glance at Madam Tenth. Though her face was quite displeased, it also showed a hint of admiration.

The Crown Prince gestured for Jie Jie to rise and then turned to Eighth Brother, saying, "Eighth Brother, your madam's riding skills are truly remarkable!"

Eighth Brother smiled gracefully and said, "Your Highness overpraises her." Yet, I felt a slight twinge of sympathy for him. Did he understand the full story behind this spectacle?

After those two spectacular performances, everyone lost interest in the subsequent ones, paying little attention. Since sitting down, Jie Jie seemed lost in thought, her face clouded with an unhidden melancholy. The Eighth Prince smiled slightly, his head bowed in contemplation, but that smile was tinged with unmistakable bitterness. I also felt a sense of suffocation and decided to quietly slip out of the tent.

I wandered aimlessly, lost in my thoughts. Seeing Jie Jie's exceptional riding skills, it was clear that whoever taught her must have been even more remarkable. That meant he must have been a man of extraordinary prowess. They should have been a pair of eagles soaring over the vast deserts of the northwest. But now, one rests eternally beneath the ground, and the other is locked behind noble doors.

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