Chapter 12 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 12: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli...

In recent days, I often find myself unconsciously staring at my left hand, lost in thought. It's as if I understand what the Eighth Prince is trying to convey, yet at the same time, I don't. While I had a passionate love affair in high school, those youthful emotions were straightforward and easy to comprehend. Now, I have no clue what's going on in his mind.

Is there affection? Indifference? Is it just a game? Is he serious? Is it a passing fancy? Or has he been planning this all along? I have no idea! For these courtly men who are so deeply immersed in intrigue and power struggles, beautiful women are merely a delightful sight to enjoy when in good spirits and a source of entertainment when bored. Even someone as straightforwardly passionate as the Tenth Prince seems to think he can have both me and Princess Mingyu. I've truly stopped harboring any expectations of them.

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Ever since I started learning how to prove geometric theorems, I've developed a habit. Whenever I encounter a problem I can't solve, I set it aside for a while. After some time, perhaps I'll naturally understand it. So, this time, when I couldn't make sense of things, I decided to abandon this super difficult problem altogether. Time will reveal the answer to me.

With the wedding of the Tenth Prince looming just three days away, I've been contemplating whether or not to attend. It's been over a month since I last saw him after our encounter in the palace. I've heard that Kangxi granted him a mansion. I've been thinking, should I attend his wedding banquet or not? Ultimately, I reasoned, it's better to avoid unnecessary complications and not go.

When I told Jie Jie I wasn't going, she simply nodded and said, "Then don't go!" 

But as soon as I turned away, Qiaohui grabbed me and said, "Except for the mandatory visits to the primary consort on special occasions like New Year's, the Tenth Prince never goes to pay respects on normal days. They're already quite displeased about it. If Miss doesn't go to congratulate the princess, they might blame it on the Madam again, saying we're ignorant of etiquette." 

I had no choice but to go back to Jie Jie and tell her I wanted to attend. She still gave a nonchalant response, but followed it up with a warning: if I went, I absolutely mustn't cause any trouble. I could only promise with a smile that I wouldn't stir up any trouble.


In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the wedding. I chose a peach-colored jacket with gold trim, trying to appear festive and mask the sadness in my heart. The Eighth Prince had gone ahead, and later, Jie Jie and I went together in a sedan chair. The wedding banquet was held at the mansion bestowed upon the Tenth Prince. When we arrived, the front gate was already crowded with luxurious carriages.

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While this mansion couldn't compare to the Eighth Prince's estate, to my modern city eyes, it was already splendid. The streets were adorned with lanterns and decorations, the lights were dazzling, incense wafted through the air, and the sounds of drums and music filled the atmosphere. It was an indescribable display of wealth and elegance, an endless stream of auspiciousness.

Laughter, singing, and chatter filled the hall, creating a sea of happiness. Everyone was smiling, but Jie Jie and I remained silent, sitting quietly by ourselves. In this lively atmosphere, we seemed out of place. Though I kept my eyes lowered, I knew that since I entered the hall, everyone had been surreptitiously observing me. Sitting there, I felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to leave immediately. But I knew that if I left at this moment, it would only fuel more gossip. I had to wait at least until the bride entered.

I sighed inwardly and told myself to just go with the flow. Trying to lift the corners of my mouth, I found that I could still muster a smile. Hastily, I put on a brilliant smile, lifted my head, and slowly scanned the surroundings. As I met various curious gazes, it was ironic that I didn't do anything, yet they quickly averted their eyes as soon as they met mine. I chuckled inwardly, laughing even more coquettishly. Suddenly, I met the eyes of the Fourth Prince. They were cold, icy, as if there was nothing in those dark pupils. But I felt like I couldn't maintain my smile, sensing that the discomfort and confusion in my heart were laid bare, naked and exposed, under his sharp gaze. I took a shallow breath, forcing myself to keep smiling. In a defiant gesture, I even winked at him before smiling and turning to face the next curious glance.

A servant hurriedly ran in, announcing, "The bride is about to arrive at the gate of the mansion! We need to prepare to receive the sedan chair." It was then that everyone realized they hadn't seen the groom all this while. I glanced around the hall and noticed that the Eighth Prince was also absent. My sister and I exchanged a nervous glance. 

I quickly slipped over to the Fourteenth Prince and whispered, "What's going on?" 

He looked puzzled too. "Yesterday, everything seemed normal with the Tenth Prince," he replied. 

I started to feel uneasy, thinking, "Oh no! Please, don't let the Tenth Prince cause trouble at such a crucial moment." Seeing me turn pale, the Fourteenth Prince reassured me, "Don't worry, with the Eighth Prince around, nothing major will happen." I could only nod in response.

The noise in the hall grew louder and my heart felt increasingly tense. Just then, I heard the servants at the door calling out, "Tenth Prince, Tenth Prince!" I looked over and saw the Tenth Prince standing at the doorway alongside the Eighth Prince. Then, the Tenth Prince was quickly led away by the eunuchs towards the mansion gate. 

The Eighth Prince, wearing a smile, greeted everyone as he gracefully entered. When he went to pay respects to the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince asked, "What's going on?" The Eighth Prince replied with a smile, "Tenth Brother found the wedding robe uncomfortable and refused to come out." 

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Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this! Immediately, someone shouted, "The Tenth Prince is afraid the bride will reject him and refuses to consummate the marriage!" The laughter grew louder. The Eighth Prince stood with his hands behind his back next to the Crown Prince, smiling as he looked around at the people and exchanged greetings with them. 

When his gaze seemed to sweep towards me, I quickly lowered my head. It was the first time I had seen him since our encounter in the snow. As I lowered my head, I caught a glimpse of the Fourth Prince still looking indifferent, gazing blankly outside the hall amidst the laughter of the crowd.

After a while, I heard the drums beating, and everyone rushed towards the hall door. I shrunk behind the crowd and caught a blurry glimpse of the Tenth Prince leading the bride, her head covered in a red veil, into the hall amidst the laughter of the crowd. Then, amidst the laughter, the two of them were ushered into the bridal chamber.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but sigh heavily. I knew that soon the Tenth Prince would come out to toast everyone at the tables. I couldn't imagine how he would offer me a toast. I gestured to Jie Jie towards the door, and she nodded slightly. Seeing that no one was paying attention to me, I quietly slipped out of the wedding hall.

The Capital in December was very cold. But I felt like I needed this coldness to ease the oppression in my heart. I hugged myself, hunched my shoulders, and shivered as I walked, always choosing the quietest paths. As I walked, I heard a voice ahead say, "If you're so afraid of the cold, why are you out here?" I looked up and saw it was the Thirteenth Prince. He leaned against the railing, looking at me mockingly. 

Startled, I blurted out, "Why aren't you inside drinking?" 

He scoffed, "And why are you out here?" 

Unable to answer, I fell silent. Suddenly realizing I hadn't greeted him, I hurriedly crouched down and said, "May the Thirteenth Prince be auspicious!" 

He chuckled sarcastically, "The auspicious ones are waiting inside!" Since he didn't tell me to rise, I remained crouched. After a while, he finally said, "Get up." I slowly stood up, standing quietly until he left.

After a while, he still hadn't moved, and finally, out of nowhere, he said, "Today, you and I are both heartbroken! Why don't we keep each other company?" I looked at him in surprise. But he jumped off the railing and walked briskly towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

His strides were large and urgent, and I couldn't break free from his grip. I could only jog alongside him, while admonishing, "Let go!" He led me out of the mansion through a side door. The gatekeeper gave him a cold look but didn't dare say a word. I heard him whistle, and soon, the sound of horse hooves approached. A magnificent black horse trotted up to us.

Before I could even finish my surprised cry, I found myself seated on the horse's back. He followed suit, climbing onto the horse and wrapping his arm around my waist while holding the reins. With a command of "Let's go!", the horse galloped off. I had never ridden a horse this fast before, feeling like I was flying through the clouds, bouncing violently. I was terrified, huddling back against him and pressing my face into his shoulder to shield myself from the biting wind.

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After a spell of racing, I felt frozen to the core. I wondered, what does this overbearing man want to do? Does he want to freeze me to death? Could it be that he likes Mingyu Gege? Otherwise, why would he call us both 'heartbroken'?

The horse gradually slowed down and finally came to a stop. He dismounted first, then lifted me down from the horse. As I stood on the ground, I felt the bone-chilling cold, hugging my arms tightly and gritting my teeth, shivering uncontrollably. He took a wineskin from the saddle, uncorked it, and held it to my lips, saying, "Take a sip!" Trembling, I took a sip, feeling the fiery liquid burn down my throat. He urged, "Another sip!" I obeyed, drinking again from the wineskin he held. Gradually, the fiery sensation spread through my body, awakening my senses, but I couldn't stop shivering.

Ignoring me, he turned and walked into the woods. I wanted to call out to him, but I found myself too cold to speak. The sky was pitch black, and I stood there alone, with only the horse by my side. Shivering, scared, and making a silent vow never to provoke Mingyu Gege again, I realized I couldn't contend with this overbearing man.

After a while, he returned with a pile of firewood. After tinkering for a bit, a fire was lit. Seeing the fire, I immediately moved closer and sat by the warmth. He handed me the wineskin again, and without hesitation, I took a sip and then passed it back to him. We sat by the fire, warming ourselves, each taking sips of wine.

I knew my Jie Jie would be worried, but seeing the stern face of this overbearing man illuminated by the firelight, I lacked the courage to say anything. I could only hope that he would remember that Mingyu Gege marrying Tenth Prince was Kangxi's decision, and I had nothing to do with it. I prayed he wouldn't cause any more trouble. Otherwise, I feared I wouldn't live to see Yongzheng ascend the throne, dying at the hands of this overbearing man.

As we continued drinking, memories flooded my mind—memories of getting drunk with friends in Lan Kwai Fong in Hong Kong, memories of stealing champagne from home and getting intoxicated as a child... Then I would alternate between silly laughter and staring into the fire in a daze. After that? I didn't know what else happened. All I knew was that when it was still dark, he shook me awake, and I found myself lying on his lap.

He extinguished the fire, then lifted me onto the horse and galloped away. I clung to him, still shivering uncontrollably, my entire body numb from the cold. By the time we reached the Eighth Prince's residence, the sky was beginning to lighten. He dropped me at the doorstep, saying he would find me for another drink next time, then rode off into the dawn.

As I stumbled, shivered, and banged my head against the door, I realized why I wasn't using my hands—my arms were too numb from the cold. The door quickly swung open, and I toppled inside. A servant rushed to catch me, feeling my icy body, and exclaimed, "Heavens! Why are you so cold?" Then I was carried back to my Jie Jie's room. She hurried over, and someone helped me bathe, then I was tucked into bed. Throughout, it seemed like my Jie Jie asked me many questions, but seeing my dazed expression, she eventually gave up. Finally, I drifted into a deep sleep.

When the maids woke me up, it was already dinner time. Aside from feeling a bit heavy-headed, everything else was fine. Remembering that I usually held my liquor well and never caused a fuss when drunk, just slumbered peacefully, I secretly congratulated myself.

After dressing myself, I entered the dining hall and realized that the Eighth Prince was also there. Still groggy from the hangover, my mind was slow, and having not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, I quickly greeted him and started eating without hesitation.

As I was eating, I began to realize how to account for my whereabouts last night. While pondering quietly, I heard Jie Jie ask, "Where did Thirteenth Brother take you yesterday?" 

I was taken aback and asked instinctively, "How did you know?" 

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Jie Jie replied, "Someone as big as you disappeared. How could I not know?" I thought to myself, indeed, asking the gatekeeper would reveal everything. However, explaining where I had been was not an easy task. Reflecting on the absurdity of last night's events, I couldn't help but find it somewhat amusing. In my younger days, whenever I read martial arts novels, I fantasized about riding a horse with a handsome and skilled martial artist across green grasslands. He would gaze at me affectionately, and I would respond gently. Never did I expect that this dream would somewhat come true yesterday, albeit in a completely unexpected manner. Thinking about it, I found it increasingly ridiculous. Despite trying to suppress my laughter, I couldn't hold it in, but I had to, as Jie Jie's expression didn't seem favorable.

Seeing my struggle, Jie Jie finally said, with a hint of annoyance, "Stop holding back, just laugh! After you're done, answer properly!" Finally, I let out the laughter trapped in my heart. But just as I was laughing happily, I felt two cold gazes fixed on my face, which startled me. I quickly restrained my laughter and put on a serious expression, glancing at Eighth Prince. Although he still had a smile on his lips, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. This gave me a chill, and I couldn't muster a smile anymore, so I lowered my head and continued eating.

Jie Jie waited for me to finish laughing and then said, "So, what exactly did you two do?" 

I replied simply, "We went out for a drink." Jie Jie asked, puzzled, "Why did Thirteenth Brother take you out for a drink?" 

After thinking for a moment, I decided not to disclose Thirteenth's personal privacy and said, "Maybe he saw that I was in a bad mood and felt sorry for me!" 

Jie Jie shook her head helplessly and said, "An unmarried girl not returning home for the night, aren't you worried about your reputation?" It suddenly dawned on me that the entire Forbidden City would be gossiping about me now. Half nervous, I suddenly felt, who cares? Who knows what tomorrow holds? Might as well enjoy today! Let them look at me however they want.

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued eating with a calm expression. After a while, seeing me still burying my head in my food, Jie Jie continued, "This time it's fine, luckily Master found out early, and it was at Tenth Brother's mansion, so Master has handled it properly. Except for a few trusted servants, no one else knows. We considered sending people to look for you, but if too many went, it would attract attention. If only a few went, it wouldn't be effective. We thought since it was Thirteenth Brother who took you away, he would have to bring you back, so we only sent trustworthy servants to guard the gate." She paused for a moment and then added, "But remember, this is the only time. There won't be a next time!" 

Thinking that Jie Jie believed I willingly spent a freezing night outside, I felt a bit unfair, and quickly admitted, "Well, I wasn't happy at the time and just wanted to vent."

After finishing the meal, Eighth Prince and Jie Jie exchanged a few words with smiles before hastily departing. I carefully observed Jie Jie's expression and noticed no sign of unhappiness; instead, there was a sense of relief. I sighed inwardly, pondering what kind of person could capture Jie Jie's heart. Even someone as remarkable as Eighth Prince couldn't make her forget him!

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