Chapter 14 Scarlet Heart


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Scarlet Heart 

 Chapter 14: 

(Qing Dynasty) Masterpiece, Best Quality, flat, Manga Scan, Anime, cinematic lighting, drawn Art, by Studio Trigger, cli... 

Lost in my sorrow, I heard a mocking voice behind me, "He's already someone else's. There's no use being sad anymore!" I turned around to see the Thirteenth Prince, lazily smiling at me, his big black horse behind him.

Seeing his expression, I felt a bit irritated. I knew he was likely teasing me again but couldn't be bothered to explain. I replied indifferently, "Same to you!" Then, I turned back around and continued walking.

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He looked slightly stunned at my words. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly burst into laughter and caught up to me. Hearing his odd laughter, I stopped in my tracks. He walked up to me, laughing, and pointed at me, "So that's it! You were so well-behaved in the tent because... because you thought I had feelings for her!" He laughed even louder after saying this.

Initially, his inexplicable laughter annoyed me. But as I understood his words, I felt a bit bewildered. Gradually, I realized the humor and found it funny too. Thinking about his misunderstanding of me made it even more amusing, and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

We laughed heartily together for a while, then slowly calmed down, still smiling at each other. After this shared laughter, the little bit of hostility between us seemed to melt away. I started walking again, and he walked beside me, the big black horse following us.

As I walked, I couldn't help but think about how such a ridiculous misunderstanding could have happened. Smiling, I turned to him and said, "I don't like the Tenth Prince either."

He paused, genuinely surprised, and carefully studied my expression. Unable to contain himself, he burst out laughing again. I stood there, smiling as I watched him. After his laughter subsided, he sighed and said, "Fair enough!"

We continued walking until we reached a small rise. I found a relatively flat spot and sat down, hugging my knees as I gazed out at the distant racecourse. He sat down beside me, looking out at the faint figures of people and horses. The big black horse stood nearby, pawing at the ground.

After a long silence between us, my curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "Why were you upset that night?" 

He stared into the distance for what seemed like an eternity without saying a word. I waited for a while, then softly added, "If it's difficult to talk about, you don't have to."

He remained silent for another moment before finally speaking, "It's actually nothing much. That night was the anniversary of my mother's passing."

I let out a soft "Ah" and turned to look at him, not knowing what to say. Unable to find the right words, I turned my gaze back to the distance, lost in thought. 

After a while, he forced a smile and said, "On the same day many years ago, my mother married His Majesty."

After hearing his words, I couldn't help but feel sorrowful for him. A woman, her entire life's journey passing by in such haste. Now, apart from her son, there might be no one else who remembers when she walked down the aisle in her youthful beauty, or when she departed in the prime of her life. And the one who should have cherished all these memories, because of his vast empire, might never truly recall the moment he lifted the red veil, revealing a face as delicate as jade.

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Thinking back to the wedding day of Tenth Prince, where Thirteen faced a hall adorned in glaring red, yet his heart was draped in sorrowful white. Indeed, how unbearable the situation must have been! Any slight discontent I felt towards him for his rudeness on that day completely dissipated. All that remained was boundless sympathy.

The two of us remained silent for a while. With a smile on his face, he turned to me and asked, "If you don't like Tenth Brother, then why did I see you singing for him? And why does everyone say you're crazy for him?" 

I tilted my head, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do you know what Red Buddha[1] was doing when Quirky Beard first saw her?" 

He paused for a moment, then replied thoughtfully, "Red Buddha was combing her hair!" 

I smiled and said, "Between men and women, there can be a relationship like Quirky Beard and Red Buddha's! Care and concern for each other, not for romance, but for genuine affection!" 

He was moved by my words, gazing at me intently, and I met his gaze calmly. After a while, he said, "What a phrase, 'not for romance, but for genuine affection'!"

 I could see that he understood my meaning, and I felt happy too. After all, in ancient times, equal friendship between the sexes might be considered novel, something most people couldn't accept. We couldn't help but share a smile.

I noticed people in the distance seemed to be preparing to leave. I stood up and said, "It's time to go back." 

He stood up with me and suddenly asked, "How about a few drinks?" 

I looked at him in surprise, and he smiled warmly at me. Feeling warmed by his gesture, I replied, "Why not?" 

He chuckled and mounted his horse first, then pulled me up behind him, letting me sit in front of him. With a command, "Let's go," we galloped away together.


As night fell, when Thirteen escorted me back to the Eighth Prince's Mansion, the sky had turned pitch black. Although Thirteen had slowed down the pace of the horse, I still felt a bit cold, wrapped in the cloak he had insisted on getting for me. After he helped me dismount, I said, "You can go ahead."

He paused for a moment, then replied, "I should explain things to my elder brothers myself." 

I chuckled and said, "They won't do anything to me. Jie Jie won't allow it." He smiled faintly, ignoring my words, and proceeded to knock on the door.

Seeing him so determined, I decided to follow his lead. The door opened promptly, and the two servants were surprised to see Thirteen and I standing side by side. They quickly bowed and greeted us. 

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Thirteen calmly said, "Rise. Go inform the Eighth Brother that I've arrived." One of the servants hurried off, while the other closed the door and led Thirteen towards the main hall. I nodded to Thirteen and made my way back to my sister's chamber.

Upon returning to the room, I found that the other maids were absent, leaving only Qiaohui by my Jie Jie's side. Her face was grim as she looked at me and said, "You should remember what I said, 'This is the only time, there won't be another chance." 

Standing there, I was at a loss for words. In modern times, going out for leisure with friends on a whim was commonplace for me. But in ancient times, such a trivial matter seemed to elicit such a strong reaction from those around me. I couldn't help but sigh, over and over again.

I stood there silently, feeling like I couldn't communicate with Jie Jie about this matter, given the over 300 years of gap between us. Jie Jie, too, looked on with a face of resignation, her eyes filled with sadness.

After standing in silence for what felt like an eternity, Jie Jie wearily waved her hand and said, "You may go now." Seeing her like that made me feel uneasy, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't done anything wrong. Here, I had already lost so much, and I didn't want to have my right to make friends taken away from me, even if it hurt Jie Jie's heart. In the end, I simply turned and quietly went back to my room.


When I woke up in the morning, it was already late. I lingered in bed, unwilling to get up. My eyes gazed at the top of the bed tent, thinking about what happened with Thirteen outside the previous night...

He rode his horse through the quiet alleyways, finally stopping in front of an exquisite courtyard gate. The old servant who opened the door was surprised to see him and quickly bowed in greeting, saying, "Why didn't Young Master Thirteen send someone to inform us beforehand? Miss is currently receiving guests! I'll go inform her right away and ask her to send someone over." 

Thirteen replied, "No need, today I'm just borrowing this place to have a drink with a friend. Please prepare a table of wine and food." 

The old servant stole a glance at me, noticing my luxurious attire, and quickly lowered her head in acknowledgment.

Thirteen was familiar with this courtyard, leading me into a simple yet elegant room. The room had only a few pieces of pear wood tables and chairs, with minimal decoration except for a white porcelain vase on the table, holding a few bamboo branches. 

As I looked around, I asked with a smile, "A confidante?" 

He chuckled and replied, "I often come here for a few drinks when I'm feeling bored, someone I can have a good conversation with." I nodded, thinking that the woman living here must be a cultured courtesan, not someone casual visitors would get to meet.

Before long, the old servant returned with two maids, carrying dishes and wine. After arranging everything, she left the room. Thirteen and I then began to drink and dine.

After a few drinks, our conversation gradually became livelier. We discussed palace matters, historical anecdotes, the vast deserts of the north, and the misty landscapes of the south, delving into poetry and the wisdom of ancient and modern scholars. Eventually, we discovered that we were both admirers of Ji Kang and Ruan Ji, feeling an even stronger affinity. I felt incredibly excited.

In the thousands of years of cultural and philosophical development in China, Confucianism's principles of the Three Bonds and Five Constants acted like a vast net, tightly binding individual autonomy within the political and cultural hegemony centered around imperial authority. Consequently, complete individualism failed to flourish. However, Ji Kang, born in turbulent times, can be seen as an anomaly, akin to a lightning bolt cutting through the darkness of night—brief but brilliant. In his renowned work "Letter to Shan Juyuan," he expounded on the principle of inherent human equality. He criticized the Confucian reverence for sage-kings such as Tang and Wu, arguing that their values should not be universally applied. Ji Kang believed that individuals alone understand their happiness and have the right to pursue it as they see fit. It can be said that Ji Kang's thoughts share significant similarities with modern notions of equality, freedom, and individualism.

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Although I had long known that Thirteen was unconventional, I never expected him to admire Ji Kang, especially considering his status as a royal descendant, positioned at the pinnacle of the ruling class pyramid. The unexpected joy of encountering someone who shares my thoughts in this ancient society made me ecstatic, leading me to speak even more freely. He probably never imagined encountering a woman like me in an era dominated by Confucian culture. After all, even men rarely dared to question Confucianism. He seemed to be three parts surprised, three parts appreciative, and three parts joyful as we engaged in lively conversation together.

I remember, at the height of our conversation, I raised my wine cup and said, "Actually, there's another very important reason why I admire Ji Kang so much." Thinking I had another intriguing topic to discuss, Thirteen leaned in attentively. Half-closing my eyes, I smiled and continued, "In ancient Chinese history, there were many handsome men like Song Yu and Pan An, but they all carried a hint of feminine beauty. However, Ji Kang was different. He exuded masculinity, vitality, like a tall and sturdy cedar tree bathed in golden sunlight." After finishing, I couldn't help but sigh deeply, lost in admiration. 

Thirteen's eyes widened as he listened, and after I finished, he looked at me for a long time without saying a word, before finally sighing, "A true scholar is naturally romantic!"

Admittedly, when I first befriended Thirteen, I had selfish motives. After all, superficially I was aligned with the Eighth Prince, and my sister was the Concubine to the Eighth Prince. However, history showed that the Fourth Prince and Thirteen ultimately emerged victorious from the war. While I couldn't change history, I could try to secure an escape route for myself. But as our conversations deepened, I truly began to see him as my confidant. After all, who here would believe that fundamentally, everyone is born equal? Who would believe that even the emperor has no right to demand obedience from everyone? Though Thirteen only questioned the existing cultural system because of his admiration for Ji Kang, for me, it was already a delightful surprise.

Lost in the joy of finding a confidant even in this era, I was startled when a maid outside my room called, "Miss, the Eighth Prince is sending someone to fetch you." With a sense of unease, I quickly sat up and tidied myself before following the eunuch waiting outside.

At the door of the study, Li Fu stood waiting, pushing the door open for me to enter. He remained outside, closing the door with a click. As the door closed, my heart, which had been trying to stay calm, began to race.

The Eighth Prince stood by a half-height celadon urn, casually flipping through a dozen or so scrolls and paintings within. He didn't react to my entrance, still elegantly gazing out the window. From my angle, I could only see his profile. Sunlight streamed through the hexagonal lattice window, dappling his face, making it difficult to discern his expression.

I didn't know what Thirteen had said last night, or what the Eighth Prince was thinking now. I dared not speak, only stood silently by the door. After a while, he turned, a smile playing on his lips, and asked, "What did you do with Thirteenth Brother yesterday?"

I pondered for a moment, then asked, "Didn't Thirteenth Brother tell you?" 

He replied, "I'm asking you now." 

My thoughts were in turmoil, but upon reflection, I realized that while yesterday might have been unconventional, there was nothing to hide, so I met his gaze calmly and said, "Thirteenth Brother took me out for drinks."

He listened to me without any reaction, his face still wearing that eternal smile, but his eyes were fixed on mine, as if trying to see directly into the depths of my heart. I calmly met his gaze for a while, but eventually felt a bit embarrassed and turned my head away, pretending to find a place to sit, moving away from his line of sight. Just as I sat down, he softly said, "Come here." I looked up at him with a questioning expression, but he smiled gently and repeated, "Come here."

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I could tell he was serious, so I reluctantly stood up, lowering my head, and took slow steps towards him. When I was about three steps away, I stopped and looked down at the cobblestone floor.

He let out a barely audible sigh and softly said, "Am I really that frightening?" As he spoke, he took a couple of steps closer.

I noticed that every time I stood close to him, I felt oppressed, my heart racing, and my mind clouded, making it impossible to think clearly. He gently took my hand, and I instinctively tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip and said, "Don't move!" From his pocket, he pulled out a translucent jade bracelet with a thin crimson line running through it, like blood, and slipped it onto my wrist.

Vintage Jadeite Jade Bangle Bracelet - Rare Pale Green Jade with Red Veins, Peach Blossom Chicken Blood, 63.6 mm, Hand Carved (Grade-A Jade)

The bracelet was a bit tight, and I winced slightly as he put it on. He comforted me, saying, "Just endure it for a moment, it'll be fine soon." He pushed the bracelet slowly onto my wrist and then let go of my hand, walking back to his seat by the table. As he moved away from me, my mind began to clear again. I started to wonder what was happening. Wasn't I here to receive instructions? As I pondered, I heard him softly say, "Yao, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, is coming. You should go back first!"

I just went "Oh!" in a daze and made a quick exit. Outside the door, Li Fu saw me and hurriedly bowed to greet me, but I was too absorbed in my thoughts to acknowledge him and went on my way.

When I returned, Jie Jie saw my bewildered expression and probably thought I had been scolded by Eighth Brother. She smiled faintly and remarked, "It's time to set some boundaries." I didn't say anything and silently retreated to my own room.

During dinner that evening, Jie Jie noticed the bracelet on my wrist and asked, "Where did this come from?" I was taken aback, unsure of how to respond. As I was pondering, Jie Jie nodded and said, "Thirteenth Brother is quite generous! This is a rare Phoenix Blood Jade." It seemed Jie Jie had misunderstood. Nevertheless, I couldn't explain, so I let Thirteenth Brother bear this false assumption for now.

After finishing our meal and sipping some tea, Jie Jie suddenly said, "Since there are things beyond our control, it's best not to dwell on them." 

I stood there holding my tea, lost in thought, unsure of how to respond. Eventually, I replied, somewhat aimlessly, "I will take care of myself."

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[1] The story of the Red Buddha and Quirky Beard is a classic Chinese tale that often appears in traditional literature and folklore. It typically involves two prominent characters: the Red Buddha, also known as Hong Niang or Hong Niangzi, and Quirky Beard, also known as Quirky Scholar or Zhu Bajie.

Hong Niang is a beautiful and virtuous maiden who is often depicted as a celestial being or a deity. She is known for her compassion, wisdom, and ability to test the moral character of individuals.

Quirky Beard, on the other hand, is a humorous and often mischievous character. He is sometimes portrayed as a bumbling scholar or a whimsical figure with a distinctive appearance, including a long beard.

In some versions of the story, Quirky Beard encounters the Red Buddha on his travels or during his adventures. The Red Buddha may test Quirky Beard's wisdom, virtue, or sense of humor through a series of trials or challenges.

The interactions between the Red Buddha and Quirky Beard often serve as a source of amusement and moral lessons for the audience. Through their encounters, the characters may learn valuable lessons about kindness, humility, and the importance of inner virtues.

Overall, the story of the Red Buddha and Quirky Beard is a beloved tale in Chinese culture that highlights themes of morality, humor, and spiritual enlightenment. ~There is more to the Red Buddha that is very interesting! If you want to know more I can add it or you can look it up! Let me know in the comments!

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