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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 96: 

The Rise of Second Miss 

Ouyang Nuan observed Su Yulou with a hint of curiosity on her face. It was the first time Su Yulou had been this close to her, and he couldn't help but show a slightly unnatural expression on his face. After a moment, he regained his composure, and his gaze softened as he looked at her, with a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. The dimples on his cheeks gently appeared under the sunlight.

Such a handsome young man. As she looked at him, Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly. It wasn't easy to make him show such an expression. She guessed he had never been so soft-spoken in front of any woman in his life.

In her previous life, although he treated her very gently, there was no such awe and admiration in his eyes. Could it be that he has developed feelings for me now?

She looked at him, smiling lightly. Su Yulou asked, "Miss Ouyang, what brings you here?" He glanced behind her and asked curiously, "Why don't you have a maid by your side?"

Over the past two years, she had first recuperated at the Marquis of Zhenguo's residence, and then lived a secluded life at the Ouyang Mansion. Unless necessary, she rarely went out. He had tried his best to get close to Ouyang Nuan, but had never expected to encounter her on the street at this moment. What was even stranger was that for a noble like her, she would usually be accompanied by servants wherever she went. How could she be without an attendant?

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"Today is my mother's memorial day, so I came to Ningguo An Temple to pay my respects to her. Later, I felt a little bored and decided to take a walk outside. Just now, I felt a bit thirsty, so Hongyu and the others went to fetch water for me," Ouyang Nuan replied casually.

Seeing her dressed in men's clothing and remembering seeing her with a young man earlier, Su Yulou guessed that she must be hiding something. His heart sank slightly, but he quickly brushed aside the unpleasant thought with a smile. "Miss Ouyang, were you frightened just now?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, then realized that he was referring to the incident with Miss Yan. She glanced in the direction of the city gate and replied softly, "It was indeed a bit scary."

Su Yulou nodded slowly. "Indeed, that girl was pitiful."

"What pity?" Mianniang's death, in Su Yulou's mouth, was merely seen as a pity. Ouyang Nuan suppressed the surging disgust and resentment in her heart and calmly said, "There's nothing to pity. Good deeds will be rewarded, and evil deeds will be punished. It's just a matter of time."

Su Yulou's expression was solemn, and he nodded in agreement. "Miss Ouyang is right. Someone like the former top scholar who abandons his responsibilities will surely face consequences."

A faint smile appeared on Ouyang Nuan's face. "Let's hope so."

Su Yulou remained silent for a while, then spoke softly again, "Miss Ouyang, over these past two years, my mother has arranged numerous marriage proposals for me. However, regardless of which family's daughter she chose, none of them met my expectations. These words were not meant for you initially, but I've always hoped you would understand. I just wish... you could be by my side." He had never given up hope, uttering such words to her face. Perhaps he was overly confident, thinking that his affection would be reciprocated. Ouyang Nuan coldly smiled inwardly but chose not to respond.

Su Yulou gazed at Ouyang Nuan and spoke softly, "I know the status of the Ouyang family, and the Su family cannot compare. But aside from status, I am confident that I am more suitable for you than those sons of noble houses..." 

Ouyang Nuan interrupted icily, "Master Su, have you finished speaking? I should be going back now."

Su Yulou paused, a hurt expression flickering across his face. "Why won't you even give me a chance to speak? Do you truly despise me so much...?"

Ouyang Nuan met his gaze squarely. "I don't despise you. But you shouldn't speak so frivolously to a woman. It's indulgent on your part and disrespectful to me."

Su Yulou was taken aback, then softened his tone, "Are you upset because I spoke the truth? But in our daily interactions, I never had the chance to approach you. I just hope you understand... I genuinely like you. This is the first time I've ever pursued a lady like this! I know that besides me, you may have better options. But... are you willing to blindly follow your parents' wishes and the matchmaker's arrangements, choosing a man you don't even know? Do you believe he will cherish you, take care of you, and be compatible with you? I'm different. I have the confidence that I am better for you than any other man! Miss Ouyang, if you could understand me, you would know that every word I just said to you was sincere, without a single lie!"

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Here it comes. He finally said those words... He had said the same things in their previous life, moved the reclusive and timid Ouyang Nuan. Now, in this life, he wanted to move her with the same words. What a joke, a huge joke! Ouyang Nuan's voice turned cold, "Master Su, do you even know what you're saying?"

Su Yulou stared at her, his tone extremely serious. "Miss, perhaps you don't know, but my father only married my mother from beginning to end. I promise, I will treat you with the same devotion and loyalty as my father treated my mother. Such a promise, I believe, those wealthy families who match the status of the Ouyang family would never give you!" 

He took a step closer, his gaze burning yet icy, reflecting the emotions surging within him. "Marrying into noble families may seem like a perfect match, with honor and wealth, but do you know what kind of life you will lead? Your husband will take concubines one after another, even if he doesn't want to. The rules and interests will force him to do so! Ouyang Nuan, I know you are different from those noble ladies. Are you willing to live in constant strife? A harmonious and loving marriage until old age, that's Su Yulou's promise, it's the secret desire of every woman in the world, but they dare not say it aloud because once they do, they will be labeled as shrews, violating the seven rules!" 

If anyone else said these words to Ouyang Nuan, she might be moved, albeit with some reservations. But it's him! In their previous life, he used such promises to move her, to deceive her, making her believe that he would surely keep his promise and take care of her for life. Just imagine, if a man could really refrain from taking concubines, and be loving to his wife until old age, wouldn't that be more touching than any honor and wealth? Especially to a young girl's heart. But... the past Ouyang Nuan never expected that Su Yulou would indeed refrain from taking concubines, only to want to change his wife by driving his original wife to her death!

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan suppressed the disgust in her eyes and looked at him calmly. "Master Su, you shouldn't say these things to me. Even if you did, it wouldn't change anything. My marriage is not something I can decide for myself. I hope you understand this and refrain from fruitless efforts."

"You don't believe me!" Su Yulou was taken aback, his face turning pale.

"No, whether you can do it or not has nothing to do with me!" Ouyang Nuan stared at him, emphasizing each word. 

"You!" Su Yulou took a deep breath, his face turning ominously dark. He spoke in a cold voice, "Ouyang Nuan, I didn't expect you to be such a materialistic woman!"

In Su Yulou's eyes, unquestionably believing his lies and degrading herself to be with him was virtuous, while rejecting his love was deemed materialistic. Such logic was truly absurd!

"Ouyang Nuan, I will participate in the imperial examination soon. At that time, I will make you understand how wrong you are!" Su Yulou, a man with a strong sense of pride, couldn't bear Ouyang Nuan's indifferent gaze any longer. He turned around swiftly and walked away with large strides.

The imperial examination? Ouyang Nuan looked at the swiftly departing figure of Su Yulou with a faint smile. So, he harbored such thoughts. Unfortunately, the Ouyang family was not a magistrate's family as depicted in dramas, and she, Ouyang Nuan, was not the kind of magistrate's daughter who would fall deeply in love with a scholar. Not to mention, the Su family's foundation was still shallow. Even if he topped the imperial examination, what difference would it make?

"It seems that this Young Master Su is still pursuing you," a cold voice suddenly came from behind. Ouyang Nuan turned around to see Xiao Tianye standing there. His expression was somewhat dark, but when he saw Ouyang Nuan looking at him, he smiled faintly. "He wants to use the imperial examination to break free from the constraints of being a merchant's son."

Ouyang Nuan's tone was indifferent. "Young Master Su is talented and charming. Winning the top spot in the examination should not be difficult for him."

Xiao Tianye's heart skipped a beat as he observed Ouyang Nuan's expression seriously. The warm sunlight was shining on her face, giving it a peculiar hue, making it difficult for him to discern whether her words were praise or sarcasm. 

Just now, he saw her standing side by side with Su Yulou, seemingly whispering to each other, looking very relaxed. He couldn't help but feel a chill, his lips tightly pressed together, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown he had never shown before. It seemed as though he wanted to suppress his breathing and heartbeat. 

At that moment, he almost thought his heart condition was acting up due to anger. While he worried about her, she was chatting and laughing with another man, looking so carefree. Therefore, he had stayed back, observing. Fortunately, Ouyang Nuan's attitude towards Su Yulou was even colder than towards him, otherwise he couldn't guarantee that Su Yulou would safely leave this place today!

"Does the Prince know who the chief examiner is for this session?" Ouyang Nuan asked casually.

"It's Zhang Siwei... Xiao Tianye's voice trailed off as he suddenly realized something, his tone turning cold. "This person has served as a compiler, Hanlin Academician, Assistant Minister of Personnel, Minister of Rites, and Minister of Personnel. Currently, he is the Grand Secretary. Most importantly, he hails from a prominent salt merchant family in Yue Xi."

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"In that case, I suppose Grand Secretary Zhang would have a higher regard for Young Master Su. With that, his chances of success naturally increase by threefold," Ouyang Nuan remarked, wearing a faint smile on her face.

Xiao Tianye stared at her, his tone growing more harsh. "Aside from his deceiving face, I fail to see any outstanding qualities in him." His words were like daggers, with little attempt to conceal the bitterness in his voice.

Ouyang Nuan maintained her composure, her smile unwavering. "The Prince underestimates Young Master Su. He is not merely defined by his appearance; he also holds the title of the top scholar in Jiangnan. This, perhaps, the Prince is unaware of."

Hearing her praise Su Yulou in such a manner, Xiao Tianye's expression darkened further, a cold glint passing through his eyes, clearly displeased. "How do you know so much about him?"

Ouyang Nuan suppressed her amusement, answering earnestly, "This is common knowledge, easily gathered if one pays attention. The Prince, with his lofty gaze, naturally wouldn't bother with the son of a mere merchant. However, history has shown that heroes often emerge from adversity. Take Grand Commander Wang, for instance, also from a merchant family. Yet, he rose through the ranks from a minor official in the Ministry of Justice to become a Grand Commander, overseeing military affairs in six prefects. How can the Prince be certain that Young Master Su won't become the next Wang?"

Xiao Tianye gazed at her, but there was a shimmer of moisture in Ouyang Nuan's eyes. She smiled first, and Xiao Tianye smiled back, saying, "Do you know that Wang Xian's abilities are extraordinary? Su Yulou, what does he compare to him..."

Ouyang Nuan shook her head, "I'm just speculating. After all, Young Master Su..."

Xiao Tianye's expression turned cold, his voice deep as he said, "Enough. Don't mention other people's names in front of me. I don't like it."

In that moment, Ouyang Nuan sensed the strong aversion in Xiao Tianye's eyes. She lowered her gaze, smiling faintly, 'Su Yulou, I'm afraid your journey in the imperial examinations won't be smooth...'

Some things didn't require one's direct intervention to achieve the best results. Why not take advantage of them?

Xiao Tianye looked at her, seemingly unwilling to continue the topic. Instead, he asked, "Why did you suddenly run away earlier?"

While Su Yulou asked if she was scared, Xiao Tianye questioned why she suddenly ran away. Though similar on the surface, they held fundamental differences. At least Xiao Tianye knew that his own actions weren't driven by fear. Ouyang Nuan continued to smile, saying lightly, "The mandarin ducks yearn to fly together, but ultimately they fail, ending up with the tragic fate of the female. I was just feeling a bit sentimental."

"It's just a matter of trusting the wrong person. Besides, she was too greedy herself. If she had only sought for marital love rather than seeking status through her husband, perhaps today, even if her husband wasn't a talented scholar, he would still be by her side and she wouldn't have ended up like this," Xiao Tianye said coldly.

A layer of frosty coldness washed over Ouyang Nuan's eyes as she calmly responded, "A good start doesn't necessarily lead to a good ending. I wonder if she regretted standing on the tall city wall. That's why the Buddhist scriptures say, 'All worldly love is transient and hard to keep for long. Life is full of danger and as fleeting as the morning dew. From love arises sorrow, from love arises fear. If one is free from love, there is no sorrow, no fear.' It seems to be true, doesn't it?"

Xiao Tianye, at that moment, suddenly understood the meaning behind her words. It was a rejection of him, albeit gentle, but he heard it loud and clear. At the same time, he felt something break inside him. Immediately afterward, he sensed something flowing out. It was blood. Blood from his heart.

Silently, he escorted Ouyang Nuan back, personally seeing her off until she boarded the Ouyang family's carriage and drew the curtains shut.

Throughout the journey, Ouyang Nuan didn't say a word to him, seemingly completely disinterested in everything, including all he had done today. Xiao Tianye, standing outside the curtain, slowly uttered, word by word, "Ouyang Nuan, you may wish for me to give up, but it's impossible!" With that, he turned his horse's head and left swiftly.

Changpu exclaimed in disbelief, "This young master is too domineering! It's simply outrageous — where does he get off being so disrespectful? Miss, please don't pay him any mind!"

Hongyu looked at Ouyang Nuan with concern. "Miss..."

Ouyang Nuan shook her head and closed her eyes slightly. "Let's go."

Ouyang Nuan changed back into women's clothing inside the carriage and returned to the Ouyang Residence. Upon arriving, she first went to Shou'an Hall to report to Old Madam Li. However, as she walked into the courtyard, she saw Yumei approaching with a somewhat peculiar expression.

Hongyu whispered to Yumei, "What's wrong?"

Yumei leaned in and whispered a few words in her ear. Hongyu was taken aback. "Is that true?" Yumei nodded in confirmation. Hongyu immediately hastened to Ouyang Nuan and said, "Miss, Second Miss is here."

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It was unusual for Ouyang Ke to visit Shou'an Hall since Lin's confinement. Ouyang Nuan sensed that something was amiss, but she didn't show any surprise on her face. Instead, she said, "Let's go inside first."

Yumei bent down respectfully and lifted the curtain for her. As Ouyang Nuan entered, she saw Ouyang Ke kneeling before Old Madam Li, crying softly. When Old Madam Li noticed Ouyang Nuan, a smile appeared on her face. "Nuan'er, you're back. Come and see your sister. She has been apologizing since she arrived, refusing to get up. Can you persuade her?"

Ouyang Ke was dressed in a light pink plain silk dress, with only a few scattered pearls adorning her hair. Her expression was sorrowful, and her makeup was simple, completely different from her usual vibrant appearance as the second Miss of the Ouyang Residence.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "What's wrong, sister? Why have you been kneeling like this? Please get up." 

Ouyang Ke looked at Ouyang Nuan, on the verge of tears, and said, "Sister, in the past, I was always at fault. Being younger, I didn't understand things, often angered grandmother and father, and constantly caused trouble for you. Now, I realize my mistakes. Please forgive me, sister!"

"How can you say such things, sister? There's no lingering grudge between family members." Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat, but her smile became even warmer. "Come on, stand up and talk. What's on your mind?" With that, she moved to assist her.

However, Ouyang Ke remained kneeling, refusing to rise. With tear-streaked cheeks, she turned to Madam Li, her expression pleading. "Grandmother, it's all Ke'er's fault. Ke'er has disappointed you, and I promise I won't do it again in the future." Then, she turned to Ouyang Nuan and bowed deeply. "Sister, it was all my fault before. I was wrong. Please don't blame me anymore."

Ouyang Nuan lifted her gaze and looked at the maid, Li Yue'e, who was watching the scene unfold with amusement. "Aunt, why don't you help my sister up? I can't do it alone! She's not well, how can she kneel for so long?" Li Yue'e hesitated for a moment, then smiled and moved to assist Ouyang Ke, but her hand was intercepted by another hand that reached out horizontally. "How dare you trouble Aunt Yue'e? Let me do it."

With that, the woman helped Ouyang Ke up from the ground, and Ouyang Ke leaned against her, crying uncontrollably, looking utterly remorseful.

Ouyang Nuan's gaze fell on the woman who had suddenly appeared, her smile turning cold. "Rui Mama, you're back."

The woman addressed as Rui Mama appeared to be in her thirties, with a youthful and charming demeanor. Her eyes were bright and lively, and beneath her straight nose was a mouth with distinct contours, giving her a determined look.

She handed Ouyang Ke over to Xia Xue to take care of, then knelt down and kowtowed. "Yes, I've seen Madam, Miss."

Ouyang Nuan shifted her gaze to Ouyang Ke and smiled. "Ke'er, I remember that Rui Mama returned to her hometown three years ago—"

Ouyang Ke paused, seeming somewhat nervous. "Sister, the maidservants Qui Yue, and a few others, who used to accompany me have made mistakes. Now, only Xia Xue and a few useless maids are left. That's why I wanted Rui Mama to come back. She's my wet nurse, who has been serving me since childhood." She pleaded with Old Madam Li. "Grandmother... Please don't send Rui Mama away." She looked worried.

Old Madam Li glanced at Ouyang Ke and said lightly, "Rui Mama is a suitable choice. If she's willing to come back to take care of you, I'll be much more at ease. Alright, you must be tired today. Go back early." With that, she waved her hand dismissively, indicating she didn't want to discuss it further.

Ouyang Ke, with tears in her eyes, bid farewell to Old Madam Li and left. Ouyang Nuan watched her leave, lost in thought. 

Was Ouyang Ke's performance today aimed at convincing Old Madam Li to let Rui Mama stay, even though she had already returned to the countryside? 

And why did Old Madam Li, who had seemingly given up on Ouyang Ke, now spend effort on her again? What was the reason behind all of this? Or perhaps, had Ouyang Ke's carefully chosen timing for this act successfully gained Old Madam Li's tacit approval? A series of questions flashed through Ouyang Nuan's mind.

Li Yiniang glanced at Ouyang Nuan and said softly, "Old Madam, there's something I'm not sure if I should say..."

Old Madam Li smiled, "What is it? You can tell me anything."

With a worried expression, the nanny continued, "Old Madam, Second Miss's temperament... I'm afraid she might cause trouble again. You forgive her so easily this time, but what if... in the future..."

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Old Madam Li's expression turned serious, "How can you say such things! She's still a child! Initially, it was because of having a confused mother. Now that she realizes her mistakes and no longer follows her mother's lead, you should be more tolerant, Yue'e. Why keep dwelling on past matters? Nuan, don't you agree?"

Old Madam Li fixed her gaze on Ouyang Nuan, seemingly trying to discern any clues from her face. Ouyang Nuan responded calmly, "Grandmother is right. To err is human, to forgive is divine. Younger sister is still immature, bound to make mistakes, but as long as she acknowledges them, that's what matters. Besides, if Grandmother has forgiven her, what reason do we have not to forgive her?"

Old Madam Li's eyes flickered with a hint of disappointment, but she nodded, showing her approval. "Nuan is right. It should be like this."

Li Yiniang wasn't ready to give up yet, but seeing Old Madam Li closing her eyes slightly, appearing tired, she dared not say more and retreated with Ouyang Nuan.

Outside the Shou'an Hall, Li Yiniang observed Ouyang Nuan's expression carefully and cautiously said, "Second Miss is quite formidable. She kneeled in front of Madam all morning and finally gained forgiveness. I've heard that Rui Mama has always been shrewd and capable. I wonder what calculations she has this time. Miss, you must be cautious."

Ouyang Nuan raised an eyebrow at the comment. "Rui Mama has always been Younger Sister's nursemaid, and their relationship has been excellent. If it weren't for her husband's sudden passing, she wouldn't have gone to the countryside for mourning. Now that she's back, it's only natural. Aunt Li, since Grandmother has already given her approval, there's no need to overthink it, right?"

Li Yiniang forced a smile and replied, "Miss, I'm just thinking for your sake! Consider this: ever since Madam was confined, Second Miss has held a grudge against you. Given her temperament, she won't just let things go easily. Today, she acted submissive and tearful. If she truly repents, then it's fine. But if not, I'm afraid there's more to it."

Ouyang Nuan looked at her with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Oh, does Aunt think so?"

"Of course, you don't know. As soon as you left this morning to make offerings, Second Miss went to the entrance of Shou'an Hall. She knelt there, and when Madam initially refused to see her, she kept kneeling. She cried like it was the end of the world, as if she had lost her own mother. Madam couldn't bear to see it and finally let her in. I must say, the timing was just too coincidental, as if it were planned." 

After speaking, Li Yiniang noticed Ouyang Nuan's silence and continued, "Miss, I arrived late and it's not appropriate for me to interfere too much given my status. What do you think about this matter?"

Ouyang Nuan avoided giving a direct answer and simply smiled, saying, "Aunt, you've worked hard." Then she instructed Hongyu, "Go and fetch the sandalwood bracelet we obtained today at the Ningguo Temple and give it to Aunt."

Li Yiniang was stunned, then heard Ouyang Nuan laugh and say, "This rosary has been blessed by a master. It's said to be very effective. I obtained it with the hope that Aunt Li will have a blessed child soon."

Li Yue'e smiled, "How can I accept such a precious gift? Thank you so much, Miss."

Ouyang Nuan looked at her seriously, "My younger sister is still naive due to her young age. With Rui Mama having just returned, and considering the matters at Pear Fragrance Court, it will require Aunt Li to put in extra effort."

Aunt Li understood immediately upon hearing this, but she remained composed on the surface. After exchanging a few more casual words, she then turned and left.

Hongyu observed everything with concern, "Miss, I wonder if Second Miss's change of heart this time is genuine?"

Ouyang Nuan's face displayed a hint of disdain, "Her? I'm afraid changing her nature would be harder than moving mountains."

"Old Madam is being too forgiving. By pardoning her like this, isn't she just inviting trouble?" Hongyu furrowed her brow, while Changpu nodded in agreement beside her.

Ouyang Nuan gazed in the direction of Shou'an Hall, her calm tone barely concealing a hint of coldness, "You understand the situation perfectly well. How could she not?"

In this matter, Ouyang Ke had staged a grand act of apology, but it required Old Madam Li's willingness to participate. The crucial question was: What was Old Madam Li's motive for doing so?

At dinner time, unexpectedly, Ouyang Ke appeared in the hall. She was dressed in a light blue casual dress, still maintaining a simple and understated appearance, with red eyes, as if she were feeling homesick and timid, fearing that others might dislike her, looking utterly pitiful.

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When Ouyang Jue saw her, his expression slowly changed. He turned to Ouyang Nuan, but saw her smiling as she stood up and greeted, "Little sister is here."

"Father... I want to have dinner with grandma and you." Ouyang Ke timidly smiled at Ouyang Nuan, then looked at Ouyang Zhi who was seated at the head of the table. More panic was evident in her eyes, like a frightened deer, as if she didn't know what to do.

Ouyang Zhi was momentarily surprised, then looked at Old Madam Li. Old Madam Li smiled and said, "Since everyone is here, let's eat together." She then picked up her chopsticks first.

Since Old Madam Li had spoken, Ouyang Zhi nodded and said, "Please, have a seat."

Ouyang Ke humbly sat in the lowest position, looking nervous and uneasy, constantly glancing at the expressions of Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi, while also frequently lifting her head to show a pleasing smile to Ouyang Nuan and her brother.

This pitiful Ouyang Ke was completely different from her previous arrogant demeanor, and Ouyang Jue couldn't help but furrow his brow involuntarily.

Ouyang Nuan picked up a piece of Eight-Treasure Vegetarian Fish for Ouyang Ke and softly said, "Sister, have some more." This was a dish Ouyang Ke detested the most. In the past, she would never have touched it, but now, she smiled and ate the vegetarian fish with her chopsticks, a sweet smile appearing on her face. "Thank you, sister," Ouyang Nuan nodded in approval, then her gaze shifted to Rui Mama behind her. Seeing her bowing respectfully, maintaining a serene demeanor, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but reveal a faint smirk.

Ouyang Zhi watched the sisters getting along harmoniously and nodded, saying, "This is more like it. Ke'er, you caused quite a commotion a few days ago. Do you now realize your mistake?"

"Daughter knows her mistake! I won't dare to make any mistakes again." Ouyang Ke choked up, her big eyes turning red, brimming with tears that she dared not let fall. This only made her more endearing. Her frail shoulders trembled as she pleaded, "Please forgive me, Father."

Ouyang Zhi coldly snorted, about to speak, but Old Madam Li intervened with a smile, "Look at you. You should eat your meal properly."

With these words, Old Madam Li not only diffused the tension surrounding Ouyang Ke but also made Ouyang Zhi understand her stance. Sure enough, Ouyang Zhi said lightly, "Since Madam has spoken, let's not dwell on past matters. From now on, you must mend your ways."

From beginning to end, Ouyang Nuan smiled as she watched Ouyang Ke. However, Aunt Li and Wang Jiaoxing stared at Ouyang Ke as if she were a stranger, their eyes filled with astonishment.

After the meal, everyone went their separate ways. Ouyang Jue seemed to want to say something to Ouyang Nuan, but she didn't explain anything to him because she understood that some things needed to be understood on one's own. If he couldn't see anything from today's meal, then no amount of explanation from her would make a difference.

That evening, Ouyang Ke came to visit Nuan's Pavilion.

Ouyang Nuan ordered tea to be served and asked gently, "What brings you to see me, little sister?"

"Ke'er is here to apologize to her sister." With that, Ouyang Ke knelt down in front of Ouyang Nuan and bowed her head.

"I've already said I won't blame you anymore. Why are you doing this?" Ouyang Nuan immediately went to assist her, but she refused to get up. She insisted on completing the bow before reluctantly standing up and sitting on the Yunwen Sandalwood chair, still looking dazed and on the verge of tears.

Fang Mama looked at her expression with extreme disgust, but could only smile and say, "Second Miss, please don't cry anymore. If you walk out with swollen eyes, others might think that the maggots here bullied you?"

Rui Mama chuckled, "Fang Mama is exaggerating. It's just sisterly affection. Even if others see it, they won't gossip. The Ouyang family doesn't have such ignorant servants!"

Fang Mama was taken aback, then earnestly appraised Rui Mama. Seeing her smiling back at her, Fang Mama's expression darkened, and she fell silent.

Ouyang Ke sobbed, saying, "During these days, Ke'er has been reflecting on herself. I was truly too willful and reckless before, even saying many inappropriate things to my sister. Now, looking back, I regret it deeply. Fortunately, my sister is magnanimous enough to forgive me. Otherwise, I wouldn't find peace in my heart from now on."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at her and smiled, "Little sister is just naturally straightforward. It's not fair to say she's willful and reckless."

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Her words seemed to excite Ouyang Ke. With a flushed face, she eagerly said, "I've been staying at Pear Fragrance Court for so long, and I've become so clumsy with words. I don't even know how to speak properly. I just hope that sister won't dislike me and will teach me more so that I won't embarrass myself in front of guests in the future." Her expression was like that of a child eager to impress adults. 

When she said these words, her eyes were incredibly sincere, not a hint of deception. Changpu stared at Ouyang Ke, thinking that indeed, the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" holds true. Since Rui Mama arrived, Second Miss's talent for speaking nonsense has truly flourished!

Seeing Ouyang Nuan smiling but not speaking, Ouyang Ke lowered her head. "Ke'er knows that now I'm just a cripple, nobody will like me. I don't have any other hopes, nor do I dare to compete with my sister for anything. I just hope to have a way out in the future. If I continue to be confined like this, my life will be ruined forever. Sister, just consider pitying me. If there are any social events, don't forget about me. That would be enough." Her tone was infinitely desolate.

Ouyang Nuan looked at her faintly and smiled. "We're sisters. If there's anything good, I won't forget you. Why do you think so lowly of yourself, little sister?"

Ouyang Ke signaled to Rui Mama, who immediately presented a painting with a smile. "Miss, this is a painting that Second Miss has put a lot of effort into finding. She said she wanted to give it to you."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at it and recognized the signature on the painting. "This is..."

Ouyang Ke smiled softly. "This painting of Snowy Mountain was left behind by the Marquis Zhenguo when he passed by a temple many years ago. The abbot kept it for thirty years. Now it's handed over to you, sister, completing the circle."

"Sister, you've really gone to great lengths." Finding such a painting would require a lot of effort. Ouyang Ke was very considerate and understood her wishes so well. Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, touching the painting with great joy.

Ouyang Ke seemed relieved. "As long as sister likes it."

Being overly attentive usually spells trouble. Hongyu and Fang Mama exchanged a glance, both seeing deep caution in each other's eyes.

"Sister, who are you socializing with these days? Have you attended any gatherings? I haven't been out for so long, I don't know if they still remember me." Ouyang Ke studied Ouyang Nuan's expression, speaking timidly.

Ouyang Nuan smiled warmly at her. "Since you've left Pear Fragrance Court, you should go out more often. Everything is the same as before."

Ouyang Ke smiled slightly, looking innocent. "Sister is right. I should go out more."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Ouyang Ke's legs, then seemed to casually avert her gaze, her eyes showing compassion as she gently brushed, "It's good that you've come to terms with it, little sister."

Ouyang Ke's face turned pale, then she lowered her head, twisting the handkerchief in her hand.

At this moment, Ouyang Nuan's gaze gently swept over Rui Mama, her eyes reflecting countless thoughts.

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**A Note From the Author**

"Why are you all so anxious? I've said the plot hasn't fully unfolded, and the male leads haven't even started competing yet. Wait until they've finished competing, then you can get all worked up. If need be, we can even write a dual ending. Hahaha!"

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