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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 95: 

Forever entangled as vengeful spirits for generations.

A breeze brushed past Ouyang Nuan's ear, and she met his gaze. His eyes, like springs of water, were filled with the colors of the sky, displaying an unmasked expression.

Ouyang Nuan looked quietly at him, saying nothing, then turned and walked down the mountain.

Without nodding or shaking her head, it indicated that she had been moved in some way. Xiao Tianye's mouth curved into a faint smile as he quickly caught up with her.

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At the foot of the Ningguo Temple, there was a mirror-like lake that connected to the outside world. Taking the water route was much faster than the land route. Xiao Tianye had already ordered a boat to be prepared, quietly waiting by the lake. The boat was adorned with swirling cloud patterns, and its railings were exquisitely crafted, with light purple curtains hanging on both sides.

Stepping into the cabin, all the seats and tables were made of the most expensive rosewood. On top of the brocade cushions were countless precious pearls and gemstones, emitting dazzling light even in broad daylight. On the table, there was a red-gold vase containing two or three peach blossoms, exuding a rich fragrance that wafted into the air.

However, Ouyang Nuan didn't pay attention to the luxurious and elegant furnishings. She sat quietly in a chair by the window, gazing out at the scenery outside the wooden lattice window, lost in thought.

From inside the boat, the lakeside village was lush and verdant, stretching endlessly, while the lake water was crystal clear, as serene as the sky itself.

She sat there quietly, her expression calm, but her eyes were filled with a sense of desolation. Xiao Tianye suddenly felt a feeling of being unable to get close to her no matter what, but he didn't know where this feeling came from.

On the table, there were originally several plates of fresh fruits, preserves, and snacks, but Ouyang Nuan didn't even spare them a glance. Xiao Tianye smiled faintly and lightly clapped his hands.

Behind the curtain, four maids with outstanding looks immediately entered. The first three each carried a food box, while the last maid carried a tray containing two silver cups, spoons, and ivory chopsticks, all exquisitely crafted.

Xiao Tianye dismissed the maids and personally opened the first food box, smiling, "After walking for so long, you must be hungry. Try these."

She had risen early and departed at during breakfast time, so she hadn't had time for an early meal. She had only had some golden-thread jujube porridge. After walking for so long, she was indeed hungry. Ouyang Nuan turned to look at Xiao Tianye. Despite his seemingly unruly temperament, he was actually a man with a keen eye for detail, making it hard to dislike him.

Xiao Tianye pointed to the dishes in the first food box and smiled, "This is cherry glazed meatballs, the most famous dish in the Qin Palace."

In the white jade plate, the meatball was round like agate, surrounded by emerald green pea shoots, which set off the cherry glaze even more brightly, making it look like a plate of freshly picked cherries that made one's mouth water.

Ouyang Nuan only took a small bite before nodding and smiling, "Such delicacy must require quite a bit of effort."

Xiao Tianye nodded, saying, "For this dish, aside from the meat itself, the key lies in preparing fresh cherries. They are stuffed into white porcelain jars with the meat, a bit of water is added, and then it's slowly simmered over a low flame for at least four hours. Only then will the meat become tender, and the fragrance of the cherries can be fully extracted."

The cherry is an extremely precious fruit rarely seen in ordinary households. Even in the Ouyang Residence, it was only occasionally enjoyed. However, using it to cook dishes in the Qin Prince's residence showcased its luxury. 

Ouyang Nuan observed that Xiao Tianye spoke of it as if it were an everyday occurrence, indicating that he didn't particularly value such rare fruit. She couldn't help but smile and shake her head.

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Xiao Tianye noticed her peculiar expression and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "It's nothing, just reminded of a poem by a poet from the previous dynasty describing cherries. He said, 'Green and lush, beneath a few cherry leaves lies red.' I just thought that for this cherry dish, perhaps a slight modification would be appropriate."

Xiao Tianye smiled faintly and replied, "You're right. In my opinion, it should be changed to 'Green and lush, atop a few cherry leaves lies red,' which would be more fitting."

The two exchanged a knowing smile, their conversation carrying a hint of tacit understanding. Xiao Tianye's eyes shimmered as he gazed at Ouyang Nuan, who met his gaze unwaveringly. Ouyang Nuan was momentarily stunned but then turned her head slightly, showing an interested expression. She softly asked, "And what's in the second food box?"

Xiao Tianye looked at Ouyang Nuan, finding her profile exceptionally beautiful against the backdrop of the vibrant greenery outside the window. Her voice was gentle and melodious, akin to the clear spring water. Dressed in lake-blue silk robes, she exuded a subtle charm. He adjusted his breath slightly and chuckled, "It's snow fungus and lotus seed soup."

This time, even Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but be surprised. Snow fungus, a type of white mushroom, were extremely expensive during the Dali Dynasty. A small amount of snow fungus could cost one to two hundred taels of silver, making it a luxury even for the wealthy. Moreover, the best quality snow fungus were often offered as tribute to the imperial palace.

"Xuanlian is transported all the way from Minzhou, so it's quite rare. It must be paired with snow fungus. Try it," Xiao Tianye handed the spoon to Ouyang Nuan himself. Ouyang Nuan took a sip and was greeted with a fragrant aroma. There was a subtle hint of pear blossom fragrance. She asked, "Is there pear blossom juice added to this soup?"

"Yes, it's pear blossom juice, just to enhance the flavor," Xiao Tianye casually replied. Then he opened the third food box, revealing a burst of steam accompanied by a refreshing aroma—it was fish soup. Xiao Tianye served a bowl of soup and softly said, "Give it a try."

His eyes sparkled with a hint of eagerness, a gesture of trying to please. Perhaps Prince Qin had never attempted to please someone before, as even he didn't realize how strange his tone sounded. 

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but want to sigh, but she felt it inappropriate. She forced a smile, took the small bowl, and tasted the dish. After a moment, her eyes widened involuntarily. Despite being born into a wealthy family like the Ouyangs and having tasted countless rare and precious fish dishes, she found this fish to be exceptionally delicious, a flavor she had never experienced before.

"This is pearl fish, grown in the Cang River two thousand miles away from the capital. The Cang River is a peculiar place, shrouded in fog all year round, with bone-chilling icy water. Looking from afar, the surface of the river appears frozen. These pearl fish only thrive in the Cang River, relying on its waters for survival. Once they're out of the water, they die instantly. Boiling these dead fish in ordinary water would be quite unpleasant; their taste would be far inferior to regular fish."

Ouyang Nuan was momentarily stunned, then asked with some surprise, "If they die once out of water, how could they be transported all the way to the capital?"

Xiao Tianye chuckled, "It's not difficult. You just need to add a small amount of water from the Cang River during transportation. However, live water is flowing, fresh. Once it leaves its source, it becomes dead water. So, the water used for transportation needs to be replaced frequently, which is a bit troublesome. If you like it, I'll have people send it to the Ouyang Residence often in the future."

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Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, she associated Xiao Tianye's actions today with a certain purpose, as if he were telling her about the immense power and wealth of Prince Qin Residence, something beyond the reach of ordinary people. Just as she had this thought, her expression changed slightly, and her tone became somewhat cold, "The Crown Prince needn't be so polite. The Ouyang family is just an ordinary official family. Such precious items are truly beyond our means to enjoy."

Xiao Tianye was taken aback for a moment, then a flicker of hurt flashed in his eyes. However, he concealed this emotion swiftly, almost in an instant, returning to his usual calm demeanor. If anyone else spoke to him in this manner, he might have erupted in anger, but because it was Ouyang Nuan, he didn't get angry. Instead, his eyes softened, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome face, "Ouyang Nuan, are you afraid of being moved by me? Is that why you're trying to provoke me with such words?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback. A peculiar expression emerged on her face, neither clearly pleased nor angered, making it impossible for anyone to discern her true thoughts.

Xiao Tianye's eyes flickered, and then he spoke in an exceptionally gentle tone, "I didn't mean anything else. You don't need to think too much about it." He then raised his voice, "Servant!"

Immediately, a maid hurried in, respectfully awaiting his orders. Xiao Tianye pointed to the fish soup and said, "Take this back."

The maid understood and carried the fish soup away.

Xiao Tianye raised his wine glass and poured a glass of lukewarm flower wine. He said lightly, "I know you can't drink alcohol. This is flower wine, it won't intoxicate you."

Ouyang Nuan remained silent, her gaze fixed on the translucent jade wine glass, her thoughts wandering.

Suddenly, Xiao Tianye's expression changed, and he coldly chuckled, "Are you afraid that I'll do something to it?" With that, he quickly raised the wine glass and drained it in one gulp. He lowered his voice, "Ouyang Nuan, you underestimate me. Although I, Xiao Tianye, may not resort to certain means, I'm not that despicable of a person!"

These words flowed into Ouyang Nuan's ears and gradually turned into a scorching knife, piercing her chest. Finally, she sighed and looked up at Xiao Tianye, whispering softly, "The Prince misunderstood. I didn't mean that."

Xiao Tianye suddenly leaned in, getting so close that his breath brushed against Ouyang Nuan's neck.

She couldn't help but tremble with an inexplicable shiver.

"If I wanted you, I could simply ask the Emperor for a marriage decree. By then, even if you opposed it, you wouldn't have a choice. But I haven't done that. Do you know why?" A faint smile bloomed on Xiao Tianye's lips as he spoke in a calm tone, "The person I desire must belong to me, body and soul. If I only have the person but not their heart, what use is it?"

Xiao Tianye's straightforwardness, albeit blunt, quickly calmed Ouyang Nuan down. She smiled faintly and said, "I understand the intentions of the Prince, but I fail to see what's worth your effort and words."

Xiao Tianye's smile gradually faded as he gazed at her, saying, "Do you really not know?" She didn't answer, only staring at him intently.

Suddenly, Xiao Tianye chuckled uncontrollably, unable to hold back. After catching his breath, he continued, "Yes, there are plenty of beauties in this world, perhaps even more outstanding than you. Yet, I've singled you out. Why is that?" This answer sometimes puzzled even himself.

At that moment, the maid returned with the food box.

Seemingly forgetting the previous topic, Xiao Tianye pointed to the jade cup and said, "Let's try the fish soup I mentioned earlier. It's made with the same fish, but this time it's cooked with tender tofu, creating a fish soup."

Though he spoke casually, making fish soup was quite challenging. Removing all the bones while keeping only the meat, then cooking it quickly with fresh tofu, required precise timing and seasoning. 

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Ouyang Nuan took a spoonful and tasted it. Xiao Tianye smiled at her, "Isn't it delicious?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded, her smile carrying a hint of sincerity, which stirred a gentle ripple in Xiao Tianye's heart. He whispered softly, "The fish bones also have a curious use. It's said that people by the Cang River often use them for divination, and it's highly effective."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands, and the maid who had been waiting outside promptly brought in a delicate jade plate. Covered with a clean silk cloth, Xiao Tianye personally lifted the cloth, revealing the fish bones inside.

"There's a short bone under the fish gills, which is used for divination," Xiao Tianye pointed to the fan-shaped fish bone and smiled. "This fish bone has another name, called the Little Fairy."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the fish bone, noticing that it was slightly softer than other parts of the fish's bones. One side was relatively flat, and when it stood upright, it indeed resembled a small sailboat.

"If you throw it three times, and if one of those times you manage to make the bone stand upright, it proves that your wish can come true." He smiled, closed his eyes for a moment as if making a wish, then picked up the fish bone with ivory chopsticks and tossed it from the table to the ground.

The fishbone lay flat on the ground, causing Xiao Tianye to furrow his brow. He tossed it two more times, but the bone remained flat. Xiao Tianye's beautiful eyes showed deep regret. Although he had only used the fishbone as a joke, failing to make it stand upright after three throws was indeed disappointing.

Ouyang Nuan chuckled and shook her head. "It seems like the prince's wish is unlikely to come true."

Xiao Tianye sneered, "Perhaps not." With that, he continued to throw the fishbone, four times, five times, six times... yet not once did it stand upright.

Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Let me give it a try." Taking the fishbone passed by the maid, she gently tossed it downwards. To everyone's surprise, the bone landed straight up, without any deviation.

Xiao Tianye's eyes, as black as lacquer, held a gentleness that had never been seen before. "This time, consider it as if someone else threw it for me. What I just asked was..."

In the moment when the fishbone stood upright, Ouyang Nuan's expression subtly changed. A trace of sorrow appeared on her face, and Xiao Tianye, seemingly drawn in by this sorrow, forgot the words he was about to say and leaned in closer.

"Prince!" Almost as his lips were about to touch her, Ouyang Nuan suddenly turned her head aside, calling out.

This call snapped Xiao Tianye out of his reverie. Ouyang Nuan calmly stated, "We have arrived at the shore." With that, she stood up first and walked away.

Watching her graceful figure drift away, Xiao Tianye extended his hand, which had been clutching the cup. The cup had long been shattered by his grip. The slender and beautiful hand gradually opened, and the cup fragmented into six or seven pieces. The thin porcelain shards, reflecting the sunlight, fell one by one into the emerald lake.

"Execute the one who just picked up the fishbone," he stood up, his voice dark. The amiable expression on his face, which had been pleasant in front of Ouyang Nuan, vanished as if it had never existed.

"Understood." The maid, He Yan, nervously lowered her head. Having followed Xiao Tianye for many years, she knew well that his mood was extremely bad at the moment. Approaching him now would surely lead to a dire outcome.

Across the bank was Pingcheng, not far from the capital. People were bustling in and out of the city, creating a lively scene. Ouyang Nuan remained silent as she disembarked from the boat, seemingly lost in thought. Xiao Tianye did not urge her on. The two of them strolled along casually, like ordinary friends out for a walk.

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At that moment, a group of elegantly dressed young men stepped out of a restaurant, engaged in lively conversation: "...Brother Su is both righteous and talented, with remarkable abilities. He is a rare talent in the court! With his abilities, he's destined for success in the upcoming imperial examinations!"

"They are just praising you too much, Brother Su," the conversation was interrupted as a woman suddenly rushed over from the side alley, grabbing the hem of one of the young men's robes and tremblingly saying, "Save me... I'm Yan'er... Help me..."

Everyone was stunned, closely examining this woman named Yan'er. She was beautiful, with captivating features and a hint of allure beneath the low-cut green bodice covering her snowy bosom. She wore a white waistband, a peach-colored skirt, and pale blue silk ribbons embroidered with vibrant peonies adorned her collar and sleeves. A pomegranate flower adorned her hair, shining brightly and captivating the eyes, radiating a dazzling splendor.

With just one glance, Xiao Tianye frowned and whispered, "Let's go."

Ouyang Nuan immediately recognized that this woman was not of noble birth; she belonged to the same category as those women from the brothels and pleasure houses they had passed by earlier. Ouyang Nuan frowned slightly, standing on the side of the corridor, but she did not move a step. It was because among those richly dressed young men, she saw a familiar yet deeply detested face.

"Did you see that? Yan'er is chasing after that scholar, Zhang Ming, again. Shameless!"

"Yeah, even after everyone said they don't know her, she still has no shame!"

"Of course, that's how courtesans are!"

"Sigh, have you heard the news? They say Yan'er sold herself to the brothel to help Zhang Ming gather enough money to enter the capital for the imperial examination. It was only with the financial support that Zhang Ming could become the top scholar now!"

"If she's in the brothel, she shouldn't come looking for him anymore. I heard that Master Zhang is about to marry the daughter of the official from the Ministry of Personnel!"

The murmurs and whispers of the crowd reached Ouyang Nuan's ears, every word clear and distinct.

The mother, tears streaming down her face, tightly gripped Zhang Ming's clothes, pleading in a sorrowful tone, "Sir, I no longer dare to be your wife with my current status. I only beg you to redeem me, even if it means I become a slave or a servant..."

Zhang Ming, elegant in his embroidered robes and previously engaged in lively conversation, now had a drastic change in expression. He forcefully pushed the woman away, his voice stern, "Who are you! How dare you behave so rudely!"

It was clear that he had no intention of acknowledging Yan'er.

Yan'er, now filled with panic, her once rosy complexion turning pale, lost all traces of her worldly allure in her distress. Trembling, she stuttered, "Sir... you... you..."

Her throat choked up, unable to utter a word, as if she couldn't believe Zhang Ming's callousness.

The other well-dressed gentlemen standing nearby watched Zhang Ming handle the situation with scornful or disdainful eyes. As a top scholar, engaging in a public altercation with a woman of questionable reputation was utterly disgraceful.

Under the weight of these mocking and disdainful gazes, Zhang Ming grew increasingly furious. He suddenly slapped Yan'er across the face, feigning anger as he demanded, "How dare a lowly woman like you address me as 'sir'! Speak! Who bribed you to slander me!"

The well-dressed gentlemen accompanying him hurriedly intervened, uttering grand words of reconciliation while their faces betrayed expressions of disdain that they couldn't conceal.

This disdain was directed seven parts towards the unyielding Zhang Ming and three parts towards the self-condemning Yan'er.

Such gazes were like lashes, striking Yan'er relentlessly, leaving her stunned. She swayed unsteadily for a moment, murmuring, "I supported your studies, funded your exams, used my body for your benefit... you said once you succeeded, you would marry me in a grand procession... hah, is this how you repay me?" Her voice grew louder as she spoke, tinged with a hint of desperation.

Zhang Ming paid no further attention, addressing the others, "Let's go, ignore this crazy woman."

Yan'er, still unwilling to accept this, followed them for a while but soon grew exhausted and collapsed on the ground. At that moment, three men suddenly emerged. Seeing them, Yan'er's face turned pale with fear, and she turned to flee. However, the three men pursued relentlessly, shouting and cursing. When they caught up to Yan'er and saw her fall, they began kicking her viciously while continuing to curse, drawing the attention of numerous onlookers.

"Trying to escape, are you? Trying to escape!" The leader of the trio, with a face full of muscles and dressed in a short shirt, bellowed angrily.

"Zhang Ming!" Yan'er screamed in agony, rolling on the ground from the kicks but still struggling to stand up and demand answers.

Seeing this scene, the crowd began to murmur uneasily. Many sympathized with Yan'er, but these thugs were local bullies, and few dared to provoke them.

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While observing this, Xiaotianye remained unmoved, asking quietly, "Do you want to save her?" Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan clenched her hands tightly, her fingers trembling uncontrollably, her face turning pale. There were too many pitiful people in this world, and she couldn't help them all. However, when she saw Yan'er, it was as if she saw herself from the past. Oh, Zhang Ming, how cruel you are, to ignore and refuse to save a weak woman who is infatuated with you. Ouyang Nuan took a few involuntary steps forward, but suddenly stopped, standing there rigidly.

At that moment, Yan'er saw a pair of brocade boots appear in front of her, and she looked up in surprise. However, it wasn't Zhang Ming whom she hoped to see, but Su Yulou. His face was stern as he coldly ordered, "Stop! Beating a woman in public, you have no respect for the law!"

Zhang Ming was momentarily stunned, then quickly approached and grabbed Su Yulou's arm, saying, "Brother Su, mind your own business. We still have a banquet to attend!"

Su Yulou coldly shook off his hand, his face as frosty as ice. "Zhang, out of friendship, I must remind you that abandoning someone in need is not the behavior of a gentleman."

Zhang Ming, embarrassed and angry, retorted, "Do you actually believe the nonsense of this brothel woman? Su, I am truly innocent!"

"From now on, I, Su Yulou, will no longer consider you a friend! You're on your own!" Su Yulou said firmly, turning away from Zhang Ming and focusing on the three men. "Release her now!"

The man sneered, "Pretty boy, I suggest you back off. Say another word, and I'll beat you up too!"

Su Yulou chuckled lightly, "You can try!"

The man exchanged a glance with the other two behind him and then threw a punch. However, his fist was swiftly caught by Su Yulou, who appeared to be nothing more than a delicate young man. With a sudden twist, Su Yulou forced the man to the ground, leaving him sprawling in the dirt. Enraged, the man was about to retaliate against Su Yulou when something struck him in the face. He immediately jumped up, intending to discard whatever it was, but then he froze, opening his hand to reveal a solid gold piece. His expression was one of shock and disbelief, which was rather comical.

Su Yulou sneered coldly. "You can come to the Su Mansion in the city tomorrow to claim this young lady's redemption money. Su Yulou will be waiting. But from now on, you are not allowed to trouble her again!"

The man's anger had evaporated the moment he laid eyes on the gold piece. With a forced smile, he replied, "Yes, yes! I understand! I won't cause any more trouble!"

The crowd nearby exclaimed in admiration, "Heavens, this young man is so handsome and kind-hearted!" "This is what it means to stand up for justice! I just wonder who he is?"

"Even you don't know him? He's the son of the wealthiest family in Jiangnan, the Su family! He's a famous scholar in the capital, and a top contender in this year's imperial examination!" 

Su Yulou smiled faintly, seemingly indifferent to the discussions around him. However, at that moment, he felt an extremely cold gaze fixed on him. 

Looking over, he saw two young men standing not far away. One of them had a very handsome appearance, wearing a sky-blue garment with a silver silk belt around his waist, fluttering in the wind. But his eyes were sharp and cold, exuding a terrifying chill. When Su Yulou looked over, those eyes immediately displayed a hint of elusive mockery and resentment, indistinguishable. 

He trembled, immediately recognizing the owner of those eyes, the same eyes that often appeared in his dreams. How could he forget! In that moment, he forgot everything around him, rushing towards that direction. However, other gentlemen held him back, asking, "Hey, where are you going, Brother Su?" 

Su Yulou struggled to break free from the crowd, but the person he saw was already nowhere to be found.

Walking along the road, Xiao Tianye smiled brightly, using a very gentle expression to softly call out to Ouyang Nuan, "What's wrong with you? Why have you been silent all this time?"

Ouyang Nuan parted her lips slightly, speaking softly, "I just feel that the evildoers in this world seem to be endless!"

Xiao Tianye smiled and said, "There are not so many good people in this world. The one standing in front of you may seem extremely wicked, but it all depends on who they are dealing with."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly but didn't respond.

Xiao Tianye continued, "There are so many injustices in this world, but I have never cared about them. Those who lack the ability to protect themselves are not worth pitying."

Ouyang Nuan halted her steps instantly and whispered, "Oh? Not worth pitying death? Should the weak just die?"

The sunlight reflected on Xiao Tianye's face, his smile devoid of any shadows, but his words were incredibly harsh, "A small-minded person is not a gentleman, and a man without integrity is not worthy of respect. Although Zhang Ming is a former top scholar, he is ultimately just someone who seeks favor with those in power. If Miss Yan doesn't judge people properly, who is to blame?"

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It was the truth spoken, but this truth was like a knife, stabbing into her heart, bringing waves of painful blood. Ouyang Nuan smiled, but her smile contained an indescribable chill, as she said, "What the prince says is true."

They walked along, stopping and starting, until they reached the city gate, where they saw many people gathered below the city tower, pointing and talking about something.

Ouyang Nuan raised her head and saw a woman in a peach-colored dress standing on the city tower. Although her features were unclear due to the distance, the conspicuous dress immediately made her have an understanding of who it was. Instantly, her heart felt like it had plunged into icy water, chilling her to the bone.

The woman let out a piercing, agonized cry, "I was once a virtuous maiden. Zhang Ming ruined my life. Unable to take revenge with my own hands, I'd rather not be reborn, forever haunting as a vengeful spirit, entangling for generations!" With those words, she threw herself off the high city tower, landing with a loud thud on the bustling street below, lifeless.

Her blood stained the ground, like a sudden bloom of red flowers, eliciting screams from the onlookers.

Xiao Tianye reacted instantly, shielding Ouyang Nuan from the sight, not wanting her to witness such a dreadful scene. But he was too late. This familiar sight tore through Ouyang Nuan's senses, unleashing all the pent-up hatred and despair within her.

Death unfolded before her eyes, the accumulated anguish transformed into countless fangs of venomous snakes, gnawing at Ouyang Nuan. In that moment of witnessing, there was an uncontrollable pain, tearing through her entire being. Such pain! It was so familiar, yet so terrifying, that Ouyang Nuan suddenly covered her face, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

Xiao Tianye grabbed her hand, feeling the chilling absence of warmth, as if holding a block of ice. His heart, too, turned cold, unable to comprehend what was happening. He urgently asked, "What's wrong with you?" He couldn't understand, he would never understand, the turmoil that death had stirred in Ouyang Nuan's heart, a turmoil potent enough to render everything he had done today meaningless.

He wanted to ask more, but Ouyang Nuan couldn't bear it any longer. She forcefully pushed his hand away, leaving Xiao Tianye momentarily stunned. He reached out to grab her, but Ouyang Nuan shook him off with force, turning and walking away briskly.

From a distance, Xuan Jing saw this and immediately ordered, "Quick, go protect the prince!" Saying so, he hurriedly ran towards them.

Xiao Tianye hurried to catch up, but the onlookers surged in from all sides like a tidal wave, engulfing him. He reached out, trying to grab Ouyang Nuan's shoulder, but the crowded masses pushed him away. More and more people flooded in, like they were attending a fair, clamoring to catch a glimpse of the woman lying on the ground, eager to witness such a gruesome scene.

Xiao Tianye didn't give up. He searched through the crowd for Ouyang Nuan, determined to get close to her. In that crucial moment, however, a surge of people rushed in, dispersing them.

They missed each other by a hair's breadth.

He watched as Ouyang Nuan disappeared right before his eyes.

Ouyang Nuan was forcefully pushed aside by the crowd. She lifted her eyes, staring coldly towards the city gate. The surging crowd reminded her of the people who once eagerly rushed to see her being drowned in the river. For a moment, she felt almost trance-like, until a sudden voice pierced through her thoughts: "Is it really you?"

The voice was not loud, but full of surprise. Ouyang Nuan turned back at the sound, locking eyes with the person who spoke.

At that moment, the sunlight was warm and gentle, yet Ouyang Nuan felt a chill running through her body. She watched as the man approached, her eyes turbulent with hidden emotions, her fingers involuntarily clenching.

"I never thought I'd see you again," said Su Yulou, dressed in exquisite azure brocade robes, his lips rosy, his demeanor radiant. He slowly approached her, as if approaching a beautiful dream, his eyes filled with joy. "Miss Ouyang."

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**A Note From the Author**

"...Everyone wants to see the emotional drama, huh? Phew, I'm really not cut out for writing romantic scenes." *wipes sweat* "Oops, I accidentally let the scumbag out."

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