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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 97: 

The Duke of Wu's Mansion Comes to Propose Marriage.

After Ouyang Ke left, Fang Mama coldly watched her receding figure and then turned to Ouyang Nuan, saying, "Miss, in this old servant's opinion, Second Miss definitely has some ulterior motive this time. You must be careful."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "Whether it's genuine repentance or playing games, as long as we try, we'll find out."

Fang Mama's eyes brightened when she saw Ouyang Nuan wave to Changpu and whispered a few words in her ear. Changpu nodded and quickly left.

The next morning, Wang Jiaoxing intercepted Ouyang Ke on her way to Shou'an Hall. Ouyang Ke was dressed in a plain goose-yellow embroidered plum blossom dress, with a white jade hairpin pinned on her black hair bun. Her entire attire was very simple, a stark contrast to her usual flamboyance. Wang Jiaoxing smiled kindly, "Why is Second Miss dressed so plainly? From afar, I didn't even recognize you."

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Ouyang Ke glanced at the nearby Aunt Wang and quickly smiled, "Aunt, please don't tease me. I'm still reflecting on myself. If I wear such bright clothes for no reason, how can I look like I'm reflecting?"

Wang Jiaoxing smiled, "Second Miss is truly humble. After all, you are a legitimate young lady of this mansion. How can you be so simple? Wouldn't that make others laugh?"

"I speak from the bottom of my heart," Ouyang Ke hurriedly replied.

"I'm just joking. Second Miss, why are you so nervous?" Here, Wang Jiaoxing sighed again, looking infinitely desolate. "How could I not understand Second Miss's thoughts? Madam has been imprisoned for so long, and her birth mother is suffering. If I were Second Miss, I wouldn't be in the mood for dressing up either. Speaking of which, I also came from Madam's courtyard and still remember Madam's kindness. That's why I wanted to have a few words with you. I wonder if you would find it meddlesome?"

Ouyang Ke looked at her, a fleeting expression crossing her eyes. She smiled and asked, "Aunt, what do you want to say?"

Wang Jiaoxing leaned closer, lowering her voice. "Second Miss, it's not that Aunt wants to say this. The way you're showing weakness may work temporarily, drawing sympathy from the Old Madam and Master, but it's not a long-term solution. Miss is very cunning. Your continuous display of weakness will only make her more arrogant. Then, you'll suffer!"

Ouyang Ke's eyes flickered slightly. "I don't understand what you mean, Aunt. I truly repent now. How is it deliberate weakness?"

Wang Jiaoxing smiled, appearing mysterious. She whispered, "Second Miss, I consider you one of us, so I say this for your own good. There's nothing wrong with what I said. Please don't take offense."

Ouyang Ke smiled. "Aunt, there's no need to beat around the bush. Just say what you want to say."

Wang Jiaoxing glanced at Rui Mama and said, "I wonder if Second Miss can ensure privacy?"

Ouyang Ke shook her head without hesitation. "Rui Mama is the person closest to me. There's nothing I can't tell her."

Rui Mama kept her head bowed, silent from the start, like a completely wooden figure.

Wang Jiaoxing's smile disappeared, and she spoke seriously, "Since Second Miss said so, Aunt will speak frankly. Second Miss, you should be aware of the current situation. Madam is suffering in Furui Court, instructed by Old Madam Li to be served only three meals a day. Her life there is worse than even the lowest-ranked maidservant. The Old Madam and Master both favor Eldest Miss. She also has a younger brother who will inherit the family in the future. Plus, the servants in our mansion are quite influential. Seeing that you have no one to care for you and your legs aren't nimble, they utterly look down on you..." 

Here, Wang Jiaoxing shook her head repeatedly, looking deeply worried. "To be honest, who can you rely on in the mansion? You can only rely on yourself! You must plan carefully. Don't let Miss scheme against you again, or you may have nowhere to stand! If you're willing, I have some ideas that might help you."

Ouyang Ke was taken aback, her eyes immediately showing a furious expression. She almost uttered words of enmity and hatred. Rui Mama intervened skillfully, saying, "Look at what Aunt is saying. It sounds like she's trying to sow discord between the young ladies. Miss is Second Miss's own sister. How could she harm her? By saying such things, it only makes people think you have ulterior motives..."

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Wang Jiaoxing sneered coldly and continued in a lowered voice, "Rui Mama, are you suspecting me with those words? Have you ever thought about it? I'm not on the same side as Li Yiniang in the mansion. Eldest Miss also looks down on someone of my background. Who can I rely on? It's just finding another ally. If you don't even trust me, who else can you trust?" 

She flashed a hint of resentment in her eyes and her voice became extremely gloomy. "Second Miss, you've been humble to Eldest Miss, but has she shown any kindness to you? You know Eldest Miss much better than I do. If she's really a good person, why did Madam end up like this? If you keep hiding and doing nothing, she'll eventually deal with you as well. Do you want to live like that? Instead, why not cooperate with me..."

Ouyang Ke was initially deeply engrossed, almost convinced by Wang Jiaoxing's persuasive performance. However, suddenly, Rui Mama raised her voice and said, "Aunt, I know you mean well for Second Miss, but the way you're saying it is just not appropriate!" With this stern rebuke, Wang Jiaoxing was startled, and she angrily retorted, "What are you shouting about? I'm just trying to help..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Rui Mama subtly grabbed Ouyang Ke's arm, startling her. She immediately realized what was happening and exclaimed loudly, "Aunt, I don't know what your intentions are with these words, but let me tell you, I trust Old Madam and I trust my sister! Although Old Madam has been strict with me, it's all for my own good. Even when I was confined to my room, she never treated me unfairly! My sister is dignified and kind, with a clear conscience. She's definitely not the scheming person you describe! I know I've behaved badly in the past, but I won't make those mistakes again, and I absolutely won't be jealous of my sister anymore! I just want them to forgive me and live peaceful lives. If you continue to speak ill of them in front of me, I will report you to Father and have you expelled!"

Wang Jiaoxing's face flushed with anger, and she exclaimed, "Second Miss, I'm only doing this for your own good!"

At that moment, Ouyang Nuan appeared, supporting Old Madam Li as they walked through the corridor, followed by several maids and servants.

Upon seeing them, Wang Jiaoxing immediately put on a smile and greeted, "Greetings to Old Madam and Miss." Old Madam Li had always detested this insincere woman, giving her a cold and icy glare. Wang Jiaoxing shuddered involuntarily, and she instinctively looked towards Ouyang Nuan. Seeing Ouyang Nuan smile at her, she calmed down, respectfully saluted, and took her leave.

Ouyang Ke's face flushed red all of a sudden, and she stammered, "Old Madam, I... I..."

Old Madam Li nodded, smiling, "Although I didn't hear what Wang Jiaoxing said to anger you, I heard your sincere words just now. Grandmother is very pleased. Come here, my good child!" With that, she reached out her hand to Ouyang Ke, who immediately smiled and hurried over to stand beside Old Madam Li, looking delighted.

Ouyang Nuan observed silently, her eyes cold. She knew that everything Wang Jiaoxing said was orchestrated by her, so she was surprised by Ouyang Ke's response. Her words were just right, almost as if she knew Old Madam Li would come;... Ouyang Nuan's gaze shifted to the face of Rui Mama, and she smiled slightly. This Rui Mama was indeed an interesting person.

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From that day on, Ouyang Ke would visit Shou'an Hall every day, accompanying Old Madam Li, discussing everything from the weather to daily diet and health tips. She appeared gentle, soft-spoken, almost like a different person. The only strange thing was that she never mentioned Madam Lin, not even a single word, as if she had completely forgotten about that person.

Ouyang Nuan noticed everything but chose not to intervene. Two days passed peacefully until Zhang Mama suddenly arrived at Nuan's Pavilion. As soon as she entered, she smiled and said, "Miss, Old Madam Zhou from the Dingyuan Gong family and Madam Zhou are here. Old Madam wants you to visit!"

Ouyang Nuan frowned slightly. The Dingyuan Gong family and the Ouyang family had never had close dealings, and Old Madam Zhou, feeling proud of her status, sometimes looked down on Old Madam Li. Why would they suddenly come to visit?

Shou'an Hall was bustling at the moment. Ouyang Nuan could hear Madam Zhou's hearty laughter from outside the curtain, "Old Madam has been wanting to visit for a while, but she couldn't find the time!"

"Indeed, your residence is just two streets away from ours," Old Madam Li chuckled. "We should move around more."

Just then, Madam Zhou smiled and said, "I heard that Miss has a longevity painting, inheriting the true skills of the old Marquis of Zhenguo. Is that true?"

Old Madam Li chuckled, "That's just a rumor. She's still young; how could she compare to the old marquis's expertise? She can barely appreciate it." Her words sounded modest, but there was a hint of pride in them. She then turned to Old Madam Zhou and said with a smile, "Old Madam, you're too modest. Among the young ladies in the capital, your Miss is definitely one of the best in terms of virtue, appearance, and talent!"

Just as Old Madam Li was about to continue, Yurong interjected, "Old Madam, Miss is here!"

"Please come in!" Old Madam Li responded with a smile. 

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly at Yurong and then walked in. Old Madam Zhou, wearing a dress with auspicious patterns on a beige background and a blue skirt with peony patterns, smiled as she looked at Ouyang Nuan. They had met before at the Ningguo Temple, so they were not strangers. Ouyang Nuan greeted her respectfully before turning to Madam Zhou. 

Madam Zhou had a beautiful face and a noble temperament. She wore a rose-purple round-necked dress with silver edging and golden brooches on the collar, adorned with blooming peonies on both sides. She wore earrings with turquoise stones. She was the second wife of the Zhou family and the aunt of Zhou Zhijun.

Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, Madam Zhou immediately smiled and exclaimed, "Oh my! I thought our Zhijun was already a rare find in this world, but who would have thought the Ouyang family harbored such a beautiful young lady."

Ouyang Nuan courteously bowed to her, and Old Madam Zhou chuckled, "That's just your lack of exposure. I've told you before, the young lady of the Ouyang family is exceptional."

"I must admit my ignorance!" Madam Zhou said, taking Ouyang Nuan's hand and examining it closely. "No wonder, no wonder!" There was a hint of ambiguity in her smile, leaving her intentions unclear.

As Madam Zhou's words sank in, Ouyang Nuan's smile remained, but the warmth in her eyes faded. She suddenly realized that this visit was not merely a social call. While smiling at Old Madam Li, she said, "Grandmother, did you summon your granddaughter for something specific?"

Old Madam Li smiled and replied, "Bring the screen you embroidered the other day to show Madam Zhou."

Ouyang Nuan was momentarily taken aback, but then she smiled and said, "Of course." She softly instructed Hongyu to fetch the screen. As she turned back, she noticed Madam Zhou smiling at her with a face full of warmth, which only deepened her suspicions.

红玉 brought in the screen, which stood about half a meter tall. Old Madam Zhou cast her eyes upon it, beholding a screen adorned with vibrant shades of vermilion and gold, exuding an aura of grandeur.

Madam Zhou couldn't help but rise from her seat to examine the screen closely. At its center was a genial-looking Longevity Star, holding a longevity scepter, appearing amiable and approachable. Beneath the Longevity Star's scepter hung a longevity peach. What made this screen unique was that it wasn't a single painting but a composition formed by the characters "福" (good fortune), "禄" (prosperity), and "寿" (longevity) depicted in a painting-like manner. The overall layout of the composition resembled the character "福", with a crane and floating clouds forming the left half of the character, and the Longevity Star with the scepter forming the right half. The characters "禄" and "寿" were cleverly embedded within the character "福".

Madam Zhou exclaimed, "Old Madam, look at this! The crane, the Longevity Star, the longevity scepter, and the longevity peach in this painting blend seamlessly together, demonstrating extraordinary craftsmanship."

Old Madam Zhou nodded in satisfaction and remarked, "Indeed, the craftsmanship is exquisite!" In her heart, she thought, 'It's fortunate that it wasn't Ouyang Nuan who married into the Prince's Mansion from the Marquis of Zhenguo's Mansion. Otherwise, given her talent and appearance, Zhijun would probably have to put in a lot of effort to suppress her.'

Old Madam Li, unaware of Old Madam Zhou's thoughts, simply smiled and said, "Look, all the images on this screen were drawn by Nuan'er herself, and then meticulously carved to resemble the drawings."

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As everyone marveled, they examined the screen more closely. The top of the screen was adorned with intricately carved auspicious symbols such as bats, lotus flowers, peonies, magpies, and plum blossoms, intermingling on the thin wooden panel with lifelike detail. The bottom of the screen was divided into three rows. The first row featured six carvings of flowers, butterflies, bats, auspicious clouds, and more, each exquisitely detailed. The second row contained eight carvings, depicting over ten beautiful women engaged in various activities like embroidery, butterfly-catching, reading, or moon-watching, each with distinct and lifelike expressions. The third row showcased six carvings of lions, phoenixes, flowers, and other motifs, lending the entire screen an aura of stability and vitality.

Madam Zhou continued to praise Ouyang Nuan, but Nuan's smile remained faint. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something suspicious about the visit from the Zhou family this time.

Ouyang Nuan examined the screen and then left the Shou'an Hall. She glanced at Hongyu, who immediately understood and hurriedly departed.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan leave, Madam Zhou smiled and said, "Old Madam, truth be told, today we came with a purpose! You know about the Duke of Wu's Mansion. It's a top-tier noble family, and the Madam of Wu, on behalf of her eldest son, seeks a marriage alliance. After much consideration, there aren't many young ladies in the capital who are suitable for the Duke's eldest son. Finally, I thought of your young miss."

The Duke of Wu's Mansion—the mere mention of it made Old Madam Li's heart skip a beat. Ever since the incident involving Chen Lanxin, she had been secretly wary of the Duke of Wu's Mansion, fearing they might wrongly accuse the Ouyang family. However, despite all her calculations, she hadn't expected the Chen family to propose a marriage alliance for Chen Jingrui. With this in mind, she smiled faintly and replied, "Madam, are you joking? I've heard that the Duke of Chen already has a fiancée."

Old Madam Zhou remained composed, sipping her tea with steady poise. 

Madam Zhou, seemingly prepared for this conversation, smiled and said, "Old Madam, you're speaking of matters long past. Let me be frank with you. The Duke of Chen had indeed settled on a marriage alliance years ago with the eldest daughter of the Nan'an Duke's main branch. Unfortunately, that young lady had been ill for several years and couldn't outlast her fate. It's a pity. This delayed the Duke of Chen's marriage. With his qualifications, he shouldn't have remained unmarried till now. It's all because of Miss Xu's situation, which wasted precious time." 

Old Madam Li looked at Madam Zhou with a complex expression, hesitated for a moment, then slowly asked, "Is this the intention of the Madam of the Duke of Wu's Mansion?" 

Madam Zhou chuckled, "Naturally. The Lady of the Duke of Wu's Mansion happened to see Miss Ouyang on a casual occasion. Impressed by her gentle and lovely demeanor, as well as her talents and beauty, she conceived this idea. Unfortunately, Miss Xu was still present at the time, so it was just a passing thought. But now that Miss Xu is gone, she has come to implore our Old Madam to act as the matchmaker..."

Old Madam Li's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing this, prompting a gentle rebuke from Madame Zhou, "What are you saying? The Duke of Wu's Mansion is a family of integrity and goodwill. When Miss Xu fell seriously ill, the Duke of Nan'an felt remorseful and voluntarily proposed to call off the engagement. However, the Duke of Wu's Mansion firmly refused, stating that once an engagement was made, there was no reason to easily break it off. Alas, it's a pity for Miss Xu. Such a good family, yet she didn't have the fortune to marry into it." 

Madame Zhou hurriedly added, "Yes, yes, what the old lady said is correct. I spoke too hastily just now and failed to explain clearly. Please don't blame us, Old Madam." 

Old Madam Li's expression softened slightly, but her tone remained indifferent as she said, "The Duke's son's marriage has indeed been full of twists and turns. I sympathize with him. However, your request is too sudden. I'm quite surprised. Besides, I alone cannot make decisions about this marriage. I need to discuss it with her parents." 

Madame Zhou smiled and said, "Old Madam, you must consider this marriage carefully. The Duke of Wu's Mansion's lineage and the Duke's son's future prospects are both illustrious and wealthy. You won't find a better match even if you search with a lantern!"

Old Madam Li replied indifferently, "Madame Zhou is right. However, my dearest is Nuan'er. If I were to marry her off solely based on the high status of the Duke of Wu's Mansion and the promising future of the Duke's son, wouldn't others say that our Ouyang family is coveting wealth and status?"

Old Madam Zhou set down her teacup and smiled faintly, "Old Madam, you're right. Choosing a son-in-law requires careful consideration. You can take your time to think it over. However, we can't delay too long. Miss Xu has only been gone for a few days, and the Duke of Wu's Mansion has already been swarmed by matchmakers. Countless families are eager to propose their daughters to the Duke's son. In our family, we only have two legitimate daughters, one married into the Prince's Mansion, and the other is too young. The rest are all illegitimate daughters who cannot match the status of the Duke of Wu's Mansion. Otherwise, you might miss the opportunity while you're still contemplating here!"

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The implication was clear: the Duke of Wu's Mansion offering to marry into the Ouyang family was a tremendous honor, so there was no need for hesitation. Old Madam Li understood this implicitly. She thought, "Your family has already produced the future Empress, the legitimate wife of the Crown Prince. How can my family aspire to marry into a ducal household and not consider it an honor?!" She felt somewhat gloomy but dared not say much more out of respect for Old Madam Zhou's face. All she could do was smile awkwardly and say, "Very well. We will give you a prompt reply on this matter."

At that moment, Yumei entered to change the tea, hearing everything. She was surprised but kept her emotions hidden, lowering her head and then leaving quietly.

After some more discussion, Old Madam Zhou took her leave, and Old Madam Li personally escorted her to the door. When she returned, her expression had turned somewhat grim. She instructed Zhang Mama, "Go, fetch the Master! Tell him I have urgent matters to discuss!"

Zhang Mama went off to find the Master but returned to inform Old Madam Li that Ouyang Zhi had already left after finishing his lunch. Indeed, Ouyang Zhi was not at home; he was currently attending the birthday banquet at the Duke of Wu's Mansion. Today was the Duke's birthday celebration, and dignitaries from all over had been invited. The sedan chairs of these officials filled the streets, and the mansion was adorned with decorations, exuding a festive atmosphere.

After drinking, dining, and enjoying the play, Ouyang Zhi intended to take his leave like everyone else. However, Duke Wu smiled faintly at him and whispered, "Minister Ouyang, don't leave just yet. Today, Minister Liao didn't come, and I have a message for you to convey to him tomorrow. Please stay for a moment."

Upon hearing this, Minister Lin Wenyuan of the Ministry of War glanced at Duke Wu, suppressing his suspicions. He then turned and left with the others, leaving only Ouyang Zhi to follow Duke Wu into the study, puzzled.

"Duke Wu, if you have a message to deliver, I can pass it on to Minister Liao tomorrow morning. Please, speak plainly," Ouyang Zhi said, scrutinizing Duke Wu's expression carefully and speaking cautiously. After all, Duke Wu held a high position, while he was just an assistant minister at the Ministry of Personnel, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

Duke Wu Chen Feng smiled faintly and said, "That was just an excuse. Actually, I have something to tell Deputy Minister Ouyang."

Ouyang Zhi was filled with suspicion, unsure of what Duke Wu had to say. He listened as Chen Feng continued, "A month ago, while I was on official duty outside the capital, I encountered a woman and a young girl trying to leave the city at the gate. The guards detained them upon discovering that the woman was a courtesan who had fled from a brothel. She blocked my sedan chair, pleading for innocence, mistaking me for the magistrate of Jingzhao..."

Chen Feng's words were a mix of truth and falsehood, making it difficult to discern how he had discovered the woman. Ouyang Zhi felt a sudden rush to his head, his face turning pale. Chen Feng coldly watched him, noticing his near-fainting appearance, and said with a smile, "Deputy Minister Ouyang, this woman is named Kou'er. She was carrying a seven-year-old girl in her arms. According to her, the child is the offspring of her and an official. However, the child's biological father refuses to acknowledge her identity, merely giving her some money to send her back to the countryside."

Seeing Ouyang Zhi's increasingly pallid complexion, Chen Feng coldly smirked, "Deputy Minister Ouyang, a man who abandons his own flesh and blood is truly unacceptable, don't you think?"

Large beads of sweat formed on Ouyang Zhi's forehead. For a moment, he was speechless, staring blankly before finally forcing himself to regain composure and saying with a bitter smile, "Perhaps... Perhaps he had his own difficulties..."

Chen Feng's face darkened, his voice suddenly becoming stern. "It doesn't stop there! That child of hers was born in the first month of the lunar year seven years ago. At that time, it was during the mourning period for the Empress Dowager! He befriended her in the brothel during the national mourning period, causing her to become pregnant. Afterward, he heartlessly abandoned his own flesh and blood, leaving them mother and daughter to wander. Once these accusations reach the Emperor's ears, that official will not only face death but also severe punishment!"

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Ouyang Zhi felt as if the sky was spinning, stars flashing before his eyes. His legs went weak, and he collapsed into the chair, murmuring, "Stop... Please stop... It's me! It's my fault! I am guilty... It's all my fault!"

"Oh... Deputy Minister Ouyang, that woman firmly accuses you of being heartless and committing a grave mistake. I initially suspected, but who would have thought it was really you! How could you do such a foolish thing! What am I to do with you now?" Chen Feng's expression softened as Ouyang Zhi finally admitted his guilt, sighing deeply with an air of regret.

"Duke, I will submit a report tomorrow and request punishment!" Ouyang Zhi gritted his teeth.

Chen Feng sighed again. "With things as they stand, your future is bleak. If things go awry, you may not even be able to save your own life. How can I bear it..."

Ouyang Zhi was taken aback, then observed Chen Feng's expression, a glimmer of hope sparking in his heart. "Duke, can you let me off the hook?"

Chen Feng smiled faintly. "Ouyang, let me be honest with you. If I really wanted to deal with you, I would have reported you long ago. Why wait until today? I brought you here today to let you know that I still hold some favor towards you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have helped you pacify that woman for now." Committing adultery during the period of national mourning and abandoning one's own flesh and blood is a grave sin, a scandal of immense proportions. Once the Emperor finds out, he will surely strip him of his position and even execute him! Why would the Duke of Wu conceal such a matter? Ouyang Zhi looked at the smile on Chen Feng's face and felt a cold sweat soaking his back.

Ouyang Zhi returned home dejectedly, only to be informed that the Old Madam had sent someone to summon him. He reluctantly pulled himself together, changed into his regular attire, and went to the Shou'an Hall.

The Old Madam was already tired, leaning against the kang with her eyes half closed. When Ouyang Zhi entered, she immediately opened her eyes and said, "You're back."

"Yes, Mother. Your son is back. May I ask what matter the Old Madam wishes to discuss with her son?"

"Today, Madam Zhou came on behalf of the Duke of Wu's Mansion, proposing a marriage between you and Chen Jingrui," Old Madam Li stared at him, enunciating each word slowly.

Ouyang Zhi was taken aback, unable to utter a single word as he sat on the chair. Thinking of the Duke of Wu's actions today, his heart drummed wildly.

Old Madam Li did not notice his unusual reaction and continued, "The matter of Nuan'er's marriage was already discussed. We agreed to carefully select a match. Ordinary families wouldn't even be considered. It would be best for her to marry a prince or a duke, only then would it not be a disservice to Nuan'er." Here, a hint of sarcasm appeared on her lips. "Indeed, the Duke of Wu's Mansion is a first-class noble family, even overshadowing the Marquis of Zhenguo's prestige. However, our Nuan'er is talented and renowned in the capital. She may have a better future ahead. According to my opinion, there's no need to rush into a decision like this."

In fact, even without Old Madam Li's words, Ouyang Zhi understood. Of course, he also wanted Ouyang Nuan to connect with the royal family. However, now that he hadn't even seen a shadow of the royal family, he had already fallen into the trap set by the Duke of Wu's Mansion. 

If he refused this marriage proposal, the consequences would be unimaginable. Ouyang Zhi vaguely guessed that everything was a trap set by the Duke of Wu's Mansion. But for him, even if he knew it was a trap, he had to step into it. 

With this in mind, he smiled and said, "Mother's intentions, your son naturally understands. However, these days, I've been thinking. Although the Crown Prince is excellent, he's still in a precarious position. The other major noble families have already established their positions. We're already a wealthy family, so why rush to climb higher? If things go wrong, we'll lose everything. 

He took a breath and continued, "The Duke of Wu's Mansion is different. They always have the Empress Dowager's support, and they are the husband's family of the Grand Princess. Their attitude has always been neutral. No matter who ascends the throne, they won't easily offend their family! They are undoubtedly one of the top noble families in the capital. Chen Jingrui is the eldest son of the Duke of Wu and will inherit the title in the future. I heard that the Liao family has long been interested in marrying their daughter to him, but they chose our Nuan'er instead. This is also Nuan'er's blessing. By then, Nuan'er will become the Duchess of Wu..."

Old Madam Li's face was full of astonishment, and she interrupted coldly, "Are you truly confused? Have you forgotten about Chen Lanxin from the Duke of Wu's Mansion being forced to marry far away? Although this matter is not directly related to our family, who knows if they'll hold a grudge against us! Their Duke of Wu's Mansion is a prestigious family, why couldn't they find a suitable match from other noble families? Why are they in such a hurry to come to our house for a marriage proposal? What if it's out of spite? We can't treat a child's lifelong happiness as a joke!" Her words sounded reasonable, but in reality, Old Madam Li just couldn't bear to see her carefully arranged chess piece end up in a mere duke's household.

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It was precisely because she couldn't bear to let go of a bright future that she had to marry Ouyang Nuan off! Ouyang Zhi trembled as he asked, "Madam, did you reject it?"

Old Madam Li frowned, "Of course, I can't directly refuse. I'll just tell her that our Nuan'er is still young and we need to reconsider!"

Ouyang Zhi muttered vaguely, "Madam, I think this marriage proposal is excellent. Why don't you agree to it..."

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Li became furious, "I've said so much for nothing, haven't I? It's all for the good of our family. Instead of thinking about sending her to the Crown Prince's Residence, you're still considering marrying her off like this. Have you gone mad?"

In her urgency, she unexpectedly uttered the words "the Crown Prince's residence", realizing her mistake immediately, her expression changing. Thankfully, Zhang Mama had just dismissed the maidservants to prevent anyone from overhearing Old Madam Li's unsettling thoughts; otherwise, it might have led to trouble. Ouyang Zhi shuddered, then promptly knelt down with a thud, his face filled with remorse. "Old Madam, please calm down. I have no choice," he pleaded.

Behind the curtain, Zhang Mama only vaguely heard the words "brothel" and "illegitimate daughter", followed by the sound of a teacup shattering. Then came a series of slapping sounds, leaving her trembling with fear. It had been many years since Old Madam had shown such anger! What could Master have done to provoke such a furious reaction? After a long while, the room finally fell silent. 

Summoning her courage, Zhang Mama entered, finding the floor littered with broken porcelain. Old Madam Li sat in her chair, her face stormy, while Ouyang Zhi knelt on the ground, trembling. With a heavy heart, Zhang Mama heard Old Madam Li's cold command: "Clean up this mess at once!"

Old Madam Li was deeply concerned about the political situation. She knew that while keeping Ouyang Nuan could potentially lead to a connection with the royal family, it was still uncertain. Even if it succeeded, aligning with the wrong faction could spell trouble. The Wu State Duke's Manor was unquestionably a top-tier noble family in the capital. Regardless of their reasons for seeking the marriage with Ouyang Nuan, it would only benefit the Ouyang family. Moreover, Chen Jingrui was outstanding in both literary and martial arts, making his future inheritance of the Wu State Duke's Manor almost certain. After calming down from her initial anger, Old Madam Li considered the pros and cons and eventually agreed to the marriage proposal.

Fearful of her changing her mind, Ouyang Zhi promptly sent someone to inform Old Madam Zhou at Dingyuan Manor, urging the Wu State Duke's Manor to proceed with the betrothal ceremony as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, upon receiving the news from Yumei, Hongyu's expression changed drastically. She hurried back and informed Ouyang Nuan of everything.

"Miss, you must make a decision quickly!" Hongyu was anxious, but Ouyang Nuan remained silent, her gaze cold as she looked at Hongyu. "Tell me, why would the Chen family want to marry me?" 

Hongyu's heart skipped a beat. Indeed, why would the eldest son of the Chen family, who harbored resentment towards Miss, come to propose marriage?

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