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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 90: 

The Prince's Residence: New Grudges, Old Resentments.

The Qingpeng carriage of the Ouyang family was adorned with colorful clouds-like brocade, its tassels and wind chimes swaying gently in the wind, producing a melodic sound akin to music.

Old Madam Li's thoughts were certainly understood by Ouyang Nuan, especially when she saw the redecorated carriage, this intuition became even clearer.

Ouyang Jue, dressed in a casual silk robe, looked at the carriage with a hint of astonishment in his eyes. Then he turned to his sister and said, "Sister, is this..."

Ouyang Nuan wore a light green silk dress, its skirt resembling ripples of clear water, adorned with subtly shimmering pearls. Her hair was adorned with only a white jade hairpin entwined with a branch, with a solitary cool blue sapphire embedded on its surface. This ensemble complemented her delicate features, graceful figure, and exuded a refreshing and elegant natural beauty.

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Glancing at Ouyang Jue, who now sported a handsome young man's appearance, Ouyang Nuan smiled gently. "Jue, this is grandmother's intention, no need to think too much about it," she said before taking Hongyu's hand and boarding the carriage. After a moment of contemplation, Ouyang Jue's expression gradually relaxed, and he quickly climbed onto his horse, accompanying the carriage on its journey towards the Crown Prince's Mansion.

Arriving early, Ouyang Nuan found only a few carriages parked at the entrance. Guided through the winding corridors and bridges, she passed by clusters of willows standing by the water, their branches and leaves trembling in the breeze. Ouyang Jue was led to a side hall to drink tea, while Ouyang Nuan was escorted into the inner courtyard.

Slowly walking through the garden, Ouyang Nuan gradually approached the Ink Lotus Pavilion where Lin Yuanxin resided. Situated on the western side of the entire mansion, the pavilion faced a lake with rippling waves, dotted with numerous lotus plants. It was midsummer, and the flowers were in full bloom, their petals unfurling like a magnificent scroll before Ouyang Nuan's eyes. Countless fragrant scents wafted towards her as she slowed her pace, already spotting Lin Yuanxin leaning on the railing in front of the pavilion, scattering bait into the pond to entice the koi swimming beneath the lush green lotus leaves.

Upon seeing Lin Yuanxin, Ouyang Nuan's serene face lit up with a smile. Lin Yuanxin's maid, Shanju, noticed her first and gently reminded Lin Yuanxin, who was still lost in thought. Lin Yuanxin turned her gaze towards Ouyang Nuan, immediately revealing a joyful expression on her face. She stood up and quickly walked over, her steps filled with eagerness as she approached.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and greeted her with a bow, while Lin Yuanxin smiled helplessly. Since becoming the concubine of the Crown Prince, she could no longer be as casual as before. "Please, rise," she said with a smile, extending her hand to help her up. Once inside the Ink Lotus Pavilion, Lin Yuanxin immediately linked her arm with Ouyang Nuan's and led her into the inner chamber.

Inside the Ink Lotus Pavilion, sunlight streamed through the bright red window screens, illuminating the inner chamber with a clean and bright atmosphere. On the side table, a vibrant lotus flower bloomed in a small Ru kiln basin, its bright colors bringing joy to those who beheld it.

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"At last, you've come to visit me!" Sitting down on embroidered stools, Lin Yuanxin couldn't conceal her joy. For the past two years, she had invited Ouyang Nuan to accompany her every half month, but Ouyang Nuan always strictly adhered to etiquette. She either attended banquets or came with Madame Shen. Considering this, out of ten invitations, she only accepted one or two.

Tao Tian approached with a tray, carrying a plate of tea from Jiangnan, with bowls made of white jade and clear tea leaves. The fragrance was delightful, even just by sniffing it. However, Lin Yuanxin seemed oblivious to it all, her face displaying a faint sense of melancholy.

"Cousin, if Aunt sees you like this, she'll have something to say," Ouyang Nuan chuckled, shaking her head with a voice as cool as water, yet carrying a subtle hint of tenderness.

Lin Yuanxin raised her eyebrows, her eyes shining brightly. "That's because Mother has no idea what my days are like here."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Shanju, seeing that she had dismissed all the maids and gently lowered the privacy screen before turning back to Lin Yuanxin. "Cousin, does the Crown Prince treat you poorly?"

"No, he treats me well, but he treats everyone the same way," Lin Yuanxin replied, looking at Ouyang Nuan with eyes filled with an indescribable calmness that surprised Ouyang Nuan.

Lin Yuanxin recalled the time when Zhou Zhijun entered the mansion. She quietly went to the new room to observe, and on the lacquerware and gold-carved three-panel dressing table, the bronze mirror reflected the red candles. The candlelight was as red as the sunset, spreading out, and she saw the new bride in a bright red ceremonial dress. With a phoenix coronet adorned with red and gold on her black hair, and intricate and luxurious patterns embroidered on her chest, the dazzling red made one dizzy. It was then that she suddenly realized the difference between herself and the other. As the legitimate wife, Zhou Zhijun could wear a bright red ceremonial dress, while her own ceremonial dress, although magnificent, could not be bright red. This dazzling bright red represented a status that no one could shake.

"Nuan'er, I'll tell you the truth. In these two years, he already has a legitimate wife, a concubine, four court ladies, and many beauties sent by officials." Lin Yuanxin smiled faintly, playing with the lid of the teacup, and slowly said, "As the Grand Prince, he needs to be fair to all. He rarely comes to Ink Lotus Pavilion, only a few times a month." When she spoke, her tone was not sad, just calm, which made Ouyang Nuan feel a little surprised.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the luxurious furnishings in the inner room and said softly, "It's a good thing for Cousin to be favored by the Crown Prince. But reaching such heights inevitably attracts jealousy. His actions are also a form of protection for you. However, in his words and deeds, he will eventually reveal some true feelings. Otherwise, Cousin wouldn't be staying in Ink Lotus Pavilion, and the arrangement here wouldn't be one of the most exquisite in the inner courtyard."

Lin Yuanxin chuckled, "You've always been clever and sharp. Even if you didn't guess everything right, you're not far off. Although he doesn't come often, he still takes great care of me." She paused for a moment, a relaxed expression on her face, "Nuan'er, don't always talk about my affairs. In another five months, you'll be of age too. Do you have any plans?"

Ouyang Nuan's expression slightly froze, but she remained silent.

Lin Yuanxin, undeterred, continued with a smile, "You have your grandmother and father. Originally, it shouldn't be my concern, but with their personalities, how could they genuinely consider your well-being? You should think about your future on your own." Then, she suddenly looked at Ouyang Nuan seriously and asked, "Do you want to marry into the royal family?"

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "Sister, I have no desire to climb the social ladder."

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Lin Yuanxin looked at her with clear, shining eyes. "Nuan'er, in these few visits you've made, have you not noticed that the Crown Prince makes sure to be here every time, no matter how busy he is? He genuinely likes you."

Ouyang Nuan responded with composure, "Cousin, do you remember when grandmother asked us to choose spring garments together?"

Lin Yuanxin was puzzled by her sudden mention of this.

Ouyang Nuan said calmly, "That spring garment we chose back then was indeed beautiful, and I liked it very much. However, it was your favorite. Anything you like, I would never touch."

Lin Yuanxin was momentarily stunned, a touch of emotion appearing in her eyes. She spoke slowly, "Nuan'er, what I said just now was not a test. Between you and me, there's no need for such pretense. I understand your thoughts completely. I know that if you were to marry into the royal family, you would definitely help me. But still, I don't want you to marry him."

A hint of a smile appeared in Ouyang Nuan's eyes. At that moment, she thought Lin Yuanxin was merely rejecting out of feminine instinct. However, Lin Yuanxin continued, "Nuan'er, no matter how much the Crown Prince may favor a woman, he will never prioritize her above everything else. A man like him can never warm your heart or give you true happiness. Most importantly, I've already fallen into this quagmire. I don't want you to be trapped here too."

Ouyang Nuan stared at Lin Yuanxin in astonishment, her emotions swirling inside her. The smile vanished from her face in that instant. She once again realized how dear and lovely her naive and kind-hearted cousin was. With that thought, she instinctively reached out and held her hand.

Ouyang Nuan had also noticed the Crown Prince's intentions. Every time she visited, he would come to the Ink Lotus Pavilion. At first, she thought it was a coincidence, but as the visits became more frequent, she understood everything. However, he did nothing more than exchange a few words with them, mostly sitting at a distance, as if quietly observing. It made it difficult for her to refuse him. 

Objectively, considering her status, marrying the Crown Prince would have been a good opportunity. But even for the sake of her cousin, she was unwilling. They were each other's only relatives in the world, and she was unwilling to risk losing her even a little. Moreover, she was right. A man like the Crown Prince might like and admire a woman, but he wouldn't spoil or cherish her. In that case, her brother would be just one of his many brothers-in-law, receiving little care.

Therefore, for Ouyang Nuan, the Crown Prince was not the best choice.

"I often invite you to come over, not only to accompany me for a chat, but more importantly, to let everyone know that you are my close cousin. In the future, when you marry, no one will dare to mistreat you, all because of the Grand Prince's influence," Lin Yuanxin said earnestly. Her purple phoenix-patterned robe shimmered, but it couldn't compare to the radiance in her eyes.

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, a hint of warmth glimmering in her eyes. "Nuan'er understands all of this. Thank you, cousin, for caring about me."

Lin Yuanxin understood that Ouyang Nuan appreciated her concern, but precisely because of this, she was unwilling to keep visiting the Crown Prince's residence repeatedly.

"Imperial Consort Lin, it's time for the banquet," Shan Ju gently reminded.

Lin Yuanxin stood up with a smile and said to Ouyang Nuan, "Let's go, we shouldn't be late."

The two walked hand in hand, chatting and admiring the scenery along the way. They passed pavilions, towers, and bridges, all exquisitely luxurious. As they approached a faux mountain, Lin Yuanxin suddenly stopped, her gaze fixed ahead.

Ouyang Nuan followed her gaze and saw Princess Rong, dressed in a light pink silk blouse with silver embroidery of precious flower patterns on a long skirt, standing under a willow tree with a man. At this moment, her flowing skirt fluttered in the wind like ripples, making her more captivating than the flowers themselves.

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Ouyang Nuan recognized the well-dressed man as the Crown Prince with concern, but when she glanced at Lin Yuanxin, she saw her serene expression and gentle smile.

Princess Rong's eyes were sparkling, and even without a smile, she seemed to be wearing one. She exuded a graceful and charming demeanor. Facing such a beauty, Xiao Yan naturally showed infinite patience. The two were engaged in an intimate conversation when suddenly they were interrupted by a soft call, "Your Highness."

Princess Rong paused, tilting her head slightly to see two young women standing beside the rockery on the side of the pavilion.

In that moment, Xiao Yan's smile deepened, and Princess Rong glanced at the two women, her face showing a natural smile. The sunlight fell on her smiling eyes and eyebrows, making even her smile radiant, dazzling people's eyes.

In that instant, Ouyang Nuan keenly felt that Lin Yuanxin's bright eyes dimmed.

Xiao Yan hurried over, looking at Lin Yuanxin and smiling, "Xin'er, you're here." Then, he glanced at Ouyang Nuan beside her, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes. "Miss Ouyang, you are indeed difficult to invite. Xin'er has been looking forward to seeing you, but it's not easy to get you here."

There seemed to be a hint of inexplicable complexity in his eyes. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Your Highness's care for my cousin is truly admirable."

Xiao Yan's brows slightly furrowed, apparently not entirely satisfied with her evasive response, but he knew it wasn't the time to press further. He just smiled and said to Lin Yuanxin, "Xin'er, please take care of Princess Rong. There are many guests in the hall, so I'll leave first."

Lin Yuanxin smiled respectfully and bowed, saying, "Yes."

At this moment, Princess Rong had already walked over with a smile and said, "Your Highness, there is no need to worry. Imperial Consort Lin and Miss Ouyang are already familiar to me."

Xiao Yan smiled and nodded at her, casting another deep glance at Ouyang Nuan before quickly leaving. Princess Rong approached with a smile and said, "It has been a long time since we last met, both of you."

Lin Yuanxin's smile was faint but courteous, showing no lack of consideration. "Princess Rong, you are not someone one can easily encounter in the palace. It is indeed an honor for us to have the opportunity to invite such an esteemed guest like yourself."

Princess Rong smiled gracefully, her eyes full of charm. She said, "It was because the Empress Dowager saw that I had been in the palace for a long time and was afraid I might feel bored, so she specially allowed me to leave. But I didn't expect to encounter Miss Ouyang here."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Princess, you jest. I just came along to join in the festivities."

Princess Rong's smile seemed somewhat ambiguous as she replied, "I wonder if Miss Ouyang attended Lanxin's wedding. It's a pity she married someone so far away. By the way, she sent me a letter some days ago..." She paused suddenly, her gaze on Ouyang Nuan's face with a hint of amusement.

Ouyang Nuan's eyes sparkled as she lightly chuckled, "Princess, you kid! I never leave my home, how could I attend? Thankfully, I heard that Miss Chen, though married far away, is treated very well by her husband. That's considered a good match, isn't it? I wonder what Miss Chen wrote in her letter..." Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, her gaze seemingly casual as it swept over Princess Rong. "Surely she didn't express any dissatisfaction with the marriage."

Princess Rong's smile barely wavered, her demeanor as serene as ever as she replied, "Miss Ouyang really knows how to joke. Which young lady would dare express dissatisfaction with her husband's family?" She exclaimed in surprise, "Does Miss Ouyang know something about the situation?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Princess and Miss Chen may be close, but I have only had a few chance encounters with her. How could I possibly know anything? Hearing the princess's words piques my curiosity."

Meanwhile, Lin Yuanxin listened silently, her face showing a pensive expression. At this moment, Ouyang Nuan spoke casually, saying, "Speaking of marriage, it is often decided by parents and matchmakers. Whether one is satisfied or not, there is no room for one's own voice, let alone planning. Isn't that right, Princess Rong?"

Princess Rong immediately became alert, her expression freezing abruptly, no longer as composed as before. She replied slowly, "Miss Ouyang is indeed well-spoken and wise. Her words are faultless."

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Ouyang Nuan casually remarked, "I was just inspired by what Princess Rong mentioned about Miss Chen's situation." 

Princess Rong gazed at Ouyang Nuan, fully aware that she was subtly alluding to her recent deliberate approach to Crown Prince Xiao Yan. Yet, she couldn't react and maintained a faint smile, masking all her emotions. "Miss Ouyang's reputation precedes her in the capital, so she naturally won't have trouble finding a suitable match," she said. 

However, she was different. She had turned eighteen this year. Even if she was reluctant, she had to plan for herself. Given her status, if she entered the Crown Prince's residence, even Zhou Zhijun would have to step aside! So, what was wrong with her deliberately getting close to Xiao Yan?

Ouyang Nuan smiled calmly and said, "Being a woman is indeed very difficult. Every step must be taken with caution, as one wrong move could be irreparable. So... the more urgent it is, the more cautious one must be." 

Lin Yuanxin was slightly moved by Ouyang Nuan's words and added, "Nuan'er is right. Everything is predestined. It's not about what you want but what fate has in store for you." She glanced at Princess Rong with a smile.

Princess Rong's gaze trembled slightly, and she lowered her head. She knew it well. How could she be willing? The Empress Dowager made her an empty promise, making her wait for several years, but now she couldn't wait any longer! Perhaps the words exchanged between the two of them today held a subtle reminder for her. However, with her talents and beauty, how could she willingly marry an ordinary man?

The three of them arrived at the banquet, and many guests had already taken their seats. The Princess Rong went to her own seat first, then Lin Yuanxin smiled at Ouyang Nuan and discreetly pointed to a nearby seat, indicating for her to sit there. 

Lin Yuanxin then went to sit beside the Crown Prince. From a distance, Ouyang Nuan saw Xiao Yan seated beside someone who had eyebrows like emerald feathers, skin as white as snow, a beautiful face, and outstanding temperament. A delicately crafted hairpin danced in her dark hair, glinting subtly. Surprisingly, she had no makeup on her face at all. Ouyang Nuan immediately recognized her as Xiao Yan's primary consort, Zhou Zhijun. 

At that moment, she sat quietly beside Xiao Yan. All eyes were on her, showcasing her graceful temperament and stunning beauty. If the Princess Rong was like a splendid peony in the garden, then Zhou Zhijun was like an orchid hidden in the valley. It was only when she married the Crown Prince and began attending various events that people exclaimed in surprise. It turned out that the Zhou family had such a beauty, hidden from view for so many years. It was truly astonishing.

Looking at Lin Yuanxin quietly sitting beside Zhou Zhijun, with her head slightly lowered and a faint smile on her face, Ouyang Nuan couldn't quite discern her own feelings at this moment—whether it was joy or sorrow. She only felt a sense of confusion washing over her heart like a thick fog. A good woman like Lin Yuanxin, once married into the royal family, had to live so cautiously, not daring to deviate from the slightest etiquette, even having to act according to the mood of the primary consort. If only she could find a common family, why should she have to endure this...

Ouyang Nuan was lost in her thoughts when suddenly, a pair of bright eyes appeared unexpectedly before her. "Miss Ouyang!" It was Xiao Qinghan's voice, full of surprise and joy, as if he had unexpectedly met an old friend on a long journey. His enthusiasm caught Ouyang Nuan off guard, leaving her unsure how to react, afraid of being too cold and hurting the feelings of this young prince.

"Miss Ouyang, I knew you would come this time!" Xiao Qinghan's excited demeanor was about to continue when he heard a sarcastic voice interject, "Prince Yun, did Prince Zhou not lock you up to study properly?" It was the voice of Prince Lu, Xiao Jianli, who was very familiar with Xiao Qinghan, laughing as he put his arm around Xiao Qinghan's shoulder. His eyebrows were raised mischievously, "Why do you have so much free time to come and court Miss Ouyang?" 

Xiao Qinghan secretly rolled his eyes. What courting? He had barely said a word before this person showed up. Last time, when he got close to Ouyang Nuan, it was this person who caused trouble, dragging Ouyang Nuan to play chess, and later even brought Xiao Zhonghua over. Now he appeared again, truly like an unyielding ghost.

Xiao Jianli ignored the sudden change in his demeanor, maintaining his handsome appearance with a smile. "Miss Ouyang, long time no see."

His opening was almost identical to Xiao Qinghan's. Ouyang Nuan found their amusing demeanor quite entertaining but ultimately just nodded slightly.

"Miss Ouyang rarely goes out. She doesn't even attend such banquets regularly. What do you usually do for entertainment at home?" Xiao Qinghan, unwilling to be outdone, shrugged off Xiao Jianli's arm and asked earnestly.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, about to answer, when Xiao Jianli interjected with a smile, "I heard that Miss Ouyang isn't feeling well. Is there something bothering you?"

Two years had passed, leaving only shallow traces of the wound in Ouyang Nuan's heart. However, her body was not as healthy as before, becoming more sensitive to cold. Hence, she hardly ventured out during winter. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "It's just some old ailments, nothing serious. Thank you for your concern, Young Master."

"It's appropriate for young ladies not to go out. Besides, Miss Ouyang is about to marry, and attracting those unsavory characters is not ideal," Xiao Qinghan interjected, "Miss Ouyang should focus on recuperating first. I have a rare dried ginseng that is excellent for nourishing the body. Additionally, there is a hot spring in my villa on the outskirts of the capital. Bathing in it regularly can invigorate the body, improve health, and enhance skin beauty. If Miss Ouyang is interested, she can stay there with her grandmother for a while."

As soon as he made this suggestion, Xiao Jianli's expression turned cold. "Prince Yun, aren't you too contemptible? Inviting an unmarried young lady to stay in your villa, isn't that inappropriate? Are you intentionally tarnishing Miss Ouyang's reputation?"

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"Xiao Jianli! You're becoming more annoying by the day. I've already said I'm inviting Old Madam Ouyang and Miss Ouyang together. Would I do such a thing if I had ulterior motives? Besides, whether the villa is empty or not is my business, it has nothing to do with you! Anyway, I'm just a leisurely idler with nothing to do all day. But you, as the Prince of Lu, are different. Hasn't the Prince assigned several tasks to you recently?" Xiao Qinghan retorted coldly, "You'd better go and do your job. What does it have to do with you if I talk to Miss Ouyang? Do you not feel like you're being a nuisance standing here?"

Seeing the two men almost getting into a fight, Ouyang Nuan hurriedly smiled and said, "Prince's kind intentions are well received, but the doctor has advised against me taking any supplements due to my weak constitution. That thousand-year-old ginseng is a precious treasure; it shouldn't be wasted. As for the villa's hot spring, if there's a chance, I'll visit. Thank you for your concern."

Changpu whispered to Hongyu, "They're both trying to please Miss."

Hongyu glanced at her and, for the first time, nodded in agreement. Changpu's face immediately lit up with a look of longing.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's refusal, Xiao Qinghan couldn't help but look disappointed, while Xiao Jianli was overjoyed. He smiled and said, "I heard that the father of Madam Lin, the former Marquis, was unparalleled in calligraphy, and he left behind a manuscript that encapsulates his lifelong achievement in calligraphy, a true masterpiece. Unfortunately, when I asked the Marquis to lend it to me for a look, I found out that the manuscript is no longer in the Marquis's mansion. It seems I won't be able to see it after all."

The "Marquis" he mentioned refers to Lin Zhiran. Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but look intrigued and asked softly, "Is the Crown Prince referring to the 'Han Zhong Collection'?"

"Yes, yes," Xiao Jianli observed Ouyang Nuan's expression and continued, "I've been searching for it. How did you know about it, Miss?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded and smiled, "Although the original manuscript is lost, I have a handwritten copy. If the Crown Prince likes it, I can have my servant deliver it to your mansion another day."

"How can that be allowed? No, no! That's a beloved manuscript of yours. How can I snatch it away?" Xiao Jianli waved his hands repeatedly. "Let me visit instead. I happen to have some calligraphy questions I'd like to ask you about."

He refused to accept the manuscript and instead wanted to visit actively. It was obvious that he was using it as an excuse, wanting to visit in person. Seeing the situation wasn't right, Xiao Qinghan couldn't help but feel anxious and hurriedly said, "I also have some questions about calligraphy to ask Miss Ouyang!"

With these words, even a look of surprise crossed Ouyang Nuan's face. In all of the capital, who didn't know that Xiao Qinghan liked everything except reading and writing? He spoke too quickly and said the wrong thing, instantly blushing red and unable to speak.

Changpu smirked, her eyes sparkling mischievously, and whispered carefully in Hongyu's ear, "The Prince Yun is lying."

Hongyu: "..."

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While the conversation was lively here, on the other side, Xiao Lingfeng watched everything with a composed and contented smile on his face. He turned to Xiao Tianye beside him and said, "Your Miss Ouyang seems to be very popular. Aren't you worried?"

Xiao Tianye took a sip of wine and sighed, "What joke are you making? With her being so ruthless and cunning, she isn't even worthy to shine my shoes." Then, he gestured towards the beautiful woman beside Xiao Lingfeng and said with a smile, "I think your Princess Consort is several times better than her."

Sitting beside Xiao Lingfeng was his legitimate consort, Zhao Fangyi, the eldest granddaughter of the Wu Jing Duke's family. When she heard Xiao Tianye's words, she chuckled lightly, saying, "How can I be compared to Miss Ouyang? Although she rarely ventures out, she can truly be counted among the most beautiful women in the capital. Even the Princess Rong, in recent years, seems to be slightly overshadowed."

Xiao Lingfeng couldn't help but laugh. "Don't listen to his nonsense. He's just feeling sour about seeing those two paying attention to her."

Xiao Tianye chuckled even more. "Forget about it, forget about it. Since you insist on saying that, I have no choice."

"Tianye, speaking of which, if it were me, I'd prefer a gentle and considerate woman. Your beloved may appear delicate, but her heart is stronger than a man's, which isn't very endearing at all," Xiao Lingfeng's smile was rather sly.

"Women who are too compliant are boring. The fiercer the woman, the more intriguing she is, isn't that right?"

Xiao Lingfeng laughed heartily. "Look at that, you've revealed your true colors in just a few words. In the end, are you delaying marrying your legitimate consort because you're waiting for her? I'm not trying to tease you, but I'm afraid this Miss Ouyang has quite a strong mind. She might not fancy you, Prince Qin."

With a meaningful glance at the main seat, Xiao Tianye followed his gaze, only to see Xiao Yan's eyes also lightly looking in the direction where Ouyang Nuan was, seeming quite attentive.

Xiao Tianye lowered his eyes, took a sip of wine, and then slowly said, "She won't fancy Xiao Yan." With just this sentence, he secretly turned his head away, forcibly suppressing the urge to look at Ouyang Nuan. The wine in his mouth felt cold, and he couldn't taste anything.

Just then, Prince Ming, Xiao Zhonghua, dressed in dark purple casual attire with a red-gold coronet, tall and graceful, walked in slowly from outside. Under the bright sun, he looked exceptionally dazzling, immediately drawing countless gazes.

On the banquet table, Qian Xiangyu's gaze gently turned to him, with an infinite look of infatuation on her face, unable to move away even for a moment.

Cui Youruo chuckled lightly. Holding a delicate ivory fan in her slender and fair hand, she shook it lightly, saying softly, "Prince Ming is truly handsome, one of a kind in the world. No wonder Miss Qian, you were mesmerized."

Qian Xiangyu snapped back to reality, immediately blushing. The girls beside her couldn't help but giggle.

Xu Mingxi also smiled, "Miss Qian's nature is indeed very candid." There were many girls here who valued Prince Ming, but none were as impolite as her, staring at a man so openly. Thinking this way in her heart, she secretly thought, "I heard that once Prince Ming attended a banquet, and Miss Qian played the qin in public. That must have come from a sincere heart."

Cui Youruo pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, "Oh!" The emerald jade pendant on her earlobe gently swayed. Then she covered her smile with a handkerchief and said, "Miss Qian is truly a passionate soul."

Qian Xiangyu coldly snorted, paying no attention to it.

Just then, the Crown Prince, Xiao Yan, clapped his hands, signaling the start of the banquet.

A young girl emerged from behind the curtain, cradling a pipa, and sat gently on a embroidered stool. As Ouyang Nuan looked at her, she could only see the girl's slender fingers gently plucking the strings. Soon, the sound of flowing water drifted from her fingertips, the melody of the pipa was clear and melodious, swaying gently, intoxicating the heart.

In terms of pipa playing alone, she wasn't particularly outstanding. However, when she opened her mouth to sing, it was like a breeze passing through a lotus pond—crisp, fresh, and incredibly captivating. Her voice had a transcendent beauty, akin to the sound of striking crystal or jade, making every pore in one's body seem to open up, enveloping them in a sense of comfort and contentment. Ouyang Nuan listened intently, feeling as though she had never heard such a wonderful voice in her life.

"She is the most famous singer in Kyoto, I've heard even the court musicians can't compare to her!" Cui Youruo whispered to Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed, her singing is extraordinary."

At that moment, Qian Xiangyu exclaimed softly, "Look!"

On the opposite side of the table, a man seemed mesmerized, ignoring etiquette as he stood up, not even noticing the chopsticks falling to the ground, his gaze fixed on the singer named Miaoyin.

Everyone was astonished by his behavior. Ouyang Nuan glanced over and recognized him as Cao Rong. She instinctively glanced at the elegant beauty sitting beside him, who turned out to be Lin Yuanrou, wearing a cloud-like skirt in water-patterned lingbo tulle.

As the melody from Miaoyin's instrument came to an end, Cao Rong abruptly stood up and stumbled towards her. Lin Yuanrou grabbed him with an unpleasant expression. He halted abruptly, his face showing hesitation.

Xiao Yan glanced at Cao Rong and smiled faintly, "What's the matter, Master Cao?"

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Cao Rong glanced at the young woman named Miaoyin, his face full of uncertainty. Miaoyin looked back at him affectionately, but when she saw Lin Yuanrou's icy expression, her face turned pale.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yan smiled and said, "Master Cao, if you have something to say, feel free."

With determination, Cao Rong spoke loudly, "This Miaoyin is my lover. I should have taken her as my concubine long ago. Unfortunately, my wife refused, leaving her with no place to go. Today, I ask Crown Prince Xiao to fulfill her!"

Upon hearing these words, Lin Yuanrou's face immediately turned red with embarrassment. She felt extremely uncomfortable, realizing that the man she married was not a decent person at all. She never imagined he would stoop so low, attempting to make her the laughingstock of the entire city!

Xiao Yan was aware of the disputes in the Zhenguo Marquis's residence and wanted to help Lin Yuanxin save face. He chuckled and said, "It's common for men to have multiple wives and concubines. How can your esteemed wife refuse? Since when has there been such a rule in the laws of the Great Li Dynasty?". This remark caused a burst of laughter among the men present, mocking Cao Rong's incompetence. Meanwhile, the women covered their mouths to stifle their laughter. Lin Yuanrou, who was always proud and arrogant, ended up marrying such a husband. Not only did he openly flirt with a singer in front of everyone, but he also showed no regard for his wife's feelings, completely humiliating Lin Yuanrou.

Lin Yuanrou retorted coldly, "Your Highness, you may not know, but this Miaoyin is of low birth. How can I allow my husband to marry such a woman?"

Lin Yuanxin had been silent all along but now looked at Xiao Yan and smiled faintly, saying, "Since that's the case, I would like to speak for my brother-in-law today. If my sister is concerned about the woman's low status bringing shame to our family, why not revoke her lowly status and allow her to enter the Cao family as a concubine? Wouldn't that be a win-win situation? I wonder what Your Highness thinks?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and shook her head inwardly. Who said her cousin Lin Yuanxin didn't know how to deal with people? This was an excellent move!

Xiao Yan happily agreed, "That's a good idea."

On the other side, Lin Yuanrou abruptly stood up, as if she wanted to express her anger publicly, but ultimately dared not. She could only suppress her emotions forcefully, almost biting down on her teeth.

However, at this moment, Zhou Zhijun beside her spoke calmly, "Your Highness, you mean well, and I am happy for Young Master Cao. However, what Imperial Consort Lin said, I feel it's somewhat inappropriate."

Xiao Yan was taken aback and involuntarily asked, "What's inappropriate? Please elaborate."

Zhou Zhijun continued, "Miaoyin's background, no matter what, is still somewhat undignified. Imperial Consort Lin just said she should revoke her lowly status, which would allow her to serve Young Master Cao with dignity, even if she were to be a servant. For her, this would already be a rare grace, which is a good thing. However, if she were directly made a concubine and Madam Cao does not agree, it might affect their harmonious relationship as a couple. Most importantly, there is a reason why there are distinctions between the honored wife and concubines. Each status should correspond to a certain position, and we must not disregard the norms of society for momentary joy, setting a bad precedent for others. I may have spoken too rashly, Your Highness, please forgive me."

These words, although ostensibly directed at Miaoyin, are actually aimed at Lin Yuanxin, reminding her that she is only a concubine and should never forget her status! Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan's heart sank, involuntarily casting a glance at Lin Yuanxin, only to see a hint of misty tears in her beautiful eyes as she lowered her head.

As the thought had yet to fully form, Xiao Yan had already smiled and said, "Zhijun is right. In that case, we'll remove her lowly status. As for whether she becomes a servant or a concubine in the future..." He glanced at Lin Yuanxin and smiled faintly, "...let Young Master Cao decide for himself."

Cao Rong sat down triumphantly, while Lin Yuanrou seemed to stiffen, her once proud expression gradually turning despondent. She subconsciously looked into the distance, only to meet the calm and serene eyes of Ouyang Nuan. Her heart couldn't help but flutter slightly. Lowering her voice, she said to Cao Rong, "If you agree to one thing for me, I'll promise to let Miaoyin enter the household."

Cao Rong was taken aback, showing a look of surprise. Following her gaze across to the other side, he saw Ouyang Nuan, whose ethereal beauty immediately sparked anger within him. It was because of that woman that he had thought Lin Yuanxin was a stunning beauty, and he had gone to great lengths to secure their marriage. But when the veil was lifted, he realized it was all a deception. What awaited him was not a great beauty but a monster! Thinking of this, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes, glaring fiercely at Ouyang Nuan, and said, "Whatever you want to do, I'll go along with it!"

Lin Yuanrou looked at Ouyang Nuan, who seemed oblivious to her intentions, and her smile slowly turned cold. For the past two years, she had been waiting for the perfect opportunity for revenge, and now, it seemed like the best time. With a cold laugh, she said, "Later, you'll follow my orders..."

Meanwhile, the female guests continued to enjoy the banquet, while the male guests engaged in the customary archery competition to showcase their skills.

Ouyang Jue smiled faintly at Ouyang Nuan, then stood up from his seat and stepped onto the stage. He tested the tension of the bowstring before drawing three long arrows from the quiver. Holding two of them between his teeth, he extended his arm, pulled back the bowstring, and released three consecutive shots. Cui Youruo leaned forward to look at the target and exclaimed, "All three arrows hit the bullseye!"

Everyone present was astonished. Many of them had attended Ouyang family banquets before and remembered Ouyang Jue's clumsy attempts at archery. No one could have predicted such a remarkable improvement in his skill in just two years.

Even Xu Mingxi couldn't help but admire, "Young Master Ouyang is so young, yet his archery skills are truly impressive."

Qian Xiangyu leisurely sipped from her cup, her eyes carrying a subtle coldness beneath their seductive gaze. "It's a pity that one's humble origins are so far beneath the nobility, even farther than the distance between us and the imperial family," she remarked, casting a deliberate glance at Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan paid no heed to her taunts, her gaze fixed on Ouyang Jue below. She was oblivious to the cheers of the crowd, her heart lifted with joy every time Ouyang Jue's arrow hit the bullseye.

All eyes were on the young and remarkable Ouyang Jue, and no one noticed as someone else on the side picked up a long arrow, pulled back the bowstring, and released it with a sharp "swish," the arrow shooting forth like a meteor, aimed straight at Ouyang Nuan...

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**A Note From the Author**

The female lead has quite a few enemies... What do you think this arrow is aimed at?

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Thank You For Reading <3


  1. 8th paragraph from bottom to top:
    Lin Yuanxin looked at Ouyang Nuan, who seemed oblivious to her intentions, and her smile slowly turned cold. For the past two years, she had been waiting for the perfect opportunity for revenge, and now, it seemed like the best time. With a cold laugh, she said, "Later, you'll follow my orders..."

    Should be Lin Yuanrou.

    1. Thank you! It's fixed! :)


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