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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 91: 

The banquet fraught with peril.

The long arrow came with fierce speed, leaving no chance for evasion. Just as it seemed too late to react, there was a sharp whistling sound, and something hit the arrow shaft squarely.


Hongyu's exclamation was swallowed in shock. Ouyang Nuan had just sensed a wave of cold rushing towards her, with no chance to dodge. In an instant, she saw the cold light dropping abruptly onto the table, smashing a wine glass and splattering its contents, wetting her dress.

She glanced at the chaotic scene on the table, the fallen arrow at her feet, and the shattered jade pendant, her expression unchanged. If it weren't for that pendant blocking the arrow, it would have pierced her head, ending her life on the spot!

The onlookers, witnessing this sudden turn of events, were left bewildered, struggling to comprehend what had just happened.

Xiao Yan erupted in anger, rising abruptly from his seat and bellowing, "Who dares to act so audaciously!"

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Upon hearing the outcry, everyone turned their gaze towards the center of the scene. They saw a dozen or so individuals standing there, holding bows and arrows, their expressions ranging from innocence to shock. It was impossible to determine whose bow the arrow had been shot from.

From afar, Lin Yuanrou looked on with eyes full of bitterness and disappointment. She instinctively looked towards Cao Rong in the crowd, her gaze turning into sharp daggers, as if she wanted to cut him into thousands of pieces! She was filled with resentment, just one step away... Just one step away. If only his actions had been a bit quicker, without giving anyone a chance to intervene. Ouyang Nuan would have been seriously injured, if not killed! Unfortunately, her plan had failed at the last moment.

Ouyang Jue hastily dropped his bow and arrow and rushed over, his face filled with concern. "Sister! Are you alright?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced at him faintly and nodded slightly. "I'm fine, no need to worry," she said calmly. Then she gracefully rose to her feet and extended a gesture of gratitude towards Xiao Zhonghua from afar. Softly, she said, "Many thanks to Prince Ming for coming to my rescue."

Xiao Zhonghua's expression remained deep, showing no hint of self-satisfaction after saving her. "Miss Ouyang, there's no need for excessive courtesy, it was just a coincidence."

At this moment, Qian Xiangyu, seeing this scene, deeply regretted that the arrow had not been aimed at herself. Otherwise, she would have had the opportunity to speak with Prince Ming.

The shattered jade ornament on the ground was a priceless piece of water jade, meticulously carved with translucent and warm colors. It was truly a pity that it had been broken into several pieces. 

Ouyang Nuan glanced at it briefly and smiled faintly. "Prince Ming is too modest. If it weren't for this jade ornament..." She paused, her cheeks perhaps flushing slightly due to the sunlight. "I might have lost my life just now. But I've also ruined Prince Ming's jade ornament..." She was about to continue when Xiao Yan chuckled and said, "I have another piece of jade of even better quality. I'll fetch it later and present it to Prince Ming. Miss Ouyang, there's no need for you to feel embarrassed."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Zhijun's brows furrowed slightly, but she quickly regained her smile.

On the other side, Xiao Lingfeng looked at Xiao Tianye, whose hand was clenched into a fist. He chuckled and said, "Tianye, looks like you've miscalculated this time. If you could have been the one to play the hero and save the beauty, winning her heart would have been much easier!"

He hadn't finished his sentence when he noticed Xiao Tianye sitting there with a grim expression. His clenched fist suddenly relaxed as he placed his hand over his chest, his face looking extremely unpleasant. Xiao Lingfeng asked urgently, "What's wrong? Is your heart condition acting up again?"

Xiao Tianhua shook his head slowly, took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket, and after taking two pills, the pain seemed to subside. He then let out a slow breath and said, "I'm fine." His gaze shifted towards Ouyang Nuan. At that critical moment, his heart suddenly felt out of balance, and his movements slowed for a beat. Otherwise...

Xiao Yan's voice sounded calm and resolute at this moment: "Someone, carefully inspect the quivers of all the individuals present earlier. We must find out where this arrow came from!"

The atmosphere at the banquet immediately tensed up, and everyone looked at the scene in bewilderment, unsure of what to say.

At that moment, Zhou Zhijun smiled faintly and said, "Your Highness, there's no need to be so tense. It might scare the distinguished guests here. If someone had intended harm, how could a mere jade pendant obstruct the arrow's path? It appears to be just an accidental deviation. Fortunately, Miss Ouyang is unharmed. If that reckless archer had harmed her even slightly, Imperial Consort Lin would surely have gone all out to apprehend the culprit!"

Reckless? Perhaps it's not recklessness but deliberate intent. This is the Prince's residence; who would dare to act so brazenly here? Zhou Zhijun's words seemed to suggest that this was just a trivial matter, nothing to be overly concerned about. Lin Yuanxin suddenly lifted her head, her eyes shining like black gems with a faint glimmer. She was about to say something when she saw Ouyang Nuan give her a slight smile and loudly exclaimed, "You're right. It's just a misunderstanding. In hindsight, it's fortunate that the arrow landed on me. If it had accidentally injured the Crown Prince or the two consorts, that would indeed be a serious matter."

With just a few words, she subtly conveyed two messages: first, that the archer might not have been targeting her specifically; it's possible they were using the gathering as cover for an assassination attempt. Second, because the Crown Prince's primary consort wasn't the victim, she could afford to downplay the incident without concern. 

Indeed, the expressions of those present, including Zhou Zhijun's, took on a subtle shift. Even the Crown Prince furrowed his brow slightly. While he didn't believe anyone would dare to assassinate him in his own residence, he felt a hint of disdain towards the archer for causing trouble in such a manner.

Zhou Zhijun, however, smiled gently as she carefully poured a glass of wine, the clear liquid shimmering brilliantly in the white jade cup. Rising from her seat, she approached Ouyang Nuan step by step, her smile elegant and graceful. "Miss Ouyang, we invited you here as a guest, yet you were subjected to such a fright. It's truly our oversight. Here, this glass of wine is to soothe your nerves for the moment." Her voice, though cool as ice, carried a deep sense of warmth and kindness, making it incredibly pleasant to the ears.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Lin Yuanxin, detecting a hint of concern in her smile. She knew Xin'er was worrying about her. With a slight smile, Ouyang Nuan's beauty shone brightly like the first lotus of summer, dazzling those who beheld her. "Miss Ouyang is of humble status, how dare I trouble you?" she replied before raising the glass that had been offered to her and drinking it all in one gulp.

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As for Zhou Zhijun, not only was she remarkably beautiful, but she also possessed deep cunning. Xin'er might be in for some trouble... Ouyang Nuan pondered briefly, but then she noticed Zhou Zhijun looking at her with a smile, her eyes sparkling like black gems. Zhou spoke softly, "Miss Ouyang, you are truly an interesting person. I feel a connection with you."

A connection? Ouyang Nuan sneered inwardly. It was just a fleeting acquaintance. She already knew that Zhou Zhijun and herself were cut from the same cloth. If it weren't for Lin Yuanxin, perhaps they could have been sympathetic friends. Unfortunately, their identities and positions dictated otherwise. 

Princess Rong remained silent, observing the subtle competition between the two women. This banquet was indeed quite intriguing, very intriguing indeed.

Lin Yuanxin glanced at Ouyang Nuan, whose complexion was slightly pale, and clenched her teeth. She spoke in a deep voice, "Your Highness, archery is too dangerous, especially with so many ladies present. If someone were accidentally injured, it would be difficult to explain. Shall we consider a different game?"

The Crown Prince nodded and said, "Then let's change to pot-throwing."

At such a banquet, pot-throwing was equally popular as archery. Compared to archery, pot-throwing promoted mutual respect and courtesy among participants, advocating for a gentlemanly demeanor in interaction and competition. It also served to delight and enrich the banquet experience, allowing all the young ladies to participate. With unanimous agreement on this proposal, those who were prepared for archery put down their bows and returned to their seats.

Soon, the maidservants brought exquisite jade pots. These pots were one foot and two inches tall, with a neck seven inches long and a diameter of two and a half inches. They were filled with red beans to prevent the arrows from bouncing out when thrown into the pot. The arrows used for pot-throwing were made of carved wood, adorned with simple and ancient patterns.

The Crown Prince smiled faintly, "The gentlemen had their turn in archery earlier, so let the young ladies take the lead in pot-throwing this time."

"I'll go!" Xu Mingxi stood up first, taking an arrow from the maid's hand. She aimed at the target, her wrist trembling slightly as she released the arrow. It flew unsteadily for over a dozen feet before falling to the ground. Everyone burst into laughter, and Xu Mingxi smiled charmingly, "Just a little bit off!"

Qian Xiangyu carefully selected an arrow, seemingly casually throwing it towards the pot. With a "bang", the arrow went straight into the pot, eliciting applause and cheers from the crowd.

For the young ladies, pot-throwing wasn't about hitting the target, but rather showcasing their grace and beauty during the act. They all understood this well, so they didn't mind winning or losing. Instead, they took turns to throw, enjoying it as a momentary pastime.

The last arrow fell into the hands of Princess Rong. She smiled faintly, raised her hand, and with a sudden burst of strength, threw the arrow towards the jade pot from dozens of steps away. This unexpected move stunned everyone. Cui Youruo exclaimed, "How is this possible to hit!"

However, with a "bang", the arrow landed perfectly into the jade pot, with such force that it made the pot spin three times on the ground. For a moment, everyone was astonished, and they looked towards Princess Rong. They saw her beautiful face glowing even more with a light sheen of sweat. She turned to the Crown Prince and said with a faint smile, "Does Your Highness approve of my pot-throwing skills?"

Xiao Yan nodded at her and said, "Princess, your skill indeed surpasses all others. I'm afraid no one here can match you."

Princess Rong bowed slightly, "Thank you for your kind words, Your Highness."

The other young ladies couldn't help but feel a bit envious seeing her shine so brightly. Someone whispered, "Isn't it too early to say that? Miss Ouyang hasn't thrown yet!"

At that moment, everyone remembered Ouyang Nuan and looked towards her seat, only to see two maids there. They couldn't help but look surprised. Changpu smiled and said, "Our young lady's dress was wet by a spilled cup of wine just now, so she went with Imperial Consort Lin to change her clothes." Everyone nodded and didn't ask further, continuing with the pot-throwing.

Among the young ladies present, Zhou Zhijun was elegant and refined; Princess Rong was stunning and captivating; Xu Mingxi was bright and eloquent; Cui Youruo was serene and talented; Qian Xiangyu was delicate and graceful... Each of them had their own charm that touched people's hearts. Although they felt regretful for the absence of the beautiful Ouyang Nuan, they didn't dwell on it too much. Even Xiao Qinghan, who usually kept his eyes on Ouyang Nuan, was now completely engrossed in the pot-throwing.

The Ink Lotus Pavilion, originally allocated to Lin Yuanxin by Prince Xiao Yan, was not only a sign of respect to the Marquis's mansion but also a means of protection for Lin Yuanxin. The more people, the more trouble.

Lin Yuanxin watched as Ouyang Nuan changed into her attire, embroidered with white peonies on the top, and a skirt of pale moonlight water patterns with a faint emerald green dye, showcasing Ouyang Nuan's ethereal and exquisite beauty to the fullest. She couldn't help but nod and say, "When I made this dress, I said that it suits Nuan'er better than me, so I kept it and didn't wear it until today unexpectedly."

Ouyang Nuan looked at Lin Yuanxin sitting on the embroidered stool, the sleeves with stacked beads and chiffon quietly flowing down the edge of the table. Her heart softened, and she whispered, "Sister should be by the Crown Prince's side. It's the same whether someone leads me to change clothes or not."

Lin Yuanxin was startled. "He already has Zhou Zhijun by his side."

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled faintly. "Never mind, if Sister doesn't want to go, then there's no need. It's nice to chat here."

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But there was a deep sense of disappointment in Lin Yuanxin's eyes as she said, "Today you saw that woman, didn't you? Her elegance, I am far from matching." She smiled slightly. "Although I entered the palace three months earlier than her, her status in the Crown Prince's heart is becoming more and more important. There's something that hasn't been spread outside yet—she's just two months pregnant."

Ouyang Nuan was surprised, "Pregnant?"

Lin Yuanxin lowered her eyes slightly, concealing the emotions in her eyes. "Yes. After His Majesty found out, he rewarded her with many valuable things."

Ouyang Nuan's expression was somber as she looked at Lin Yuanxin. She felt sad for her. "Sister, relax. You're young and healthy. You will have children in the future."

Lin Yuanxin sighed and said softly, "I hope so. The Crown Prince treats the Marquis's mansion generously, so he won't mistreat me. But now that she's pregnant, things won't be that simple."

Ouyang Nuan paused for a moment. "Sister, do you really lack confidence like this?"

"I'm just speaking my mind." Lin Yuanxin smiled. "I know you're worried about me, but things are always subjective. Just because I can't bear children doesn't mean others can't either." As she spoke, there was a pearl hanging from the hairpin in her hair, shimmering with a soft glow.

Ouyang Nuan frowned. "I've only met this woman hastily a few times and haven't said much. But judging from her words and actions today alone, you need to be careful."

Lin Yuanxin's gentle smile faded slightly as she spoke softly, "I have always been cautious. I haven't offended her, and I don't think she will trouble me either. Nuan'er, don't worry about me."

If only things were as simple as she said. The Marquis's mansion was highly regarded, and Lin Yuanxin's status was only second to Zhou Zhijun's, having entered the palace several months earlier. The threat to her was significant. If Zhou Zhijun were kind and gentle, the two could assist the Crown Prince together. However, from what happened today, Zhou Zhijun's cunning and inscrutable nature made her doubtful. It seemed she was not a kind person. In that case, Lin Yuanxin's situation would be very precarious. But Ouyang Nuan couldn't say these things to her gentle and kind-hearted sister.

After a moment's pause, she asked quietly, "Cousin, how is your relationship with the Crown Princess?"

Lin Yuanxin was momentarily taken aback, then smiled. "I'll take your advice. I'm very respectful and obedient to the Crown Princess, and she seems to like me too. Plus, since I entered the palace before Zhou Zhijun, the Crown Princess seems to prefer me over the main wife."

Ouyang Nuan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and nodded. "Cousin, with the Crown Princess supporting you, life in this mansion will undoubtedly be much easier. However, we still need to be cautious of Zhou Zhijun."

For some reason, she always felt that her elder cousin's lack of children to this day was somehow related to Zhou Zhijun. Perhaps it was because... they both were equally ruthless and cunning. If she were in Zhou Zhijun's position, she wouldn't allow a concubine to become pregnant before her either.

"Nuan'er, I understand what you're saying. Before..." Lin Yuanxin glanced around and whispered, "Mother also suspected it before. However, apart from those brought from Zhenguohou Mansion, nobody else is allowed into the inner chambers of Ink Lotus Pavilion. We've checked all expenses thoroughly, but couldn't find any other reasons. I think... it might just be my own misfortune that I haven't had a child yet." As she spoke, she twisted the orchid on the table, and with a "snap," the stem broke in two.

The sound of the orchid stem snapping in the quiet room was unsettling. Lin Yuanxin suddenly snapped out of her reverie and couldn't help but laugh.

Nuan'er remained silent for a while, quietly gazing at Lin Yuanxin. She didn't know what to say. Should she suggest that instead of sitting here, suspicious of whether others were plotting against her, she should use all her skills to render her opponent powerless? Nuan'er could do such things a thousand or ten thousand times, but she couldn't utter a single word in front of the gentle and kind Lin Yuanxin.

Just then, a maid came in to report, "Consort Lin, the Crown Prince is looking for you everywhere. Please return to the banquet quickly."

Nuan'er smiled and said, "In that case, go ahead, sister."

Lin Yuanxin looked at her strangely and asked, "Aren't you coming with me, Nuan'er?"

Nuan'er smiled faintly, "No, I find it too noisy there. I want to rest here for a while." Lin Yuanxin thought Nuan'er was scared by what happened earlier, so she nodded gently and instructed, "Alright, just don't stay up too late. Don't worry, Jue'er is at the banquet, I will take care of him."

Nuan'er agreed with a smile and personally escorted her out. Afterward, she looked around the room. She noticed that the inner and outer rooms were separated by a carved rosewood screen, decorated very elegantly. She carefully observed each item, pondering repeatedly, but still couldn't figure out how Zhou Zhijun had managed to act. 

Just then, her gaze fell on the painting of Guanyin bestowing children in the main hall of the outer room. Seeing the gentle and benevolent Guanyin, she involuntarily stopped and asked softly, "Tao Tian, did Sister specially request this painting?"

Taotian was startled for a moment, then replied, "Yes, Miss, Consort Lin has been unable to conceive. We were very anxious about it. Lan Zhi said that many women went to the Water Moon Ancestral Hall to pray for children, and it proved to be effective. So Imperial Consort Lin went there too and brought back this painting of Guanyin."

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"Hmm." Nuan'er nodded, no longer paying particular attention to the painting. But as she took three steps forward, she suddenly turned back, her gaze fixed on the painting like an arrow! Taotian was startled, "Miss Ouyang, what's wrong?"

"Is the incense in the censer sandalwood?" Nuan suddenly asked. Taotian looked frightened and hurriedly replied, "Yes, it is. It was also brought back from the Water Moon Ancestral Hall."

Nuan'er nodded and said, "Take down this painting for me to have a look, please?" Suddenly, a male voice sounded from behind, "Does Miss Nuan like paintings and calligraphy so much?" Nuan's heart skipped a beat at the appearance of the person here at this moment... She immediately turned around, bowed slightly, and said calmly, "Your Highness."

Xiao Yan stood tall and straight, looking refreshed. He nodded gently and said, "No need for formalities."

Even though Lin Yuanxin had already left for the banquet, why would Prince Xiao Yan appear here? Could it be that he had used a means to send her away just now? Nuan glanced at his attire subtly, and it seemed that Xiao Yan noticed, as he smiled and said, "Indeed, I had someone escort Yuan'er away."

Nuan's heart sank. It was one thing when Lin Yuanxin was present, but being alone with Prince Xiao Yan was quite inappropriate. So, she took a step back, bowed slightly, and said, "Since my cousin isn't here, it wouldn't be proper for Nuan to stay any longer. I'll return to the banquet now."

Xiao Yan looked at her, his gaze seeming meaningful. After a brief pause, he asked, "Are you unwilling to be alone with me?"

Nuan replied calmly, "Indeed, it wouldn't be convenient."

Xiao Yan didn't expect to be directly rejected, so he paused for a moment before smiling and saying, "I just... remembered seeing you outside once. At that time, you were dressed in men's clothing, and I thought you were a handsome young man."

Nuan's expression remained cold throughout, with a faint sense of detachment in her eyes. "Yes, my cousin was present at that time. It should have been your first meeting with her."

She tried her best to avoid any association with him, and Xiao Yan seemed to have picked up on it. Still, he maintained a pleasant demeanor and said, "I heard that Miss Ouyang stayed at the Marquis's Mansion initially to recuperate from an injury. Is your health better now?"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I'm much better now," Nuan said respectfully, preparing to take her leave.

How could Xiao Yan easily let her go? He caught sight of the painting of Guanyin and the Child, and with a smile, he asked, "Nuan, do you want this painting even though you haven't married yet?"

Calling her "Nuan" carried an obvious sense of familiarity. Nuan furrowed her brows slightly and took a step back. "Your Highness, please maintain your dignity."

Xiao Yan was slightly taken aback, dismissing the maidservant beside him with a wave of his hand. He smiled faintly and said, "I am not mocking you. If you're willing, I will immediately propose to His Majesty to appoint you as a side consort, alongside Xin'er."

Side consort? Nuan couldn't believe her ears. She stared at Xiao Yan in disbelief, not daring to believe that this man would openly make such a request to her. She looked at him coldly and said, "Your Highness, Ouyang Nuan is not as noble as my cousin. I dare not aspire to your lofty status."

Xiao Yan's gaze turned cold, and he spoke in a chilly tone, "Do you know that if I didn't respect your wishes, I wouldn't have bothered to consult you at all? I could have simply asked His Majesty to arrange the marriage. I'm only asking you now out of consideration for Xin'er."

Xiao Yan was the Crown Prince, with immense power and authority. Whatever type of woman he desired, all he had to do was ask, and she would willingly come to his side, even without him lifting a finger. By saying such words, he was treating her as nothing more than a flower to be admired in his garden, chosen solely for her beauty. This kind of affection showed no respect at all. The more Nuan thought about it, the angrier she became. She spoke coldly, "Your Highness, since you've come to ask for Nuan's opinion, Nuan can only give you one answer: I refuse."

Xiao Yan was surprised to receive such an answer. He had never been rejected by any woman before, and his expression showed his astonishment. "Why?" he asked.

Nuan composed herself and bowed deeply, speaking softly, "Your Highness already has a dignified and beautiful principal consort and a kind and lovely sister by your side. You don't need Ouyang Nuan. More importantly, my relationship with my cousin is very good, and I don't want there to be any discord between us in the future."

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Precisely because you two get along so well, it would be nice for you to accompany me together, wouldn't it?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head slightly, tears shimmering in her dark eyes. "No, once I become Your Highness's consort, many things and choices will no longer be within my control. Ouyang Nuan does not wish for such a day, nor do I want to see the pained and disappointed expression on my cousin's face."

Xiao Yan stared at her, his gaze becoming firmer. "What if I insist?"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan's face broke into a faint smile, but her voice carried a hint of coldness. "If that's the case, Ouyang Nuan is willing to disfigure herself!" As she said this, she swiftly removed the jade hairpin from her head and slashed towards her left cheek. Xiao Yan's heart pounded heavily as he quickly grasped her wrist tightly, his mind in turmoil.

Xiao Yan couldn't believe what he was seeing. When Ouyang Nuan pulled out the jade hairpin, he almost thought she was going to stab herself. Fortunately, he realized her intentions in time and intervened. If he had been a step too late, Ouyang Nuan's beautiful face might have been scarred forever!

It was the first time he had encountered such a ruthless woman!

Ouyang Nuan stared into Xiao Yan's eyes, her words coming out slowly and deliberately. "Your Highness, you desire Ouyang Nuan solely for this face. If this face were to be destroyed, would Your Highness still seek Emperor's approval for marriage?" Her words carried a determination, a fierceness that almost shook Xiao Yan's previously firm resolve. He hadn't expected Ouyang Nuan to possess such courage, to hesitate so little in destroying her own face! If he had been a moment slower, this exquisite and extraordinary girl before him would have been disfigured...

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He exclaimed in anger, "Even if you want to reject me, there's no need for such extreme measures! Your parents gave you this body and skin, won't you make them heartbroken with your actions?"

Ouyang Nuan gently withdrew her wrist from his grasp, revealing a faint smile, like a dazzling sunlight breaking through thick fog, almost too bright to behold. She replied slowly, "As long as Your Highness no longer insists, Ouyang Nuan will naturally take care of herself and refrain from such self-harming actions." 

Xiao Yan stared at her coldly. "Is this a threat?"

Ouyang Nuan gently shook her head. "No, Your Highness is not the kind of powerful figure who forces others against their will. You hold a high position, with lofty ambitions. Surely, you understand that keeping a woman who has no interest in you is like keeping a lifeless beauty, devoid of any joy."

Xiao Yan stepped back, a trace of arrogance on his cold face. "Are you sure you won't regret it?"

Ouyang Nuan replied softly yet resolutely, "Ouyang Nuan will not regret it."

Xiao Yan nodded slowly. "You may leave."

Ouyang Nuan bowed again and then began to walk towards the door. Just as she reached it, she suddenly turned back and said, "If Your Highness has a heart for cherishing precious things, why not cherish what's right in front of you..."

Xiao Yan's figure abruptly halted, and he turned sharply to look at her, but she had already pushed open the door and stepped out quickly. As she walked through the garden, she suddenly remembered that the painting had not been taken down yet. Her heart trembled slightly at the thought of going back, but she didn't want to encounter Xiao Yan again. If he wanted her, she couldn't refuse, and the Ouyang family wouldn't allow her to refuse. So, she had to make sure he abandoned that idea! If not, she wouldn't have resorted to such extreme measures!

As she walked past the floating bridge and rose bushes, Ouyang Nuan found herself entering deep into the garden, far from the Ink Lotus Pavilion. The surroundings were silent and devoid of any signs of life. Her embroidered shoes tread upon the cobblestone pathway, brushing against the small flowers and grasses nearby, producing a soft rustling sound. A chill began to creep into Ouyang Nuan's heart. Just moments ago, she had left the Hongyu and Changpu at the banquet table to avoid drawing attention. It should have been one of the maids from the Ink Lotus Pavilion accompanying her, but their conversation was interrupted by the Crown Prince.

Suddenly, a female voice cried out from behind the bushes, causing Ouyang Nuan to halt her steps, her brows furrowing immediately.

Beneath a nearby artificial rock, a young woman leaned against it, panting heavily. She called out, "Just now, you brought in a beauty. How dare you come looking for me! Today, I'm on duty in Imperial Consort Lin's chambers. I have to go back soon."

The man, breathing heavily, replied, "Why do you care so much? I won't attend to whoever comes now." With that, he reached into the woman's clothes, groping up and down.

Ouyang Nuan typically didn't concern herself with matters unrelated to her. She was about to continue on her way when she suddenly found the voice of the young woman strangely familiar, stirring something within her.

The woman let out a cold laugh, twisting her body to avoid his advances. The man embraced her, saying, "My dear Lan Zhi, my precious sweetheart, just yield to me." He then attempted to undo the woman's dress.

The name Lan Zhi exploded in Ouyang Nuan's mind, bringing with it waves of coldness. Lan Zhi... she was unmistakably one of Lady Lin's four senior maids! Ouyang Nuan, who had intended to leave, came to a sudden halt. Lan Zhi snorted, pushing the man away. "Stop it, Master Cao. You already have a doting wife and beautiful mistresses. You promised me before that you would take me as your concubine in the future. Why are you suddenly silent about it now?"

The man speaking was undoubtedly Cao Rong. He chuckled awkwardly and said, "My dear Lan Zhi, don't be in such a hurry. As long as you help me with my tasks, there will be plenty of good days ahead for us."

Lan Zhi clearly didn't believe him. "Second Madam has been trying to send me to Miss's side to monitor her, but now that both Misses have married and have nothing to do with each other, why bother interfering with her? Could it be related to that person?" She suddenly changed her tone, "Is it Zhou—"

Cao Rong hurriedly stepped forward and embraced Lan Zhi, swearing by the heavens, "Silly girl, for now, endure the hardship of serving as a maid by Lin Yuanxin's side. There will be benefits for you in the future. As for other matters, don't ask anymore!" 

Lan Zhi delicately pointed at his chest and said in a tender voice, "I'm afraid you'll forget about me by then!"

"How could that be! I vow to be with you for a lifetime, never to let you down. If I break my promise, let the heavens strike me down and never have peace!" Hearing this conversation, Ouyang Nuan felt a chilling sensation as if ice water was seeping into her heart during the midsummer. Her mind raced rapidly. Lin Yuanxin had always trusted those around her, but she never imagined that Lan Zhi, who had been by her side since childhood, was actually a spy planted by Madam Jiang. She had initially thought that this matter was only related to Zhou Zhijun, but now it seemed that even Lin Yuanrou's husband was involved.

"Alright, I won't ask who it is exactly. Since you won't tell me anyway, I'll just ask something you can answer. What's the deal with that painting?" Lan Zhi asked in a tender voice.

"Alright, I'll tell you, it's no secret. That painting of Guanyin bestowing children was specially commissioned. The ink used contained a type of powdered medicine. After Lin Yuanxin hung up the painting and lit incense every day for half a month, the toxicity in the painting would gradually be released by the fragrance. Living in its vicinity and inhaling the fumes regularly, at first, it only weakened the body, making it unable to conceive. But as time went on..." Cao Rong's voice trailed off ominously, "...the person would inevitably suffer from incurable ailments and eventually perish without any apparent cause."

A sudden chill ran down Ouyang Nuan's throat as she stood motionless in place. Just then, Lan Zhi suddenly exclaimed, "Someone's here!"

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Ouyang Nuan was abruptly startled, but she saw her own shadow cast on the opposite artificial mountain. Before she could retreat, a shining thin blade was already silently pressed against her neck.

Cao Rong sneered, "So, it's an acquaintance. Miss Ouyang, how have you been?"

Lan Zhi, pale with fear, hurriedly put on her clothes and tremblingly said, "It's... it's Miss, and... What should we do?"

"What should we do?" Cao Rong's face twisted into a fierce expression. "This knife isn't just for show. If Miss Ouyang here accidentally makes a sound, my dagger here might just accidentally sever your throat. Feel free to give it a try."

Ouyang Nuan, furious but composed, didn't flinch. "No need to scare me. You chose this secluded place for your clandestine meeting precisely because it's remote and lacks people. Of course, you're not afraid of anyone stumbling upon you." Then, she shouted sternly, "Lan Zhi, if you genuinely like Cao Rong, you could ask Imperial Consort Yuanxin to approve your marriage to him. There's no need for this clandestine affair. If it gets out, it will tarnish Imperial Consort Yuanxin's reputation! It's truly disrespectful!"

Lan Zhi, hearing Ouyang's harsh words but noticing she only mentioned their secret meeting and not her betrayal of their mistress, immediately thought Ouyang hadn't heard those words at all. Her complexion improved significantly, and she softly pleaded, "Miss, everything you said is... is all my fault. I hope you can forgive this lowly servant. I won't dare to do it again!"

Ouyang Nuan coldly demanded of Cao Rong, "Let her go!"

Cao Rong hesitated for a moment, but under Lan Zhi's pleading grip, he reluctantly released Ouyang Nuan's arm. Still, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes as he glanced at her.

Ouyang Nuan forced herself to remain composed, with a faint smile on her lips. "Lan Zhi, since you and Cao Rong are compatible, I will intercede with Lady Yuanxin to arrange your union with him. However, your future will depend on your own choices."

Lan Zhi lowered her head submissively. "Thank you for your kindness, Miss. I just can't bear to part with the Imperial Consort, and I want to stay by her side a little longer. When the time comes, I will inform you of my decision."

Ouyang Nuan nodded indifferently and said coldly to Cao Rong, "Cao Rong, you should return to the banquet now. Everyone must be searching for people everywhere." With that, she turned and walked away.

With each step she took, Ouyang Nuan felt a cold wind brushing against her back. By the time she reached the eighth step, she sensed Cao Rong's firm grip on her arm. Her heart skipped a beat, and when she turned around, there was a hint of anger in her eyes.

"What are you doing, Cao Rong? Don't you understand boundaries between men and women? How dare you treat me like this!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with fury.

Lan Zhi hurriedly stepped forward, her voice filled with urgency. "Cao Rong, release Miss Ouyang immediately! What are you doing?"

"Inappropriate?" he retorted coldly. "You caused me to marry that witch who makes my life miserable every day. We still have a score to settle between us!"

Ouyang Nuan's expression changed slightly, her eyes becoming even darker with a tinge of inkiness. She looked at him calmly. "That's in the past now. You're already my cousin's husband. It's not worth it to ruin our relationship over a misunderstanding from the past."

Ouyang Nuan's words were interrupted by Cao Rong's sudden change in demeanor, his anger boiling over. "A woman's heart is truly the most venomous! Do you know what kind of person your damn sister-in-law is?" he spat on the ground. "If I had known earlier, I would have never married her, even if it meant never marrying at all! Tell me, where did you hide that beauty?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, realizing suddenly that he was referring to Xiao Tianye. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she replied, "If you release me, I will find that young lady and hand her over to you."

"No need!" He approached her aggressively, a hint of determination in his smirk. "With a beauty like you here, why would I need to look elsewhere?" His eyes darkened with malice. "I was such a fool before, not daring to lay a finger on you. I was played by you all along," he said, turning to Lan Zhi. "This girl is cunning. Don't think she's easy to deal with. I bet she heard everything we said just now, pretending not to know anything to trick us into letting her go!"

"Really?" Lan Zhi was uncertain, but suddenly remembered how Ouyang Nuan had turned the tables on Lin Yuanrou when she caused trouble in the Marquis of Zhen Country's mansion. She immediately believed Cao Rong's words.

Now that they had been discovered, Ouyang Nuan no longer tried to evade. She spoke coldly, "Lan Zhi, why did you betray Lin Xin'er's trust?"

"Me?" Lan Zhi scoffed, lifting her graceful neck without a care. "How much less beautiful am I compared to those young ladies? Unfortunately, I was born a servant girl. Originally, Madam asked me to watch over the young miss. I even felt reluctant to do so. But later, when the young miss married over, she actually wanted to marry me off to a steward. Why should I marry a steward? I'm just a servant girl brought along with the dowry. But she refused to give me a chance to stand up for myself! When I went to serve Crown Prince in his bath, she scolded me! Others also mocked me for having delusions! Bah! If she truly cared about me, she should have let me become His Highness's concubine! Why make me marry a lowly servant? My betrayal of her is just to rid the world of one more hypocrite!"

Ouyang Nuan bit her lip, her fists clenched tightly under her sleeves. "You would go as far as to want her life over this?"

"To think of others at this critical moment, Ouyang Miss is truly not afraid of death!" Cao Rong sneered. With a slight change of heart, his fingers audaciously caressed Ouyang Nuan's face...

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