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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 89: 

The deterrent effect of killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

Shou'an Hall

As Ouyang Nuan walked in, from a distance, a little maid came to greet her and lifted the curtain for her.

Upon entering, she saw Li Yue'e sitting on a small stool by the bed, accompanying Old Madam Li in conversation.

When Old Madam Li saw Ouyang Nuan coming in, although her face was still gloomy, her expression visibly softened, and she waved to her, saying, "Come over here."

Li Yue'e immediately stood up, her face full of smiles. "Miss."

Ouyang Nuan smiled back at her, very amiable, and then sat next to Old Madam Li on the bed. Old Madam Li held her hand, smiling, and asked, "Have you visited your Grandmother? Is she feeling better?"

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Ouyang Nuan gently replied, "Grandmother, everything is fine with Old Madam. Thank you for your concern."

"Ah, it's been two years since your eldest uncle passed away. Old Madam has endured so much sorrow. Fortunately, the children of the main branch are all very capable. I heard that your eldest cousin, after inheriting the title, has become quite influential in front of the Emperor. Moreover, his sister is favored by the Crown Prince as a side consort. Old Madam can find some comfort in that," sighed Old Madam Li, her eyes full of envy.

"You're right," Ouyang Nuan lowered her head, hiding the glimmer of tears behind her thick lashes. Her expression remained composed, but her tightly clenched hand beneath her sleeve betrayed the heaviness in her heart. To Old Madam Li, Old Madam's blessings seemed boundless, her fortune vast. How could she ever imagine the pain of losing a son in her old age?

Unaware of Ouyang Nuan's inner turmoil, Old Madam Li continued, "Speaking of which, your eldest uncle was quite considerate. He held on until all his children's marriages were settled before closing his eyes. It's truly admirable."

The delicate flutter of Ouyang Nuan's eyelashes hinted at her emotions. She smiled faintly, "Yes, although weddings can be arranged within a hundred days, the Marquis' household is not an ordinary one. It would have caused quite a stir if things were rushed. If my uncle had passed away earlier, both of my cousin's weddings would have been delayed for three years. In the end, this was my uncle's final care for them."

Old Madam Li nodded in agreement, "Indeed, your grandmother is blessed. But my granddaughter is not bad either," she added, her eyes lingering on Ouyang Nuan with a hint of amusement in their cloudy depths, "What do you think, Yue'e?"

Ouyang Nuan was soon to be marriageable, which also meant she became even more valuable in Old Madam Li's eyes. Looking at Ouyang Nuan sitting there with her eyes lowered, her long eyelashes casting a delicate shadow over her fair complexion, she appeared like a jade sculpture, her eyes dark and enigmatic despite the smile on her lips.

Li Yiniang smiled and said, "It's only natural. Our young miss is virtuous, graceful, and possesses unparalleled elegance. With such beauty and talent, she could even become a princess, let alone just an ordinary official's family!"

Faced with this half-flattery, half-probing nonsense, Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, her jade-like cheeks tinged with a delicate blush that made her appear somewhat shy. However, beneath the surface, her eyes held a shadow of gloom. She casually remarked, "Grandmother and Auntie are teaming up to tease me again. If you continue like this, I won't entertain you anymore!"

"Alright, alright! We won't tease you anymore to spare your blushes!" Old Madam Li chuckled and patted her hand before turning to Li Yiniang and saying, "Where were we? Please continue."

Li Yiniang's expression became serious, her previously smiling face suddenly dignified. "Old Madam, as you know, ever since that incident, Madam has been feeling unwell. In recent days, her condition has worsened, and she often insists on seeing the Second Miss..."

After Ouyang Hao's death, in order to punish and warn the Lin family, as well as to appease Ouyang Nuan, Ouyang Zhi had Madam Lin locked up in the Furui Courtyard. He even assigned guards specifically to watch over her. Madam Lin obediently stayed there for three months. However, she managed to bribe one of her maidservants to send a secret message to Lin Wenyuan. Unfortunately, the clandestine letter ended up in the hands of Old Madam Li.

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Old Madam Li was furious and decided to tighten security measures. Thick wooden bars were nailed across the windows of the main room in the Furui Courtyard, leaving only small gaps for light to pass through. Three heavy iron chains were hung on the door, and it was strictly locked during the day and night. Without Old Madam Li's permission, Madam Lin was not allowed to leave the courtyard, confined to moving around only within the house.

Originally, Ouyang Zhi had hoped to secure the position of Minister of Personnel by winning Lin Wenyuan's favor. He had planned to release Madam Lin after a period of time. However, with Lin Zhiran inheriting the title of Marquis Zhenguo and Lin Wenyuan inexplicably falling out of favor with the Emperor, Ouyang Zhi's hopes were dashed. Moreover, Liao Yuan's promotion seemed to have vanished into thin air. Seeing the unfavorable situation, Ouyang Zhi decided to drop the idea of releasing Madam Lin. Thus, Madam Lin could only continue to reflect on her past actions and repent within the confines of the Furui Courtyard.

At the mention of Madam Lin by Li Yiniang, Ouyang Nuan remained indifferent, her expression unchanged. Her bright eyes seemed deep and mysterious, shimmering under the sunlight.

"Let her make a scene if she wants to!" Old Madam Li retorted coldly, showing no hint of pity.

"But, yesterday, Madam refused to eat or drink, saying... saying..." Li Yiniang's voice trailed off, her gaze shifting nervously towards Ouyang Nuan.

However, Ouyang Nuan seemed oblivious to her words, her gaze fixed on the wisps of smoke rising from the incense burner, lost in thought. The faint halo of sunlight on the pear-shaped sandalwood window cast a delicate glow on her cheek. For a moment, a hint of a smile played at the corners of her lips, but by the time Li Yiniang tried to observe it closely, it had vanished as if it had never been there. Meanwhile, Old Madam Li demanded loudly, "What did she say?"

Li Yinaing's face immediately showed a fearful expression. "She said she wants everyone in the capital to know... that the Madam of the Ouyang family... was abused to death!"

"Outrageous!" Old Madam Li slammed her hand down, shattering a teacup and spilling tea all over the floor, soaking Li Yiniang's snow-green skirt. She quickly lowered her head, concealing the faint smile at the corner of her lips.

"Hasn't eaten for a few meals?" Old Madam Li asked abruptly after smashing the teacup.

Li Yiniang's maid was taken aback. "It's been a day."

"Oh? Is she trying to assert her dominance or is she complaining about the quality of the food she's been given?" Old Madam Li questioned further.

"Well...," Li Yiniang lowered her head. It was true that she had withheld meals from Madam Lin for a while, and on one occasion, she even intentionally sent her spoiled food. But she despised Madam Lin so much that she felt even giving her rotten food was being kind, considering she didn't poison it!

"This is just her spoiled nature. I think she's just full and trying to act out. Skipping a couple of meals might do her some good," Old Madam Li remarked coldly, a glint of icy malice flashing in her eyes.

"Madam, perhaps this isn't appropriate," Li Yiniang said, feigning concern as she furrowed her brows.

"What's not appropriate?" Old Madam Li countered sharply.

"Well, what if Madam really starves to death? It wouldn't sound good if that got out! And most importantly, you entrusted her to my care. I really can't bear this responsibility!" Li Yiniang tested, glancing at Old Madam Li cautiously.

"You're worried about that, huh," Old Madam Li retorted icily. "Rest assured, no matter what happens to her, you won't be held accountable!"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan turned to look at Li Yinaing with a faint smile still lingering on her face. Li Yinaing felt as if she was being seen through by that piercing gaze, and her smile suddenly felt awkward.


In the Furui courtyard, Madam Lin lay on the bed with her eyes tightly closed. She seethed with anger at the swill brought for lunch, clenching her teeth in silent fury. Since yesterday, she had been lying in bed for over a day, not touching a single morsel of food despite only drinking a little water.

Drawing closer to the bedside, the maid Hua'er spoke softly, urging Madam Lin, "Madam, please take care of yourself. There are still many days ahead. Even for the sake of Second Miss, you should eat something."

Madam Lin turned away in disgust, burying her face in the intricately embroidered bedsheet, completely ignoring Hua'er. Though Hua'er felt disheartened, she dared not leave. 

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Just then, a commotion erupted outside. The door burst open with a bang as Ouyang Ke stormed in, her demeanor fierce. Spotting Hua'er by the bedside and Madam Lin lying motionless, she swiftly moved forward and slapped Hua'er across the face. "You're supposed to attend to my mother. How dare you neglect her? How did she end up like this?"

"Second Miss, please calm down. I... I had no choice..." Hua'er knelt down with a thud, trembling as she explained. With both Madam and Second Miss having lost their influence, Madam Lin still held the authority as the mistress of the house. As long as Madam Lin remained alive, she was still the legitimate head of the Ouyang family. How could a mere maid dare to mistreat her? Madam Lin's refusal to eat was simply her own stubbornness.

At that moment, Cheng Mama, who was responsible for guarding the premises, rushed in anxiously. Her expression changed immediately upon seeing the scene. "Second Miss, you must leave quickly. If Old Madam finds out, it will be disastrous!"

Ouyang Ke raised her eyebrows, her voice cold. "Are you going to tell her?"

Cheng Mama hesitated, her face showing her dilemma. "Second Miss... I didn't mean to defy you. It's just that Old Madam ordered..."

"Hmph, Cheng Mama, there's no need to scare me! As long as nobody talks, Old Madam won't have a clue. It all depends on whether you're willing to help us, mother and daughter!" Ouyang Ke's expression softened slightly. She turned to Xia Xue and instructed, "Go! Give the gift to Cheng Mama!"

Xia Xue promptly handed over an embroidered lotus pouch. Cheng Mama hesitated, pretending not to accept it, but Xia Xue insisted and pushed it into her hands. Cheng Mama smiled awkwardly, secretly feeling a bit resentful. She thought to herself that Second Miss was becoming increasingly stingy lately. It seemed that soon there would be no more benefits to be had. With these thoughts in mind, she put on a smile and said, "Second Miss, if you have anything to say, please do so quickly. You know, Old Madam is keeping a close eye on us."

"Enough, enough, just leave quickly. I have something to discuss with my mother!" Ouyang Ke waved her hand impatiently, her disgust evident.

As Cheng Mama exited the courtyard, a maid hurriedly approached her. "Mama, why didn't you drag Second Miss out? If Old Madam finds out, we'll be finished..."

"You think you understand?" Cheng Mama chuckled coldly. No matter how much the masters fought, it didn't affect the servants much. A camel starves while a horse grows fat; if Madam were to turn the tables in the future, wouldn't it be wise to leave a way out for oneself? She wasn't that foolish!

Upon hearing Ouyang Ke's voice, Madam Lin continued to feign indifference until Cheng Mama and Hua'er approached the door and exited. Only then did she turn around and sit up on the bed.


"Mother!" Ouyang Ke rushed up and grabbed her hand. "I heard you're not eating anymore. How could you do this? Didn't you tell me before, 'As long as there's a green hill, there's no fear of running out of firewood'? If you don't think for yourself, at least think of me. If you're not here, who knows how those people will oppress me..."

"You see me like this now. I'm probably not much better off than dead!" Madam Lin retorted coldly, her gaze towards Ouyang Ke lacking the usual affection.

Ouyang Ke's heart shook. Ever since Ouyang Hao's death, there had been a rift between them, a fact she was well aware of. However, since Madam Lin had been imprisoned, her own position in the household had plummeted. She realized that only if Madam Lin regained her spirits could she help herself out of this predicament. 

Thinking this, she quickly said, "Mother, if you don't like the food, I brought something else." With that, she had Xia Xue bring the food box over. However, Madam Lin didn't even look at it and pushed it aside. "I don't want to eat," she said, then lifted her eyes to meet Ouyang Ke's gaze. "Last time, I told you to set up a memorial tablet for Wang Mama. Did you do it?"

Ouyang Ke was taken aback and stuttered, "I... I..." In her mind, Wang Mama was just a servant who had died, nothing special. Why waste money on such a thing? Seeing Madam Lin's stern expression, she quickly explained, "Mother, you know, besides being confined at home, Old Madam doesn't let me go out casually. There's really nothing I can do."

Upon hearing this, Madam Lin's face became even colder and more grim. At this moment, her sunken eyes were dark and bruised, her skin stretched tight over her bones, giving her the appearance of almost no vitality. Seeing her in this state, Ouyang Ke continued to persuade her, "Mother, you have to hold on. If Uncle sees you like this, I don't know how distressed he'll be!"

"Did you see him? Did he send someone to rescue us?" Madam Lin's despair dissipated instantly at the mention of Lin Wenyuan, showing clear excitement as she eagerly asked.

"I didn't see him, but Uncle sent someone to deliver a letter to me!" Ouyang Ke quickly took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to her. "Mother, please read it quickly. I'll go burn it afterwards."

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Madam Lin's emaciated fingers grasped the letter as if clutching a lifeline. She read it carefully, and finally let out a sigh of relief. The tension between her brows also eased. "Your uncle's intention is for me to endure a little longer. He will definitely find a way to save me."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Ke became energized. She nodded vigorously and said, "Mother, Uncle is right. Once he takes charge for us, you'll naturally be able to turn things around. By then, that Ouyang Nuan won't be able to have her way!"

"Alas, but speaking of which, your uncle's words are just to ease my mind. If he truly had the ability, why didn't he retrieve Second Sister-in-law from the temple?" Madam Lin's eyes filled with resentment as she spoke. "I underestimated your elder sister. She's just as cunning and scheming as anyone. It's like she's a demon reincarnated to torment us. She made me suffer at home, and then, after just three months in the Marquis's residence, she managed to have Second Sister-in-law sent to the temple for repentance. And now it's been two years, truly remarkable!"

Ouyang Ke had also heard about the theft of the rare pearl. Lin Wenyuan was afraid of Emperor's blame, so he had to maneuver carefully and even sent Madam Jiang to repent in the temple. It had been two years already, and he didn't dare to bring her back.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Ke couldn't help but shiver inwardly. "Mother, Second Aunt committed the theft of sacred objects. I heard even the Grand Prince Qin interceded for her. Otherwise, it would have been a capital offense. Even so, she's still being treated leniently!"

"Light punishment? If it were indeed lenient, then why did the Emperor marry your cousin to Cao Rong? What kind of family is the Cao family? That's punishment! It's the Emperor finding ways to vent his anger!" Madam Lin exclaimed through gritted teeth, shaking the letter in her hand. "Your uncle is also facing cold treatment now. Otherwise, could he just stand by and watch these people bully me like this? You are too naive!"

"Mother, why don't you try to plead with Grandmother again? Maybe she'll release you first," Ouyang Ke suggested, hoping that Madam Lin would be released so that Madam Su could come and she could have a chance to see Madam Su's son, Su Yulou. However, she didn't dare to reveal this desire on her face.

"Plead with her? According to her thoughts, she would rather tear me to shreds and feed me to the dogs to feel satisfied!" Madam Lin retorted.

"Mother, it won't be that severe. Perhaps Grandmother was just momentarily angry, feeling embarrassed in front of others. Once her anger subsides, she'll release you. If she really wanted your life, why hasn't she acted already? There have been plenty of opportunities!"

"You think so?! Hmph!" Madam Lin sneered. "You, this girl, really lack brains. It's because someone doesn't want me dead!"

"Who?" Ouyang Ke asked in astonishment, looking at Madam Lin. On the other side, Xia Xue lowered her head, as if she hadn't heard anything.

"Your precious elder sister!" Madam Lin's complexion turned even more pale, looking ghastly. "She doesn't want me dead. She's afraid of letting me off too easily! Otherwise, why not send some poison, a three-foot white silk, isn't that a surefire death? She just wants to keep me alive, letting me rot bit by bit! That venomous scorpion! And that old thing from Shou'an Hall, if I had known she was so ruthless, I would have killed her long ago!"

Madam Lin's anger was palpable, and Ouyang Ke listened intently.

Old Madam Li's sudden arrival at the Furuai Courtyard sent the maids and servants guarding both inside and outside into a state of trembling fear, each one bowing their heads without daring to lift them.

"Well, well! What a touching display of motherly love and filial piety we have here. It's truly heartwarming!" Old Madam Li didn't immediately enter the room but instead stood outside the window, eavesdropping for a while. Upon hearing Madam Lin's resentful words through clenched teeth, she turned to glance at Ouyang Nuan, who remained calm and composed without a hint of emotion.

Upon hearing Old Madam Li's words, Madam Lin's expression immediately changed, and Ouyang Ke couldn't help but tremble involuntarily.

"I've really underestimated you all. I thought this place was so peaceful, only to find that you're all happily reunited..." Old Madam Li coldly stared at Madam Lin, a mocking smile forming on her face. "On the way here, I was even pondering if the food I sent was too poor, hence your accusation of me mistreating you."

Madam Lin was about to speak when she suddenly noticed Li Yue'e, and Ouyang Nuan behind her. The look in her eyes turned bitterly resentful, as if she wanted to pounce on them and swallow them whole! Li Yue'e deliberately avoided her gaze, while Ouyang Nuan lifted her eyes, looking at her with a smile that seemed to savor her current misery and distress.

"Grandmother, please forgive me!" Ouyang Ke whispered softly, "It was me... I heard that mother's health was deteriorating rapidly, so I rushed in here out of concern. I didn't expect..."

"You didn't expect your mother wasn't tortured to death by me, did you?" Old Madam Li glanced at Ouyang Ke, who was dressed in bright spring attire, with delicate features. She thought to herself, "You're too bold, daring to barge in here like this! What good news are you discussing here? Are you suggesting that if I die sooner, your mother will be released? Speak up, let me hear it!"

Ouyang Ke glanced at Old Madam Li's grim expression, feeling increasingly terrified. "Granddaughter didn't... Granddaughter absolutely didn't intend to curse Grandmother..."

"Stop!" Old Madam Li coldly stared at her, her voice devoid of any kindness. "You've grown wings now, thinking I'm just a hindrance here, wishing for my death! Hmph, neither you nor your mother are good people, ungrateful wretches!" Old Madam Li became more and more enraged as she spoke, raising her hand to slap Ouyang Ke hard across the face.

Ouyang Ke covered her face, feeling a deep sense of humiliation. She hung her head in anger, unable to speak. Madam Lin harbored deep hatred for Old Madam Li, sneering, "Old lady, what exactly do you want to do to us? Kill us or let us die? Just say it outright!" Her gaze was icy and fierce, clearly confident that Old Madam Li wouldn't dare do anything to her. 

Old Madam Li hadn't expected her to be so defiant even in this situation, and she cursed, pointing at her, "It's all because of you, you wretch, that you've corrupted my granddaughter!"

She raised her hand to slap Madam Lin, but to her surprise, Madam Lin not only didn't plead for mercy or dodge, but instead, she stood tall, lifted her chin, and faced the slap head-on. Old Madam Li was so infuriated that she trembled all over, nearly stumbling. Ouyang Nuan's lips curved into a cold smile, quickly reaching out to support her grandmother, whispering softly, "Grandmother, you can say anything you need to calmly. Please don't get angry, be careful of your health!"

Seeing Madam Lin's painful expression, Ouyang Nuan suddenly had a thought—to push her to her limits! This thought arose like a poisonous flower blossoming deep within her heart, spreading its toxic fumes throughout her body. She longed for it, even her heart ached with desire. 

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However, when she glanced at Ouyang Ke beside her, she couldn't help but reveal a faint smile. This was just the beginning, merely the beginning. Madam Lin would eventually realize. What she thought was unbearable pain now was just a drop in the ocean. 

What truly was the most agonizing thing in life, she hadn't seen or experienced it herself yet... Thinking of this, Ouyang Nuan sighed softly, with an indescribable melancholy in her tone, "Mother, don't oppose grandmother like this. Do you want to anger her to death? That would be extremely unfilial!"

"Unfilial? I'm your stepmother and your aunt by blood. Look at how you've treated me! You are the one being unfilial!" Madam Lin retorted fearlessly, her gaze dark and menacing.

Seeing Madam Lin's boldness, Li Yiniang's resentment turned into a cold glare, though her tone remained soft as she spoke, "Madam, why must you confront the old madam like this? You know very well that Wang Mama was someone by your side. Despite her grave mistake, the old madam merely punished her with death by caning. She didn't blame you. Now, you harbor resentment towards the old madam and scold the young mistress. What's the point of all this?"

Madam Lin, filled with jealousy as she gazed at the increasingly charming Li Yue'e, couldn't contain her hatred. She spat at her directly, causing Li Yue'e to recoil in shock, exclaiming, "Madam... Madam..."

"Guards!" Old Madam Li, remembering Madam Lin's earlier insults and threats, felt her anger rising further. As her command echoed, four maids entered the room in quick succession.

"Drag her down and give her forty heavy strokes!" Old Madam Li commanded fiercely, pointing at Madam Lin as she addressed Zhang Mama.

"This...," Zhang Mama hesitated, unsure. Upon receiving a glance from Ouyang Nuan, she spoke softly, "Grandmother, perhaps the punishment is too severe."

Old Madam Li glared hatefully at Madam Lin and retorted, "A daughter-in-law who wishes for my death! Even if she were beaten to death, it wouldn't be a pity! Proceed!"

Startled, Zhang Mama quickly ordered the servants to drag Madam Lin out.

"In the main courtyard," Old Madam Li instructed. "Summon all the servants of Furui Courtyard to witness this punishment."

Ouyang Ke trembled in fear, unable to utter a single word or even dare to plead. 

Madam Lin glanced at her, feeling utterly hopeless. She sternly declared, "I am the Madam of the Ouyang family. Old Madam, you're not punishing me, but tarnishing the reputation of your own family! You better think twice and not regret it later!" 

Old Madam Li was taken aback, showing signs of hesitation. Just then, Ouyang Nuan noticed a slip of paper falling from Madam Lin's hand. She gently nudged Aunt Li, who quickly seized the paper and glanced at it, revealing a surprised expression. Old Madam Li coldly demanded, "What does it say?"

Li Yiniang wore a conflicted expression on her face. After a moment of silence, she whispered, "Minister Lin asks Madam to endure for the time being. He says there will soon be a way to release her... and then we can settle the scores later..." In reality, Minister Lin's letter mentioned Ouyang Nuan, but Li Yiniang intentionally omitted that part and only emphasized the threat. 

Old Madam Li, upon hearing this, became infuriated to the extreme. "So be it! I wasn't going to harm you, but now you want to settle scores with me? Fine! You brought this upon yourself! Zhang Mama, what are you standing there for? Drag her out!"

Madam Lin initially thought that she had scared Old Madam Li enough just now. She never expected her to actually be ruthless enough to order her beating in front of the servants. This meant that even if she regained power in the future, she would never be able to hold her head up in front of these people again! "Wait!" she cried out.

"What else do you want to say?"

"I was wrong, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I was just confused and spoke nonsense because I was hungry. Old Madam, please spare me for the many years I've served you. I won't dare to do it again!" Madam Lin fell to her knees with a thud, tears streaming down her face, her attitude suddenly softened.

"If you had known today's outcome, why act recklessly in the first place? Now that you're begging for mercy, it's too late! Zhang Mama, drag her out!" Hearing this, Madam Lin suddenly felt her whole body trembling uncontrollably. Despite her struggles, she was dragged out by four maids. In the courtyard outside, several maids held her down on a bench, lifted her skirt, and started beating her mercilessly. Old Madam Li made sure all the maids and servants of Furui Pavilion witnessed it, sending a warning to everyone that those who opposed her would meet a dire fate!

As Li Yiniang listened to the sound of the beating and Madam Lin's cries from outside, a cold smile involuntarily appeared on her face. She glanced at Ouyang Ke, who was still kneeling there, and thought to herself, 'What a foolish person. If it weren't for the young mistress personally ordering to let it through, do you think that letter could have reached your hands?'

Old Madam Li had just vented her anger, so she wasn't as resentful towards Ouyang Ke anymore. She gave her a cold glance and muttered, "Get out!" Ouyang Ke felt as if she had been granted a reprieve, quickly standing up and hurrying out. However, due to her haste, her gait was awkward, making her look quite ridiculous.

Ouyang Nuan, on the other hand, understood everything. Madam Lin was very clever. Her arrogance just now was merely to divert Old Madam Li's anger, so she wouldn't direct it towards Ouyang Ke. However, her selfish daughter had not sensed this act of maternal love at all. Perhaps she hadn't come today to visit her mother, but for her own selfish reasons!

As they passed through the courtyard, Madam Lin continued to struggle, cursing vehemently at Ouyang Nuan: "You wicked girl! You will not die a peaceful death! You will not die peacefully!" Her words were interspersed with splatters of blood foam. Despite this, Ouyang Nuan remained calm, still smiling faintly, her gaze steady and composed. She walked calmly, and her smile gradually deepened.

Back at the Shou'an Hall, Old Madam Li nearly finished her tea before catching her breath. Just as she was about to say something to Ouyang Nuan, Yumei entered, holding an ornate invitation card with golden embossing. Her face was bright and pleasing, and she respectfully handed the card to Old Madam Li, saying, "Old Madam, the Crown Prince's Consort has sent an invitation to our young lady, inviting her to attend a banquet."

Old Madam Li's previously furrowed brow immediately smoothed out, and her face lit up like a flower. She spoke, "Look at me, I was almost blinded by anger. Nuan'er, hurry and get ready to attend the banquet. Don't delay!" 

A banquet at the Crown Prince's residence was not an opportunity that ordinary people could enjoy. Old Madam Li was overjoyed. She harbored a vague thought that her granddaughter might leverage this connection with the Crown Prince's Consort to rise to prominence. When that time came, the Ouyang family would enjoy endless prosperity!

Thinking about this, she felt it necessary to remind Ouyang Nuan. She glanced at Zhang Mama, who promptly led the maids out of the room. Old Madam Li couldn't wait to speak: "Nuan'er, there's something your grandmother isn't sure whether she should mention."

Ouyang Nuan sat beside her, her hands casually resting on her knees, her eyes carrying an indescribable calmness as she looked at Old Madam Li. "Grandmother, is there anything between us that cannot be said?"

Old Madam Li gently rotated the teacup in her hand as she looked at Ouyang Nuan, her expression thoughtful. "You and your cousin have always had a good relationship, haven't you?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded gently.

Old Madam Li narrowed her eyes, her expression becoming even gentler. However, Ouyang Nuan felt that her words were anything but simple. After a moment, Old Madam Li spoke slowly, "Miss Lin has been married for two years now, and still there is no news of an heir. You are aware of this, Nuan."

Ouyang Nuan suddenly raised her head, caught off guard by the direct eye contact. Quickly, she lowered her gaze, avoiding Old Madam Li's eyes. In that moment, her heart raced.

"Well, in the presence of the Crown Prince, there are always countless beauties. Even if one gains favor, it's only temporary. As a woman, the only thing one can rely on for a lasting bond is a child," Old Madam Li sighed, sounding both regretful and cautionary.

Over the past two years, Ouyang Nuan's beauty had blossomed even more. Even Old Madam Li sometimes found herself momentarily captivated by her charming face, let alone men! The Crown Prince was a man, after all. Old Madam Li couldn't believe that he wouldn't be moved by such a beautiful young girl. With this thought, Old Madam Li's breath caught for a moment, but she quickly smiled again. "You often visit the Prince's Mansion. Spend more time with your cousin, advise and comfort her. Be more open-minded about everything. As for children, they will come one day." She looked at Ouyang Nuan, her smile becoming warmer. 

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"Yes..." Ouyang Nuan lowered her head, concealing the disdain in her eyes, her expression respectful and devout.

Old Madam Li, afraid that Ouyang Nuan might not understand, smiled and said, "You don't need her invitation to go. If you two get along well, you can go whenever you want."

Ouyang Nuan responded lightly as usual. Old Madam Li couldn't discern her thoughts from her expression, so she squinted and said, "Speaking of which, you are much more outstanding than your cousin. It's a pity that our family's status is not as good as theirs, making such a good child like you suffer."

Ouyang Nuan's gaze was serene, with a faint smile on her lips. "No, to be born into such a family, with the love and care of grandmother and father, Nuan is already extremely fortunate."

"Are you really unable to understand what grandmother is saying, Nuan'er?" Old Madam Li couldn't believe that Ouyang Nuan, who was so clever, couldn't hear the subtext in her words. "Don't you feel aggrieved for yourself?"

Old Madam Li's gaze was shrewd, revealing her calculating nature. Under such scrutiny, Ouyang Nuan slowly lowered her head in silence for a moment before saying, "Nuan'er is dull. Please forgive me, grandmother."

"I can't believe how clueless you are, not seizing the opportunity to plan for yourself."

The sound of Old Madam Li's wooden beads knocking against the chair was not loud, but Zhang Mama immediately held her breath, bowing her head and not daring to look at the two masters.

For a moment, the room was filled with the quiet breaths of those present.

Old Madam Li didn't erupt in anger after all. Instead, she chuckled lightly and said to Ouyang Nuan, "I've always done my best to protect you and your brother. I've helped punish and vent against those who bully you. Nuan'er, grandmother has no other demands of you, just hoping that you will repay kindness with gratitude!"

Her voice was gentle, but to Ouyang Nuan's ears, it sounded extremely cold and heartless. The old woman before her, with her temples grayed and wrinkles like chrysanthemum petals at the corners of her eyes, was obsessed with wealth and status. 

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but sneer inwardly. This was her grandmother, this was the true purpose behind Old Madam Li's punishment of Madam Lin today—to show favor to her, while also warning her. She could lift someone up to the heavens, but she could also crush them to pieces. 

In her previous life, Ouyang Nuan didn't have such value to exploit, so Old Madam Li didn't bother to spend so much effort on her. But now, Old Madam Li had torn away her facade of affection, leaving only selfishness and cruelty behind.

She parted her lips, slowly rose to her feet, and knelt down at Old Madam Li's feet, whispering softly, "Granddaughter understands now. Please rest assured, Grandmother."

Old Madam Li nodded and smiled as she helped her up, saying, "You are truly a good child." With that, she chuckled lightly.

Ouyang Nuan also smiled gently at her, but her fingers suddenly tightened into a fist. In that moment, her hand felt hot, as if flames were slowly boiling within, almost crushing her finger bones.


When Lin Wenyuan entered the study, Grand Prince Qin was amusing himself with a talkative green parrot. Upon seeing Lin Wenyuan, Grand Prince Qin cast a brief glance at him.

"Your Highness, I beg for your mercy!" Lin Wenyuan immediately knelt down on the ground with a thud.

Grand Prince Qin coldly glanced at him but remained silent. However, Lin Wenyuan felt his heart skip a beat under that gaze. He knew deeply that the man before him was not someone he could easily deceive. Grand Prince Qin had once single-handedly quelled a rebellion, fought in the mountains and valleys, commanded hundreds of thousands of troops with great prestige, and his thoughts were inscrutable.

Indeed, Grand Prince Qin's expression was very calm. "Wenyuan, just a few chess pieces. There's no need to be so concerned."

"Your Highness, if you continue to ignore this, chaos will reign throughout the kingdom!" Lin Wenyuan pleaded with a mournful face. "The Crown Prince has suddenly dismissed the top five most trusted individuals under my command. His Majesty then ordered to draft an edict and seal it with the royal seal, stripping them of all their titles!"

Grand Prince Qin had already learned of this news, yet there was no trace of anger on his face. "That's enough, you may rise," Grand Prince Qin said with a slight frown, his tone neither warm nor cold.

“Your Highness! Those five individuals have been loyal followers of Your Highness for many years. If it weren't for me stopping them, they would all come to plead with Your Highness in person!” Lin Wenyuan exclaimed loudly. Seeing that Grand Prince Qin's expression remained inscrutable, he couldn't discern what the prince was thinking. Lin Wenyuan could only continue kneeling there, refusing to rise.

"You're willing to kneel, then kneel. This kingdom belongs to the Emperor. He has already made his decision. What do you want me to do? Beg for mercy on behalf of those fools? If they hadn't been so blatant in their actions, they wouldn't have fallen into the hands of the Crown Prince!" Grand Prince Qin spoke firmly, his tone unyielding.

Grand Prince Qin was always decisive. When he spoke like this, it meant he wouldn't intervene in the matter. Lin Wenyuan, greatly disappointed, wanted to say something more, but Grand Prince Qin waved his hand and said, "I already know what you're thinking. You didn't come here to plead for them. You're afraid that the Emperor will come after you next!"

"Your Highness, since you understand everything, I won't hide it from you anymore! I have followed you for many years, fought battles across the land, and achieved military merits today, all thanks to your support. But you also know, I am covered in scars everywhere. I have poured my heart and soul into serving the Great Li Dynasty. But how has the Emperor repaid me? He issued a secret decree, sending my wife to a nunnery and marrying my daughter to the most infamous wastrel, Cao Rong. What kind of family is the Cao family, and what kind of person is Cao Rong! Turning me into a laughingstock throughout the capital wasn't enough. Now the Crown Prince is pressing me at every step, nearly wiping out everyone around me. Your Highness, is the royal family trying to force me into rebellion?"

"Stop!" Grand Prince Qin's face remained unchanged. The jade cup he was holding slipped from his hand and hit Lin Wenyuan's forehead with a sharp pain. Despite this, Lin Wenyuan seemed to have made up his mind and called out loudly, "Your Highness!"

Grand Prince Qin took a deep breath and suddenly fixed his gaze on Lin Wenyuan. The deep black eyes beneath his brows resembled dark pools. "Wenyuan, how could you be so foolish! I have told you time and time again to be patient, to wait calmly. Yet you acted rashly, and now Father has noticed. This is just a small disturbance, yet you can't handle it. Is this how the mighty general who once fought alongside me bravely in life-and-death situations behaves?"

Lin Wenyuan was shaken to the core, unable to believe what he was hearing from Grand Prince Qin. It had been many years since he had been referred to as the mighty general, and his heart trembled. He instinctively lowered his head.

The expression on Grand Prince Qin's face was shrouded in dense shadows, making it difficult to discern. "Go back and think carefully about what you should do and what you shouldn't. If you can't figure it out, there's no need to come back."

Lin Wenyuan was struck by a profound realization. The raging anger and hatred that had consumed him for these past days were suddenly awakened by these words. He suddenly realized that his coveted title as Marquis of Zhenguo meant nothing in the eyes of Grand Prince Qin. 

As long as he followed the prince in conquering the world, obtaining a marquis title would be a trivial matter. His wife could be remarried, and his daughter could have a different fate. What did they matter in the grand scheme of things? How could he lose his mind over temporary gains and losses? He had been rash and impulsive in the past. After a long moment of silence, he bowed his head and said in a solemn tone, 

"I understand. Please rest assured, Your Highness. From this day forth, I will no longer act foolishly."

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**A Note From the Author**

Two years later... The topic of Ouyang Nuan's marriage was on people's minds, and it wasn't just Old Madam Li who was thinking about it. Haha!

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