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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 88: 

 Who is the pig and who is the tiger?

Everyone turned to look at Madam Jiang. Her face was extremely pale, lips almost bleeding from being bitten, yet her back remained straight. Seeing her in this state, the Old Madam narrowed her eyes, while Madam Shen shook her head inwardly. Lin Wenyuan erupted in anger, shouting, "Get out! It's not your place to speak here!" He knew that Madam Jiang was capable of saying anything to protect Lin Yuanrou, fearing she might inadvertently implicate herself!

Madam Jiang quickly walked over, shielding the almost unresponsive Lin Yuanrou behind her. Then, lifting her head high, chest puffed out, she declared loudly, "I did this. It has nothing to do with Yuanrou. If you have anything to say, come at me!"

Everyone gasped in disbelief.

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Madam Jiang stared coldly at Lin Wenyuan. In that moment, after so many years of marriage, she knew her husband was about to shift all the blame onto their daughter! If Yuanrou, still so young, were to be implicated today, even if the Emperor didn't blame her, her reputation would be utterly ruined, her life destroyed! Thinking this, she glared fiercely at Ouyang Nuan, as if blaming her for everything, almost wishing she could devour her alive!

Lin Yuanxin, feeling anxious from that gaze, instinctively grabbed Ouyang Nuan's hand, her heart filled with worry. Yet Ouyang Nuan returned her gaze with an icy stare, carrying an indescribable chill.

At that moment, Lin Zhiyu rushed out from the crowd and knelt in front of Madam Jiang, crying out, "Mother! Sister made a mistake. How can I let you bear this burden?" Since he had a gentle and weak nature he was never informed of anything by Lin Wenyuan and his wife before. So when he saw Madam Jiang taking the blame, he almost lost his soul, rushing forward to embrace her, clutching at the hem of her dress.

Crown Prince Xiao Yan cleared his throat. "Madam Lin, we understand your deep love for your daughter. But you cannot bear her burdens for her."

"Did you hear that? Get out of the way! If you continue to protect this sinful girl, I won't spare you either!" Lin Wenyuan's face turned livid. In his eyes, he still had two sons; what did a daughter matter? Abandoning Lin Yuanrou was the best choice! From his perspective, Madam Jiang's actions were simply foolish!

Madam Jiang stared coldly at him, showing no signs of backing down. Instead, she raised her voice to address everyone, "Indeed, I took the pearl. To prevent it from being discovered, I deliberately placed it on Yuanrou. Everything I've said is true, without any intention of covering up for her!"

Lin Wenyuan, furious, pointed at Madam Jiang and roared, "Wretched woman! Say another word and see what happens!"

At this moment, the Old Madam glanced at Madam Jiang and calmly remarked, "Think carefully about what should be said and what shouldn't. The accusation of stealing a treasure bestowed by the Emperor is not trivial. Do you realize the trouble your words could bring? Even if we cannot bear to see you punished, I fear there will be no place for you in the family in the future. Can you still maintain your position as the wife of a high-ranking official?" Her words were stern, clearly a warning to Madam Jiang.

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Madam Jiang's expression grew even colder. "Old Madam, I am well aware of what should and should not be said. I did the deed, and it has nothing to do with Yuanrou. Think about it. How could a young girl like her have the courage and cunning to steal a pearl? Who would listen to her? Where would she get the scheming to hide a treasure?" She let out a bitter smile. "I thought it was foolproof, but who would have thought it would be discovered? Yuanrou is my own daughter. I cannot bear to see her suffer because of me!"

Lin Wenyuan, furious, pointed at Madam Jiang and roared, "Wretched woman! Say another word and see what happens!"

At this moment, the Old Madam glanced at Madam Jiang and calmly remarked, "Think carefully about what should be said and what shouldn't. The accusation of stealing a treasure bestowed by the Emperor is not trivial. Do you realize the trouble your words could bring? Even if we cannot bear to see you punished, I fear there will be no place for you in the family in the future. Can you still maintain your position as the wife of a high-ranking official?" Her words were stern, clearly a warning to Madam Jiang.

Madam Jiang's expression grew even colder. "Old Madam, I am well aware of what should and should not be said. I did the deed, and it has nothing to do with Yuanrou. Think about it. How could a young girl like her have the courage and cunning to steal a pearl? Who would listen to her? Where would she get the scheming to hide a treasure?" She let out a bitter smile. "I thought it was foolproof, but who would have thought it would be discovered? Yuanrou is my own daughter. I cannot bear to see her suffer because of me!"

Xiao Qinghan looked bewilderedly at the scene and quietly asked Xiao Qingxian beside him, "What... what is happening here?"

Xiao Qingxian shook his head faintly, his gaze shifting from the tearful Lin Yuanrou to the resolute Madam Jiang. After a moment of silence, he remained speechless.

The love of a mother for her children is the most sincere emotion in the world. This scene was truly touching. However, it was a pity that if she hadn't implicated Lin Yuanrou, she might have been the one forced into a corner today. Therefore, neither of these two deserved any sympathy from others. Observing quietly, Ouyang Nuan's eyes gradually lost their sharpness, replaced only by an indistinct coldness.

Lin Zhiyu, fearing that others might believe Madam Jiang's words, exclaimed loudly, "Mother! I know you love my sister, but everyone should take responsibility for their own actions! By taking the blame for her, you may have saved her, but what about me? What about Pei'er? Aren't we also your own sons? Are you going to abandon us?" In his desperation, he almost started to cry. After speaking, he desperately kowtowed twice to Xiao Yan, who was sitting beside him with a solemn expression, and shouted loudly, "Your Highness, my mother was just confused and said the wrong things! She didn't do it at all!" Then he forcefully pushed Lin Yuanrou and urged, "Quickly admit that you did it yourself, don't involve mother!"

Lin Yuanrou didn't expect that even her own brother wouldn't protect her. Overwhelmed with emotion, she began to cry uncontrollably, completely disregarding the dignified demeanor expected of a noble lady.

Looking at this family, the father was eager to maintain his reputation, ruthlessly sacrificing his own flesh and blood; the mother, driven by maternal love, was willing to shoulder the blame herself; the eldest son was filial, desperately pushing the blame onto his sister; while the sister was selfish and only knew how to cry and plead. Xiao Zhonghua watched this scene with a sense of bitter irony. His gaze shifted to Ouyang Nuan, who was sitting quietly nearby, and gradually became pensive.

Lin Yuanrou tightly held onto Madam Jiang's skirt, tears streaming down her face. "Mother, you have to save me, please, you must save me!"

Madam Jiang indeed loved her daughter, but there was another very important reason: she understood her daughter better than Lin Wenyuan. If she didn't step forward, given Yuanrou's character, she would eventually reveal everything to protect herself. Knowing this, Madam Jiang had no choice but to step forward and take the blame. 

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If she were to accuse Lin Wenyuan of being the mastermind behind it, then the second branch of the family would be doomed! Her two sons would suffer as well! Madam Jiang understood this better than anyone else. 

Therefore, she boldly declared, "I am not speaking out of turn, I have evidence." She glanced at her grief-stricken eldest son and continued calmly, "At the time when the pearl was brought into the front courtyard and all the ladies were eager to admire it, I took the opportunity to swap it with a similar-sized pearl from my own jewelry. None of the ladies could tell the difference, and even if they did, no one would dare to question its authenticity. Then, I wrapped the pearl in a handkerchief and hid it on my person to avoid leaving any trace of it. Afterwards, I went to the Spring Pavilion with Yuanrou, accompanied by Xin'er and Nuan, to drink tea and chat for almost half an hour. Originally, I planned to leave the pearl there and retrieve it after all the guests had left. However, due to the crowd, I couldn't find the right moment to do so. In the end, I had to bring the pearl back to the banquet. Later, when I saw Miss Cui admiring Yuanrou's crystal flower and taking it down to admire it, I took the opportunity to have my maid, Wei Zi, hide the pearl inside the crystal flower..."

Cui Youruo, who was called out, was startled. She had just wanted to take a look at the crystal flower. Unfortunately, Lin Yuanrou was afraid she might break it, so she only took it down and waved it in front of her without letting her touch it. Upon hearing Madam Jiang's words, she responded, "Indeed, I did see a maid coming over to talk to Miss Lin just now, but I didn't see exactly what she did."

That maid was Wei Zi, who was tasked with confirming whether Ouyang Nuan had left midway. In reality, she wasn't there to hide the pearl at all. Madam Jiang's actions were simply to absolve her daughter of guilt. Wei Zi was so frightened that she immediately fell to the ground, repeatedly kowtowing.

Madam Jiang, seeing the suspicion in everyone's eyes, spoke again in a cold voice, "As for the servant who helped me switch the pearls, I can point her out as well!" Indeed, she had secretly swapped the pearls herself, and she had been the one involved the whole time. Lin Yuanrou had not been directly involved at all. No one could say otherwise!

Lin Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief but his gaze remained cold and he didn't utter a word. The Old Madam sighed and said, "Rou'er, is what your mother said true?" Lin Yuanruo looked nervously at Madam Jiang, wiped away her tears, and whispered, "Yes... it's true." 

Seeing this situation, Lin Zhiyu glared angrily at Lin Yuanruo, as if he wanted to punch a hole in her beautiful face. Trembling with fear, Lin Yuanruo shrank back. Lin Zhiyu was extremely furious and exclaimed, "Nonsense! How dare you let Mother take the blame for you!"

"Shut up!" Lin Wenyuan rushed forward and slapped his son hard across the face. "Get out of here now! If you utter another word, I'll kick you out along with your mother!"

Xiao Yan said calmly, "Master Lin, your wife has already admitted to the crime, and it's a serious offense to steal something bestowed by His Majesty. How do you intend to handle this?"

"I... I..." Lin Wenyuan glanced at the cold-eyed Madam Jiang, sweat breaking out on his forehead. He could hardly find his words. Originally, he had considered that if the pearl was lost, the blame for negligence in safekeeping would fall on the main branch. Ultimately, he would capture the culprit and redeem the Marquisate of Zhenguo. But he never expected that the culprit would turn out to be his own wife.

Glancing around at the faces of those present, each seemed to carry a mocking and indifferent expression. He knew that they were all waiting to see him fail. He couldn't afford to falter here. Absolutely not!

With furrowed brows, he confronted Madam Jiang, "What am I lacking? What have I deprived you of that you would disgrace me like this?" As he spoke, he forcefully kicked Madam Jiang to the ground. 

She collapsed, her face pallid, cold sweat streaming down. She covered her waist and spoke in a chilling tone, "Master, if you want to kill me, go ahead! It was wrong of me to conceal this from you, but have you ever thought about why I did it? I've lived here for so many years, and because you're a bastard, the people of the Marquisate of Zhenguo look down on us. Your position as Marquis is out of reach. Even the marriage of our children is treated as inferior. Even if it's just to show those who look down on me, I had no choice!" As she finished speaking, her voice became almost desperate.

Ouyang Nuan slightly closed her eyes. By saying this, she intended to make people believe that she stole the pearl out of resentment towards the main branch. Even if it couldn't completely clear Lin Wenyuan's suspicion, it would prevent others from openly implicating the second branch. 

This way, the second branch could be protected, and her children could be safe. She was willing to take the blame for her actions. Even if it tarnished the reputation of the second branch, it was better than Lin Wenyuan's daughter confessing and everyone suffering together.

Lin Wenyuan paused, evidently understanding Madam Jiang's implication. He decided to put on a show of righteousness and teach her a lesson. Just as he was about to lift his foot— "No! Father! It's not Mother's fault!" 

Lin Zhiyu rushed over to protect Madam Jiang, but she pushed him away forcefully. "You get away! Don't anger your father because of me!"

Lin Zhiyu stood his ground, looking at Lin Wenxuan with determined eyes. "Father, if you're going to act, then strike me down. I cannot stand by and watch you punish Mother, no!"

Madam Jiang and Lin Yuanrou huddled together, crying. Lin Zhiyu desperately kowtowed, while the Old Madam looked upon the scene with utmost disgust, though she maintained a calm demeanor. She spoke coldly, "Enough of this! Look at yourselves! There are still so many guests here. Do you really want to disgrace the entire family in front of them?"

Beside her, Madam Zhou's smile held a mysterious depth. "Minister Lin, your own wife has made a mistake. How do you plan to handle this?"

Lin Wenyuan grit his teeth. "There's no need for anyone else to worry. I will personally take her to the authorities and make her confess to stealing the sacred object!"

Xiao Yan smiled faintly and suggested, "Given the noble status of Madam, such actions may be inappropriate. Why not have Minister Lin detain her first, while I go to plead with His Majesty the Emperor to forgive her transgression as much as possible? How does that sound?"

Having the Crown Prince intervene was uncertain, and Lin Wenxuan's face grew even darker. Nonetheless, he had no other choice but to reluctantly wave his hand, ordering someone to take Madam Jiang away and lock her up.

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As things escalated, the guests began to leave one by one. The expression on the old madam's face was one of deep sorrow. "With such an incident, it's truly shameful for our family to keep you all here. Madam Shen, please escort the madams and young misses back."

Madam Shen stood up, maintaining a polite smile. "Yes, I'll see the madams and young misses off."

"Nuan'er..." Lin Yuanxin watched as everyone around them left. Only then did she look at Ouyang Nuan with lingering fear in her eyes. "About the sachet..."

Ouyang Nuan looked back at her, casually asking, "Didn't cousin already figure it out?"

"If that's the case, it's truly outrageous! The second household is already arrogant enough on ordinary days, but now they're even framing you for theft. It's despicable! Ha, seeing them make a fool of themselves in front of so many people is quite satisfying!" Lin Yuanxin thought for a moment, then couldn't help but laugh. "It's a good thing you're clever enough to figure out that there was something wrong with the sachet! But how did you know?"

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "At first, I thought Lin Yuanrou's attack on you at the bridge was just out of spite. Now, I suspect it was planned in advance. First, Lin Yuanrou provoked you, then they, mother and daughter, took the opportunity to personally come and apologize. It was deliberate, gifting us the sachet."

"How could that be possible? She would never lose face in front of everyone!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "That's because she calculated our moves accurately but couldn't anticipate the arrival of the Crown Prince and his group on the opposite bank. That was the unexpected factor! Think about it, from the moment I received the sachet, Lin Yuanrou never left my side, not even allowing me to move out of her sight. But as for you, she didn't seem to care at all. When I intentionally bumped into your sachet, she didn't react at all. That's when I became even more certain that there was something wrong with the sachet she gave me." After finishing her explanation, she glanced at Hongyu. 

Hongyu smiled and whispered softly, "When Miss handed you the sachet, she made a gesture for me to carefully inspect it and even secretly drew the character '替' on my hand when you were not paying attention. I guess Miss wanted to seize the opportunity to have me switch the contents of the sachet with something for Miss Lin. Then, when I went back to retrieve the item, I could discreetly string the stolen pearl from the sachet onto the crystal flower carving. That's how we narrowly escaped. Otherwise, if they came to apprehend someone and found the pearl on Miss, it would have been a clear-cut case."

Ouyang Nuan sneered, "During this whole process, Lin Yuanrou only kept her eyes on me without being overly cautious of others. If she had been vigilant against Hongyu as well, I might have lost this game!"

Lin Yuanxin couldn't help but show astonishment. "I really can't believe it, Nuan'er, how did you know there was a pearl in the sachet?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head. "No, I didn't know what was in the sachet. I just instructed Hongyu to switch the contents of the sachet with Lin Yuanrou. Think about it, cousin, that mother and daughter duo have always seen us as thorns in their side. Suddenly showing goodwill, they must have had an ulterior motive. How could I easily believe them?"

"Then why didn't you speak up earlier?" Lin Yuanxin continued to inquire. "If you had revealed everything, wouldn't that have pinned the blame on them?"

"Without evidence, I couldn't speak casually. Besides — isn't it better to let them admit to the theft themselves?" Resentment, fear, hatred... All the pent-up emotions melted into a faint smile on Ouyang Nuan's face at this moment.

Lin Yuanxin felt that although she was smiling, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, so she instinctively reached out and held her hand. "Anyway, as long as you're okay."

A warmth spread through her heart as Ouyang Nuan nodded in response. Just then, a maid approached, smiling, "Miss, Madam requests your presence for a moment." Ouyang Nuan nodded in acknowledgment, exchanged a nod with Lin Yuanxin, then turned and walked towards where Madam Shen was.

By this time, most of the female guests had already left, leaving behind groups of three or four chatting. As Ouyang Nuan passed by, Xiao Qinghan seemed to want to say something, but was pulled aside by Xiao Qingxian.

At that moment, someone suddenly blocked Ouyang Nuan's path and softly asked, "Miss Ouyang, is Miss Lin grieving for Madam Lin?"

Ouyang Nuan was surprised that it was Xiao Zhonghua who had stopped her. She restrained her expression and replied calmly, "The Madam Lin you mentioned is my aunt. Naturally, I am saddened by her misfortune." She glanced sideways, avoiding direct eye contact with him, her eyelashes fluttering occasionally, making her appear soft, as innocent as a child unaware of the world's complexities. "Thank you for your concern, Prince."

Xiao Zhonghua's voice carried a subtle hint of probing, "Why do I feel like today's events are related to Miss Ouyang?"

A faint glimmer in his eyes gave Ouyang Nuan the sensation of being cut open by a cold blade. She lowered her head, pondering his words carefully. It seemed he harbored suspicions about her. She smiled faintly and replied softly, "Perhaps the Prince is overthinking."

He gazed at Ouyang Nuan's exquisite face, sighing lightly as if a breeze brushed past his ear. "Regardless of your reasons for doing this...," he shook his head, "be mindful of your words."

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Ouyang Nuan raised an eyebrow, showing a hint of confusion. Xiao Zhonghua glanced at Lin Wenyuan, who was now casting a dark look in their direction. In that instant, Ouyang Nuan understood his meaning. Suppressing the urge to furrow her brow, she maintained a faint smile on her lips. "When a beast is wounded, it may harbor resentment. If we don't remove the fangs of a fierce beast, it will surely harm others one day!" Her smile was light, graceful, and composed, yet behind her gaze seemed to gleam a bright fire.

Though they weren't close, the delicate fragrance emanating from her still subtly enveloped him, causing a slight ache in his temples. Her gaze, like a glittering dagger, carried a strong sense of intrusion, prompting Xiao Zhonghua to subtly avert his gaze.

Without waiting for his response, Ouyang Nuan had already walked past him, her movements fluid and graceful, showing no trace of reluctance. Involuntarily, he turned his head and watched her from afar, lost in thought.

Her voice was gentle when she spoke, yet devoid of warmth, much like her heart, seemingly incapable of ever being truly warmed.

After seeing off the female guests, Madame Shen turned to softly comfort Lin Yuanrou. Upon noticing Ouyang Nuan approaching, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Nuan, your sister has been crying nonstop. Please help me console her." With that, she winked at Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Lin Yuanrou, who was now staring at her intently, and before saying a word, she smiled gently, her expression innocent and soothing. "Sister, don't be sad. Aunt made a mistake, but we can figure things out together later. Being upset won't help at all and will only tire you out."

Lin Yuanrou stared coldly at her, lips curling into a mocking smile. "Ouyang Nuan, you truly have some tricks up your sleeve!"

The corners of Ouyang Nuan's eyebrows slightly furrowed, seemingly a display of restrained patience. "Sister, saying that is just trying to provoke me! Sigh, I really don't know where I've offended you. If I have, please forgive me. Considering my age and ignorance, please don't hold it against me."

"You!" Lin Yuanrou stood up abruptly, about to lunge at Ouyang Nuan. But behind Ouyang Nuan, silently standing, Changpu swiftly stepped forward and grabbed Lin Yuanrou's shoulder. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, gently approaching and raising her hand to tidy up Lin Yuanrou's disheveled hair. From afar, it appeared as a deeply affectionate scene between sisters.

"If I were you," Ouyang Nuan looked at Lin Yuanrou, her eyes narrowed with a hint of resentment, speaking softly, "I would pretend like nothing happened! Or perhaps, are you also considering following in your mother's footsteps?" Lin Yuanrou's eyes widened suddenly, filled with apparent shock. Ouyang Nuan continued in a softer tone, "Acting like a tiger when you're just a kitten. Do you even have the qualifications?"

Lin Yuanrou stared at Ouyang Nuan in disbelief, as if seeing her for the first time. Ouyang Nuan gently brushed off the dust from Lin Yuanrou's clothes and said, "Sister, I hope you'll learn to behave from now on." Then, she turned to Changpu and said, "Let her go."

Shaluo loosened her grip, and Lin Yuanrou slumped into the chair, her gaze still fixed tightly on Ouyang Nuan, now filled with boundless fear.

At that moment, a maid hurriedly rushed in from outside the garden and knelt before Madam Shen. From afar, Ouyang Nuan could see Madam Shen's smile vanish as soon as the maid uttered a few words. It all happened in an instant, so fast that Ouyang Nuan's heart sank abruptly. It was the head maid of the Tranquil Heart Pavilion. Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but glance towards Lin Wenyuan in the distance, only to see him flash a smile at her, a smile so chilling and malicious that it sent shivers down her spine. 

Ouyang Nuan suddenly realized that it wasn't just the inner courtyard; even her uncle's place, Lin Wenyuan, had taken action! She had been too preoccupied with escaping to consider his next move! In an instant, her hand clenched tightly in her sleeve, feeling the overwhelming chill rushing towards her, enveloping her heart, body, and soul in an icy embrace.

Hurriedly stepping into the Tranquil Heart Pavilion, the serene silence inside sharply contrasting with the bright spring day outside, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but shiver. She walked in quickly, only to hear Lin Yuanxin's restrained sobs echoing softly. Suddenly, she felt at a loss, her usual composure slipping away.

"People still have breath! Why cry..." The Old Madam sternly rebuked. She glanced around at the people present, her gaze finally falling on Shanhu: "What's going on?"

Shanhu knelt on the ground, timidly reporting: "The Marquis was fine this morning. After returning from the banquet, he suddenly said he couldn't breathe, felt chest tightness, and dizzy. So the servant immediately called for the doctor. The doctor said... the Marquis condition is very serious. The servant immediately went to report to Madam..."

The Old Madam looked towards the bed, where Lin Wenlong's face was contorted, breathing heavily, his entire body almost curled into a ball. The doctor was still carefully examining his pulse. The Old Madam called out from behind the curtain: "Doctor Zhang."

As the curtain lifted, Doctor Zhang walked out, saying, "Old Madam..."

The Old Madam looked at him, her brows furrowed tightly, asking, "What's the situation?"

Doctor Zhang said, "This illness came too suddenly, and it doesn't seem like the previous old illness..." I am also at a loss for what to do..."

Concern floated on Madam Shen's face, disregarding her demeanor, she anxiously asked, "Why did this happen so suddenly? He was perfectly fine this morning. Please think of a solution quickly!"

The imperial physician in the palace had already prescribed medication and assured that as long as the medication was taken according to the prescription, there would be no problem for at least three to four months. By then, Lin Yuanxin and Lin Zhiran's marriage would not be affected. But now...

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Lin Zhiran laughed coldly, "This matter is indeed suspicious. Father went to the banquet perfectly fine and then collapsed upon return... in such agony..." His eyes were red and swollen, but his voice carried a hint of determination. He paused, took a few steps forward, and looked directly at the Old Madam. He said, word by word, "Old Madam, I suspect someone tampered with his food."

Madam Shen looked at him in shock, unable to speak for a moment. Lin Zhiran continued, "With father gone, my sister's and my marriage will inevitably be delayed. The intentions of that person are so malicious!"

Facing such cruelty toward someone already on the brink of death, Lin Wenyuan's actions left Ouyang Nuan feeling as if countless voices were thundering in her head. Then, there was just a void, a space she couldn't control.

Lin Yuanxin hesitated, "But... there were dignitaries at the banquet. All the food and drinks were inspected. How could there be poison?"

Lin Zhiran coldly chuckled, "Every precaution has its oversight. Others will inevitably slip up."

Old Madam stared at Doctor Zhang, "But poisoning?"

Doctor Zhang replied, "This... forgive me for my limited knowledge, but it seems... it's not poison."

A hollow ache consumed Ouyang Nuan's chest and abdomen. She spoke slowly, her voice stiffened by the burning pain, "Doctor Zhang, how much longer can Uncle endure?"

Doctor Zhang glanced at Lin Wenlong lying on the bed, shaking his head helplessly.

Her own flesh and blood son was about to perish. Old Madam finally couldn't bear it any longer, turning her face away, gritting her teeth, "Go fetch the Crown Prince!"

Lin Yuanxin bit her lips tightly, as if enduring excruciating pain in her heart, her shoulders trembling ever so slightly.

How much longer could Lin Wenlong hold on?

Perhaps just another hour, or maybe it would be the next moment. He would soon perish.

Ouyang Nuan knew that King Yama was inexorably closing in on Lin Wenlong. She felt as if she saw a looming, dark shadow gradually obscuring all the light before her, rendering her completely immobilized. 

She tried to force herself to calm down, but her body couldn't stop trembling uncontrollably. She whispered softly, "Old Madam... What do you mean?"

Old Madam, however, looked out the window and gently closed her eyes. "Let's wait a moment."

Wait? Did Uncle have time to wait now? Ouyang Nuan glanced towards the bed, listening to the painful groans, a trace of distress evident in her eyes.

Xiao Yan quickly arrived, surprisingly accompanied by Xiao Zhonghua.

Prince Ming had a complexion like pale jade, with depths in his eyes like a deep pool. He walked in briskly, casting a glance at Ouyang Nuan before proceeding to the bed, carefully examining Lin Wenlong's symptoms. After a moment, he turned back, his expression slightly darkening. "The Marquis accidentally ingested a type of herb."

His voice was low, deep, yet carried a confident assurance.

Lin Yuanxin murmured incredulously, "Could it really be...?" She stopped herself halfway, realizing she had spoken out of turn. The piercing words were tightly bitten back into her lips, adding a touch of red to her previously pale complexion.

Xiao Yan glanced at her, then replied softly, "Don't worry. I'll figure something out."

Lin Yuanxin met his eyes, feeling that those cold yet caring eyes now carried a trace of genuine concern, without any pretense.

"Someone, escort Miss Lin back first," Old Madam wiped her tears and said solemnly.

Lin Yuanxin was about to marry into the Crown Prince's residence. It was inappropriate to stay at this time, but Xiao Yan raised his hand to stop her. "Urgent matters take precedence. There are exceptions to everything; there's no need to follow those rigid customs!" After speaking, he looked at Xiao Zhonghua again. "Are you sure?"

Xiao Zhonghua nodded and addressed everyone. "There is an inconspicuous red spot behind the Marquis's ear. If I'm not mistaken, it should be caused by pollen from a plant called 'Fanmutuo.' This pollen disperses everywhere with the wind in spring. It's harmless to ordinary people, but once ingested by someone with weakened health, it can cause headaches, dizziness, and ultimately suffocation. Strictly speaking, it's just a common pollen and cannot be detected with a silver needle. However, for someone as frail as the Marquis, even a slight exposure could be fatal."

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"How is it possible? If that's the case, how could I have never seen it before?" Doctor Zhang exclaimed in astonishment.

Xiao Zhonghua glanced at him and said calmly, "Few people know about the effects of this pollen. There have been many soldiers in the army who, due to injuries, accidentally ingested this pollen and lost their lives. Ordinary people wouldn't recognize such a thing, let alone know how to use it!"

"It's him! It must be him!" Lin Zhiran's suspicions were confirmed. He turned and walked briskly towards the exit. Old Madam shouted loudly, "Come back!" But Lin Zhiran paid no attention. At that moment, a figure stood in front of him. 

"Cousin! You have no evidence. Going to him like this is pointless!" Ouyang Nuan's voice was cold, almost indifferent, yet her voice was trembling slightly, and tears welled up in her eyes, visible only to Lin Zhiran, who was so close to her.

He looked deep into her eyes, almost moved by her pain... In the end, he took a deep breath, quickly turned around, and asked loudly, "Prince Ming, is there anything we can do?"

Xiao Zhonghua glanced at Ouyang Nuan, whose face was pale, showing agitation for the first time in front of others, and quietly said, "The Marquis's health is weak, and there is no lifesaving method other than using Lingzhi mushroom to prolong his life."

"How long can he hold on?" Old Madam asked in a solemn tone, her gaze carrying a profound sadness.

"For a few days," Xiao Zhonghua began to answer, but when he looked up and saw Ouyang Nuan's even paler expression, he couldn't bring himself to say the rest of the words.

"A few days?" Old Madam's fingers clenched tighter and tighter, trembling until the tips of her nails snapped off in her hand. The sound, though faint, seemed to echo like thunder, causing Ouyang Nuan's chest to ache momentarily. She quickly walked over to Old Madam's side. "Grandmother, please take care of yourself..."

Meanwhile, Madam Shen was urgently instructing the maidservant to fetch the Lingzhi mushroom. 

Old Madam shook her head wearily and then suddenly raised her head, solemnly bowing to Xiao Yan. 

Startled, Xiao Yan hurriedly said, "There's no need for such formality. Please, speak freely!"

Old Madam smiled faintly, but her smile resembled a lake frozen over for millennia, filled with an icy chill. "I implore Your Highness to advance the wedding date."

Upon hearing about the wedding date, Lin Yuanxin felt a fleeting pang of pain. She felt a bitter taste in her breath, choking her throat, making it hoarse. "Old Madam, Father's life hangs in the balance. How can I..." 

Ouyang Nuan promptly grasped her arm, preventing her from continuing.

After a moment of contemplation, Xiao Yan nodded solemnly to Old Madam. "Rest assured, I will speak to His Majesty about this."

The wedding date was approved by the Imperial Astrologer, and once set, it couldn't be easily changed without significant reasons. Xiao Yan's commitment suggested he was prepared to overcome any obstacles. Ouyang Nuan looked at this man, feeling a slight glimmer of confidence regarding Lin Yuanxin's marriage.

"Thank you for your kind words," Old Madam said, disregarding Xiao Yan's attempt to stop her, and she bowed once more.

Madam Shen cautiously spoke up, "Regarding the Zheng family..."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat. She observed Lin Zhiran's expression carefully, but he seemed indifferent, as if the marriage had nothing to do with him. "The Zheng family... I will have someone of high stature handle that."

With her father's life hanging by a thread, the priority here was not how to treat him, but to hurry up and arrange the marriages for the children. Lin Yuanxin understood this rationally, but emotionally, she couldn't accept it. She couldn't help but feel sorrowful, covering her face with a handkerchief and silently weeping.

Ouyang Nuan was equally filled with sadness, but her demeanor remained calm. She gently approached Lin Yuanxin and wordlessly embraced her.

With a parent deceased and the children mourning, Lin Yuanxin's marriage to the Prince and Lin Zhiran's marriage to Miss Zheng would have to be postponed, a practical problem. 

Ouyang Nuan understood better than anyone that all of this was orchestrated by Lin Wenyuan. The more she thought about it, the more determined she became not to let his schemes succeed. Feeling a dryness in her throat, she forced herself to speak calmly, "Cousin, let me escort you back..."

Lin Yuanxin glanced at her in confusion, then shook her head in bewilderment. Ouyang Nuan sighed and stopped trying to persuade her.

"But... what about Father's revenge? Are we just going to let the real culprit go free?" Lin Yuanxin couldn't help but ask, her emotions getting the better of her.

"This is the final decision. We must ensure nothing goes wrong," Old Madam Ning asserted firmly.

"Are you suggesting we let the matter rest?" Madam Shen looked at Old Madam Ning in disbelief.

"Yes," Old Madam Ning deliberated for a moment before decisively continuing, "There's no evidence to support our claims. Who can prove it was him? If we push him too hard now, he might ruin the marriages of these two children as well!" Old Madam Ning's expression was filled with worry.

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Lin Zhiran's eyes flashed with coldness. "Are you going to brush aside this matter so casually and let Father die in vain?" 

Old Madam Shen's voice turned cold. "We'll keep this debt in mind. There will come a day when we settle it with him!"

Exiting Lin Wenlong's Pavilion once again, no one felt like speaking. Ouyang Nuan walked at the back, and as she descended the steps, she nearly stumbled. A timely arm reached out to steady her. "Be careful," unexpectedly, it was Xiao Zhonghua, who had been walking ahead. Ouyang Nuan looked straight into his eyes, suddenly smiling, devoid of any coyness, only sadness.

Xiao Zhonghua was taken aback. "You..."

"Just because he's only an uncle, am I supposed to feel any less sorrow?" Ouyang Nuan's voice was tinged with bitterness. "Prince, have you seen my predicament today? If I hadn't been vigilant, I would be the one imprisoned and awaiting punishment now. It would be my reputation in tatters. I face these wolves every moment. Haven't you seen that?"

"What do you want me to do for you?" Xiao Zhonghua's heart skipped a beat, but he looked at her with an ordinary expression.

"If someday in the future, there's a chance for me to seek revenge for my uncle, I ask, Prince, that you stand as a witness," Ouyang Nuan replied calmly.

Xiao Zhonghua withdrew his hand slowly, a disbelieving smile crossing his face. "So you do have another request for me."

He stared at Ouyang Nuan intently, his eyebrows furrowing deeper. The glint in his eyes, akin to the night, almost narrowed into slits, unable to conceal the sharpness beneath. "Wouldn't it be better to seek help from the Crown Prince?"

Ouyang Nuan whispered, "No, the one who found the cause of the illness is you. This matter, only you can handle."

Xiao Zhonghua's eyes, cold as ice, flickered for a moment before he chuckled. "If you want me to help you, give me a reason I should."

"I don't have any reasons to convince you. But please, have mercy," Ouyang Nuan said quietly, gazing at him silently. Once again, her eyelashes drooped, and tears fell silently. Xiao Zhonghua watched as the colorless liquid spread slowly on her beautiful clothes, like an invisible hand, grabbing at his heart.

He heard Ouyang Nuan clearly as she spoke in her calm voice, "But, I will remember this favor to Prince Ming."

"I promise you because it's the first time you've shed tears in front of me," Xiao Zhonghua said calmly, despite knowing that she had ulterior motives. "If it was for your own sake, you wouldn't ask for help, would you? Is Marquis Zhenguo really that important to you?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head slowly, trembling all over, unable to restrain herself as she said, "You don't understand..."

Many years later, he would still remember the expression on her face when she said those words, remembering clearly those three words: "You don't understand."

"I will understand in the future," he smiled, turning away and leaving.


That night, Xiao Zhonghua hurried into the palace, and the next day, three imperial edicts were issued in succession.

Marquis Zhenguo's legitimate daughter, Lin Yuanxin, was conferred the title of Consort to the Crown Prince, with permission for an early marriage.

Upon hearing of the severe illness of Marquis Zhenguo, the Crown Prince requested the conferment of the title to his eldest son, Lin Zhiran, and the request was granted.

Additionally, it was decreed that Cao Rong would be married to Lin Yuanrou, the daughter of the Minister of War, with a designated wedding date.

With the issuance of these three imperial edicts, the entire capital was thrown into great commotion.

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**A Note From the Author**

Someone asks, "Why is the Minister of War so foolish?" 

The reply goes, "Once Marquis Lin Wenlong passes away, Lin Zhiran will inherit the title. He couldn't wait." 

Another person asks, "Why was he so audacious to use poison?" 

In reality, it wasn't poison but pollen. Pollen could easily be explained as being carried in by the wind. Do you all understand? Also, this story is set in an alternate history and is not a historical novel. All events and characters are fictional. 

Don't scrutinize too much about what's logical or illogical.  Haha!(nn)

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