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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 86: 

Ouyang Nuan Refuses Marriage

Coming out of the Tranquil Heart Pavilion, Lin Zhiran secluded himself in the Ink Jade Hall for three days. Lin Yuanxin observed this with growing concern, attempting twice to visit him, only to be politely declined each time. She was left puzzled and anxious about what her father might have discussed with her elder brother. At such times, she often sought solace at the Dream Rain Pavilion.

"Nuan'er, what do you think Father might have said to Big Brother? Why has he been acting so unusually these past few days?" Lin Yuanxin wore a spring dress embroidered with delicate branches and flowers in jade hues. Her thick hair was gently coiled up, adorned only with a sparkling jade phoenix hairpin, giving her an enchanting and lively appearance. However, her expression betrayed an indescribable perplexity.

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Ouyang Nuan sat beneath the window, dressed in a light spring gown of lake green, embellished with a faint white jade orchid motif at the collar. Bathed in the bright sunlight, she exuded a refreshing and captivating aura. She had been playing the Qin, and upon hearing the inquiry, she did not respond directly. Instead, she lightly plucked a string, producing a melodious note, and then began to play a fluid melody, her slender fingers dancing gracefully over the instrument.

"Nuan'er, why aren't you answering me?" Lin Yuanxin frowned, her gaze betraying deeper confusion. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, slowing down the melody she played, gradually softening its tone. With a hint of antiquity, she lifted her head to look at Lin Yuanxin and softly recited:

"Offer me wooden fruits, I'll repay you with jade treasure. If not repaid, I'll cherish it forever.

Offer me wooden peaches, I'll repay you with jade gems. If not repaid, I'll cherish it forever.

Offer me wooden plums, I'll repay you with jade ornaments. If not repaid, I'll cherish it forever."

Lin Yuanxin's heart skipped a beat as she recalled the meaning of this poem. She couldn't help but speak up, "Are you suggesting that my father and Big Brother discussed his marriage?" After a moment of thought, she shook her head, "But that's not possible. Big Brother's engagement has long been set. If Father did mention it, why wouldn't he be pleased?"

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Ouyang Nuan's fingers paused on the strings of the zither. Lin Yuanxin looked at her, but she lowered her gaze and sighed softly, "This is something even I cannot fathom."

Human hearts are complex. While she could guess the thoughts of her uncle, she couldn't necessarily understand why Lin Zhiran was displeased. After all, with her uncle's life hanging by a thread, it's natural for him to be concerned about his children's marriages. But what about Lin Zhiran? And why the discontentment?

Just then, Hongyu lifted the curtain and entered to report, "The eldest young master is here." Ouyang Nuan and Lin Yuanxin exchanged a glance, both with a slight hint of puzzlement in their eyes.

Lin Zhiran strode in from outside, still dressed in splendid attire, his stature imposing under the bright sunlight. However, for some reason, his handsome face bore a heavier burden of worry than usual.

Lin Yuanxin stood up, looking at her elder brother. For some reason, she found herself momentarily speechless.

Lin Zhiran glanced lightly at her, his gaze carrying a hint of warmth. "I just met mother, and she's looking for you everywhere."

Lin Yuanxin was about to say something, but Lin Zhiran's voice already carried a trace of weariness. "Go quickly." Lin Yuanxin stood still for a moment, unconsciously glancing at Ouyang Nuan. Her expression was calm, but her eyes, like hers, betrayed a hint of confusion. Lin Yuanxin wasn't dull; she sensed that her brother wanted to speak with Ouyang Nuan alone, and a strange thought suddenly arose in her mind. However, it made her anxious, so she forced a smile and quickly left. As she passed through the bead curtain, she took advantage of Hongyu's momentary parting of the beads to sneak a glance back. She saw Lin Zhiran had already approached Ouyang Nuan. A pang of surprise shot through her heart, as if she had stumbled upon a secret. Hastily, she quickened her pace and left.

"Nuan'er, does this Qin suit your taste?" Lin Zhiran looked at Ouyang Nuan, a hint of complexity flickering in his dark eyes. His tone, however, was light, devoid of any emotion detectable by others.

This qin, "Moonlight on the Sea," was a famous instrument from the previous dynasty. Its body was engraved with the words "Moonlight on the Sea" in cursive script, with a magnificent and elegant design. The lacquer was bright and antique, with hidden grain patterns like coiling dragons. The carving was meticulous and vivid, with gold studs and jade tuners, grand and luxurious. Its sound was clear, resonant, and full of ancient charm, surpassing ordinary qins. Ouyang Nuan watched as Lin Zhiran's hand touched the strings of the zither, and she naturally withdrew her hand, smiling, "Of course. Thank you, cousin, for your kind gesture. I'm afraid it took you quite some effort to find this qin."

Lin Zhiran lowered his head, his gaze focused on the carved patterns on the sides of the zither. There, in clerical script, were engraved the words: "The vast gorge greets autumn, the cold river reflects the moon. The myriad of rustling leaves, the solitary tong tree cracks." He murmured softly, "It's just a token of appreciation."

Ouyang Nuan trembled inwardly, feeling that there was more to his words. Suddenly, she thought of his unusual behavior in recent days and his current demeanor. She was almost tempted to stand up immediately but could only suppress the urge, forcing a faint, strained smile. "Cousin has found a famous bow for Jue'er and is so generous to me. My brother and I are truly grateful."

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The words were polite but distant, and Lin Zhiran gazed at her intently, his eyes flashing with a hint of melancholy. His hand involuntarily lifted, as if to caress her hair.

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, feeling a rush of blood to her head. Her face suddenly flushed, and she felt the surroundings grow quiet. Occasionally, the wind blew, and they could almost hear each other's heartbeat clearly. In that moment, Ouyang Nuan understood everything instinctively! Without thinking, she gently avoided his hand.

Lin Zhiran was extremely intelligent and proud. He noticed Ouyang Nuan's retreat and understood her avoidance. His hand, suspended over her hair, couldn't bring itself to descend. After a long while, his hand clenched into a fist.

Ouyang Nuan's voice was cold, with an elusive chill. "Miss Zheng is gentle and considerate, with talent to boot. She should be a suitable match for cousin." She tried to speak in the same tone as before, but at this moment of understanding Lin Zhiran's feelings, although she was grateful, she couldn't accept them. Her life, her body, were no longer her own. With this realization, her tone became much colder.

"You guessed it indeed," Lin Zhiran gazed at her with a hint of fondness and infatuation in his eyes, but it was ultimately suppressed firmly. "But I have never met her, nor do I have any affection for her."

"But you already have a betrothal agreement, she is destined to be your wife," Ouyang Nuan's voice had returned to its usual calmness, as if the previous coldness was just a figment of Lin Zhiran's imagination. He nodded gently, with a hint of self-mockery in his tone, "She is the wife chosen for me by my grandfather, not the woman I love."

Lin Zhiran had always been suave and confident, with everything under control, and Ouyang Nuan had never heard him speak in such a tone. Yet as she listened, a hint of regret slowly arose within her. In fact, she should have realized it long ago. They were originally just relatives, siblings, allies. When did he start harboring such feelings for her? Perhaps, she shouldn't have come to the Marquis Manor to recuperate at all. These past two months had given him such a misconception.

Ouyang Nuan looked at him with a cold gaze, "If Cousin has a beloved woman, he can take her as a concubine."

Lin Zhiran's gaze suddenly turned cold, "She will never be anyone's concubine."

Ouyang Nuan sighed softly, "Well, that can only mean you and that woman are not meant to be."

Lin Zhiran looked at her, his tone calm but with an unimaginable determination, "I will break off the engagement with the Zheng family."

Break off the engagement? Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat, a hint of shock in her eyes as she gazed deeply into his eyes, seeing her own reflection clearly. 

She remained silent for a moment. She knew Lin Zhiran's character very well, understood his aspirations. She knew the consequences of breaking off the engagement with the Zheng family. He must have anticipated them. 

Yet, even after careful consideration... Although her heart was as firm as iron, his resolute decision still stirred a faint warmth in her heart. Having experienced the cruelty of life in her previous life as Su Yulou, Ouyang Nuan no longer looked up to men. Marriage was merely a ladder for her to climb in the future. She was no longer capable of bearing such genuine affection.

With a determined mind, she smiled faintly, "It seems Cousin really likes that woman. After breaking off the engagement, are you planning to marry her?"

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Lin Zhiran gazed at her steadily, his eyes incredibly focused. "Yes. I intend to marry her."

Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly, but there was a hint of indifference in her smile. "I feel sorry for that woman."

Lin Zhiran's gaze hardened, almost showing a hint of confusion. "Why?"

"Because Cousin doesn't truly love her, he's harming her," Ouyang Nuan paused, looking at Lin Zhiran seriously. "Excessive love can be harmful, and moreover, Cousin is using the wrong approach."

Lin Zhiran looked at her quietly. "Did I make a mistake?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded, affirming, "Yes, Cousin. If you break off the engagement with the Zheng family and remarry, it will have three harmful consequences. Firstly, breaking off the engagement for no reason will lead to rumors and gossip spreading like wildfire. The Marquis's mansion is currently in a precarious situation, and it's crucial to avoid unnecessary criticism. Secondly, while men may escape with a reputation for being heartless, women are often suspected. If you break off the engagement, others may not blame you excessively, but they will doubt Miss Zheng, suggesting she lacks virtue or is afflicted with illness. Otherwise, why would you suddenly call off the engagement? Thirdly, breaking off the engagement without reason will cause discord within the family. With the Marquis ailing and the Old Madam advancing in years, even if they don't voice it, they may hold a grudge against the woman you love. Are you willing to bring her into a situation where your family is divided and facing turmoil? If you truly love her, how will you face her? Wouldn't this be a great harm?"

Lin Zhiran's gaze gradually cooled, but there was still a smile on his lips. "Nuan'er, you are very clever, yet so cold-hearted. I don't understand. You know everything, yet you still say such things."

Ouyang Nuan's heart trembled. Although she maintained a smile on her face, the clear contours of her face were obscured by the sudden glare of sunlight. She looked at Lin Zhiran and shook her head slowly. "Cousin, I'm doing this for your own good, for the good of that woman, and for the Marquis's mansion. If the Marquis were in good health, Cousin's intentions would naturally be fulfilled, and your ambitions could be pursued gradually. However, with his current illness, his life hangs by a thread. If Nuan'er were to utter a disrespectful word, once the Marquis passes away, Cousin, you would commit a grave mistake again. The main branch will naturally be deprived of its title, and the title will ultimately fall to someone else. It will all depend on the upper echelons! If His Majesty favors Lin Wenyuan to inherit the title, what will you do then? You... you claim to sincerely love that young lady, but what can you offer her? The identity of a deceased Marquis's eldest daughter-in-law?"

Lin Zhiran nodded silently, his eyes showing a hint of weathering. "You're right. I can't give her anything."

If he refused this marriage, once the Xingji Marquis's mansion stirred up trouble, it would greatly damage his reputation. In the end, only Lin Wenyuan would benefit from it. He was keenly aware of this. He closed his eyes for a moment, then suddenly opened them, his gaze sharp and cold. "I can make the Zheng family automatically withdraw from the marriage!"

For a moment, the hall fell into almost complete silence. Ouyang Nuan's heart felt heavy, her throat slightly sore, making it almost impossible for her to speak.

Lin Zhiran looked at Ouyang Nuan, his gaze cold, but his intentions transmitted to her heart without any barriers. She knew he was serious. Lin Zhiran was not rash; if he said he had a way to make the Zheng family withdraw from the marriage, he must be confident. The Zheng family voluntarily withdrawing from the marriage... 

Under what circumstances would the prestigious Xingji Marquis's mansion take such an action? Unless the woman's reputation was tarnished, making her unfit for a good marriage... She knew Lin Zhiran was not one to show mercy. If he decided to act, he would do so decisively! 

For another woman, she might be pleased that he could go against conscience and morality for her sake. However, he didn't know that his words caused a faint pang of pain in her heart, almost making her unable to stand steady! 

Her thoughts raced back, and in that instant, it became clear to her: wasn't it because of Su Yulou and Ouyang Ke's marriage that they had schemed against her? They were just more ruthless, directly ending her life! If Lin Zhiran really did such a thing, how would he be any different from Su Yulou? She might be cold-blooded, but she hadn't reached the point of ignoring the plight of an innocent woman!

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Ouyang Nuan slowly sat back in her original position, feeling a chill creeping over her. Her voice hoarse, she said, "Cousin, are you trying to force Miss Zheng to death?"

Lin Zhiran's gaze was sharp as a knife, devoid of any pity. "For the sake of obtaining the one I love, I have no choice."

"No choice? Is it acceptable to force an innocent woman to death for the sake of your love?" Ouyang Nuan chuckled bitterly. "Forgive me for being too outspoken. Cousin, have you ever asked the woman you love about her feelings?"

Lin Zhiran's gaze remained calm to the core, as deep as an ancient well. He stared at her intently, each word pronounced distinctly, "If I have intentions, she will marry me."

He was so confident! Ouyang Nuan turned her head, looking at the heavy curtain swaying in the wind. The curtain shadows, like teardrops, silently streamed down. She adjusted her clothes with a sigh and said slowly, "She is unwilling."

Lin Zhiran was taken aback, a surge of coldness emanating from his gaze.

Ouyang Nuan suddenly stood up, tears shimmering in her eyes. Her voice was resolute, "If Ouyang Nuan were that woman, she would never want her marriage to be tainted with ominous signs before it even begins!"

A hint of disdain appeared on Lin Zhiran's face. "It seems that the humble Zhenguo Marquis Mansion is not up to your standards, cousin."

Ouyang Nuan raised her head calmly, her eyes like rippling waves. "On the contrary, Zhenguo Marquis Mansion and Grandmother are a hundred times more important to me than the Ouyang family. It is because of this value that I cannot easily ruin my cousin's future and destroy everyone's expectations!"

Lin Zhiran chuckled lightly, the smile tinged with self-deprecation, evidently not trusting.

Ouyang Nuan looked at him, her words sincere and heartfelt, "If the girl you love has no other attachments, and you can seek a lifelong commitment with her, it is more valuable than any wealth, fame, or status. But if she carries other burdens on her shoulders, or has feelings elsewhere, she naturally cannot accept your affection. If she were to learn of your deep love, she would undoubtedly be moved. However, in this world, there is not only romantic love but also sibling love, familial love. If you truly care for her, then please care for her as you would for your sister Xin'er!"

Lin Zhiran didn't utter another word. He understood Ouyang Nuan's choice very well. Her rejection was resolute, and his pride prevented him from saying anything further. All he could do was leave, he had no other choice.

Ouyang Nuan watched Lin Zhiran's straight figure, and sighed softly. If she could marry Lin Zhiran, she believed he would cherish and protect her. Perhaps she wouldn't repeat the tragedy of her past life. But it was too late. Far too late. In her heart, there was no longer any romantic attachment, only resentment and melancholy. The memories haunted her, unforgettable.

In the room, Hongyu had been silently standing. Though not exceptionally clever, she understood the conversation between her mistress and Lin Zhiran. Hearing Ouyang Nuan's sigh, she lowered her head, her eyes filled with pity and sympathy. "Miss, if you marry into the marquis's family, with the protection of the old madam, you will surely live a happy life."

Ouyang Nuan smiled silently, "No, the current situation is the best for both of us." Lin Yuanxin marrying into the prince's mansion and Lin Zhiran needing to seek a marriage suitable for his status. The emperor's trust in the Marquis of Xingji was beneficial for Lin Zhiran's future. He surely understood this, yet he chose to leave her out of the final decision. To be honest, she was moved, but the more moved she was, the more she needed to consider the bigger picture, for both of them. Between them, they could only help each other, never harm each other.

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She continued, "Retreating ten thousand steps, Lin Zhiran is an ambitious man. If I had agreed to him and he regretted it later, how would I face myself then? By rejecting him now, I leave him with a lingering affection, which is beneficial for both of us and our pledge. Holding onto this affection, both for my sake and his, is harmless." Ouyang Nuan gently stroked the newly potted orchids by the window, smiling quietly.

Lin Yuanxin thought she had glimpsed her brother's secret, but to her surprise, Lin Zhiran returned from Dream Rain Pavilion unchanged. Her confusion deepened, and she became more interested in her brother's interactions with Ouyang Nuan. She tried to find clues to validate her suspicions, but Lin Zhiran behaved as usual, treating Ouyang Nuan with the same warmth and friendliness as always. The only difference was the hint of melancholy in his eyes when he looked at her, barely noticeable. For this reason, Lin Yuanxin felt deeply perplexed.


On June 18th, the scene outside the Marquis of Zhenguo's mansion was bustling with activity. People came and went, delivering gifts like flowing water. Representatives from various royal mansions and prestigious families came to offer their birthday wishes. Not only that, even the Emperor sent his eldest grandson, bestowing countless rewards. 

Among the gifts was a rare and radiant pearl, dazzling the eyes of onlookers. The Emperor jokingly remarked that the imperial family had taken one pearl from the Marquis of Zhenguo's mansion and would return one to Lin Wenlong. For a moment, Lin Wenlong was almost overshadowed by the envy in everyone's eyes.

Inside the hall, the Emperor's eldest grandson, dressed in splendid attire, smiled and said, "Marquis, this rare pearl is a tribute from a small country in the southern seas. Grandfather the Emperor treasures it dearly. Today, he has bestowed it upon your mansion. This gesture speaks volumes about his regard for you!"

Lin Wenlong's complexion was pale, but his demeanor and elegance were no less than that of Lin Wenyuan, who stood beside him with a frosty expression. He stood up and respectfully bowed to the Emperor's eldest grandson, "Please rest assured, Your Highness. The Lin family will not disappoint His Majesty's trust."

Amidst the guests, there was laughter and chatter, and no one knew that Lin Wenlong was already terminally ill, with at most a year left to live. They praised and envied the Lin family's good fortune. Lin Wenyuan's lips curved into a faint smile as he glanced at the rare pearl wrapped in golden silk. "Brother, do you know? This pearl might have a special origin. There have been rumors that in the South Sea, there are aquatic beings known as Jiaoren, who reside in the water like fish. Their eyes can produce pearls. Since this rare pearl came as a tribute from a small country in the south, it's highly likely to be a Jiaozhu, a pearl shed from a Jiaoren!"

The Emperor's eldest grandson smiled faintly upon hearing this. "Minister Lin is correct. This indeed is a Jiaoren's tear, a rare pearl rarely seen in the world."

Prince Ming, sitting alone and quietly drinking, did not participate in the lively discussions of others. However, when Lin Wenyuan suddenly mentioned the tears of the Jiaoren, his obsidian-like eyes rippled faintly, then quickly returned to normal.

A slight smile appeared on Lin Wenyuan's face. "The Old Madam  has always been fond of pearls, and our household has various precious gems, but we have yet to possess tears of the Jiaoren. How about presenting this item to the ladies in the inner courtyard for their admiration?"

Gifts bestowed by the Emperor were often treasured like precious jewels, making it difficult for outsiders to catch a glimpse. Upon hearing his suggestion, the guests nodded in agreement and praised the idea. 

Lin Wenlong furrowed his brows slightly, sensing a deeper meaning behind the suggestion but unable to pinpoint it. He simply smiled and said, "Then let it be sent, but remember, this item was bestowed by His Majesty. Handle it with care."

With that, the tears of the Jiaoren were sent to the inner courtyard, and the others resumed their seats to continue drinking.

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During the banquet, Lin Wenyuan smiled as he raised his cup to the Crown Prince, saying calmly, "Brother, if you're feeling weak and unable to drink, allow me to drink on your behalf."

The Crown Prince glanced at him, a hint of coldness flickering in his eyes, but his smile remained warm. "Minister Lin, there's no need for that. This toast should be from me to you. After all... in the future, Marquis Lin and I will be family." He spoke these words without lifting his cup, clearly hinting at a subtle irony. While Lin Wenlong might become the Crown Prince's father-in-law, who was Lin Wenyuan himself to take his place in toasting?

Lin Wenyuan's gaze subtly hardened, but his smile remained unchanged. He casually set down his cup, showing no sign of embarrassment on his face.

Lin Wenlong knew that it wouldn't be appropriate to refuse the Crown Prince's toast. So, he smiled faintly and said, "Second brother, you worry too much. Although I may be frail, I can still handle a few cups of wine." With that, he raised his cup and toasted Xiao Yan. Once his cup was empty, he nodded to the maid beside him, indicating for her to refill it.

However, at that moment, Lin Wenyuan stood up with a genial smile. "Today, we have esteemed guests in attendance. Allow me to personally pour each of you a cup," he said, taking the wine jug from the maid's hand. "You may not know, but there's an interesting story behind the wine in our Marquisate."

"Oh? Minister Lin, please do share," said Xiao Tianye, dressed in a light purple robe, his interest piqued. Today, representing the Grand Prince Qin, he was seated at the main table.

Lin Wenyuan's smile remained gentle as he slowly poured a cup of wine for Xiao Yan before extending it with both hands. Then, he continued, "When the Empress was born, a golden phoenix suddenly flew out from the old well in her residence. It was quite a marvel and was named the Golden Phoenix Well. I believe you've all heard of this story before."

The guests nodded in agreement. Lin Wenyuan then poured a cup of wine for Xiao Zhonghua and said, "The water from this well is sweet and clear, exceptionally mellow and fragrant. It's said that the wine brewed from it is exquisite, intoxicating those who drink it."

Prince Xiao Qinghan had been confined at home for several days. It was only after much effort that he managed to secure the release from Princess Consort Zhou. He was impatient to listen to these things and remarked, "These are already well-known facts! The Golden Phoenix Well dried up ten years ago, and thus the wine also disappeared, didn't it?"

Xiao Qinghan was straightforward by nature, and his words carried a faint hint of sarcasm. Xiao Qingxian shot him a fierce glare, but when he turned away, he wore a smile. "You need not mind him, please continue," he said.

Just then, there was a report from outside that a messenger from the Yan Prince wished to see the Prince of Ming. Xiao Zhonghua furrowed his brows slightly, stood up, bid farewell to everyone, and quickly walked out.

Lin Wenyuan paid no mind to it. His smile remained unchanged as he poured wine for several imperial relatives and nobles. After completing a circle, he walked to Lin Wenlong's side. "Everyone only knows where the Golden Phoenix came from, but not where it flew to," he said. "According to legend, the Golden Phoenix flew to a spring in Tiankeng Mountain and turned into a phoenix statue. The water from this spring was later used to make wine, which was even sweeter than the original well water and produced a more exquisite wine." He bent down and casually tapped the edge of the wine cup with the nail of his right pinky, letting the powder from the nail edge fall into the cool liquid for an imperceptible moment. Then, he handed the wine cup to Lin Wenyuan, with a smoothness that seemed as if he had rehearsed it countless times in his mind.

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Under the watchful eyes of everyone present, amidst the esteemed guests, no one could have imagined that he would have the audacity to do so. All of this was because he was unwilling to wait any longer, whether it was for one year or several months! If he waited for Lin Zhiran to marry the Zheng family's daughter, the main branch would naturally have a legitimate heir to inherit the title. Would there still be a chance for him to inherit the title of Marquis?

As Lin Wenyuan pondered this, he calmly said, "This wine is the renowned Taoran Wine that we are drinking today, famous for its three-thousand-li reputation and for capturing the essence of spring." 

The others nodded, and they began to taste the wine in their hands more attentively.

At this moment, Prince Xiao Changsun raised his wine cup and toasted Lin Wenlong, saying, "Marquis, I should toast to you." Upon hearing this, Lin Wenyuan's smile deepened, and he raised his own cup to toast the people nearby. The corner of his eye caught Lin Wenlong raising his cup and drinking it all in one gulp, and finally, the heavy burden in his heart lifted.

After the banquet had gone on for a while, Xiao Qinghan suddenly said as if struck by a sudden idea, "I heard that there is a landscape painting in the Marquis's study, painted by the old Marquis himself. I wonder if I could have the honor of seeing it?"

Xiao Qingxian thought to himself, You just want an excuse to go to the inner courtyard and see Ouyang Nuan, but you've come up with such a clumsy excuse. Everyone knows you don't care for literature and art, so asking like this only arouses suspicion. With these thoughts in mind, he sighed inwardly and said, "The old Marquis's calligraphy and painting are indeed unparalleled in the world. I wonder if we have the good fortune to have a glimpse."

Lin Wenlong's face grew paler, and his body seemed a little unstable, but he simply smiled faintly and said, "Why not? Someone, go fetch that painting."

"No need to be so polite, Marquis. I'll go get it myself!" Xiao Qinghan stood up with a happy expression on his face, while Xiao Qingxian couldn't help but sigh and then stood up as well, saying, "Marquis, please don't worry too much. We won't wander around and disturb the womenfolk."

Lin Wenlong glanced at Xiao Yan with a subtle expression, and to his surprise, Xiao Yan also stood up and said, "In that case, while our elders enjoy their drinks here, Young Master Lin can accompany us to the study for the viewing." Though accustomed to handling such situations, Xiao Yan felt no admiration for the overbearing Lin Wenyuan, so he simply stood up to indicate he would also join.

This time, the princes only sent gifts and did not attend in person. Since Crown Prince Xiao Yan had stood up, they all followed suit: Prince Xiao Tianye, Prince Xiao Lingfeng, Prince Xiao Qingxian, and Prince Xiao Qinghan.

Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Zhonghua, who had just returned to his seat, and asked with a smile, "Are you coming with us?"

Xiao Zhonghua's eyes, as dark as obsidian, flickered with a hint of indifference as he glanced at Lin Wenlong at the table. He pursed his lips ever so slightly and replied in a deep and quiet voice, "If Crown Prince invites, naturally I will go."


Lin Yuanxin, as the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Zhengu, was supposed to attend and accompany the other ladies and young misses, but everyone knew she was soon to marry into the Prince's residence, so they didn't insist on her presence. She had been sitting alone in her room for an hour, feeling extremely bored. Just then, her maid announced that Miss Ouyang was here. She immediately rushed out to greet her.

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Ouyang Nuan wore a white hunting robe with scattered red peonies on a white base and a long skirt with large red and black lotus flower patterns. Her jet-black hair was adorned with a phoenix hairpin featuring a single curling fringe and three tails with emerald beads and tassels, adding a touch of joy to her appearance. Lin Yuanxin took her hand and smiled, "A girl should dress like this, it adds a festive atmosphere. The colors of the clothes you usually wear are too plain. I always say you look better in bright colors."

Ouyang Nuan looked at Lin Yuanxin and smiled gently, "Elder sister is teasing me. Your outfit, with its delicate embroidery of peonies on soft satin, is the most beautiful!"

Today, Lin Yuanxin wore a jade-colored inner garment with dark gold bamboo leaf patterns, and a soft satin spring skirt with delicate peony embroidery. She had a pearl curtain hanging on her forehead and a colorful silk flower knot with long tassels at her waist, making her look dignified, beautiful, and unrivaled in beauty. Hearing Ouyang Nuan's words, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "What's the use of dressing up so beautifully if I can't go out?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Who said you can't go out? Aunt invited the most famous theater troupe to perform. She wants you to go and watch with us."

Lin Yuanxin's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded. "Grandmother said that everyone in the inner courtyard are all ladies and young misses, and they also want to invite you out to meet them."

Lin Yuanxin blushed. It was untrue to say she just wanted to meet them; they actually wanted to use this opportunity to make connections and tease her. But she was indeed feeling bored, so she nodded and said, "Alright."

After leaving Lin Yuanxin's courtyard, the two walked to the wooden floating bridge in the middle of the lotus pond. Lin Yuanxin instructed all the maids to step back before smiling and taking Ouyang Nuan's hand. "Nuan'er, what did he say to you?" 

Ouyang Nuan knew she was referring to Lin Zhiran. She thought to herself that she was indeed suspicious. She could only pretend to be puzzled and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Lin Yuanxin exclaimed and chuckled, "Don't play dumb, I'm talking about my eldest brother!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, "Your cousin? He specifically instructed me to pass on a few words to you."

Lin Yuanxin was taken aback, "What did he say?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, "Cousin said, if you are mistreated by Prince Xiao Yan after marrying into his household, you can always come back—tell us. Even though he is the Crown Prince, the Marquis of Zhengou's residence is not a place where anyone can be bullied."

Before Ouyang Nuan could finish her sentence, Lin Yuanxin interrupted her, forbidding her from saying more. She scolded in a coquettish tone, "Stop talking nonsense! He would never mistreat me!"

"Oh, if cousin feels hurt by my words, then I won't say anymore!" Ouyang Nuan looked at Lin Yuanxin with a smirk, and instantly, her face turned as red as a tomato.

"Hmph. Where do you find a young lady of a wealthy family discussing matters like this behind others' backs? Truly desperate to get married! Aren't you afraid of being laughed at for your lack of upbringing?" Suddenly, someone sneered mockingly from behind, "Not even married yet, already considering yourself the chief consort of the Crown Prince, and discussing men in such a manner behind their backs. Truly shameless!" The sharp and cutting words followed one after another, reaching their ears.

The two turned around and saw Lin Yuanrou standing not far away with her maid, dressed in a crimson short jacket embroidered with symmetrical phoenix and immortal flower patterns. Below, she wore a colorful ink landscape skirt. Adorning her head was a red phoenix hairpin with dripping pearls, and her hair was arranged in an elaborate style. She was gazing at them with a mocking and disdainful expression, her tone dripping with undisguised contempt.

Lin Yuanrou approached, seeing Lin Yuanxin and Ouyang Nuan standing side by side. One was dazzling and radiant, the other gentle and amiable; one shining like the rising sun, the other as pure as the bright moon. Yet, despite their stark differences, their bond was so strong, inseparable. How could this not fuel her anger further? So without hesitation, she spoke sarcastically.

"Sister Rou," Ouyang Nuan turned her inner displeasure into a smile, burying it deep within her heart.

"Enough. Lin Yuanrou, Sister Ouyang Nuan, you don't need to pretend with me. I am the only daughter of my parents. When did you suddenly pop up as my sister?" Lin Yuanrou continued mercilessly, "You'd better wise up and leave our Marquis Manor soon, or don't blame me for being rude to you!" She spoke, not bothering to hide the disdain in her eyes. 

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Even in her past life, Lin Yuanrou had never liked her, and Ouyang Nuan was well aware of this. However, in this life, she had become even more ruthless. She also knew that the more attention she received, the more Lin Yuanrou would resent her. Perhaps in her eyes, she should always be beneath her, and would actually prefer her buried in the dirt, for her to be satisfied.

"You can say whatever you want about me, and I won't argue with you. But... you have no right to chase Nuan'er away! This Marquis Manor does not belong to you!" Lin Yuanxin stepped forward, squinting her eyes slightly, speaking with a firmness she had never shown before, assuming a protective stance.

Lin Yuanxin's attitude and tone had never been so firm. "You..." Lin Yuanrou seemed momentarily stunned by her, first frozen in place, then her complexion turned pale. She pushed forward angrily, "Get out of the way!"

Lin Yuanxin was originally standing on the floating bridge over the lotus pond. Caught off guard, her body staggered as she instinctively reached out to grab the wooden railing beside her. However, there was nothing to hold onto, and she took a step back, only to be thrown off. Hanging in mid-air from the edge of the bridge, Ouyang Nuan rushed forward and grabbed her hand. "Cousin!" Lin Yuanrou was startled, clearly not expecting Lin Yuanxin to fall from the bridge so easily. She was momentarily stunned.

Ouyang Nuan turned back and shouted, "Come and help!" She exerted all her strength to pull Lin Yuanxin up, but in the corner of her eye, she saw a group of people on the opposite bank, witnessing everything that was happening here, led by none other than the Crown Prince, Xiao Yan! Ouyang Nuan's mind raced, deliberately lowering her voice, "Let go."

Just as Lin Yuanxin was about to grasp her hand, she suddenly felt Ouyang Nuan's grip loosen, and with a splash, she fell into the pond. Panic engulfed her heart as the icy water immediately choked her. She coughed violently, struggling to breathe, her body slowly sinking to the bottom of the pool. Just as she tried to calm herself and swim up, on the verge of despair, a pair of strong arms tightly held her and brought her to the surface of the water.

"Miss Lin, Miss Lin Yuanxin..." Someone gently tapped her cheek, calling out anxiously.

She slowly opened her eyes and weakly smiled at the man in front of her. "I'm fine..." However, her gaze didn't land on the cold face of Xiao Yan but on Ouyang Nuan beside him. Suddenly, she understood why Ouyang Nuan had let go just now!

Lin Yuanxin's body trembled, and Xiao Yan quickly took off his cloak, wrapping her up tightly. Ouyang Nuan, her face pale, approached and grabbed her hand. "Cousin, it's all my fault. If I had more strength..."

Xiao Yan's cold gaze swept over Lin Yuanxin's pale face, a hint of pity flashing in his eyes. Then he glanced at Ouyang Nuan beside her, seeming somewhat surprised.

Lin Yuanxin was never in any real danger because she was skilled in swimming. "I'm fine..." Although her face was pale, and she was still shaken, she had understood Ouyang Nuan's intention. Lin Zhiran hurried over, his face suddenly darkening as he sternly scolded Lin Yuanrou, "You're outrageous, pushing your own sister into the lake like that."

Everyone looked coldly at Lin Yuanrou. They had seen two young ladies coming from afar, but in order to avoid them, they had to stand on the opposite bank and wait for them to leave before crossing the bridge. They never expected to witness Lin Yuanrou pushing Lin Yuanxin off the bridge! How could there be such a spoiled young lady in this world? It was truly unreasonable!

Lin Yuanrou, seeing so many noble figures on the floating bridge in an instant, and her cousin glaring at her angrily, was already trembling with fear and dared not utter a sound.

"I... I didn't mean to!" Lin Yuanrou didn't expect her usually dignified image to be completely exposed in front of everyone. She blushed deeply, secretly cursing Ouyang Nuan. If it weren't for her not holding onto Lin Yuanxin properly, this situation wouldn't have happened!

"No, it's not Sister's fault..." Lin Yuanxin's face was slightly flushed, her hair soaked and shimmering under the sunlight, making her even more radiant. In that moment, she outshone Ouyang Nuan's beauty and Lin Yuanrou's charm. "It's not Sister's fault. I just didn't pay attention to my step and fell into the lake."

Xiao Qinghan was stunned. "But... we clearly saw just now..."

"It really has nothing to do with her. It was my own carelessness," Lin Yuanxin said softly, lowering her head deeply.

Xiao Yan glanced at Lin Yuanxin with slight surprise. He hadn't expected her not only to refrain from reporting the incident but also to cover up for Lin Yuanrou. She was unexpectedly generous. Suddenly, all condemning gazes turned to Lin Yuanrou.

"Cousin, I'll take Sister to change into clean clothes," Ouyang Nuan spoke up, breaking the deadlock.

Lin Zhiran nodded. "Go ahead." With a cold gaze fixed on Lin Yuanrou, making her feel like she was under a magnifying glass, almost ready to flee in panic.

Ouyang Nuan supported Lin Yuanxin, walking past the crowd. Lin Yuanxin leaned on her, looking somewhat frail and timid, adding a touch of fragility to her beauty.

Xiao Tianye's eyes wandered, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips, revealing a hint of mischief as he chuckled, "You really won't let go of any opportunity, will you?" As he spoke, Ouyang Nuan had already passed by his side without casting a glance at him. 

Passing by Xiao Zhonghua, she smiled politely, "Please make way, Your Highness." Xiao Zhonghua's face carried a somewhat ambiguous smile, and the luxurious golden embroidery on his black brocade robe shimmered. As she brushed past him, he slightly leaned to the side, his expression calm and serene, but his eyes were hotter than a blazing fire, piercing through everything with just one glance.

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**A Note From the Author**

Everyone, guess what? Apart from wanting to kill Lin Wenlong, what else does Minister Lin have in mind? Don't get it wrong, it definitely won't be framing Ouyang Nuan for Lin Wenlong's death, that's absolutely impossible.

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