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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 85: 

Three words, two hearts, one lifetime.

Night; Banquet in the Palace

The moonlight poured in like water, illuminating the palace with its gentle glow. Lanterns adorned with sheer silk cast their light high, and within the imperial palace, graceful figures danced amidst the fragrant air.

Consort Xu sat beside the Empress, her smile radiating elegance and charm. She was adorned in elaborate attire, her beauty surpassing her actual age by far.

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As the banquet progressed, the Emperor arrived belatedly, surprising the attendees. However, their expressions subtly changed upon seeing the delicate and beautiful Consort Yu by his side.

Consort Yu wore a peach-red spring gown, embroidered with light-colored flowers and leaves. A glimpse of her delicate inner garment peeked through the neckline. Despite the vibrant attire, her makeup was simple, with just a pair of teardrop-shaped earrings and a string of red agate beads. Since her entrance, all present felt as though the lights dimmed and the flowers lost their luster, highlighting her exceptional beauty.

The Emperor smiled faintly, his gaze fixed on her as she walked past to pay respects to the Empress. Empress Zhao returned the smile with grace, showing no hint of jealousy. With three sons – the Crown Prince, Prince Yan, and Prince Zhou – she had grown indifferent to the charms of these young and beautiful consorts. However, Consort Xu, seated nearby, glanced at Consort Yu with a fleeting smile, her eyes deep with hidden intentions.

As the music and dance began, the atmosphere in the hall grew solemn yet charged with an undercurrent. The Emperor openly invited Consort Yu to sit beside him on the imperial throne, exchanging smiles and jests. The other consorts could only watch with envy and resignation. Meanwhile, the Empress engaged in conversation with the Grand Princess, seemingly oblivious to the scene unfolding before her.

Consort Xu clenched her teeth in frustration, her gaze turning cold. After a moment's pause, she spoke with a seemingly casual smile, "Consort Yu is skilled in music. Her mastery of the pipa is renowned. Perhaps she could grace us with a performance to enliven the mood." Her words were merely a guise to divert attention from the Emperor and Consort Yu, whom she couldn't bear to see together in public.

The onlookers hastily concealed their smiles. Though Consort Xu was favored, her inherent jealousy was well-known. How could she tolerate such a sight?

Consort Yu, with a coquettish demeanor, cast a soft, affectionate gaze at the Emperor. Her rosy cheeks flushed slightly, a calculated display of modesty and timidity. It was this skillful balance that had sustained her favor in the palace for three years. Many speculated that she might become the next Consort Xu. However, Consort Yu knew all too well that it was impossible, for Consort Xu had two sons, the Princes Qin and Jin, while she... had no offspring of her own. 

Moreover, as the one who had been by the Emperor's side for so long, she keenly sensed the exhaustion and decline hidden beneath his martial demeanor. This man... was growing old, perhaps no longer capable of fathering children. Therefore, within the confines of her limited power, she sought only to secure more benefits for her family.

The Emperor smiled and nodded approvingly at her. Consort Yu no longer demurred and graciously instructed the palace attendants to bring forth a pipa, which she then sat down to play. As the melody arose, the music was as smooth as silk, enchanting and melodious, evoking emotions akin to weeping and lamentation, causing hearts to tremble involuntarily.

Once the piece concluded, the hall fell into a prolonged silence.

The Grand Princess was the first to applaud, remarking with a smile, "Truly splendid music." Her gaze fell upon Consort Yu, inwardly acknowledging that this woman's skill on the pipa was nearly on par with Ouyang Nuan's skill on a qin. However, Nuan's music carried an indescribable loneliness, while Consort Yu's playing exuded brilliance and joy, perfectly reflecting the Emperor's sentiments. This indicated that she was adept at discerning the Emperor's feelings.

The Empress nodded in agreement, a hint of approval on her face. "Indeed, Consort Yu's skills are unparalleled. It's just that she is too modest and rarely displays them in front of others. Today, we are fortunate to have enjoyed such a delightful performance thanks to His Majesty's grace."

Consort Xu gazed at her nails, dyed a dazzling hue by the golden phoenix flower, and appropriately concealed the coldness in her eyes. A faint, inexplicable smile played at the corners of her lips.

"The Empress Consort is too kind with her praise," Consort Yu replied graciously, maintaining a warm smile throughout.

It seemed as if she didn't sense the envious glances from the other consorts around her.

Throughout the banquet, the other consorts restrained and mocked Consort Yu, but Empress Zhao paid no mind to their antics. She continued to converse with the Grand Princess, smiling until the end of the banquet, when the Emperor escorted Consort Yu away. Only then did the Grand Princess rise from her seat, casting a cold smile at Consort Xu, who remained seated.

After the banquet, the Emperor went alone to the side hall, where the Crown Prince awaited him, and reported an important matter. Upon hearing it, the Emperor was furious. His teeth gnashed together, and his aged face turned incredibly stern in that moment. He felt deeply disappointed by the actions of Grand Prince Qin, whose behavior lacked respect for the Crown Prince and prioritized power struggles and self-interest. Now, he even condoned his subordinates embezzling supplies from enemy forces. Every move made by Grand Prince Qin left the Emperor dismayed. He wished to summon the prince immediately and punish him severely. 

However, as he looked at the pale, frail face of the Crown Prince, he ultimately suppressed his anger. He simply asked, "Is there evidence?"

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"Those who knew about it were all killed, leaving only one alive," the Crown Prince continued. "He can testify, and he still has a ledger in his possession."

But before the Crown Prince could say more, the Emperor wearily waved his hand. "There's no need to say more. I already knows everything you've said."

"Father—" The Crown Prince's face held a faint glimmer of hope.

Though he didn't voice his hopes, the Emperor knew them well. He hoped, through this opportunity, to punish Prince Qin severely, at least to kill Lin Wenyuan.

As the Emperor gazed at the Crown Prince's eyes shimmering with hope, his anger slowly dissipated. While he remained alive, his sons were locked in a ruthless struggle for the throne, a struggle of life and death. This filled him with genuine anger and shame. 

He knew that in the future, the Crown Prince and the Prince of Qin would likely engage in a bloody power struggle for the throne. Despite ascending to the throne himself after killing his own brothers, he still strived to maintain balance between them, for he knew that such balance meant loyalty and security for himself. 

So, a hint of a smile appeared on his face. "A single witness and a ledger hardly prove anything. Witnesses can be fabricated, and so can ledgers. Crown Prince, you shouldn't trust others so easily, nor should you casually suspect your brother."

In that moment, the Crown Prince's face turned as white as snow, his mouth stuttering unable to speak. He knew he should withdraw, but the evidence he had obtained at great difficulty made him unwilling to easily let go of Prince Qin. So, he loudly said, "Father, the events of the past are not without traces. I believe it's not just Lin Wenyuan. Without the support of a commander, how dare he—"

"Crown Prince!" The Emperor sternly interrupted him. The Crown Prince fell silent, his eyes filled with fear. The Emperor sighed inwardly. If it came to determination, the Crown Prince was inferior to Prince Qin. If it came to intelligence, the Crown Prince was inferior to Prince Yan. However, he was his legitimate eldest son, and more importantly, he had a clever and intelligent son himself. Thinking of this, the Emperor sighed and his expression returned to calmness. "You may leave."

The Crown Prince reluctantly withdrew, realizing from the Emperor's indifferent expression that everyone's attention was firmly fixed on the dazzling throne in the hall, forgetting that their father, the Emperor, was still alive and spirited. Despite his worries and exhaustion, he had not aged rapidly. The thing that time had added to him the most was suspicion. This suspicion made him unwilling to trust anyone, especially his own Crown Prince.

After seeing off the Crown Prince, the Emperor felt weary. At such times, he always thought of the Consort Yu. So, Consort Yu was quickly summoned.

Consort Yu was indeed greatly favored. The Emperor even allowed her to enter the study at inappropriate times. Consort Yu knew that her youthfulness, courtesy, and even the inadvertent display of childish innocence in the Emperor's eyes were all endearing. She also knew what demeanor to adopt in different situations. As she stepped inside, she saw the Emperor alone, contemplating in front of a chessboard made of exquisite Kunshan jade.

The Emperor manipulated the chess pieces in his hand, his face showing signs of difficulty. Seeing that his hopes had turned into a desperate struggle, with the chess pieces in his hand neither being placed nor removed, he couldn't help feeling frustrated. "This is truly unreasonable!" He threw the chess pieces into the chess box, clearly in a very bad mood.

Consort Yu, sensing his poor mood, hesitated for a moment before taking over a bowl of stewed bird's nest from a nearby eunuch and personally offering it to the Emperor. The Emperor looked up, slightly surprised. She smiled and said, "Your Majesty didn't even touch your chopsticks during the banquet."

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A hint of smile appeared on the Emperor's face, and his brows relaxed a lot. "You are indeed attentive," he said. With that, he tasted a spoonful from Consort Yu's hand and nodded. "Even I didn't notice, but you kept it in mind."

Consort Yu smiled gently and tenderly replied, "Your Majesty's thoughts are always focused on the welfare of the people and the governance of the country, but rarely on yourself. You often endure grievances without knowing how devoted I am to you..."

The Emperor's smile deepened, and he gently reached out, embracing Consort Yu's slender waist, and said with contentment, "I know you are thoughtful."

Consort Yu's expression was gentle, her smile charming as she said, "To be able to accompany Your Majesty is a blessing for me." In her mind, she couldn't help but recall the scene when her mother entered the palace. After dismissing the palace attendants, Lady Cao leaned close to her ear and instructed, "While His Majesty favors you, you must arrange a good marriage for your brother..."

Lady Cao's implication was clear. She hoped Consort Yu would find an appropriate opportunity to persuade the Emperor to personally arrange a marriage for Cao Rong, perhaps with the daughter of a high-ranking official.

The daughter of a high-ranking official... How audacious of her parents and brother to think that way. The Cao family had risen to prominence solely because of her favor with the Emperor. The titles of "State Preceptor" and "State Tutor" were mere jests; the only one deserving of such honor was the Empress' father. Yet her family took it all for granted. Of course, Consort Yu was well aware that the Cao family, though newly wealthy, was still looked down upon as nouveau riche by traditional aristocratic families. A marriage alliance with the daughter of a high-ranking official would greatly enhance their status and benefit her as well. However, given the Cao family's standing, marrying the daughter of a high-ranking official would be quite difficult.

So she never dared to mention such absurd words to the Emperor, fearing it would bring trouble. But her brother, Cao Rong, had personally entered the palace and confided in her about a certain matter, giving her a glimmer of hope regarding this matter.

In soft and gentle tones, she presented her request.

"Your brother?" The Emperor set down the bowl of bird's nest soup abruptly, a hint of scrutiny in his gaze.

Consort Yu remained vigilant, though her smile was warm. "It's my younger brother, Cao Rong. Your Majesty met him last time."

The Emperor asked calmly, "Why does he suddenly seek to marry the daughter of the Minister of War?"

Consort Yu knew that if the Emperor suspected that the Cao family coveted the Marquis of Zhenguo's mansion behind Lin Wenyuan's back, it would lead to unfavorable consequences. So she smiled faintly and calmly recounted how Cao Rong had inadvertently encountered Lin Yuanrou and had been captivated by her charm. Their instant attraction was a situation that young noble men and women were not usually allowed to indulge in, but Consort Yu, understanding the Emperor's temperament, knew that such an explanation would be more likely to gain his understanding.

The Emperor remained silent for a long time, staring at Consort Yu without uttering a word. Eventually, his gaze fell upon the chessboard, and after a moment, he gave a slight smile. "Are you saying... they have feelings for each other?" Before she could respond, a hint of mockery appeared on his face. "Would a daughter of the Minister of War easily develop feelings for a man? How could you believe such absurdity?"

Consort Yu's face showed a trace of fear. "I didn't believe it at first. But my foolish brother actually produced a pair of embroidered shoes and claimed it to be a token of love. I had no choice but to believe him."

The Emperor, without looking up at her, sighed at her words. After a long silence, he finally spoke softly. "I've told you before, as long as I'm alive, your Cao family will have its glory one day. Even if it takes a hundred years, I will make proper arrangements for you. You don't need to be in such a hurry."

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Clearly, the Emperor didn't believe her words and quickly suspected ulterior motives. Consort Yu was taken aback, feeling a pang of grievance. She couldn't argue, for she herself harbored such desires! But in front of the Emperor, admitting to them was absolutely out of the question!

"You misunderstand. I'm not doing this for the Cao family; I simply want to fulfill my brother's foolishness." Tears slowly streamed down Consort Yu's face, tracing over her beautiful cheeks, filled with guilt and panic. "I am also aware of my own limitations. The Cao family is insignificant, while Miss Lin comes from a noble household. Though not the daughter of a Marquis, she is still beyond reach. I have always been hesitant to make such a request to Your Majesty, but I couldn't resist my brother's pleading. This request stems from my compassion for his sincere heart..."

She knelt down, bowing her head. "Originally, I only thought that love was priceless, and finding a true lover was rare. Even if the family background is not as prestigious, being by Your Majesty's side is the greatest fortune for a woman like me. I never expected Your Majesty to misunderstand..." Her voice carried a hint of bitterness. "I am afraid I have made things difficult for Your Majesty."

The Emperor was momentarily stunned, his smile softening. He approached her and gently helped her up, whispering, "You need not worry. I understand. I'll consider this matter carefully."

Consort Yu felt a surge of joy in her heart, but she dared not show it on her face. Carefully, she replied, "I thank Your Majesty."

The Emperor chuckled. "Enough about that. Let's play a game of chess. I want to test your skills. What do you think should be the next move?"

Consort Yu glanced at the chessboard swiftly and replied, "Your Majesty is the master strategist. I dare not make presumptuous suggestions."

The Emperor smiled faintly. "No matter. Go ahead and make your move."

After carefully considering her options, Consort Yu lifted a piece and placed it on the board. The Emperor was momentarily surprised but then burst into laughter. "Excellent! Consort, that move was brilliant!"

With Consort Yu's move, the once troubled game suddenly cleared up, resembling the opening of clouds to reveal the moon.

Consort Yu modestly replied, "Your Majesty, please don't jest. It was merely a casual move."

"No wonder they say, 'Planting flowers with intent yields no blooms, but planting trees without intent results in a lush forest.' Consort's casual move this time has brightened my heart," the Emperor said with laughter booming even louder. Consort Yu smiled at him, her face calm, but her eyes betrayed her confusion.

Lin Yuanrou recounted everything that happened that night to Madam Jiang, crying and pleading, "Mother, you have to stand up for me."

"Leave us," Madam Jiang waved her hand, dismissing the attendants. 

Lin Yuanrou's tear-streaked face looked even more heartbroken as she continued, "Mother, she's bullying me, isn't that just bullying you? Think about it. She's now the darling in front of the old Madam, more precious than us legitimate granddaughters. Everyone in the mansion praises her for her grace and elegance. Who remembers me, the young miss, in their hearts?"

"Just because she's living under someone else's roof, does that mean she can't rise to the top?" Madam Jiang chuckled. "You worry too much."

Lin Yuanrou snorted, "Mother, it's not just me saying she's bad. Last night, she said my father was a bastard. Why does she insist on staying in the Marquis's mansion? Why doesn't she move out and live separately? She even accused us of coveting the Marquis's title. She's the one who's truly unwelcome here!" Her voice, filled with bitterness, lowered. "I could bear it if it were just Ouyang Nuan humiliating me. But why must she insult my parents too?"

Madam Jiang's brows furrowed, a thin layer of anger finally surfacing on her face. "Did she really say that?"

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Lin Yuanrou's gaze shifted, affirming, "Daughter dare not fabricate. Both of the maids were there at the time and heard it with their own ears. Mother, I know you disdain confronting her. But now she's taken advantage of us and climbed over our heads. With the main branch gaining power, who knows how smug she might become? Mother, we can't let someone like her run rampant like this!"

Madam Jiang replied icily, "Do you want me to take action now?"

Lin Yuanrou neither agreed nor disagreed, but continued, "Mother, leaving aside Ou Yangnuan's outrageous words for now, she's young and beautiful. With the old Madam's favoritism, she might end up climbing even higher. Perhaps even before I marry Prince Qin, she'll have already climbed onto a higher branch..."

Madam Jiang's face froze for a moment, and she couldn't help but sneer, "She thinks quite highly of herself."

"Daughter knows it's too early to say these things now, but," Lin Yuanrou sighed, "she's charming and cunning. As long as Lin Yuanxin marries the Crown Prince, she'll bask in the glory and won't worry about not marrying a prince..."

She glanced at Madam Jiang's expression and hardened her heart. With a nervous look on her face, she continued, "Actually, daughter has something else she didn't dare to tell Madam. Yesterday, Ouyang Nuan also said that you're indeed from the Cabinet family, but you're just a..." She paused midway, not finishing her sentence.

Madam Jiang's heart stirred. She immediately asked, "Just a what?"

Lin Yuanrou hurriedly continued, "She said, 'You're just a concubine born daughter!'"

Madam Jiang's expression changed drastically, and she stood up, glaring fiercely, "She dared to say that!"

Lin Yuanrou nodded, appearing genuinely bewildered, "She also said that Father is a concubine born son, and so are you. With my status being what it is, naturally, I'm nothing special..." She stopped there, as Madam Jiang suddenly swept the entire set of porcelain cups from the table to the ground with a loud crash, shattering them into pieces. "This girl is too disrespectful!" Madam Jiang exclaimed angrily, her proud demeanor finally giving way to a resentful expression.

For her, the greatest hidden pain in life was being born of a concubine. And to make matters worse, she had married a concubine's son! Ouyang Nuan was simply going too far! In her rage, she paid no attention to the cold smile at the corner of Lin Yuanrou's mouth, pacing back and forth in the room.

Lin Yuanrou pressed on, "Not only is she cunning and malicious, but there are also many people standing up for her. Mother, think about it, Lin Zhiran is absolutely submissive to her, and Lin Yuanxin keeps running off to Dream Rain Pavilion every few days, as if she's been enchanted. If this situation continues to develop unchecked, where will we stand?" Her words were somewhat ambiguous, with a mix of truth and falsehood. Despite the flawed logic, Madam Jiang believed her unquestioningly.

"I thought she was the well-behaved daughter of the Ouyang family, but instead, she's pretending to be obedient in front of the Old Madam? It turns out she's a hidden troublemaker!" Madam Jiang's teeth clenched her lips, her brows now showing a fierce expression.

Lin Yuanrou continued, "Mother, not only does Ouyang Nuan have ill intentions, but she's also extremely cunning. With her in the mansion, we must be extremely cautious."

Madam Jiang nodded, about to speak when suddenly, Lin Wenyuan stormed in with anger from outside.

Madam Jiang frowned, gesturing for Lin Yuanrou to stop talking. She quickly put on a smiling face and approached Lin Wenyuan, saying, "Master, why are you back so early today?"

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However, Lin Wenyuan ignored her, seating himself at the table and noticing the shattered porcelain on the floor. His expression darkened further, and he exclaimed sharply, "What's this about?"

Madam Jiang glanced at the mess, then smiled, saying, "It was just a misstatement from Rou'er that upset me. I'm feeling a bit uneasy, that's all."

Lin Wenyuan glared at Lin Yuanrou with a look full of resentment, causing her to startle, unsure of what she had done to anger him.

Seeing the situation turning sour, Madam Jiang quickly softened her expression and spoke gently, "What's wrong with you today? Our daughter hasn't offended you. Why are you looking at her like that... What's wrong?!"

"Hmph!" Lin Wenyuan's gaze turned dark and cold as he fixed it on Lin Yuanrou, his eyes filled with an ominous intensity. "Someone has come to propose marriage to your precious daughter!"

"Oh, great! The Prince is proposing so soon!" Madam Jiang was about to feel happy, but then she remembered something, and her brows furrowed involuntarily. "But isn't the marriage of the Prince supposed to be decided by the Emperor?"

"It's the Cao family!"

"Which Cao family?"

"Cao Rong! The brother of the beloved Consort favored by the Emperor!" Lin Wenyuan's words seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth one by one.

"How is that possible!" Lin Yuanrou exclaimed. How could the Cao family come to propose to her? It was simply unbelievable!

"I was wondering what was wrong. So, it's because of this." Madam Jiang's tone softened a bit. "Why get angry, husband? Such a clownish character, how can he be worthy of our daughter? You can find plenty of excuses to refuse him."

"It's easier said than done. We have to consider it carefully, weigh the pros and cons..."

Madam Jiang stared at her husband wide-eyed, remembering vividly how he had scoffed at the Cao family not long ago, saying they had risen through nepotism and were utterly contemptible. Yet today, his tone had changed.

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"What's gotten into you?"

"After all, the Cao family has the backing of the Consort. If we reject them, we need a decent excuse..."

"What's so difficult about it? If the horoscopes don't match, it's not a good match. There are plenty of ways." Lin Yuanrou suddenly said softly.

Madam Jiang's face was full of smiles, but her eyes were not smiling. "Parents discuss marriage matters. There's no place for a young girl like you to speak! Now, leave!"

Lin Yuanrou glanced at her father's grim expression, bowed, and obediently left the room.

"It's not that simple. Although Cao Rong may be foolish, his father is not. If they didn't have confidence, they wouldn't have proposed this. I'm afraid... there's more to come."

Madam Jiang stopped smiling and said seriously, "Then, my husband, go quickly and ask the Prince of Qin to promptly propose the marriage of our son to the Emperor!"

"Truly a narrow-minded view of a woman!" Lin Wenyuan stood up abruptly, his sleeves swaying. "Do you think I'm unaware? It's just that Prince Qin has been repeatedly scolded by the Emperor recently, for reasons unknown. How could he risk provoking him at this time! Sigh... it's all because of your daughter's misbehavior, going out and about carelessly. If such a wandering scholar sees her, it's simply corrupting morals!" Lin Wenyuan had no idea that Lin Yuanrou's embroidered shoe was already in Cao Rong's hands. If he knew, he might be even more furious.

"Can we really blame Yuanrou for this? Perhaps it was at the last Grand Princess's flower-viewing banquet, where many people attended. If someone saw her there, it's not certain." Madam Jiang's delicate eyebrows furrowed. "If Prince Qin won't do, we can ask someone else to broach the subject to the Emperor. Consort Xu is Prince Qin's biological mother. Maybe we should ask her to speak up..."

"Inappropriate, inappropriate," Lin Wenyuan shook his head repeatedly, standing with his hands behind his back.

"What's inappropriate about it? This is a huge opportunity! If you don't make up your mind soon, and the Emperor's mind wanders elsewhere, Prince's consort won't fall into our daughter's lap!" 

Lin Wenyuan's eyes flashed momentarily with a gleam, then quickly disappeared as he continued to shake his head slowly. 

Madam Jiang, furious, jumped up and spoke in a low, urgent tone, "What are you pretending to be mute for! You clearly understand everything but refuse to speak. You're forcing me to speak!" 

"... The relationship between our main and second branches is like water and fire. The Old Madam had been trying hard to maintain your older brother's life, and it's not easy. Your talents have long been recognized by the Emperor; all that's lacking is the support of a prince. If we marry Yuanrou off, from now on, we'll have the full support of Prince Qin. Will you still be satisfied with your position as Minister of War for the rest of your life?"

Lin Wenyuan looked at Madam Jiang, his shrewd eyes flickering uncertainly. He hesitated, wondering if now was the best time to speak up. "Let's wait a bit longer! Let's wait and see!" 

Madam Jiang couldn't contain her anger any longer. Pointing at him with one hand, she was so furious that she couldn't speak. Then she suddenly sat back in her chair, speaking coldly, "Do as you wish! Now even your niece is mocking us, saying we're both illegitimate. Yuanrou isn't noble either! Hmph! How much longer do you want us to endure being the butt of everyone's jokes? How much more humiliation do you want us to bear, you useless man? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have married you even if I had to marry a pig or a dog!"

Lin Wenyuan suddenly turned around, his eyes burning with rage, and stormed over to Madam Jiang. He grabbed the embroidered front of her robe, and with a loud slap, he struck her across the face.

Madam Jiang was stunned. Despite being born as a concubine's daughter, she had been raised by her stepmother since childhood, and no one dared to lay a finger on her.

She was about to erupt in anger, but when she looked into Lin Wenyuan's face, she froze. His expression was filled with resentment, and the mention of his illegitimate status had struck a nerve deep within him. His face contorted with anger, and he was trembling slightly.

In that moment, Madam Jiang's anger subsided. She walked slowly to her husband's side, gently tugging at his clothes and softly saying, "Wenyuan, calm down. It's my fault..."

Lin Wenyuan looked at her, his gaze icy, but he remained silent.

Madam Jiang wept, "It's all because of Ouyang Nuan, that despicable woman! She mocked our own daughter, bullied her, and humiliated her. It's unbearable!"

"Ouyang Nuan! How dare she say such things!" Lin Wenyuan's body gradually calmed down, but his face grew even paler. There was a fiery rage burning in his dark eyes. "Just watch. I'll make sure she never speaks again!"

Madam Jiang suddenly looked up, her expression filled with horror as she stared at Lin Wenyuan.


As for the Marquis Lin Wenlong, Ouyang Nuan had long lost much of her impression of him. She only remembered his gentle demeanor and his firmness in decision-making, much like the old Marquis. When she was very young, he would often hold her in his arms, teaching her how to read, and his affection for her almost exceeded that of his own daughter, Lin Yuanxin. 

She knew that there was some element of transferred affection in his actions, but even when she was seriously injured, she had never seen him again. It was evident that his condition was truly severe. However, the fourteenth of June was the Marquis's birthday banquet, and he had to attend. This was not only for the reputation of the Marquis's mansion, but also to deter the hidden undercurrents stirring in the unknown depths.

On the twelfth of June, the Marquis's mansion invited a royal physician from the palace. This time, the Old Madam took Ouyang Nuan with her to the Tranquil Heart Pavilion.

The Tranquil Heart Pavilion was where Lin Wenlong recuperated. Ouyang Nuan assisted the Dowager Marquise step by step, but she had no idea how secluded the pavilion was until they reached the inner chamber. As they entered, a lingering scent of medicine, heavy and persistent like a sigh, greeted them, chilling the atmosphere for no apparent reason.

Madam Shen came forward and caught sight of Ouyang Nuan, her gaze flickering slightly. The Old Madam patted her hand, sighed softly, but said nothing. Ouyang Nuan, disregarding Madam Shen's hesitation, merely greeted her quietly before standing alongside Lin Yuanxin to wait.

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Behind the final layer of gauze curtains, the candlelight softened, casting a hazy figure. The royal physician, separated by the curtains, was diagnosing Lin Wenlong's pulse while inquiring about his condition.

After gathering information about Lin Wenlong's illness and daily habits from the maids, the physician emerged with a grave expression, remaining silent for a long while.

Lin Yuanxin watched anxiously from the side, Shen Shi furrowed her brows, while the Old Madam remained indifferent, as if unaffected by it all. This scene filled Ouyang Nuan with a sense of foreboding.

Madam Shen hurried forward, her jewelry jingling chaotically, prompting a sigh from Ouyang Nuan. Clearly, Madam Shen had cast aside her usual demeanor, showing that her entire focus was on her nephew. Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but feel pity for her. Madam Shen's voice was urgent as she spoke to the physician, "Doctor Li, how is he now? Tell me the truth!"

Doctor Li wore a hesitant expression on his face. "Well... Lord Marquis has relied on medicine for too long. Ordinary remedies are ineffective against his condition. I can only prescribe some tonics to nourish his body, but with his weakened state, he may not be able to endure much longer. If his organs continue to deteriorate..."

He couldn't bring himself to voice the dire consequences.

"How much longer can he hold on?" The room fell silent, startled by the Old Madam's question, which carried a weight that shook everyone to the core.

Madam Shen, disregarding any tact, pressed for answers. "Please speak plainly."

The physician, with a sense of trepidation, responded, "At least three months, possibly up to a year."

Though mentally prepared, everyone was still struck by the news like a bolt from the blue.

Only the Old Madam let out a long sigh, her voice hoarse as she asked softly, "Is there no other way?"

"Doctor Li, is there..." The physician pondered for a moment, ultimately shaking his head.

The room fell into a heavy silence, akin to death itself. Ouyang Nuan remained silent, her face shrouded in shadow, appearing serene like a statue in the darkness. She could calculate human hearts but not divine will; just like in her past life, she couldn't escape her uncle's untimely demise.

It felt as though invisible hands were constricting her throat, rendering her unable to speak or breathe.

At that moment, Lin Yuanxin grasped Ouyang Nuan's hand tightly, as if trying to embed it into her own palm. Ouyang Nuan looked at her, seeing a forced smile on her lips while tears streamed down her cheeks. Unable to bear the sight, Ouyang Nuan turned away, feeling a chilling numbness spreading through her limbs, as if icy blades were piercing her, yet no blood flowed. She couldn't bear to witness Lin Yuanxin's heart-wrenching smile, a smile that depicted the agony of parting from loved ones.

The maid in green emerged, her expression solemn. "Old Madam, Madam, Master requests your presence." The Old Madam nodded to Madam Shen, who hastily wiped away her tears and tidied her slightly disheveled hair before joining the others.

As the curtains were gently lifted, Ouyang Nuan finally laid eyes on Lin Wenlong, bedridden and frail. Contrary to her expectations of him being on death's door, he seemed to have a faint smile on his face, though his complexion was as pale as paper. His gaze swept over their faces, and unexpectedly, he beckoned towards Ouyang Nuan. "You must be Nuan'er."

Ouyang Nuan stood still, momentarily forgetting to approach. Lin Yuanxin gently nudged her. "Nuan'er, Father is calling for you."

Startled, Ouyang Nuan walked over, feeling her legs tremble slightly. For a brief moment, Lin Wenlong's eyes brightened, like the last flicker of a dying flame. Then, he reached out his hand and lightly grasped hers, his smile serene. "You and Qing'er look so alike."

These words made Madam Shen involuntarily glance at the Old Madam. Husband and younger sister were blood-related siblings, their bond extremely close since childhood. Was the Old Madam bringing Ouyang Nuan to see Lin Wenlong now meant to comfort him?

Lin Wenlong's hands were slender, with a hint of calluses on the fingertips, evidence of years spent writing and carving. Now, they were thin and pale, veins visible beneath the skin. As Ouyang Nuan held his hand, she felt its icy chill and lack of strength.

A hint of sorrow flickered in Lin Wenlong's eyes. After a long pause, he tremulously spoke, "Poor child." Hearing him mention his mother's name and refer to himself as pitiable, a surge of emotions overwhelmed Ouyang Nuan. A bitter taste filled her mouth, tears falling uncontrollably. Seeing Lin Wenlong, she couldn't help but think of Lin Wanqing. After the first choked sob, she couldn't contain herself any longer, and all her suppressed emotions came pouring out.

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"Uncle..." Ouyang Nuan's voice was fragmented, interspersed with sobs and tears, every word dripping with sorrow, yet sounding distant and unreal.

Standing quietly at the back, Lin Zhiran's heart skipped a beat. Was she truly this saddened, her tears flowing so freely? Lin Zhiran approached, intending to comfort her, but Ouyang Nuan startled suddenly, brushing away his hand. In this moment, her intelligence, composure, and pride melted away like mist. She appeared flustered and vulnerable, her usual self replaced by that of a helpless girl in the compassionate gaze of Lin Wenlong.

Lin Wenlong smiled faintly, then tightly pressed his lips together, his chest heaving with suppressed coughs. He reached out to gently stroke her head, as if comforting a crying child. "Don't cry," he said softly, but Lin Yuanxin suddenly threw herself onto the edge of the bed, clutching Lin Wenlong's sleeve tightly. "Father." Her tears flowed more freely than Ouyang Nuan's, as if she wanted to cry out all the sadness in the world.

"No one is allowed to cry!" At that moment, everyone heard the cold voice of Old Madam resound throughout the room. Ouyang Nuan startled, instinctively turning to look at Old Madam with wide eyes.

"What are you all doing? Wipe away those tears!" Old Madam's gaze was stern, carrying a terrifying severity.

It was the first time Ouyang Nuan had seen her grandmother so harsh, and she understood it was because of her own loss of control. As a noble lady, even if faced with the collapse of Mount Tai, she must not cry out loud. It wasn't just about maintaining composure; it was also about upholding the dignity and pride of a woman from a prestigious family.

She silently wiped away her tears and pulled Lin Yuanxin aside. Though Lin Yuanxin's tears still flowed, she dared not make a sound.

"Zhiran, come here," Lin Wenlong's gaze lingered affectionately on Ouyang Nuan and Lin Yuanxin for a moment before settling on Lin Zhiran, speaking softly.

Madam Shen's tears remained in her eyes, unable to fall, but Old Madam had already ordered everyone to leave, allowing father and son to speak in private.

As Ouyang Nuan walked out of the inner chamber, she faintly heard Lin Zhiran mentioning "Crown Prince," "Prince Yan," "Lin Wenyuan," and so on. It felt like thorns piercing into her ears, causing her to briefly collect herself before quickly leaving.


After saying what needed to be said, Lin Wenlong suddenly asked, "What about your engagement?" 

Lin Zhiran looked at him intently, a hint of reluctance appearing on his face, albeit very slight. "I have not been able to fulfill my responsibilities in this lifetime," Lin Wenlong said with a smile. Lin Zhiran's face turned pale, gradually filled with sorrow. It felt as if his father's words were stabbing into his chest like a dagger, splitting flesh and spraying blood. However, Lin Wenlong seemed oblivious, continuing with a smile, "Promise me, you will do it."

Lin Zhiran hesitated to respond.

Lin Wenlong suddenly fixed his gaze on him, his eyes becoming increasingly stern, like a sharp blade unsheathed after being concealed for decades, piercing into Lin Zhiran's eyes. In that moment, Lin Zhiran lowered his head slightly, not because he was overpowered by his father's authority, but because he deeply knew that the man before him didn't have much time left.

"Yes," he heard himself reply, his voice icy cold, sounding nothing like it came from his own throat.

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**A Note From the Author**

This chapter actually contains two parts that could be omitted, such as the conversation between the Emperor and the Crown Prince. However, some readers kept asking why Chen Jingrui hadn't taken action yet, so this part was added. In truth, I didn't write it, but everyone should understand that toppling the Minister of War is not such a simple matter. There's also a subplot involving a conversation between Lin Wenyuan and Madam Jiang. However, if I don't write the following part, the story will be incomplete, so I included it. Moreover, this conversation already hints at Lin Wenyuan's intention to take action."

Writing this kind of narrative can be quite troublesome. If it's rushed over, readers might not understand, but if it's written with detail, it might slow down the pace.

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