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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 80: 

The Haunting Experience of the Theater

A chestnut-red steed galloped swiftly through the long street, halting in front of the Marquis's mansion.

Servants bowed their heads in reverence as the young master dismounted. Lin Zhiran strode into the Ink Jade Hall, where maid Rongning awaited him with a fresh plain silk robe. Lin Zhiran's demeanor remained calm as he exchanged his outer garment, then washed his hands in a copper basin and took a silk handkerchief to wipe them dry.

"How is Cousin?" he inquired.

It was a routine question, asked morning and night. Rongning was accustomed to it and replied softly, "Miss Ouyang's condition is improving gradually. This morning, she even rose to play the zither. Second Miss visited her around noon and stayed to dine with her."

Rongning referred to Lin Zhiran's younger sister, Lin Yuanxin. Lin Zhiran frowned slightly at the mention, a faint "Hmm" escaping his lips. Sensing his displeasure, Rongning spoke softly, "Young Master, shall I have the meal served now?"

Lin Zhiran paused briefly, then replied, "Remove it."

Having served Lin Zhiran for many years, Rongning understood his temperament and immediately ordered the servants to remove the meal. By then, however, Lin Zhiran had already begun to walk away.

Despite the grandeur of the Marquis's mansion, it was now eerily silent. With Miss Ouyang's severe injury agitating the Old Madam, the household members dared not speak freely in her presence. Even the sparrows in the corridor ceased their chirping, as if sensing the need for quietude.

Upon seeing Lin Zhiran, the maidens hurriedly bowed along the way. Lin Zhiran glanced faintly at them and walked slowly along the corridor, unknowingly arriving at the entrance of the Dream Rain Pavilion.

The Dream Rain Pavilion was named by Lin Wanqing herself, and she personally wrote the plaque. Therefore, this pavilion was where she stayed before marrying. After her marriage, Old Madam ordered it to be cleaned and arranged regularly, never allowing it to fall into disrepair. She only wished for her daughter to stay here when she returned to the mansion. Now, this small pavilion had been empty for many years, but it welcomed Ouyang Nuan.

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Hongyu saw Lin Zhiran and hurried to report, but he smiled and raised his hand to stop her. He walked slowly up the steps himself, approaching the Small Floral Hall.

From afar, he could hear Lin Yuanxin's laughter, "Old Madam is really good to you. Look at these priceless jade scepters, coral and agate screens, crystal and gem curtains, and the peacock feather fan inlaid with pearls and jewels. They were all taken out from the treasury and specially given to you after you arrived. I'm jealous when I look at them!" She spoke of jealousy, but her face and eyes were filled with indescribable joy.

Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly, "Naturally, I must thank Old Madam for her care." She knew that when Lin Yuanxin said such words, it was not out of jealousy, but from the heart.

Lin Yuanxin continued, "It's also because you're lucky. Did you not see how pale Old Madam's face was when she brought you back last time? The doctors said you were almost beyond saving. But look at you now, not only can you run and jump, but your complexion is much rosier."

Ouyang Nuan chuckled, "Run and jump? Cousin Xin, you speak as if I'm a wild girl!'

Lin Yuanxin's bright eyes sparkled with laughter, "I just feel that you're livelier than before. You used to greet people with a smile on your face, but now you know how to throw a little tantrum. That's what a girl of your age should do."

Ouyang Nuan's smile deepened, "That's because I know that Old Madam, Uncle, and Aunt all love me. That's why I'm so carefree! Is Cousin Xin jealous? Alright, tomorrow I'll tell Aunt not to forget to spoil you a little more, so that you won't complain about not being loved by your natal family after you get married!"

Lin Yuanxin's face flushed red, and she suddenly jumped up, "Alright! You dare to tease me!" With that, she rushed up to tickle Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan's eyes sparkled, wanting to dodge her but unable to. The two of them played around, filling the room with laughter for a while. Beside them, Lixiang hurriedly said, "Miss, please don't play around. What if you get hurt or tear your bandage?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Yuanxin coughed lightly and said seriously, "You little rascal, you're becoming more and more unruly. I won't play with you!" Looking around, she exclaimed, "I felt the atmosphere in this pavilion change as soon as I entered. Why is it that only your original maidservant is left here? Are you implying that my family's maidservant is clumsy and useless?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly, "Grandmother assigned four, and Aunt assigned two, even you insisted on sending one to me. We really don't need so many people here. Aside from the four maidservants assigned by grandmother, I kept two, and I sent the others away."

Lin Yuanxin was very surprised, "Why?" As soon as she spoke, she suddenly realized something, her face sank, and she said, "Is someone using this opportunity to send people to your side? Is it Auntie and Uncle?"

The room fell silent for a moment. Outside the window, Lin Zhiran frowned upon hearing this.

"You don't need to say it; I already know. They must have some ulterior motives! If they can't place their people with grandmother, they start having ideas about you! It makes sense. Keeping their people around you would eventually cause trouble. It's better to send them away together."

Ouyang Nuan said in a firm voice, "Sister is right. Instead of keeping some untrustworthy maidservants, it's better to use people who are truly loyal."

Lin Yuanxin looked at her and nodded, "Our mansion has many people, and those with ulterior motives among the servants must be closely guarded against. If they are bought and used by others to deal with us, it will be troublesome. Nuan, you are meticulous! Your illness hasn't fully healed yet, so don't worry too much. Leave other matters to me. Even if I can't handle them, we still have big brother!"

Ouyang Nuan's voice was soft and melodious, yet it carried a strange power that touched the heartstrings, "Sister, it's not that I don't trust you all, but I have grown accustomed to it."

Lin Yuanxin was taken aback, feeling that Ouyang Nuan was very sensible. She grit her teeth and said, "That person pushed you to this point. She deserves to be punished severely!"

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Ouyang Nuan said calmly, "Didn't father send Wang Mama's corpse to the mansion the next day?"

Lin Yuanxin was very angry, "There's still a main culprit! Is locking her up enough?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, "In the mansion, Auntie is prudent and careful, Cousin is smart and wise, only Sister, you are innocent and carefree. This is certainly a good thing. However, since you will marry into the Prince's mansion in the future, you need to endure when necessary. You can't be as carefree as now. You must know that walls have ears. If someone with ill intentions overhears, it may cause trouble."

Lin Yuanxin stuck out her tongue, her dignified and gentle demeanor in front of others turned into innocence and playfulness. "Is this also my mother's idea for you to advise me? You're really something, at such a young age. Be careful not to turn your hair white from worry!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "If my mother were still here, I would listen to whatever she said."

Lin Yuanxin knew that she had touched upon Ouyang Nuan's sorrow again. She wanted to comfort her, but Ouyang Nuan's face showed no signs of sadness. Her words seemed like a jest, leaving Lin Yuanxin at a loss for how to comfort her.

At this moment, Hongyu came in with tea. Seeing Lin Zhiran still standing outside the window, she hesitated whether to remind the two young ladies inside. Lin Zhiran smiled faintly, pushed the door open himself, and said, "Xiner, you've come to disturb cousin's recuperation again."

In the flower hall, Ouyang Nuan was half-leaning on the soft felt cushion of the Guifei's couch, her long, soft silk robe dragging on the ground from the Guifei's couch, as beautiful as flowing clouds. Although her complexion was somewhat pale, she looked even more radiant, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a charming appearance. She was holding a small celadon bowl and drinking the dark medicine soup. When she looked up and saw Lin Zhiran, her face showed no surprise. Like the Old Madam and the Eldest Aunt, he almost came every day, either watching her take medicine or accompanying her to eat, but he never stayed long, leaving after only a moment.

Lin Yuanxin saw Lin Zhiran and showed a joyful expression on her face, "Brother is back?"

Lin Zhiran nodded and sat down at a distance, smiling as he looked at Ouyang Nuan, "Is cousin feeling better today?"

"Much better," Ouyang Nuan replied with a faint smile.

Lin Yuanxin smirked slightly, as if reporting a complaint, "Brother, it's good that you're here. Nuan'er is the most uncooperative patient in the world. You don't know. As soon as she finishes eating, she insists on getting up to practice calligraphy. I'm afraid she'll forget the time like last time. That's why I've been watching her until now!"

Even when she was sick, Ouyang Nuan never stopped practicing calligraphy and playing the zither every day. Even when she couldn't get up from bed, she always had a book in her hand. Lin Yuanxin admired her diligence and perseverance. In her opinion, a girl's proficiency in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting was just an embellishment, not something to be taken so seriously. But Ouyang Nuan was adamant about this aspect, refusing to listen to anyone's advice.

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Seeing Lin Zhiran's gaze seemingly reproaching her, Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and said, "I really am feeling better. It's just that Old Madam insisted I stay in bed to rest because she thinks I'm still weak. But it's been two months, and being confined to bed all day is truly boring. Naturally, I have to find something to do. Cousin is just overly concerned."

"Oh, let me see your calligraphy!" Lin Zhiran became somewhat interested and stood up, walking over to the nearby table. A long tabletop was spread with several pieces of top-quality rice paper, all covered with Ouyang Nuan's writing. Lin Zhiran picked them up one by one, praising each one before finally saying, "No wonder everyone says Nuan has a talent for calligraphy, inheriting Grandfather's true skill. Today, I can see it's true."

"That's just flattery from others. How can cousin believe it so easily? Nuan'er really doesn't dare to take such praise!" Ouyang Nuan responded modestly.

But Lin Zhiran chuckled and turned to Lin Yuanxin, saying, "It's said that even the Crown Prince's calligraphy is top-notch in the world. If you have calligraphy skills like Nuan'er, achieving equal status and harmony with your spouse in the future won't be difficult."

Lin Yuanxin blushed and scolded, "Brother, you've learned bad habits from Nuan'er, teasing me like this!"

Ouyang Nuan and Lin Zhiran exchanged a glance, both smiling warmly.

Lin Yuanxin looked around and saw no outsiders present. There was no need for her usual daughterly shyness. Instead, she boldly asked, "Big brother, what kind of person is the Crown Prince?"

Lin Zhiran burst into laughter, and Lin Yuanxin suddenly felt she might have said something inappropriate. Her face turned crimson, but Ouyang Nuan shook her head and said, "You'll find out when you marry into the palace."

Lin Yuanxin let out a low sigh. She was usually naive, gentle, and cheerful, always smiling. Her sudden sigh drew a curious look from Ouyang Nuan. Lin Yuanxin pouted and said with frustration, "Who cares about the Crown Prince? If I could, I'd rather never marry at all than enter the palace with someone else!"

Ouyang Nuan noticed Lin Yuanxin's despondency and suddenly understood. Lin Yuanxin, as the legitimate daughter of a noble family, had always been cherished by her parents and loved by her elder brother. Being bestowed in marriage to the Crown Prince as a concubine was already a great injustice. Moreover, the Emperor had also promised to betroth the daughter of the Zhou family, titled as the primary consort. Lin Yuanxin would have to enter the palace on her wedding day alongside another woman. It was no wonder she felt sad.

Afraid to see her upset, Lin Zhiran quickly tried to console her. "Silly girl, marrying someone like the Crown Prince is something that many noblewomen dream of. Why be so sad? If this were known, wouldn't it be laughable to others?"

However, Lin Yuanxin remained unmoved. "Who would want to enter the palace alongside someone else? And she's the primary consort, while I'll be following behind on the flower bridge!"

Lin Zhiran was momentarily stunned. In a man's perspective, power and interests were paramount. What significance did it hold whether Lin Yuanxin entered the palace before or after another woman? The Crown Prince's frail health meant that the entire empire would eventually be under the control of the Crown Prince. Whether one was the primary consort or a concubine was only a matter of time. In his view, his sister's concerns seemed naive and simplistic, not even within the realm of consideration.

Ouyang Nuan, with her long eyelashes fluttering, pondered for a moment before speaking. "Even as a concubine, once you're married off, we'll have to bow to you when we see you."

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Lin Yuanxin was taken aback. "Really? I can even make Lin Yuanrou bow to me." Then, her tone suddenly shifted to one of joy. "That's great. I hope that day comes soon!"

The relationship between the main and second households of the Zhenguohou Mansion was strained, with even the children engaging in open and hidden conflicts. Lin Yuanrou, being a few months older than Lin Yuanxin, often asserted herself as the elder sister of the Zhenguohou Mansion, constantly suppressing Lin Yuanxin and causing her much distress. Lin Yuanxin had to maintain a facade of sisterly affection in public, but inwardly, she wished she could slap her away. Hearing that from now on, Lin Yuanrou would have to bow to her, Lin Yuanxin felt a sense of satisfaction.

Ouyang Nuan added, "Yes, she should perform the full ceremony."

A hint of contentment finally appeared on Lin Yuanxin's face. "That's more like it. It's also considered a benefit of marrying the Crown Prince."

Lin Zhiran, still admiring Ouyang Nuan's calligraphy, couldn't help but turn around upon hearing this. "An unmarried young lady dares to speak such words? Just wait until I tell Mother, let's see how she deals with you!"

Lin Yuanxin stomped her foot in frustration. "It's all because of you two, deliberately provoking me and then making fun of me! I won't bother with you anymore!" With that, she swiftly got up and hurriedly left the room.

Ouyang Nuan smiled as she lifted the teacup, using the lid to push aside the floating tea leaves on the surface before taking a sip. Unexpectedly, Lin Yuanxin poked her head back in, seeming to want to say something but hesitating due to Lin Zhiran's presence. After a moment of hesitation, she whispered softly, "Nuan, I'll come find you tomorrow! There's something very important I need to tell you!"

Lin Zhiran and Ouyang Nuan both looked at her in surprise. Lin Yuanxin blushed even more and withdrew her hand before running off again.

"Has Cousin had dinner yet?" Ouyang Nuan suddenly looked at Lin Zhiran.

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Lin Zhiran paused for a moment and answered truthfully, "Not yet." Then he smiled. "Is Cousin leaving dinner for me?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently. "I had someone collect rose petals from the garden these past few days and steamed them into rose cakes. Would Cousin like to try?"

Next to them, Changpu quickly opened the food box, releasing a faint and fragrant aroma that wafted into Lin Zhiran's nostrils. He nodded involuntarily, and Hongyu handed him a pair of chopsticks. However, he picked up a piece of rose cake with his hand and put it into his mouth.

"It's a pity we don't have anyone in our household who makes these themselves," Lin Zhiran said after finishing a piece, savoring the delicious taste and sighing unconsciously.

Ouyang Nuan smiled. "Cousin is joking. Our household's chefs are extremely skilled."

Lin Zhiran took the cup of clear tea that Hongyu handed him and said lightly, "It's not just about the taste, it's also about the mood."

Ouyang Nuan blinked in surprise for a moment before smiling. "If Cousin likes it, before I leave, I'll teach the chefs in your household so they can replicate the taste exactly."

Lin Zhiran paused with the tea cup in his hand. After a moment, he asked, "Leave?!"

Ouyang Nuan nodded. "I've been recuperating here for two months. I have to return to the Ouyang family eventually. I can't stay in the Marquis Mansion forever."

"Can't stay?" Lin Zhiran looked at her, his eyes becoming sharper. "Someone has been disrespectful to you?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at him calmly. "No, everyone has been very kind to me. It's just that I feel like I've been bothering everyone too much."

Lin Zhiran listened silently, feeling relieved but also a bit empty inside. Seeing him remain silent for a long time, Ouyang Nuan looked at him with a hint of curiosity.

In the flickering candlelight, her beautiful and gentle profile exuded a sense of tranquility. Lin Zhiran gazed at her, suddenly feeling as if he were in a dream. He hesitated to speak, and after a moment, he stood up, his expression turning cold. "If you're leaving, you need Old Madam's consent."

In her heart, Ouyang Nuan knew that her son was still in the Ouyang family, and she couldn't rest assured. However, Old Madam was adamant about not letting her go, fearing that she would reveal any vulnerabilities again. If Old Madam agreed, she might tell Lin Zhiran why. Wasn't it just because she wanted him to help persuade her?

Without looking back, Lin Zhiran left, leaving Ouyang Nuan and a few maidservants looking at each other in confusion.

As Lin Zhiran walked out of the small flower hall, he took out a piece of paper from a citrus box and glanced at the writing on it. Somehow, he felt a bit ridiculous. He clenched the paper tightly and walked away quickly.

The next day, with the sun shining warmly, Ouyang Nuan reclined on the couch, reading to pass the time. She was covered in a light green silk quilt, feeling soft and comfortable under the sunlight streaming through the window. After reading for a while, she squinted her eyes and dozed off on the couch. She slept soundly, unaware of how much time had passed. 

However, she faintly heard voices outside, as if Hongyu was saying something. If it were the elders, Hongyu would naturally announce their arrival. Ouyang Nuan thought to herself, but suddenly she heard faint footsteps approaching. She opened her eyes slightly and saw a man standing in front of her, silently watching her.

In the courtyard of the Marquis of Zhen Guo's residence, a man suddenly barged in, startling Ouyang Nuan. The book in her hand fell to the ground as she quickly sat up on the couch and exclaimed, "Who dares to be so rude!?"

The intruder burst into laughter, waving a fan with a gallant demeanor. "Nuan'er, don't tell me you don't recognize me anymore?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, carefully examining the young man before her dressed in exquisite attire. Though his features were familiar, she couldn't quite place him. Finally, she relaxed and smiled, "Ah, it's you, Lin Yuanxin! Your disguise almost fooled even me, let alone Cousin!"

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Lin Yuanxin couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on, get up quickly, we're going out!"

"Where to?" Ouyang Nuan's expression changed as she looked at Lin Yuanxin in male attire.

"You're going to disguise yourself and leave the mansion!" Lin Yuanxin replied without giving her a chance to react, swiftly tossing a set of men's clothing toward her. "This outfit was meticulously made to fit you. Put it on quickly."

Ouyang Nuan looked at the clothes and couldn't help but laugh. "You want me to go out with you dressed like this?"

"Yes! Hurry up, I put a lot of effort into making this disguise!" Lin Yuanxin insisted stubbornly, refusing to back down.

After a moment of contemplation, Ouyang Nuan looked directly at Lin Yuanxin. "Are you really going?"

"Of course I am!" Lin Yuanxin stared back at her. "If you won't go, I'll go by myself. If the main gate is blocked, I'll climb over the wall!"

"Xin'er, Aunt Lin is stopping you from going out because you're about to get married. You should understand her intentions and not act recklessly," Ouyang Nuan said gently. 

But Lin Yuanxin, who was usually very gentle, now had a changed expression, sitting dejectedly on the couch. "Nuan'er, you don't understand my feelings at all. What kind of place is the Prince's residence? Once I go in, will I be able to come out freely in the future? Not to mention going out for leisure, even if I want to see you, I have to get permission from the Crown Prince. Even if he agrees, there are countless rules and etiquettes to follow. I feel really uncomfortable! Right now, I just want to go out and take a look before getting married. I won't cause trouble for you!"

Looking at her silent gaze and hearing her melancholic words, Ouyang Nuan felt a pang of sympathy. After a moment of thought, she smiled, "Cousin, I understand your intentions. But what do you think the Marquis's residence is? How could you walk out the main gate dressed like this?" She glanced at her again and continued with a smile, "Besides, with your beauty, if you stroll out so casually, won't families with daughters try to snatch you away to be their son-in-law?"

Lin Yuanxin blushed, her face showing some doubt. "Then... what should I do?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and looked at her. "Why not go and ask Big Cousin? As long as he agrees, everything will be fine."

"Him? He will definitely refuse like Mother does!" Lin Yuanxin's hope, which had just been ignited, was suddenly extinguished.

Knowing that if she didn't let Lin Yuanxin out today, she might try to sneak out later, Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "I'll persuade Big Cousin. But I think you should change out of these men's clothes for now." She playfully winked at Lin Yuanxin, leaving her puzzled about what Ouyang Nuan had in mind.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhiren agreed. However, he requested that she change out of her luxurious men's clothes and disguise herself as a servant to blend into the crowd.

Once outside the Marquis's residence, Lin Yuanxin almost wanted to cheer. She pulled Ouyang Nuan with a happy smile, "Nuan'er, thank you. I didn't expect my big brother to listen to you so obediently!"

The ambiguous remark didn't catch Ouyang Nuan's attention. However, Lin Zhiren, walking behind them, frowned and scolded, "You're older than Nuan'er but speak so carelessly. You don't behave like a young lady of a noble family at all!"

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Lin Yuanxin stuck out her tongue, displaying her innocent and carefree demeanor. "I'm not a young lady of a noble family now. I'm..." She glanced at herself, "...I'm a wealthy young master traveling incognito!" As a girl who loved beauty, she quickly found a place to change out of the drab servant clothes and into the elegant attire she had prepared, even coaxing Ouyang Nuan to change into the clothes she had ready.

My apologies for the oversight. Indeed, the correct name is Lin Zhiran. Thank you for pointing that out. Here's the corrected passage:

Lin Zhiran sighed, but Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Since we're out having fun, don't be too strict with Cousin Yuan."

Lin Zhiran could clearly see her elegant smile, and for a moment, he became somewhat distracted. When he snapped out of it, his deep phoenix eyes carried a hint of coldness. "Her status is quite different now. If Mother finds out she ran out like this, she'll be livid. I don't know why I agreed to this! It's absurd!"

Ouyang Nuan looked at the dozen or so casually dressed guards in the surrounding crowd and chuckled. "With you watching over Cousin, she won't get into trouble. But if you hadn't agreed, and she sneaked out alone, the consequences would be unimaginable. You know that, don't you?"

"And what about you? Your health hasn't fully recovered, yet you're here indulging her antics!" Lin Zhiran retorted.

Ouyang Nuan paused for a moment, then smiled. "I'm already fine, it's just that you two are worried."

Unbeknownst to them, they had already caused quite a stir on the street. Lin Zhiran's handsome appearance and tall stature, coupled with his luxurious attire, naturally attracted attention wherever he went. While Lin Yuanxin and Ouyang Nuan were also dressed in men's clothing, Lin Yuanxin's petite figure and delicate features made it easy to tell she was disguised as a man. However, Ouyang Nuan, despite being younger, had a tall and graceful figure, exuding the aura of a young man in his prime. When people looked at her, they felt dazzled by her radiant beauty, which attracted the most attention.

Lin Zhiran dared not take them to other places for fear of causing trouble, so he chose a relatively quiet theater. At this moment, the theater was filled with the melodious sound of flutes, and actors were on stage, creating a picturesque scene of spring flowers and autumn moon. Although Lin Yuanxin was disappointed, she understood that as a young lady from a prestigious family, there were many places she couldn't go. Therefore, she decided to let go of her concerns and followed Lin Zhiran into the theater with a smile.

Although the Bright Moon Pavilion was a theater, it was not an ordinary place. Only the distinguished and wealthy from the capital could enter. The servants at the door welcomed them warmly when they saw Lin Zhiran and his companions dressed elegantly.

Lin Zhiran randomly chose a seat, and the three of them sat down. Immediately, a young maid came to serve tea. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a delicate face lightly powdered, her eyes bright and charming. As she poured tea for the three of them, her gaze lingered on Ouyang Nuan, seeming to be mesmerized. After a while, she realized her lapse and blushed, unable to tell if it was due to rouge or embarrassment. However, having spent a long time in the theater, she was not overly shy and approached them conversationally, asking where they were from. Ouyang Nuan found her frank and unaffected attitude adorable and couldn't help but smile back.

Lin Yuanxin suddenly asked, "Which play is being performed on stage?"

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The young maid smiled and replied, "It's 'Yan Zhi Hui'."

Lin Yuanxin nodded, and then the young maid continued, "I've seen many people, but I've never seen anyone as good-looking as you three."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yuanxin's eyes lit up, and she opened her fan with a graceful flourish, displaying the demeanor of a dashing young master. She nodded with a bright smile, "Young lady, you have good taste."

However, the young maid moved closer to Ouyang Nuan and said with a smile, "Yes, this young master is the most handsome of the three."

All three of them were surprised, especially Lin Yuanxin, who pointed at herself and exclaimed, "Am I not as good-looking as him?"

The young maid giggled and said to Lin Yuanxin, "I could tell at a glance that you are a young lady. Please don't tease me."

Lin Yuanxin was speechless. She wondered how the maid could tell she was a woman while failing to recognize that Ouyang Nuan was also a young lady. Of course, she didn't know that Ouyang Nuan having a similar physique to a young man, while she appeared more delicate due to her slightly older age, making it easier for people to identify her.

Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan lowered her head to sip her tea, concealing a faint smile on her lips. Lin Yuanxin then pointed at Lin Zhiran and asked, "Is he not as good-looking?"

Afraid of offending him, the maid hurriedly explained, "No, this young master is also very handsome. I've just been lucky enough to see someone even more handsome than him. As for this one," she pointed at Ouyang Nuan, "he is truly rare. When I saw him, I couldn't help but want to keep looking at him. I'm afraid I won't see anyone as good-looking in this lifetime." Ouyang Nuan blushed slightly upon hearing this, while Lin Zhiran found the situation rather amusing.

As the play "Yan Zhi Hui" unfolded, Lin Yuanxin became captivated by the story, while Ouyang Nuan simply lowered her head to drink her tea, showing little interest in the performance on stage.

Lin Yuanxin was excited to see the handsome scholar meeting the young lady in the play, almost exclaiming, "Nuan'er, look!" She was about to call out, but Lin Zhiran gave her a stern glance, reminding her of her indiscretion. Clearing her throat softly, she said, "Look!"

Ouyang Nuan only glanced briefly before turning her head to see Lin Zhiran looking at her with apparent interest. She couldn't help but smile and ask, "Why is cousin looking at me like that?"

"I'm watching you because it seems like you don't think much of this play," Lin Zhiran replied with a smile.

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but chuckle. "These plays are performed at every celebration, and the content is always the same. It's nothing new, just scholars meeting young ladies and newlyweds in their bridal chamber. Nothing particularly fresh."

Lin Yuanxin glanced at her, finding her lacking in appreciation for the romance, and remarked, "But this is a perfect ending for a reunion!"

"Perfect?" Ouyang Nuan chuckled lightly. 'A wealthy young lady falling in love with a poor scholar, how is it any different from my once infatuation with Su Yulou? It was never a match made in heaven. They hoped for harmony in their differences, to grow old together, but ultimately ended up with a scattered gathering. Can they really blame anyone?'

But then again, is a match made in heaven necessarily happy? Ouyang Nuan sighed involuntarily as she looked at the excited Lin Yuanxin, her cheeks flushed with excitement. Could a delicate woman who hoped for a happy union truly marry the Crown Prince? And would he love and cherish her in return? The answer seemed obvious. The Crown Prince needed a smart, wealthy consort, not a delicate beauty who needed his comfort and protection.

Just as Lin Zhiran was about to speak, the drums and gongs sounded on stage, and a group of six or seven acrobats ascended the platform amidst enthusiastic applause.

Lin Yuanxin's attention was immediately drawn to the stage. "How come there's such a performance in the theater?" she exclaimed.

"This is a variety show called 'Hundred-Foot Pole,'" the young girl beside them explained with a smile as she refilled their tea cups. "There is always some time between one play and the next, so the owner invites a acrobatic troupe to perform, to entertain everyone."

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On the high platform, a strong man was balancing on top of a hundred-foot pole, supported by five bowstrings. Five young boys dressed in colorful clothes, holding knives and spears, were performing "Breaking the Formation" on the pole. Lin Yuanxin watched with excitement, unable to resist joining the applause along with the crowd.

Ouyang Nuan lifted her eyes and saw the youngest boy on the highest point of the pole, moving gracefully to the rhythm of the music, his movements agile like a swallow. The entire performance seamlessly blended singing, dancing, tightrope walking, and pole balancing, making it exceptionally brilliant.

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As the young boy's movements became faster and faster, the cheers from the audience grew louder and louder. However, Lin Yuanxin's brows suddenly furrowed, and she exclaimed in shock. Everyone looked up to see the boy on the highest point of the pole lose his balance and fall to the ground.

A sigh of regret swept through the crowd. The strong man on stage's face changed color, and he kicked the boy several times, urging him to climb back up.

The boy appeared to be only seven or eight years old, bruised and swollen from the beating, yet he dared not cry out in pain. Seeing this, Lin Yuanxin's heart was filled with compassion, and she was about to stand up to help him. However, a hand stopped her. "If you go out now and rescue that child from the situation, he might suffer even more when he returns," whispered Ouyang Nuan softly. Her eyes also shimmered with sympathy, but her tone was firm. Startled, Lin Yuanxin sat back down involuntarily.

The boy climbed back onto the pole, but he seemed shaken. After only a couple of moves, he lost his balance again and fell to the ground. Seeing the strong man cursing and beating him, Lin Yuanxin grew furious and couldn't help but turn around, saying, "Big brother, aren't you going to help that child?"

Lin Zhiran looked at her coldly and said, "There are too many pitiful people in this world. Can you sympathize with all of them?"

Lin Yuanxin looked at Ouyang Nuan again. "Nuan'er, aren't you going to do anything?"

Ouyang Nuan held her hand and said, "If you want to help him, I'll accompany you to the backstage later. We can either help him redeem himself or give him some money. But not now..."

Lin Zhiran's meaning was clear to her. There were too many unfortunate people in the world, and this little boy, if he resorted to this job, had to practice and master a skill to survive. His teacher was strict with him to make him remember this, not because he intended to harm him. Moreover, if they intervened openly, it would inevitably attract unwanted attention. Ouyang Nuan herself could handle it, but Lin Yuanxin's special status made it risky. If something went wrong, it would be impossible to explain it away to the Marquis's mansion.

However, Lin Yuanxin was very kind-hearted. Hearing the child's cries, she stood up abruptly and glared at them. "You're all heartless! Forget it, I won't ask for your help! I'll do it myself!"

She spoke loudly in her anger, and suddenly many people were staring at her, looking very surprised.

Lin Zhiran hurriedly tried to hold her back, but Lin Yuanxin shook him off and quickly ran onto the stage, shouting, "Stop hitting him!"

The strong man was taken aback when he saw her in luxurious clothes, seeming to come from a wealthy family. He dared not lay a hand on her. Lin Yuanxin went back to comfort the child. "Don't be afraid, I won't let him hit you again!"

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Lin Yuanxin didn't even spare a glance at the strong man as she led the boy off the stage, openly walking through the crowd. At this moment, Lin Zhiran and Ouyang Nuan hurriedly followed. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but sigh. Ouyang Nuan's face still had a hint of a smile as she whispered, "Xin'er, let's go back quickly. You've attracted quite a bit of attention."

Lin Yuanxin glanced around and indeed saw many people looking at her. She blushed instantly and was about to say something to the little boy. However, the boy suddenly raised his head, flipped his right hand, and a dagger appeared, cold and sharp, with a murderous intent, aiming straight at Lin Yuanxin. Lin Zhiran had already walked over to negotiate with the strong man on stage, and the guards were outside and hadn't followed them in. Only Ouyang Nuan and Lin Yuanxin were in the immediate vicinity. Ouyang Nuan was the first to notice, and her face changed instantly. With all her strength, she pulled Lin Yuanxin away.

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Lin Yuanxin felt a powerful pull and barely avoided the attack. The boy remained unfazed and swiftly spun around, aiming his dagger at a nearby guest. His dagger seemed to multiply into ten or even a hundred, with a fierce and unmatched momentum, almost suffocating and leaving no room for retreat! The young man on the guest seat rose swiftly, skillfully evading the attack. He took a fan from Lin Yuanxin's stunned hands and said, "Let me borrow this!"

The boy lunged again, but the young man's wrist moved swiftly, and with a flick of the fan, he dodged the ferocious attack. The boy smirked coldly, his expression as ruthless as an adult's. The gleaming blade danced in his hand, and with several swift movements, he unleashed six consecutive strikes. Each strike aimed precisely at vital points on the body. The young man had to be extremely quick; any delay might have led to a fatal outcome. Finally, he found an opportunity and kicked the boy's wrist, sending the dagger flying into a nearby table, sinking deep into its surface and causing a commotion among the onlookers.

At that moment, a crowd surged into the theater like a tidal wave, surrounding the boy completely. "Protect His Highness!" a voice roared, and a man brandishing a long sword charged forward, aiming at the boy. Another round of clashes ensued, and after a brief struggle, the boy was subdued and tied up tightly. The young man who had intervened earlier glanced at him coldly and ordered, "Keep him alive!"

Ouyang Nuan half-shielded Lin Yuanxin with her body, nearly covering her entirely. Only when she saw that the situation had stabilized did she realize her clothes were soaked with cold sweat. Lin Zhiran, who had been blocked by the crowd moments ago, finally rushed over and grabbed her arm, asking, "Are you hurt?"

"Big brother, I'm fine," Lin Yuanxin replied, her eyes filled with tears. But when she reached out her hand, she saw blood and exclaimed, "Heavens! Nuan'er, are you injured?"

Seeing her pale face, almost drained of color from fear, Ouyang Nuan grabbed her hand tightly and reassured her, "I'm fine! Don't be afraid!" Others couldn't help but look at her, noticing the youth's eyes shining bright like polished jade, with an innate composure.

The young man who had intervened earlier glanced over and noticed that despite his efforts, the young girl he had saved seemed deeply shaken and in need of comfort. He furrowed his brow, wondering how much she had been affected by the ordeal.

Ouyang Nuan noticed that Lin Yuanxin was still trembling uncontrollably, seemingly overwhelmed with fear. Just as she was about to speak, all the men who had rushed in fell to their knees and bowed to the young man who had intervened earlier. A middle-aged man clad in armor shouted, "Apologies, Your Highness! I arrived late!"

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Ouyang Nuan was taken aback. She looked at the young man who had intervened and saw that he exuded an air of nobility, dressed in exquisite robes with finely embroidered designs. His hair was tied up and adorned with a small golden crown, embellished with a pearl. Although his facial features were not remarkably handsome, nor were his features flawless, he carried himself with an undeniable sense of dignity and inviolability wherever he stood.

Lin Zhiran quickly recognized the person in front of him as Xiao Yan, the Crown Prince. He hurriedly led Lin Yuanxin and Ouyang Nuan in bowing. Lin Yuanxin was trembling like a leaf, her face devoid of color, unable to utter a word. Ouyang Nuan, suppressing her own pain, promptly bowed alongside Lin Yuanxin. However, Lin Yuanxin was too nervous and ended up bowing as a woman would, drawing the attention of the crowd. Fortunately, Ouyang Nuan nudged her, prompting her to quickly lower her head.

Lin Zhiran frowned, thinking it unfortunate to encounter Xiao Yan. Nevertheless, he spoke loudly, "Lin Zhiran of the Zhenguo Marquis House pays his respects to Your Highness."

Xiao Yan's gaze fell behind Lin Zhiran. "And who are these two?"

"They are my friends from outside the capital, unfamiliar with the ways of the world and not very articulate. I thank Your Highness on their behalf for saving their lives."

Xiao Yan chuckled, "They are still children! They must have been frightened just now, right? I may have inconvenienced them and damaged a fan." He glanced at the damaged fan on the ground, smiling faintly.

Lin Yuanxin's heart skipped a beat as she slowly raised her head, catching a quick glance from Xiao Yan's indifferent eyes. She hastily lowered her head again, her heart pounding in her chest.

Ouyang Nuan, sensing the trouble they had caused, felt nervous too, her palms sweating.

The middle-aged man in armor beside them ordered his men to tie up the assassin and then commanded, "Search everyone here carefully." Xiao Yan furrowed his brow and said, "No need. Let's go back."

"Yes, Your Highness." The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the guards escorted the young assassin away. Lin Yuanxin looked at the boy and realized he wasn't a child at all but a young assassin. The thought of grabbing him moments ago made her feel nauseous.

Following the protocol, Lin Zhiran and the others escorted them to the door. Xiao Yan mounted his horse, whipped the reins, and departed. He glanced back unintentionally, but amidst the bustling crowd and the fast-paced horse, he could no longer see the face that was as beautiful as a young girl's.

He and his guards resembled a swiftly moving cloud of dust, quickly disappearing from view.

Just as Lin Zhiran turned back, he heard Lin Yuanxin's startled cry. It was, however, Ouyang Nuan who could no longer sustain herself and fell backward...

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