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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 81: 

Beauty and charm each have their own calculations.

Back at Dream Rain Pavilion, as soon as they stepped into the room, Lin Yuanxin saw the pain on Ouyang Nuan's face, blood still dripping from the wound on her chest. Immediately, she called out to Hongyu, "Quick, fetch the medicine!" 

Hongyu was taken aback but hurriedly rushed to retrieve the medicine from the cabinet. Lin Yuanxin urgently told Lin Zhiran, "Big brother, you should step aside for now!" Lin Zhiran nodded and stepped out.

Lin Yuanxin applied the medicine to Ouyang Nuan's wound, seeing her biting her lip from the pain, trying to suppress her worries. Tears welled up in Lin Yuanxin's eyes as she couldn't help but shed them.

Ouyang Nuan understood Lin Yuanxin's expression but didn't offer any consolation. After dressing the wound and changing clothes, they both sat down in the flower hall. Lin Zhiran hadn't left; he sat with a furrowed brow, holding a teacup, his eyes filled with concern as he watched Ouyang Nuan emerge.

Ouyang Nuan took her seat across from him, smiling, "Cousin, there's no need to worry. I'm fine."

Lin Zhiran's expression eased at her words, "We should still call for a doctor to take a look."

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Ouyang Nuan glanced at Lin Yuanxin, whose eyes were brimming with tears, and said, "It's alright, I know the extent of my injuries. Don't scare Sister Yuanxin."

Lin Zhiran stared coldly at Lin Yuanxin, "She always causes trouble! And now she's crying as if she's the victim!"

Though naturally kind-hearted, Lin Yuanxin wasn't foolish. She remained silent, tears streaming down her face. Ouyang Nuan sighed at her expression and said, "Cousin, if you were born a woman and were about to marry into such a place, where your honor and disgrace would be tied to a man's, you'd also feel anxious. It's understandable that she wanted to get away for a bit. Put yourself in her shoes. Why blame Sister Yuanxin?"

Lin Zhiran's expression remained grim, his tone stern, "The Crown Prince's Palace isn't a place where she can act recklessly! Do you expect the Crown Prince to dote on her like we do and not hold her accountable for her actions? If the Crown Prince blames us for today's chaos, how can our family bear the consequences?"

Ouyang Nuan looked directly at him, her gaze calm, "That's not entirely fair. If it weren't for meeting the Crown Prince, we would have been safe and sound. That person wasn't targeting Lin Yuanxin; it was clear they were going after Xiao Yan."

Lin Zhiran's breath caught, but he didn't cease his reproach. His gaze at Lin Yuanxin grew colder by the moment. However, Lin Yuanxin didn't offer a single word of defense, simply hanging her head in silence.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the siblings, their expressions so different, and said, "Cousin, I understand you blame Cousin Yuanxin for intervening today, but her intention to save that child wasn't wrong. The mistake lies with the assailant who had malicious intent. Cousin Yuanxin has been sheltered in the marquis's household since childhood and lacks worldly experience, making her susceptible to deception by unscrupulous individuals. Yet, it's precisely because of her pure and genuine nature that she's easily misled."

Upon hearing these words, Lin Zhiran's clear and deep eyes seemed to pierce through to the heart. He said, "With so many people present, none dared to intervene unnecessarily, yet she..."

"Cousin!" Ouyang Nuan sat up straight, her demeanor carrying a hint of coldness. "Others didn't intervene because of their indifference, and we refrained because of caution. Sister acted because she couldn't bear to see injustice. Fundamentally, she isn't wrong. Don't blame her like this anymore!"

She emphasized "fundamentally," not the method. Lin Zhiran understood this distinction well and couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips inwardly.

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Lin Yuanxin had been quietly shedding tears, but upon hearing this, she couldn't hold back her sobs. Ouyang Nuan stood up, walked to her side, and gently patted her back, softly saying, "Sister Yin, it's okay... It's all over now..."

Her voice was gentle and soothing, carrying a magical power that could calm people's hearts. Lin Yuanxin trembled as she looked up at her, then suddenly threw herself into her arms, crying loudly.

Hongyu hurried over with a handkerchief. Ouyang Nuan gently stroked Lin Yuanxin's hair as she cried in her embrace. Lin Yuenxin lifted her head and looked at her, tears streaming down her face. "No, Brother was right. It was my rashness that caused this. You advised me at the time, but I didn't listen! It's all my fault, all my fault, I've implicated you!"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan breathed a sigh of relief. She gently blinked her eyes in the direction of Lin Zhiran, and he responded with a nod, showing their silent understanding. Lin Yuanxin had indeed made a mistake out of a moment of kindness. However, if everyone condemned her, she wouldn't listen. Only through one person admonishing while the other defended her could she gradually realize her mistake. 

With this in mind, Ouyang Nuan softly said, "Sister and I grew up together since childhood. Although we're not blood sisters, she's like family to me. Back then, when I was seriously injured and almost beyond hope, Sister stayed by my side day and night, taking care of me in every possible way. I've always remembered her kindness, and I hope to repay her someday. Today's incident is nothing compared to that. How can it be considered a burden?"

Her words were heartfelt, causing Lin Yuanxin to cry even harder. "Nuan, you've always been so good to me."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and comforted her a few more words. Lin Yuanxin thought for a moment, her face showing a hint of embarrassment. "Today's incident is all because of Prince Xiao Yan's fault. He had nothing to do, so he went to the theater, which caused us trouble too!"

Prince Xiao Yan's appearance at the theater might not have been solely to watch the performance. Ouyang Nuan noticed her blushing face and her tone, although blaming, seemed more like coyness. This made Ouyang Nuan's lips curl up slightly. 

She said, "That's right, Sister Yuan will have to have a good talk with this esteemed brother-in-law after she marries him. Let him know not to wander around casually in the future. Otherwise, it wouldn't be good to keep stirring the hearts of young girls everywhere. It's not every time that one can coincidentally encounter their fiancée like this, right?"

Lin Yuanxin noticed Ouyang Nuan teasing her and blushed even more, unable to say a word. The atmosphere in the room eased considerably.

Lin Zhiran glanced lightly at Ouyang Nuan, lips pressed tight, suppressing a sigh that had already reached his lips. Both of them came from noble backgrounds, both daughters raised in the sheltered confines of their homes. 

Yuanxin was too trusting of others. They were all concerned for her family, and even if they had to employ some cunning, it was only to help her see things clearly. But what about outsiders? What if these outsiders had ulterior motives? The consequences could be unimaginable.

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Lin Zhiran thought with a hint of seriousness, "Yuanxin, I hope you can learn from this incident and not cause trouble for Prince Xiao in the future."

Lin Yuanxin furrowed her brows, her tone slightly annoyed as she replied, "Big brother, you underestimate me too much. Am I really someone who doesn't know the severity of things?"

There was a misty quality in Ouyang Nuan's eyes, giving off an ambiguous feeling as she calmly said, "What big brother means is that once you become a concubine in the Crown Prince's residence, you must always consider him first in everything. Isn't that right, sister?"

Ignoring Lin Zhiran, Lin Yuanxin nodded at Ouyang Nuan, "I understand this point. Mother has also reminded me multiple times. Being a wife is certainly different from being a daughter."

"Sister, once you become a concubine, you are not just a wife, but also a representative of the royal family. You must be careful in everything you do. A slip-up will not only affect the Crown Prince and Prince Xiao but also implicate our family, the Marquisate of ZhenGuo," Ouyang Nuan said, sitting beside her and looking at her intently.

Lin Yuanxin hesitated, saying, "But I am just a person. Living a life where I must be vigilant all the time and think twice about everything, wouldn't that be very painful?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at her and smiled lightly, "In your position, you must plan and accomplish. Prince Xiao's current position is not easy to attain. You are his future wife, and you should help him eliminate worries."

Confused, Lin Yuanxin looked at Lin Zhiran and then at Ouyang Nuan, asking, "With his high status and power, is it really so difficult for him?"

Lin Zhiran looked at her calmly and said, "Do you want to hear the truth? Outside there are great dangers, and inside there are imminent threats." Lin Zhiran spoke calmly, "Prince Xiao's position is more difficult than anyone else's. Once you marry him, it's not just about you. Our family... will also be implicated."

This was exactly what Ouyang Nuan had realized. When Lin Yuanxin married into the Crown Prince's residence, the main branch of the Marquisate of ZhenGuo would be inevitably tied to the Crown Prince's fate. No matter what, they couldn't disentangle themselves. And since she had always been attached to the power of the main branch of the Marquisate of ZhenGuo, it meant that... 

Ouyang Nuan closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again, her gaze was calm as water. She didn't even glance at Lin Zhiran anymore, turning her head to Lin Yuanxin and saying, "Brother means that once we board this ship, we won't be able to get off."

Lin Zhiran sighed softly and said, "Indeed, that's the case. The struggle for power in the court is intense now, and our family has been drawn into this dispute. Yuanxin, you should be mentally prepared for this."

With court struggles and royal disputes, Lin Yuanxin had always had a vague premonition but had instinctively avoided asking about it. However, hearing Lin Zhiran mention it now, even though his tone was calm and his expression serene, Lin Yuanxin felt an inexplicable palpitation. It was as if through his calm words, she glimpsed the fierce and bloody struggles within the royal family. Terrifying images flashed before her eyes, and she dared not think further, asking hesitantly, "Is it really that serious?"

Lin Zhiran sighed when he saw her changing expression, continuing to advise, "I'm not exaggerating. As the consort of the Crown Prince, you need to be vigilant in every word and action! Our dynasty has always valued both civil and military matters, and we particularly emphasize the role of the censor. These officials always look for trouble, and they can even directly admonish the emperor. Your actions today, rushing to save someone in public and exposing your identity, are very dangerous. Once the censors find out, not only will you, as the consort, be criticized, but our marquisate will also bear the blame for failing to educate its women."

Ouyang Nuan personally handed two pastries to Lin Yuanxin and said softly, "Yes, sister, you must firmly secure your position as the consort and let everyone know that the Marquisate of ZhenGuo is no less prestigious than the Duke of DingYuan's residence. That's everyone's dignity."

The Duke of DingYuan's residence's Zhou Zhijun had been appointed as the Crown Prince's legal wife, and she would enter the palace together with Lin Yuanxin. This had always been a sore point for her, especially when she saw the Crown Prince today... It made her even more depressed. However, she was still a young girl at heart. With a few words from Ouyang Nuan, she immediately felt a sense of competition. Nodding, she said, "I will never let Zhou Zhijun surpass me and become the subject of ridicule for others!"

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Ouyang Nuan chuckled, "I didn't mean it that way. Sister and Miss Zhou will enter the Crown Prince's residence together. You should get along harmoniously and work together to assist the Crown Prince. It's just that others might compare you two more or less. At that time, sister, you shouldn't pay too much attention to it."

Lin Yuanxin heard this, glanced at Lin Zhiran, her face flushed, and said, "Mother has said that if I can bear children before her..." This was something she shouldn't have said, but here was her most trusted elder brother and her closest cousin. Lin Yuanxin was straightforward by nature, so she spoke without any reservation.

Lin Zhiran listened and nodded in agreement. To men, bearing children was indeed important. There was nothing wrong with what she said.

Ouyang Nuan didn't ridicule her, but she didn't entirely agree either. Instead, she smiled faintly and said, "Aunt's words are generally correct, but they also depend on the situation. When E Huang and Nü Ying married Emperor Shun together, E Huang had no children, while Nü Ying bore a son named Shang Jun. When Emperor Shun ascended to the throne and had to choose between them as his empress and concubine, according to Aunt's logic, Nü Ying, being younger and having a son, should have been chosen as the empress. However, Emperor Shun didn't do so. He demanded that both women travel from Pingyang to Pubei, and whoever arrived first would be the empress, while the other would be the concubine. E Huang, straightforward in nature, rode a large horse and galloped ahead. Nü Ying, focusing on appearances, chose to travel by carriage and even selected a mule as her carriage animal, thinking it was more grandiose. However, during the journey, the mule unexpectedly gave birth, forcing the carriage to stop. By the time Nü Ying arrived, E Huang had already reached the distant destination, and Nü Ying's delay caused her to lose. The position of empress was taken by E Huang, and Nü Ying vowed never to allow the mule to reproduce again. However, this incident was still widely known. So, sister, while bearing children and receiving favor are important, they are not the most crucial factors."

Such novel ideas made even Lin Zhiran raise an eyebrow. With a man's favor and offspring secured, what else could one ask for? He couldn't help but speak up, "Nu'er seems to have exaggerated. Besides these two points, what else does Xin'er need to establish herself?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "I've heard that Emperor is exceptionally filial to his mother, and as the Crown Princess's health is not good, Crown Prince Shang is too busy to spend much time with her. Once you enter the household, if you can accompany the Crown Princess more often on behalf of Crown Prince Shang, that would be a truly pure and filial act." Ouyang Nuan added, "Once you're married, the affairs of the inner palace will still be managed by the Crown Princess. If you can gain her favor, your days will naturally be comfortable. At that time, it won't be difficult to have Aunt come visit you often."

Lin Zhiran looked at Ouyang Nuan intently and suddenly understood her meaning. It was widely rumored in the capital that Zhou Zhijun was exceptionally beautiful and talented, not inferior to Princess Rong. 

However, the Zhou family, being an ancient and prestigious household, rarely allowed Zhou Miss to participate in social gatherings. Therefore, she had little reputation among the ladies of the capital. The more elusive she was, the more likely she was a clever and formidable woman. 

Xin'er, being as naive as she was, might not stand a chance against someone like her. Ordinary women thought that as long as they captured their husband's heart, they would be unbeatable. However, Ouyang Nuan's teaching to Yuanxin was to gain favor with the Crown Princess, bypassing the Crown Prince's affection. As long as she could win the support of the Crown Princess, Yuanxin would truly establish herself in the Prince's household.

Lin Zhiran pondered for a moment and realized that Ouyang Nuan's use of this example was not merely to illustrate a point. Just like in the case of Emperor Shun's father being foolish, his stepmother being arrogant, and his younger brother being wicked, all of whom had tried to harm Emperor Shun multiple times, but he was saved by the assistance of Yu Huang and Nu Ying. 

Ouyang Nuan's use of this example was also a warning to Lin Yuanxin that the competition between wives and concubines was insignificant. Once external enemies were involved, they should unite against them. However, she was constrained by her identity and couldn't speak directly. She could only coax Yuanxin in this roundabout way, which truly put her in a difficult position. 

There was a hint of profound and strange light in his eyes, as if his sharp gaze had already penetrated Ouyang Nuan's words and seen through her soul, discerning all her thoughts.

Ouyang Nuan didn't want to meet his almost penetrating gaze. She lowered her head, took a sip of tea, and sat quietly, waiting for Lin Yuanxin to understand.

After hearing these words, Lin Yuanxin remained silent for a long time. Finally, she sighed and looked at Ouyang Nuan. "Nuan'er, if it were you who were marrying into that household, it would be much better. You would surely be able to handle it. But I... I am truly causing trouble for my family."

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback by Lin Yuanxin's words, but before Yuanxin could finish speaking, Lin Zhiran interrupted her with a furious rebuke, halting her unintentional remarks. "Stop!" Seeing the surprised expressions on Ouyang Nuan and Lin Yuanxin's faces, Lin Zhiran's eyes burned with intense anger, but he forcibly suppressed it, furrowing his brow as he stood up and said, "You dare to speak nonsense about such an important matter as marriage! From today onwards, reflect on your actions properly within the mansion. If I catch you behaving inappropriately again, I will confine you until the day of your marriage!" With that, he briskly walked out.

Ouyang Nuan and Lin Yuanxin looked at each other for a moment, then both burst into laughter. After laughing for a while, Lin Yuanxin turned to look at Ouyang Nuan in the flickering candlelight. She felt that despite Ouyang Nuan's slender figure, her eyes were deep and calm, exuding an ethereal aura as if she were untouched by the mundane world, displaying the demeanor of a fairy. Such a beautiful and delicate girl had to constantly scheme and calculate, living such a tiresome life. Lin Yuanxin couldn't help but feel pity for Ouyang Nuan, her heart filled with compassion.


Meanwhile, at the residence of the Grand Academician Qian Xueying, it was a lively banquet. Exquisite dishes were served one after another, while beautiful maids moved around tirelessly, clearing empty plates and replacing them with new ones, creating a scene as dynamic as flowing water.

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Qian Xueying politely raised the jade jug again, personally steaming a full cup of wine for Prince Ming. He smiled and said, "Thank you for gracing my birthday banquet, Your Highness."

Xiao Zhonghua nodded, his long eyelashes veiling his expression. He replied calmly, "My father originally intended to come in person, but he was summoned by the Emperor Grandfather for urgent matters. He instructed me to attend on his behalf to congratulate you on your birthday. Please forgive his absence."

"Please, there's no need for apologies. I'm truly delighted to have the Prince's presence," Qian Xueying smiled gently, raising his cup once again to toast the other guests present.

On the side, Prince Qi, Xiao Ziqi, curiously looked at the Prince Zhou, Xiao Qingxian. Unable to contain his curiosity, he finally asked, "Why isn't Qinghan here? Isn't he fond of such lively occasions?"

Xiao Qingxian's face darkened immediately. "He heard that Miss Ouyang from the Ouyang family was injured and insisted on going to visit her. I told him it was inappropriate, so I had him confined to the mansion."

Xiao Ziqi paused for a moment before chuckling. "Well, it's probably for the best to keep him confined and out of trouble."

"He's not obedient even when confined. He tried to climb over the wall in the middle of the night to sneak out of the mansion. The guards caught him and shot him down from the wall. He almost broke his leg and now he's bedridden and can't get up."

Xiao Ziqi chuckled awkwardly upon finally finding his voice. "You really should let him go if he wants to. It's not such a big deal. I heard Jianli even sent a gift to comfort Miss Ouyang."

Xiao Qingxian's forehead faintly throbbed with veins, as if he was struggling to contain himself. "I'm afraid he'll be too reckless and scare the young ladies."

Thinking of Xiao Qinghan's lively and impulsive nature, Xiao Ziqi nodded. "Your concern is justified. Once his injury is healed, he definitely needs to be kept indoors."

While the musicians played below and the dancers gracefully moved, their conversation inadvertently reached the ears of Prince Ming. He recalled the always composed expression on Ouyang Nuan's face, and couldn't help but smile faintly.

Qian Xueying glanced at the lack of interest among the crowd in the performance below and immediately suggested, "This group of mediocre entertainers doesn't meet everyone's tastes. How about we change the program?" With that, he lightly clapped his hands, and from somewhere, a faint scent wafted in, fragrant and intoxicating. 

Then, a young girl dressed in a red dress walked down the steps, her lustrous black hair tied up in a bun, her appearance remarkable, her demeanor elegant, and her beauty ethereal. Facing the audience, she gracefully bowed and said with a gentle smile, her voice like a melodious oriole, "Welcome, esteemed guests, to our humble abode. Xiangyu extends her greetings."

As Qian Xueying observed the expression of Prince Ming, he introduced with a smile, "This is my daughter, Xiangyu." 

Xiao Ziqi whispered to Xiao Qingxian beside him, "I've heard that Master Qian's daughter is always very cherished. Why would she suddenly be willing to come out and show herself?"

Xiao Qingxian shook his head with a smile and replied, "She didn't come out for you and me, anyway."

At this moment, Qian Xueying spoke up, "My daughter has some understanding of the qin, and tonight she has volunteered to play a piece for everyone." With that, Qian Xiangyu gently stroked the qin, producing a melodious and dreamlike tune of "ding ding dong dong". The previously bustling hall quieted down, with most people showing expressions of appreciation.

Xiao Qingxian shook his head inwardly. If it weren't for the extraordinary performance of those two at the flower appreciation event, Miss Qian's skills could be considered exceptional. However, having witnessed such outstanding musical and dance performances, listening to this piece didn't feel particularly extraordinary.

As she played, Qian Xiangyu lifted her head slightly and smiled. Her eyes were fixed on Prince Ming seated at the head of the room.

"Your Highness, how do you find my daughter's playing?" Qian Xueying asked tentatively.

"I am a martial man and do not understand the ways of music. I cannot provide an evaluation, my apologies," Zhonghua said calmly.

Qian Xueying felt extremely embarrassed. Qian Xiangyu's expression changed instantly upon hearing this, and her fingers on the strings of the qin nearly froze, causing a discordant sound to emit from the instrument!

Before Qian Xueying could say anything further, a guard came to report. Soon, Zhonghua stood up with a hint of apology in his tone. "Master Qian, I have urgent matters to attend to. Please excuse my departure," he said, then turned and left without hesitation.

"Oh, Your Highness! Your Highness!" Qian Xueying wanted to chase after him but couldn't leave behind the guests. She could only force a smile and continue to entertain the guests.

Xiao Qingxian and Xiao Ziqi exchanged glances, each with a hint of amusement in their eyes.

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After the banquet, Qian Xueying escorted the guests and returned to his study. Suddenly, he heard the sound of breaking pottery. Startled, he rushed in to find that some of his antique vases had been smashed to pieces on the ground, leaving shards scattered everywhere!

"My white jade and red glaze plum vase, oh no, my Hetian jade teapot, and also the Yicai landscape pen holder! Xiangyu, what are you doing?! These are all valuable items, how could you! Oh no, stop it, stop it!" Qian Xiangyu paid no attention to his protests, clearing half of the shelf of valuable items. Finally, she sat down angrily and said, "He didn't even glance at me! Father, you promised me that I would become the consort of Prince Ming..."

Qian Xueying quickly put on a smiling face and tried to console her, "Daughter, if Prince Ming doesn't appreciate you, then forget about it. There are plenty of elegant young gentlemen in the capital..."

Qian Xiangyu was his only daughter, so she was cherished like a pearl in his palm. As she grew older, she became more and more beautiful and gained widespread fame. Countless suitors came to seek her hand, but she had her own ideas and insisted on choosing her own husband. 

Qian Xueying doted on his daughter and often took her to various gatherings of prominent families. However, despite seeing many handsome young men, none of them caught Qian Xiangyu's eye. In the end—she became infatuated with the recently returned Prince Ming.

In order to give Qian Xiangyu a chance to get close to Prince Ming, Qian Xueying spared no effort to assist Prince Yan in court. However, despite their efforts, when they finally managed to invite the someone, his daughter became upset because she hadn't been able to get close. 

Qian Xueying carefully said, "Xiangyu, you know that many families in the capital are vying to become Prince Ming's consort. Even talented and beautiful individuals are offering themselves, but none have succeeded. I heard even the Empress Dowager's offer to betroth Princess Rong was politely declined by Prince Ming. What do you expect me to do?"

Qian Xiangyu's face was full of anger. "I don't care. I must become Prince Ming's consort. Daddy, you must find a way for me..."

"Alright, alright, I'll find a way!" Qian Xueying hurriedly nodded, but inwardly he felt distressed. Just then, Xiao Zhonghua entered the study, only to find a man already waiting there.


"Why does His Highness Crown Prince Yan have the time to visit here?" Xiao Zhonghua smiled.

The young man turned around, a smile on his face. "Where is your white wolf tail? How come it's gone?" Xiao Zhonghua's narrow phoenix eyes squinted slightly, his smile faint. "I gave it away."

"Gave it away?" Xiao Yan was surprised. A hint of confusion appeared on his usually cold face. "Didn't you like that item?"

Xiao Zhonghua returned to his seat, lifted his teacup, glanced at Xiao Yan, and said, "Is Your Highness here today to ask about this?"

Xiao Yan shook his head. "No. I'm here to tell you that I was attacked during the day."

Xiao Zhonghua didn't even lift his eyelids. He just lowered his head to drink tea, maintaining an air of composure and elegance. Xiao Yan couldn't help but wonder, "Why aren't you asking me about the outcome?"

Xiao Zhonghua still smiled faintly. "If it had succeeded, would you still be standing here chatting with me?"

Xiao Yan looked at him and sighed, "Indeed, but today was quite risky. I've ordered a citywide search. The theater staff have also been questioned. The assassin had arrived in the capital several days ago and volunteered to perform. The troupe leader kept him due to his exceptional skills. However, I only decided to visit there last night. Isn't that strange?"

Xiao Zhonghua took a sip of tea and said, "Since someone was waiting for you there, they must have known your purpose in going to the theater and were very clear about your whereabouts. You should thoroughly clean up the people around you."

Xiao Yan smiled. "I thought everyone around me had been carefully checked and screened, so there shouldn't be any problems. But ultimately, there's always a chink in the armor. However, this assassin is no ordinary person. To be able to strike in broad daylight, if not for someone helping me fend him off, I would have been injured or worse."

Xiao Zhonghua looked at him and asked, "Who was it?" Xiao Yan smiled faintly. "Someone from the Duke of Zhenguohou's residence."

"The Duke of Zhenguohou's residence?" Xiao Zhonghua repeated softly. Then he continued, "Lin Zhiran?"

"No," Xiao Yan smiled. "It was a young gentleman, but Lin Zhiran and his sister were also present."

"So, your concubine was there too," Xiao Zhonghua paused for a moment before asking, "Who is this young gentleman?"

Xiao Yan smiled with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I don't know about that. Why, did you think of something?"

Xiao Zhonghua lowered his eyes. Somehow, when Xiao Yan mentioned a young gentleman traveling with the Lin siblings, he couldn't help but think of Ouyang Nuan. However, when he looked up and saw Xiao Yan's interested expression, he simply smiled faintly and replied, "No."

Xiao Yan's expression showed a hint of disappointment. He lightly tapped his fingers on the armrest of the chair and said, "I find him quite intriguing."

"Oh?" Xiao Zhonghua raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity flickering in his splendid phoenix eyes. "Shouldn't Your Highness be very busy with your upcoming wedding? Why do you have the leisure to think about others?"

At Xiao Zhonghua's words, Xiao Yan's face revealed a faint sneer. "My marriage is just a matter of mutual benefit." Being in the royal family, he never hoped for a wife who truly captured his heart. As long as the other party's family was beneficial to him, it was enough. He was clear about this. Thinking of this, he glanced at Xiao Zhonghua and asked, "Why did you refuse the Empress Dowager's proposal? Don't you like Princess Rong, who is so stunning and charming?"

Xiao Zhonghua sighed leisurely, "Such a beauty, forgive me for not being able to enjoy it."

There was a hint of amusement in Xiao Yan's eyes as he stared at him. "The Empress Dowager cannot blame you too much because Consort Gang, the Duke of Yan's wife, passed away not long ago. But if you remain so stubborn after three years..."

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Xiao Zhonghua gave a cold smile, "I refuse. Who can force me?"

The smile on Xiao Yan's face gradually faded. "People in this world always follow their own desires. Being born into the royal family, any true feelings between men and women have long been buried in the grave. Everything is just a show. Why take it seriously? Moreover, even if you marry a woman you don't like as your main wife, you can still take in a beloved concubine. Why not do it?"'

Xiao Zhonghua suddenly laughed, with a subtle gleam in his eyes, "If I truly love someone, how could I let her be subordinate to others?"

This statement caught Xiao Yan off guard. He snorted lightly, "You speak so freely. Have you considered how the factions in the court would react? Someone must share the burden for me!"

Xiao Zhonghua remained composed, "That's not difficult to handle. Just take in a few more concubines, Your Highness."

"If it were anyone else saying such things, Xiao Yan would surely be annoyed. However, coming from Xiao Zhonghua, he found it particularly amusing. Upon reflection, it was indeed the case. He couldn't help but burst into laughter. 


Meanwhile, upon learning of Lin Yuanxin's marriage to the Crown Prince's residence, Madam Jiang, the wife of the Minister of War, had been wearing a dark expression. However, for some reason, her mood seemed to have improved these past few days. Not only was she kinder to the servants, but she also seemed quite enthusiastic about having the tailor come to make new clothes for Lin Yuanrou.

Lin Yuanrou looked at her mother with a joyful expression and couldn't help but say, "Mother, weren't you unhappy about the first branch climbing up the social ladder? Why have you changed these past few days?"

"You silly girl!" Madam Jiang picked up a newly tailored Begonia-colored spring dress and gestured it around Lin Yuanrou's body. She whispered, "They may have climbed up the social ladder, but it's only because they've got the title of Marquis of Zhenguo. Once your uncle dies, that Marquis of Zhenguo will belong to your father. By then, your status will naturally be different, and any kind of marriage arrangement you desire can be found. Your mother has already taken care of it for you, and it will be no less favorable than that of the Crown Prince!"

"Is mother referring to Prince Ming?" Lin Yuanrou's eyes suddenly filled with excitement.

"What Prince Ming!" Madam Jiang's face darkened. "He's just a lowly prince. He won't even have the chance to sit in the position of his father Prince Yan in the future! How could I marry you to him? Moreover, Lin Yuanxin has already marrying the Crown Prince. Do you still want to follow her path?"

Lin Yuanrou was taken aback, raising her beautiful eyebrows with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. "Other than Prince Ming, who else in the capital can rival the status of the Crown Prince? Mother, are you trying to deceive your daughter?"

Madam Jiang looked at her daughter tenderly, tapping her head gently. "Silly child, you only see Prince Ming! What about the Prince of Qin? Once you marry him, you'll be the Crown Princess..."

"What Crown Princess? Still one step lower than her!" Lin Yuanrou glanced at Madam Jiang discontentedly. 

"Come with me!" Madam Jiang glanced around, then pulled her daughter into the inner room. Lowering her voice, she got straight to the point, "Don't you want to become an empress in the future?"

Lin Yuanrou was stunned for a moment, staring at Madam Jiang in disbelief, as if hearing something utterly unexpected.

"What are you dawdling for?" Madam Jiang smiled. "Currently, although the heir to the throne is the Crown Prince, his health is poor, just like your uncle, a short-lived ghost. The throne will definitely fall into the hands of the Prince of Qin in the future! If you marry into the Prince of Qin's residence and become the Crown Princess, you might even become the Empress in ten years. Think about it, by then, what would Lin Yuanxin or the Marquis of Zhenguo matter to us..."

"But Xiao Tianye is cunning and ruthless, unpredictable. I'm really afraid of him..." Lin Yuanrou couldn't help but say, in her heart, the charming and handsome Prince Ming's allure far surpassed the cold and terrifying Prince Qin. Moreover, Xiao Tianye hadn't even glanced at her with interest, all of this was just her mother's wishful thinking. "And... he might not even like me."

Madam Jiang was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "You're really silly. What do you think Prince Qin's residence is like? It's not something ordinary families can dream of marrying into. But your father has been loyal to Prince Qin for a long time. What's wrong with wanting to marry you off there? Besides, with your looks, who wouldn't like you..." 

Seeing Lin Yuanrou still hesitating, Madam Jiang took her hand and said, "Rou'er, you're my biological daughter. Everything I do is for your future. Although this time the main branch has secured a good marriage, it's just a concubine after all. Who knows what will happen in the future? Why worry? The Prince of Qin is powerful, and the Prince is handsome. It's such a good match. Your parents have planned everything for you..."

Madam Jiang was about to continue, but then a maid reported from outside that a gift list from the Crown Prince's residence had arrived, and she was invited to the flower hall. Madam Jiang snorted coldly, "Did you hear that? They're flaunting their wealth in front of me! You must stand up for yourself and not lose to them!"

After a moment of thought, she whispered again, "There's another thing. I heard that even your second aunt was detained after Wang Mama's death. When I went to visit, the Ouyang family didn't even let me see anyone. Now your father is trying to find a way to handle it. You also need to be careful of that Dream Rain Pavilion girl."

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Lin Yuanrou was puzzled for a moment, her expression showing confusion. "What do you mean, mother?"

"Humph, I mean you shouldn't underestimate her. That girl is young, but she's quite capable. Your second aunt fell victim to her tricks!"

Lin Yuanrou heard her mother's words but didn't take them seriously. She thought to herself that Ouyang Nuan was just a girl raised in seclusion, proficient in various arts but probably not very cunning. However, seeing Madam Jiang's serious expression, she decided not to voice her thoughts.

Madam Shen sat in the flower hall, listening to the steward recite a long list of gifts: fifty rubies, fifty sapphires, ten golden phoenixes, ten golden pheasants, one hundred and eighty eastern pearls, a gold Buddha for the front of the hat, ten gold-coral headbands, ten coral pendant ornaments, twenty pairs of gold bracelets, a pair of gold lotus and crab-themed hairpins, two hundred lake pearls, four hundred rice pearls, one hundred and eight counting pearls, a pair of gold pine and spirit longevity ornaments, a green-gold Buddha head tower, cloud-patterned green-jade teeth, and a memorial stone of pine and stone... along with countless pieces of precious leather, exquisite sea cucumber, Zhangsha silk, and soft satin... It was dazzling to hear.

Madam Shen kept smiling throughout, nodding repeatedly. Ouyang Nuan was also amazed by such a gift list. Even for welcoming a concubine, it was more than enough, let alone for a main wife. It showed how much importance the Crown Prince attached to the Zhenguo Marquis's residence.

"Wow, sister-in-law is truly blessed. This gift list is making my head spin," Madam Jiang smiled as she entered the hall, her smile deepening when she saw Ouyang Nuan sitting nearby. "Why, Nuan'er is here too?" 

"Second Aunt," Ouyang Nuan smiled respectfully and humbly as she rose to greet her, her demeanor respectful and humble. "I just happened to be around. Why not go out?"

"Your body has just recovered, why are you running around everywhere? Sister-in-law really doesn't know how to take care of people," Madam Jiang sat down on a nearby chair, took the tea cup, and calmly remarked.

"Second Aunt, you're too kind. It's just that Nuan'er found it unbearable to lie in bed all the time, so she begged Aunt to come out and see the world together. Opportunities like this are rare," Ouyang Nuan intentionally showed an envious expression on her face.

Madam Jiang looked at the large boxes of gifts, her gaze becoming sharper, and her smile less warm by three points. "You're right. Not everyone can marry into the royal family. It's only families like ours, with noble titles, that have such blessings." With that, she gave Ouyang Nuan a meaningful look, clearly implying that only daughters from families like theirs could match the royal family in status, and someone like Ouyang Nuan shouldn't even think about it.

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes, smiling slightly as if she hadn't caught the implication in the words. Madam Shen lightly tapped her teacup and said, "Even noble families aren't guaranteed such luck; it depends on whether fate presents such opportunities."

Madam Jiang became even more annoyed at these words. Was Madam Shen suggesting that her daughter might not have such luck? She sneered inwardly, saying, "Sister-in-law makes a valid point." Just wait and see, when the Prince Qin inherits the throne, they'll have their time to cry!

Not wanting to engage further with the two aunts, Ouyang Nuan excused herself to visit Lin Yuanxin. As she walked through the corridor, the maids nearby all bowed their heads respectfully, knowing well that the young lady before them was none other than the beloved granddaughter of the Old Madam, the renowned beauty of the Ouyang family. Who would dare not to show respect?

As Ouyang Nuan descended the steps, she inadvertently glanced into the distance and suddenly halted her steps. Hongyu whispered softly, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Ouyang Nuan's gaze lingered on a servant in plain clothes, who was bending down to weed the garden. After observing for a while, a subtle smile crept onto her face, hinting at a deeper meaning.

Hongyu became even more puzzled, staring at the servant for a long time, but couldn't understand why such a person would attract the special attention of her mistress.

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