
Translating Chinese Historical Dramas for your enjoyment... and mine! :)

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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 78: 

 Thunder Strike Placed in a Deadly Position

I feel like there should be a STRONG warning at the beginning of this chapter. Stop reading this right now to avoid any 
spoilers------ the death of an infant happens in this chapter. Read at your own risk.

Ouyang Nuan calmly looked at the handsome and outstanding face before her. This was the man she had once loved with all her heart, but he had shattered her heart. If only he had spoken up for her when she was falsely accused and thrown into the river, she wouldn't have met such a fate. In this life again, he dared to come before her and shamelessly ask why she disliked him.

Her eyes flashed with a cold light, but she spoke calmly, "Sir, you exaggerate. Ouyang Nuan is not acquainted with you, so there's no dislike."

"If it's not dislike, why won't the young lady bandage this rabbit here?" Su Yulou's eyes looked at Ouyang Nuan, seeming to reproach, but his tone contained a hint of affection.

Ouyang Nuan's gaze grew colder, and she signaled to Hongyu with her eyes. Hongyu stepped forward to take the rabbit, swiftly bandaging its wound. Then she asked, "Miss, shall I release it?"

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Ouyang Nuan nodded, and Hongyu immediately placed the rabbit into the nearby bushes. Su Yulou frowned as he watched. If it were any other woman, she would surely have attended to it herself. However, Ouyang Nuan had let a maid handle it, effectively rejecting Su Yulou's gesture of goodwill.

"Young Master Su, there are still many guests waiting for me. I apologize," Ouyang Nuan said, unwilling to waste any more words with him. After giving a courteous nod, she turned to Hongyu and said, "Let's go." With that, she walked past him, brushing shoulders with him as she did.

Su Yulou watched Ouyang Nuan walk past him, unable to extend his hand to detain her. Since his youth, he had always been adept at dealing with girls, yet Ouyang Nuan seemed to pay him no mind at all. Standing still, he observed her stroll through the garden. 

A gentle breeze swept by, causing flower petals to flutter to the ground like a delicate shower, filling the air with a faint fragrance. Su Yulou silently watched Ouyang Nuan's figure, noticing the petals scattered on her clothes. She seemed unconcerned, making no attempt to brush them off. He couldn't help but wonder why she resembled the elusive fragrance of the flowers, leaving people with an inscrutable feeling...

Hongyu whispered, "Miss, Su Yulou has been staring at you."

Ouyang Nuan replied without turning her head, "Ignore him."

However, Hongyu felt a pang of pity for Su Yulou. It seemed that Miss had never been so indifferent to anyone before. She couldn't help but ask, "Miss, please don't blame me for being nosy, but you're not usually like this with others..."

Hongyu's unintentional words felt like a dagger piercing Ouyang Nuan's heart, causing a surge of boiling blood that seemed ready to burst forth. She suddenly stopped and turned sharply to look at Hongyu. Hongyu had never seen Ouyang Nuan look so cold and indifferent, and she was instantly startled.

Ouyang Nuan looked at Hongyu, suddenly realizing that Hongyu didn't know about everything that had happened before... Back then... Her gaze suddenly lingered on Hongyu's forehead. Back then, Hongyu had cried for help to everyone, but no one had been willing to lend a hand. Everyone had mercilessly insulted her and thrown countless bricks and tiles at her. That cold and cruel feeling was something she would never forget for the rest of her life. 

Ouyang Nuan looked at Hongyu's bewildered expression, a faint smile playing at the corner of her mouth as she said softly, "The leg of the rabbit just now was deliberately broken by someone."

Hongyu felt a chill from Ouyang Nuan's icy gaze and couldn't help but shudder, exclaiming, "Does Miss mean—?" Could it be that Su Yulou deliberately broke the rabbit's leg to get closer to Miss? How could that be possible? Su Yulou appeared to be charming and exceptionally handsome. How could he be such a cruel person?

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"Some things, some people, cannot be judged by appearances alone," Ouyang Nuan's eyes quickly dimmed. If she hadn't experienced her past life, she might have been moved by Su Yulou's gentleness and affection. No wonder Hongyu thought she was cold-hearted. It's just that what happened in the past, who could she tell? No one would believe her. She couldn't even bring herself to say it.

At the corner of the corridor, Su Yulou was still in a daze when someone approached slowly. A timid voice reached his ears, "Brother Su, you...". She was still here, hesitating and stumbling over her words. Su Yulou snapped out of his reverie and turned to see Ouyang Ke. 

He was suddenly taken aback. His tone turned slightly displeased, "When did Second Miss get here?"

The voice carried a hint of severity, startling Ouyang Ke. Her face, already flushed with embarrassment, turned pale, and tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

Seeing this, Su Yulou frowned and said, "Sorry, I'll leave first." He was about to depart when Ouyang Ke hastily reached out and grabbed his sleeve, calling out, "Bro.. Brother Su.., I... I..."

At that moment, a soft voice spoke up on her behalf, "Big brother, Second Miss just wants to talk to you and ask when you'll visit the Ouyang Residence again."

Turning their heads, they saw Su Yunniang strolling out from around the corner. She smiled gently and said, "Second Miss, am I right?"

Seeing his sister, Su Yulou hesitated to leave immediately. Ouyang Ke felt a bit embarrassed. Su Yunniang smiled at her and said, "Second Miss, my mother and Madam Ouyang are good friends, and we're close too. My brother is like your brother, so there's no need to be so polite, right?"

Ouyang Ke's face flushed even redder, unable to utter a word. She felt her heart pounding nervously in front of Su Yulou.

"Just now, I saw Eldest Miss walk by. Didn't you see her, brother?" Su Yunniang asked, her eyes probing.

"Yes, Miss just passed by, and we exchanged a few words," Su Yulou replied, looking at his sister. He knew what she was anxious about, but some things couldn't be rushed. Ouyang Nuan was not an ordinary person; she was not easily moved.

As soon as Ouyang Ke heard Ouyang Nuan's name, her expression darkened. She glanced at Su Yulou, then at Su Yunniang, who had a meaningful look on her face, and suddenly realized something. Su Yunniang's interruption earlier wasn't to help her; it was to break up her and Su Yulou's private conversation! 

Could it be... even she hoped Ouyang Nuan would become her sister-in-law? But why? Where did Ouyang Ke fall short compared to Ouyang Nuan? They were both daughters of high-ranking officials, equally privileged and beautiful. Ouyang Ke thought to herself, then lowered her head and stared at her feet. The only difference was that she no longer had a healthy body like her sister. She had become a cripple!

She thought of this, her face involuntarily turning slightly pale, trembling as she said, "Brother Su, my sister... She is a difficult person to get along with. Do you have anything to say to her... to her as well?" 

As soon as the words were spoken, Su Yulou frowned, a hint of annoyance flashing across his handsome face when he looked at Ouyang Ke: "Miss Ouyang, such words are inappropriate, please refrain from mentioning them in the future!"

Just as Ouyang Ke regretted her slip of the tongue, Su Yulou didn't say a word and turned away, leaving without any hesitation.

Ouyang Ke was furious, her face flushing red. She turned to Su Yunniang and said, "Why did your brother speak like that? Is my sister so important to him?" She blurted out these words without realizing that such words should not come from the mouth of a young lady from a noble family.

Su Yunniang glanced at her, feeling somewhat mocking towards Ouyang Ke's lack of self-awareness. However, she gently advised, "Miss Ouyang, you mustn't lose your temper. My brother, as a man, detests women who are always quarrelsome and nagging. He probably said that because he heard you complaining and thought you were narrow-minded. Don't take it to heart."

These words only fueled the fire. Ouyang Ke sneered and said, "I'm narrow-minded? Is Ouyang Nuan broad-minded then? She's the most ruthless one! Don't blame me for not warning you. If you help her enter the Su family, you'll regret it in the future!"

Su Yunniang was taken aback, feeling that Miss Ouyang from the Ouyang family was too willful and capricious, which made her even more displeased. She lowered her head for a moment, then lifted it with a gentle smile, saying, "Miss Ouyang is right. We are both young ladies from noble families. It's not appropriate to speak like that. If others hear such words, they might think Miss Ouyang is anxious to get married!"

Ouyang Ke was extremely annoyed by this remark and was about to retort when she heard Su Yunniang mutter, "Oh dear, the next scene is about to begin. I really want to see how the young lady and the gentleman meet. Miss Ouyang, I'll take my leave now." With that, she signaled to her maid and quickly left, as if afraid that Ouyang Ke would catch up and cause trouble again. Ouyang Ke grit her teeth in frustration but could do nothing. She wanted to catch Su Yunniang and say a few more words, but every time she tried to catch up, she was too slow and was always noticed by someone.

Xia Xue comforted Ouyang Ke for a long time, but she still felt extremely unhappy. Gritting her teeth, she said, "They are all going after Ouyang Nuan. Is she really that good?"

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"Miss, rest assured. Master will never marry Miss Ouyang to Master Su no matter what. There's no need for you to worry about it," Xia Xue replied, following Ouyang Ke's thoughts.

Ouyang Ke twisted her handkerchief, her face darkening with gloom. Her grandmother and father both favored her sister and never considered her. She couldn't rely on them. Her mother was now obsessed with her younger brother and didn't care about her at all! Now that she had a broken foot, even though her mother said she would arrange a good future for her, who from a prestigious family would marry a lame girl? Su Yulou was different; his Su family was of merchant origin, while she was the daughter of a Ministry of Personnel official. Marrying him would be a demotion, and the entire Su family would have to respect her! But then there was Ouyang Nuan! No, her future couldn't be ruined by Ouyang Nuan!

"Miss, where are you going?" Xia Xue asked in surprise. Wasn't the theater the opposite direction?

"To Furui Courtyard!" After much thought, Ouyang Ke realized that she had to rely on her mother to deal with this matter. Only if her mother agreed could this be resolved! With a determined heart, Ouyang Ke headed straight for Furui Courtyard without hesitation.

In the side hall of Furuai Courtyard, Wang Mama took out a delicate small bronze box from her sleeve and said, "You need to find a way to mix some of the contents of this box into the tea that Miss drinks."

The box was adorned with a shallow crescent moon mark, giving it a classical appearance that resembled a powder box commonly used by young ladies. However, Lixiang was so frightened that she trembled all over. Wang Mama forcibly placed the box into her hand and continued, "After she consumes it, we will naturally divert everyone else's attention. You just need to take the opportunity to lead Ouyang Nuan to a secluded place, and everything will be smooth sailing."

With a tremble of her hand, Lixiang dropped the box on the ground with a "clatter". Madam Lin's smile instantly disappeared, and Wang Mama angrily slapped her, "Madam is giving you an opportunity! Who do you think you are? How dare you refuse!"

Madam Lin looked at Lixiang, whose expression had stiffened, and she seemed to have turned foolish. Instead, Madam Lin smiled in a flattering manner and softly said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that this must be done. Even if you refuse, someone else will do it. But by then, do you think I will keep a traitor like you?"

Madam Lin schemed meticulously to save Ouyang Hao's life. On one hand, it stemmed from a mother's heart, but on the other hand, it served another purpose. At the full moon banquet, where guests gathered and esteemed individuals were present, if Ouyang Nuan were to engage in intimate activities with a man, it would be widely known among the prominent families of the capital, and the impact would be greater than any other time. 

However, mindful of past experiences and Ouyang Nuan's cunning nature, she was not easily deceived. Madam Lin intentionally sent Lixiang to her side, using her words carefully. She knew that she detested Ouyang Nuan, and vice versa. Aware that Lixiang might be a spy, Ouyang Nuan would surely keep her close, as she had been with her for the longest time and knew the most. 

Ouyang Nuan, considering herself clever, believed she could extract information from Lixiang to retaliate, unaware that Madam Lin already had leverage over her. 

Lixiang grew increasingly fearful, but Madam Lin once again placed the box in her hand, saying coldly, "The drug takes effect quickly. Seize the opportunity!"

"Why won't you let me see Mother inside?" Ouyang Ke said coldly, staring Hua'er without blinking.

Drawing lowered her head nervously, "Miss, Madam has ordered that no one is to be seen. Please don't make it difficult for me."

"No one? I am her daughter. She won't even see me?" Ouyang Ke's eyebrows furrowed with anger. She felt frustrated, as ever since her mother gave birth to her brother, she had been distant from her. She used to have easy access to Furui Courtyard, but now she had to be announced before entering, and sometimes she wasn't even allowed in! Has she forgotten that she is her own flesh and blood? All she ever thinks about is that unlucky star!

Hua'er kneeled down in fear, followed by the four maids. However, no matter what, they wouldn't let her in. Madam Lin's strict orders made them remain vigilant. Ouyang Ke looked coldly at them, turned around, and left.

Walking through the corridor from the side hall, at the end was Hao'er's bedroom. Entering through the courtyard, surprisingly, there was no one inside. Ouyang Ke pushed open the door, and inside the room, a strong fragrance filled the air, but it couldn't mask a strange smell, which made her involuntarily furrow her brow.

"Miss Second, Madam said no one is allowed in this room..." Xia Xue whispered softly, glancing around, seeming somewhat fearful.

"Then you stay outside. Keep watch for me! If Mother returns, warn me!" Ouyang Ke couldn't help but feel strange. Why wouldn't her mother let her see her brother? If she feared for her brother's safety, as his own sister, would she harm him too?

She looked toward the nearby cradle and approached it gently. Bending down to see Ouyang Hao inside the cradle, she noticed his small face was pale, his breaths labored with pain. Ouyang Ke was greatly shocked. She knew Ouyang Hao's health was fragile, but she hadn't expected it to be this severe! How could this be?! 

Mother clearly said her brother was only weak due to being born prematurely and having poor health, but... she looked at Ouyang Hao, feeling somewhat resentful. If it weren't for this child, Mother wouldn't treat her so coldly. If it weren't for the ominous reputation of being a "lone star of calamity," Grandmother and Father wouldn't have despised her as well... 

A forbidden thought constantly surged in her mind. Perhaps Master Huian was right. This child truly was an ominous star, bringing disaster to Mother and herself. If not for him, Mother wouldn't have fallen out of favor, and she wouldn't have injured her leg. Why did misfortune keep piling up... If he had never been born, everything would be fine... Ouyang Ke thought this way and suddenly felt extremely repulsed. She didn't want to see the child's face, so she involuntarily reached out and threw the handkerchief used to wipe the baby's mouth, which was hanging by the cradle, onto the baby's face. 

At that moment, she didn't have the deliberate intention of harming Ouyang Hao; she just didn't know that Ouyang Hao's weak body, covered with the handkerchief, would block his breathing, easily suffocating him.

An unsettling tension filled the air. Seeing the child suddenly weakly struggling, Ouyang Ke paused, and a strange thought crossed her mind. If this child were to die at this moment... If he died... everything would end. No one would ever say that Mother gave birth to an ominous star, Grandmother and Father wouldn't be angry anymore, and maybe her misfortune would pass... Her hands trembled. Several times she tried to uncover the handkerchief, but her hand remained a distance away, unable to move.

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Ouyang Hao's struggles were very weak, and soon he stopped moving. Only then did Ouyang Ke uncover the handkerchief. Ouyang Hao's wide-open eyes pierced her heart like sharp daggers. She shuddered, suddenly awakened, realizing what she had done!

"Madam!" Xia Xue's voice suddenly came from outside the room. Ouyang Ke froze, her hand trembling, and the handkerchief fell to the ground. Madam Lin and Wang Mama came in one after the other. Wang Mama instinctively closed the door, blocking the view from outside.

"Ke'er? What are you doing?" Madam Lin, seeing the scene in the room, was suddenly stunned.

Ouyang Ke's expression was blank, her back already damp with sweat without her noticing. She stuttered, unable to say a word: "I... I didn't mean to... I didn't know it would turn out like this... I..." 

Madam Lin rushed forward in one swift motion, looking into the cradle. Suddenly, her whole body felt like it was hit by a massive blow, her blood running cold. She turned abruptly, staring at Ouyang Ke with a face full of horror, raising her hand to deliver a heavy slap!

Wang Mama also rushed forward, took a look, and immediately exclaimed, collapsing to the ground in disbelief, looking at Ouyang Ke: "Miss Second, you've killed the young master..."

Madam Lin's eyes were filled with shock and anger. She looked at Ouyang Ke as if she wanted to tear her apart: "Are you out of your mind... He's your own brother!"

Ouyang Ke's face turned pale, a terrible thought rushing into her mind, hardening her heart like iron: "No, he's not my brother! He's the lone star of calamity!"

Madam Lin's tears welled up instantly. "You—" Her body swayed, as if about to collapse, and Wang Mama rushed forward, hastily supporting her, barely holding her up.

"You vile creature, you're capable of anything! You can even harm your own brother. Why don't you just kill me, your mother, while you're at it!" Madam Lin's lips almost bled from biting down, her eyes bursting with intense resentment!

Ouyang Ke was equally afraid, almost incoherent with fear. "Mother! Mother! Everything I've done is for us. If he had continued to live, Grandmother and Father would never have let us off! He's dead now. Finally dead. No one will ever say you gave birth to an ominous star again!"

"No, you killed him!" Madam Lin never imagined Ouyang Ke could be so selfish and ruthless. She stared at her fiercely, as if she wanted to devour her. 

Ouyang Ke was even more terrified by her malicious gaze. She grabbed her desperately. "Mother, I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it... I didn't want to be looked down upon. I'm so scared. They all mocked me. They all said you gave birth to an ominous star. They said misfortune would follow me forever... I couldn't bear it... I didn't want it, Mother! I'm your own daughter too. Have pity on me, Mother!"

Madam Lin's once charming face contorted almost grotesquely. Her teeth ground together with an audible crunch. "You are my daughter. He is my own son! How could you do this?" She grabbed Ouyang Ke's shoulder, her nails almost digging into her flesh.

Ouyang Ke could bear it no longer, hysterically screaming, "Mother, he's already dead! Dead! I'm still alive! I'm your only child, you have to consider me! I don't want to be overshadowed by Ouyang Nuan forever!" Wang Mama looked at Ouyang Ke in horror, forcefully covering her mouth. "Miss Second, don't shout! Don't shout!"

Just then, there was a loud "bang," startling everyone in the room. Madam Lin's eyes sharpened as she shouted, "Who?!"

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Behind the curtain, the wet nurse, Gao Shi, knelt on the ground with a pallid face. The silver basin she had been carrying fell to the ground, spilling water all over, flowing to the hem of Madam Lin's skirt.

Madam Gao's fear had reached its peak. She had only gone to the quiet room to fetch water to wash the young master's body. When she returned, she heard such a conversation, which was simply unimaginable. She kept bowing her head, desperately pleading, "Madam, spare me! Madam, spare me! I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything at all!"

Which meant she had heard everything! Madam Lin and Wang Mama exchanged a quick glance. This turn of events snapped Madam Lin out of the grief of losing her son. She spoke coldly, "You can't even handle such a small task properly! The young master's body is still hot. Go fetch another basin of water!"

Madam Gao looked in horror toward the direction of the cradle. The young master was clearly already dead... Yet Madam was asking her to wash a dead child's body... She was truly too frightened to even speak a word. It was this terrified expression that prompted Madam Lin to make a swift decision: Madam Gao had heard everything. She must not be allowed to stay!

She glanced at Wang Mama, who immediately understood. Slowly getting up from the ground, Wang Mama's face regained its usual cold and dignified expression. "Madam told you to fetch water. Are you deaf?"

Madam Gao startled, attempting to stand up but finding her legs too weak to support her. Wang Mama went up and kicked her forcefully. Madam Gao crawled out of the room in a panic.

Wang Mama looked at Madam Lin's stern face and quickly followed her outside.

Madam Lin and Wang Mama walked out for a long time. Only then did Lixiang feel she had the strength to stand up. She clenched the object in her hand, trembling incessantly. Were they really going to frame Miss like this? If they did... Miss' life would be ruined... As she stumbled out, she saw Wang Mama directing three maids with frosty faces, carrying a sack towards the back of the courtyard. She instinctively realized something was wrong and wondered if Madam had abducted her sister to coerce her. Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but quietly follow behind.

Behind the back of Furui Courtyard was extremely secluded. Normally, aside from the maids who came to clean, there was no one else around.

Lixiang hid in the corner, leaning against the pillar of the corridor. As she saw the scene before her clearly, she widened her eyes in astonishment, unable to believe what she was seeing.

She saw Wang Mama directing a few people to carry a sack hurriedly towards the middle of the courtyard, where there was a water well. It seemed that there was a person inside the sack! Lixiang didn't guess wrong, because she soon heard the muffled cries of the person inside the sack, struggling and pleading, "Let me go, let me go! I don't know anything! Spare me, Madam..." However, the voice was weak and feeble, like that of someone at death's door.

Lixiang's eyes widened as she saw Wang Mama directing those people to carry the sack to the edge of the well. Just then, the sack loosened, and Lixiang suddenly saw Madam Gao's face. Madam Gao seemed to be using all her strength, hands desperately clinging to the stones of the well, trying to break free! Lixiang watched in horror, feeling as if her whole body was frozen, her legs like lead, unable to move.

Wang Mama sneered and began to pull Madam Gao's hands off the edge of the well, one by one. Several people pushed her fiercely towards the well. In a desperate struggle for her life, Madam Gao fought back fiercely. This terrifying scene deeply imprinted in Lixiang's mind. She knew she would never be able to forget it for the rest of her life! With a loud "bang," Madam Gao was finally pushed into the well. The last cry from inside the well was like a sharp knife, piercing and terrifying. Lixiang felt all the blood rushing to her head, and a ringing sound echoed in her ears. Several maids picked up a large rock from the wall and threw it into the well. The sound of water splashing echoed from the well. Wang Mama leaned over the well for a while, then nodded expressionlessly to the others. The four of them disappeared silently...

After a while, everything returned to calm. Lixiang crouched on the ground, trembling with fear. When she tried to stand up, she realized her skirt was soaked... She had been so scared that she lost control...


Furui Courtyard

Madam Lin sat with a dark expression. Though the sudden turn of events saddened her, it also sparked another thought in her mind. She and Ouyang Nuan were engaged in a life-and-death struggle, with only one person able to survive! However, Ouyang Nuan had become shrewd, cautious in her words and actions, leaving Madam Lin with no handle to grasp. She could only wait for a moment of carelessness, a loophole, to deliver a thunderous blow, bringing her to her demise!

One moment of enlightenment, one moment of devilry. In order to bring down Ouyang Nuan, she had to do the unthinkable! Madam Lin heaved a sigh of relief, her expression growing even colder. She lowered her head, gazing at Ouyang Ke, who was kneeling on the ground with tears streaming down her face. "Stop crying! Get up!... Listen! Since you've caused such a catastrophe, stop crying. You don't have the right to shed tears!"

Ouyang Ke was still sobbing, and Madam Lin kicked her harshly, hitting her ribcage. Ouyang Ke cried out in panic, but when she saw Madam Lin's expression, she immediately silenced herself. The expression on Madam Lin's face was terrifying, as if she wanted to tear her apart, devour her alive! "Go and fetch the rouge from the table!"

"Mother... you!" Ouyang Ke didn't know what Madam Lin intended to do, staring at her in confusion.

"Hurry up and fetch it!" Madam Lin's voice grew colder and more severe.

Ouyang Ke was startled and quickly got up to fetch the rouge. She accidentally bumped her hip against the corner of the table but dared not cry out in pain. She approached Madam Lin and said, "Mother, here's the rouge."

"Apply this rouge on your brother's lips and face, make his complexion look better." Madam Lin stared coldly at Ouyang Ke, her gaze even more terrifying than before. Ouyang Ke was terrified but dared not disobey. She mechanically moved her legs towards the cradle. Just then, Wang Mama came in to report, "Madam, everything has been taken care of."

"Taken care of? Mother, you're not planning to hand me over to father for punishment, are you? Mother, I don't want to!" Ouyang Ke's face changed, and the rouge box fell to the ground with a loud "clatter."

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Madam Lin looked at her coldly. "How did I give birth to such a useless thing like you!"

Wang Mama sighed and said to Ouyang Ke, "Miss, you've really caused a big trouble this time. Everything that just happened was heard by the nursemaid, Madam Gao. Can Madam spare her life?"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Ke's complexion immediately improved. She looked at the two of them, unable to say a word. The room fell silent. After a moment of thought, she tentatively asked, "Mother, this rouge..."

Madam Lin walked slowly towards the cradle, picked up the rouge box that had fallen to the ground, and pushed Ouyang Ke aside with force. "Get out of the way!" she commanded. Then, she opened the box, dipped her fingers into the rouge, and applied it to the already cold face of Ouyang Hao...

Ouyang Ke saw Madam Lin's gentle demeanor, resembling that of a mother, which made her even more uneasy. It felt like an eternity had passed in this moment, leaving her feeling cold all over, legs numb, until Madam Lin finished applying the rouge. Then, she coldly said, "Prepare yourselves. In half an hour, I will invite all the madams to Furuai Courtyard."

"Mother, what are you planning to do?" Ouyang Ke was astonished.

Madam Lin ignored her and only said to Wang Mama, "Don't forget to invite Miss as well."

Ouyang Ke's heart skipped a beat, and a faint answer emerged in her mind. A hint of joy appeared on her face, but when Madam Lin shot her a sharp glance, she immediately lowered her head, not daring to say another word. Madam Lin changed her dress and took Ouyang Ke back to the theater. Just as a play ended, she cheered loudly, instructing someone nearby to reward the theater troupe with money. When the other madams saw her, they came over to exchange greetings. She responded with a smile and sat down as if nothing had happened, watching the play with everyone else.

"Ke'er, why do you look so pale?" Lin Yuanrou looked at Ouyang Ke strangely.

Ouyang Ke suddenly looked up and saw Madam Lin's icy gaze directed towards them. She shuddered inwardly, trying to stay calm. "I'm just not feeling well," she said softly, glancing around. Then, she asked quietly, "Sister, where did my sister go?"

Lin Yuanrou, still watching the play, casually replied, "She said she went to prepare for the banquet later." She didn't notice Ouyang Ke's increasingly pale complexion or the strange gleam in her eyes.


At the Eldest Miss' Pavilion

Aunt Li presented Ouyang Nuan with the menu for the evening banquet. After Ouyang Nuan inspected it and found no issues, she nodded and said, "That's fine. Thank you for your hard work, Aunt Li."

Li Yiniang smiled warmly, "Miss, it's my duty. You're welcome." With that, she led the steward mother away, still smiling.

Ouyang Nuan watched her retreating figure in silence for a while.

Hongyu noticed her distraction and asked softly, "Miss, what's on your mind?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback for a moment, then replied, "I'm thinking about when Lixiang will come back and what she's been up to..."

"Miss, you're really exhausted. These matters shouldn't burden you," Hongyu's voice carried a hint of sadness. "If Madam were still here, your days would be much happier. You wouldn't have to worry about everything like you do now."

Ouyang Nuan's heart warmed, and her gaze softened. Unconsciously, she smiled and reached out to hold Hongyu's hand. "No, things are fine as they are now."

"Miss," concern flickered across Hongyu's face, "Madam's actions have become too ruthless. When will she ever let us go?"

"Let us go?" Ouyang Nuan chuckled coldly. "That's completely out of the question now." With little effort, she had sent two young and beautiful women to Ouyang Zhi's side. With just this move, Madam Lin would never forgive her. 

Madam Lin was the elder, she was the junior, and there were clear boundaries of status and respect. Although she harbored deep hatred towards Madam Lin, she couldn't act recklessly. Despite losing the support of her grandmother and the favor of her father, Madam Lin still firmly held the position of the matriarch with the support of Lin Wenyuan. 

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Although Ouyang Zhi despised her, he had never shown any intention of divorcing her. To eliminate Madam Lin, she first needed to get rid of Lin Wenyuan, the pillar supporting her. But as a woman confined to the inner chambers, it was like trying to pluck a chestnut from a fire, a desperate struggle for survival. This was the most difficult and perilous path, one that required the help of those in higher positions...

"Hongyu, you've been with me for so long, you should know my thoughts," Ouyang Nuan said with a faint smile as she gazed into the distance. "Even if she were willing to spare me, could I spare her? Only by bringing her down can my brother grow up safely." She smiled faintly and continued in a barely audible voice, "For my brother, I will never take a step back!"

Hongyu stared at her without blinking, seemingly moved. "Miss, Hongyu won't leave you alone."

"The people I trust most by my side are only you and Mama," Ouyang Nuan sighed deeply, her sigh filled with profound meaning that Hongyu couldn't decipher...

After a long pause, Ouyang Nuan finally asked, "Hongyu, have you taken care of the tasks I assigned to you?"

Hongyu nodded. "Miss, rest assured, everything has been taken care of."

"Miss, Lixiang has returned!" A maid entered and reported, "She somehow got her dress wet, and now she's changing clothes in her own room!"

"Wet her dress?" Ouyang Nuan was puzzled. Seeing her silent for a while, the maid tentatively asked, "Miss?"

"Let her change her clothes and then come to see me," Ouyang Nuan regained her composure and instructed.

The maid left, and suspicion appeared on Hongyu's face. "She went to Madam's courtyard. How could her dress get wet out of nowhere? Miss, look—"

"There must be a reason for this," Ouyang Nuan sighed lightly, a hint of concern in her expression. "Let's watch and see what happens."

As Lixiang hurried over after changing her clothes, Hongyu whispered to Ouyang Nuan, "Miss, I'll go stand guard at the door." Ouyang Nuan nodded. Lixiang was taken aback; she realized that Miss wanted to have a private conversation with her. Her heart skipped a beat, and she involuntarily clenched her sleeves. As Hongyu walked past Lixiang, she cast a cold stare at her.

Lixiang lifted her head and met Ouyang Nuan's cold gaze. She instinctively trembled and knelt down before Ouyang Nuan. "Miss."

Ouyang Nuan smiled warmly. "Lixiang, you've been caught in a difficult situation between Madam and me, running back and forth. I appreciate your hard work."

Lixiang kept her eyes on the ground and whispered, "Miss, there's no need for you to say that. It's my duty to serve you."

Ouyang Nuan stood up and walked slowly to Lixiang's side, reaching out to lift her chin gently. She sighed, "You're sixteen now, aren't you? At this age, you should have been married off long ago. Why hasn't Madam arranged a marriage for you?"

Lixiang's expression froze as she knew too much. How could Madam easily let her go? She forced a smile and replied, "It's my choice to serve Madam for a few more years voluntarily."

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and looked at her for a while. Her voice softened as she sighed, "You, such a gentle and lovely girl. If you stay in the backyard for too long, Madam might promote you to become a concubine in the future. That would be a good thing."

Lixiang's face turned pale all of a sudden. She had witnessed Madam's treatment of concubines before, and she would rather die than become one! Ouyang Nuan seemed to sense her thoughts and said lightly, "In my opinion, it's better to be the main wife in an ordinary family than a concubine in a wealthy household. You'll have more freedom and a comfortable life without having to bow and scrape. Lixiang, don't you agree?"

This was exactly what Lixiang had been yearning for day and night. However, it was impossible. Madam would never let her go! Lixiang lowered her head. "Miss is joking. This servant dares not think such things."

"Why not? You've always been steady and amiable, and your actions are generous. I truly like you, this maid of mine. As you know, after Mother passed away, she left me quite a few properties. These properties were originally managed by Grandma, and only recently did they come into my possession. Among them, there's a gold shop where the manager is looking for a well-bred and pleasant girl to marry his son. He even asked for recommendations from people around me. But you also know, I can't do without Hongyu, Changpu is too reckless, and Wenshuo is a bit dull. Among the senior maids in this house, you are the smartest and most clever."

Lixiang was momentarily taken aback, staring blankly before saying, "You... You want to marry this servant off to...?" Then she shook her head, "Miss is joking... How could this servant... How could I be worthy?"

There seemed to be a sparkle in Ouyang Nuan's eyes, making it hard to look directly at her. She smiled faintly and said, "I've had this idea since you came to my courtyard. But look at you, always shrinking back and feeling sorry for yourself. How can I feel at ease marrying you off like this? How can you be a mistress and help your husband manage the shop? You should start training yourself earlier. Don't make me worry."

Lixiang seemed unable to believe it, staring blankly at Ouyang Nuan. "Miss, is this really what you're thinking?" 

Ouyang Nuan's lips curved into a bright smile. "Of course, start preparing your wedding attire early."

Lixiang's joy was evident, almost on the verge of jumping for joy. Ouyang Nuan smiled, "Lixiang, when the time comes, I will have to do your makeup. However..."

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