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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 77: 

Encountering the Scumbag Ex at the Full Moon Banquet

"Wang Mama, I beg of you, don't harm Shuangqing. She's my only sister..." Lixiang's tears flowed uncontrollably.

"If you don't want me to harm her, then you should know what you need to do! You must report any movements of the Eldest Young Miss to Madam at all times!"

"Let someone else do it! I can't! If Young Miss finds out, she won't spare me. I'm just a servant!"

"Someone else? Young Miss's chamber is as tightly guarded as a fortress. It's not easy for others to get in. You being there is perfect. It saves Madam from further trouble!"

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"Wang Mama! I'm begging you. I don't understand anything. I'm scared. I really can't do it. In the end, it might cause trouble for Madam!"

"I've made myself clear. Whether you can do it or not, you have to do it!" Wang Mama's face turned stern, and she sneered. "The Full Moon Banquet is approaching. If you mess up Madam's affairs, forget about your sister, even your parents won't escape unscathed!"

Lixiang stared blankly at the heartless Madam Wang, her face turning pale in an instant...

Her days in the Listening Warm Pavilion were quite peaceful. Having spent six years in the Furui Courtyard, she was well aware of the dangers within the mansion, especially with the Madam, whose eyes missed nothing. She was like a pot of boiling water in the light and a sharp knife in the dark, long making Lixiang tremble with fear. 

Now, being sent to the Young Miss's side, everyone, openly or secretly, was on guard against her. She knew she was sent here as a spy, but strangely enough, despite knowing she shouldn't get too close to the Young Miss, she still felt a certain power emanating from Ouyang Nuan that was moving. 

The Young Miss's smile, the gentleness when furrowing her brows, the soft reprimands when a maid made a mistake, and the generous rewards when done right. Clearly a lofty Young Miss, yet tireless in practicing the zither and calligraphy, even venturing to pick flowers, make rouge, and brew tea with her own hands. 

Her temperament was gentle, but her actions were decisive like a man's. All of this left Lixiang feeling awed. She even discovered that everyone in the courtyard, consciously or unconsciously, was emulating her, from her slightest expression to her every movement. 

Ouyang Nuan, to her, was full of mystery and allure. Knowing she was unwelcome, she still wanted to uncover the Young Miss's secrets. She couldn't shake the feeling that behind that veil lies an unexpected longing.


The days passed swiftly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the day of Ouyang Hao's full moon celebration. The weather was clear and sunny, with blossoms adorning the landscape, making it the perfect setting for a feast. Madam Lin initially wanted to throw a grand celebration for Ouyang Hao, but Old Madam Li did not agree. Instead, they arranged several banquet tables, much like the birthday celebration, with male guests dining in the front and female guests in a separate area at the backyard. However, this time, there seemed to be more guests than before. 

Apart from the acquaintances of the Ouyang family in the capital, many others, curious about the renowned Misses of the Ouyang family, also attended. There were also several colleagues of Ouyang Zhi from the official circles, making the atmosphere even livelier than Old Madam Li's birthday celebration.

Madam Lin sat in front of the bronze mirror, her hair styled into a high cloud bun, adorned with a large phoenix hairpin with nine tails. The hairpin held a dazzling string of pearls, and at the back of her head, there was a golden thread embroidered with jeweled flowers and butterflies. She wore a bright red satin outer garment, fastened with a wide golden brocade belt, and a vivid peony-patterned long skirt, which gracefully concealed her slightly swollen figure due to childbirth.

Surely, when others saw her, they would be amazed.

Madam Lin smirked, observing the confident smile reflected in the mirror, concealing the sharpness in her eyes.

Wang Mama, sizing her up, remarked, "Thanks to Doctor Qian's prescriptions, Madam looks even more spirited than before."

"Is that so?" Madam Lin smiled, a hint of coldness flashing in her eyes. "Naturally, I have to appear spirited. If even I lack enthusiasm, those people will become even more complacent."

"About today's matter—" Wang Mama glanced at Madam Lin's exquisite features in the mirror, hesitating before whispering, "It seems that the maid Lixiang is somewhat hesitant."

"When the time comes for the entertainment, find a way to bring her before me," Madam Lin said coldly, her gaze sharpening.

"Yes!" Wang Mama agreed, her face once again displaying a full smile.


At that moment, Ouyang Zhi was in the study, receiving the early arrival, Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Liao Yuan.

“Congratulations, congratulations! Congratulations to Brother Ouyang for having another son!" Liao Yuan sat in the study, his smile carrying a hint of jest as he asked, "What is the young master's name?"

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Ouyang Zhi accompanied with a smile, "Ouyang Hao. It's a name chosen early in the morning."

"Good name." Liao Yuan nodded, "Today, you should bring the young master out for everyone to see."

Ouyang Zhi's expression darkened slightly. "Of course!" Although Ouyang Zhi didn't show it on his face, he was deeply concerned about the rumors surrounding the young master's fate. Madam Lin was afraid that someone might harm the child and kept a close watch on him every day. She even barred anyone from entering the Furui Courtyard, blocking even the people sent by the old madam. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

Liao Yuan glanced at him, his smile turning somewhat strange. "Don't blame me for meddling, but I've heard some rumors circulating in the capital about the young master's fate..."

"What rumors?" Ouyang Zhi's expression froze.

Liao Yuan casually picked up a jade paperweight and toyed with it, his expression inadvertently becoming more serious. "We've been colleagues for many years, and there are some things I don't want to hide from you. It's widely rumored outside that Master Ouyang is born under an inauspicious star..."

Ouyang Zhi was taken aback, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. He stammered, unable to find the words. Liao Yuan chuckled, "I'm not an outsider, that's why I'm telling you these things. I just want to remind you. These rumors may seem harmless on ordinary days, but as someone climbing the ranks, having these rumors circulating could damage your reputation..."

Ouyang Zhi's cold sweat almost soaked through his back. With a forced smile on his face, he said, "Yes, you're right. I should have paid attention to this earlier. Master Huian once said that when the child is born, he should be sent to a teacher with good moral character to practice, which can ward off disasters. But my wife... You know, she comes from a marquis's family, and she's stubborn. She insisted on keeping the child by her side. This time for the full moon banquet, my mother said not to make it grand, but she insisted on hosting a large feast... I really can't do anything about her..." 

"Ouyang Brother is decisive in official matters, but why can't he handle these women?" Liao Yuan's smile took on a meaningful tone as he spoke.

A man who can't even manage household affairs, how can he hold an official position in the court? Ouyang Zhi was well aware of this. However, he couldn't bring himself to admit that he was afraid of Lin Wenyuan, which led him to constantly give in to Madam Lin. Liao Yuan didn't beat around the bush either and straightforwardly said, "Ouyang Brother, let's not beat around the bush. Think about why there are more people at your son's full moon banquet this time compared to the last birthday celebration of the old madam?"

Ouyang Zhi's mind raced, he chuckled awkwardly, "Most of those people are drawn by your prestige, knowing that you'll be attending as well. They might be trying to gain favor through this opportunity. Otherwise, with my limited influence, how could so many guests come?"

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This was obviously flattery, and Liao Yuan felt pleased. Then, he dropped another bombshell, "Do you know, I'm about to be promoted soon!"

Ouyang Zhi's heart raced at the news, his face showing a mix of surprise and joy. "Congratulations, Brother Liao! This time—do you know where you'll be going?"

Liao Yuan glanced at the closed doors and windows before whispering, "According to the Prince Qin's intention, I'll be appointed as the Left Chancellor of the Ministry of Personnel. The appointment will come very soon."

Liao Yuan was cautious and prudent by nature. Now that he was telling Ouyang Zhi about this matter, it must have been settled. Ouyang Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and he chuckled, "Brother Liao, with your talents, it's only natural for your career to flourish and rise step by step. I truly admire and envy you!"

Giving him a slight reproachful look, Liao Yuan said, "I've told you before to come out more often with me! His Royal Highness, the Prince of Qin, is not an ordinary figure. If you can establish a connection with him, you won't have to worry about not advancing! Even your brother-in-law..." He stopped abruptly, realizing he had said too much.

Lin Wenyuan had close ties with the Prince of Qin, and Ouyang Zhi was not naive. He had long sensed the underlying meaning. However, he also had his own difficulties. Although the Zhen Guo Marquis's mansion appeared unified, it was actually divided into factions. 

Ouyang Zhi's eldest brother-in-law, Lin Wenlong's daughter, was about to marry into the Crown Prince's mansion, while his second brother-in-law, Lin Wenyuan, was aligned with the Prince Qin. This meant they were standing on two different sides. For the Zhenguo Marquis's mansion, this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Whoever emerged victorious wouldn't oppress the losing side too much. 

Keeping multiple options open was always a good strategy. However, for himself, it was difficult to choose. Making the wrong choice would be disastrous. Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "I'm helpless, as you know. My niece is about to marry into the Crown Prince's mansion. When the time comes... being caught in the middle will be difficult for me." His best course of action was to observe for a while longer and wait until the situation was truly settled before making a decision.

Liao Yuan naturally understood Ouyang Zhi's intentions. He thought to himself, "You can wait all you want, but once the situation is truly settled, it'll be hard to catch up!" With a cold smirk, he said, "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Once I leave, this position will become vacant. You should start preparing as soon as possible, get active, and don't let others take advantage of the situation."

Although Ouyang Zhi felt relieved inside, he deliberately pondered for a moment before saying, "I'm afraid it might be difficult. You know my achievements..."

Liao Yuan chuckled, "Don't try to deceive me. As long as His Royal Highness, the Prince of Qin, is willing to help you, half of the battle is won. Let your esteemed wife consult with that Minister Lin. With their collaboration, what's there to worry about?"

Ouyang Zhi was taken aback, his thoughts swirling. "Brother Liao, I rely heavily on your support now. If there's really such a possibility, I'll need your praise in front of His Highness."

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But Liao Yuan deliberately avoided answering, bringing up another matter instead. "Your eldest daughter is growing more beautiful by the day. I heard even the Cao family, with their prestigious status, sent someone to inquire..."

Ouyang Zhi's heart skipped a beat. "The Cao family may carry the title of National Chancellor, but it's merely riding on borrowed glory. How can they compare to the literary talents and bright prospects of the Nephew Xian? People always say your luck is exceptional, with your children shining brightly and having limitless futures..."

Liao Yuan felt pleased, his smile deepening. "I'll leave it at that. As long as you understand."

To Liao Yuan, Ouyang Zhi himself wasn't much of a concern. It was the power of the Zhenguo Marquis's Mansion behind him that mattered in the political arena. With its intricate connections and ever-changing fortunes, nobody could predict how things would end up in the end. So, offering some guidance within reasonable limits was acceptable, but he expected appropriate reciprocation from Ouyang Zhi as well.


In the Warm Pavilion, as Ouyang Nuan was just dressed and ready to go out to greet the guests, she suddenly heard a commotion outside. Fang Mama was about to go out to see what was happening when she heard the voice of Changpu from outside saying, "Miss, Old Madam is feeling unwell."

The room was suddenly filled with astonishment. Ouyang Nuan furrowed her brows. She had visited Old Madam Li yesterday to pay her respects, and she was fine then. Today was Ouyang Hao's full moon banquet. How could she fall ill now?

For a moment, the room fell into complete silence. Ouyang Nuan sighed silently. Fang Mama, full of doubts, said, "Miss, what could be wrong with Old Madam?"

Ouyang Nuan said, "I'll go and take a look first."

Arriving at the Longevity Hall, Ouyang Nuan saw Zhang Mama with red eyes, as if she had been crying. Feeling somewhat surprised, she approached Zhang Mama, who, upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, forced a smile and hurriedly said, "Miss, please go and check on Old Madam quickly."

"Zhang Mama, Old Madam was fine when I visited her yesterday. How could she fall ill today?" Ouyang Nuan spoke softly, her face showing a hint of concern.

Glancing around at the maidservants, Zhang Mama took a deep breath and explained, "This morning, Old Madam complained of chest tightness. She suddenly felt a headache and insisted on attending Young Master's full moon banquet today. But as she approached the door, she suddenly fainted. Doctor Wang has been summoned and is currently prescribing medicine for Old Madam." 

Just then, Li Yiniang emerged from inside, drawing surprise from Ouyang Nuan.

"How is grandmother now? Is she alright?" Ouyang Nuan inquired anxiously.

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Auntie Li said, "Old Madam has regained consciousness. Yumei is by her side attending to her. I was just about to go and inform the master."

Ouyang Nuan nodded and replied, "Don't rush. There are many esteemed guests today. Father is entertaining them in the main hall. Let's first assess Old Madam's condition before making a decision. We wouldn't want to disturb the guests outside." Auntie Li nodded in agreement and commented, "Miss, your consideration is thoughtful as always."

Entering the inner chamber, Yumei, who was guarding by Old Madam's side, hurriedly made way for Ouyang Nuan. Approaching Old Madam's bedside, Ouyang Nuan saw Old Madam Li lying on the pillow, her face pale and her breath slightly rapid. 

As Ouyang Nuan approached, Old Madam Li had already opened her eyes and nodded upon seeing her, slowly saying, "Nuan'er, you're here."

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but show concern. "Grandmother, what's bothering you?"

Old Madam's voice was weak as she replied, "I feel very dizzy." Hearing this, Ouyang Nuan looked towards Doctor Wang by the bedside and asked, "Doctor, what's wrong with Grandmother?"

Doctor Wang looked puzzled and said, "From her pulse, there doesn't seem to be a major issue. Perhaps it's due to the sudden change in weather, and Old Madam is having trouble adjusting..." He shook his head. Those nearby couldn't help but wonder what kind of ailment it was that even the doctor couldn't discern.

Old Madam seemed very weak, unable even to sit up. She gestured to the people around her, "You all can leave for now. I want to talk to Miss Nuan alone."

Li Yiniang was taken aback, biting her lip involuntarily as she whispered, "Should I stay with you, Old Madam?"

Old Madam looked at her and replied, "It's fine. Nuan can stay here alone."

Li Yiniang hesitated for a moment before leaving with the others, leaving only Old Madam, Ouyang Nuan, and the trusted maid Zhang Mama in the room.

Old Madam let out a sigh.

Ouyang Nuan said, "Grandmother has always been healthy, so this time should be no different. Just relax and focus on recovering."

Old Madam responded, "I know. This isn't an ordinary illness. The curse of the lone star is too strong. I'm afraid one day it will be the death of me. I regret not being more ruthless back then. I thought getting rid of the child would be enough, but I never expected the lone star to haunt our family like this. If only we had eliminated her along with the child, we wouldn't be in this situation today."

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Ouyang Nuan lowered her head, shocked by Old Madam's bitterness towards Madam Lin to say such words.

Old Madam let out a sigh and struggled to grasp Ouyang Nuan's hand, lamenting, "I've been enduring and supporting the Ouyang family for so many years since I married into it. If any harm comes to the Ouyang family because of this child... I would be ashamed before your grandfather and all the ancestors of the Ouyang family..." As she spoke, she suddenly coughed, and Ouyang Nuan hurriedly reached out to pat her chest.

Old Madam looked at Ouyang Nuan and said, "I won't be able to attend the banquet today. You tell the other ladies... that I'm not feeling well."

For the grandmother not to attend her grandson's full moon banquet was unprecedented in the entire capital. Wouldn't this solidify Ouyang Hao's reputation as the cursed lone star and leave Madam Lin seething with anger? Ouyang Nuan looked at Old Madam, sighing for her young brother. She hurriedly reassured, "Grandmother, don't worry. Focus on recovering. Don't think too much about other matters. The full moon banquet will proceed smoothly."

Old Madam nodded and said, "Nuan'er, keep an eye on your mother. Don't let her do anything to tarnish the reputation of the Ouyang family."

Over the past month, Old Madam had mentioned several times about sending Ouyang Hao to the temple, but Madam Lin adamantly refused. With the child not yet a month old and his body still delicate, she refused to let anyone touch him. As a result, the rift between Old Madam and Madam Lin deepened, and the feud between them grew stronger with each passing day...


The female guests had all arrived, and a group of elegantly dressed ladies surrounded small round tables, sipping tea and chatting. The young ladies also found familiar faces to converse with, creating a lively atmosphere.

Ouyang Nuan was dressed in a plain chiffon outer garment with delicate embroidered green plum blossoms on the collar. Underneath, she wore a moon-white inner garment with a pale purple Xiang Water Hibiscus skirt. Her hair was arranged in a loose bun, adorned with a bright moon pearl, and she smiled gently, radiating freshness and elegance. This dress was specially custom-made by a top embroidery workshop at Old Madam Li's insistence, and considerable effort was put into the fabric, embroidery, and color scheme.

The young ladies admired her attire and eagerly inquired about the embroidery workshop responsible and the master craftsman behind it. Ouyang Nuan graciously engaged with them, answering their questions.

Lin Yuanrou turned to Ouyang Ke and remarked, "Your elder sister really has a way with people." Ouyang Ke observed Ouyang Nuan mingling in the crowd, a cold smile playing on her lips. She replied, "She indeed has quite a talent. She even managed to deceive grandmother."

Shaking her head lightly, Lin Yuanrou said, "Speaking of which, it was such a pity you didn't attend the last flower-viewing banquet. Your sister truly shone brightly!"

Ouyang Ke, dressed in a rose-red brocade dress embellished with eight treasures, and wearing a golden coral-inlaid hairpin, appeared radiant. Hearing Lin Yuanrou's words, a hint of jealousy flashed in her eyes, quickly masked by a smile as she responded, "Yes, grandmother often reminds me to learn more from my sister."

Lin Yuanrou concealed her smile and remarked, "I must say, the art of pleasing others like this is truly not something ordinary folks can master!"

Listening in on their conversation, Su Yunniang murmured softly, "Miss, now being mentioned alongside Princess Rong County, is naturally unmatched by ordinary people." Although praising Ouyang Nuan, her words carried a hint of bitterness. 

Lin Yuanrou smirked. While she was resentful of Ouyang Nuan's limelight, she also looked down on Su Yunniang, a merchant's daughter. She stepped back, not wanting to be tainted by the smell of copper from associating with her. Since Su Yunniang arrived in the capital, such occurrences were commonplace. However, she felt a bit aggrieved internally, but she maintained a smiling facade.

Miss Shi, from the Shi family, had always been observant of the affairs here. Suddenly, she inquired, "Ke'er, where is your brother? Why hasn't he been brought out yet? I heard he has been ill since birth. Is that true?"

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Ouyang Ke was taken aback, her expression suddenly souring. However, she was aware that Miss Shi was the legitimate daughter of Liao Yuan, the Minister of Personnel, who was Ouyang Zhi's immediate superior. She had to be cautious in her words. She smiled and said, "Because my brother is frail, my mother rarely takes him out." In reality, he had never been taken out even once. Lin Shangshu was adamant about not letting him meet anyone.

Miss Shi chuckled, "I heard that Master Huian said your brother is a star of calamity. You're quite daring to leave him at home, aren't you?"

Ouyang Ke's complexion changed. "Who told you this, Miss Shi?"

"Who else needs to say it? Everyone knows," Miss Shi continued, "Oh my, such a destiny is rare in a century. Ke'er, you must be careful not to be affected by it."

Ouyang Ke clenched her fists, about to stand up. Her maid Xia Xue was startled behind her and quickly whispered, "Second Miss, your dress is wrinkled, let me straighten it for you!" In reality, she was signaling her to stop talking and not to cause any trouble here.

Ouyang Ke bit her lip, forcing herself to sit back down stiffly. She put on a forced smile and said, "It's just some ignorant people spreading rumors. How could Miss Shi believe such things?"

Before long, Madam Lin walked in from outside, and everyone stood up with smiles to greet her, warming up the atmosphere. Ouyang Nuan watched with a faint smile, but her eyes betrayed a coldness. She whispered to Madam Lin, "Mother, Grandmother isn't feeling well, so she won't be coming out to entertain the guests. She said if you're too busy, you can ask Aunt Li to take care of things."

Madam Lin glanced at Ouyang Nuan, her face revealing a meaningful smile. She replied, "Since Grandmother isn't feeling well, there's no need to force her to come out. As for Li Yiniang, she's just a concubine, not fit for the grand hall. I'll take care of things myself." Then she turned to the other ladies and said, "The stage is set up, let's all go and take a seat together."

Ouyang Ke shot Ouyang Nuan a challenging glance, then linked arms with Madam Lin and led the way out. Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and obediently followed behind. The other ladies exchanged glances and followed suit, all smiling as they exited.

Madam Lin sat down in the pavilion with a smile. With Grandmother absent this time, she naturally assumed the role of the hostess. Ouyang Ke wanted to sit beside her, but Madam Lin frowned and said, "You have no sense of courtesy. Your elder sister has worked hard today. Let her have this seat."

Just as Ouyang Ke was about to speak, Madam Lin signaled with her eyes, and Wang Mama stepped forward with a smile, linking arms with Ouyang Ke and gently pinching her arm. Ouyang Ke was momentarily stunned. Madam Lin then said with a smile, "Nuan'er, come, sit beside me." She pointed to a chair next to her.

"Look at how caring her mother is for her daughter."

"Yes, Madam Ouyang is indeed a kind-hearted lady. She treats her stepdaughter so well."

"You never know... you don't know the whole story."

The other ladies and young misses all smiled and exchanged meaningful glances, whispering to each other with curiosity.

Ouyang Nuan smiled tenderly. It was always like this—every time Madam Lin spoke, others would perceive her as being very kind and generous. Wasn't she herself once deceived by Madam Lin's outstanding acting skills? If not for the chance to start anew, she truly wouldn't have known how Madam Lin managed to put on such a smile, despite harboring so much hatred towards her...

As Lin Yuanxin was to be married in a few months and couldn't attend such occasions, Duchess of Zhenguo Madam Shen, did not participate this time. However, Madam Jiang, owing to her relationship with Madam Lin, deliberately brought her children to congratulate. Seeing the situation, her smile became even more affable. "Sister, the bond between you and Nuan'er is truly admirable. It makes me so envious."

"That's because Nuan'er is sensible, which is why I cherish her so much." Madam Lin smiled as she patted Ouyang Nuan's hand, her face radiating affection. Afterward, she carefully straightened Ouyang Nuan's clothes, her expression truly gentle, but in a way that sent shivers down one's spine.

Hongyu and Lixiang stood behind, attending to Madam Lin and Ouyang Nuan. Watching Madam Lin treating Ouyang Nuan so well, Hongyu couldn't help but feel uneasy, recalling the various conflicts between the two in the past. Madam Lin seemed genuinely sincere, displaying an affection for Miss Ouyang in every gesture. 

If it weren't for the previous events, Hongyu might have thought Madam had truly opened up and wanted to reconcile with Miss Ouyang. But then again, could someone with Madam Lin's vengeful nature really change? She glanced at Wang Mama standing behind Madam Lin, who wore a smiling face but had eyes that flashed with unsettling light from time to time. Hongyu's heart skipped a beat. 

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Unconsciously, she turned to look at Lixiang, but Lixiang seemed preoccupied, keeping her head down and avoiding eye contact.

Hongyu nudged her. "There are many guests today. Stay alert." If it weren't for Fang Mama's recurring illness, both Changpu and Wenshu wouldn't have been left behind deliberately, leaving Lixiang to assist. Though Lixiang hadn't shown any inappropriate behavior since coming to the Warm Pavilion, Hongyu couldn't shake off her unease.

Lixiang dared not lift her head, as every time she did, she would meet Wang Mama's icy gaze directed towards her.

"Why did you bring this servant girl?" Madam Lin suddenly pointed at Lixiang, as if just noticing her. Ouyang Nuan smiled and replied, "This is a servant girl trained by Mother, and I quite like her. In such occasions, it's better to have her accompany me, rather than letting her stay cooped up in the courtyard all day."

"Has this servant girl caused you any trouble?" Madam Lin glanced at Lixiang with a cold tone. Before this, she had hinted to Wang Mama to check on Lixiang's current situation, well aware of the situation in the Eldest Miss' Pavilion. Lixiang was known to be obedient, intelligent, and not overly talkative, qualities that pleased the mistress. Ouyang Nuan often took her along when going out.

"No, Lixiang only made a mistake last time. Now—" Ouyang Nuan glanced at Lixiang and smiled, "she's obedient and sensible."

"That's good. I was afraid you'd dislike this servant girl." Madam Lin smiled calmly.

The play on stage was lively, chosen by Madam Lin herself to suit her tastes—a tale of romance and achievement, which delighted the ladies, and they applauded enthusiastically.

The play on stage was in full swing when suddenly, a maid from the Furui Courtyard rushed in, reporting that the young master was crying loudly and couldn't be comforted by the wet nurse. They requested Madam Lin to go back and check on him.

Madam Lin's face darkened with annoyance. "So many ladies are here, and they can't even calm down a child? They still want me to go back myself. What kind of servants do we have!" The maid trembled in fear, bowing her head and remaining silent. Madam Lin showed a look of embarrassment on her face as she addressed the others, "It's my fault for spoiling the child. He's so disobedient—" 

Madam Jiang chuckled beside her. "Look at what you're saying. We're all familiar guests here. We can take care of ourselves. Why be upset with such a small child? Go and see him quickly! Don't forget to bring him out in the evening so we can all have a look!"

The other ladies nodded in agreement, urging Madam Lin to go back and check on the child.

Madam Lin looked at Ouyang Nuan. A hint of coldness flashed in Ouyang Nuan's eyes, but her smile became even more graceful. "Mother, since the little brother is crying, you should go back and check on him. I'll stay here, and nothing will go wrong. At worst, I have my sister here to assist."

Madam Lin nodded, her gaze shifting to Ouyang Ke. "Ke'er has become sensible now too. You should help your sister more."

Ouyang Ke stood up, nodding obediently. "Yes, Mother. You can rest assured."

Meanwhile, on the stage, the play continued with the dashing scholar Liu Zhan falling in love at first sight with the daughter of the magistrate. He proposed marriage, only to be rejected due to his family's decline. The despondent scholar had nowhere to go and spent the night on a boat. While the young ladies watched anxiously, the ladies laughed and joked, keeping the atmosphere lively even with Madam Lin's departure.

After Madam Lin had been gone for a while, Wang Mama suddenly approached. She bowed respectfully to Ouyang Nuan and said with a smile, "Miss, Madam has a request for you." 

Ouyang Nuan smiled back. "What does Mother command? Please, go ahead and tell me, Wang Mama."

Wang Mama chuckled, "Madam went to pick up the young master, but unexpectedly, he vomited all over her dress right after drinking milk. It dirtied Madam's gown, so she wants the pomegranate dress from last year, the one in the same color, to replace it. You know, Lixiang was originally in charge of Madam's clothes and jewelry, but her duties have been taken over by another maid. She was responsible for organizing that dress, but nobody can find it now... Madam wants her to go and take a look."

Some of the ladies nearby had become curious, and Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, "She used to work in Mother's chambers. If there's anything, Mother can directly instruct her. Lixiang, go with Wang Mama."

Lixiang glanced at Ouyang Nuan but saw the warmth in her eyes. Although in her view, she would prefer Miss to be stricter with her, it comforted her to see Miss's kindness. Lixiang genuinely believed that Miss was so clever that nothing could be hidden from her in the household. But if Miss didn't ask, she wouldn't dare to mention anything...

Madam Lin remained seated on her elegant divan, waiting for Lixiang to approach. Several times she picked up her teacup, only to set it back down, lost in thought. After a while, Wang Mama finally brought Lixiang in.

As Lixiang entered, she met Madam Lin's icy gaze, causing her heart to skip a beat. Instantly, she recalled Madam's usual sternness, involuntarily dropping to her knees, her body trembling slightly.

"Lixiang!" Madam Lin's eyes bore into Lixiang's, contemplating for a moment before unexpectedly blurting out a question that caught Lixiang off guard, "Do you hate me?"

"Madam... the servant dares not. It's because the servant made mistakes that led to being driven out by Madam," Lixiang stuttered, biting her lip, trying hard to maintain a calm expression.

"Are you speaking the truth?" Madam Lin asked calmly.

"The servant would never dare to deceive Madam."

"What if I had truly beaten you to death that day?"

"Even then, it would be the servant's fault. Madam cannot be blamed," Lixiang replied, her heart pounding, sweat beading on her forehead.

"Knowing this is enough; it's not in vain that I've kept you by my side all these years," Madam Lin sighed deeply, her tone softened considerably.

"Lixiang! Madam's favor remains with you, and your monthly allowance at the Furui Courtyard will continue as usual," Wang Mama spoke slowly, but it was this sentence alone that made Lixiang even more afraid. Madam never showed kindness to someone without reason, especially to a maid who had made mistakes... There must be more to Madam's request than just informing her of matters concerning Miss.

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"Oh, yes," Madam Lin seemed to have a revelation as she fixed her gaze on Lixiang, "Today, I need you to assist me with something."

"Madam, please instruct," Lixiang bowed her head.

"Wang Mama, you go and talk to her," Madam Lin deliberated for a moment before saying. Wang Mama immediately leaned in close to Lixiang's ear and spoke earnestly.

Upon hearing, Lixiang's face turned pale, and she began knocking her head on the ground like a sieve, "I dare not! I beg for mercy, I beg for mercy, Madam!"

Wang Mama sneered, "You were sent out by Madam, and you still think Miss treats you as one of her own? If you don't work for Madam, what do you expect!"

Lixiang trembled all over, "I...I..."

Madam Lin looked at Lixiang, her eyes sharp, "Think carefully before you answer. I'm only giving you this chance once."


Meanwhile, on the other side of the stage, the fifth act was about to begin, and the actors were preparing backstage. The ladies and Madams were chatting and enjoying themselves. Seeing this, Ouyang Nuan stood up and asked Madam Jiang to take care of the guests in her stead. She then apologized to everyone and left the courtyard. At this time, she needed to inspect the pastries and snacks that were about to be served.

Madam Su cast a glance at her and immediately signaled to Su Yunniang, who nodded in understanding. She waved her hand to a nearby maid, and the maid swiftly departed.

Ever since Madam's belief in the ominous star, she had ordered many small animals to be raised in the garden. Birdcages lined the corridors, mostly filled with auspicious birds like hwamei and magpies. To please Madam, Ouyang Zhi intentionally brought two pheasants from afar, and later, feeling it was insufficient, he also brought many rabbits to be raised in the garden. While others saw novelty, Ouyang Nuan knew these animals were all used by Madam to "ward off evil spirits."

As Ouyang Nuan passed through the garden corridor, she suddenly caught a whiff of a strong, cold, and intoxicating scent of alcohol, mixed with the unfamiliar scent of a man. She couldn't help but stop and whisper to Hongyu, "Let's take another path." She was about to turn back, but unexpectedly, a man suddenly blocked her path at the corner of the corridor. 

Hongyu hastily stepped in front of Ouyang Nuan and rebuked, "How dare you! Who dares to be so audacious?"

The man with ink-black hair and a jade crown wore a flowing white robe adorned with a horizontal branch of a green plum blossom. He exuded a refreshing and elegant aura, with a captivating grace that made it hard to look away. However, despite his familiar appearance, there was an inexplicable sense of aversion in the heart of Ouyang Nuan. 

Smiling, Su Yulou said, "Why does Miss Ouyang always avoid me upon sight? Is my appearance so repulsive, or have I offended you in some way to earn your disdain?"

Ouyang Nuan's eyes, as serene as autumn waters, dimmed slightly, concealing any trace of disdain. "Young Master jests; I dare not hold any ill will," she replied.

Seeing her cold response, Su Yulou was momentarily taken aback.

"I simply wish to ask for Miss's help," Su Yulou continued, his smile now carrying a gentle charm that added to his appeal, "I noticed a wounded rabbit while passing by the bushes. Would Miss be willing to assist?"

"The rabbit?" Ouyang Nuan glanced at the creature in his arms, indeed seeing a pure white rabbit trembling with fear.

"Its leg got injured accidentally," Su Yulou lifted the rabbit to show her, his face tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "As a man, I've never done any bandaging work..."

Any young lady would typically show some compassion upon seeing such an injured rabbit, but Ouyang Nuan only smiled faintly and said, "Hongyu, bring the rabbit back and have one of the maids bandage it."

Su Yulou felt a strange sensation at her gentle smile, as if he were transported to another realm. His heart skipped a beat involuntarily. He couldn't help but wonder why he was so fascinated by her, even though she treated him with such coldness...

Su Yulou grew up in a wealthy family, accustomed to being treated with utmost care and possessing natural good looks. He was naturally confident. However, Ouyang Nuan's indifferent attitude left him feeling empty inside, as if his usual confidence had vanished.

He reached out to stop Hongyu, unwilling to let go of the rabbit. Instead, he fixed his gaze on Ouyang Nuan and asked, "Miss Ouyang, do you dislike me to the extent that you won't even say a few words to me?"

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