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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 76: 

 Spy and Counterintelligence

Madam Su learned that Madam Lin successfully gave birth to the second young master of the Ouyang family, so she specially prepared a gift to visit.

Madam Lin was originally in confinement and did not receive outside guests, but she not only accepted Madam Su's gift but also personally met her in the small flower hall.

Madam Lin lay on the beauty couch under the window, covered with thick blankets. Madam Su sat on a chair beside her, and small round tables were placed beside them, with fragrant tea, hot soup, and refreshments.

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However, Madam Su had no intention of touching those things but instead smiled and said, "Wanru, I should have waited until you were feeling better before coming to see you. But I couldn't sit still at home, so I came early. You won't blame me, will you?" 

"Not at all. It's difficult for me to stay at home with nothing to do, so your company is most welcome," Madam Lin replied with a gentle smile.

"But I heard that the young master is very frail, and you have been reluctant to let him see outsiders. What's the matter with that?" Madam Su had always been attentive to the rumors about the Ouyang family circulating outside and casually asked about it now.

"Is that so?" Madam Lin replied calmly, "Hao'er is, after all, a premature baby and is weaker. The doctor advised against letting him see strangers to avoid aggravating his illness."

At this moment, Lixiang brought in several fresh pastries and exchanged the tea set. She carefully glanced at Madam Lin's expression and smiled, "Madam, I have sent someone to invite Eldest Miss Ouyang."

Madam Su's eyes lit up, and Madam Lin smiled slightly. She continued to smile as she invited Madam Su to taste the freshly served pastries, saying, "These are our chef's specialty desserts, mung bean rolls. Please try one."

Madam Su picked up a piece, took a bite, and indeed found it soft and delicate, melting in her mouth. However, she was too preoccupied to praise it, and instead, she leaned her head to look into the nearby courtyard. Seeing her obvious distraction, Madam Wang smirked, while Madam Lin continued to smile and sipped the hot tea from a jade cup.

Noticing Madam Su's obvious lack of interest in the food, Madam Wang's lips curled into a cold smile, but Madam Lin said, "Quickly taste the lotus cake on this plate. It's a wonderful beauty-enhancing and health-preserving delicacy. I've heard that even the Empress Dowager enjoys it."

"Yes, Madam Su, they say the Empress Dowager suffers from a weak spleen and stomach, as well as heartache. The imperial physicians couldn't cure her illness, and His Majesty worries day and night because of it. Later, an elderly person of great longevity presented her with lotus cakes as a tribute. Since she started eating them regularly, not only has her heartache reduced significantly, but her hair has also turned from white to black. Isn't this like a return to youth?" Wang Mama glanced at Madam Lin and said with a smiling face.

Madam Su helplessly picked up the silver plate, unable to tell if she was admiring or resenting, and muttered to herself, "Since Madam Lin gave birth to a child, her patience seems to have improved, and she even has the leisure to chat here."

It wasn't until lunchtime that a maid came to report that the young miss had been asked to dine with the Old Madam and wouldn't be able to come for a while. Madam Su couldn't hide her disappointment.

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During lunch, Madam Su frowned, filled with worries, and seemed reluctant to start eating. Madam Lin, on the other hand, smiled gracefully and attentively instructed the maid next to her to serve Madam Su. However, Madam Su still seemed listless and couldn't muster up the appetite.

Madam Lin said, "Sister, there's no need to worry about major issues during mealtime. What's troubling you? If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to tell me."

Madam Su glanced around, a hint of uncertainty on her face. With a clap of her hands, Madam Lin dismissed everyone except Wang Mama and Lixiang. Despite this, Madam Su remained silent.

Madam Lin signaled to Lixiang and said, "Serve the dishes!" On an oval-shaped fish platter lay a fish over a foot long, coated with a layer of golden sauce emitting a tantalizing aroma. Madam Lin used her chopsticks to pick a large piece from the fish's chest and personally placed it in Madam Su's bowl, saying, "Try it first." Madam Su glanced at her, unable to refuse, and tasted the fish delicately. She found it exceptionally delicious and couldn't help but smile, "This fish is truly delicious. Thank you for the treat, sister."

Madam Lin smiled faintly, looking directly into Madam Su's eyes, and said softly and gracefully, "Many things have already spread like wildfire throughout the city, even without my words. I'm not afraid of being laughed at by you, sister. Within half a year, my husband took in two concubines, my mother-in-law favored them and snatched away my power, and there are a pair of formidable children who didn't come from my womb. These people have pushed me to the brink, yet I still know how to enjoy life. With your children flourishing and a loving husband, what is there to worry about?"

Madam Su was momentarily stunned, then she reflected for a moment before smiling at Madam Lin, "Younger sister, you are truly wise beyond measure, a female Zhuge[1]. I am ashamed in comparison!"

Madam Lin chuckled, "Do you really think I don't know what you're worrying about?" She suppressed her smile, her eyes turning remarkably calm. "You're simply troubled because Ouyang Nuan stole the limelight at the flower banquet, nothing more."

"It's all clear now," Madam Su was taken aback, but her smile deepened. "Indeed, my sister knows everything. But if you are aware of it all, why allow her to shine so brightly outside? By doing so, won't it make your position as stepmother even more difficult?"

With a cold smile, Madam Lin replied, "Sister, as the saying goes, it's better to feign ignorance than to meddle in matters beyond your control. If they want me to know nothing, then so be it. My mother-in-law wishes to see her gain fame in the capital, and with the support of the Empress Dowager and the Grand Princess behind her, why should I bother obstructing her? It's a thankless and futile endeavor."

Madam Su looked at Madam Lin, momentarily at a loss for words. After a while, she finally spoke her mind, "I've heard that many households have set their sights on the young lady of your mansion. Even Deputy Minister Ouyang must be entertaining thoughts of seizing this opportunity. Madam, are you deliberately turning a blind eye, forgetting the promise you once made to me?"

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The smile on Madam Lin's face froze, her tone extremely solemn, "If I had forgotten, why would you be sitting here today, sister?"

"Then you—" Despite Madam Su's composure, she was deeply worried about the prospect of Deputy Minister Ouyang taking advantage of his daughter's increased value. If that happened... her own son would have no hope...

"Sister, nothing in this world is set in stone. Since I've promised you, I won't go back on my word. Just wait and see, I'll make sure your wish comes true." Madam Lin smiled, but the expression on her face sent shivers down Madam Su's spine.

As they spoke, Ouyang Nuan had yet to arrive, but Ouyang Ke had already come. She was dressed in a crimson spring dress adorned with branch-patterned flowers, with a red-gold hairpin inserted at her temple, embellished with a drop-shaped amber bead, evidently dressed up, looking exceptionally beautiful. 

Madam Lin was already quite disappointed with this daughter, but since she was her own flesh and blood, she couldn't be too harsh in front of outsiders. She smiled and said, "Ke'er, you're here. Please, have a seat."

Ouyang Ke blinked in surprise, her face involuntarily flushing. She was wearing embroidered shoes custom-made by Madam Lin, and she had been practicing her steps diligently these days. Her walk was steady, almost imperceptible in its grace. She sat down beside Madam Lin and looked at the table full of delicacies such as eight-treasure duck, stuffed lotus with red dates, fish soup with fish maw, crispy-skinned chicken, sea cucumber in auspicious shapes, and assorted delicacies. 

Madam Lin said, "Go get another pair of chopsticks for Miss Ouyang."

"Yes." Lixiang immediately went to fetch them and soon returned with the chopsticks for Ouyang Ke.

Ouyang Ke was momentarily stunned. Madam Lin smiled and said, "Try this eight-treasure crispy duck; it's incredibly fragrant."

Although Ouyang Ke had already eaten, she couldn't admit it, so she just replied with an "oh" and picked up her chopsticks to taste a bite.

Madam Lin asked her with a smile, "How is it? Does it taste good?"

Despite feeling unable to swallow, Ouyang Ke still managed to force a smile and said, "As you said, Mother, this duck has crispy skin and tender meat. It's delicious." While speaking, she glanced at Madam Su. 

However, Madam Su lowered her head, maintaining her elegant demeanor, showing no intention of engaging in conversation. Ouyang Ke felt a growing sense of anxiety. Madam Lin shook her head inwardly, thinking it best to keep this matter hidden from the girl. If she were to find out, who knows what trouble she might stir up.

So, apart from the slight clinking of porcelain on the table, there was no other sound. After finishing their meal, the three of them sat in the flower hall to have tea. Ouyang Ke tried several times to inquire about Su Yulou's situation, but each time she was deflected by Madam Su's indifference. Madam Lin noticed Madam Su's lack of interest in her daughter Ouyang Ke, which only made her feel more relieved.

Just then, a maid came in to report that the young lady had arrived. A hint of involuntary joy appeared on Madam Su's face.

Madam Lin said, "Please come in quickly."

Ouyang Nuan, dressed in a white-green smoke robe and a long skirt embroidered with white jade orchids, walked gracefully into the hall. Seeing the situation inside, she smiled lightly and greeted Madam Lin and Madam Su.

Madam Su, seeing her attire plain yet elegant, her complexion outstanding and radiant, couldn't help but nod in approval.

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"Madam Su has been waiting for you here for quite some time. Why did you come so late?" Madam Lin pretended to be slightly annoyed, but her face was full of smiles, giving off a maternal aura.

"I was delayed by my grandmother's request for dinner, which took some time," Ouyang Nuan paused, glanced at the cold-faced Ouyang Ke, and then showed a hint of surprise, "Sister, you look a bit worn out. Have you been having trouble sleeping lately?"

Ouyang Ke was taken aback, about to retort, but noticed Madam Lin's sharp gaze towards her. She suppressed her temper and forced a smile, saying, "I haven't been feeling well lately. Thank you for your concern, sister."

Ouyang Nuan nodded, smiling, "That's good. I was worried it was something else—" Here, she glanced at Madam Su, her expression ambiguous. 

Ouyang Ke frowned and asked, "What did you think was wrong with me, sister?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head, smiling without saying a word. Madam Lin's gaze was cold, but her tone was gentle, "Madam Su is like a handkerchief in my hand, not a stranger. Nuan'er, you don't need to be so cautious. You can speak your mind freely." She couldn't believe that Ouyang Nuan would dare to speak ill of Ouyang Ke in front of others!

Ouyang Nuan sighed lightly, her tone calm, "It's not that Nuan'er doesn't want to speak, but this matter involves supernatural phenomena and cannot be spoken lightly. Grandmother has also been sleeping poorly lately. She keeps saying she sees the autumn moon covered in blood... Oh, and," She glanced lightly at Ouyang Ke, her face showing a hint of regret, "Sister doesn't know yet. Qiu Yue[2]—she... she hanged herself three days ago."

Ouyang Ke was shocked, the teacup in her hand accidentally spilled onto the table with a "clatter." Xia Xue hurried to stabilize the cup, but accidentally wet the corner of Ouyang Ke's skirt. Madam Su couldn't help but glance at Ouyang Ke, whose face became increasingly grim. However, she didn't dare to make a scene in front of others. She glared fiercely at Xia Xue, who lowered her head in fear.

Madam Lin sneered coldly, saying, "Old Madam is getting old. How can she believe in ghosts and spirits so easily?" 

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'There are naturally ghosts and spirits in this world. Otherwise, how could someone be reincarnated to seek revenge against Madam Lin? If she knew this, she might faint from fear.' Ouyang Nuan sneered inwardly but expressed concern on her face, saying, "I also thought it was just Grandmother's imagination. But I heard that a maid from Shou'an Hall saw it too last night, and she was so frightened that she nearly passed out. Speaking of which, Qiu Yue shouldn't harbor resentment against Grandmother. After all, Grandmother spared her life and even allowed her to pray for the master at the ancestral temple. But unexpectedly..." At that moment, she noticed Ouyang Ke trembling slightly with fear, so she smiled faintly and didn't continue.

What Ouyang Nuan didn't finish saying was that Qiu Yue had been beaten by her former master to the point of being battered and bruised, even suffering a fractured skull. As a woman, she naturally couldn't bear it and chose to hang herself.

Madam Lin's expression turned sour immediately, and she said disdainfully, "Nuan'er, you are the eldest young miss of the house, well-educated and reasonable. How can you believe everything you hear? Moreover, that maid brought it upon herself. She deserved her fate. Who can she blame?"

Ouyang Nuan said anxiously, "Mother is right. These are all just rumors, but now they have caused widespread fear among the people." She looked at Ouyang Ke and continued, "Grandmother said that Qiu Yue died unjustly, harboring great resentment, and she wants to seek justice. Grandmother is still worried and said she wants to invite someone to perform a ritual to help Qiu Yue find peace."

Madam Lin stared at her, her smile turning icy. "Old Madam must be overly concerned. As the saying goes, if one has not done wrong, there's no need to fear the knock at the door in the middle of the night. Even if Qiu Yue were to become a malicious spirit, she has no grudges against anyone. What is there to fear?"

Ouyang Nuan sighed but smiled faintly. "Your words make sense. Every debt has its debtor. If Qiu Yue wants to settle scores, she wouldn't target Grandmother." Then, she glanced at Ouyang Ke and said, "Isn't that right, sister?"

Ouyang Ke's face turned slightly pale as she stared straight at her, saying, "You... you..."

Ouyang Nuan maintained her composure as she looked at her. Madam Su observed everything with a pensive expression on her face.

The scene fell silent for a moment, with Madam Lin's face darkening. She held her teacup tightly, silent. After a while, she coldly said to Lixiang, "The tea is cold. Go and fetch another cup!"

Her tone was extremely cold, and Lixiang, who was already terrified of her, couldn't help but shiver. Her hands trembled involuntarily as she hurriedly brought a hot cup of tea. However, in her haste, she accidentally spilled the tea, and the scalding liquid splashed onto Madam Lin's hand. Madam Lin, feeling the pain, quickly pushed away the teacup with a mix of anger and irritation, then slapped Lixiang hard across the face.

"You incompetent fool! Were you trying to kill me?!"

"I deserve to die! I deserve to die! Please forgive me, Madam!" Lixiang realized she had made a grave mistake and quickly prostrated herself on the ground, banging her forehead against the floor.

"I know what you're up to. You're getting old and want to marry off, aren't you? You think I'm in your way, so you're plotting against me. You wanted to scald me to death..." Madam Lin's words were filled with anger and suspicion.

"Madam! I dare not... I really didn't mean to..." Lixiang was terrified and couldn't find the right words to explain herself, stuttering in confusion for a long while.

"Stop! You wretched creature!" Madam Lin paused for a moment, discreetly glanced at Ouyang Nuan, then continued, "Since you're such an unfaithful maid, I'll grant your wish today and let you die with Qiu Yue!"

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"Madam, I beg for mercy! I beg for mercy..." Lixiang pleaded repeatedly as she lay prostrate on the ground. Madam Lin was known for her ruthlessness, and Lixiang had always been cautious in her actions. However, she had inadvertently caused a huge disaster this time.

"Don't even dream of escaping! You dare to be presumptuous! You're nothing but a worthless servant who doesn't know her place, getting a little attention and forgetting who your real mistress is!" Madam Lin scolded Lixiang harshly, but her anger was actually directed towards Ouyang Nuan.

Just like how Wang Mama scolded Li Yiniang and made Li Yiniang feel ashamed, now Madam Lin was doing the same. However, Ouyang Nuan remained indifferent, showing no signs of anger or embarrassment.

After scolding for a while, Madam Lin glanced at the expression on Madam Su's face and immediately realized that her behavior was somewhat inappropriate. She then turned to Wang Mama and commanded, "Drag her out and beat her to death with poles!"

Wang Mama hastily shouted for the maids who were guarding outside, and they immediately rushed in to apprehend Lixiang. Lixiang was crying hysterically, struggling desperately. One of the maids slipped, allowing Lixiang to break free. She ran to Ouyang Nuan's feet as if her life depended on it, crying out, "Miss! Miss! Please save me! Please plead for mercy for me! I truly didn't mean any harm..."

Madam Su, being an outsider who was unaware of the situation, and Second Miss Ouyang, who was selfish and self-serving, wouldn't help her! Lixiang shouted with all her might, clinging desperately to Ouyang Nuan's skirt, as if grasping for her last lifeline.

Hongyu felt a pang of alarm in her heart. She anxiously looked at Ouyang Nuan, feeling that Madam Lin seemed to be putting on a show today. Scolding Miss Ouyang while pointing at Lixiang, but this scolding could cost someone their life! Thinking of this, she felt that Madam Lin was too cruel on one hand, and on the other hand, she found Lixiang's behavior too confusing.

Madam Su sensed the underlying message in Madam Lin's words and glanced at Ouyang Nuan. In this situation, if Ouyang Nuan didn't plead for Lixiang, it would tarnish her reputation for kindness and generosity. But if she did plead, would Madam Lin agree?

Ouyang Nuan looked at Lixiang's pale face, filled with tears, and sighed, motioning for Hongyu to help her up. However, Lixiang refused to let go, clutching onto Ouyang Nuan's clothes, begging incoherently, "Please, Miss, have mercy..."

All eyes turned to Ouyang Nuan. She was well aware that Madam Lin was putting her on the spot, setting a trap for her to fall into. She glanced at Madam Lin and acquiesced as she wished, "Mother, Lixiang has served you faithfully for many years and has always been diligent. Please show mercy and spare her life."

"What diligence? She thinks someone will always protect her, so she becomes even more reckless." Madam Lin snorted, looking at Ouyang Nuan, "Nuan, you shouldn't plead for her. Such a worthless servant is not worthy of it!"

"Mother, my brother has just been born, and now there's a fatality. It wouldn't look good if grandmother found out... Besides, Madam Su is a guest, and executing a servant in front of her would be somewhat impolite," Ouyang Nuan glanced apologetically at Madam Su, who pretended to be engrossed in her tea, showing no intention of pleading for Lixiang. 

Ouyang Ke sneered and said, "Sister, you're too kind-hearted. You want to meddle in everything, even the affairs of cats and dogs. This servant is from Mother's side. Since Mother has decreed her death, you should refrain from intervening."

Madam Lin nodded and said, "If everyone who causes trouble is easily forgiven, will they continue to serve me honestly in the future? No! If we spare her, others will say that the Ouyang family has lost its discipline. Besides, just seeing her annoys me. Are you suggesting I keep her around to annoy me?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at Lixiang with difficulty. Lixiang kept banging her head on the ground, causing her forehead to bleed, tears pleading in her eyes. Ouyang Nuan helped her up and said, "Mother, if you find her clumsy, then assign her elsewhere."

"Who would want someone expelled from Furui Court? Ke, would you be willing to take this servant?" Madam Lin asked.

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Ouyang Ke's face showed disgust, "Mother, I don't want a servant who doesn't know her place!"

Madam Lin let out a cold laugh, anger brewing at her brow, a hint of cunning flashing in her beautiful eyes. "Did you hear that, Nuan'er? No one is willing to take in this servant. Am I supposed to send her to the old lady's quarters?"

"Mother, Nuan'er will take her in. What do you think?" Ouyang Nuan said with a smile.

Hongyu felt a sense of urgency. How could they accept Lixiang? She was a servant by the Madam's side! Perhaps today's events were the Madam's plan all along. Was Miss Ouyang falling into a trap? Hongyu couldn't help but want to speak up, but Ouyang Nuan calmly glanced at her, causing Hongyu's heart to skip a beat. She immediately lowered her head. Miss Ouyang was reminding her that it wasn't the appropriate time for her to speak.

Ouyang Nuan understood the situation very well. Today's act was just a ruse. Madam Lin was trying every means to place someone by her side. If she didn't accept Lixiang now, Madam Lin would find other ways to have someone monitor her. Rather than that, it was better to proactively bring Lixiang over, allowing Madam Lin to legitimately place a pawn by her side.

Madam Lin looked at Ouyang Nuan, seeming somewhat surprised. Despite Ouyang Nuan's words hitting the mark, Madam Lin pretended to be indifferent. "Don't be fooled by her usual silence. In reality, she's always causing trouble for her mistress. In my opinion, it's better to dispose of her! That way, everyone will be at ease!"

"After all, it's a human life. Please rest assured, Mother. Nuan'er will surely teach her well!" 

"I can't send my own servant who doesn't listen to me to you. Wouldn't that make things difficult for you? Others might think I'm purposely causing trouble for you. Nuan'er, why put yourself in such a predicament?" Madam Lin's face displayed a look of difficulty.

Everyone felt that the Madam was serious this time. However, Ouyang Nuan knew that Madam Lin's performance today was merely to force her to say these words.

"Mother, she is the one I want. Even if there are mistakes in the future, Nuan'er will never blame you." Ouyang Nuan raised her gaze, her eyes filled with sincere earnestness. "Mother, you've always been tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Don't I know that? Lixiang, Mother has spared you. You should express your gratitude quickly."

Lixiang was stunned for a moment before hastily kneeling down to express her thanks.

A cold smile gradually formed at the corner of Madam Lin's lips, feigning helplessness as she went along with the flow. "Since Nuan'er has said so, then spare her..."

Lixiang bowed three times in succession. "This servant thanks Madam!"

"Get out, and I never want to see you again!" Madam Lin frowned, reminding once again, "Nuan'er, this servant girl was requested by you. Don't say that I'm forcing unwanted people onto you."

"Of course not," Ouyang Nuan said with a smile. She glanced deeply at Lixiang, who kept her head bowed, afraid to raise it again to look.

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With such an incident, Madam Su, no matter how thick-skinned, wouldn't linger for long. She agreed with Madam Lin that she and her children would personally come to congratulate Ouyang Hao on his full moon celebration. As she prepared to leave, she looked at Ouyang Nuan again, smiling without saying a word. Her previous urgency seemed to have been diluted by Madam Lin's actions just now.

Looking at it today, although Madam Lin's status may not be as high as before, she still possesses cunning and means. She had already reminded her of what needed to be said. Madam Su would wait and see what her next move will be. 

Ouyang Nuan smiled and bid farewell to everyone before heading to the Nuan Pavilion.

With tear-filled eyes, Lixiang showed her gratitude to Ouyang Nuan once again with the proper etiquette between master and servant. "Miss, I thank you for saving my life."

Ouyang Nuan looked at Lixiang, feeling satisfied with her petite figure and fair skin, noticing the gentleness and cleverness between her brows.

Expressing her satisfaction, Ouyang Nuan instructed Changpu, "Accompany her to get to know the maidservants in the courtyard and arrange her belongings." Changpu crisply acknowledged and amiably led Lixiang away.

As Lixiang left, Fang Mama's face immediately showed a worried expression. She whispered, "Miss, how can you accommodate someone like her? She has always been by Madam's side! Can't you see that Madam deliberately sent this maidservant to you?" 

This was exactly what Hongyu wanted to say but didn't dare. Raised by Ouyang Nuan's side since childhood, Hongyu's loyalty was different from others, and she was genuinely concerned about her young miss. She looked towards Ouyang Nuan after hearing Fang Mama speak.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, "When a camel gets too thin, it's even larger than a horse. Madam Lin is just going through a rough patch now. Do you really think she's run out of tricks? If I don't accept this one, she'll find other ways to push someone else in."

Fang Mama showed a hint of disbelief, "How is that possible? Li Yiniang is currently in charge. She has the final say on everything. She wouldn't help Madam send someone to our Pavilion, would she?"

Ouyang Nuan was sitting under the window at this moment, her smile becoming more radiant in the sunlight, "If she can't send someone in, can't she bribe her way in? Even if bribery doesn't work, can't she resort to threats or inducements? What kind of person is she? Doesn't Mama understand her by now?"

"This..." Fang Mama looked increasingly puzzled. "She seems to be certain that Miss will definitely accept Lixiang."

Ouyang Nuan nodded, saying, "Indeed." There were some things she didn't mention to Fang Mama. Although Wang Mama was the most trusted person around Madam Lin, Lixiang had been with her for many years and knew a lot. 

Why would Madam Lin send her over? Wasn't she afraid that Lixiang would betray her or sell her out completely? Or perhaps she had already planned for it? No, maybe Madam Lin knew this and deliberately chose Lixiang to be sent over. Because with Lixiang's knowledge, Ouyang Nuan's chances of accepting her would be greater. If it were someone else, she might not consider doing so.

In the end, Madam Lin was also gambling. Ouyang Nuan had a faint inkling of her intentions, but she couldn't completely fathom them. She picked up a cup of tea, calmly took a sip, and Fang Mama looked at Ouyang Nuan, feeling that her composed demeanor had a calming effect, allowing her previously anxious heart to settle.

"Mama, since she's come to this courtyard, there's no need to treat her differently. Do you understand what I mean?" 

This was a reminder to Fang Mama to advise the younger maids not to mistreat Lixiang. Fang Mama understood that this was Miss's instruction and respectfully acknowledged it with a bow.

Ouyang Nuan pondered for a moment before whispering, "Hongyu, I have another task for you to handle."

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's expression turn serious, Hongyu straightened up and responded solemnly, "Miss, your command is my duty. I will do my utmost."

Ouyang Nuan nodded slowly and continued, "Hongyu, I need you to inquire about Lixiang's family situation. Find out who brought her here initially and if she has any relatives working in the mansion. Also, check if anyone has approached her recently. The more details, the better."

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Hongyu nodded in acknowledgment.

"And another thing, have you arranged everything for Qiu Yue?"

Hongyu smiled, "Fortunately, we discovered her in time; otherwise, she might have perished. Following your instructions, we've discreetly sent her out of the mansion. Others thought the wrapped bundle contained a corpse, but it was actually a living person."

"Very well, that's good. Be extra cautious in all matters, don't give others any handle to exploit," Ouyang Nuan remarked.

Listening attentively, Fang Mama added, "Miss, rest assured, Qiuyue is settled in the estate under the care of the old lady. There shouldn't be any trouble." However, she still felt uneasy and continued in a hushed tone, "Miss, you shouldn't have let Changpu accompany Lixiang just now. It would have been more appropriate to instruct Hongyu if there was something to attend to."

Ouyang Nuan shook her head softly and whispered, "Changpu has been with me for so long. It's time to see whether she is naive or clever."

Fang Mama and Hongyu exchanged a glance, suddenly understanding. This was the young miss's way of testing Changpu, to see if she could handle the situation with enough wit and wisdom.

All the maids and mothers knew that Lixiang came from the Furui Pavilion. Despite their smiling faces, there was a hint of wariness in their eyes. Lixiang couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong? Don't you like working in the Listening Warm Pavilion?" Changpu, who was helping her tidy up the room, heard the sigh and asked curiously, "Is the madam's courtyard more spacious?"

Taken aback, Lixiang quickly replied, "Changpu, what are you talking about? I just... I just feel... everyone looks at me strangely."

Changpu smiled reassuringly, "It's okay. You're still new here. When I was promoted to first-grade maid, people looked at me strangely too! I knew I had to work harder since I hadn't been with the young miss for as long as Hongyu. But look at us now, we get along very well!"

Lixiang smiled faintly at her words, thinking to herself, You were envied when you rose from third-grade to first-grade, but I, coming from Madam Lin's courtyard, am seen as someone sent to spy on the young miss by Madam herself. Can our treatment be the same? She looked at Changpu, her heart stirring slightly. "Changpu, does the young miss treat you well on normal days? She—"

"All right!" Changpu said cheerfully as she helped Lixiang tidy up the bedding, "Among all the mistresses, our young miss is the most amiable. She never loses her temper over trivial matters and always thinks of us when there are good things. She's neither as strict as the old Madam nor as petulant as the Second Miss..."

She glanced around and lowered her voice, "...I heard Madam often scolds and beats you! Now that she's moved you to the young miss's room, on the surface, it looks like you've been kicked out, but in reality, you may have escaped from a bitter situation."

Lixiang remained silent, feeling a chill run down her fingertips. Her gaze wandered outside the window, her expression somewhat vacant. Could the young miss truly be kind to her, knowing she came from Madam's courtyard? Would there be no resentment in her heart? And how would she deal with her? Not to mention the young miss, even Madam might not let her off easily. Thinking of Madam's unfinished words that day, she couldn't help but tremble involuntarily.

"What's wrong, Lixiang? Are you okay?" Changpu asked, puzzled by her lack of response.

Lixiang's lips twitched, struggling to speak, "It's nothing..."

"You can rest assured, Lixiang. Our young miss is definitely the best mistress in the world," Changpu said, looking at Lixiang with great joy.

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The next morning, bright and early, before Ouyang Nuan even opened her eyes, Lixiang, looking neat and tidy, was already standing at the door. Ouyang Nuan glanced at Hongyu, who hurried over to attend to her. However, Lixiang remained standing in place, her head lowered and unmoving.

After bathing and dressing, Ouyang Nuan sat in front of the dressing mirror for half an hour. Lixiang still stood outside, motionless, not daring to approach or interfere with Hongyu and Changpu's tasks.

She understood etiquette, knew her place, and even considered the feelings of other maids. It was no wonder she could stay safely by Madam Lin's side for so long. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, inviting her in without looking at her expression and said to the mirror, "Come and help me with my hair."

Lixiang bowed her head obediently and replied respectfully, "Yes."

Ouyang Nuan's jet-black hair flowed down like water, winding down her sky-blue inner garment.

Hongyu handed over a white embroidered handkerchief. Lixiang took it and gently draped it over Ouyang Nuan's shoulders. Then, she picked up a comb and started gathering Ouyang Nuan's hair inch by inch in front of the mirror.

As Lixiang combed, she felt Ouyang Nuan's hair was soft and dense, a delight to touch. Lost in thought, she suddenly heard a soft voice, "What are you thinking about?"

Lixiang startled, her face turning pale. She whispered, "Reporting to the young miss, this comb appears exceptionally exquisite to me. I have never seen one like it before."

The comb she held was made of silver, and its design differed from any others she had seen before. Instead of flowers or birds, it bore delicate patterns that she couldn't quite discern. Its curved back resembled a crescent moon, with intricately carved bats flying on both ends, exuding a lifelike and graceful charm.

Ouyang Nuan took the comb from her hand and gently traced the patterns on its surface with her fingers. Lixiang smiled and asked, "Young Miss, what are these patterns?"

Hongyu glanced at her and replied with a smile, "These are the seven ancient weapons, extremely sharp and deadly."

Lixiang paused, her face paling a few shades. She forced a smile and said, "How could the young miss like such things?"

According to the customs of the time, patterns of weapons on a comb symbolized "killing intent." Most women would choose floral or bird patterns instead. It was rare for a young lady like Ouyang Nuan to have an affinity for such sharp objects.

This is to remind herself that at any time, there is still a Jinli dagger hanging over her head. Ouyang Nuan held the comb in her hand, leaving red marks on her palm. She chuckled softly and said, "Because it can ward off evil spirits and bring good luck in times of trouble."

Lixiang glanced at the comb again, thinking that indeed the bat pattern symbolized good fortune and auspiciousness, and her heart relaxed a little. "What hairstyle does the young miss desire?" she asked.

"You can decide yourself," Ouyang Nuan replied softly, still smiling. Lixiang finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly and gently styled her hair. As she finished, she reached for a complexly patterned gold hairpin with red gemstone tassels from the intricately carved jewelry box. Ouyang Nuan glanced at it and said, "Choose something simpler."

Lixiang was momentarily taken aback, realizing that she had never seen the young miss wearing elaborate jewelry. After a moment's thought, she retrieved a simple jade hairpin from the box. With her makeup done, Lixiang delicately handed her a bronze mirror. In its reflection, the jet-black hair and jade hairpin complemented Ouyang Nuan's unparalleled beauty even more.

Ouyang Nuan nodded with a smile of approval. "You did a great job."

Seeing her satisfaction, Lixiang removed the white embroidered handkerchief and smiled, saying, "As long as the young miss is pleased."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and casually played with the jewelry in the box, lifting her gaze to look at Lixiang in the mirror. "Are you getting used to things since you arrived?"

Lixiang lowered her eyes. "Everyone has been very kind to me. I am getting used to it."

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Ouyang Nuan said lightly, "Do you know why Madam sent you to me?"

Lixiang's heart skipped a beat. "Because I was clumsy and angered Madam," she replied nervously.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "No, Madam saw that you were clever, understanding, and considerate, so she decided to send you to me." As soon as she said this, Lixiang's face turned pale.

Lixiang's eyes reddened. "Young Miss, you don't suspect me, do you?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at her calmly. "Suspect? Suspect you of what? Lixiang, I haven't said anything. Why do you think I suspect you?"

Gritting her teeth, Lixiang knelt down. "Young Miss, I would never dare to do anything to betray you. Please forgive me!"

Ouyang Nuan's smile faded, and she said softly, "As long as you haven't done anything wrong, no one will trouble you. But if you do something you shouldn't, no one can protect you."

Lixiang bowed deeply. "Yes."

By midday, Lixiang emerged from the Eldest Miss' Pavilion feeling relieved. She had expected a difficult time there, but to her surprise, it wasn't as bad as she had feared. Although the other maids and servants were still distant with her, there was no outright bullying. Compared to her fearful existence in the Furui Courtyard, life in the Eldest Miss' Pavilion was much better. Holding her embroidery tightly, she walked forward slowly.

Wang Mama approached stealthily, and seeing that Lixiang hadn't noticed her, she cleared her throat softly. Startled, Lixiang turned around to find Wang Mama standing behind her, her usually stern face now wearing a slight smile.

"Wang Mama!"

"Lixiang, how are things by Young Miss's side?" Wang Mama asked with a smile. "I just came from Madam's place," she approached Lixiang with a smile, inquiring about her situation with Ouyang Nuan. Then she asked, "Do you want to go back to Furuai Courtyard?"

"It was Madam's decision to send me to the Listening Pavilion. Wherever she wants me, I'll do my duty there," Lixiang replied carefully, knowing that a wrong word might provoke Wang Mama's anger.

"You said it right! You're finally catching on," Wang Mama drew closer, lowering her voice as she spoke near Lixiang's ear. "Girl, if you want to return to Madam's side, I can help you, but it depends on whether you understand."

Upon hearing that the other party wanted her to go back, Lixiang's heartstrings were already tense; then hearing that the other party wanted to help, she was even more surprised. Though she might be slow, she understood the implications of the words. 

Wang Mama wanted her to act as a spy by Young Miss's side. Recalling Madam's previous mention of having her wait by Young Miss's side, which was abruptly halted, she realized there was something left unsaid... She lowered her head, her heart pounding, and bit her lip hard, refraining from speaking. In the end, she forced out a sentence: "I... I wouldn't dare..."

"Lixiang, have you forgotten about your sister...?" Wang Mama still wore a smiling face, deliberately elongating her words. 

To Lixiang's ears, it sounded like the urging of an evil spirit...

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[1] Female Zhuge: alludes to Zhuge Liang, a prominent historical figure from ancient China known for his wisdom, intelligence, and strategic acumen. Zhuge Liang, often referred to as Zhuge Kongming, was a chancellor and military strategist during the Three Kingdoms period. He was renowned for his talent in tactics, governance, and diplomacy. Comparing someone to Zhuge Liang, whether male or female, suggests that they possess exceptional intelligence, strategic thinking, and problem-solving abilities. 

[2] Qiu Yue : literally means Autumn Moon

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