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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 75: 

Young Miss is a Fox Spirit 

Ouyang Nuan had just stepped out of Rongxing Building when she was intercepted by someone. She raised her eyes and saw Chen Jingrui's face, then smiled faintly, "Master Chen, what brings you here?"

"Miss Ouyang, we still have some unfinished business to settle, don't we?" Chen Jingrui's hawk-like black eyes narrowed slightly, his words laced with a cold sneer, "You've caused Lanxin to suffer greatly. Don't you think it's time to make amends?"

"Young Master Chen, don't forget, this isn't the territory of the Wu Duke Mansion," Ouyang Nuan looked at him without a trace of fear on her face. "Stopping someone on the street like this is quite risky, isn't it? After all, this place is always bustling with people, and there could be witnesses at any moment..."

"Risk? To me, nothing is considered risky," Chen Jingrui looked at her and said calmly. "Do you think you can tell others that I'm harassing you? You should know that a well-bred young lady like yourself, who upholds etiquette and nobility, wouldn't have any enemies. If you were to tell anyone, they would ask why I would bother you out of nowhere!" With that, Chen Jingrui grabbed Ouyang Nuan's arm with a force that almost made her frown in pain. He sneered, "Or do you think those two inside would support you? I'd like to see how they dare to meddle in my affairs!"

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"They will naturally interfere," just then, Ouyang Nuan heard the voice of Zonghua behind her. Though his tone was gentle, it carried a chilling undertone enough to instill fear in anyone. "May I ask, Master Chen, what is your intention in stopping Miss Ouyang in public like this?"

Zonghua slowly descended from the steps, his face devoid of any faint smile. The depth of his gaze and the chilling aura emanating from him made one's scalp tingle instantly.

Approaching them, Zonghua seemed to casually reach out and grab Chen Jingrui's hand. Chen Jingrui couldn't help but grunt in discomfort and involuntarily let go. Seeing this scene, Xiao Qinghan, who had followed closely behind, immediately moved forward without leaving any traces, firmly shielding Ouyang Nuan behind him.

"Miss, going out may easily attract the attention of unruly troublemakers," Zonghua spoke indifferently, his tone tinged with a hint of mockery. His gaze unintentionally became sharp, and his voice carried a chilling coolness. "Or perhaps, Master Chen, you wish to be held accountable for assaulting under the influence of alcohol?"

Chen Jingrui did indeed ride recklessly just now, startling Ouyang's carriage. However, just moments ago, they were all sitting at the same table, chatting and laughing. Zonghua's sudden reproach seemed to be solely for the sake of Ouyang Nuan. Chen Jingrui raised his eyebrows slightly, coldly eyeing Ouyang Nuan behind Xiao Qinghan. "Zonghua, she's no ordinary sheltered young lady. I advise you not to be deceived by her, meddling recklessly!"

“Master Chen, what do you think Miss Ouyang is capable of?” Zonghua glanced at Ouyang Nuan, his deep gaze momentarily roiled with emotions, but in an instant, it returned to its usual profoundness. He buried all his feelings deep within, and his expression reverted to its usual calm demeanor. He glanced at Chen Jingrui and smiled knowingly, implying something, "That night, I was also present. Miss Chen should be more aware of the specifics than Miss Ouyang, right? Why don't you go back and ask your sister why she insisted on exchanging carriages with Miss Ouyang? Could it be that Miss Ouyang coerced her into doing so?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Chen Jingrui's expression changed instantly. He was well aware that it was Chen Lanxin who took Ouyang Nuan's carriage that night! But she had suffered damage to her reputation because of it, and he was unwilling to let Ouyang Nuan off so easily! He looked at Zonghua with a gloomy expression, let out a low snort, and suddenly, without warning, burst into laughter, "Prince Ming, are you perhaps interested in Miss Ouyang to go to such lengths to defend her?"

Zonghua narrowed his eyes, his gaze proud and cold as he stared at Chen Jingrui. The chilly glare in his eyes was like the harbinger of an impending storm, yet his tone remained calm and steady, devoid of any fluctuation, "Only those with malicious intentions would see others in such a sordid light. Please, young master, choose your words carefully!"

Chen Jingrui sneered at his words, curling his lips into a mocking smirk. He adopted a stance of relentless pursuit, "Zonghua, today I intend to make things difficult for her. Whether you let me or not, I will not relent!" With that, he moved forward, seemingly about to push aside the frosty expression on Xiao Qinghan's face standing in front of Ouyang Nuan.

"Master Chen, your aggressive approach is solely directed at me," Ouyang Nuan interjected calmly, pushing Xiao Qinghan aside herself as she walked out. "Since it's so, why involve others?"

At her words, Chen Jingrui stared straight at Ouyang Nuan, a strange curve forming on his resolute lips, and the sharpness in his eyes sent a chill down everyone's spine.

This person's resentment may not be entirely unfounded, but he has grasped the most crucial point: Ouyang Nuan would never disclose what just happened to anyone else. Although Old Madam Li is her grandmother, she doesn't care about the truth of this matter. Madam Lin is insidious, and she cannot afford to give her leverage. 

Her younger brother is too young and unable to help. The elderly grandmother is too old to worry about such matters. Although her eldest aunt-in-law is kind-hearted, it's inconvenient to involve her in such matters. The only person she can confide in is Lin Zhiran, but even he shouldn't get involved in this matter. 

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Ultimately, Chen Jingrui is just taking advantage of her lack of support! Thinking of this, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but take a deep breath and squeeze her palms tightly to calm her turbulent emotions. "Young Master Chen, you are the eldest son of the Wu Duke, and even if you have no sense of shame, the Empress Dowager still cares! I heard that the Empress Dowager particularly enjoys hearing gossip. How do you think she would react if she learned that the eldest son of the Wu Duke publicly assaulted someone and attempted misconduct with the daughter of the Minister of Personnel?" 

"You—" A flicker of flame rose in Chen Jingrui's dark eyes. "How could the Empress Dowager believe you?"

'Fall into the trap!' Ouyang Nuan felt a slight sense of relief and smiled faintly. "The Empress Dowager naturally won't believe me. But if the Grand Princess were to mention this matter in front of her, would she not be angry at you because of it?"

The Empress Dowager Chen, originating from the Wu Duke Mansion, was actually the late predecessor of the former Wu Guogong. She should still be addressed as Aunt by courtesy. Later on, she played a significant role in arranging the marriage alliance between the Grand Princess and the Wu Guogong Mansion. Captain of the Imperial Guard, Chen Ran, was the cousin of the late Wu Guogong. Originally, this was considered a happy marriage. However, after the Captain passed away, the Grand Princess gradually developed grievances with the Empress Dowager.

"...If the strong-willed Grand Princess were to expose Chen Jingrui's misconduct in public, the Empress Dowager would naturally reprimand herself in front of everyone due to losing face. Chen Jingrui quickly realized this, and his expression became increasingly unpleasant.

"If such a thing were to happen, the happiest ones should be the Second and Third Madams of your mansion," Xiao Qinghan responded promptly, reminding calmly.

A tinge of gloomy amusement colored Chen Jingrui's noble brow. "Miss Ouyang, I was merely speaking casually. If you are truly innocent, why threaten me?" His words were sharp and mocking, dripping with sarcasm.

"Young Master Chen, let me reiterate. Miss Chen's matter has nothing to do with me," Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. It was a smile as if ancient frost was melting away in an instant, stirring one's heart. "As long as you refrain from causing trouble, what happened today, with you intercepting me, can be treated as if it never occurred."

At this moment, Chen Jingmo hurriedly approached. Upon seeing Xiao Zonghua and Xiao Qinghan, he paused for a moment, but soon a smile spread across his face, sounding somewhat diplomatic: "I believe what happened that day was just a misunderstanding. Why trouble Miss Ouyang, elder brother?"

Seeing Chen Jingrui's stern expression, Ouyang Nuan's smile faded. "On that day, Miss Chen insisted several times, so I reluctantly agreed to exchange carriages with her. This was a well-known fact. Later, when trouble arose, I risked my life and disregarded everything to send our servants to rescue Miss Chen. It can be considered as fulfilling my moral obligations. After all, when the villain boarded the carriage and drew his sword against me, Miss Chen pushed me to defend against him, almost putting me in a perilous situation. I haven't held your family accountable for any of these incidents." 

She continued calmly, her beautiful eyebrows furrowing imperceptibly, her tone now tinged with hidden indignation. "To be honest, Miss Chen seized the carriage first, and Young Master Chen intentionally made things difficult afterward. Even though I am a weak woman, I am not one to be bullied. If you continue to obstruct, perhaps we should seek the Grand Princess's intervention for justice. If you can't even trust her, I'm willing to go all out and discuss right and wrong, grievances and justice with you in front of the Empress Dowager!"

Chen Jingrui was completely stunned this time. He thought Ouyang Nuan would be constrained by her noble status as a young lady of a prominent family, no matter how he provoked her, she would have to endure it quietly. But he never expected Ouyang Nuan to be so unrelenting with her words, refusing to give in at all, making him feel suddenly awkward.

Xiao Qinghan, on the other hand, looked at Ouyang Nuan in shock. He hadn't expected this seemingly gentle and weak beauty to be such a sharp-tongued person! She even made him feel useless, like a hero without a place to exert his abilities. It was truly...

Xiao Zonghua smiled as he looked at Ouyang Nuan, his face showing no surprise.

At this awkward moment, Chen Jingmo stepped forward and took the opportunity to advise, "Elder brother, if the Empress Dowager finds out about this, it might..."

Chen Jingrui clenched his teeth, inhaling sharply as if he was about to erupt, but ultimately had to suppress it. Chen Jingmo, however, was starting to get anxious and subtly glanced to the side. Not far away stood dozens of expressionless guards, all wearing black cloaks, looking cold and terrifying. Upon a quick glance, he recognized them immediately as the guards from the Prince's residence!

Chen Jingrui is a very sharp-minded person. He even noticed this before Chen Jingmo did. In the blink of an eye, another thought replaced the words that had just reached his lips, and he coldly said, "Miss Ouyang, I hope you will always be lucky enough to have someone protect you like this. Until we meet again!" 

With that, he turned and left, followed quickly by Chen Jingmo, who awkwardly smiled and said, "My brother has a hot temper and can be brash with his words. I apologize for his behavior." With that said, he swiftly departed alongside Chen Jingrui.

After calming her emotions, Ouyang Nuan felt grateful and bowed slightly to Xiao Zonghua and Xiao Qinghan, saying, "Thank you both."

Xiao Zonghua gave her a smile that seemed like a smile but wasn't quite, then cleared his throat lightly and said, "Miss Ouyang, you're too kind. If you truly appreciate it, perhaps you could explain the riddle you just posed."

"Prince Ming is a clever man. Many things don't need to be explicitly stated. You already have the answer in your heart. Why bother asking me?" Ouyang Nuan's face remained calm, but her smile no longer exuded the same unwavering confidence.

The gentler her smile appeared on her face, the less trustworthy her words became. Xiao Zonghua had long realized this. Seeing her demeanor change, he smiled and said, "Let's go. Wherever you need to go, I'll accompany you."

Xiao Qinghan was astonished, but Ouyang Nuan raised an eyebrow at Xiao Zonghua and asked, "Aren't you afraid that Master Chen will come back for more trouble?"

Dealing with such an unreasonable nobleman would indeed be troublesome, Ouyang Nuan thought to herself, then softly replied, "It wouldn't be appropriate for the three of us to travel together in such a public setting."

"No problem. You go ahead, and we'll follow from a distance," Xiao Qinghan quickly responded, fearing to miss the chance to escort the beauty and handing it over to Xiao Zonghua. His bright eyes sparkled like countless stars.

"In that case, thank you both," Ouyang Nuan nodded, her face radiant in the sunlight, her dark eyes sparkling with a crystalline clarity that captivated all who beheld her beauty.

The Ouyang family had been regular customers at the Treasure Pavilion. As soon as the shopkeeper saw Ouyang Nu approaching, he greeted her with a smile, "Miss Ouyang, what can I help you with today?"

"Young Master Hao is about to celebrate his full moon, and Miss Ouyang wants to pick out some gifts to give him," Hongyu replied on behalf of Ouyang Nu.

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The shopkeeper nodded repeatedly and instructed someone nearby to prepare a small room for Ouyang Nu. As soon as the shop assistant delivered the gold jewelry, he turned around to see two people entering one after the other. This sight nearly made his eyes pop out of his head. Xiao Qinghan hurriedly walked in, almost pushing Xiao Zonghua aside. In his view, Xiao Zonghua was too good at charming young girls, and he feared that Ouyang Nu might be swayed by his gallant actions. He hurriedly wanted to show his face in front of the beauty.

As he pushed open the door to the elegant room, Xiao Qinghan was about to speak, but he saw Ouyang Nuan wearing a water pink camisole and a sky-blue long skirt. She looked exceptionally graceful and elegant, her demeanor charming. She was silently contemplating while playing with a golden bracelet in her hand, resembling a beautiful peony swaying in the wind. Xiao Qinghan was mesmerized.

On the table lay a complete set of gold bracelets, anklets, lucky charms, pendants, and necklaces for children, all engraved with auspicious words, intricately designed and adorable.

Ouyang Nuan put down the golden bracelet in her hand and tilted her head slightly, showing great interest as she picked up a very small and delicate golden figurine. The figurine depicted a baby holding its chin in its hands, with a green jade bead embedded in its belly.

"Jue used to wear this when he was a child," she finally recalled, looking at the item with a hint of joy in her eyes. Beside her, Hongyu nodded and said, "It's very cute, Miss."

"Miss Ouyang never forgets about your little brother wherever she goes!" Xiao Qinghan exclaimed with admiration.

"Miss Ouyang never forgets about your little brother wherever she goes!" Xiao Qinghan sighed.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and looked at him, "Just like how Prince Zhou never forgets about Prince Yun wherever he goes, right?"

Xiao Qinghan's face instantly darkened, while Hongyu couldn't help but turn away to hide her smile.

Xiao Zonghua also walked over, casually picking up the golden bracelet that Ouyang Nuan had just held and examined it. He asked, "What Miss Ouyang mentioned earlier, was she referring to Prince Qin?"

Xiao Qinghan hadn't realized he was still pondering this when he was about to speak. However, upon seeing the glittering gold bracelet in his hand, his heart skipped a beat. Yuan Yin, Fanzhou, Ouyang Nuan mentioned... could it be referring to the prince? But that couldn't be right. Since the rebellion of the previous dynasty's princes, no princes had been appointed since the establishment of the Dali dynasty, and all royal princes resided in the capital, forbidden to leave without imperial decree. 

Ouyang Nuan claimed the prince to be the greatest internal threat of the current Dali dynasty. This didn't make sense! However, when he lifted his eyes to look at Ouyang Nuan, he saw her bright eyes lower slightly, remaining silent. His heart suddenly sank. 

The current Grand Prince Qin, born of the noble consort, was granted a southern prosperous territory by the emperor due to his outstanding military achievements. Despite residing in the capital for most of the year, he relied on his mother's favor and the emperor's trust. He not only commanded a personal guard force but also frequently led large armies on expeditions. 

Moreover, with loyalists both inside and outside, even many military commanders were his followers or former subordinates. He indeed wielded significant power and influence. Though not bearing the title of crown prince, he possessed the strength and influence of one! Could he be the "internal threat" Ouyang Nuan referred to?!

"How can you see it?" He spoke again, his voice slightly lower.

"For His Majesty today, the most crucial matter isn't managing the floods. Because His Majesty is extremely benevolent, often reducing taxes and even in times of heavy rain, he would find ways to provide relief to the people by opening granaries. The common folk won't find themselves with no way out," Xiao Zhonghua stared at Ouyang Nuan, as if murmuring to himself. 

Xiao Qinghan was startled. Indeed, compared to the southern floods, the weakening Crown Prince and the ambitious Prince Qin's struggle for power had gradually come to the surface. Even among them, the imperial grandchildren, they had to lean towards different factions...

He had thought that everyone's focus was solely on the conflicts in the northern borders and the southern floods. Yet, Ouyang Nuan pointing out such a crucial matter caught Xiao Zhonghua off guard, shaking him to the core.

"You..." Xiao Qinghan's eyes widened, unable to believe as he stared at Ouyang Nuan. A young lady from a noble family like her actually possessed such insight.

Hongyu's heart was increasingly filled with fear. After all, the young miss was a woman. Discussing politics in such a manner was definitely not a good idea. 

In the midst of her uncertainty, however, Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, her voice soft like ripples on a springtime pond: "What I meant is— for any country or household, the concern should not be about scarcity, but about inequality; not about poverty, but about insecurity. Equality means each receiving their fair share, and security means harmony between those above and those below. Whether noble or common, as long as everyone adheres to the established order and follows the principles of loyalty and filial piety, the country will naturally be safe and sound. Therefore, Your Highness, the greatest concern for His Majesty lies in whether the people's hearts are content, not in the country's strength and wealth. I merely spoke in metaphors to express the concept of harmony and completeness. Your Highness, you have misunderstood."

Such measured words are undoubtedly universally applicable. Coming from a young lady of noble birth, others would only perceive her as insightful rather than overly sensational.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's radiant smile, Xiao Qinghan was somewhat stunned. Then, noticing her seemingly timid gaze towards them and the hint of worry on her face, as if fearing they might misunderstand, he couldn't help but relax. With a slight smile, he said, "I've always said, Miss Ouyang rarely ventures outside. How could she possibly be aware of state affairs? Cousin Zonghua, you're always overthinking things, aren't you?"

Hongyu felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. Yet, she couldn't shake off an ominous feeling, her back was drenched in cold sweat.

Xiao Zhonghua maintained a faint smile throughout, his expression as chilly as the clear moonlight, yet carrying a peculiar warmth. "I have been overly suspicious, Miss Ouyang. My apologies."

Ouyang Nuan nodded gently, the curve of her neckline exquisitely graceful as she softly replied, "Prince, no need to apologize."

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To cry when feeling like crying, and to laugh when feeling like laughing—these were the straightforward reactions expected of a young maiden. Yet Ouyang Nuan lacked them. Similarly, the innocence and ignorance characteristic of naive girls were absent in her. There was always a maturity and wisdom beyond her years about her. Xiao Zhonghua looked into her eyes, the only thing that could give him a glimpse into Ouyang Nuan's emotions. Sometimes sparkling like jewels, sometimes tranquil like rippling waves, her eyes revealed her true feelings amidst her otherwise composed expressions.

Now he knew—Ouyang Nuan was unwilling to let anyone know her true intentions, and that was all.


As the night descended, crimson lanterns hung high from the verandas and pavilions, casting a beautiful glow. The painted decorations on the eaves of the corridors were exquisite, exuding an indescribable luxury. Lights shimmered on boats of various sizes in the river, and the colorful decorations at the bow danced intricately in the water's reflection. From afar, intermittent singing floated through the air, soft and enchanting, stirring the hearts of listeners. It was unclear whether it drifted from one of the establishments along the riverbank or emerged from the boats navigating the river.

Prince Jin, Xiao Lingfeng, along with the brothers Chen Jingrui and Chen Jingmo, were seated at a lavish banquet, casually conversing.

Xiao Lingfeng tapped his wine cup, lowering his voice as he asked, "Jingrui, what exactly happened with your sister?" Chen Jingrui simply kept his head down, focusing on his drink without lifting it. Chen Jingmo quickly replied in a hushed tone, "Your Highness, please don't keep bringing up that matter. My elder brother is not in a good mood right now!"

Xiao Lingfeng glanced at Chen Jingrui, took a sip of wine, and asked, "Is it true that she's going to marry into the He family in Mingzhou? It's quite a waste for your Wu Duke's Mansion. If it's not feasible, you could also have Miss Chen go to the palace to discuss with the Empress Dowager for a solution."

Chen Jingmo pondered for a moment before saying, "It's not feasible. This matter has been settled, and if we were to rashly enter the palace, it could provoke unrest and lead to undesirable consequences... What's more concerning is—" He glanced at Chen Jingrui but stopped speaking before finishing his thought.

Xiao Lingfeng was puzzled, "Jingmo, since we are good friends, we should be sincere with each other. Why do you hesitate to speak your mind here?"

Chen Jingmo sighed, traced the character 林[1] with his finger in the spilled wine on the table, then wiped it away, and asked, "Considering the involvement of his family, do you still think this matter is feasible, Your Highness?"

Xiao Lingfeng shrugged, "Such concerns seem overly distant. You must know that although the Ouyang family may have colluded with the Marquis of Zhenguo's Mansion, they each have their own agendas. A mere Ouyang family shouldn't be untouchable even for your Wu Duke's Mansion."

"It's not just the Marquis of Zhenguo's Mansion; there's also Prince Ming. He was present that night and strongly supported Ouyang Nuan's innocence! Even if she is truly innocent, Lanxin still suffered because of her! We can't rightfully demand retribution from the Ouyang family, so naturally, we can't swallow this indignity!"

"Xiao Zhonghua!" Chen Jingrui mentioned this name with apparent resentment, slamming his wine cup onto the ground heavily, splashing the floor with amber-colored light. The singing girls were startled, and Xiao Lingfeng glanced at him, waving his hand to dismiss them.

Seeing his older brother's anger, Chen Jingmo couldn't help but wonder how to satisfy his sister's desire for revenge without causing further unrest. After thinking for a long time without finding a solution, he smiled and said, "We must find a way to satisfy both sides, but unfortunately, I have none."

After a moment, Xiao Lingfeng smiled faintly and said, "In my humble opinion, there are three strategies for revenge: the high, the middle, and the low."

Chen Jingmo's eyes lit up, while Chen Jingrui simply leaned back in his chair and said, "I'm all ears."

"First," Xiao Lingfeng said, "we select formidable individuals and seize the opportunity when they are least prepared to strike them down. This is the best strategy."

Chen Jingmo shook his head and said, "This is still the capital, under the watchful eyes of the public. If it fails, it will be difficult to devise another plan, which is too risky."

"As Old Madam Chen is about to celebrate her birthday, we can invite prominent young ladies from distinguished families, and take the opportunity to invite her into our home. Then, we can poison her! This method... the Wu Duke Manor has plenty of ways to make it look inconspicuous!" Xiao Lingfeng's eyes flashed with an unusual gleam, and a hint of ruthlessness crossed his perpetually smiling face.

Chen Jingmo frowned, puzzled. "If she agrees to come, that would be good. Unfortunately, Ouyang Nuan rarely participates in such gatherings, and she's a guest in our home. If something happens, how do we escape suspicion?"

Xiao Lingfeng deliberately made it difficult, "Then, we can only resort to the lowest strategy: to retaliate in kind, tarnishing her reputation..."

Just then, there was a loud "bang". Chen Jingmo's chopsticks fell to the ground, startling Chen Jingrui, who stood up with an unpleasant expression, and sternly said, "She's just a girl, with no relation to you. Why do you come up with such vicious ideas!"

Xiao Lingfeng was taken aback at first, then burst into laughter, "I was just joking. It's rare to see Jingrui so angry. Hahaha!" Another round of laughter followed. Chen Jingmo, realizing he had been fooled into taking things seriously, blushed with embarrassment. He stole a glance at his older brother, only to see him glaring at everyone present with a dark, rotating gaze, as if trying hard to contain his anger with sarcastic remarks. He said, "If I seek revenge, it's my own business. No need for others to meddle!"

"I was just joking. Dealing with a little girl doesn't require such elaborate schemes. Just a few rumors are enough to ruin her reputation. Perhaps, Lord Chen, you're now reluctant to part with her!" Xiao Lingfeng said indifferently, his face returning to its usual smile.

Chen Jingrui stared coldly at him, his eyes burning with raging fury. Chen Jingmo, afraid of a confrontation between the two, quickly ordered a maid to bring tea. However, Chen Jingrui raised his eyebrows, and with a swift motion, he flung the tea cup and saucer aimlessly. It hit the shoulder of the maid with a loud crash, splattering her with hot tea and tea leaves. The teaware shattered into pieces, leaving the maid shocked and pale-faced.

Chen Jingrui stared coldly at Xiao Lingfeng and said, "If you come up with such tarnishing ideas again, our childhood bond is over!"

Xiao Lingfeng, despite being Prince Jin, shared a close relationship with Chen Jingrui as brothers. They had always been on good terms, never having had any conflicts before. Xiao Lingfeng knew that Chen Jingrui had a quick temper, but he didn't expect his harmless jokes to enrage him so much. 

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Aware that Chen Jingrui would never resort to such methods, given his noble status, Xiao Lingfeng quickly apologized, saying, "Jingrui, I was wrong. Please don't be angry. Come, sit down and have a drink." However, Chen Jingrui continued to glare at him coldly, refusing to utter a word. It was only after repeated persuasions from Chen Jingmo that he slowly sat down, still refusing to look at Xiao Lingfeng, evidently still annoyed.

Xiao Lingfeng originally spoke in jest; being imperial grandsons or scions of noble families, resorting to such low tactics against a mere servant girl would tarnish their reputations. He hadn't expected Chen Jingrui to react so angrily.

However, Chen Jingmo, who was sitting beside them, understood that his elder brother had been upset by something that had happened between his brother and Prince Ming in the afternoon. Hence, he had erupted here. Chen Jingmo couldn't help but sigh. Normally, his elder brother was quite reasonable, but once his stubbornness kicked in, he disregarded any considerations of status or friendship.

Xiao Lingfeng picked up a shark fin from the table and slowly chewed on it before saying, "Now that the situation is delicate, I suggest we start planning ahead..." He gestured, and immediately, their attendants motioned for all the servants to leave the room.

In a hushed tone, Xiao Lingfeng continued, "Given the current circumstances, I advise you to prepare early..."

Both Chen Jingrui and Chen Jingmo's expressions changed. The Chen family was closely related to the Empress Dowager and the Consort Dowager. Their prominence and connections made them reluctant to involve themselves in the struggle for the throne. However, being members of the royal family, they might not be easily spared by those vying for power.

Xiao Lingfeng smiled faintly and continued, "The rivalry between the Crown Prince and Prince Qin has already surfaced. In the future, if the Crown Prince ascends the throne, Prince Qin may not enjoy peace."

Chen Jingmo was taken aback, attempting to change the subject, "After all, Prince Qin is already a prince. The Crown Prince is benevolent and won't harm his brothers."

Xiao Lingfeng's smile became even more indifferent at this remark. "It's widely known that Prince Qin has remarkable military achievements, surpassing those of the Crown Prince. Although the Emperor wishes to reward him, there's simply nothing substantial to offer. With his immense power overshadowing the Crown Prince, it's only a matter of time before the Crown Prince finds it unbearable. Even if the Crown Prince is compassionate and hesitates to take action, what about the ambitious Crown Prince's sons? What about the decisive Grand Prince Yan? What about the enigmatic Prince Ming? Would any of them spare Prince Qin?"

Chen Jingrui looked coldly at Xiao Lingfeng and said, "If the Prince Qin is willing, he can easily relinquish his military power, distribute his wealth, resign from his official position, and retire to his fief, living a peaceful life as a virtuous prince."

"This can only guarantee temporary peace," Xiao Lingfeng sneered, "It won't last more than a year or so. Who knows if others might suddenly find fault with you, fabricate charges, and force you to forfeit your title and property, if not your life!"

Chen Jingrui, however, looked calmly at Xiao Lingfeng and said slowly, "I have long made it clear that when we are together, we only discuss brotherly matters, not state affairs. Today, every word you speak revolves around politics. I'm sorry, I cannot accompany you any longer." With that, he stood up and left without looking back.

Chen Jingmo was taken aback, quickly apologized to Xiao Lingfeng, and left. He knew his brother dared to act this way because of their longstanding friendship, but he didn't have the same courage. Seeing that Xiao Lingfeng didn't seem angry, he hurriedly departed.

Chen Jingrui returned to his study in the Wu Duke Mansion, still maintaining his aloof demeanor. Chen Jingmo couldn't help but advise, "Brother, I know you're still upset about what happened during the day. But with Ouyang Nuan protected by the Prince of Ming and favored by the Grand Princess, what the Prince of Zhou said, though somewhat ambiguous, might have some merit. If you truly want to avenge Lanxin, find someone—"

However, Chen Jingrui's mind was suddenly filled with the captivating image of Ouyang Nuan's beautiful face. Hearing these words only infuriated him further. He grabbed the delicate rosewood writing desk nearby, along with the set of four exquisite jade stationery items on it, and raised them high above his head before viciously smashing them to the ground. 

Not only did the fragile items break into pieces, but even the small writing desk itself shattered, with wooden legs and pieces flying everywhere. The maids and servants nearby trembled in fear, closing their eyes, mouths shut, and heads lowered, afraid that the young master might vent his anger on them.

Chen Jingmo looked on in horror, unsure of which words he had spoken wrong.


Unbeknownst to the two young masters of the Wu Duke Mansion, as soon as they left the room, Xiao Lingfeng addressed the person behind the curtain with a loud voice, "Alright, come out now!"

The curtain flickered, revealing a person dressed in luxurious silk garments, with a light robe draped gracefully. Their eyes held a faint mistiness, while their expression carried a chilly aloofness.

"Tianye, you heard it all, didn't you? The people of the Wu Duke Mansion are only concerned with their own interests, unwilling to help each anyone else," Xiao Tianye sat down at the table, toying with a white jade wine cup in his slender hands, his expression contemplative.

"Considering the current situation, it's best for us to plan ahead," Xiao Lingfeng narrowed his eyes, gesturing with his index finger. "You should inform Uncle Emperor to write three letters, sending them separately to Prince Qi, Prince Lu, and Prince Shu, subtly expressing dissatisfaction with the Crown Prince. Just hint at it, no need to delve too deeply." 

He then bent his middle finger slowly. "Secondly, we need to ensure the Imperial Guards, who hold the power to guard the capital, are under our control. Those few individuals... they need to be properly persuaded. Even if they cannot be used by us now, it's important they remain neutral in case of any future conflicts. And thirdly," he bent his thumb, "the most reliable people must be sent by the Emperor's side."

However, Xiao Tianye remained indifferent, ignoring the instructions. He dropped the cup and stood up, walking to the window. He pulled back the embroidered bamboo curtain himself, opening all the windows to gaze out into the vast night. With a faint smile, he said, "Do you really think our grandfather, despite his old age, is unaware of the situation in the capital? Let me tell you, he's the true old fox. While my father and the Crown Prince fight tooth and nail, he stands by the sidelines, watching. What do you think he's really up to?"

Xiao Lingfeng furrowed his brow. Though his lips still carried a smile, there was an unmistakable sense of seriousness in his expression. "Are you suggesting—"

"No suggestion at all. Let's just wait and see, keep our stance unchanged," Xiao Tianye lazily remarked, sitting by the window with a distracted air.

Xiao Lingfeng couldn't help but feel annoyed. "What's gotten into everyone today? No one seems willing to discuss serious matters. Could it be that everyone has been bewitched by fox spirits?"

"Fox spirits? Perhaps there really are fox spirits around," Xiao Tianhua turned around, curling his lips slightly. In his clear eyes, there was a faint glimmer of light flickering like a tranquil spring.

Xiao Lingfeng's face lit up with a smile. "Are you worried that I'm intentionally testing Chen Jingrui, afraid that he won't come up with a good plan to deal with Ouyang Nuan, or are you concerned about the safety of that young lady?"

He would be worried about Ouyang Nuan's safety?! That's simply a huge joke! Xiao Tianye blinked in surprise, then burst into laughter, casually tossing the white jade wine cup into the lake. It made a light splash as it sank down, creating faint ripples on the surface of the water. From afar, it seemed as if a misty haze was rising.

Xiao Lingfeng looked at him, his expression tinged with confusion.


In Furui Courtyard,

The maid Hua'er was trying to comfort Lixiang in a soft voice, but Lixiang kept crying incessantly. Tears mingled with the fresh red palm print on her face, making it even more distressing to look at.

"Wang Mama is too cruel. This slap hasn't faded away yet," Hua'er complained, gently applying medicine to Lixiang.

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Lixiang gasped in pain, feeling as if an invisible needle had pierced her face, despite the soothing balm. After a while, she forced a smile and said, "Wang Mama was just putting on a show for Li Yiniang. She didn't mean to target me."

"Even if that's the case, there's no need to be so ruthless! Aren't maidservants also raised by their own parents?" Yan'er, who was accustomed to being bullied by Wang Mama, usually only dared to complain softly, fearing that someone might overhear.

Before Lixiang could say anything more, Wang Mama had already entered the room from outside. Seeing the situation inside, her expression darkened. "Lixiang, Madam is calling for you. Hurry up and go, don't delay!"

Lixiang dared not delay and immediately got up to follow Wang Mama, leaving Hua'er behind with an anxious expression, wondering if Wang Mama had overheard their conversation just now.

Since the young master fell ill, no one was allowed to enter the inner chamber easily, except for Madam Lin, Wang Mama, the nursemaid Gao, and Doctor Qian. The only person permitted to enter was Lixiang.

Lixiang knew deeply that this wasn't because of her status in Madam's heart, but rather because she was privy to certain information at the time, which made Madam wary of her. Holding her breath, she entered the inner chamber. As soon as she stepped inside, she was greeted by the strong smell of medicine, followed by the weak cries of the infant. 

Her heart skipped a beat, feeling even more anxious. Doctor Qian had mentioned that the child's fever had spread to his lungs, and surviving was now a torturous ordeal for him. He suggested letting the young master go peacefully. However, Madam was determined to cling to any hope of saving the young master's life, resorting to unexpectedly extreme measures...

Amidst all this commotion, Madam Lin lazily sat in front of the kang table, sipping her tea.

Lixiang approached Madam Lin with light steps, bending her knees and respectfully greeting her, "Madam."

"Come and massage my legs," Madam Lin placed her teacup on the table, propping her chin with one hand. Her wide sleeves, embroidered with large red characters for 'good fortune,' cascaded down from the edge of the ebony table, exuding an indescribable coldness.

"Yes," Lixiang approached, gently massaging Madam Lin's legs with cautious steps.

Suddenly, there came the heart-wrenching cries of Ouyang Hao from inside. Lixiang paused, knowing that Doctor Qian was changing the young master's bandages again. She quickly lowered her head and accelerated her movements.

Madam Lin listened to the commotion inside and glanced at Lixiang's reaction, a cold smile playing on her lips. She casually picked up her teacup, the smile on her face growing stronger. "I've heard about what happened today. You've been wronged. Wang Mama scolded Li Yiniang like that, it was indeed improper! She only used punishing you to humiliate her! Hmph, just a concubine, yet she dares to come into my courtyard and act arrogantly!" Her words stirred up intense hatred in her heart. The teacup in her hand tightened until it shattered on the ground with a faint click.

Lixiang felt a deep fear in her heart, but she forced a smile and said, "I understand, Madam."

Madam Lin covered her lips with one hand, a slight smile appearing beneath her delicate and beautiful fingers. However, hearing her laugh at such a moment made Lixiang startled, her heart trembling uncontrollably.

"Isn't Shuangqing from the outer courtyard your sister? Have her come to serve in the Furui Courtyard tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Lixiang suddenly looked up and saw Madam Lin smiling at her. She shivered slightly, her smile becoming even more strained. "Madam's kindness towards me is too overwhelming. I am so grateful that I don't know what to say! Logically, I shouldn't refuse my mistress's favor. But Shuangqing is very clumsy. She may not be able to help Madam when needed, and it might even trouble Madam."

Madam Lin personally held Lixiang's hand with her delicately maintained hands. "Look at you, so anxious. If you don't want her to come, then I won't let her enter the courtyard, that's all."

Lixiang had just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard a thunderbolt drop from the sky: "Lixiang, I want you to go serve Eldest Miss..."

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[1] : the Surname Lin, literally translates to forest/woods

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