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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 110: 

The city gate catches fire, and the fish in the moat are affected.

"Bold! This is Princess Yong'an's carriage. Who dares to inspect it?" Hongyu took a deep breath, lifting the curtain and speaking angrily.

"Regardless of whose carriage it is, all must undergo inspection!" one of the soldiers stepped forward firmly.

"You are truly impudent!" Hongyu was about to retort, but Ouyang Nuan's voice cut in sharply: "Very well, let them inspect."

Hongyu snorted coldly and lifted the curtain. After peering inside for a moment, the two soldiers were about to climb aboard for inspection, but Ouyang Jue had already dismounted swiftly and extended his hand to stop them. "What are you doing? This is Princess Yong'an's carriage! Are you out of your minds? If you've seen there's no one, then let it be. Must you turn the carriage upside down? Whose rules are these?"

The soldier seemed somewhat tongue-tied, and after a brief exchange with his companion, he hesitated before nodding. "Forget it. You may go."

The curtain was lowered again, and the carriage resumed its journey. Hongyu let out a quiet sigh of relief, and Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "As long as we don't leave the city, they won't push too far. The real difficulty lies at the city gate. That's the true checkpoint."

"Go to the Crown Prince's Mansion," Ouyang Nuan instructed. She was taking Xiao Zhonghua to see the crown prince. As long as she safely delivered him to the Crown Prince's Mansion, it would be up to the prince to figure out how to get him out. She had done her utmost best, and she owed him nothing more.

Inside the carriage, Hongyu opened a hidden compartment, revealing a narrow and dark space big enough for only one person. She whispered, "Come out here for some fresh air."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Xiao Zhonghua smiled faintly. Due to his original attire being unsuitable, he was currently dressed as an ordinary man, thanks to a servant in the Ouyang household who had a similar build and spare clothes available for him to change into. Otherwise, even with Ouyang Nuan's capabilities, it would have been impossible to make a new set of clothes on short notice. 

Xiao Zhonghua shook his head gently. "With the Grand Prince Qin surely keeping a close watch on the Crown Prince's Mansion, what you're doing is too risky. There's an alley up ahead. Drop me off there; I'll figure out the rest on my own."

Ouyang Nuan was well aware that the Crown Prince's Mansion would be heavily guarded. However, in such uncertain times in the capital, trusting anyone blindly could lead to disastrous consequences. Besides the prince and the Grand Princess, she couldn't trust anyone else. The Grand Princess had been accompanying the Empress in the palace for the past few days, leaving only the eldest Crown Prince to rely on.

"Leaving you here would be akin to sending you to your death," Ouyang Nuan shook her head, rejecting the proposal.

"I've already arranged for people in the city. They'll be responsible for assisting me when the time comes, and they'll listen to my orders," Xiao Zhonghua frowned, his black eyes fixed on her, a hint of flames flickering deep within his darkened gaze.

However, Ouyang Nuan remained unfazed. "If that's the case, why would the Prince Ming be forced to hide in the Ouyang Residence? If you truly don't want to involve me, it's best to refrain from taking any action."

Xiao Zhonghua sighed softly but stopped himself from saying more. While others might not care about the lives of their subordinates, he couldn't afford to be indifferent. Unless absolutely necessary, he couldn't abandon his soldiers. It was his principle to never put his men in a situation where their lives were at stake. This time, he had entered the city alone because fewer people meant greater safety, and he didn't want his subordinates to face life-threatening situations.

On the streets, there were few commoners to be seen, occasionally witnessing troops of twenty soldiers each, marching in perfect formation, armed with shining weapons. Although they hadn't yet engaged in action, Ouyang Nuan could discern the tense atmosphere through the partially opened carriage curtain. Her hands involuntarily clenched into fists, causing her neatly trimmed nails to dig into her flesh, eliciting a sharp pain that helped clear her mind.

Arriving at the Crown Prince's Mansion, the carriage stopped several steps away from the gate. At this moment, the guards stationed at the mansion surveyed the scene for a moment before loudly asking, "Who goes there?"

"It's the Princess of Yong'an here to visit the Imperial Consort Lin!"

The soldier immediately went off to report somewhere. The carriage remained at the gate for almost half an hour. Then, from a nearby alley, emerged a dozen fully armed soldiers, each with a sword hanging from their waists as if preparing for a major battle. Witnessing this scene, the passing pedestrians hurriedly retreated.

Ouyang Jue dismounted his horse and approached, holding the reins. One of the apparent leaders among the soldiers scrutinized him, then abruptly stated, "The Crown Prince has fallen from his horse and is injured. No visitors are allowed."

Ouyang Jue smiled faintly. "My sister has come to visit Princess Consort Lin. Please accommodate us," he said, inwardly pondering if the presence of this man at the Prince's Mansion gate indicated that the Prince was already under tight control.

"I see," the lead soldier responded after a moment of thought. "We'll need to inspect the carriage as a matter of procedure." With their words, the group of soldiers intentionally or unintentionally surrounded the carriage. The situation seemed tense, with any slight movement likely to provoke action. Moreover, next to the Prince's Mansion, a narrow alley revealed a dense array of fully armed soldiers, adding to the gravity of the atmosphere. 

Seeing this, Ouyang Jue's heart raced, his sense of foreboding intensifying.

With every step, it felt like walking on the edge of a knife. Such a scene; unless experienced firsthand, one could never comprehend its terror! Thankfully, the people of the Crown Prince's Mansion quickly opened the side door to welcome them in. As the carriage entered the precincts of the Prince's Mansion, Ouyang Nuan finally let out a sigh of relief. If these people had dismantled the carriage for inspection or used knives to probe its interior, it would surely have been exposed. Fortunately, they still somewhat cared about their own identities and didn't go too far. However, in doing so, news would inevitably reach Grand Prince Qin, and he would soon come here.

Ouyang Nuan didn't have time to find Lin Yuanxin; instead, she went straight to the prince's study.

"Princess Yong'an, Ouyang Nuan, seeks an audience with the eldest Crown Prince!"

"Come in!" The gentle voice was not unfamiliar to Ouyang Nuan. She had already met this gentle prince on the boat that day.

As a prince, he was refined, gentle, and approachable. But as a crown prince, whether his character was suitable, that was an answer Ouyang Nuan completely didn't know.

Ouyang Jue stayed outside the study, while Ouyang Nuan and Xiao Zhonghua entered successively. The person behind the desk lifted his head as Ouyang Nuan stepped across the threshold. His gaze swept over her, and suddenly his eyebrows raised, questioning sharply, "Are you crazy, girl? How can you be running around at this time?"

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback but quickly discerned the concern in the prince's words. Involuntarily, she recalled the words of the Grand Princess. She had said that both the prince and the King of Yan had fallen in love with the same woman. Since Xiao Zhonghua had already mentioned that the King of Yan had only ever loved her mother, wouldn't it mean even the Crown Prince's heart...? As Ouyang Nuan thought about this, she couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. Her gaze fell on the prince, and she softly said, "I heard that Your Highness was injured, and since Mother couldn't come to visit personally, she sent me to check on you. Are you alright?"

By "Mother," she naturally meant the Grand Princess, but it also made the prince naturally think of Lin Wanqing. He paused, then his expression softened considerably, "I'm fine. But you, child, are too bold. It's chaotic outside; how could you come here?"

This time, the prince had merely broken the shinbone of one leg in the fall, with no danger to his life. Just now, he seemed to be writing something in haste, indicating that his injuries weren't severe.

"Your Highness, since you're not injured, you should be overseeing the situation. How could you allow the Grand Prince Qin to act recklessly? Do you know he has now locked down the entire capital? He controls the entrances and exits of all major city gates, and even the front of the Crown Prince's Mansion is full of his lackeys!"

The prince suddenly stood up from his seat, standing in silence for a while. Then, he began to laugh coldly, "Well, well! No wonder it's so quiet outside. So there's this kind of scheme! He's so brazen, he's truly planning to rebel!"

Ouyang Nuan said calmly, "Not only that, Your Highness. Yesterday, the Minister of War came to the Ouyang Mansion with people, claiming to be looking for assassins. But in reality, they were looking for Prince Ming, who had secretly entered the capital."

"You mean... Zhonghua has returned to the capital?" The prince was first startled, then greatly alarmed, "In such a dangerous situation, how could he suddenly come back? It's so confusing! If something happens, he might get implicated too! Where is he now?"

Xiao Zhonghua smiled faintly and stepped forward, saying, "Your Highness, your nephew is here."

Initially, the prince's attention was entirely focused on Ouyang Nuan. He hadn't paid much attention to this silent attendant who had been bowing his head all along. Seeing this situation now, the prince was suddenly startled. For the span of about half an incense stick, the prince couldn't utter a word in astonishment. Finally, he sighed, "Well, so be it. Your father is injured, and you've returned. But the risk is indeed too great."

"Do you know if there are still any trustworthy individuals by Your Highness's side?" Xiao Zhonghua's voice carried a deep, stormy gaze, filled with both gloom and calmness before the storm.

The prince shook his head, "Originally, there were, of course. But in the past half month, one after another of my men has caused trouble. I've been stationed at the Prince's Mansion without leaving, and all external news is relayed through those confidants. But recently, I've discovered that some of them have been intentionally withholding information, and most of the important news doesn't reach me. Now, I'm afraid..."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Although the prince didn't elaborate, both Xiao Zhonghua and Ouyang Nuan understood. Since the prince couldn't fully grasp the situation outside, it meant there were likely problems with those trusted confidants transmitting messages on his behalf.

Ouyang Nuan looked at the prince, her heart filled with deep concern. She might not understand politics fully, but she knew the current situation was very dangerous. Xiao Zhonghua's safe departure from the city was already difficult enough, let alone finding a way to send messages to the Three Great Camps. It was like navigating through a maze of the unknown. 

Even if he managed to do it, by now, the commanders of the Three Great Camps should have received news of the chaos within the capital. Yet, they remained inactive. There must be some undisclosed reason behind it. If they had reached some kind of agreement with the Prince of Qin, then Xiao Zhonghua's departure would be like a lamb walking into the mouth of a tiger.

She looked at Xiao Zhonghua beside her, and he met her gaze. His clear and profound eyes were deep and dark, like a sword piercing through to the heart. In that moment, she understood his meaning. He also believed the same, but his choice was that he must go, even if there was only a one in a million chance of success.

After a moment's pause, Xiao Zhonghua suddenly said, "I must return immediately to inform the Crown Prince. As for assistance with the Three Great Camps, there's someone who can help."

The prince was taken aback, a hint of surprise flickering in his gaze.

Ouyang Nuan noticed the strange expression on the prince's face, and a hint of doubt arose in her heart. She only heard the prince's voice, unusually cold, "If it's useful, then let him go."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Xiao Zhonghua said softly, a strange glint flickering in his subdued eyes.

The demeanor of these two people was indeed strange, causing Ouyang Nuan to feel suspicious. However, she wasn't the type to pry into matters. If others didn't speak, they must have their reasons for silence. So why should she dig deeper? With this thought in mind, she smiled and said, "I have safely delivered Prince Ming to Your Highness's side, and it's time for me to go back. I bid farewell to both of you and wish Prince Ming a smooth journey."

"Hold on," Xiao Zhonghua suddenly waved his hand. "It's not time for Miss Ouyang to retire victorious just yet." Despite allowing her to leave earlier when she refused, now that she had completed her task and wanted to leave, it wouldn't be that easy. So he remained composed, ignoring Ouyang Nuan's disappointed expression. There was no guilt on his face, only a fleeting sense of amusement that could be seen in his sharp gaze.

"... "

An hour later, the two large doors of the Prince's Mansion suddenly swung open. Surrounded by numerous maids and matrons, Lin Yuanxin and Ouyang Nuan walked out and boarded a freshly prepared canopy carriage. The soldiers originally stationed at the gate were hesitant to stop them, but they couldn't allow them to leave freely either. So they decided to send word, and shortly after, a group of elite Forbidden Army soldiers dressed in black armor arrived. The carriage was surrounded, as if engulfed in a black torrent, tightly sealed off.

Officially termed protection, it was, in fact, surveillance. Ouyang Nuan instructed the carriage to pay no heed and continued toward the city gate.

The carriage proceeded toward Chengde Gate, one of the eight city gates leading out of the capital. Each gate was now under the watchful eye of a trusted aide to the Prince of Qin. The gate was guarded by General Yuhu, Zhou Guangde, who personally oversaw the soldiers conducting thorough inspections one by one. Even with Xiao Zhonghua's exceptional martial skills, attempting to force their way through Chengde Gate, which housed thousands of soldiers, would be futile. If it came to a fight, it would surely alert the Prince of Qin. In such a scenario, even if they sprouted wings, they wouldn't fly out.

Ouyang Jue smiled at Zhou Guangde and said, "General Zhou, the carriage contains the concubine of the Crown Prince and the Princess Yong'an. They wish to go to Ningguo Temple to pay their respects. Please allow them passage."

Zhou Guangde replied, "I'm sorry, I've been tasked by His Highness the Prince of Qin to chase fugitives. Regardless of who passes through here, thorough inspections are required."

This statement had been heard countless times today. Ouyang Jue remained calm and said casually, "Are you truly chasing fugitives?"

Zhou Guangde chuckled twice, "They're assassins targeting Prince Yan, commissioned by royal decree, of course it's of utmost importance."

As Ouyang Jue dismounted, countless soldiers in armor appeared at the city gate. They held longbows, silently aiming feathered arrows at them, prepared for any sudden breach.

At that moment, Ouyang Nuan lifted the curtain and said to Zhou Guangde, "Today is an auspicious day according to the astrological calendar. We merely wish to visit Ningguo Temple. If you wish to inspect, feel free to do so. Just don't disturb the concubine of the Crown Prince."

Zhou Guangde nodded, attempting to put on a pleasing expression, but it seemed a bit forced and stiff, "Princess, rest assured, I will certainly be cautious. Otherwise, if the Crown Prince were to find out, he would surely skin me alive!" He was aware of Grand Prince Qin's son's proposal to the Emperor, hence his attempt to curry favor.

Ouyang Nuan said indifferently, "General Zhou, what kind of talk is this? If you must inspect, do it quickly. Don't delay our time for paying respects."

Zhou Guangde indeed ordered a thorough search of all carriages and individuals, leaving no stone unturned. They even dismantled the carriage wheels to check for anything suspicious, but ultimately found nothing.

"Can we leave now?" Lin Yuanxin asked with a furrowed brow. She was five months pregnant now, her bulging belly hidden beneath the voluminous skirts. Standing for long periods had left her somewhat fatigued, and she was almost leaning on Ouyang Nuan and Shanju for support.

"I'm sorry, please wait a little longer," Zhou Guangde signaled to a nearby soldier to go and report, then casually said, "We need to re-inspect once more."

Though he claimed it was for another inspection, it seemed as though he wanted to strip every maid and mama naked to ascertain their gender. Seeing his behavior, Ouyang Nuan's expression turned cold, "General Zhou, are you not intending to let us go? Is this also the Prince's command?"

Zhou Guangde stammered, "Nonsense, Princess, please don't misunderstand. Our Prince is in difficult circumstances. What I'm doing today is my own decision. If you wish to assign blame, I will accept it willingly. Please don't blame His Highness for this."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the sky, her heart sinking. She said icily, "Don't waste any more time here."

Zhou Guangde responded quickly, "I dare not, Princess."

Ouyang Nuan continued coldly, "If you're not wasting time, then what are you waiting for?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ouyang Nuan heard the sound of hooves behind her. Countless people surrounded Xiao Tianye as he dismounted. At this critical moment, Ouyang Nuan felt no fear, just a calm resolve as she stood silently.

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Everyone kept their distance, silently watching the carriage in the center. Xiao Tianye's gaze carried a complex mix of pain, as if he were enduring it and yet also feeling sorrowful. "Where are you going?" he asked.

Ouyang Nuan looked at him and replied slowly, "To Ningguo Temple."

Xiao Tianye was taken aback, then puzzled, "Why are you going there?" His complexion improved suddenly. To those unaware, it might seem like he had just been abandoned by Ouyang Nuan, given the expression he had just displayed.

Ouyang Nuan chuckled, "Just to pay respects."

Xiao Tianye clearly didn't believe her. He stepped closer and asked, "What are you really going there for?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at him calmly and replied, "To avoid disaster."

"What if I don't let you go?" Xiao Tianye trembled slightly, looking at her with apparent confusion.

Ouyang Nuan felt a tremor in her heart and said, "I'm not saying I won't come back. It's just that until the situation in the capital stabilizes, I'll temporarily stay with my cousin there." This was the prince's intention. Sending Lin Yuanxin to Ningguo Temple at this time might indicate an attempt to protect the future heir of the Crown Prince. Compared to the principal concubine, Lin Yuanxin, as a side consort, might have a better chance of safety outside. This was just the final effort before the prince and the Prince of Qin officially broke ties. However, it seemed futile at this point.

"I'll protect you here. There won't be any danger," Xiao Tianye insisted stubbornly.

"I understand your good intentions, but as long as Lin Wenyuan is in the city, I can't stay at ease for even a day. What happened in my mansion yesterday may happen again. I can't allow him to harm me like that. But he's a confidant of Grand Prince Qin, and you, Your Highness, can't kill him for me! Instead of waiting for him to come, I'd rather step back myself! If the Prince doesn't let me leave today, I'll force my way out. Whether you want to kill me or not will be up to you."

Xiao Tianye looked at her with a tremor in his expression, as if trying to see through her with his gaze. Under such scrutiny, Ouyang Nuan's heart ached slightly, but her face remained calm. She reminded herself that this was for the safety of her cousin and for the well-being of her brother. The Capital was not a safe place, and she couldn't afford to stay any longer. However, Xiao Tianye was adamant about not letting them leave. What would he do today?

After a long silence, Xiao Tianye suddenly said, "Let them go."

Zhou Guangde was shocked and panicked, "How can we do that?"

Xiao Tianye raised his eyes to look at Ouyang Nuan. "You're right. It's chaotic here, and I might not be able to ensure your safety. It's better for you to stay away for a while. But I'll send someone to protect you."

Whether it was for protection or surveillance, Ouyang Nuan didn't care. She nodded deeply and said, "Then I thank you, Your Highness."

The city gate opened.

Xiao Tianye watched as Ouyang Nuan's carriage left the city. Zhou Guangde hesitated and said, "Your Highness, how can you let them go at a time like this?"

Xiao Tianye gave him a cold glance, causing Zhou Guangde to feel a jolt in his heart. He forced a smile and said, "His Highness the Grand Prince of Qin has ordered that no one related to the Crown Prince's residence is allowed to leave the city."

Xiao Tianye sneered, "There's no need to worry. My father will take care of it. You won't have that responsibility."

Before Zhou Guangde could respond, he heard cries of alarm from the crowd, and chaos erupted. Someone shouted, "Fengtian Gate is on fire!"

Xiao Tianye was momentarily stunned, then quickly looked northward. He saw flames flickering faintly at the northern gate, accompanied by billowing black smoke. The streets erupted into chaos, with people running around in panic, unsure of what to do.

"Order to block off Fengtian Gate and concentrate forces for a thorough search!" Xiao Tianye said in a deep voice. Zhou Guangde nodded quickly and hurried off.

Xiao Tianye turned back, his gaze lingering on the carriage that was now far away. With determination in his heart, he spurred his horse forward like a gust of wind, heading towards Fengtian Gate...

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


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