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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 111: 

 Scrape the bones and heal the poison with a mighty fist![1]

As soon as Ouyang Nuan's carriage left the Crown Prince's Mansion, Lin Wenyuan quickly received the news. He immediately rushed to the Prince's Mansion. Without little Prince Qin's covert help, Ouyang Nuan would never have been able to leave the city freely. Lin Wenyuan was certain that this was just a smoke screen, and Xiao Zhonghua must still be in the Crown Prince's Mansion!

Another person who shared the same judgment was the Grand Jin Prince, Xiao Qinnan. He was the younger brother of Grand Prince Qin from the same mother, and naturally held a high status and prestige. When Lin Wenyuan saw him on the main street of the clan, he immediately dismounted and saluted, but Xiao Qinnan waved his hand expressionlessly, "Dispense with formalities."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Xiao Lingfeng, the little Prince Jin, resembled Xiao Qinnan in appearance but had a completely different personality from his proud father. He took the initiative to dismount and help Lin Wenyuan up, smiling, "Let's act quickly. Uncle Qin is still tied up in the palace. My father just received the news and rushed over. Let's go to the Prince's Mansion first! If it's really Xiao Zhonghua, we must not let him escape!"

However, when they arrived at the gate of the Prince's Mansion, they saw the main gate wide open, as if they had been expected. Xiao Qinnan smiled coldly, threw down the reins, and walked forward at a leisurely pace.

"Prince Jin, no harm done, I presume?" a voice suddenly rang out. With a hearty laugh, the Crown Prince appeared before them. He was dressed in luxurious clothing, with a lustrous jade pendant hanging from his waist, giving off an air of wealth and leisure. The injury to his lower leg seemed minor, having no effect on his mood. He stopped his steps about ten paces in front of Prince Jin, and after observing him for a moment, his gaze suddenly became sharp. "I've heard that Prince Jin has led teams to inspect several royal mansions. I assume my mansion couldn't escape your attention either, so I've been waiting for you!" He spoke with a cold smile, "Feel free to look around. I've summoned all the servants and residents of the mansion. If you find anyone suspicious, feel free to take them away immediately!"

His words carried a heavy tone, causing even the Jin Prince's expression to change. Though the Crown Prince appeared weak, he was ultimately the heir to the throne. If Prince Qin failed, the Crown Prince would be the one to ascend the throne. No one wanted to leave themselves with no options. Even if he didn't care about these matters, his subordinates might have concerns. Prince Jin glanced at his son, Xiao Lingfeng, who was smiling beside him, feeling somewhat hesitant.

The Crown Prince, observing Prince Jin's expression, clearly understood what was going through his mind. He added coldly, "Although there might not be many valuable items in my mansion, there are still plenty of gifts from the Empress Dowager and His Majesty. Please instruct your men to be careful during the search. Don't break or damage anything, or it'll be a capital offense!"

Prince Jin suddenly burst into laughter, then took a few steps forward, stopping right in front of the Crown Prince. At this moment, the distance between them was less than five steps. He whispered, "Brother, are you trying to scare us away with empty threats? Are you afraid we'll find something if we search inside?" He glanced at the slight change in the Crown Prince's expression and turned around, sneering as he addressed the group behind him, "Did you all hear the Crown Prince's words? Spread the order, search carefully! Don't disappoint the Crown Prince's goodwill!" With a command issued, all the soldiers immediately moved in unison, rushing inward without hesitation. Witnessing this scene, the Crown Prince's face flashed with a hint of shock and anger.

At that moment, Lin Wenyuan shouted, "The assassin is over there! Capture him!"

Everyone turned to look behind the artificial mountain, only to see a figure swiftly darting away. Countless soldiers rushed toward the figure, but then they heard a sudden cry of alarm from Prince Jin. 

Startled, they looked over and saw someone firmly gripping Prince Jin with their left hand, while their right hand held a gleaming dagger. Calm and composed, the person stood there, facing the soldiers, and said clearly, "Prince Jin, you have quite the audacity, daring to intrude even into the Crown Prince's mansion!"

Lin Wenyuan, dressed in official attire and wielding a long sword, glared angrily at the young man before him. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The young man, holding Prince Jin hostage, wore a plain robe that was spotless. With a straight nose, thin lips, and well-defined features, he exuded an air of elegance and grace despite his simple attire. Although there were some similarities between his facial features and those of Xiao Zhonghua, the calm and casual demeanor he emanated contrasted starkly with the icy demeanor of Prince Ming. Initially, Lin Wenyuan suspected him to be Xiao Zhonghua, but upon closer inspection, he could clearly discern the differences between the two. 

If he hadn't known that the Crown Prince was often in poor health and couldn't possibly possess formidable martial arts skills, he would have doubted whether this person was indeed him. Could it be that the person discovered by the spies wasn't Xiao Zhonghua but this man before them? Were they all being played for fools?!

Prince Jin, feeling anxious and fearful at the sight before him, shouted, "Release me at once!" Just moments ago, he had seen a fleeting shadow, and now this person had appeared behind him. Before he could react, he was held captive, a clear indication of the man's formidable martial skills!

The man behind him discreetly pressed the blade against his waist and whispered, "Prince Jin, behave yourself."

Prince Jin stiffened in fear, immediately ceasing any movement.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lingfeng's face turned livid, his eyes blazing with indignation. In the blink of an eye, he suddenly noticed the strange expression on his son's face. 

It reminded him of someone, and Xiao Lingfeng blurted out, "You're Helan Tu!"

Prince Jin, being held at knifepoint, hadn't seen the person behind him yet, and now he was startled. How could it be him?!

Helan Tu chuckled and said, "The Prince's memory is quite poor. We met at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet five years ago. Why remember me only now?"

Xiao Lingfeng wasn't certain at first. After all, Helan Tu never involved himself in the court's affairs, and over time, everyone had forgotten about this member of the imperial family. Considering his distinguished status, Xiao Lingfeng said sternly, "Prince Helan, we are merely apprehending the assassin who attempted to murder Prince Yan. I assume you're not aware of this matter, so it doesn't concern you. Please step aside and refrain from interfering in court affairs!"

Helan Tu, however, chuckled lightly and said, "What court affairs? Prince Ming is my friend. Since you... repeatedly mention his father's assassination attempt, it naturally concerns me. I will take charge of this matter."

Prince Jin realized the situation and sneered, "So it's you! When Grand Prince Qin sought your assistance, you claimed not to be a pawn, yet today you willingly step onto the chessboard. Such folly! It seems that Grand Prince Qin overestimated you." 

Grand Prince Qin had once tried to win over this Helan Tu, but he had shown no interest. Now, suddenly appearing at the Crown Prince's residence without being detected by the numerous soldiers at the gate, was he capable of flying or disappearing into thin air? The more Prince Jin thought about it, the more annoyed he became, but he refrained from provoking him too much, considering his life was in his hands.

Helan Tu remained unruffled and smiled faintly, "What qualifications does Prince Jin have to say such things? Who here is not a pawn? It's merely a matter of who is aware and who is oblivious!"

Prince Lingfeng's expression turned serious, and he said sternly, "Regardless of what happens in the capital, it has nothing to do with Helan Tu. Why not continue being an outsider?"

However, Helan Tu laughed cheerfully and replied, "Inability to attain wealth and honor stems not from fate but from indolence. I originally wanted to live carefree outside the worldly affairs, but Grand Prince Qin relentlessly pressured me, forcing me into the game."

Prince Jin's face darkened, and he turned his gaze towards Helan Tu. "Helan Tu, now that you have abandoned darkness and joined the light, I will not hold any grudges."

Helan Tu smiled and said, "Thank you for your kind words, Prince Jin. However, I am already a part of the game, and I have no regrets about my moves."

"Outrageous!" Lin Wenyuan was furious. "You are nothing but a commoner, yet Prince Jin has treated you with kindness. Yet you repay him with treachery, turning against us. Such despicable behavior is contemptible!" He pointed at Helan Tu and shouted, "Seize this traitor!"

Layers of arrows immediately aimed at him.

Helan Tu still held Prince Jin tightly, the blade of his knife elegantly poised at his throat. He chuckled softly, "Minister Lin, are you willing to disregard Prince Jin's life in front of so many people?"

Prince Jin stood frozen in place, trying hard to maintain his composure. "Lin Wenyuan, you..."

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Lin Wenyuan's expression suddenly stiffened. He frowned and glanced at Xiao Lingfeng, his demeanor tense.

Xiao Lingfeng gritted his teeth. "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Helan Tu smiled faintly. "Escort us out of the city."

Since he appeared here, Lin Wenyuan had been watching him closely, his mind racing with countless thoughts. At first, he held a glimmer of hope, hoping that Helan Tu would retreat under the pressure of the siege. But he knew it was unlikely. Now, he really didn't want to sacrifice Prince Jin because Prince Jin was the most trusted brother of Grand Prince Qin. If he died here, how could Lin Wenyuan explain to Grand Prince Qin?

At this moment, the Prince Xiao Lingfeng also looked at Helan Tu with a complex expression. He had never had any dealings with Helan Tu before. At the most critical moment, he could have remained aloof, but he actually agreed to intervene... 

Prince Xiao Lingfeng had no choice but to watch as Helan Tu's dagger was held against Prince Jin's neck. He led the Prince out. The Imperial Guards were forced to retreat along with them. Prince Xiao Lingfeng made a gesture, and one of the Imperial Guards nodded in understanding.

Lin Wenyuan's mind raced. Between letting the Crown Prince and Helan Tu go or sacrificing Prince Jin for the greater cause, he would choose the latter without hesitation. However, although Grand Prince Qin trusted him, he couldn't compare to Lin Wenyuan's own brother. Moreover, there were many disagreements between Prince Jin and himself on political matters. 

If he disregarded Prince Jin's life and ordered an attack, he might be accused afterward of trying to eliminate dissenters. That's why he took advantage of the situation to kill two birds with one stone. There were many people around Grand Prince Qin who wanted to replace him. If they turned against him later, he would truly be in a precarious position. But to let go of this rare opportunity... to let the Crown Prince go, he was unwilling.

At this moment, the Imperial Guards had brought the Crown Princess in front of the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince was stunned, then furrowed his brows tightly. Lin Zhi Jun had already taken her child and sought refuge in the Duke of Dingyuan's residence. Lin Yuanxin had also been taken out of the city by Ouyang Nuan. The only one left was the Crown Princess. Hadn't he already instructed her to change into common attire and follow behind Ouyang Nuan's carriage, disguised as a servant, to leave the city? Why was she still here?

The Crown Prince glared at her, but a tender expression surged on the Crown Princess's face. "Your Highness, if you don't leave, how can I leave?"

"Foolish!" The Crown Prince's voice was sharp. If the Crown Princess refused to leave, she would ultimately be used as a hostage to threaten him!

"Your Highness, please order this Young Master Helan beside you to release my father immediately! Otherwise..." Xiao Lingfeng's long sword was placed against the Crown Princess' neck.

Helan Tu glanced at the Crown Prince, but the Crown Prince remained unmoved, coldly saying, "Do you think a mere Crown Princess can exchange for Prince Jin's life?"

Though the Crown Prince's tone was stern and his expression indifferent, his eyes were fixed firmly on Xiao Lingfeng's sword, fearing the slightest harm to the Crown Princess. The Crown Princess' eyes showed sorrow, but her face wore a genuinely joyful smile. "After so many years of marriage, how could I not understand you? Rest assured, I'm just staying here to accompany you. Since you don't need me anymore, I won't cause you any more trouble." 

She glanced deeply at the Crown Prince, but before she finished speaking, she had already collided with Xiao Lingfeng's sword, causing blood to flow immediately. Xiao Lingfeng was caught off guard by her sudden move and was momentarily stunned.

"Ninglan!" The Crown Prince watched as his wife's body fell limp, blood flowing profusely, sinking into profound sorrow. He was almost speechless. He couldn't understand why the Crown Princess had chosen to stay behind, why she would opt for such a foolish course of action when a way out was right in front of her! Ninglan was a clever woman. She should have known that she was dispensable in his heart, that his feelings for her couldn't even compare to half of what he felt for Lin Wanqing. Why would she... why would she still choose to stay?

Amid his hesitation, a sudden cry rang out from the ranks of the imperial guards: "Look!"

Not far away, a thick plume of black smoke suddenly rose into the sky, billowing ominously.

Xiao Lingfeng's expression changed drastically upon seeing it. He rushed forward. "Fengtian Gate!"

Moments later, black smoke also began to rise from both the imperial palace and the outer city. Someone exclaimed, "There's a fire in the palace!"

"And there's a fire in the city too."

Lin Wenyuan was filled with suspicion and confusion. How could this be possible? How could both the city gates and the palace be on fire at the same time?

"Grand Prince Qin, what a brilliant strategy you have," Helan Tu smiled. "Seizing this opportunity to foment chaos in the palace, killing the emperor amidst the confusion, then disposing of the empress as well, and pinning it all on someone else. Wouldn't that allow you to ascend to the throne smoothly?"

His words were full of venom and cunning! Lin Wenyuan glared at him fiercely and immediately said, "Your Highness, I leave this place to you. I will lead the Imperial Guards into the palace to assess the situation!" Without waiting for Xiao Lingfeng's response, he mounted his horse, turned it around, and galloped away. Half of the soldiers surrounding them followed Lin Wenyuan, running swiftly.

Helan Tu chuckled loudly. "Yes, indeed. Act swiftly and decisively. Don't give anyone a chance to intervene. Otherwise, Grand Prince Qin's play of 'protecting the emperor' while actually forcing him out of the palace won't be able to proceed!" With that, he suddenly tightened his grip on his arm, causing the Jin Prince to cry out in pain.

Xiao Lingfeng's face turned pale with shock. Without hesitation, he exclaimed, "Helan Tu, stop this!"

Helan Tu calmly responded, "Prince, if my men set another fire, the Jinwu Guards in the imperial city will immediately launch an attack, resulting in bloodshed throughout the capital."

Not only Xiao Lingfeng, but everyone present was visibly shaken. 

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

At this moment, the prince, having somewhat recovered from his earlier grief, spoke coldly, "Xiao Lingfeng, you must have heard of the Jinwu Guards' ability to fight tenaciously, even against overwhelming odds. Even if it comes to a fight to the death, they can take down thousands of your men without regret."

The Jinwu Guards were a legendary secret force rumored to be under the direct command of the emperor. However, while they were often spoken of, few had ever seen them, leading some to believe they were merely a myth. Moreover, with the emperor now under the control of Grand Prince Qin, and with decrees already drafted to depose the prince and enthrone Grand Prince Qin, the sudden appearance of the Jinwu Guards, supposedly here to protect the prince, left everyone puzzled. 

Why wouldn't Xiao Lingfeng's face pale at this revelation? He retorted coldly, "The Jinwu Guards cannot be mobilized without His Majesty's orders. How dare you issue such orders recklessly?"

Helan Tu simply looked at You Xuanzhi and stated coldly, "I'm sorry. His Majesty has already delegated the authority to mobilize the Jinwu Guards to me. Now that he's being held captive by Grand Prince Qin, I naturally have the authority to mobilize them as I see fit. Prince, I know you're wise and prudent, always putting the nation's interests first. You can ignore your father's life and death and order an attack. However, if you fail to kill me, most of the Jinwu Guards are stationed in the inner city. Nobles and aristocrats are their targets. If you persist, even if you capture the capital today, it will be nothing but an empty city. Think carefully. My patience is limited; I'll count to five. Once I reach five, if you act rashly, the capital will flow with blood today."

With that, he briskly concluded, "One."

Xiao Lingfeng hesitated, his gaze shifting to the Jin Prince.

Prince Jin shouted sternly, "Lingfeng, release me now!"

Helan Tu's voice rang out crisply, "Two."

Xiao Lingfeng hesitated, looking around. His subordinates, however, were unanimous in their intent, clearly indicating that he should release the captive and save Prince Jin. He wanted to comply, but what about the prince? How could he easily let him go?

Helan Tu continued, "Three."

His voice was indifferent, like a sharp arrow piercing into everyone's hearts.

Almost forgetting to breathe, the group listened as Helan Tu spoke again, "Four."

Xiao Lingfeng gritted his teeth. "Fine, I'll let you go, but you must promise. Once we're out of the city, you release my father. And about the Jinwu Guards, you must ensure they don't act recklessly!"

Helan Tu smiled faintly. "The Jinwu Guards are only responsible for the emperor's safety. Since I haven't received any orders from the emperor, I won't mobilize them recklessly. As long as you let us leave, I promise the Jinwu Guards won't harm anyone within the city. As for Prince Jin, I'll take him with us and hand him over to you in a safe place. Rest assured, I guarantee he won't be harmed."

Xiao Lingfeng had no other choice. He glared at Helan Tu, his mind racing, but still found no solution.

Helan Tu nudged the blade slightly, causing a trickle of blood to run down Prince Jin's neck.

Feeling a sharp pain in his throat, Prince Jin couldn't help but cry out, "Lingfeng, do as he says!"

With a long sigh, Xiao Lingfeng finally relented.

The Crown Prince mounted his horse, followed by over a hundred guards from the Crown Prince's residence. Without further delay, Helan Tu lifted Prince Jin onto a horse and followed suit.

However, the Crown Prince remembered his wife and quickly said to Xiao Lingfeng, "Release my wife."

"She's already dead, worthless," Xiao Lingfeng waved his hand, and someone immediately returned the corpse of the Crown Princess to the Crown Prince.

Xiao Lingfeng stared at Helan Tu and said solemnly, "Helan Tu, revenge is a dish best served cold. You're resolute and shrewd, and I admire that. Once you successfully leave the city, I hope you'll keep your promise and release my father."

With that, he ordered the guards to sheathe their weapons and clear a path.

The Crown Prince shouted, "Let's go!"

The hundred riders charged out together. Xiao Lingfeng spurred his horse to chase after them, followed closely by others on horseback.

The sound of hooves on the street was like a storm. Along the way, people continuously exclaimed and dodged. Despite carrying Prince Jin, Helan Tu's riding skills were exceptional, effortlessly avoiding any harm to bystanders. Xiao Lingfeng and his men didn't stop either, chasing after them relentlessly.

The Crown Prince, fearing complications at other city gates, decided to exit directly from Zhengyang Gate, controlled by Prince Jin. Once outside the city, they didn't stop to rest but continued to gallop forward at full speed. They passed through one city after another, one village after another, leaving behind the astonished gazes of the people until they could no longer see any pursuers behind them.

By this time, they had entered the mountains. Helan Tu said, "Let's find a secluded place to rest for a while before continuing."

The Crown Prince nodded and looked at Prince Jin, only to find him unconscious. He sneered, about to order him to be tied up, but Helan Tu intervened, "No need for that. I'll leave you here. Ten miles ahead, there are people sent by Prince Ming to assist you. Just head west from there."

"Where are you going?" the Crown Prince asked, surprised.

"I'm going to escort Prince Jin back," Helan Tu replied.

"Escort him back? Are you really going to send him back? Such traitors and villains are better off dead!" The Crown Prince cast a cold glance in Prince Jin's direction. In the royal family, brotherly affection was nothing but a joke.

"Since I promised Xiao Lingfeng, I shouldn't go back on my word," Helan Tu said. "Moreover, Prince Ming entrusted me with a task. I must return."

The Crown Prince thought of what Xiao Zhonghua had mentioned about asking Helan Tu to investigate the Three Great Camps. He nodded slightly. "Zhonghua has probably left the city during the recent chaos, hasn't he?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Helan Tu nodded, his expression serious. "That's likely." 

Xiao Zhonghua had already known that the generals of the Three Great Camps had betrayed them. However, he couldn't bring himself to tell the hopeful Crown Prince about it. All he could say was that he would ask Helan Tu to investigate again. 

Helan Tu understood this, so he didn't reveal anything. He simply turned his horse around and said, "Your Highness, I wish you a safe journey!" With that, he quickly rode off in the direction he had come from.


In the quiet of the night, Lin Yuanxin remained seated in the courtyard, her expression laden with worry. Suddenly, a cloak was draped over her shoulders, startling her. Looking up, she saw the gentle face of Ouyang Nuan. "Cousin, you should rest," Ouyang Nuan said softly.

Lin Yuanxin shook her head, her face full of melancholy.

Ouyang Nuan walked over and sat across from Lin Yuanxin. "Are you still worried?" she asked gently.

Lin Yuanxin sighed deeply. "It was once a flourishing Prince's Mansion, but in the blink of an eye, it has fallen into chaos. When we were prosperous, everyone wanted to be associated with us, but when trouble struck, few were willing to lend a hand."

Ouyang Nuan smiled lightly. "Even if a cuckoo drinks from the river, it can only carry so much water in its belly. No matter how grand the house, it only provides a corner for rest. True friends are not many in number, but even one or two are enough. Cousin, there's no need to worry. We'll always be by your side, no matter what."

Lin Yuanxin's eyes filled with a touch of emotion, then returned to sadness. "But the Crown Princess is truly obstinate. No matter what we say, she refuses to leave with us... With Xiao Zhonghua around, the Crown Prince will eventually leave the capital. When that happens, the Crown Princess will become a burden. Who would flee with a frail woman? Although the Crown Prince may be affectionate, he is still a politician. When necessary, he will surely abandon the Crown Princess. I believe the other party knows this too, but still insisted on staying, which goes to show that the Crown Princess, despite appearing indifferent, truly loves the Crown Prince. However, the Crown Prince always thinks of the late Lin Wanqing, surrounded by beauties, without realizing the value of those around him..." 

Ouyang Nuan sighed and said, "The Crown Princess' actions may seem stubborn to us, but to her, it's perseverance. In this world, if there's someone who knows he doesn't care but is still willing to do so much for him, it's not in vain."

At this point, she suddenly paused, as if remembering someone, but the thought quickly flashed and she suppressed it. Instead, she pondered. Xiao Zhonghua's departure from the capital this time would certainly involve taking the Crown Prince along. After all, the Imperial Grandson was just that, not the rightful heir. With the Crown Prince leading the charge, the legitimacy of his rule would be even more prominent.

Just as Lin Yuanxin was about to say something, she heard a flute melody. The music was poignant and resonant, as if emanating from the depths of the sky, reaching straight into the heart. Lin Yuanxin was quickly drawn in, listening quietly.

There were other women lodging in the hermitage, and Lin Yuanxin assumed it was one of them playing in their leisure time, not finding it unusual. After the piece concluded, Lin Yuanxin asked, still enchanted, "What song is that?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced in the direction from where the music came, then said with a contemplative look, "It's a hymn to the White Wolf King."

Lin Yuanxin looked at Ouyang Nuan and asked, "How do you know?"

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "This piece of music is recorded in the Scattered Moon Collection. It tells the story of a wolf king. Would you like to hear it, cousin?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Lin Yuanxin became intrigued and asked, "Oh, what kind of story is it?"

"The story goes that on the grasslands, a mother wolf lost her mate. She struggled alone in battles against pigs and dogs, eventually giving birth to three wolf pups. To raise them into a wolf king, she paid a heavy price. In the end, she succeeded. However, she was killed by her son, who became the wolf king."

Lin Yuanxin was stunned, then widened her eyes in disbelief. "How could that be?"

Ouyang Nuan explained slowly, "All living beings have their own laws. Everything must follow its own rules. Humans have human ethics, and wolves have wolf ethics. A mother wolf may, when necessary, eat her own cubs to survive, or she may, to spare her cubs from the torment and humiliation of hunters, bite off their throats to preserve their bodies intact. She may even watch her beloved son get injured or killed in battle, torn to pieces by hungry wolves, without lending a hand. Even if born of the same mother, adult wolves must fight each other until death. And when the young wolf grows up, instead of repaying its parents with filial piety as we do, it enslaves them, and even kills them. Because only the wolf brave enough to bite its own parents can become the true king of the wolves."

Lin Yuanxin was stunned, unable to imagine such a cruel world. After a moment, she came to her senses and said, "This piece of music... isn't it similar to the struggles in the royal family in reality?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head and said, "From our human perspective, the ways of wolves may seem too cruel. But animals also have emotions. Even the most ruthless wolf would sacrifice everything for their offspring. A mother wolf may give up her own marriage, cease seeking new mates, and even dare to engage in a deadly battle against enemies much stronger than herself for the sake of her children. Cousin, if even animals have such a strong sense of protecting their young, how much more should humans? You know how much the Crown Prince needs an heir. Why did he send you away when he faced trouble? By enduring such hardship, if any harm comes to the child in your belly, wouldn't it be a disservice to them?"

Lin Yuanxin couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. After some thought, she stood up and said, "Alright, I'll take your advice and go rest now." The maid beside her showed joy on her face and hurried over to support her.

After Lin Yuanxin left, Ouyang Nuan suddenly spoke into the darkness, "Would you please come out to meet me?"

Helan Tu emerged from the shadows. "Miss, you're quite perceptive."

Ouyang Nuan took a slight step back, assessing the man before her. After a moment, she asked, "Are you a friend of Prince Ming?"

"More or less," Helan Tu replied with a slight smile.

"More or less?" Ouyang Nuan fell silent for a moment, then raised her eyes to meet Helan Tu's gaze. "Did Prince Ming ask you to help us?"

Helan Tu chuckled. "I owe him a great favor. I couldn't refuse this request."

On the moonlit night, Ouyang Nuan wore a gown of moon-white, with a long skirt adorned with golden flying bird motifs, and the hem was embellished with countless sparkling crystals, shimmering brilliantly. Her hair, pulled up with crystal tassels, cascaded elegantly like a bright moon in the night sky. Seeing Helan Tu's peculiar expression, Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but clear her throat and say, "We left in such a hurry that there was no time to change clothes."

When Prince Ming asked her to escort Lin Yuanxin out of the capital, he didn't give her time to return home and change clothes. It wasn't appropriate to wear such flashy attire in times of trouble. Ouyang Nuan sighed inwardly and continued, "The song you played earlier..."

Helan Tu smiled, "I didn't mean anything by it, just that I like wolves. Once, I wounded a wolf king in the mountains. Despite being injured, it stubbornly leaped towards the mountain peak, its fur scraped by trees and rocks, and blood staining the hillside. I chased it for a day, and finally, at the summit, I saw it... but watched helplessly as it leaped off the cliff."

Ouyang Nuan was deeply moved and sighed, "Even wolves have their own dignity, and they don't want to die in such a miserable way." 

Helan Tu nodded, "Yes, that's exactly what I admire most about them."

Finding it amusing that someone would admire animals, Ouyang Nuan chuckled inwardly. Where did Xiao Zhonghua find such a unique individual?

Helan Tu's gaze fell on Ouyang Nuan's face. "I used to think this song was similar to the brutal struggles within the royal family. But today, I heard a different interpretation. It's quite interesting."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "It's just to reassure my sister, a forced analogy at best. Please forgive me if it seemed far-fetched. May I ask why you're here?"

Instead of answering directly, Helan Tu posed a question, "Do you know there are assassins waiting below the mountain?"

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.

Ouyang Nuan paused briefly, sighing, "The Grand Prince Qin is determined not to let us off."

Helan Tu smiled, "If I were him, I wouldn't let the descendants of the Crown Prince go either."


Frustrated, the Grand Prince Qin returned to his palace and immediately sent for Xiao Tianye.

Xiao Tianye entered the study, and with a slight gesture from the Grand Prince Qin, the attendants in the room respectfully withdrew. The Grand Prince Qin stared at Xiao Tianye and asked, "What have you been doing this afternoon?"

Xiao Tianye replied, "There was a fire at Fengtian Gate. I led a team to rush over there to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos to leave the city."

The Grand Prince Qin nodded slightly. "It's commendable that you remembered not to let anyone take advantage of the chaos to leave the city. But why did you let Princess Yong'an and the people from the Crown Prince's Mansion go out?" His tone suddenly turned stern. "Who do you think you are, and what is the Qin Prince's Mansion doing now? Have you lost your mind? Kneel down!"

Xiao Tianye remained motionless, and after a while, his voice became cold and bitter. "Father, you already knew my intentions. Why force me like this?"

The Grand Prince Qin's tone was icy. "Why? You dare to question me why! You hid from me when you sought Emperor's approval for marriage. I let it pass because Yong'an still had some slight usefulness at that time. But what about now? The Grand Princess refuses to obey, and what use is Yong'an? You relentlessly protect her like this. Do you think she will reciprocate your feelings? You were once the smartest person in the world, how could you become so confused! In such a critical moment, how could you dare to let them out!"

Xiao Tianye sneered and said, "Father, the carriages and accompanying people have all been thoroughly checked. There's no sign of Xiao Zhonghua. What good does it do to detain those two women?"

"Hmph! I have my own purposes! Moreover, Yong'an is clearly deceiving and manipulating you!" Grand Prince Qin's voice was filled with infinite anger. "Tianye, for the sake of a woman, you have repeatedly lost control. Now, you're acting recklessly and irresponsibly for the sake of personal affection, disregarding the bigger picture!"

Xiao Tianye remained calm, "Indeed, it was I who let them out of the city, and it's irrelevant to others. Please, Father, don't pursue her."

Grand Prince Qin felt his temples pounding. Veins bulged on his forehead, and he raised his hand as if to strike. Seeing Xiao Tianye's eyes fixed on him, filled with pain, sadness, and helplessness, he couldn't help but remember the deceased Queen of Qin. His heart softened. With a sigh, he lowered his hand, saying, "If a person has festering sores, they cannot be easily healed. The flesh must be cut open with a knife, and the pus drained. Only then can the wound heal." He looked at Xiao Tianye sharply, "Yong'an is the root of your illness!"

Xiao Tianye suddenly looked up. Grand Prince Qin continued slowly, "There are so many noble maidens in the capital. You can choose anyone you like. Even if you're not satisfied with those in the capital, there are plenty of beautiful women and talented ladies in the world. You can pick any of them to be your wife. As for Yong'an, no matter how good you are to her, she will never truly have you in her heart. Why persist in this way?"

Xiao Tianye said, "Although there are many women in the world, none of them are what I want."

Grand Prince Qin, infuriated by his obstinacy, spoke with increasing anger, "Do you still not understand? Does she ever truly care for you? She's only looking out for herself, planning for herself. She's using your sincerity to protect Lin Yuanxin! She has no intention of marrying you, despite knowing your unwavering devotion. She's manipulating you at every turn!" Grand Prince Qin continued, "You lost your mother at a young age, and you've always been stubborn and unruly. I didn't mind. I indulged you in everything else, but you see, you can't let go of her. She's like a thorn in your heart, disturbing your peace of mind at every moment. You're making foolish decisions over and over again for her! Now, when the situation is at its most critical... I cannot let you fall into the hands of a woman!" Ignoring Xiao Tianye's pale face, he sighed softly, "Better to end the pain quickly than to prolong it. You are my son, and you must be able to bear it and let go. Let your father resolve this matter for you!"

Xiao Tianye was stunned. Then, a flame ignited in his eyes, and he exclaimed in disbelief, "What are you going to do?"

Grand Prince Qin's voice remained calm, "Sometimes, drastic measures are necessary. A brave man must make difficult decisions." 

Xiao Tianye's heart trembled violently. After a long silence, just as Grand Prince Qin thought he had finally come to his senses, Xiao Tianye spoke slowly, his voice wavering, "Father, you're right. Ouyang Nuan has never treated me with sincerity, and she even schemed against me. But, Father, I have no choice. I cannot bear to watch her die!" With that, he swiftly left, slamming the door behind him!

© translations belonging to  flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com. If you read this somewhere else instead of flamingobeestranslations.blogspot.com then the translations has been posted WITHOUT permission of translator.


[1] "刮骨疗毒壮士断腕": scrape the bones and heal the poison with a mighty fist (idiom); fig. to make a determined effort to deal with a problem / "The hero toughens up by scraping bones and cutting off wrists." 

This phrase metaphorically refers to taking drastic measures or enduring extreme hardships in order to achieve a certain goal or overcome a difficult situation.

Did anyone watch the solar eclipse that happened today? From where I am we only had a partial eclipse, but it made the shadows look super cool!

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