Chapter 109 ROTNDOAHRF


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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 109: 

In fate, who is the infatuated one.

Ouyang Nuan had suddenly emerged from the water. Although she was still clothed, a hint of her fair skin was revealed. In that instant, the voluptuous and radiant figure of the young maiden burst forth before Xiao Zhonghua's eyes like a dazzling thunderbolt, leaving him stunned and barely able to avert his gaze.

"It's alright now. You can come out," Ouyang Nuan said softly.

Xiao Zhonghua was momentarily dazed, only emerging from the inner chamber after a while. Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, he still felt entranced by the radiant aura emanating from her. The calmness of her eyes, slender waist, and delicate arms concealed beneath the water droplets continued to linger in his mind. Her pristine and soft back, adorned with water droplets, seemed as graceful and bright as the moon in the sky.

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The emerald earrings swayed lightly around Ouyang Nuan's fair neck, adding to her enchanting charm. As she turned her gaze towards him, her lips seemed to exude the fragrance of blooming lotus flowers. 'They have all left,' she said.

Xiao Zhonghua nodded in response.

After a moment, Ouyang Jue came over and knocked on the door. Upon entering and seeing Xiao Zhonghua, he was startled. 'Sister... Why is he here?'"

Ouyang Nuan sighed softly. "Prince Ming was forced to come here, perhaps by our uncle."

"What does Lin Wenyuan want?" 

"To discover a hidden assassin in the Ouyang Mansion. What kind of crime would that be?" 

"But Prince Ming is not an assassin!" Ouyang Jue exclaimed.

"In this situation, whether I am an assassin or not doesn't matter. It's quicker to be executed on the spot as an assassin than to be caught and charged with the crime of a general secretly returning to the capital and then handed over to the emperor," Xiao Zhonghua said slowly. There was no hint of panic in his eyes, indicating that he had already anticipated the other party's intentions.

"No wonder he's so aggressive. He wants to kill Prince Ming to claim credit for Prince Qin, and he might as well frame us for the crime!" Ouyang Jue realized the key point and his face couldn't help but darken.

He quickly walked out and instructed his servant to go out and inquire. After a while, he received news and came back, saying, "The gatekeeper at the entrance said that there have been people lurking around the mansion since this morning. It seems they were well-prepared."

Ouyang Jue felt very strange. Just half a month ago, the entire capital was calm. Could it be that in just half a month, there had been some significant changes?

Just then, Changpu hurriedly walked in with a pale face and reported, "Young Miss, something bad has happened. The entire city is under martial law!"

Ouyang Jue quickly walked over and demanded, "Speak clearly. What do you mean by martial law?"

Changpu said, "Just now, I heard from the steward's mother that there are soldiers everywhere on the streets. It's said that the entire city is under martial law."

It turned out to be martial law throughout the city! Ouyang Nuan and Xiao Zhonghua exchanged a glance, their hearts sinking. The situation was dire. Within the capital, there were twenty thousand Forbidden Army troops stationed, and outside, there were fifty thousand elite soldiers guarding the city in the three major camps. If Prince Qin issued a decree to mobilize the Forbidden Army in the city, and if the city gates were closed, then there would be a major upheaval within the city, and there would be no way for outsiders to intervene!

"He's starting to take action..." Ouyang Nuan muttered to herself. Seeing Ouyang Jue's pale face, she turned to Changpu and instructed, "Spread the word: from today onwards, everyone in the mansion must perform their duties and not leave their posts without my orders. No matter how much noise there is outside, do not pay attention to it. Understood?"

Changpu nodded repeatedly and quickly ran out. After standing silently for a long time, Ouyang Jue finally managed to utter a sentence, "It's really going to change..."

Neither Ouyang Nuan nor Xiao Zhonghua spoke. Xiao Zhonghua was worried about the court, while Ouyang Nuan was concerned about the safety of the old madam and the others. Since the Crown Prince fell from his horse and was injured, there had been no news from the Crown Prince's mansion. Either the mansion was under tight surveillance, or the Crown Prince was seriously injured. Regardless of the situation, Lin Yuanxin's current situation was not optimistic. Ouyang Nuan's mind was in turmoil, and for a moment, she couldn't make sense of it all.

At this moment, the capital had descended into chaos. The contrast between the bustling crowds and the menacing Forbidden Army soldiers clad in armor was stark. Shops along the streets that could be closed were all shuttered, while pedestrians with nowhere to hide huddled in the corners under the eaves, casting panicked glances at the knights galloping past. 

Many people harbored the same thought in their hearts—was the dynasty about to change?

The ostensible reason for the martial law throughout the city was to search for the assassin who targeted the Prince of Yan. Some even speculated that the sudden fall of the Crown Prince from his horse was the work of the same group, implying not just assassination but also treason. 

However, those who questioned why the leader of the Forbidden Army and not the Chief Magistrate of the capital was leading the operation were met with silence in the face of cold steel. The troops pressed on, conducting searches door to door, with even the homes of high-ranking officials not spared. 

Many officials, relying on their status, resisted the intrusion into their homes, but the leader of the Forbidden Army wielded the imperial decree with impunity, decreeing that everyone, regardless of status, must submit to the search. The situation in the capital descended into chaos in a short span of time.


At a time when people outside the palace were restless and anxious, the Empress Dowager seemed carefree, as if unaware of the chaos outside.

In the afternoon, the snow fell heavily, thick and continuous, like pulled cotton. Everywhere was blanketed in white. The magnificent palace buildings were adorned in silver, appearing exceptionally serene. Inside the Empress Dowager's palace, a large kang bed stove burned, accompanied by four charcoal braziers fueled by the finest silver-threaded charcoal, glowing like rubies without a sound. Ke Rong hurried in, her boots dampened by the snow outside, feeling cold and damp. As the warm air from the charcoal fires enveloped her, it took her a while to regain her strength.

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"Rong'er pays respects to the Empress Dowager," she knelt respectfully and greeted the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager looked up and saw Ke Rong wearing a large red feather cloak, which complemented her jade-like complexion. Underneath, she wore a royal blue satin robe with bat motifs, lined with thick white fox fur. Her voice was gentle and soothing, bringing a sense of comfort to those who heard it. She smiled and said, "Rise, rise. Do you have something urgent to report to me on such a snowy day?"

The Empress Dowager's voice was deep, as calm as the depths of the winter sea. Ke Rong bowed her head slightly and spoke, "I am grateful for your grace, Empress Dowager. After my marriage, I cannot always be by your side. I can only pray for your well-being and happiness every day. Today, the weather is cold, and I was worried that your leg ailment might have recurred, so I came to the palace to check on you."

The Empress Dowager sighed softly, "Silly child. As long as you marry well, what does it matter if you are not by my side to serve me? Is your husband treating you well?"

"Yes, the Chen family treats me very well," Ke Rong replied quietly, lowering her head.

Her words carried a subtle meaning, and the Empress Dowager fell silent for a moment before smiling and saying, "There are some things you don't need to say, but I understand. Rest assured, as long as I am here, the Chen family will treat you well."

"Yes," Ke Rong nodded in acknowledgment.

The Empress Dowager looked pensive as she gazed at Ke Rong and asked, "Tell me honestly, what exactly brought you to the palace today?"

Ke Rong spoke softly, "Empress Dowager, I came today because there is a major incident outside. They say they are searching for assassins, and it has caused quite a stir. The soldiers even searched the homes of government officials! Empress Dowager, please take a look..."

The Empress Dowager's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, but then she returned to her usual gentle smile. "So, even the Duke of Wu's residence has been disturbed?"

"Not really. They still show some courtesy considering your presence, Empress Dowager." In reality, the Duke of Wu had long been infuriated by this matter. Ke Rong couldn't just stand by and watch, so she decided to come to the palace to probe the Empress Dowager for information.

"You are also confused, following those people's nonsense! Is it necessary for me to intervene in such matters?" The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes slightly. "Let them make a fuss. As long as I am as stable as Mount Tai, what else do you have to worry about?"

Ke Rong trembled all over. She looked at the Empress Dowager with disbelief. The Empress Dowager's words clearly indicated that she was already aware of everything and had adopted a tacit attitude... With that, Ke Rong dared not say anything more, and only bid farewell after sitting with the Empress Dowager for a while.

After seeing off Ke Rong, the Empress Dowager pondered for a moment before calling out, "Someone!"

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Eunuch Wu Anguo quickly approached her, bowing respectfully.

"Tomorrow, you will go to the Duke of Wuguo's residence," the Empress Dowager instructed.

"Yes." There was a hint of confusion on Wu Anguo's face. "May I ask what orders you have, Empress Dowager?"

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"You will bring the box of ginseng that the Grand Prince Qin presented, and also take some precious items from the palace treasury," the Empress Dowager said as she slowly rose from her seat and walked into the inner chamber. She instructed two palace maids to open a chest and select a few precious items. Additionally, she ordered Wu Anguo to fetch two hundred taels of gold leaves from the Ministry of Internal Affairs as rewards.

Wu Anguo asked again, "Should I convey any message to the Princess Rong when I see her?"

The Empress Dowager replied calmly, "Tell her that I will arrange for her to stay in the palace for a couple of days when the weather warms up."

"Understood." Wu Anguo thought to himself, wondering why the Empress Dowager hadn't said anything when Ke Rong was here. What did her last instruction mean? However, he dared not ask, only bowing his head in acknowledgment.


Whenever Ouyang Nuan feels troubled, she practices calligraphy. 

Today is no exception. Hongyu scoops water from the basin with a copper spoon and pours it into the inkstone. She gently rotates the ink stick until the ink becomes soft, gradually increasing the pressure. Instantly, a faint scent of ink fills the room, accompanied by the soft sound of the ink rubbing against the inkstone. 

Ouyang Nuan pays no attention to Prince Ming beside her, as if he doesn't exist. She writes a word "静" (quiet) on the paper. Xiao Zonghua smiles faintly, standing by and watching her write.

Ouyang Nuan's handwriting was delicate and elegant, with each stroke exuding a graceful charm that stirred the heart. Xiao Zonghua glanced at it and asked, "Had you been practicing for many years?"

"Yes, many years. Practicing day and night," Ouyang Nuan replied calmly.

“Why did you go through such hardship?”

“To find inner peace,” Ouyang Nuan wrote another character "戾" (stubborn).

“You hold resentment in your heart. That was something I have known from the start, I just didn't know what kind of resentment could make your music carry such bitterness,” Xiao Zonghua spoke softly.

Ouyang Nuan's brush paused for a moment, and she smiled faintly, “The prince misunderstood. There is no resentment in my heart.”

“You aren't being entirely truthful,” Xiao Zonghua murmured, “I wouldn't be mistaken.”

Ouyang Nuan's hand involuntarily stopped, and she stared somewhat dazedly at the tea in the blue and white lotus-patterned bowl on the table. The green tea leaves seemed to float and sink, and the heat slowly dissipated, revealing a trace of chill. She whispered, “Regardless, that matter has nothing to do with you, Your Highness.”

Incense burned in the incense burner on the desk, and the smoke seemed ethereal. Suddenly, the north window was blown open by the wind, and a cold breeze rushed in, causing the characters on the desk to flutter with a faint rustling sound.

Hongyu quietly replaced the hot tea and then withdrew to the side, leaving the room even quieter.

"My father treated my mother well and respected her, but he was also very distant," Xiao Tianye suddenly spoke. "But since I was little, I've never seen her smile. Xu Mama said that when my mother gave birth to my older brother, my father had just come back from the battlefield and didn't have time to return home to see her. Instead, he went to visit the Marquis Zhenguo, your grandfather. My mother knew he wasn't going to see your grandfather, but to see your mother. At first, my mother couldn't understand it and cried day and night, even neglecting my newborn brother. By the time she realized, my brother had almost died from poisoning. Although he was barely saved, he was left with a lingering illness that damaged his heart and lungs. Because of this, my mother harbored resentment towards Aunt Qing, and twice my father tried to ask the Emperor to marry her, but my mother found a way to stop it," he explained.

Ouyang Nuan's hand, which had just lifted the teacup, froze in place, and she lifted her head suddenly, staring at Xiao Zhonghua in disbelief. Her eyes were like two black gemstones immersed in mercury, clear enough to reflect Xiao Zhonghua's own image.

Xiao Zhonghua continued, "My mother always felt that my father was distancing himself from her because of Aunt Qing. So she harbored resentment. Later, she found out... Marquis Zhengou had already planned to betroth Aunt Qing to my father. However, due to the unstable political situation at the time, the Emperor, in order to appease the Jiangnan region, decreed that my mother, from a prominent family in Jiangnan, should marry my father. When she realized her mistake, it was too late... The Emperor learned about the affair between the Crown Prince and my father's affection for Aunt Qing at the same time. A disaster seemed imminent, and Aunt Qing married your father to protect her family. That's the truth."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan felt a tightness in her chest. Unconsciously, her hand loosened, and with a loud crash, the teacup shattered, spilling hot tea all over the desk. Hongyu couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, while Ouyang Nuan suddenly snapped back to reality, seeing the mess of tea on the table.

Hongyu had just rushed forward, but she saw Xiao Zhonghua had already taken three quick steps and reached her, holding her elbow and pulling up her sleeve. There, a red burn mark on her snow-white forearm was striking, prompting Xiao Zhonghua to furrow his brow and immediately instruct, "Quickly fetch the burn ointment!"

Hongyu swiftly brought the burn ointment, casting a cautious glance at Xiao Zhonghua. Xiao Zhonghua, now in close proximity to Ouyang Nuan, sensed a faint fragrance enveloping him, almost intoxicating. Realizing the inappropriateness of the situation, he released her arm and said, "You apply the ointment."

Hongyu nodded and quickly applied the ointment to Ouyang Nuan's arm. After applying the ointment, Ouyang Nuan furrowed her brow and lowered her sleeve, saying, "I'm fine, you can leave now." Her complexion was very pale, and as she spoke, even the last trace of color disappeared from her lips. Xiao Zhonghua didn't expect his words to have such an impact on her, leaving him silent.

Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, then quickly lowered her head and quietly backed out of the room.

"Are you telling the truth?" Ouyang Nuan stared at him intently. How could all of this be possible?! But Xiao Zhonghua's expression clearly didn't seem like he was lying.

"Mother said it was her fault. If it weren't for her, Father wouldn't have been forced to marry a woman he didn't love, nor would he have to watch his beloved marry someone else, let alone watch her die with resentment. Since Aunt entered the Ouyang Residence, Father rarely stayed in the capital, and Mother felt even more guilty and restless because of it. However, once she took that step, there was no turning back, she could only watch as the mistake unfolded, step by step, with no way out," Xiao Zhonghua explained.

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"What mistake has unfolded?! Can this explain the mistakes that have already been made? If your father couldn't protect my mother, why did he get close to her? If your mother resents, why not confront your father instead of holding a grudge against my mother? Is this your only recourse?" Ouyang Nuan's heart trembled slightly, her voice almost trembling with indignation. She was a rational person, but she was not truly heartless. Every time Lin Wanqing's matter was touched upon, she would lose that calmness and become somewhat aggressive.

"In life, there are many losses and compromises, forcing them to, even if they cannot let go, still have to endure and reluctantly let go." Xiao Zhonghua's heart stirred slightly, but he simply turned his gaze away, his tone extremely cold. "For my mother, no matter how much honor and wealth she has, this lifetime is just that of a heartbroken person, what meaning does it hold? She said she owes Aunt, but I have never thought so, because she owes no one."

For a long while, Ouyang Nuan remained silent. Just when Xiao Zhonghua thought she wouldn't speak again, she suddenly let out a cold laugh and said, "Yes, your mother is naturally innocent. It's my mother who deserves the blame. My grandfather is also a foolish man. How could he marry my mother to a man like your father who lacks responsibility! He may be unfortunate, he may be in pain, but he's still alive in the end. Yet my mother is innocent. She has to bear the consequences of his reckless love. Isn't that his fault?" Ouyang Nuan's voice unknowingly carried a hint of pain, even she didn't realize it herself. A tear, crystal clear, rolled down her snow-white cheek, along the azure collar of her clothing, disappearing in an instant.

"My mother once said, life is so short, one should spend it with the person they love, otherwise it would be a regret. But marrying someone you love and who loves you back, and still having a good outcome in the end, is just too difficult, too difficult. She wrongly hoped for something that didn't belong to her, took away a husband that should have belonged to someone else. But deep down, she still believed, willing to try her best. It's just a pity... My father never gave her that chance. In his heart, there was only Aunt Qing from beginning to end..." 

Xiao Zhonghua's voice was calm, like a thin mist, carrying a hint of gravity yet also a sense of relief. "Actually, what you said is not wrong. In this matter, Aunt Qing and my mother were both forced and innocent. They both did nothing wrong, yet they were both at fault. But they have also paid the price for their mistakes. The one who was most wrong is my father," he lifted his head, looking at Ouyang Nuan, his eyes showing a hint of pain, "Last night, I went to see him secretly. He told me that he deeply regretted not being brave enough back then. If he could forget all the constraints, and wholeheartedly love Aunt Qing, perhaps the situation would be different now."

Ouyang Nuan felt a faint pain in her wrist, but her heart was in even greater agony, as if being twisted by a knife. She whispered softly, "Women in this world only seek the sincere affection of the one they long for, who is willing to bring them happiness. Unfortunately, men are different. Their hearts are too vast, too distant, too deep, and they can never give a woman the happiness she yearns for. This tragedy applies to Princess Yan, to my mother, and to all the women in the world!"

Seeking only the beloved, to never part even in old age. This poem had been passed down for many years, but who could truly achieve it? 

Xiao Tianye... He could claim to do everything for her, but how far could he really go? Would he forsake the Grand Prince for her? Could he give up everything he had at his fingertips? He had once said that as long as she reached out her hand, as long as she walked towards him, but why couldn't he be the one to let go of everything and come to her? Just because he loved her, did he demand that she forsake her own family, forsake everything, and love him in return? Could this kind of love last a lifetime? He was the biological son of the Grand Prince of Qin. He also had relatives and interests that needed his protection. Ouyang Nuan understood his predicament, but there was always a glimmer of hope in her heart... 

In her past life, she had harbored such an obsession, only to end up with illusions and delusions. In this life, she had no other path to take, no other way, only schemes, only struggles, endlessly, in exchange for fleeting peace. What she valued most was the safety and well-being of her loved ones. Even if not for herself, she would do it for them.

Ouyang Nuan suddenly spoke softly, "Was the boat in the Crown Prince's Manor also built for my mother?"

Xiao Zhonghua smiled faintly, "Yes, it was built for Aunt Qing. I often saw my mother shedding tears in secret, and I once tried to set fire to that boat."

Ouyang Nuan raised her eyes, a hint of surprise in her gaze. Could the calm and rational Prince Ming had such impulsive thoughts when he was young?

Xiao Zhonghua gazed at her intently, his eyes filled with a melancholic light, appearing distressed, "For this matter, my father punished me to kneel in the ancestral hall for three days and nights. Even though my mother knelt down to plead for mercy, he refused to forgive me. Because of this, I secretly wished that there would never be a Lin Wanqing in this world again..." He self-deprecated, "After Aunt Qing passed away, my mother wanted to see you several times, but it never happened. She said it was inconvenient due to her status, but I knew she didn't dare to see you because she felt guilty from the bottom of her heart. If it weren't for this guilt, she wouldn't have passed away so early. Before she passed away, she told me to take care of you as much as possible, but I harbored deep resentment towards Aunt Qing and even towards you. I didn't even want to see you." He looked at Ouyang Nuan, his deep gaze filled with icy determination, almost devoid of any compassion. "I'm sorry."

Ouyang Nuan was taken aback, her expression showing a hint of astonishment. But Xiao Zhonghua seemed oblivious to her reaction and continued in a calm tone, "I gave you the white wolf tail because it was something I wanted to give to Mother. I was merely expressing my apologies on her behalf. It wasn't until I saw you at the Grand Princess's Manor, smiling at everyone yet harboring infinite resentment within the melody of your music, that I realized you weren't doing well—" He paused, but didn't continue.

Ouyang Nuan sighed softly, "You didn't have to tell me these things, Your Highness."

Xiao Zhonghua smiled faintly, his gaze passing through the northern window to the snow in the courtyard. "Some things, if I don't say them now, you'll never know. If you happen to find out in the future, you'll only resent my mother. I always harbored a selfish desire, not wanting her to carry eternal guilt."

These words carried a hint of self-pity, and it caused a slight sinking feeling in Ouyang Nuan's heart. Does Xiao Zhonghua's remark imply that the current situation has deteriorated to a dire extent?

Amidst this silence, Ouyang Jue suddenly strode in from outside, shaking off the snow from his body. Even while still in the courtyard, he cheerfully exclaimed, "Sister! I've found something new for you!" As he spoke, he walked briskly into the room.

His dark-colored hooded cloak was covered in snow, and he held a delicate gilt-bronze birdcage in his hand. The exterior was adorned with intricate patterns of gilt-bronze filigree. Inside the cage, a brightly colored parrot flapped its wings, causing the golden bells on its feet to jingle merrily and creating a gust of wind.

Ouyang Nuan was momentarily stunned, but then she suddenly approached and turned over Ouyang Jue's hand, asking, "What happened to your hand?"

Ouyang Jue withdrew his hand and said, "It's nothing. I accidentally got bitten twice when catching that bird. It's no big deal."

Ouyang Nuan naturally gave him a glare, then gently took off his hood and unfastened his cloak, handing it to Hongyu to take outside and shake off the snow. Inside the warm chamber, where the incense burner was lit, Ouyang Jue's eyelashes were even coated with snowflakes, but with the warmth, they melted away, leaving his face moist. After changing his clothes, Changpu brought a warm towel, and surprisingly, Ouyang Nuan rolled up her sleeves and personally wiped Ouyang Jue's face, chiding softly, "You silly child, getting yourself in such a mess over a parrot."

"I accidentally bumped into something on my way out. Perhaps it flew out from someone's home," Ouyang Jue said nonchalantly, then cheerfully added, "But I've already inquired. Now is not the time to go out. They are conducting strict inspections outside."

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Xiao Zhonghua nodded, his gaze falling on the birdcage, and a faint smile graced his face. Ouyang Jue was slightly taken aback; in his impression, Xiao Zhonghua had always been icy, so when did he start showing such a gentle expression? He couldn't help but glance at Ouyang Nuan, only to see his sister handing the warm towel to Changpu. While they conversed, she had already walked over, lightly tapping her finger on the cage, a dimple appearing on her left cheek. He was momentarily puzzled, unable to discern whether Prince Ming was looking at the birdcage or at Ouyang Nuan.

The parrot seemed to be accustomed to being raised by others, very gentle. Ouyang Nuan lightly stroked its dense feathers with her fingertips, couldn't help but say, "It's quite interesting."

Xiao Zhonghua watched her. Before Ouyang Jue came in, her expression had been calm, even somewhat aloof. But upon seeing her brother, she seemed like a different person—radiant, dazzling, her smile as bright as blooming plum blossoms, completely different from the polite smile she usually wore when interacting with him.

"Ah, the snow is getting heavier!" Hongyu exclaimed as she entered from outside.

Ouyang Jue turned to the window, smiling. "Sister, the snow is getting heavier."

"Is it?" Ouyang Nuan also walked to the window. Seeing the courtyard covered in white, with silver flakes fluttering, she remarked softly, "Jue, why don't you take care of this parrot?"

Ouyang Jue was taken aback. "Sister, don't you like it?"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head. "It's not that I don't like it. It's just that it's already accustomed to being raised by someone else. No matter how well you take care of it, it will never acknowledge you as its master. Eventually, it will leave you and fly back to its original owner."

Ouyang Jue looked at Xiao Zhonghua with confusion. He simply didn't understand. So what if it went back to its original owner?

Xiao Zhonghua's breath caught for a moment, but in that instant, he understood not only the meaning behind Ouyang Nuan's words but also why she chose to say them. Since they were destined to part ways, why invest any emotions from the beginning? He felt a profound curiosity about her. Why would a girl who was once so innocent and carefree become the person she was now? Even the departure of a parrot seemed unbearable for her. Was it because she was too heartless or because she was burdened with too much emotion?

Ouyang Jue left with the parrot, his expression full of confusion. Ouyang Nuan watched his retreating figure without saying a word.

Xiao Zhonghua spoke from behind her, "Today, I realized that you can genuinely smile."

Ouyang Nuan turned her head, meeting his gaze directly, enduring the slight sting in her eyes. She slowly said, "Genuine? Do I still have that?"

Xiao Zhonghua replied quietly, "You do."

"Why would the Prince be so sure?" Ouyang Nuan asked with a smile.

"You may have suffered in the past, but those misfortunes are now far behind you. The people around you—Ouyang Jue, your grandmother, and your cousin—they all cry for you, laugh with you, and speak sincerely to you. When you face them, isn't that genuine?" Xiao Zhonghua's mouth curved into a peculiar smile. "Being in the royal family, the people around you either fear you or scheme against you. Even close siblings can be like this. You are stronger than us in many ways. Perhaps you already live in happiness, but you are blinded by hatred and cannot see it."

Ouyang Nuan's pupils visibly contracted. Snowflakes from outside blew onto her face, even whiter than the snow itself. Xiao Tianye's piercing gaze glanced out. Ouyang Nuan shivered slightly in the wind, taking a step forward. Her voice remained as clear and calm as usual. "Prince, you've said too much today."

Xiao Zhonghua smiled faintly. Warmth enveloped his handsome face. "I just wanted to say it."

Ouyang Nuan's smile gradually turned cold, her voice becoming lower and more somber. "You don't need to worry, Prince. There will always be a way for me to send you out of the city."

Xiao Zhonghua moved his lips as if wanting to say something, but in the end, he sighed. Whatever he did, she would always have other interpretations. Perhaps these words were meant to be kept hidden in his heart forever.


Early the next morning, the Ouyang family's carriage departed from the mansion, with Ouyang Jue riding a horse behind.

Street controls were strict now, and any carriage, regardless of its owner, would be stopped and inspected. The Ouyang family's carriage was stopped just after a short while. Two soldiers from the imperial checkpoint approached and looked into the carriage coldly.

Ouyang Nuan felt Hongyu trembling violently beside her, almost unable to catch her breath from fear. Ouyang Nuan sighed inwardly and gently patted Hongyu's hand. Despite her own status as a princess and the fact that the Grand Prince of Qin had not yet openly confronted the Grand Princess, let alone reached the point of killing her, facing such a situation made her feel extremely uneasy.

"Everyone in the carriage, get down now! We need to inspect!" one of the soldiers shouted loudly.

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**A Note From the Author**

The little Prince Qin hurriedly came to protect the honor of the woman he admired, unaware that all her schemes at the moment were only to protect his enemy. Although Ouyang Nuan's actions were not driven by affection for Prince Ming, but rather by a sense of strategic self-preservation and gratitude for his past assistance. But, but, is this love? Is love about rational analysis and cool calculation of gains and losses? 

Indeed, for Ouyang Nuan, her brother's happiness and her own revenge are paramount, but that doesn't mean she can casually exploit someone's genuine feelings. Whether the female protagonist is willing or not, Prince Ming has already entered her room. 

With officials at the door, they can only protect the Marquis of Ming first, or else the Ouyang family would be accused of harboring assassins. 

The Prince's protection despite knowing the numerous difficulties between him and the female protagonist is love, regardless of their respective positions. The female protagonist wants to love but also worries about her brother, grandmother, and cousin... these are things she cannot abandon. 

On one hand, there's a thread of affection from Prince Qin, and on the other hand, there's the heavy burden of familial ties. If we were placed in her shoes, the answer would be clear as well. There are many types of love in the world, but passionate love often doesn't lead to lasting marital happiness. 

Why is that? Just like wood, burning with intense love turns into ashes. Only a warm flame can endure. 

Similarly, the female protagonist, her past tragedies have consumed her passion and courage. Love is too extravagant for her; in fact, familial love is sufficient. Living a peaceful and joyful life, who's to say that isn't happiness? Skipping over romantic love and focusing on building a relationship first might be more suitable for the female protagonist. 

I've always supported Prince Qin as the male lead, but now I'm reconsidering; perhapsPrince Ming is the most suitable after all. He and Ouyang Nuan are similar; even if they have feelings for each other, they won't get deeply involved emotionally. They always maintain a certain distance, analyzing before making decisions. 

Love and affection may be false, but the outcome is what truly matters. They are indeed each other's best choice, but it still pains me to think about Prince Qin. I believe his sincerity and warmth are what can truly warm Ouyang Nuan's heart. 

Everyone says if the Grand Prince of Qin ascends and the Crown Prince falls, it would be tragic, but would the outcome be favorable if Prince Qin ascended and Prince Ming fell? 

Do you believe it?

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