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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 83: 

Status Change

"Oh my God..."

The servant woman was terrified. How could Concubine Ge dare to smash her own head!

The main estate ordered her to send the person to the country estate, and if the living person was turned into a dead one, she would also be held responsible.

"Stop quickly!"

The woman slapped Ge Bao'er, causing her palm to bleed. Ge Bao'er weakly extended the jade pendant in her hand and said, "Take this and sell it, I won't seek death. Otherwise, I'll die at your hands!"

The servant woman was furious and wanted to slap her again. However, Ge Bao'er seemed too weak, and another slap might indeed lead to her death.

She held up the jade pendant and asked, "Do I get a share?"

Ge Bao'er nodded, "I'll give you half, but I want a promissory note."

The servant woman was very tempted and agreed. Ge Bao'er leaned against the carriage, tears streaming down her face.

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Afraid that her son might not grow up to adulthood, she knew it was impossible for her to come back. That Zhuqing was too vicious, not letting her take anything. Even if she left the jade pendant left by her birth parents, she feared she wouldn't live long enough at the estate to see Qinger grow up and bring her back.


The more Ge Baor thought about it, the more her heart ached. Zhujing was cruel, Lin Yunwan ruthless. Could her son grow up to adulthood under such circumstances?

She gradually fell into unconsciousness, not even aware of when they arrived at the estate.


The coachmen and the maids returned to the Marquis of Wuding's residence. The lead maid reported to Zhuqing and said, "Madam, the person has been sent to the estate."

Zhuqing asked, "Was everything smooth? She didn't cause any trouble, did she?"

The maid hesitated for a moment.

Zhuqing sternly said, "If something really happened and you don't tell the truth, I'll tear your mouth open! If you speak the truth, you can take all the silver ingots from this purse."

The maid explained, "Miss Ge was trying to commit suicide, so she forcibly made me take a jade pendant. I helped her find a big pawnshop and sold it, but it wasn't much silver..."

Zhuqing coldly laughed, "All of it was given to her?"

The maid admitted, "... Gave her half." Not daring to lie further, she added, "Just a small half. Those silvers are only enough for Miss Ge to buy medicine on the farm."

Zhuqing didn't mind this. There were too many women who died on the farm, and she hadn't heard of any woman living a lifetime by just taking medicine.

She handed the purse to the maid and said, "Take it." The maid took it with a smile and left.

Zhuqing handled the matter with Gao Baor and found an opportunity to discuss it with Lin Yunwan. However, she didn't mention Gao Baor's suicide attempt and selling the jade pendant, considering it a minor issue. Lin Yunwan was no longer concerned about the well-being of a concubine.

"Understood," Lin Yunwan replied.

She responded casually and continued teaching Chang Gong to read. The child sat on a couch in her room, obediently writing with a pen. The candlelight illuminated his delicate face, and despite his silence, he seemed to become increasingly reserved.

Concerned that her own troubles might have affected him, Lin Yunwan dismissed Zhuqing and asked Chang Gong, "Is there something on your mind?"

Chang Gong put down his pen, lowered his head, and replied, "No."

He says he doesn't have anything on his mind. Clearly, he's feeling down.

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As winter was approaching, Lin Yunwan had a hand warmer brought in and placed it in Chang Gong's hands. She said, "Your hands are freezing white. Should I make you a pair of gloves?"

"Yes!" He readily agreed.

Lin Yunwan smiled and shook her head, still displaying a childish demeanor. Changgong finally showed a hint of softness on his face. He pursed his lips and said, "I have something on my mind."

Lin Yunwan nodded, patiently listening. Chang Gong, clenching his fists under the small table, spoke with restraint, "I hate myself for not being able to support my mother like Uncle does."

He had overheard the discussions about the peace talks between the two families that day.

Uncle Yunyi can stand up for his mother, but he can't! He hated it so much! He hated his father, he hated Old Madam Lu! He wished they were dead!

He knew these thoughts were too rebellious, and he dared not share them with anyone.

Lin Yunwan gently stroked his forehead.

Chang Gong looked up, and his mother's smile was very gentle. He heard her say, "You can do it too. In a few more years, you'll be able to support your mother."


He didn't know what to say and sniffled.

Lin Yunwan pointed to the content in the book and said, "Are you tired? Rest if you're tired, continue writing if you're not tired."

Chang Gong said he wasn't tired.

He studied with Lin Yunwan for half an hour. Lin Yunwan felt it was getting late and didn't allow him to burn the midnight oil. She urged him to go back, saying, "Continue tomorrow. There's no end to studying."

Chang Gong got up and saluted, "I take my leave."

It was already dark outside, and it was too cold. Lin Yunwan had someone bring a thick cloak for Chang Gong and instructed Tao Ye to carry a lantern to escort him to the second gate.

Before leaving, Chang Gong turned back and smiled, "Mother, don't forget the gloves you promised your son."

Lin Yunwan smiled, "I won't forget."

That evening, Lin Yunwan immediately started preparing to sew gloves for Chang Gong and her younger brother, Lin Yunyi. Ping Ye helped with drawing the patterns, creating a pair of embroidered bamboo gloves and a pair of embroidered cypress gloves, perfectly matching their personalities.

The next morning, both Chang Gong and Qing Ge'er came to pay their respects.

Qing Ge'er had become much thinner and seemed absent-minded.

Lin Yunwan heard that recently Zhang Feng'an criticized him many times. Due to the events in the Lu family, he already has the intention to resign.


Qing Ge'er stood by Lu Chang Gong's side, his voice much more timid.

Lin Yunwan's face was cold, "You don't need to come and pay your respects in the future."

Qing Ge'er looked at his stepmother in surprise, asking with a sense of grievance, "Mother, why?"

Lin Yunwan replied indifferently, "You should go and ask your birth mother about that."

She no longer wanted to deal with him.

Ping Ye said unceremoniously, "Young Master Qing, please go back! The Young Master and Madam are about to have their meal."

Qing Ge'er could only leave in tears.

He cried louder and louder, shouting, "Mother, mother, mother..."

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His mother used to be very affectionate with him, so why had things changed? Mother, why?

He couldn't articulate the reasons clearly, but in his heart, he was starting to understand. If it weren't for his birth mother, he wouldn't be in this situation. Now, the servants privately called him the illegitimate son raised by the lady of the house. His teachers looked down on him, his stepmother and brother disliked him...

He was no longer as favored as his older brother.


Yu Shou Tang.

Old Madam Lu lay on the bed, receiving news from the divine ear about the happenings in the household. She was well aware of the commotion in the mansion.

Yan Mama asked, "Now that Lady Ge has gone to the estate, do we still need to send her medicine?"

The main culprit was Miss Ge. It would be best if she were dead!

Old Madam Lu's gaze turned fierce. "Didn't she take a jade pendant to buy medicine? Go and tell the people at the estate to make sure she takes the medicine properly!"

Yan Mama nodded and asked, "Does Old Madam want Madam Lin Yunwan to come and attend to her illness?"

Old Madam Lu neither refused nor agreed. She desperately wanted Lin Yunwan to come! A daughter-in-law should be humble in front of her elders!

However, the news of the heir mistreating his lawful wife, leading to the loss of the title, had spread everywhere.

She really didn't dare to provoke the people from the Lin family again.

"Let it be. Let her educate Chang Gong and Young Master Qing Ge'er well. In the future, our Marquisate relies on the two of them."

Without the title, the descendants of the Lu family would have to study and enter officialdom to achieve prominence. Although Chang Gong wasn't a blood relative, he was a studious individual.

Old Madam Lu said with a sigh, "We should treat Chang Gong better in the future."

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  1. I feel sorry for Qing Ge'er. He is a brat, true, but just a child guided on the wrong path.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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