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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 82: 

Big Madam

After hearing the imperial decree, upon returning to the Chui Si Tang, Lin Yunwan also breathed a sigh of relief. She said to the two maids, "Fortunately, it's just the deprivation of the title."

The two maids, who had never experienced such a major event, were at a loss for words. After calming down for a while with hands over their chests, they finally went to pour tea for her.

The tea they brewed was Longjing tea.

Taking a sip, Lin Yunwan, still feeling lingering fear, said, "It's really tough for my brother and mother."

The act of favoring a concubine over a legal wife is not a minor matter. However, in this generation of the Lu family, there is indeed no irrefutable evidence of the concubine causing harm to the legal wife. The punishment of demotion is rather mild, not too severe.

A more severe punishment could have implicated the Marquis's past mistakes on the battlefield, potentially leading to confiscation of the family's property or even endangering lives. The outcome turned out to be just right, neither too much nor too little.

Tao Ye sighed and said, "The Marquis of Wuding's residence is considered finished. Once the Marquis is gone..."

This goes without saying; a family that has lost its title will not be granted a new one by the emperor. The honor of being a marquis ends here.

Upon the death of the Marquis of Wuding, the name "Marquis of Wuding's Residence" will no longer exist in the capital.

Ping Ye, however, expressed satisfaction, "If it weren't for the respect towards the late Marquis, the Marquis himself might have lost his title long ago. Now that he's still alive, it's already quite good."

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She added, "It's also a good opportunity to suppress the arrogance of the heir. Let's see if he dares to do any foolish things in the future!"

After all, they are all people from the Marquis of Wu Ding's Residence, and in death, they are like grasshoppers on the same rope. The two maids discussed their plans for the future with Lian Yunwan.

"There's no other way to go. The person who lost the title won't be reinstated, unless he chooses to study and enter officialdom. The imperial examination is fair to everyone," Lin Yunwan said calmly, showing no signs of fear.

Because she didn't think that someone like Lu Zhengliu, at his age, could endure the hardships of studying and passing the imperial examination.

Tao Ye was straightforward. She said, "In the future, Master should manage the family's assets and live a peaceful life."

Ping Ye pursed her lips and muttered, "What peaceful life can Master have! In the future, it will all depend on our Madam."

The title "Madam" was a dignified address granted by imperial decree. Now that the eldest son had lost his title, everyone in the mansion would have to address Lin Yunwan as "Madam." Apart from the change in address, there were many other things that needed to be adjusted in the mansion.

Ping Ye, feeling relaxed, said, "There will be plenty to do in the future."

With everyone losing face, and the Lu family no longer able to suppress the Lin family, she felt more comfortable about everything from now on. However, Lin Yunwan said, "You just take care of Chang Gong. Other matters are irrelevant to us."

She continued, "Since we've torn our faces apart, there's no need for me to help manage the affairs of the Marquis' residence. In the future, as long as we hold onto the lifeline of the Lin family, it will be sufficient."

Ping Ye genuinely didn't understand and asked, "What is the lifeline of the Lin family?"

Tao Ye said, "With the Marquis suffering from strokes and dementia, and the heir losing his title, the Marquisate will be nothing but an empty shell in the future. What do you think is the only hope for the mansion?"

Ping Ye thought for a moment and said, "Is it Young Master Chang Gong?"

Tao Ye smiled and nodded, "You're right. As long as the lady raises an outstanding successor, it won't take three to five years. The Old Madam is getting old, the Madam lacks cunning, and the Marquis is the way he is. Soon, Young Master Chang Gong will be able to take charge, and there won't be much for the master of the mansion to worry about."

Lin Yunwan gave a faint smile.

Tao Ye, this maid, is indeed clever, understanding everything.

She intends to sideline Lu Zhengliu!

Since the Lu family won't let her go, she will drag them down with her, giving all of the Lu family's assets to Chang Gong.

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I wonder if the Old Madam Lu and Lu Zhengliu are pleased with her support for the Lu family like this?

"Mistress Zhuqing is here."

The little maid, aware that the mistress and the senior maids were having a conversation inside, spoke softly when delivering the message.

Lin Yunwan, always kind to her subordinates, said in a gentle tone, "Let her in."

Zhuqing entered dressed in light-colored attire, looking better than the mourning girls.

She didn't dare to sit down, timidly calling out, "Young Madam."

Seeming somewhat intimidated by Lin Yunwan, she smiled and said, "Please, have a seat. What kind of tea would you like?"

Zhuqing replied that any tea would be fine.

Lin Yunwan had Ping Ye brew some good tea for Zhuqing.

Zhuqing sat on the embroidered stool, looking even more restrained than ever before and even hesitant. Lin Yunwan asked her, "What's the matter?" 

Zhuqing replied nervously, "It's nothing."

It turned out that seeing Madam Lin and the Lin family wreak havoc in the hall, reducing the Lus to this point, made her realize that she had underestimated the Young Madam. 

Zhuqing remarked, "I originally thought Young Madam was just like me, a woman confined to the inner chambers." Unexpectedly, Lin Yunwan had such remarkable skills.

Zhuqinglooked at Lin Yunwan with great admiration and said, "I don't mean anything else, but... I am more convinced of you now!" She was truly grateful that she did not follow the Lu Zhengliu but chose to stay with Young Madam Lin.

She had figured it out. The mansion wasn't divided into two factions, one supporting Young Madam Lin and the other supporting Concubine Ge. It wasn't a confrontation between Young Madam Lin and the Old Madam either. Instead, Young Madam Lin was at odds with the entire marquisate. Lin Yunwan spoke gently, "Don't call me Young Madam Lin in the future." 

Soon, Zhuqing changed her address, "Big Madam."

After sitting for a while, she began talking to Lin Yunwan just like before. No matter how powerful the Big Madam was, she always treated her own people kindly. Zhuqing felt she didn't need to be afraid; she should be happy, considering she belonged to the Big Madam.

"Are you here just to have tea with me?" Lin Yunwan smiled and asked.

Zhuqing quickly replied: "Oh, that's right, I came to tell you that Concubine Ge heard about the trouble in the mansion and was eager to inquire. I didn't tell her anything. She's really nosy; she even tried to climb out through the back window. Fortunately, I had someone catch her and bring her back."

"Now that she's tied up, please, Big Madam, decide what to do with her."

Lin Yunwan casually said, "Tell the servants to tie her up and send her to the countryside."

Ge Bao'er's son has already been registered under her name, and keeping him in the house is just a nuisance.

In the past, Lin Yunwan didn't have the authority, but now that she can take action, she certainly wants to send the person far away and let her fend for herself.

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Zhujing laughed and said, "Madam, you are still softhearted. If it were another mistress from a different family, she might have had her killed."

Lin Yunwan shook her head and said, "I am not softhearted."

She said indifferently, "I just don't want to have blood on my hands and give others a handle over me. Besides, killing doesn't necessarily require a knife, isn't that right? You nearly died in the countryside residence. How long can a sick concubine live?"

Zhuqing didn't share the same perspective; it must be the good upbringing in the Lin family that makes Big Madam so compassionate.

Lin Yunwan didn't want to explain further. She said, "You are most familiar with the matters at the countryside; you go and arrange it."


Zhuqing immediately went to work. The household was currently in turmoil, and she was eager to do something to show her loyalty.

Back at the Yue Xing Ting, before she could deal with Ge Bao'er, she vomited.

Tongliu rubbed her back, worriedly saying, "Did you eat something bad?"

Zhuqing shook her head, touched her stomach, and said, "Could it be that I'm pregnant?"

Thinking about seeing the pregnant tenant's wife at the farmhouse, not being able to help but retch on the field, she was pretty sure she was. 

Tongliu was overjoyed, "Mistress, quickly go and tell Big Madam!"

Zhuqing refused, smiling, "First, let's take care of Big Madam's matters."

Taking the opportunity, Tongliu said, "There's something I'd like to ask Mistress."

In a good mood, Zhuqing replied, "Speak quickly. Whatever you ask today, I'll agree."

Tongliu continued, "Mistress, do you remember Xiliu? After Concubine Ge's matter, she returned to serve under Yan Mama. Now that Mistress is pregnant, there will be more people attending to you. I'd like to serve you alongside Xiliu, is that okay?"

Zhuqing laughed heartily, "It's such a small matter; Big Madam will definitely agree."

Having finished speaking, she went to deal with Ge Bao'er. 

First, she had the people from the front yard arrange a carriage and assigned a few fierce women to send Ge Bao'er to the estate.

Ge Ba'o'er continued to clamor loudly, "I want to see the Eldest Heir, I want to see my son Qing'er!"

The women with bad temper in the group retorted, and one of them, with a fierce slap, sneered, "Eldest Heir? The eldest heir has already been deprived of his title because of your affair! You should start addressing him as Master from now on!"

Ge Bao'er's eyes widened, and she clenched her jade pendant in her hand, her heart sinking like a rock to the bottom of a lake.

It's over. The Lu family won't let her see Qing'er again!

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  1. You ruined your precious son with your greed and impatience. Now shut up, and go!
    Thank you for the chapter.


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