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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 81: 

Usurping the Title

"Knowing the son better than the father."

The next day, Emperor Jingshun received another type of memorial regarding the Wu Ding Marquis's residence.

"Take a look at your son."

A eunuch handed the copied memorials to Empress Zhao Susu.

Emperor Jingshun snorted and said to the Empress, "As expected, even if I wanted to spare the Wu Ding Marquis's residence, Heng'er wouldn't allow it."

Empress Zhao Sushen quickly glanced at the contents on the paper and said, "These are all memorials accusing the Wu Ding Marquis of making mistakes on the battlefield in the past."

Emperor Jingshun nodded, recalling events from several years ago.

"At that time, I was indeed very angry. Originally, I intended to strip the Wu Ding Marquis's residence of its title. The old Marquis had made significant contributions, and the daughter of the Lins had conveniently married into their family. Considering these factors, I ended up delaying the matter."

Although punishment was imposed on the Wu Ding Marquis's residence, it wasn't severe.

"Now, Heng'er has someone bring up this matter again. If we really start to investigate, the punishment of dismissal and salary reduction back then was too lenient."

"The foolish actions of the Wu Ding Marquis's heir have led to condemnation from all levels of the court. I can no longer turn a blind eye to the sins of the Wu Ding Marquis."

Zhao Susu was very puzzled: "Is it really Henger who submitted the memorial for impeachment?"

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Emperor Jingshun said, "Three out of ten."

"And the remaining seventy percent?"

Emperor Jingshun sighed, "That it's the will of the people."

The memorials submitted by Qi Lingheng's subordinates played a leading role, but the subsequent public opinion became uncontrollable.

After contemplating for a moment, Zhao Susu said, "It seems that Heng'er is really concerned about Lord Lin's family matters."

Emperor Jingshun proudly said, "This child values emotions and righteousness. However, those who don't understand him might find it hard to see."

Zhao Susu chuckled, "As a father, you should be able to understand him. Isn't that enough?"

She then asked the emperor, "So how do you plan to deal with the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence?"

Emperor Jingshun narrowed his eyes, "I've already made the request; now it depends on whether Heng'er agrees or not."

This time, Emperor Jingshun did not summon Qi Lingheng. The temper of his youngest son was getting bigger. Although he appeared respectful and filial on the surface, privately, he would not yield to persuasion or coercion.

He instructed the eunuch in charge of the imperial seal, "Find someone who can speak well and convey a message to Prince Huan."

The head eunuch called over his godson and said, "He's clever; Your Majesty, feel free to instruct him."

Emperor Jingshun gave a message to be conveyed to Prince Huan through the young eunuch. 


A'Fu went to the study and informed Qi Lingheng, "My lord, someone from the palace has arrived."

Qi Lingheng told his subordinates, "Please have a seat; I'll be back shortly."

Qi Lingheng dismissed his subordinates to hear the imperial message. When he returned, his expression was somewhat stern.

Prince Huan, usually composed and warm, rarely showed any change in his facial expression.

His subordinates inquired, "Your Highness, what happened?" One person furrowed his brow and suggested, "Is it related to the Crown Prince's faction?"

Qi Lingheng shook his head, smiling faintly, and said, "It's nothing. Please, continue discussing the matter of my enfeoffment[1]."

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Given the favor of his imperial father and mother, the fief granted to him was prosperous and wealthy. However, dealing with local officials in such prosperous areas was not an easy task. He couldn't wait until he arrived to start handling things; he had to be prepared in advance.

"Yes. My lord, from what I know, in the region of Jiangqian Prefecture, there are quite a few influential and affluent families..."

Qi Lingheng listened patiently and stopped thinking about Emperor Jingshun's words.


The news quickly spread from the court to the residence of Marquis Wu Ding, and Madam Wei was frightened, her legs almost giving way. She said in panic, "It's just a matter of a concubine. How did it involve the marquis? Haven't we put the matter behind us?!"

Thinking about those anxious days, she still broke out in a cold sweat. Old Madam Lu also seemed a bit afraid and said with closed eyes, "Why are you panicking?"

She said with a composed face, "Nothing will happen."

Lu Zhengliu sat in his chair, his face cold and silent.

He had already been suspended from his position.

Old Madam Lu breathed a sigh of relief, not sure if it was to calm everyone's nerves or to console herself. "At most, Zhengliu will be demoted. The Lin family may have powerful connections, but the truth cannot be turned into lies. The Lu family has never harmed the main wife, and there's no talk of destroying a wife. Exposing the affairs of a concubine is, at most, a trivial matter."

"Honorable Emperor's wisdom! Back then, it was because of the old Marquis's favor that the Emperor showed kindness to our Lu family. I don't believe the Emperor would suppress our Lu family just for the sake of a mere woman! It's impossible!"

"But the Marquis's matter is not a trivial one..."

Madam Wei was very worried and urged the Old Madam emotionally, "How about, how about we stop opposing the Lin family? Zhengliu, can't you just part ways with Yunwan?"

No matter how good a daughter-in-law was, it wasn't worth destroying the family for her!

Do they, the women of the family, still want to live?

Lu Zhengliu frowned, "Mother, do you think if the Lu family agrees to an annulment, the Lin family will spare us?"

Madam Wei didn't understand, "If they get their annulment, what else would they want?"

Old Madam Lu gave her a disdainful look and said, "With Yunwan here, the Lian family wouldn't dare to shake the foundation of our Lu family, fearing the consequences. If Yunwan is no longer here..." The Lu family would truly be in jeopardy.

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Madam Wei looked anxious and uneasy.

Old Madam Lu, impatient with her, looked at Lu Zhengliu and said, "We shouldn't just sit idly by. Go and talk to your brother-in-law, ask the Xia family for help in submitting petitions."

She also instructed Madam Wei, "You shouldn't stay idle at home either. Contact all the relatives and friends who can help."

Madam Wei, still uncertain, asked, "What should I say when I go there? How should they submit petitions?"

Old Madam Lu had no words for that and said impatiently, "You still don't know how to ask for help? As long as others are sincerely willing to help, it has nothing to do with how they submit petitions."

Madam Wei left feeling helpless.

Old Madam Lu rubbed her temples and told Yan Mama, "Forget it, call her back. Don't let her go. Fool!"

If it were Lin Yunwan, how could things turn out like this?

Lu Zhengliu angry but not arguing, still had to ask Old Madam Lu, "Grandmother... should I also go inquire about the situation?"

Old Madam Lu, with a stern face, replied, "No need."

"Wu Ding Marquis's residence will be fine. I want her to see with her own eyes that, no matter how much she stirs up trouble, she won't be able to escape our Lu family's control. She better give up on any ideas of leaving our Lu family in the future."

After hearing these words, Lu Zhengliu went to the Xia family.

However, he didn't meet his brother-in-law, Xia Ji, or see Lu Jia.

The steward from the front yard came out to send him away, saying, "Young Master, our master has gone out for a meeting, and he's not at home. The Madam is unwell and not convenient to receive guests. Please go back first."

Lu Zhengliu clenched his fists, suppressing his anger, and asked, "When did my sister fall ill? I'll come visit her later."

The steward chuckled, "Young Master, look at how you're speaking. Whenever Madam gets better, it's up to the doctor. What I say doesn't matter. Please leave," 

Meaning they wanted him gone. The message was clear. 


Ruojuan quickly returned to Lu Jia and reported, "The steward chased the Young Master away."

Ruojuan said, "You've heard about the situation at the Martial Duke's residence. Fortunately, you're a daughter from an external marriage. If something really happens, the Martial Duke's residence might not be in grave trouble."

Lu Jia felt anxious, crying on the spot, "This Lin Yunwan is truly unbelievable! If she had agreed to the divorce, she wouldn't have caused such a big mess. If something happens to my maternal family, she is the madam of the Lu family. Can she escape responsibility?" 

If there were troubles in her maternal family, the latter half of her life would be difficult.

She cried, covering her face, "Who will support me and my younger brother in the future?"

Ruojuan tried to console her with a positive outlook, "Madam, the Marquis' residence hasn't had any trouble for seven years. Even if they bring up old matters, it shouldn't have a significant impact on the Lu family."

"Let's hope so."

That night, Lu Jia couldn't sleep.


Old Madam Lu couldn't sleep either. After waiting all night, the Lu family received an imperial decree.

Hearing the words "stripping the title of the Marquis Wu Ding's heir," the old lady's head spun. "How could this... how is it possible..."

How could the Emperor strip the title of the heir of a marquis' family for the sake of a woman! The old lady fainted on the spot, and she didn't hear the subsequent words about dismissal.

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[1] Enfeoffment: involves the granting of a fief, which is a piece of land or an estate. A fiefdom refers to the territory or holdings controlled by a feudal lord through the system of enfeoffment. In feudal societies, individuals received fiefs in exchange for various services or obligations, such as military service, agricultural production, or other forms of support. The lord granting the fief is known as the suzerain, while the recipient is the vassal.

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  1. Serves you right! Ironically the brainless Mme Wei has the smarts in this situation.
    Thank you for the chapter.


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