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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 80: 


"Everyone, come and take a look at these memorials, let's sort out the details together."

The Prime Minister sat in front of the desk, placing several memorials for the Cabinet ministers to see.

The ministers gathered around, exchanging and examining the memorials brought by the relatives and friends of the Lin family.

Assistant Prime Minister Zhang, after reading three memorials, spoke first, "Marquis Wu Ding's heir has done something quite absurd."

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His voice was not loud, but full of authority, and everyone could hear clearly.

The Prime Minister nodded and asked, "Any thoughts?"

Everyone put down the memorials in their hands and listened intently.

In the Cabinet, the actual authority rested with the Prime Minister. However, Assistant Prime Minister Zhang had recently recommended a miracle eye doctor to the Emperor, and he had become close to the Emperor and Prince Huan. This was a time of favor for him.

Just as Assistant Prime Minister Zhang was about to speak, someone outside said, "Prince Huan is here."

The ministers turned to look, and Qi Lingheng handed a cloak to A'Fu, walking in calmly but with a serious expression. "I heard that last night there were over a dozen memorials petitioning against Marquis Wu Ding's residence?"

The Prime Minister led the group to bow, "Your Highness."

Qi Lingheng nodded slightly and said, "Please, be seated."

The Prime Minister instructed, "Show His Highness."

Qi Lingheng casually flipped through a few memorials, his expression growing increasingly grim. When he finally set the memorials down, he almost threw them onto the table. Seated, he asked the Cabinet ministers, "Is there any consensus yet?"

Assistant Prime Minister Zhang spoke up, "Not yet."

Thinking about how Grand Tutor Lin was once Qi Lingheng's teacher, although their teacher-student relationship had ended many years ago, Prince Huan wouldn't have come to inquire about the Lin family's affairs without reason. Perhaps he still remembered Grand Tutor Lin's kindness?

Seeing that no one dared to ask directly, the Prime Minister spoke first, "Although Marquis Wu Ding's heir has questionable personal conduct, the matters of nobles are not often dealt with, and I'd like to seek advice from His Highness."

Qi Lingheng smiled and said, "I've come to hear what you all have to say."

The Prime Minister and Assistant Prime Minister exchanged glances, wondering if the Prince wanted to intervene – did he want to take charge or not?

Qi Lingheng stood up and said, "Emperor Father assigned me the affairs of the Ministry of Personnel. I can only manage matters related to the appointment and promotion of officials. As for issues unrelated to my duties, you all can discuss among yourselves."

It seemed like he was about to leave.

Assistant Prime Minister Zhang added, "Your Highness, we will report truthfully."

Qi Lingheng left swiftly without looking back.

Everyone understood. The Prime Minister said, "Copy everything as it is and submit it."

The news quickly spread, and courtiers discussed it privately.

"Does the Prince want to handle the Lín family's affairs or not? Why did he come and leave without making any indications?"

Speaking in hushed tones to avoid being overheard, someone said, "If the Prince didn't want to get involved, he wouldn't have come in the first place."

"Everyone knows that Grand Tutor Lín was once the Prince's teacher. If the Prince takes a clear stance, some might say he has ulterior motives."

"If the Crown Prince's people find out, they might submit memorials, and that would complicate things."

"Besides, the royal hierarchy is first loyalty to the sovereign, then father-son. If the Prince, who is only responsible for the Ministry of Personnel, wants to intervene in other matters, it's going beyond the norm."


Emperor Jingshun reviewed the memorials and heard the rumors outside. He summoned Qi Lingheng.

"Emperor Father."

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Qi Lingheng knelt inside the inner hall, with soft cushions beneath his knees.

Such treatment was only afforded to him and the frail Crown Prince, making him a unique figure in the entire court.

Emperor Jingshun sat high above, holding the memorials. He pretended to be asleep, paying no attention to Qi Lingheng.

Helpless, Qi Lingheng called out again, "Imperial Son requests your blessing."

Emperor Jingshun snorted coldly, sitting up. "You finally remember to come see Zhen[1]?"

As a father, he had only been urging his son to get married. Yet, the son had avoided him for several months and hadn't come to see him privately!

Although he felt angry, he couldn't bear to see his son kneeling on the ground.

He commanded, "Take a seat."

The Chief Eunuch of the Ministry of Rites, responsible for managing imperial seals, is colloquially known as "Lao Zu Zong" or "Jiu Qian Sui"[2] by outsiders. Even in front of Qí Lìnghéng, he approached with great respect, bringing a chair. In a hushed tone, he advised, "Your Highness, this time you've truly vexed the Emperor for quite a while. Please, do your best to appease him."

Qi Lingheng smiled slightly and agreed.

After the Chief Eunuch, Emperor Jingshun pointed to a stack of memorials beside him, piled higher than a stool. They were all memorials concerning the son of the Marquis of Wu Ding. 

He said, "After reviewing them, it's clear that the son of the Marquis of Wu Ding is truly foolish."

"When we consider the merits of the old Marquis of Wuding and the fact that Lin Ming had once taught you, the name 'Marquis of Wuding' should not have appeared in front of me again."

Qi Lingheng said calmly, "Father, you are wise."

Then, with a furrowed brow, he asked, "Since you've already made a decision and summoned your son, may I ask—"

Emperor Jingshun smiled and said, "I heard that you made a special trip to the Cabinet for this matter. I want to hear your thoughts."

As a father, of course, one understands their own son. 

As a son, one also understands their own father very well.

Qi Lingheng said, "Father, just say what you want."

Emperor Jingshun said solemnly, "Although the son of the Marquis of Wu Ding is foolish, when it comes down to it, there is no evidence of him planning to kill his wife. It doesn't amount to 'favoring a concubine and eliminating a wife.' At most, he will be demoted or stripped of his official position."

"Heng'er, if you don't have any other thoughts, I will handle it this way."

Qi Lingheng's face turned cold, but he always maintained his composure, especially in front of his father.

He smiled faintly and asked, "Father, what if your son has some thoughts?"

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Emperor Jingshun was waiting for this very question.

He nodded with great satisfaction before saying, "Next year, you will be going to your fiefdom. Your mother and I are truly worried about your marriage. If we could see you taking Princess Huan to your fiefdom, it would be even better."

The matter involving the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence is simply inconsequential compared to his son's marriage.

Kneeling on the ground, Qi Lingheng calmly said: "This is the sovereign's affair, and your son has no right to interfere. Your son takes his leave."

Lowering his head, he retreated because he couldn't turn his back on the emperor, and it wasn't until he left the palace doors that he turned around.

Emperor Jingshun was so angry that he smashed a pair of porcelain vases.

When the head eunuch, he saw the emperor in such a rage and trembled in fear.

"Didn't I advise the prince to appease the emperor..."  Why was the emperor even angrier now!

Emperor Jingshun, full of anger, returned to the Palace where the empress was. Empress Zhao Susu, along with palace maids, knelt to welcome the emperor.

Emperor Jingshun helped her up, frowning, and said, "Why kneel? Get up." 

Zhao Susu quickly had all the palace maids leave and anxiously asked the emperor, "How did it go? Did Heng'er agree?"

"He agreed to what!"

Emperor Jingshun couldn't help but swear. 

Zhao Susu, accustomed to it, despite being the ruler of a country and the mother of all under heaven, their private conversations were much like an ordinary couple behind closed doors, without so many formalities.

"Look, Empress, you gave birth to a good son. Sooner or later, he'll infuriate me to death!"

Zhao Susu, ten years younger than Emperor Jingshun, had already grown accustomed to acting like a young girl in front of her husband. She said with a great deal of grievances, "This humble concubine alone can't give birth to a son!"

Emperor Jingshun was speechless. Back then, ascending the throne was not easy for him either. How ironic that, with all his strategies, he couldn't handle his own son.

He said angrily, "I asked him to marry a wife, not to..." Thinking of the unlucky word, he hesitated to use it on his son.

Zhao Susu sighed, "It's all this humble concubine's fault."

When imperial princes reach a certain age, they have to select palace maidens to test if the prince has any issues in that aspect. However, Qi Lingheng's experiences were not very smooth, which even affected his marriage.

Holding the Empress's hand, Emperor Shunshun said, "How can I blame you?"

The imperial palace is filled with many unsavory matters, and the Empress can't guard against all of them. Zhao Susu felt somewhat powerless and said helplessly, "I thought he would cherish Teacher Lin's kindness and be willing to compromise a bit."

Unexpectedly, he remained unyielding in every matter.

Emperor Jingshun shook his head and smiled, "Susu, you still don't understand Ling'er."

Zhao Susu, nearing forty but well-maintained, appeared much younger, exuding charm. She looked at Emperor Shunzhi, curious, and asked, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Emperor Jingshun, gazing at her face, seemed to have lost interest in responding.

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[1] Zhen: In historical Chinese fiction or dramas, the emperor often refers to himself using the first-person pronoun "Zhen" (朕). This usage is a traditional way for emperors to address themselves in official or formal contexts. "Zhen" is a majestic and imperial term, emphasizing the emperor's status as the highest ruler. It reflects the dignity and authority associated with the imperial persona. This linguistic convention is a part of the formal and archaic language used in historical Chinese settings.

[2] Lao Zu Zong, Jiu Qian Sui (老祖宗, 九千岁): In pinyin, "Lao Zu Zong" (老祖宗) translates to "Old Ancestor" or "Old Forefather," and "Jiu Qian Sui" (九千岁) translates to "Nine Thousand Years." These terms are often used in a respectful or reverential manner, emphasizing the venerable and enduring nature of the person being addressed, such as a senior or someone with significant authority. In the context of addressing the Chief Eunuch, these terms convey a sense of respect for his position and experience.

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  1. The prince want Yunwen isn't he?
    Thank you for the chapter.


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