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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 79: 


"Are you going to write the divorce letter or not? Make up your mind!"

Lin Yunyi couldn't control his anger and punched Lu Zhengliu.

After all, he was still a teenager, in the midst of growing, and not nearly as sturdy as Lu Zhengliu.

Even though the punch was delivered with considerable force, it only caused a reddening of Lu Zhengliu's cheek.

Lu Zhengliu didn't even rub his face and said, "I won't write anything."

Looking at Lady Lin who had fainted, he furrowed his brow and said, "First, take my mother-in-law to see a doctor."

He walked over, intending to help her up.

Lin Yunwan forcefully pushed him away, saying with disgust, "Don't touch my mother!"

Lin Yunyi helped Lady Lin to stand up, and Yan Mama brought over a reviving medicine, placing it under Madam Lin's nose for her to sniff.

Lady Lin partially regained consciousness, tears streaming down her face, but she was still not fully aware.

Lin Yunwan wiped away her tears and said to Lin Yunyi, "Little brother, you go ahead and take Mother back home."

Given the character of Old Madam Lu, having uttered such shameless words, she was naturally capable of following through on them.

She chuckled softly and said, "The Lu family won't let me go. Don't waste your effort."

She patted her brother's shoulder and said, "They won't trouble me either. Go ahead and take Mother back home first."

Lin Yunyi couldn't bear to leave Lin Yunwan alone here.

The head of the Lin family persuaded, "Young Master Yunyi, take your mother home first. Don't let anything happen to her."

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Lin Yunyi, with a heavy heart, said, "Sister, I'll take Mother back first, and you wait for me—"

Lin Yunwan nodded with a smile, saying she would wait for him.

However, she knew that waiting might be in vain.

Supported by the Lin family members, Madam Lin left. In her semi-conscious state, she kept calling out, "Yunwan, Yunwan..."

Lin Yunwan clutched her handkerchief, determined not to let herself cry.

The members of the Lu family felt that Old Madam Lu had gone too far in deceiving others, and as they left, they shook their heads in disapproval.

"The Marquis of Wu Ding's residence is in trouble."

"Ah, the old Marquis passed away too early, and the Marquis is incapacitated due to a stroke. The heir can't sustain the family."

"However, what Old Old Madam did wasn't necessarily wrong."

"A woman, after marriage, should prioritize her husband and wholeheartedly serve her in-laws and elders. If the Lu family is dissatisfied with their daughter-in-law and insists on divorcing her, it's only natural."

However, people have emotions, and everyone has witnessed Lin Yunwan's hardships over the years. They just feel that the Lu family is somewhat ungrateful. What bothers them the most is the apparent mistreatment of Lin Yunwan by Lu Zhengliu, seemingly favoring a concubine over his wife, violating proper etiquette and customs.

If one were to truly consider, this particular matter is the most crucial.

Almost everyone left.

Old Madam Lu and Madam Wei also departed. Madam Wei didn't really want to leave; it was Yan Mama who reminded her to go, so she left with her mother-in-law.

Lu Zhengliu walked up to Lín Yúnwǎn.

"Yunwan, I..."

Without hesitation, Lin Yunwan slapped him across the face. She looked at Lu Zhengliu with red eyes and sneered, "The Marquis and I have come to blows. If the Marquis wants to divorce me over this, it's fine too."

After receiving the woman's slap, Lu Zhengliu's face turned very unpleasant.

He spoke with a cold gaze, "You're acting on impulse; I won't argue with you this time. In the future, you..."

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He couldn't even finish the sentence.

Lin Yunwan turned and left the hall, taking her two maids back to the Chui Si Hall.

She locked herself in her room and didn't summon anyone to attend to her.

After a long wait, Ping Ye and Tao Ye finally dared to enter and offer tea.

"Young Madam, are you feeling any better?"

Lin Yunwan had already adjusted her mood and replied calmly, "I'm fine. What kind of tea?"

Ping Ye smiled and said, "Pǔ'ěr. It has been brewed a few times and is already excellent."

Lin Yunwan nodded, looking at the tea bowl, and said, "Give it to me."

She used the lid of the tea bowl to stir it and took a sip.

Ping Ye sat beside and massaged Lin Yunwan's legs, asking in a low voice, "Madam, what will you do from now on?"

They hadn't heard the entire process of the negotiation between the two families, but they caught the intense parts and witnessed Madam Lin collapsing and being taken away.

Lin Yunwan lowered her eyes; her maids couldn't see the sharpness in her gaze.

"Do whatever needs to be done," she replied.

Ping Ye sighed and whispered, "Young Madam, this servant is going to say something she shouldn't. It seems that since you adopted Young Master Chang Gong, your thoughts have become deeper, and I can't figure them out at all."

Tao Ye also perked up her ears to listen.

Seeing that Ping Ye didn't hit the mark, she added, "Young Madam, you've done so many things recently. If it weren't for today's major event, this servant wouldn't have connected the dots."

"You adopted two young masters, exposed the true identity of Miss Bao'er, reducing her to a lowly concubine. You even took in Mistress Zhuqing to help."

"Now, Young Master Qing Ge'er definitely won't become the legitimate heir. With his birth mother's status and his own character, his future prospects are undoubtedly bleak."

She couldn't help but admire, "What you've done seems to naturally unfold, but this servant feels that each action has been carefully planned by you."

Tao Ye asked firmly, "Madam, everything you've done, is it all for today's annulment?"

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Ping Ye listened in astonishment.

She looked at Tao Ye, then at Lin Yunwan, and asked naively, "Young Madam, is what Tao Ye said true?"

Lin Yunwan didn't intend to hide anything from her maids anymore. She put down the tea bowl and closed her eyes, saying, "It's true."

She added, "I thought this way I could come out unscathed."

She also had Young Master Chang Gong's retreat planned. 

Tao Ye continued in a low voice, "Unexpectedly, both the Marquis and the Old Madam are unwilling to let you go. Their determination has exceeded everyone's expectations."

Lin Yunwan sighed, massaging her throbbing temples. "I really have no choice now."

"Ping Ye, Tao Ye, from now on, I can only take risks. Think about your own futures as well."

"You two are maids who came from my Lin family. I can't bear to have you suffer with me."

Ping Ye immediately said, "Madam, what are you saying! This servant has been with you since childhood, following you to the Lu family. Where you are, this servant will be there too!"

Tao Ye also smiled and said, "Madam, don't think you'll burden us. If we don't have Madam, we don't know the meaning of living either."

Ping Ye's nose tingled. "Exactly."

Lin Yunwan smiled and quickly said, "Bring paper and pen; I'll write a letter to Yunyi."

Today's situation was too chaotic, and she hadn't had the chance to explain to her younger brother what to do in the future.

Since the Lu family was shameless, they had to pay the price for their shamelessness.

Ping Ye quickly brought pen and ink, fearing any delay.

Lin Yunwan swiftly wrote a letter, and it was sent to the Lin family that same evening.


Lin Yunyi was taking care of his mother when he received Lin Yunwan's letter. He crumpled the paper and said to Madam Lin, "Mother, sister has something to instruct me. I need to go out and see our uncles and elders."

Lady Lin had already recovered somewhat, but she appeared much older all of a sudden. She weakly said, "Go ahead."

Lin Yunyi personally went to the homes of the Lin family members who held official positions, making rounds – submitting memorials accusing Marquis Wu Ding's heir, Lu Zhengliu, of favoring a concubine over his wife.

The next day, over a dozen memorials were simultaneously presented.

The Cabinet initially didn't pay much attention to one or two memorials, as they were accustomed to dealing with personal matters brought to court. However, receiving over a dozen at once was unusual.

A minister frowned and said, "This Marquis Wu Ding's heir has gone too far."

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  1. I hope the Lus will pay a heavy price!
    Thank you for the chapter.


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