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Favoring the Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 76: 

Negotiations Between Two Families

Lin Yunyi and Madam Lin attached great importance to Lin Yunwan's situation. In just three days, they successfully persuaded the influential elders of the Lín clan to visit together.

Lin Yunyi firmly declared, "For the humiliation suffered by my sister in the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence, she must separate from the Lu family!"

Madam Lin silently shed tears, her eyes, unable to see anything, evoking sympathy. The members of the Lin clan quickly reached a consensus and strategized on how to handle the situation when the time came.

Lin Yunyi was attentive; after seeing off the elders of the Lin clan, he sent someone to inform Physician Li Qi, "The Lin family has some matters these days, so we won't be receiving Sir over."

Lord Li Qi had his own busy schedule, and if the Lin family didn't want him to visit, he wouldn't insist.

Yunyi even made a special trip to the Prince Huan's residence, bringing with him eight hundred taels of silver, almost all the liquid assets the family could muster.

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Unfortunately, Qi Lingheng was not in the mansion.

The steward in the Prince mansion respectfully said, "If the young master has any requests, feel free to let me know. His Highness ordered us not to neglect any guests from your mansion."

Lin Yunyi presented the silver with both hands and said, "I would like to request five hundred-year-old ginseng roots from your mansion. Here are eight hundred taels of silver. I know it's not enough, but please let me have it first. I will settle the remaining amount with His Highness later. This is a promissory note, and I have already affixed my seal."

The steward glanced at it. The only thing missing was the total amount owed in silver, but Young Master Lin had come with sincerity. The steward stroked his beard, feeling a bit conflicted.

Lin Yunyi was very anxious, but the Lin family's upbringing did not allow him to lose composure. He could only plead more earnestly.

The steward, in a dilemma, said, "Young Master, it's not that I don't want to give it. As you know, hundred-year-old ginseng is not easy to come by, even in the most famous pharmacies in the capital. Moreover, the ginseng in our Wang mansion is a reward from the Emperor and the Empress. There are only five roots in total. If I were to give them all to Young Master at once..."

Even with the Prince instructions, he didn't dare to make such a decision on his own.

The steward continued, "Young Master, how about waiting for a while? I'll go and ask the His Highness right away."

Lin Yunyi could only nod and agree.

Sitting upright in the hall, he waited while the steward sent someone to relay the message to the Prince.

Qi Lingheng was currently in the palace discussing state affairs with the Emperor and the ministers of the cabinet. Normally, such matters were not conveyed by the internal officials.

When the news reached A'fu's ears, he was quite clever. Understanding that this matter needed to be handled by the Prince himself, he discreetly slipped inside, exchanging a glance with Qi Lingheng.

Qi Lingheng returned the gesture. At the moment, he couldn't leave, so any decisions had to be made by A'fu.

"I wouldn't dare make decisions on my own."

Qi Lingheng scolded A'fu with dissatisfaction, "You can't even handle such a small matter?"

A'fu knelt down and replied, "Your Highness, the ginseng is a reward from the Emperor and..."

He didn't finish his sentence before Qi Lingheng waved his hand, indicating that he understood.

Qi Lingheng glanced at A'fu indifferently and said, "If you come to me for such matters again, you might as well retire and live a peaceful life."

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A'fu shivered; he was only in his twenties, how could he retire and live peacefully?

"I understand, Your Highness," A'fu replied quickly.

Hurriedly leaving the palace, he conveyed the message to the household staff. When the steward heard the response, his eyes widened in disbelief. He questioned the young eunuch, "Did His Highness really say that?"

The young eunuch responded, "Why would I make it up? A'Fu indeed said so."

The steward furrowed his brows, finding it hard to believe that His Highness would speak in such a manner.

'Whatever it takes, just get the ginseng. What does it matter if we empty the Prince Residence?'

"Did Wangye really say that? I hope A'fu didn't make a mistake..." The steward mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, Lin Yunyi was still waiting. When he saw the steward, he stood up and greeted him. The steward politely said, "Please wait a moment, young master. We have already sent someone to acquire the ginseng."

Lin Yunwan was pleasantly surprised, "His Highness agreed?"

The steward nodded.

Not only did he agree, but the ginseng was neatly packaged in five brocade boxes and placed in a basket. The steward handed it to Lin Yunyi, saying, "Young master, take it and use it. If it's not enough, feel free to come back."

It was just ginseng. If the Prince Residence ran out now, their master could easily obtain more.

However, Lin Yunyi declined, saying, "This is enough."

The steward personally escorted Lin Yunyi out. Before parting, he couldn't help but ask one more question, "Is the young master in such a hurry for this ginseng because of Madam Lín?"

Lin Yuni replied, "My mother is doing well."

He didn't reveal more, boarded the carriage, and left. As for the promissory note with the handprint, he didn't bother asking the Prince Residence for the specified amount he would owe. Based on the favor from the Prince Residence, he would accept whatever amount they wrote.

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After obtaining the ginseng, Lin Yunyi and the elders of the Lin family went to the Marquis of Wu Ding's mansion the next day, having sent a notice in advance.

Indeed, the Marquis of Wu Ding's mansion welcomed them with great importance, opening the central gates to receive the Lin family.

"Young Madam, our Madam and Young Master Yunyi have arrived!"

Ping Ye was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes.

Lin Yunwan had already freshened up and was sitting in the courtyard, reading the poems and books her father had taught her.

Tao Ye came over and said, "Madam, Old Madam is also going over there."

Everyone needed to be in attendance was there. Lin Yunwan stood up and said, "Let's go as well." She went with two maids.

Zhuqing also followed, but she didn't have the qualification to eavesdrop in the hall. She could only stay outside, listening to the movements inside the hall.

She hid behind the osmanthus tree and said to Tongliu, "At least let me know if they start arguing or if it's a peaceful discussion."

Tongliu whispered, "Madam, please make sure to hide well. If the Old Madam and the Young Master see you, they might redirect their anger towards you."

"I understand. Quickly go and keep watch for me. If someone comes, call me."

As Tongliu moved a bit farther away, Madam Wei arrived.

Before Madam Wei could enter, she saw Lin Yunwan walking towards her. Madam Wei hurriedly approached, grabbed her hand, and expressed concern, "Yunwan, I heard you were ill. How are you now? Have you recovered? You should have called a doctor to check on you."

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Lin Yunwan tried to pull her hand back, but Madam Wei held on too tightly, making it difficult for her to move.

Madam Wei, tired and frustrated from managing the household these days, complained to Lin Yunwan, "You have no idea, those stewardesses are simply too cunning! If I hadn't slapped a few of them, there wouldn't be a single one obedient and well-behaved."

Tao Ye sighed inwardly. Those stewardesses were all prominent figures; how could one slap them so easily?

Ping Ye didn't know what to say. What was the point of discussing such matters at this time? 

Madam Wei herself realized it wasn't the right time to talk about these household matters. She advised Lin Yunwan, "Why bother making such a fuss? Just deal with the concubine and the illegitimate child separately—one can be sent away, and the other can be disposed of. Then everything will be peaceful."

"Madam, you're oversimplifying things," replied Lin Yunwan. She exerted some force and finally pulled her hand free.

Madam Wei looked puzzled. What was too simple? Did she mean killing the illegitimate child as well? Well, if both were gone, it would indeed be clean and simple.

It's just that there is no reason to kill one's own bloodline.

Zhuqing listened from a distance, shaking her head helplessly, "This Madam..."

She really wanted to grab Madam's ears and tell her, "Ge Bao'er is ambitious, eager to replace the legitimate mother!" But she encountered a formidable mistress and failed.

However, it was scary enough; which mistress wouldn't be chilled?

After observing for a while, she finally saw that everyone had arrived.

Old Madam Lu, the old lady, looked very pale and instructed Yan Mama, "Close the doors of the hall." Clearing the space, no one was allowed to eavesdrop.

Zhuqing knew how to hide, managing to avoid Yan Mama's scrutiny.

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