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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 75: 

Pretend to be Sick

"Old Madam is sick," said Ping Ye, venting her frustration. 

"Don't let it get to you," sighed Tao Ye. 

With such a significant incident, it wouldn't be easy for the Marquis of Wuding's residence to resolve the matter. If the Old Madam didn't feign illness and use the concept of "filial piety" to suppress the mistresses, what else could they do?

Ping Ye, unwillingly said, "It's just because our mistress is in good health!'" 

Lin Yunwan lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. 

Tao Ye asked, "Madam, aren't you going to see the Old Madam?" 

Lin Yunwan replied indifferently, "Spread the word that I'm also unwell." Feigning illness might work on Lu Zhengliu, but what use would it be for her?

With a smiling face, Ping Ye said, "I'll go wring a handkerchief!" 

Afraid of laughing too obviously, she covered her mouth with her hand. Once she could contain her laughter, she went out to fetch water and wring a handkerchief for Lin Yunwan. 

Going back and forth in the courtyard, she said to everyone she met, 'Madam is sick. She has been accumulating so much anger in her stomach normally, and now it's getting worse. Who knows if she will survive or not this time!'

Tao Ye's eyes also turned red, and everyone, seeing the madam and her two personal maids in such a state, felt uneasy.

"This is serious; the madam has fallen ill!"

"What should we do now? Who will manage the affairs of the mansion in the future?"

Madam Wei was so anxious that she looked like an ant on a hot pan and had no choice but to step forward.

She went to the meeting hall and first informed the stewardesses, saying, "From now on, gather here around the hour of Chen[1] for any major or minor matters."

One of the stewardesses grumbled, "Chen hour? By the time the discussion is over, it'll be time for lunch."

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Madam Wei frowned and asked, "What time does your madam usually come?"

Yuan Mama said, "Madam, the Young Madam used to arrive no later than the end of the hour of Mao[2]. However, things have changed in the past half year. Even if she comes a bit late now, it won't delay the matters in the mansion."

Madam Wei wiped her forehead and said, "…No need to come so early."

She couldn't get up early!

She said, "I still need to take care of the Old Madam and Marquis, and I don't have that much time. Just come over at the time I mentioned." After settling on the time, she dealt with a few matters in a daze, and then she was in a state of panic.

Fortunately, for the past seven years, there have been established rules for various matters in the mansion. Even though Lady Lin fell ill, she was not deceased, so things shouldn't be too chaotic.

"May Buddha bless me, this is really giving me a hard time!"

Madam Wei rushed to the Chui Si Tang as if escaping, heading to find Young Madam Lin. On one hand, she wanted to persuade her to get better fast and comfort her, and on the other hand, she worried about her illness.

A maid reminded her, "Madam, shouldn't you go see the Old Madam first?"

Madam Wei then remembered, realizing that she had disrupted the proper order.

Of course, she should first attend to the Old Madam before visiting her daughter-in-law.

She turned to Yu Shou Tang, and a maid whispered to her, "The Old Madam is seriously ill and refuses to see anyone. Even Yan Mama couldn't get in. Madam, you might as well not go."

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Madam Wei actually wanted to go, but hearing that even Yan Mama was turned away, she decided to hold off for now. If she accidentally worsened the situation, and the Old Madam blamed her, she would become the scapegoat in the mansion.

However, she wasn't just going to stand idly by.

"Is that wicked woman, Mistress Ge, under house arrest?"

The maid replied, "Someone is keeping an eye on her, locked in the Yue Xing Ting, not given any food or drink. They'll only provide a sip of water when she's on the brink of death."

Madam Wei nodded, "Yes, the young master's orders are absolutely right!"

That wicked woman deserved to be starved.

Zhu Qing also shared the same sentiment. She rushed over to supervise, checking if anyone dared to give water to Ge Bao'er.

She told Teng Lai, "This Concubine Sister Ge has gone too far! Even if a knife falls from the sky, it won't be able to kill her. Since she's right under my nose, I can't let her off easy."

Zhuqing stood outside Ge Bao'er's room, sternly warning the maids, "If I catch anyone daring to give her an extra drop of water, don't blame me for reporting it to the young master. I'll say they were beaten to death!"

The maids reassured Zhuqing, "Don't worry, Misstress. We will take good care of Concubine Ge." 

They had no intention of seeking any benefits.

Inside, Ge Bao'er, hungry for a day and night, trembled as she listened to Zhuqing's words.

"Qing'er... Qing'er..."

Her son.

As expected, there was still a place for her in Qing Ge'er's heart. Based on this alone, Lu Zhengliu wouldn't truly let her die.

She just needed to endure until her son was officially recognized under her name. Once that happened, they could reunite.

"What if he's considered a legitimate son? A legitimate son is still my child."

The mother and son relied on each other. Was there anything they couldn't overcome?

After her outburst, Zhuqing changed into simple clothes and went to visit Lin Yunwan.

"The Young Madam is not receiving visitors."

Ping Ye stopped her at the door.

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Zhuqing cried sorrowfully, "Miss, please let me serve in front of the madam!"

Ping Ye refused to let her in, and Zhuqing cried loudly.

Inside, Tao Ye said, "Let Sister come in."

Once Zhuqing entered, she saw Lin Yunwan looking perfectly fine and sighed in relief, "Fortunately, madam isn't really sick. I was afraid you had truly fallen ill!"

Lin Yunwan sat up and asked, "Did you come on your own accord?"

Zhuqing replied, "Of course."

She briefly mentioned the changes in the mansion and tentatively asked, "Young Madam, do you really want to leave the mansion?"

Worried that Lin Yunwan might be suspicious, she quickly explained, "I have always been with you, whether you leave or not. I just want to have some certainty in my heart. Madam, please rest assured, I won't disclose anything."

Lin Yunwan closed her eyes and said, "Let's wait until the elders of the Lin clan arrive."

Zhuqing fell silent, torn between her reluctance to part with Madam and her unwillingness to hold her back.

Even if her words might not carry much weight in Madam's eyes.

Knowing that Lin Yunwan was in a bad mood, Zhuqing playfully complained, "You and I are like fleas on the same rope! If Madam had told me earlier that Young Master Qing Ge'er is her son, maybe I could have been of service to Madam."

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Lin Yunwan smiled and said, "You pressed her head into the water several times, doesn't that count as assisting?"

Zhuqing gritted her teeth, "That doesn't count, it's just making her repay the debt for my contraceptive soup!"

She really holds grudges.

Lin Yunwan suddenly asked, "How is Chang Gong? Has he visited the backyard?"

Zhuqing, being meticulous, had inquired about everything, including Lu Chang Gong's situation. She shook her head and said, "Young Master has never visited the backyard. He has been studying in the front yard."

Worried that this news might sadden Lin Yunwan, she quickly added, "It's not that Young Master Chang Gong doesn't want to see you. After you said you wanted to stay secluded, he, being sensitive, didn't insist. Unlike me, with a humble status, he's not comfortable pushing too hard. When you're ready to open the backyard, he'll come."

Lin Yunwan didn't bring up Lu Chang Gong again.

Zhu Qing met with Lü Yunwan, got some information, and left shortly after. 

After dark, as the second gate was about to be locked, a figure rushed over. "Wait a moment," said the figure.

The maid took a closer look, "Young Master Chang Gong?"

Lu Chang Gong replied, "I'm going out."

The maid let him pass and advised, "Young Master, try to leave earlier in the future. Don't get locked inside."

The backyard hadn't been arranged for the two young masters yet, and without a place to stay, it would be troublesome.

Lu Chang Gong, perhaps unaware of this advice, returned to the front yard. Instead of going to his own room, he headed to Qing Ge'er's place, locked the door, and gave him a good beating.

"You seem to enjoy hitting people, right? How does it feel to be on the receiving end?"

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[1] Chen Hour: In traditional Chinese timekeeping, Chen Shi refers to the time period between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Each traditional Chinese hour corresponds to a two-hour period, and Chen is the third hour of the Chinese zodiac sign cycle. The hour of Chen is the fifth double hour of the day.

[2] Mao Hour:The "hour of Mao" refers to the Mao Shi (卯时) in the Chinese traditional time system. In this system, a day is divided into 12 double hours, each lasting for two modern hours. The hour of Mao corresponds to the fourth double hour of the day, which is roughly from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM.

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