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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 74: 

Please Call the Elders

"Master Qing, you must be confused. How could Concubine Ge be your birth mother? Are you sick or gone mad?" Zhuqing asked as she supported Qing Ge.

Qing Ge cried, "I'm not sick or mad! She is truly my mother! Mother, please save her; she's about to die!"

Zhuqing sighed. No illness or madness is good; he said it himself, and everyone heard it. In the future, he shouldn't go back on his words. She released Qing Ge'Ge and stood beside Lin Yunwan.

In the midst of all this confusion, the truth finally comes out. It's quite something for Ge Bao'er to come up with such a scheme. She's like a fox disguising itself as a prince, incredibly audacious!

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"I say, little sibling, you better get someone to save her. After all, she's the prince's aunt, and her life matters too. Don't just stand there and watch her die because—well, because of whatever reason." Lu Jia's words are never comforting.

She took the initiative to command the servants and maids who came along, "Why aren't you jumping into the water to rescue her?! Are you all blind?!"

Lin Yunwan also instructed people to get into the water.

Although the place where they fell into the water was relatively shallow, it was still dangerous, and they couldn't afford any mishap. 

Zhuqing quickly spoke up, "All of you, go and rescue Miss Xiliu. Tongliu, you can swim, right? Hurry and save Mistress Ge, she's from the same household as me, and I can't bear to see her drown."

Tongliu responded, "Yes," and prepared to join the maids in the water to rescue Mistress Ge.

Zhuqing also followed, standing on the shore and watching. 

She sneered inwardly as she observed the pretended struggle of Ge Bao'er in the water.

"You little vixen, giving birth to a son and then feeding me contraception soup. I'll make you pay!"

The women who were skilled in swimming managed to pull everyone ashore. 

Following Zhuqing's instructions, Tongliu helped Ge out of the water.

Squatting down, Zhuqing exclaimed, "Sister Ge, give me your hand. I'll help you up."

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Ge Bao'er, though not in any mortal danger, was shivering from the cold water of late autumn. Unable to see or hear clearly, she extended her hand towards Zhuqing.

Zhuqing dragged Ge Bao'er over, taking advantage of the chaos. She grabbed Gě's hair and pressed her head into the water.

"Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle."

Although Ge Bao'er hadn't swallowed much water initially, under Zhuqing's grip, her nose and mouth were filled, making her choke and cough continuously.

"Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle."

A few more bubbles surfaced on the water.

This was going too far!

The maids, fearing it might lead to a fatal incident, reluctantly spoke to Zhuqing, "Mistress, please pull her up."

With a raised eyebrow, Zhuqing replied, "This isn't my first time rescuing someone from drowning. I have experience." She leisurely pulled Ge Bao'er back onto the shore.

She didn't exert much force; it was the people around who assisted in pulling Ge Bao'er out of the water. Xiliu had learned to hold her breath, and Ge Bao'er didn't actually intend to drown her, or herself for that matter. Although she suffered a bit, there was no serious harm.

However, she was cold, her teeth chattering incessantly.

"Give her my cloak," Lin Yunwan requested.

Lin Yunwan immediately unfastened her own cloak and handed it to Tao Ye, instructing her to quickly pass it over.

Tao Ye draped the warm cloak over Xiliu's shoulders. With wet hair clinging to her face, Xiliu shivered and expressed her gratitude, "Th-thank you, Y-young Madam."

Ling Yunwan said, "Don't speak anymore. Ping Ye, take her to my place for a warm bath."

Ping Ye nodded and said, "This servant will bring her my own clothes to wear."

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Ge Bao'er was not feeling as comfortable, standing alone in the cold wind. Qing Ge'er rushed over, holding her waist, crying out, "Mother, mother, I don't want you to die!"


She was too cold, crying while holding her son, and finally felt a bit warmer. Lin Yunwan walked over, gave the mother and son a cold glance, then turned and left.

Zhu Qing also snorted disdainfully while looking at Ge Bao'er.

The other maids and servants didn't mince their words and spat at her before leaving, gossiping among themselves.

"I never expected her to be so shameless. Not only did she flirt with a man while engaged, but she had a child even before the madam entered the household!"

"I heard her biological parents are dead. She's really a person without status."

"With this background, she still wants to climb higher. Shameless and despicable."

"I've been wondering, Young Master Changgong is so good, but Young Master Qing just can't get along with the madam. Notice that? The child born before the official entry of the madam into the household is undoubtedly lowly."

"Hush, don't spread rumors about the young master."

"A concubine's child born before the main wife enters the house is undoubtedly lowly! I told you so! I said it! Even if I get kicked out of the mansion, I have to speak up for the young madam! Despicable!"

A group of maids and servants returned to the banquet with a few young masters, and both Old Madam Lu and Old Madam Xia immediately sensed that something was wrong.

It seemed like something had happened.

Lin Yunwan emerged from the crowd, and Old Madam Lu's heart trembled. Could it be that her little great-grandson was in danger? Anxiously, she asked, "Yunwan, what's going on? Has something happened?"

Old Madam Xia also set down her chopsticks, expressing concern, "How's the child?"

Even Lu Zhengliu felt uneasy.

Could it be that his words were too harsh, and the maids and servants passing them on frightened little Master Qing Ge'er? He furrowed his brows, stood up, and looked at Lin Yunwan.

Lin Yunwan's expression remained cold. She swept her gaze from Old Madam Lu and Lu Zhengliu, finally landing on her own mother.

She reddened around her eyes, closed them briefly, and said, "Mother, please invite the elders of the Lin family for me."

Then, she knelt down.

Lin Yunyi walked over with concern, crouched down, and supported Lin Yunwan, saying, "Elder sister, what happened? Tell me!" He grit his teeth, "That adopted son of yours, did he disrespect you?"

He couldn't let that brat off the hook!

Madam Lin's heart ached, her daughter's voice was so calm yet filled with so much grievance.

She restrained her urge to cry, supporting Lin Yunwan, and said, "Alright. I will go back and invite your uncles over. Yunwan, explain everything to your mother now."

Wei Shi was taken aback.

She walked over and said, "What happened? Why are you inviting the Lin family elders over?"

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It seemed like a major conflict between the Lin and Lu families. Old Madam Lu and Lu Zhengliu had already guessed, but the scale of the situation was beyond the Old Madam's expectations.

She called out, "Yunwan."

Ge Bao'er was just a concubine; she didn't have much time left to live anyway. There was nothing to fear. This secret had been held in her belly, and she wanted to speak it out but didn't dare.

Lu Zhengliu bowed his head, clenched his fists. He had always been afraid of her finding out, yet now that she knew, he unexpectedly felt a bit relieved. 

Only Old Madam Xiao was left in the dark, and she looked at Lu Jia.

Lu Jia walked over to her mother-in-law and explained for Lin Yunwan. 

"Little brother, not to criticize you, but why are you so confused? Even if Cousin Ge is the birth mother of Young Master Qing Ge'er, you can't hide it from Yunwan. She is the legitimate mother, regardless of the legitimacy of the son. How can she not care?" 

"Look at how you've upset your younger sister. Hurry up and appease her." 

Old Madam Lu's head was spinning. Indeed, it was about this matter!

Madam Wei widened her eyes, quickly walked to Lu Zhenliu's side, and grabbed his arm, asking, "Young Master Qing Ge'er is born by Cousin Ge?"

Lu Zhenliu nodded.

Oh my Buddha.

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No wonder that annoying brat is so unpleasant. He turned out to be the son of the even more detestable niece of the Old Madam!

"Oh my, I say, you..." Madam Wei clapped her hands and stomped her feet, unable to find the right words. She lacked the eloquence for such situations.

However, she was genuinely worried. She rushed to grab Madam Lin's hand and advised, "Dear Madam Lin, don't get upset."

Madam Lin was a knowledgeable, reasonable, and gentle person, never prone to losing her temper or putting on a gloomy face.

She shook off Madam Wei's hand and said coldly, "This household of the Lu family, we truly dare not stay any longer!"

Madam Lin couldn't stand steady on her own, and as Lu Zhengliu tried to come forward to help, Lin Yunyi stood in front of Madam Wei, looking at Lu Zhengliu with cold eyes, said, "No need for the concern from the heir of this family. My mother has me to take care of her."

Madam Lin's voice trembled, "Yunwan, come back home with me."

Lu Zhengliu stood in front, feeling guilty, "Mother-in-law, Yunwan cannot leave."

Old Madam Lu also came forward and said, "Madam Lin, if the Lin family really wants Lin's clan elders to come, the Marquis of Wuding's residence will definitely open its main gate to welcome them. However, Yunwan is still a wife of our House of Lu. You can't take her away!"

Continuing the dispute will only lead to mutual harm.

Old Madam Xia stepped forward and suggested, "Let the elders from both families come to discuss this matter. If you insist on taking her away, it might create complications. Listen to me, go back first."

Yunwan also advised her mother, "Mother, you and younger brother should go back first."

Lin Yunyi suppressed his anger and declared, "Sister, mother and I will come to pick you up soon!" Lin Yunwan nodded and saw them off through the second gate.

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