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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 73: 


The day of Qing Ge'er's birthday banquet arrived, but Old Madam Xia is clearly more concerned about Madam Lin's eye condition.

"Can Madam Lin see some light in her eyes now?" Old Madam Xia asked.

Old Madam Lin smiled, "I can see some light, thanks to your brother."

Old Madam Xia was pleased, "We're family; it's only natural."

Lu Jia, on the side, behaved more obediently, taking care of several illegitimate daughters and sons and refraining from meddling in matters related to the maternal family.

It's evident that she has been through a tough time lately.

Zhuqing couldn't help but whisper to Lin Yunwan, "Madam, even Grand Aunt looks worn-out."

Lin Yunwan glanced at Lu Jia; it was more than just looking worn-out—she appeared haggard.

Covering her mouth with a handkerchief, Zhuqing continued, "I heard that the concubine favored by Master Xia is quite formidable. She is adept at finding people's weaknesses. Eldest Sister-in-law is often infuriated by her, and Master Xia and Old Madam Xia don't support her. She seems to have met her match."

Thinking about Lu Jia's disrespectful remarks, Lin Yunwan felt no sympathy for her.

While the women were having a joyful conversation,  Lu Chang Gong and Lin Yunyi were deeply engrossed in playing chess in the flower hall.

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Lu Chang Gong didn't know how to play chess.

Lin Yunyi patiently explained, "Uncle will teach you. Your mother will probably teach you too in the future. Maybe the next time we meet, we can play a game together."

Lu Chang Gong humbly replied, "Uncle excels at everything. It might be challenging to play against you next time we meet."

Lin Yunyi smiled. Being an uncle feels quite good!

He took out a box and said, "A gift for you."

"A gift?"

Today is not his birthday, and Lu Chang Gong feels that he shouldn't accept gifts. 

Lin Yunyi generously said, "Just accept it. Uncle loves his nephew; it's only natural."

"Thank you, Uncle."

Lu Chang Gong asked Tao Ye to take care of the gift for him.

As the banquet was about to begin, Lu Zhengliu and Madam Wei also arrived together. They either came together or met halfway. 

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When it was almost time for the banquet to begin, Lu Zhengliu and Madam Wei also arrived together. If they did not come together; they must have run into each other on the way.

Old Madam Lu smiled and asked Lu Zhengliu to come over, then said to Young Master Qing Ge'er, "Why don't you greet your father?"

Today, Young Master Qing is the little birthday star, and everyone is finally paying attention to him.

Qing Ge'er stood up and bowed to his father.

Lu Zhengliu gave him a jade pendant. 

Ge'er forgot to even take it, staring outside the flower hall, but still couldn't see his mother.


Lu Zhengliu frowned; today, relatives were present in the house, including his grandmother and uncle. How could he afford to be absent-minded and impolite? 

Ge'er took the jade pendant but forgot to express his gratitude. Instead, he quietly asked, "Father, why hasn't Cousin Ge arrived yet?"

Lu Zhengliu gave him a cold look.

Ge'er dared not ask any further.

"Well, let's all take our seats!" Old Madam Lu announced. 

Since they were all family members, there was no strict segregation between men and women. As soon as Lu Jia sat down, she asked, "Why isn't Cousin Ge here?"

She wasn't provocatively asking; it was just a thoughtless remark, with a voice neither loud nor soft.

Zhuqing happened to overhear and whispered, "Eldest Sister-in-law doesn't know. She has been ill since the last time, and I'm afraid she won't make it today."

Lu Jia casually asked, "Oh, she's sick?"

Zhuqing suddenly chuckled and muttered, "Maybe she's close to death. Who knows."


Mother is going to die?

Zhuqing's joking remark didn't startle anyone else, but it terrified young Master Qing Ge'er. No wonder his mother had been so affectionate to him; she wanted to die!

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He didn't care about the banquet, about anything. Without saying a word, he left his seat like a gust of wind and ran away.

He didn't want his mother to die!

"What is this child doing? He doesn't even respond when his uncle talks to him!" Lin Yunyi commented on Qing Ge'er's running away. Lin Yunyi had just started to try and talk to the Second Young Master.

Old Lady Lu frowned. Lately, Lin Yunyi, the well-mannered young master, rarely had a chance to exchange a few words with Qing Ge'er. Why would he suddenly run away?

Moreover, today was his birthday banquet, and his stepmother had put in a lot of effort for the occasion. She even invited the Lins over. How could he be so disrespectful?

If this got out, it would tarnish his reputation.

"Cough." Lin Yunyi put down his chopsticks with a cold expression. His half-nephew was really not as good as Chang Gong. What was the need for him, as an uncle, to be frightened away mid-sentence? 

Lu Zhengliu, with a stern face, ordered, "Bring Qing Ge'er back to me!"

The heir was furious, and the servants and maids, regardless of their origin or duties, rushed to chase after him. 

Lin Yunyi stood up and said, "I scared him off, so I'll go after him."

Lu Zhengliu felt it was too impolite and tried to stop him, "Younger brother, you don't need to bother. I'll have someone fetch him back to offer you an apology."

Lin Yunyi calmly responded, "There's no need to make a fuss. I'll go myself. Anyway, this little nephew didn't seem promising at all, especially being an adopted child. 

Lu Zhengliu didn't pay much attention to his behavior, but he didn't want his sister's face to look bad today.

To avoid making a big deal out of it, Lu Zhengliu tried to be more gracious. 

He insisted that he would make the boy come and apologize to Lin Yunyi. However, Linyun Yi firmly declined, saying, "It's just a child. No need to make a big deal out of it." 

Having heard some rumors about the spoiled adopted son, Madam Lin also intervened, saying, "Let it go, it's just a child." She knew that this adopted child could cause trouble for her daughter in the end.

Young Madam Lin Yunwan stood up and said, "I'll go check on him."

Lin Yunyi has always protected his sister, so he followed and said, "Sister, I'll accompany you." 

Lu Chang Gong also wanted to go, saying, "I can talk to my brother; maybe I can persuade him." 

Like a string of connected gourds, one by one insisted on going, and eventually, even Lu Jia and Zhuqing joined. 

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Hearing from the maids, they said, "Young Master Qing first went to Yue Xing Ting, and later, he went to the garden." 

When Qing Ge'er heard that Ge Bao'er wasn't in Yue Xing Ting, he rushed to the garden with his personal maid. He was scared and ran after him.

Sure enough, he saw his mother and the maid jumping into the water together.

On such a cold day, the two of them fell into the water.

Regardless of status and relationships, whether it's stepmother or brother, he didn't care!

He only wanted his mother!

Qing Ge'er knelt by the shore, shouting and crying, "Mother! Save my mother! Please save my mother!"

Seeing Lin Yunwan approaching, he crawled and knelt at her feet, pleading, "Mother, I beg you, save my mother! She's drowning! Please save her!"

Those who followed were all dumbfounded.

Lin Yunwan furrowed her brows and asked, "Who is your mother?"

Zhuqing's eyes widened, and she couldn't wait to ask, "Are you saying that Concubine Ge is your... birth mother?"

Crying, Qing Ge'er nodded, "She is my mother. Mother, I beg you, please save my mother." He continued to kowtow to Lin Yunwan.

Lu Jia twitched the corner of her mouth, her expression turning unpleasant.

Ge Bao'er is actually Qing Ge'er mother?

In other words, Qing Ge'er is her younger brother's child born before his marriage?

Having a concubine before marrying his legal wife—

Heavens, she thought Xia Ji was troublesome enough, but it turns out her younger brother is even more reckless!

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