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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 72: 


Knowing that Ge Bao'er intended to harm Xiliu, Lin Yunwan still had some concerns. After all, it involved a person's life. She said to Pingye, "Send another sturdy servant to secretly keep an eye on her. Follow her discreetly whenever she leaves Rain Apricot Pavilion."

Ping Ye was worried about alarming Xiliu and informed her in advance. Xiliu reassured her, "Elder Sister Ping Ye, you don't need to be too cautious. Don't alert concubine Ge. I know what to do. You can go back and reassure the Young Madam."

If Xiliu could remain bold and composed in this situation, it would be beneficial. Ping Ye said, "I'll just have the servant keep a rough eye on you. Take care of yourself."

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Xiliu nodded and returned to Yue Xing Ting, where she ran into Tongliu.

Not just coincidentally, Tongliu was holding a plate of fruits and walked over to let Xiliu taste them. She smiled and asked, "Wu'er, I see you've been getting close to the people around Young Madam lately."

Xiliu remained cautious. Tongliu reassured her, "You can trust me; I won't tell Concubine Ge. You know our madam's personality; she is loyal to Young Madam."

Xiliu smiled, declined the fruit, and asked, "Can you swim?"

Tongliu exclaimed, "Oh," and said, "You've asked the right person. I can swim. Do you remember when we first entered the mansion? I told you that I used to catch fish with my brothers in the river back at the village."

Xiliu said, "Can you teach me, then?"

Tong Liu felt helpless, "How can I teach you in this weather? We're maids; it's not suitable to be wet every day. At most, I can teach you how to hold your breath."

Xiliu insisted on learning from her.

Inside the room, Ge Bao'er knitted shoe insoles. Feeling thirsty and unable to find Xiliu for a while, she called out loudly, "Wu'er, Wu'er!"

Xiliu hurried over.

Ge Bao'er asked her, "What were you talking about with them?" Her gaze was filled with suspicion.

Xiliu replied, "Madam, Lady Zhuqing's maid Tongliu told me that Young Master Qing Ge'er is about to celebrate his birthday."

Ge Bao'er chuckled, "I know." She touched the insoles in her hands. In just a few months, her son's feet had grown, and these insoles were embroidered for him.

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Xiliu looked at Ge Bao'er and added, "Madam is planning to organize a birthday banquet for the Second Young Master. She intends to invite Old Madam Xia, Young Madam Jia, and... Madam Lin and Young Master Lin to join."

"What? The Lin family is coming too?" Ge Bao'er widened her eyes.

It was a pleasant surprise, like a pillow sent by the heavens just when she was about to doze off! Putting down her needle and thread, she excitedly asked, "When are they coming? Where will the banquet be held?"

Xiliu replied, "I... I haven't heard about that."

Ge Bao'er didn't bother with her serving tea anymore. She urged, "Go and talk to Tongliu and find out all the details. You don't need to attend to things here; go quickly."

Xiliu was pushed out of the room, and she continued chatting with Tong Liu. She gathered information and even shared stories about their early days in the mansion when they were trained by the steward's mother.

The two women, holding hands like sisters, talked in the corridor.

Tongliu, with a smiling face, said, "In the blink of an eye, it's been several years. Wu'er, back then, I envied you so much. With your parents supporting you, you gradually served in Yu Shou Tang, attending to Old Madam."

The subsequent conversation was left unspoken. Now relegated to serving Ge Baor, it was certainly not a dignified position for Xiliu.

Feeling a bit desolate herself, when parting ways, Xiliu said to Tongliu, "You should still call me Xiliu from now on."

Tongliu, with a suspicious glance towards Ge Baor'e, cautiously asked, "Won't Concubine Ge get angry?"

Xiliu calmly replied, "My name was given by the Young Madam. Even though I'm serving Concubine Ge now, she's only half a mistress. She can't unilaterally change the name given by the Young Madam."

Tongliu patted her hand reassuringly and said, "Alright, I'll go along with you. From now on, I'll still call you Xiliu."

After returning to this side, Zhuqing shouted from her room, "Tongliu, come back."

"Here," Tongliu said as she hurried inside, immediately closing the door behind her.

Zhuqing asked her to sit and offered some snacks from the table. Tongliu, being clever, recounted everything she had observed.

After listening for a while, Zhuqing felt that something was amiss and muttered to herself, "What are they trying to do?" She couldn't figure it out at all.

Not knowing the whole story, Tongliu suggested, "Young Master Qing Ge'er is celebrating his birthday. Shouldn't we also prepare a birthday gift for him?"

Zhuqing, uninterested, replied coldly, "Look for something suitable. Just pick something casually; it doesn't have to be too valuable. He won't appreciate it." After all, Young Master Chang Gong was the true son in the Lady's heart!


"The Lady, the Xia family and Young Master Yi have replied; they said they will come." Tao Ye brought in two letters.

After reading the letters, Lin Yunwan gave instructions about the banquet. Ping Ye entered with a surprised tone, "Madam, Xiliu has come."

"Why did she come?" Lin Yunwan was also surprised. She had told Xiliu to act as if nothing had happened, so Xiliu shouldn't have boldly come over like this.

"Let her in."

Xiliu entered, holding a pair of insoles, and said, "Madam, Concubine Ge sent me to ask you if it's suitable to give these insoles to Young Master Qing Ge'er for his birthday."

Lin Yunwan glanced casually; they were just ordinary insoles.

Tao Ye also found it strange after checking, "She sent you all the way here for such a trivial matter?"

Clear-minded people knew very well that Concubine Ge, with her dubious background, was not well-liked in the mansion. If she had any sense, she should stay quietly in Yue Xing Ting, not causing trouble elsewhere. However, people usually didn't do things without a reason.

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Lin Yunwan said, "Go back and tell her, she can give them if she wants."

Xiliu nodded and left.

Lin Yunwan instructed Ping Ye, "Open the window."

Ping Ye opened the window, and Lin Yunwan glanced outside, indeed seeing Eldest Young Master Lu Chang Gong and Second Young Master Qing Ge'er arriving.

Second Young Master Qing Ge'er, upon seeing Xiliu heading towards Lin Yunwan, turned pale. Could it be that this maid came to complain to his mother?

Lu Chang Gong nudged Qing Ge'er, "Why are you hesitating? Let's go."

Qing Ge'er hurriedly regained his composure and said, "Nothing much." He nervously went inside and greeted his stepmother because he felt uneasy after encountering Xilu. Even when talking to Lin Yunwan, he felt guilty.

"Mother... Mother."

He didn't dare to lift his head.

Lin Yunwan asked calmly, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Qing Ge'er shook his head and said, "No."

Seeing that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his stepmother's face, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

His mother probably still doesn't know about his background.

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Sitting beside his mother, he was definitely absent-minded. After a short while, he found an excuse to leave, intending to find a way to meet his birth mother.

"Mom, I'm... I'm so scared! I want to tell Father; I'm afraid Mother and Brother will find out."

He was on the verge of tears.

Ge'er's mother, Ge Bao'er, felt deeply for her son. "My child, don't be afraid. Mom will handle it. I won't let you... Your mother will know that I am your mother."

Qing Ge'er, feeling guilty, lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Mom."

Ge Bao'er hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face. "Good child, call me 'Mom' again, call me 'Mom' one more time."


Qing Ge'er also hugged her neck.

However, Ge Bao'er cruelly pulled away from his embrace, wiped away her tears, and said, "Mom knows you're afraid. Don't worry, Mom won't let you be scared again in the future." She touched his face affectionately, reluctant to part. "Celebrate your birthday well, have a lively and joyful celebration."

She turned away with a heavy heart.

Even Qing Ge'er, usually naive, could sense that something was wrong with his Mom.

What does Mom want to do?


He anxiously awaited the birthday banquet.

"Ge'er, why are you so restless?"

Lin Yunwan sat beside him, expressing concern.

Qing Ge'er looked up, his soul seemingly elsewhere, and stammered, "N-nothing."

He was preoccupied with thoughts of his biological mother. Where was she? Why hadn't she arrived to give him a birthday gift?

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  1. Ge'er manipulating his son, so cruel and selfish.
    Thanks for the chapter.

    1. She must have manipulated him the same way in Yunwan's first life, but he couldn't see it... I wonder if he will in this one? Thanks for reading!


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