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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 71: 

Saving People

"Mother, can you guarantee that she won't reveal it?"

Young Master Qing Ge'er was extremely uneasy, so he found a way to meet with Ge Bao'er again, this time in a hidden spot near the artificial hill.

Ge Bao'er sighed, "Even though she promised me, I can't be sure..."

Young Master Qing Ge'er's face changed dramatically; he was at a loss and asked, "Then, what should we do?"

Ge Bao'er hugged him and said, "Son, don't worry, leave it to your mother."

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Looking into his eyes, she reassured him, "I won't let anyone jeopardize your future."

Young Master Qing Ge'er was deeply moved and suggested, "Mother, let me plead with Old Madam. She cares for me and might help us figure something out."

Ge Bao'er shook her head.

"Son, Old Madam cares for you, but she has a complicated relationship with me... You've seen that. Besides, you can't suddenly bring it up to Old Madam. If she finds out that we've been meeting in secret, you might never see me again."

She coughed a few times, appearing weak and pitiful due to her persistent illness.

"You don't need to worry; your mother will handle it."

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Young Master Qing Ge'er pressed his lips together and said, "Mother, I know how to plead with Old Madam. I'll go to her first, and you should go back and rest."

Ignoring whatever Ge Bao'er wanted to say, he headed straight to the Shoutang Courtyard.

Ge Bao'er returned to the Yue Xing Ting alone.

"Old Madam, Young Master Qing Ge'er is here to pay his respects."

Yan Mama was assisting Old Madam as she got up, and when she heard that her great-grandson was visiting, her face lit up with a smile.

"Quickly, let him in."

After dressing, she went to the small hall to have a conversation with Young Master Qing Ge'er.

Young Master Qing Ge'er had always known how to please her, and a few words from him kept the old lady laughing. 

When it was time to leave, he suddenly put on a sad expression and pleaded, "Old Madam, my mother's illness never seems to improve. It must be because the maidservant by her side isn't taking good care of her. Can you punish that maidservant and sell her away?"

Old Madam Lu furrowed her brows, "The Lu family has always been benevolent and treats servants kindly. She hasn't committed any serious mistakes, so we cannot casually sell her away."

Young Master Qing Ge'er pleaded, "Great-grandmother, I'm begging you. Can you help me punish that maidservant?"

"Nonsense," replied Old Madam Lu sternly.

Old Madam Lu said, "You can have good food and clothing, but if you want to follow the path of those idle playboys, casually beating, scolding, and selling servants, causing chaos in the house, I will have your father come over and spank you."

It seemed that his request was not going to be granted, so Young Master Qing took his leave. 

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Housekeeper Yan asked, "Why does Young Master Qing Ge'er suddenly want to punish Xiliu for no reason? That girl is quite obedient and sensible. She's also a maidservant in the inner courtyard and shouldn't have offended Young Master Qing Ge'er."

Old Madam Lu sneered, "In the household, there are many instances of elevating the high and suppressing the low. She's just a lowly concubine's child; the maids can treat her coldly if they want."

"If Xiliu fails in her service, even better."

"Don't interfere; let Xiliu serve in whatever way she wants."

Yan Mama, seeing that the Old Madam showed no intention of punishment, smiled and said, "I don't care anymore. Let Concubine Ge live or die on her own. In a few years, Young Master Qing won't care either. Nobody will remember someone like her."


In Chui Si Tang:

"Young Madam, your concerns were well-founded. This servant followed Xiliu secretly for a few days, and she often wandered into the garden, either in the pavilion or by the water, lost in thought."

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Having seen Xiliu daydreaming again, Ping Ye immediately reported it to Lin Yunwan. 

Tao Ye commented, "Does Xiliu have something on her mind?"

Ping Ye replied, "Serving such a master, how can she not have something on her mind? But it seems her thoughts are quite heavy. I called her once, but she didn't hear me, so I came back."

Tao Ye asked with concern, "Is she still in the garden?"

"Yes, she's strolling by the pond right now."

Lin Yunwan became worried. She put on her shoes and said, "Let's go take a look."

The two maids, one holding a cloak and the other carrying an umbrella, headed towards the garden.

Arriving at the water's edge, they indeed saw Xiliu sitting on a rock in a daze. Suddenly, she stood up, and her body leaned forward.

"Oh no, she's going to jump into the water!"

Lin Yunwan hurriedly ran over, while Ping Ye, with a brave heart, threw the cloak to Tao Ye and rushed ahead. She grabbed Xiliu's arm and loudly exclaimed, "Young lady, on such a cold day, what could be troubling you so much?"

Tao Ye was also startled, holding the things in her arms, and joined in persuading, "Xiliu, sister, think about your parents. What in this world is worth despairing over?"

Xiliu looked at them in a daze.

After a while, Xiliu finally understood and couldn't help but laugh and cry, "I didn't think of seeking death."

She explained, "My parents are still waiting for me to fulfill my filial duties. I also need to use my monthly allowance to buy them good clothes. How could I think of dying!"

Finally remembering to show respect to Lin Yunwan, she said, "Young Madam."

Lin Yunwan led Xiliu to a safe place nearby, furrowing her brows as she asked, "Then why were you trying to jump into the water?"

Blushing, Xiliu replied, "My feet slipped."

Lin Yunwan and her two maids exchanged glances, realizing they had completely misunderstood the situation.

Laughing together, Ping Ye and Tao Ye scolded, "You really scared us!" 

Ping Ye, with a loud voice, added, "If I hadn't seen Madam heading over, I wouldn't have been able to stop you. Jumping into the water on such a cold day is not a good idea!"

Xiliu felt embarrassed by their comments.

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Although it was difficult for her to serve under Concubine Ge, she had never considered ending her own life.

Xiliu had sat by the water for a long time, her hands becoming quite cold. Ping Ye helped her rub her hands, while Lin Yunwan stood nearby, smiling faintly.

Though relieved that the girl had not attempted suicide, Lin Yunwan now understood that Xiliu had never been the one to throw herself into a well in her previous life.

"You're okay now. Let's go back," Lin Yunwan said as she prepared to leave with the maids.

"Young Madam!"

Unable to restrain herself, Xiliu stopped Lin Yunwan. After hesitating for a moment, she mustered the courage to kneel down and said, "Madam, there is a colossal matter I must report."

Tao Ye helped Xiliu stand up and said, "Speak while standing. The ground is cold, and kneeling might hurt your knees."

Lin Yunwan walked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiliu bit her lip and said, "Madam, I can only tell you alone."

Lin Yunwan raised her hand, signaling the two maids to step aside.

Xiliu then revealed everything that happened by the artificial mountain, kneeling as she spoke. "Madam, I don't know what fate awaits me, but since you've treated me so well, I can't keep it from you."

Lin Yunwan helped her up and asked, "Can you swim?"

Xiliu shook her head, "No."

"I'm aware of this matter, and you don't need to worry about it. Just continue serving Concubine Ge as you did before, pretending nothing happened. Do you understand?" Lin Yunwan reminded her, "Take good care of yourself, avoid all water, and stay away from wells."

Xiliu wasn't foolish; she knew that with such a significant event, Concubine Ge might not let her off easily.

She nodded and said, "I understand. Thank you, Young Madam, for considering me."

Lin Yunwan, along with the two maids, returned without speaking a word. When she finally spoke, it was to give instructions, "Qing Ge'er's birthday is approaching. Take my invitation to the Lin family to invite my mother, aunts, and cousins to come. Also, bring another invitation to invite Old Madam Xia and Elder Sister-in-law to join us."

Ge Bao'er finally couldn't bear to be separated from her son. She devised a plan to reunite them, sending them an invitation for a family gathering!

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  1. Hoho, the big reveal is coming!
    Thank you for the chapter.

    1. Grab the popcorn! Its about to be a show :P Thanks for reading!


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