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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 70: 


"Madam, her recovery is indeed slow. Since she became a concubine, she hasn't had the chance to serve the young master. I don't think there will be any opportunity to serve him in the future either,"竹青 took the chance to come and gossip about Ge Bao'er, always reveling in a schadenfreude tone.

Taking a sip of tea, she laughed, "The Bi Luo Chun tea here is really good." 

The tea leaves in the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence were certainly not inferior, but Lin Yunwan had developed discerning tastes from accompanying her father. The tea she served was always the newest of the year.

Seeing that Zhuqing liked it, Lin Yunwan said, "I also have some Tianmu Qing Ding here. Would you like to try it?"


"Young Madam's things are all of high quality; I accept whatever is offered." Lin Yunwan had an open-minded attitude towards anything.

Lin Yunwan had Tianmu Qing Ding brewed by Ping Ye and served to Zhuqing.

After tasting it, Zhuqing was pleasantly surprised, "This is the pre-rain Tianmu Qing Ding tea."

"Your tongue has truly developed well," Lin Yunwan laughed.

Zhuqing sipped her tea and commented, "Madam has stored the tea leaves well; you can still smell the fragrance of pre-rain."

The two chatted for a while, and when the housekeepers were about to come over, Zhuqing sensibly excused herself.

Lin Yunwan, now very casual in her role as the mistress, quickly dismissed the housekeepers. During a brief nap, she asked Ping Ye, "I haven't heard about Xiliu for a while. How is she doing now?"

Considering Ge Bao'er's illness and her low status in the mansion, Xiliu probably wasn't living well.

After pondering for a moment, Ping Ye replied, "It seems she's doing okay. I heard she doesn't cry as often, but it's not as comfortable as when she was in Yu Shou Tang. After all, Concubine Ge was quite a mistress; where can you find a lady as good as Young Madam to serve?"

Lin Yunwan instructed, "Keep an eye on her."

If Xiliu were someone else's maid, it would be one thing, but she served Ge Bao'er and then attempted suicide. There's something strange about it.

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Following the instructions, Ping Ye took care of Lin Yunwan's rest and then personally went to find Xiliu.

However, Xiliu wasn't in Yue Xing Ting at the moment.

Tongliu informed Ping Ye, "Sister, you can ask Wu'er. Concubine Ge went out for a walk, and now it's windy. It seems that Wu'er went to bring a cloak to Concubine Ge."

"If you have something to ask her, Sister Ping Ye, I'll pass on the message for you."

Without specifying any business, Ping Ye simply said when leaving, "I think calling her Xiliu sounds better."

Tongliu sighed, "We also like to call her Xiliu, but Concubine Ge changed her name. Even if we continue calling her Xiliu, she won't dare to agree. In this courtyard, everyone still calls her Wu'er."

Ping Ye shook her head, disapproving of how Concubine Ge, with her humble background, casually named the maid.


In the brisk autumn wind, Xiliu, begrudgingly renamed Wu'er, carrying the cloak, went to the garden to find the mistress.

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from inside the artificial hill, and it wasn't a woman's voice!

"Who's there?"

After shouting, a gust of wind blew through the garden, scattering her voice, and there was no response.

She had just walked over and unexpectedly heard Concubine Ge talking. Who was she talking to?

Ge Boa'er held Qing Ge'er in her arms, and her eyes were swollen from crying.

"You silly child, how could I blame you? I know you had no choice."

Qing Ge'er felt deeply guilty, "Mother, are you really not upset with me for ignoring you?"

Ge Bao'er wiped away her tears and smiled, "Have you forgotten what Mother used to tell you? As long as you succeed, I am willing to do anything."

Qing Ge'er burst into tears all of a sudden.

His mother was so good to him, but was he good to his mother?

"Mother, when I grow up and achieve something, I will definitely be filial to you. I will make Father and Grandmother treat you better, providing you with beautiful clothes and a nice courtyard."

With Lin Yunwan around, how could such a day ever come for her?

Ge Bao'er smiled contentedly and said to Qing Ge'er, "Good son, Mother is looking forward to that day!"

"Qing'er, no matter how you treat me, just make sure to visit this rockery in the future. Mother truly misses you, Qing'er."

As long as their meetings remained secret, the Young Madam and the Old Madam would remain oblivious. His stepmother wouldn't blame him, and his mother wouldn't be saddened. This was the best arrangement. smiled contentedly and said to Qing Ge'er, "Good son, Mother is looking forward to that day!"

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"Qing'er, no matter how you treat me, just make sure to visit this rockery in the future. Mother truly misses you, Qing'er."

As long as their meetings remained secret, the Lady and the Old Madam would remain oblivious. The stepmother wouldn't blame him, and his mother wouldn't be saddened. This was the best arrangement.

Qing Ge'er grinned and agreed, "Mother, I'll come by often, and you should recover quickly."

The mother and son dared not continue their conversation. In a hushed tone, Ge Bao'er said, "Go back now. You leave first, and I'll follow later, so that no one sees us."

Qing Ge'er nodded reluctantly, "Mother, I'll go now."

"Good child, go quickly. Study hard and listen to Teacher Zhang's instructions."

"Mother, I understand."

As Qing Ge'er turned around, a face appeared hurriedly on the artificial hill – Wu'er had been eavesdropping on their conversation.

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"Mother! Someone overheard us!" he exclaimed nervously.

Ge Bao'er rushed out, shielding her son behind her. Upon seeing it was Wu'er, she turned to Qing Ge'er and said calmly, "It's okay, it's my maid. You go first, I'll talk to her."

She directed Qing Ge'er to leave from another path. However, he dared not move and hid behind a rock, watching his mother converse with the maid.

Wu'er was stunned, stepping back several paces until there was nowhere left to go, leaning against the artificial hill with stiff legs.

"Mistress.. Mistress..." How could this be? Young Master was calling Concubine Ge "Mother"? She had heard it several times, and she hadn't misheard. Young Master Qing Ge'er was indeed calling her "Mother."

Ge Bao'er came over, holding Wu'er's hand, and asked, "Did you hear everything?"

Wu'er's face turned pale as she nodded.

Ge Bao'er said, "Wu'er, my good sister, you mustn't tell anyone. If you do, I'll be done for. My life is in your hands. You have to save me and Young Master Qing."

"When Young Master Qing grows up, he will repay you." Wu'er wanted to shake her head. She didn't want Young Master Qing's repayment! She just wished she hadn't heard anything.

Wu'er cried. Why did she have to hear about this? What should she do?

Ge Bao'er gently wiped away her tears. "Good sister, please stop crying. Just pretend you didn't see anything, alright?"

Wu'er lowered her head, unable to refuse.

After comforting Wu'er, Ge Bao'er noticed that her son hadn't left yet. She went over to him and whispered, "Don't worry, she's my maid. I've already talked to her; she won't say anything."

Young Master Qing nodded and said quietly, "Then I'll go." His voice was much softer now, and his mother dared not call out again.

"Quick, go!" Ge Bao'er watched her son leave and said to Wu'er, "Weren't you here to bring me a cloak? Why aren't you helping me?"

Wu'er, looking dazed, started helping Ge Bao'er put on the cloak. On the way back, Ge Bao'er kept holding Wu'er's hand.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Wu'er asked, "Madam, aren't you just twenty years old? How could you... with Young Master Qing..."

Ge Bao'er replied, "Age is just a number, and for the Lu House, it's not a difficult matter." Wu'er lowered her head, feeling overwhelmed. It was the first time she had heard about such things.

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Noticing that Wu'er had been absent-minded lately, Tongliu struck up a conversation, "What's going on with you?"

Wu'er stammered, "N-nothing."

Tongliu sighed and said, "Did Concubine Ge's illness affect you?"

Wu'er insisted that nothing was wrong. Tongliu then informed her, "Miss Pingye from the madam's side came looking for you."

Upon hearing the term "madam," Wu'er shivered and asked nervously, "W-what does she want with me?"

"I don't know. But Miss Ping Ye said it's nothing important."


Wu'er walked away with her head down, unwilling to say more to Tongliu. Taking advantage of Madame Ge's nap time, she went out to clear her mind, sighing along the way. What should she do? With such a significant matter, should she tell the Madam?

If Young Master Qing turns out to be a legitimate son, that would be one thing, but he's actually from the concubine! The mistress still has to support him; this is so unfair to the mistress. But if she speaks up, Mistress Ge might not survive.


Wu'er was in distress. Young Master Qing Ge'er was even more troubled. Teacher Zhang rapped the table with a ruler, asking, "Why are you daydreaming?"

If Young Master Qing turns out to be a legitimate son, that would be one thing, but he's actually from the concubine! The mistress still has to support him; this is so unfair to the mistress. But if she speaks up, Mistress Ge might not survive.


Wu'er was in distress. Young Master Qing was even more troubled. Mr. Zhang rapped the table with a ruler, asking, "Why are you daydreaming?"

Young Master Qing Ge'er stood up and replied, "Teacher, I have a bit of a headache."

Teacher Zhang felt that the class had been going on for quite some time lately, so he said, "Take half a day off."

"Thank you, Teacher."

Young Master Qing Ge'er returned to his room, contemplating whether he should find his mother. 

Would that maid reveal the secret? He was afraid, unable to sleep well at night. If his mother and brother learned about his true identity, would they still treat him kindly? He wished for their continuous love and care.

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