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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 69: 

An Idea

“Young Madam, the Old Madam is still very concerned about her niece. As soon as she heard that she was sick, she instructed the kitchen to make medicine for her, and it was the daughter-in-law of Yan Mama who personally took care of her.”

"She's sick?" 

Lin Yunwan found it strange. Last time in the side courtyard, Ge Bao'er fell ill to attract attention.

"It seems like a genuine illness this time," replied Zhuqing, nodding. 

Lin Yunwan said, "Since the Old Madam has already instructed to make medicine for her, let's not interfere."

Zhuqing couldn't be bothered to care about Ge Bao'er. 

She said, "I'll be frank; if I were to handle it, I'd definitely make her drink a cup of safflower!"

"Safflower?" Lin Yunwan furrowed her brows.

Zhuqing explained, "Young Madam, you may not be familiar with such dirty things. When I was at the Zhuangzi[1] some women who were carrying unwanted pregnancies would be made to drink a cup of safflower."

"I'm not sure what's in it, but it guarantees a miscarriage. Even a seven or eight-month-old baby could be induced to come out."

Ping Ye's skin crawled, feeling somewhat frightened. "Mistress, please don't talk about it!"

Zhuqing sensed she might have said something inappropriate, glanced at Lin Yunwan, and stood up. "I'll go back first. I don't know if it's because of the cold weather, but I always feel drowsy."

Lin Yunwan suggested, "If you feel uncomfortable, use my token to summon a doctor into the mansion for a check-up."

Zhuqing replied with a chuckle, "No need. I know my own body." She was just being lazy because she had been living too comfortably.

Lin Yunwan nodded.

Hearing about the "red flower," Ping Ye shivered with cold and exclaimed, "How could there be such a thing? It's really frightening."

Lin Yunwan thought to herself, not only the countryside had such things. Did the Lu family also have them?

She murmured, "During my time in the Lin family, I never heard of such things."

Even in her previous life, she never used abortion medicine on her concubine sisters.

Ping Ye spoke directly and quickly, "That's because our Lin family doesn't have a Zhuangzi!"

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Thinking more deeply, Tao Ye said, "Although the Zhuangzi belongs to the main family, if there's nothing special throughout the year, the estate only concerns itself with matters during rent collection times. If the steward of the estate neglects things or if something dirty happens, it's not surprising."

"Men from the clan manage the estate. Now that the eldest son has returned, Madam, you don't need to worry too much."

Lin Yunwan said, "I'm not worried." She just had an peculiar feeling.

However, she didn't want to say much more. Thinking of the kitchen still simmering a vegetarian taro soup and a meaty pig trotter sour huo, she said, "When the two Young Masters come, have the kitchen bring it over while it's hot."

Tao Ye personally went to the kitchen to supervise.

When Lu Chang Gong and Qing Ge'er arrived, two steaming bowls of soup were already on the table.

Lin Yunwan smiled and said, "Whether meat or vegetarian, choose whichever you like."

Qing Ge'er, as soon as he arrived, picked the pig trotter sour huo and even lifted the spoon. Suddenly realizing this wasn't the family dining area, he quickly stepped back and said, "Big brother, you go first."

Lu Chang Gong faintly smiled and chose a vegetarian bowl.

Qing Ge'er happily ate a meaty bowl.

As the two left from Lin Yunwan's place, the servants saw a harmonious scene of the two brothers.

From that day on, the two of them came together every day to pay respects to Lin Yunwan.


One day, Lin Yunwan brought them both to pay respects to the old lady in Yu Shou Tang.

Passing by Yue Xing Ting, Ge Bao'er was standing at the door.

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Zhuqing also came out from inside to pay respects, saying, "Young Madam."

A smile appeared on her face for some unknown reason.

Seeing this, Lin Yunwan knew that Zhuqing must have timed it deliberately to bring Ge Bao'er out. In that case, she naturally had to cooperate with Zhuqing.

Standing at the door of Yu Xing Ting, Lin Yunwan spoke affably to Zhuqing, "You weren't feeling well yesterday. Why did you get up so early today?"

Zhuqing walked over and said, "I felt unwell last night, but I'm a bit better this morning. I was just thinking of coming to pay my respects to you when I heard you were coming."

Lu Chang Gong and Qing Ge'er were also very polite to her. They bowed and said, "Mistress."

Zhuqing smiled, "Elder Young Master, Second Young Master."

She carefully examined the two of them, expressing her pleasant surprise, "It's been some time since we last met, and the two young masters are becoming more alike!" 

Then, looking at Lin Yunwan, she added, "They also resemble Madam. As the saying goes, 'Without being of the same family, one can't enter the same door.' The two young masters have indeed entered the right door!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Chang Gong felt proud. To resemble his mother was something he greatly desired.

Qing Ge'er, initially a bit awkward, couldn't help but smile in the end. He glanced at Lu Chang Gong, then at Lin Yunwan, feeling genuinely happy.

They chatted amiably, and Lin Yunwan said, "Alright, you two, let's go meet the Old Madam. It might be troublesome if it starts raining later."

Lin Yunwan, with one hand resting on each child's shoulder, had the two youngsters flanking her as they accompanied her to meet the old lady at Yu Shou Tang.

Ge Bao'er, supporting the door, stared fixedly at their receding figures. Throughout the entire journey, Qing Ge'er didn't cast a glance her way. It wasn't until they were about to leave that he hurriedly turned to look at her. However, it seemed as if he feared being noticed, and he quickly joined Lin Yunwan's side.

Is that still her son?

He's almost becoming Lin Yunwan's son!

Qing Ge'er is the son she carried in her womb for ten months!

"Oh, sister, why are you crying?" Zhuqing, being a concubine, didn't often pay respects to the old lady. When she turned back, she saw Ge Bao'er in tears.

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Without saying anything to Zhuqing, Ge Bao'er went back to her room with a gloomy face. She closed the door tightly, not allowing even Wu'er to enter.

Zhuqing sat by the window, watching the closed door of Ge Bao'er's room.

"It's really strange. Why does she look at the Young Madam and the two young masters like that?"

She still couldn't figure it out.


In Yu Shou Tang.

After Lin Yunwan and the two young masters paid their respects, they quickly left.

It was Old Madam Lu who sent them away. She said, "Don't wait for the rain to delay their studies," so she didn't let them stay there.

Yan Mama saw them off, and when she came back, it started raining.

She hurried back, wiping off a few raindrops from her forehead, and smiled, saying, "Old Madam, now you should be reassured, right? Look, in less than a month, Young Master has changed completely. Young Madam's guidance is indeed excellent. Moreover, Master Qing Ge'er is now very close to the Young Madam."

"Yunwan is really good at educating children."

Old Madam Lu leisurely played with her Buddhist beads, contemplating for a while, and sighed, "For the mistress of this family, only Yunwan can handle it."


Yan Mama smiled and said, "The Old Master had a keen eye back then, choosing such a mistress for the Young Madam family."

Old Madam Lu still had some concerns and asked, "How is she now? If Qing Ge'er keeps his distance from her, will she causing any trouble?"

"No trouble at all. She takes medicine every day and is very obedient."

Yan Mama whispered, "Blame Concubine Ge for having a weak body. Originally, it wouldn't be a problem to take this medicine for a year or two, but she gets serious side effects when she's sick. The old servant doesn't dare to give her too much. She only lets her take it every few days. Don't worry; it will slowly dissipate over one or two years, and even the doctors won't detect it."

Old Madam Lu's expression remained indifferent, "If she dies from the illness, it's her fate."

Thinking about what would happen after Ge Bao'er's death, she felt extremely pleased. "Qing Ge'er will grow up by the side of the legitimate mother. In a few years, he will have forgotten about her. When he grows up and becomes successful, he'll be just like Yunwan's own son."

Everything was falling into place. She could almost envision the day it would happen.

Yan Mama also smiled along, but she expressed her final concern, "For now Concubine Ge has been cast aside, but we can't let her die immediately. Aren't you afraid she might go mad and reveal Qing Ge'er's true identity to the Young Madam?"

Old Madam Lu frowned, "Even if Concubine Ge goes mad, Qing G'er would vehemently deny it, and everyone would just think she's gone crazy."

Unless Qing Ge'er himself willingly acknowledges his birth mother... However, they could all see that Qing Ge'er currently had no intention of recognizing his mother.

Old Madam Lu chuckled coldly, her eyes gleaming with determination, "If she dares entertain such thoughts, I would welcome it. If she dares to harm Qing Ge'er, fighting for even a trace of affection, she'll lose that too."

"In the future, I won't need to worry about them anymore."

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[1] "Zhuangzi": typically refers to an estate or a manor, especially in the context of a large family estate in traditional Chinese society. It includes the main residence, surrounding buildings, and the land associated with the estate. In the historical and cultural context, the Zhuangzi is often associated with the management of family properties, agriculture, and the livelihood of the extended family. The term is commonly used in Chinese literature, particularly in novels or stories set in ancient or feudal China, to describe the family estate or household.

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  1. What a mess. Thank you for the chapter.


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