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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 77: 

Favoring the Concubine, Destroying the Wife

"This matter was a mistake made by our eldest son of the Lu family, but it was also a reckless act seven years ago when he was still a child. Children at a young age may not fully grasp the consequences, leading to a grave error."

"Establishing marital ties is no easy task. We humbly ask for the understanding and forgiveness of the Lin family."

Speaking was the head of the Lu family, who was also the close uncle of the Marquis of Wuding.

He was elderly, and although he held no significant official position, he still carried weight within the Lu family.

Members of the Lu family continued, "We acknowledge our mistake, and whatever punishment the Lin family deems appropriate, our eldest son will accept without haggling."

Unable to contain his anger any longer, Lin Yunyi stood up, bowed, and said, "If my father had known about the family values of the Lu family, he would never have agreed to let my sister marry into such a household!"

"Not having married a proper wife but already having a legitimate eldest son—your Lu family engaged in deception!"

This statement was exceptionally harsh, especially coming from an unknown young man. The senior members of the Lu family wore unpleasant expressions.

Pretending to be angered at the outburst, the head of the Lin family scolded, "Young Master Yunyi, sit down."

Lin Yunyi sat down, holding onto his mother's sweaty hand.

The head of the Lin family continued slowly, "Although Young Master Yunyi's words may be a bit arrogant, the fact remains. Since the Lu family engaged in deceit during the marriage arrangement, and the eldest son mistreated the daughter of our family for a mere concubine. Proceeding with the marriage would only mean inviting enmity."

The meaning behind the proposal of separation was crystal clear.

Old Madam Lu's head swirled, as if she were about to faint.

Yan Mama hastily shouted, "Old Madam!"

She pinched the acupoint between Old Madam Lu's eyebrows, successfully rousing her.

The members of the Lin family were also nervous. 

While it was crucial to negotiate the separation, they couldn't afford to upset the Old Madam too much. A tarnished reputation and a lack of filial piety would not bode well for the Lin family, and the fate of Lin Yunwan would be even more grim.

The head of the Lin family also inquired, "If the old lady isn't feeling well, it's better for her to rest. With Madam Wei and your family members from the Lu family here, you don't need to worry too much about the affairs of the younger generation."

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Old Madam Lu's tears flowed uncontrollably, "Dear relatives, how can I not worry?"

"Zhengliu is a confused child. If you insist it's a deception in the marriage, our Lu family will reluctantly accept it. But to escalate it to a divorce over a lowly concubine... People often say, 'It's better to destroy a temple than a marriage.' How did it turn into this, Lin family?"

Madam Lin was trembling with anger. The usually gentle woman spoke coldly, "Is it for a mere concubine? Is my daughter doing all this for a concubine?"

Lin Yunwan clenched the handkerchief in her hand. She was too far away from her mother to offer any comfort.

Lin Yunyi patted the back of Madam Lin's hand.

Madam Lin wanted to continue speaking, but she was already out of breath and couldn't articulate her thoughts.

Lin Yunyi stood up again, bowed, and said, "My elder sister has been well-educated since childhood, well-versed in books such as 'Female Instructions' and 'Female Precepts.' She has adhered to etiquette, never done anything inappropriate from childhood to adulthood."

"Everyone who has met my elder sister has nothing but praise for her. She is gentle, virtuous, resilient, and open-minded. Regardless of which family she marries into, she is considered an exemplary wife."

"If, Old Madam, you wish to suggest that my elder sister cannot tolerate the concubine or the confusion of the heir due to jealousy, then I'm afraid I must offend you."

Lin Yunyi's words caught Old Madam Lu off guard. She never expected a twelve-year-old young master to articulate his thoughts so eloquently!

Lin Yunyi straightened his back, looked at the elders of the Lu family with a serious expression, and continued, "In our dynasty, it's not uncommon for men to take concubines. However, it has always been the norm to marry a wife first and then take concubines. I have never heard of a family that takes concubines before marrying a wife!"

"If the heir has made a mistake by taking a concubine first, it can be forgiven. However, the Lu family allowed the concubine to falsely claim a relationship with Old Madam Lu and concealed her presence in the mansion."

"This concubine's adopted son was secretly transferred under my elder sister's name."

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"Turning a lowly concubine into a cousin and elevating a bastard to the status of a legitimate son. I want to ask the Lu family, what exactly were you planning?"

"For the Lu family to scheme against my elder sister for the sake of a concubine and a bastard to this extent—this isn't just favoring a concubine and harming a wife? This is favoring a concubine and destroying a wife!"

The Lu family members hung their heads in shame.

Everyone understood very well that if it weren't for some plans related to that lowly concubine, Lu Zhengliu and Old Madam Lu wouldn't have deceived the main wife to this extent.

Thinking further—it involved matters that could lead to bloodshed.

The phrase "favoring a concubine and destroying a wife" was not an exaggeration.

But the Lu family couldn't bear such a heavy accusation.

Lady Lu glanced at the Lu family elders, and not a single person dared to speak up or even look at her. They didn't dare to intervene.

The heir had committed such acts without informing them afterward!

Now, expecting them to help mediate, they were at a loss as to how to approach the matter with the Lins.

Old Madam Lu was in shock, taking quite a while to understand the reasoning behind what Lin Yunyi had said. She grabbed Lu Zhengliu's arm and asked in a low voice, "Did you... did you really intend to harm Yunwan?"

Lu Zhengliu pursed his lips, clenched his fist, and said, "No."

He had never thought of causing her harm.

Lin Yunyi's clan head stood up and said, "The situation has come to this. I think it's best for both families... to separate."

Old Madam Lu panicked.

She urged Lu Zhengliu, "Son, say something! You need to speak!"

How could they agree to a separation?

The residence of the Marquis of Wu Ding couldn't be without Young Madam Lin!

Lu Zhengliu stood up, walked to Lian Yunwan, looked into her eyes, and solemnly swore, "I swear on the reputation and honor of the Lu family that I have never thought of harming my wife, never. If there's a false word in what I say, let me be struck by lightning and meet an ill-fated end."

He said these words without any guilt.

Because he had never considered harming her.

Lian Yunwan remained indifferent, not even looking at him.

Lu family members quickly added, "Even if the young master is confused, he wouldn't break such a fundamental rule by harming his wife."

"This jeopardizes his life and the future of our Lu family. I believe the young master's words are sincere."

"The young master only did something foolish, and he didn't dare to tell you, so he resorted to this plan."

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"He did it out of concern for you, otherwise, he wouldn't have taken such an extreme measure."

"In the end, it's just a misunderstanding."

Old Madam Lu cried as well, saying, "Old Marquis, I'm sorry. It's my fault for not teaching my grandson well and not protecting my granddaughter-in-law. I have truly let you down for the life-saving grace you showed to the Lin family back then!"

Lin Yunyi sneered.

Now they bring up the old Marquis' kindness?

He took out five ginseng roots and said, "These are the five ginseng roots that the Old Marquis lent to my Lin family back then. Although it didn't save my father's life at that time, we still remember and appreciate the kindness."

"Since the Old Madam wants us to repay the favor, I will return the kindness to your Lu family on behalf of my father."

"Don't trouble my elder sister anymore. I am the legitimate son of the Lin family, and it's my responsibility to repay the kindness. It has nothing to do with my sister!"

Lin Yunyi had such determination, and the Lin family members were also ready to help.

The head of the Lin family said, "These are all hundred-year-old ginseng roots. I remember that the Grand Tutor borrowed ten-year-old ginseng roots from the Lu family back then?"

Lin Yunyi replied with a bow, "The kindness of the Lu family, my Lin family can repay tenfold. But for my elder sister, she must return home."

Old Madam Lu's face stiffened.

How could Lin Yunyi be so thorough! He had thought of everything!

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  1. Because Lin Yunyi has a brain unlike your grandson!
    Thank you for the chapter!


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