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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 65: 

Housewarming Banquet

"At that time, you hadn't even been born yet."

Madam Lin talked to her son about the time when Grand Tutor Lin taught Qi Lingheng.

Due to the pain, she couldn't speak for long. Her brows furrowed as if she were feeling drowsy.

Lin Yunyi stood up and bent down to whisper in her ear, "Mother, you rest first. I'll leave now."

Madam Lin closed her eyes, responding with a soft acknowledgment. After Lin Yunyi left, she lay there, oblivious to the world outside.

"Your Highness, I am sorry for the long wait."

Upon meeting Qi Lingheng, Lin Yunyi, though young, displayed thoughtfulness in his actions and words. He went so far as to have the servants bring a fresh pot of tea and expressed gratitude throughout their conversation: "It's truly troublesome for you to personally escort Physician Li over. In the future, if you could send word, I will make sure to welcome him myself."

Qi Lingheng replied, "Yunyi, don't be so polite with me." He smiled faintly, "Let me do something for my God-mother."

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Lin Yunyi didn't insist further and continued, "Your Highness, my mother just mentioned something about you. She said that when my father was alive, he had a great fondness for you."

Thinking of his deceased mentor, Qi Lingheng's eyes showed a touch of melancholy. He lifted the teacup, lowered his gaze, and said, "Master Lin was indeed a good teacher. Unfortunately, when he passed away, I wasn't in the capital and couldn't offer my condolences."

Lin Yunyi consoled him, saying, "People from your mansion came to express condolences. You don't need to dwell on such minor matters."

Qi Lingheng wasn't one to dwelling on the past. He took a sip of tea, stood up, and said, "I still have official matters to attend to. I will let your family escort Master Li back."

Lin Yunyi also stood up to see him off, saying, "I'll escort you out."

Qi Lingheng nodded, and the two of them left the hall together.

Outside, the steward of the Lin residence happened to be carrying a bundle, looking rather hurried. Qi Lingheng cast a curious glance at the steward.

Lin Yunyi, feeling that the Prince was a good person, shared a bit more about the family affairs, "He's going to Central Prefecture for my sister's matters."

"Your sister has already been here?"

Qi Lingheng looked at Lin Yunyi, his gaze calm but seemingly deep and unfathomable.

Lin Yunyi, however, didn't perceive any change in him and continued to speak in a cheerful tone, "Yes, my sister just came by a moment ago. It's quite a coincidence that right after she left, you arrived with Master Li."

Qi Lingheng gave a slight curl of his lips.

"That's quite unfortunate," Qi Lingheng's voice was low and husky. Lin Yunyi didn't catch it clearly and asked, "What did you say?"

"Nothing," Qi Lingheng replied with a faint smile. He then said to Lin Yunyi, "Alright, you stay here. Go back and take care of your mother."

Lin Yunyi stood inside the main gate, bowing respectfully as he saw Qi Lingheng off.

Qi Lingheng nodded, and a servant, perceptive enough, led his horse over. He rode away, with A'Fu following in the carriage, bidding a polite farewell to Lin Yunyi.

As the main gate closed, Lin Yunyi breathed a sigh of relief. The servant asked him, "Young Master, what were you nervous about?"

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Not having to face Prince Huang now, Lin Yunyi regained some youthful liveliness. He replied, "Prince Huang is a good person and easy to talk to. But considering his high status, one mustn't offend him. I was afraid of saying something wrong and causing offense."

The servant chuckled, "But you were quite tactful just now."

"All learned from my sister," Lin Yunyi mumbled to himself. "It would be better if she were here..." He still longed for his sister's support, but unfortunately, she had already married.

His mother was already asleep, so he went to prepare gratitude gifts for the Prince Huang's residence and Physician Li Qi. He instructed the servant, "When you take Physician Li back later, inquire with his attendants if he has any preferences."

The servant agreed and then asked Lin Yunyi, "What about the gift for Prince Huang's residence?"

Lin Yunyi replied, "For Prince Huang's residence, there's no need to say much. What hasn't the prince seen? We'll send whatever valuable items we have at home. Add a couple of rare books that my father left behind. I believe Prince Huang will understand the sincerity of the Lin family."

With such thoughtful arrangements, even Lin Yunwan would praise him if she heard about it.

Indeed, the Lin family received gifts in return from both Physician Li Qi and Prince Huang's residence. For Prince Huang, they received a string of pearls and two rare books. Physician Li Qi, on the other hand, sent several valuable items and some good medicinal herbs, all of which would be useful for Madame Lin.


Lin Yunwan was pleased to receive a letter from Lin Yunyi, detailing all the affairs at home. "Yunyi has indeed grown up," she remarked with satisfaction.

Both Ping Ye and Tao Ye felt a sense of pride. "Madame, you don't need to worry about the Lin family anymore; with Young Master supporting them, everything will be fine," Ping Ye smiled as she collected the letter for Lin Yunwan

Lin Yunwan still had some concerns, "With so much responsibility on his shoulders at home, I wonder if it will affect his studies. His academy is also far away, and commuting back and forth is not a feasible solution."

Ping Ye suggested, "Isn't the Marquis' academy quite reputable? How about having Young Master Yunyi study there first? It would also be convenient for him to take care of things at home."

Tao Ye also added, "Young Master Yunyi is still young and cannot make decisions on his own. Without a proper mistress at home, I think Ping Ye's idea is a good one."

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Lin Yunwan didn't give her approval.

She instructed, "Retrieve a landscape painting by Jīn Rùn from my storage, a set of scholar's essentials, and also bring out the pearl-inlaid forehead ornaments. Tomorrow, send them all together to the Xia family."

Tao Ye took the keys to the storeroom and left.

The next day, Lin Yunwan, accompanied by Madam Wei, went to the Xia family to offer congratulations on their housewarming. The Marquis of Wu Ding's residence sent two gift lists, one from the Lu family and the other representing Lin Yunwan on behalf of the Lin family.

"You're such a polite child even with your own family," said Old Madam Xia, holding her hand warmly, her eyes fixed on the golden landscape painting. It seemed like the gift was well received.

Lin Yunwan smiled and replied, "Family members should be even more generous with each other."

Madam Wei interjected from the side, "Yunwan is right, Mother-in-law, if you're too polite, that would be too distant."

Old Madam Xia chuckled, and Madam Wei asked suddenly, "Why isn't Jia'er here? Where did she go?"

In such occasions, as the principal daughter-in-law and the lady of the house, Lu Jia should definitely attend.

Old Madam Xia's expression immediately cooled, and she casually replied, "She's not feeling well, so I let her rest."

Wèi shì didn't think much of it, but Yúnwǎn felt that it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

A maid hurriedly entered and whispered a few words in Madame Xià's ear. Madame Xià's expression changed again, and she stood up, instructing the other daughters-in-law to take care of the guests. She mentioned that she had to go out for a while.

Ping Ye quietly approached Yunwan and said, "Young Madam, just now I overheard that maid mentioning Eldest Miss Jia."

It could be guessed that something must have happened to Lu Jia.

Yunwan, with profound meaning, remarked, "It seems that every family has its own difficulties to face."

She wondered if Jia'er had encountered troubles with her husband keeping a concubine, and if her mother-in-law was biased, whether the situation would be handled as generously as when she had advised Yunwan.

Madam Wei, concerned about Lu Jia, stopped cracking sunflower seeds. She whispered to Yunwan, "All these discussions about art and culture here are beyond my understanding. Come, let's go and check on your eldest sister Jia."

Lin Yunwan smiled and agreed, "Sure."

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  1. Yes, check on her, I want to see a good show! Thank you for the chapter.


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