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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 66: 


"Originally, I understood that it wasn't easy for you to raise Zhuo for so many years, so I indulged you. But as soon as you returned to the capital, you became uncontrollable!"

"What's the matter? With your family backing you up, you no longer regard me, your mother-in-law, with respect?"

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"If you feel that you can't stay in the Xia family, I'll send you back to the Lu family!"

Lian Yunwan and Wei Shi had just arrived at Lu Jia's courtyard when they heard Old Madam Xia reprimanding someone.

Judging by the list of complaints, it was likely she was scolding Lu Jia.

Madam Wei complained, "There are servants in the courtyard too!"

"Oh my, Old Madam Xia really doesn't give Jia'er any face."

Worried and eager to intervene, she hesitated, realizing that this was someone else's house. In the end, she turned and walked away.

"Mother-in-law, your daughter-in-law dares not."

Lu Jia, holding back tears, bowed her head and apologized, her eyes swollen like walnuts.

Her mother-in-law was talking about divorcing her, and that was something she truly dared to do!

Xia Ji had always been filial, and their marital relationship had become strained. This situation might escalate beyond control.

Old Madam Xia snorted coldly, relentless, "You dare not? I think you dare too much! Bringing in a concubine, and you can't tolerate it?"

"Your husband is in the wrong, and as the rightful wife, you should advise him properly. That woman has no proper status. You, being the legal wife, can send her away with dignity."

"Look at what you've done to your husband's face! Can he still show himself to others? He's a man of status, not some lowly servant!"

"I have you transcribe books as punishment and you dare to fake illness."

Liu Jia bit her lip in retort, her voice feeble, "Mother, I'm really not feeling well."

Old Madam Xia sneered, "Are you feeling better now? I just restricted your movement, and you dare to leave this courtyard without permission? And you dare to boss around the steward's mother!"

"In these past few years, I've been too lenient with you, and you don't seem to know your place!"

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Liu Jia wanted to retort, but Roujuan pulled her back gently. However, her defiant gaze still angered Old Madam Xia. The old lady spoke sternly, "If you don't obey, then go back to the Lu family. There are plenty of women who can be the legitimate mother to Zhuo. You're not indispensable." 

This struck a chord with Lu Jia, and she paled, no longer daring to speak.

After scolding her eldest daughter-in-law, Old Madam Xia walked towards the courtyard gate. 

Madam Wei pulled Lin Yunwan and quickly hid. When Old Madam Xia was far enough away, they came out. 

Madam Wei wiped the sweat off her forehead and whispered, "Why is her mother-in-law so fierce?" She pulled Lin Yunwan and said, "Come, let's go check on your eldest sister!" Lin Yunwan followed her.

Lu Jia smashed a set of tea utensils in the room; however, she dared not damage the large vase. 

Small items could be replaced, but if the expenses were significant, Old Madam Xia would not be lenient. After the outburst, she began to cry, lamenting, "Why is my life so bitter!"

Roujuan consoled, "Madam, please don't cry..." She didn't want to add fuel to the fire, but over the past few years, the mistress seemed to have lost a sense of propriety. 

Unable to hold back, she continued, "The Old Madam values tradition, as you know. Even though you've given birth to Master Zhuo, you can't keep challenging the Old Madam repeatedly." 

Lu Jia cried even louder, her shoulders trembling.

Roujuan anxiously reminded her, "Young Madam, Madam Wei and the Young Madam are here!"

Lu Jia was still a bit dazed. She lifted her head, facing the disheveled appearance of her face, and stared blankly at Lin Yunwan.

"Eldest Sister, I heard that you're unwell. Both my mother-in-law and I came to visit you."

Lu Jia was already feeling embarrassed, and Wei sighed, saying, "Jia'er, we heard it all." She became even more embarrassed!

Roujuan said, "Madam, Young Madam Lin, please rest for a while. I'll go and help Young Madam wash her face before coming back." 

Madam Wei took Yunwan to sit down. 

Roujuan supported the bewildered Lu Jia back to her room to freshen up.

After waiting for two quarters of an hour, Lu Jia finally emerged. She had washed her face, her eyes were still swollen, and her hair was simple without any hairpins. Since she didn't need to go out, there was no need for elaborate dressing.

As soon as she came out, she stared at Lin Yunwan and said, "Now you're satisfied!"

Wei said, "Jia'er, why are you speaking like this? Both Yunwan and I came here to show our concern for you."

Lujia didn't want to argue with her mother, so she said, "Mother, I really don't feel well. You two can go back."

"Another day, I'll make it up to you. I need some rest now," said Lu Jia.

Madam Wei understood her feelings well. No one would be happy being scolded by their mother-in-law, so she said, "Then we'll leave you to rest. Take good care of yourself."

She paused for a moment at the gate and then added, "Your mother-in-law is right. Just dismiss that inappropriate concubine. There's no need to confront your husband. It will only make people say you're not virtuous or generous if such matters spread."

Lan Jia almost spat out blood, crying, "Mother, he has a concubine! How can I be generous about this?"

Lamenting, Yunwan sighed, "Sister has always been dignified and virtuous, never one to harbor jealousy. With the advanced age of Old Madam Xia, it's not for me, as your younger sister, to step in and advise you; however if sister's mother-in-law doesn't step in, you should take the initiative to handle this matter."

Yunwan continued, "Now, the family is in turmoil, marital harmony is disrupted, and it has even caused your elder brother to lose face. As the legitimate wife, you bear eighty percent of the blame for this."

"You! You!"

Lu Jia widened her eyes, how dare Lian Yunwan speak to her like this!

Is this still human language?

Madam Wei heard and found it reasonable, saying, "Jia'er, you should take Yunwan's words to heart. You better stay at home and transcribe books. Your younger sister and I will go back first."

She pulled Yunwan along, reminding her, "Don't spread rumors about your elder sister's affairs. If the Xia family really divorces her, I'll hold you accountable!"

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The two then proceeded to the banquet hall to enjoy the feast together.

When they returned to the Marquis of Wu Ding's residence, the sun had already set. Yunwan had left Tao Ye to look after the courtyard when she went out. Just as she and Ping Ye returned, Tao Ye hurried out to stand in the corridor, looking like she had something important to say.

"What's the matter?"

Yunwan went inside and poured a cup of tea. Tao Ye spoke in a hushed tone, "Madam, Concubine Zhuqing came for a visit. She mentioned that the Old Madam sent someone out to handle the matter of canceling the engagement for Miss Bao'er, and they've already returned."

"Oh? That was quick," Yunwan responded. 

Tao Ye suggested, "Mistress Zhuqing mentioned she wants to see you immediately. Shall I go fetch her?" 

"Please bring her in," Yunwan replied.

"Yes." Tao Ye responded. 

Before she could give more details, Zhuqing burst into laughter. "Madam, take a guess. Is my niece's marriage cancellation going smoothly or not?"

"Judging by your expression, it seems not too smooth?" Yunwan guessed.

Zhuqing smiled and said, "Madam is correct."

She explained in detail, "As soon as I returned today, I sent someone to keep an eye on it. The stable where they take care of the horses, as well as Yan Mama's son and the servant who went along, I personally went there and had a conversation with them."

"However, they are all people trusted by the Old Madam. They are tight-lipped, and although they didn't say much, I heard that the Old Madam, upon hearing something, nearly fainted on the spot and lost her breath," she said.

"Even frightened Old Madam Lu," she added.

Lin Yunwan was contemplating; the background of Gao Baor really was unexpected.

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  1. I'm really curious now about Bao'er background. Lu Jia, what's wrong, you can say it, but hearing it back isn't pleasant, right? Hah! Thank you for the chapter.


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