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 Favoring Concubines and Destroying Wives? I Refuse to be the Mistress of this Marquis' Mansion

 Chapter 67: 


“Madam, do you want me to go and inquire in Yu Shou Tang again? With so many people in the Old Madam's courtyard, there must be one or two who are not tight-lipped.”

Zhuqing was eager to move, eager to go and find out the situation in the Longevity Hall right now.

Lin Yunwan shook her head, “It's a matter of great importance, the Old Madam won't be unprepared, and you won't find out anything by inquiring.”

She instructed Zhuqing, "You can go and see how the old lady finally deals with her. If she officially becomes a part of the household today, maybe she'll have to move in with you, and you'll be part of the same courtyard in the future."

She instructed Zhuqing, "You can go and see how the old lady finally deals with her. If she officially becomes a part of the household today, maybe she'll have to move in with you, and you'll be part of the same courtyard in the future."

Zhuqing laughed, "That would be great! In the future, I can help Young Madam with morning and evening rituals, and there will be someone to accompany me as well." laughed, "That would be great! In the future, I can help Young Madam with morning and evening rituals, and there will be someone to accompany me as well."

Lan Yunwan smiled faintly, "Go ahead."

Zhuqing nodded.

Instead of going directly to Yu Shou Tang, she first went to the kitchen and asked for a bowl of calming and soothing herbal soup.

The personal maid carrying the herbal soup curiously asked, "Mistress, you're not ill, why do you need this herbal soup?"

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Zhuqing glanced at her and said, "Use your brain to think about what we're going to do. In case we are discovered, there should be an explanation."

The master and servant walked into Yu Shou Tang together.

"Vile woman!" 

After recovering from the partial faint, Old Madam Lu got up from the bed and slapped Ge Bao'er without saying a word.


Ge Bao'er toppled to the ground, and a swollen handprint quickly appeared on her face.

Yan Mama rushed over and helped Old Madam Lu, advising, "Old Madam, please don't get angry."

Lu Zhengliu also came over and gave a helping hand.

He tightly pressed his lips together, dared not say a word, endured for a while, and finally whispered, "Grandmother, please have a seat first."

How could she sit still!

Old Madam Lu grabbed Lu Zhengliu's collar, asking excitedly, "Tell me, do you know if she is a descendant of a traitor? Did she deceive you, or did you already know and conspired with her to keep it from me?"

Lu Zhengliu lowered his head, unable to speak.

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Yan Mama urged, "Young Master, it's already this time, don't protect her any longer! Just say everything!"

Lu Zhengliu said, "Grandmother, I know, but..."

But he didn't intentionally want to deceive his grandmother; it was just that with the passage of time, he had not given it much thought. As the matter was brought up again, he realized he shouldn't have forgotten it.

Old Madam Lu felt disheartened and had no energy to continue scolding them, nor did she want to hear more. She waved her hand dismissively, "Just go, all of you!"

"If you want to take her as a concubine, do as you wish. However, only a lowly concubine, our Lu family can afford to keep."

"In the future, whether you want to ruin the Lù family or destroy it, it's up to you all."

Lu Zhengliu knelt down and kowtowed on the ground.

Yan Mama, seeing his head red from knocking on the ground, exclaimed in surprise and tugged at Old Madam Lu's sleeve, saying, "Madam Lu, the young master must know he was wrong. Please don't be angry." 

Old Madam Lu sighed, saying, "He dares to hide everything from me! If it weren't for Yunwan mentioning it, I wouldn't have thought that he had such audacity, harboring the family of a criminal!" 

"How did the Lu family survive the storm seven years ago? Now he dares to do such a thing!"

Yan Mama, having no more words of persuasion, if it were another family, it might be fine, but the Lu family really couldn't withstand such turmoil. 

Seeing that Old Madam Lu needed to rest, she approached Lu Zhengliu and said, "Young Master, the young lady's marriage issue has been 'settled,' and her status has been determined. You and she can leave first; there's this old servant here to take care of things. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Yan Mama." Lu Zhengliu stood up. He had initially intended to leave, but before doing so, he walked up to Ge Bao'er, his gaze piercing, and said, "You're already a concubine, why haven't you left yet?"

His tone was cold and icy, colder than a knife.

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Ge Bao'er lifted her head, and it seemed like she no longer recognized this version of him!

By the time she hesitantly followed the maids out, Lu Zhengliu had disappeared.

Yan Mama closed the door, tended to Madam Lu's medicine, and waited until she calmed down before daring to continue discussing Ge Bao'er's situation. 

"Since the Miss has already freed herself from servitude before the exile of that family, she can be considered a free person now."

"Although losing the ownership document doesn't prove that she redeemed herself, the people in the village know that her adoptive parents redeemed her. In fact, there are people who can testify, and the incident happened over a decade ago, so it's not a big deal."

Old Madam Lu sighed and said, "In the grand scheme of things, getting to the bottom of it may not be crucial, but I am truly upset that he kept it from me."

So, when she heard Yan Mama's son mention that Gao Bao'er was abducted to Liyang by Pahua Zi when she was a child and had once worked as a servant girl in a noble family. 

Later, that family committed a crime and was exiled, and Gao Bao'er almost became a member of the criminal's family.

She fainted immediately.

Yan Mama said, "The Heir didn't mean to hide it from you. If she hadn't been freed from slavery, the Heir wouldn't have dared to keep it a secret."

Old Madam Lu closed her eyes.

Yan Mama continued, "Speaking of which, she was talented from a young age. In a household with many maids, her foster parents went to great lengths to buy her. And they raised her with care, treating her as if she were their own daughter."

"She encountered our young master in Liyang, don't know where she got such great luck."

Old Madam Lu sneered, "She's been a seductress since childhood! Who knows what means she used to deceive that elderly couple!"

Yan Mama smiled. 

She didn't agree with the old madam's opinion. If Gao Bao'er could find a way to free herself from slavery at such a young age, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, who would willingly choose a life of servitude if not compelled by circumstances?

If it weren't for the future of her son and grandson, she wouldn't have been willing to be a servant now.

Old Madam Lu sighed, "Being able to marry Yunwan is really Zhenliu's good fortune. In the future, you should listen to Yunwan more in all matters, big and small, at home."

"The old servant also thinks that the madam is very farsighted and thoughtful. You can rest assured and entrust all the affairs at home to the madam."

Old Madam Lu nodded and said, "Since Ge Bao'er's servant contract is missing, we still need to be cautious about someone using this matter against us. The Lu family will never take on this trouble for her."

"Let her sign a new servant contract and be accepted as a concubine. She won't have any objections. In the future, she can be beaten, scolded, expelled, or sold at will, depending on the mistress's mood."

Yan Mama said, "In the future, her life and death will be in the hands of the Young Madam. She won't be able to stir up any trouble. You can completely rest assured."

Old Madam Lu was truly exhausted, nodded, and didn't want to talk anymore. She pushed away the medicine bowl and said, "I don't want to drink this medicine. Take it away."

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Yan Mama responded, "I'll take it to the kitchen and warm it up. You should drink it when you feel like it. Following the doctor's advice will help your body recover faster."

After the commotion, Old Madam Lu was tired and wanted to go inside to rest.

But before going to bed, she didn't forget to instruct Yan Mama, "When Qing Ge'er finishes his classes, have him come over. If it weren't for Qing Ge'er, she wouldn't have caused trouble. She incited Qing Ge'er to do wrong, and I can't be soft-hearted anymore!"

"Got it."

Yan Mama thought to herself, "This time, the Old Madam hit the nail on the head. Qing Ge'er is the root cause of Ge Bao'er's boldness!"

She carried the medicine bowl to the corridor, intending to find a maid to serve the old lady. At a glance, she saw Zhuqing outside, followed by a maid.

"Concubine Zhuqing, why are you standing outside? Did the Old Madam summon you?" Yan Mama reprimanded Zhuqing sternly.

Zhuqing smiled amiably, "I heard that the Old Madam has been having trouble sleeping lately. After discussing with the Young Madam, we had the kitchen prepare a bowl of calming medicinal soup for the Old Madam."

She gestured for the maid to bring the medicine over.

The maid was scared to death, keeping her head down and not daring to look at Yan Mama.

Zhuqing wore a smile on her face, showing no signs of guilt whatsoever.

Yan Mama heard it was Lin Yunwan's suggestion, feeling half worried and half happy. Her complexion improved a bit, and she said, "Madam is not taking medicine now and has already rested. Concubine Zhuqing, take it back."

"All right."

Zhuqing made a respectful gesture and said, "I'll take my leave." 

Yan Mama warned her, "No matter what you heard, watch your mouth! If Aunt says something she shouldn't, be careful you don't lose your tongue."

Zhuqing looked puzzled, "Yan Mama, what are you talking about? What did I hear?"

Yan Mama left with a cold face. 

Zhuqing quickly headed to Chui Si Hall.

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  1. So Bao'er was abducted as a child... is she from a noble family? Thank you for the chapter.


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