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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 63: 

The Grand Princess's Flower Appreciation Banquet

Ouyang Ke spent the entire night wailing in her Pavilion. Doctor Qian, after examining her injuries, initially stated that they were not serious. However, due to prolonged exposure to ice-cold water, complications were inevitable, leaving Madam Lin almost devastated but helpless, bearing it with forced patience.

As winter faded into spring, most of the wounds on Ouyang Ke's body healed considerably. However, a small stubborn wound remained on her left leg, defying all attempts at recovery. Madam Lin secretly consulted numerous renowned physicians in the capital, yet each one declared the condition incurable. Madam Lin, deeply disheartened, found her resentment towards Ouyang Nuan growing stronger by the day.

News of Ouyang Ke's persistent injury eventually reached Shou'an Hall, earning a soft sigh from Old Madam Li, "What a pity for this child."

Ouyang Ke, after all, was the legitimate daughter of the Ouyang family, with a decent appearance. If she could just stay obedient and grow up safely, marrying into a prominent family wouldn't be a problem. She would then become a support for the Ouyang family. However, her current predicament was causing great concern. When it came to future marriage arrangements, it was feared that her condition would be a significant disadvantage. Who would willingly marry someone with a stubborn wound?

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Failing to marry her off would bring shame upon the family, which was Old Madam Li's greatest concern. As for Ouyang Ke's happiness, it didn't even cross her mind. Her indifference was so chilling that Ouyang Nuan had long anticipated it. She couldn't help but lament how, back when she suffered a scar on her forehead, her grandmother showed no concern. However, she regretted that she couldn't bring glory to the Ouyang family in influential circles. She hadn't considered her own future at all. Such a grandmother was truly disheartening.

Ouyang Ke's current situation was entirely of her own making. If she hadn't harbored hopes for Su Yulou, and instead focused on recuperating peacefully in her Pavilion, or if she hadn't maliciously intended to push Ouyang Nuan into the pond, she wouldn't have ended up in such a plight. It was all her own fault, and no one else's.

Ouyang Nuan asked, "Zhang Mama, will my sister have any mobility issues in the future?"

Zhang Mama's expression was somewhat regretful as she replied, "I've heard that there won't be any issues with walking, but she won't be able to dance anymore, nor can she run. Although she can walk normally, the limp will be noticeable."

Old Madam Li shook her head and said, "I've always said that Ke'er would eventually be afflicted by misfortune. That woman is so stubborn, truly clueless."

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Old Madam Li, gripping her prayer beads tightly with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

Just then, Yumei entered with a gold-stamped invitation in her hands, her smile enough to dispel the gloom in the room. "Madam, the Grand Princess has sent an invitation, saying that the flowers at her suburban villa are in full bloom and she would like to invite the ladies of our household to come and enjoy them."

"Is that so?" Old Madam Li stood up from her chair in an instant, smoothing out the wrinkles on her face. Seeing everyone looking at her in astonishment, she realized she had shown too much excitement. But it was understandable.

The Grand Princess would host a poetry or flower appreciation gathering once or twice a year. Such grand events attracted not only the wives of officials and noble ladies but also scholars and talented individuals, and it was not uncommon to have many imperial princes and sons in attendance. Therefore, invitations were highly coveted, with many people vying for a chance to receive one. 

While the Ouyang family was considered prestigious, they had never had any association with the Grand Princess in the past, and in previous years, they would not have received such an invitation. However, this year, the Grand Princess had personally sent one, which naturally delighted Old Madam Li. She understood that this invitation symbolized the Ouyang family's entry into the highest echelons of aristocratic social circles.

Old Madam Li was astute. The Grand Princess had never sent an invitation to their family before, and their interaction had been brief and certainly not pleasant when they met at the Ningguo Temple. The invitation was not intended for an old lady like herself... 

Her gaze involuntarily fell on Ouyang Nuan, and her smile became even warmer. "Nuan'er, you must dress up nicely for this occasion." After speaking, she turned to Zhang Mama and said, "Go and invite the master tailors from the Tingnuan Pavilion to custom-make several sets of spring attire for Miss."

"After the Lunar New Year, I've already prepared four sets of spring attire. Nuan'er can simply choose one from them," Ouyang Nuan hurriedly declined.

"You're such a silly child. How can you be careless about the Grand Princess's flower appreciation banquet? You represent the face of our Ouyang family when you attend! We can't afford to be ridiculed by those people! Zhang Mama, bring me my jewelry box!" 

"Yes." Zhang Mama went off with a smile, and after a short while, she returned with a sandalwood box intricately carved with floral patterns, smiling as she said, "Miss, take a look. There must be something to your liking in this box."

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As the box was opened, various hairpins, pearls, jade ornaments, golden hairpins, hair combs, and hairpins adorned with gemstones lay quietly inside, their precious jade and sparkling gemstones dazzling the eyes. For a moment, everyone's eyes lit up, and even the maids in the room widened their eyes in awe. Ouyang Nuan took a glance and could tell that the materials and craftsmanship of these items were top-notch, undoubtedly expensive. More importantly, the styles were all the current trends among noble ladies. Madam Li, an old lady, no longer paid much attention to dressing up, so how could she have these things unless she had prepared them in advance...

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "Thank you, grandmother. Then Nuan'er will pick one."

She walked over and picked up an antique wooden hairpin intricately carved with silver wire. Old Madam Li frowned at its simplicity and shook her head. She stood up, rummaged through the box for a while, and picked out a colorful, petal-shaped hairpin adorned with multi-colored jade and gold. Exquisite and elegant, she personally placed it on Ouyang Nuan's hair and said with a smile, "This one perfectly suits our Nuan'er. There's no need to pick anymore. Take them all back."

Ouyang Nuan had already anticipated this, but she couldn't help but show a surprised expression on her face as she said, "Grandmother's generosity is overwhelming. Nuan'er is truly grateful. However, these items are truly valuable, and Nuan'er dare not accept them."

Old Madam Li reached for a piece of jade hairpin shaped like a butterfly, smiling as she said, "They were all prepared for you from the beginning. Accept them. Why be so polite with your grandmother?"

Ouyang Nuan hesitated and declined several times more, but seeing Madam Li insist, she finally said softly, "Thank you, grandmother." Then, she hesitated and looked at Old Madam Li again. "Grandmother, will my sister be accompanying me this time?"

Old Madam Li frowned and said, "What would she go there for? The Grand Princess didn't invite her, and besides, with her limping like that now, is she going to embarrass herself? Do you realize how many people will be attending? If everyone finds out that the Ouyang family has such a daughter with a limp, it will affect your marriage prospects in the future, Nuan'er. You mustn't be foolish!"

"But... my sister is still young. She has never missed such lively events before. If we don't tell her this time, won't it cause another scene..." Ouyang Nuan's face showed hesitation and reluctance.

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Old Madam Li shook her head and said, "Regardless, I won't let her go. It's not just about embarrassment; it will also invite gossip to our family. If people ask how her leg got injured out of nowhere, are we supposed to tell them it's because of a mythical curse? The Ouyang family still has some dignity. Don't worry, I'll take care of your mother and sister. You just go with your brother on that day."

After spending just half an hour at Tingnuan Pavilion, Gao Xiuniang arrived. She asked Ouyang Nuan to choose the style and color, promising to have it ready and delivered before the Flower Appreciation Banquet. Ouyang Nuan chose a golden hairpin in the shape of a plum blossom, and Gao Xiuniang smiled and said, "Thank you for your understanding, Miss. Rest assured, I will work day and night to ensure it's ready on time. At this Flower Appreciation Banquet, Miss will surely outshine everyone!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and replied, "Thank you, Madam Gao, for your efforts."

Beside her, Hongyu chuckled and said, "Madam Gao, I bet Tingnuan Pavilion must be booming lately."

Gao Xiuniang's smile was sincere. "Indeed. All the young ladies are rushing to have new clothes made. I heard that besides the Flower Appreciation Banquet, many imperial princes and nobles will also be in attendance. It's going to be quite lively—a rare event in the capital!"

With a mysterious tone, she turned to Ouyang Nuan and said, "Miss, I heard that even Prince Ming will be attending. All the young ladies are excited, eager to catch a glimpse of his charm!"

Ouyang Nuan nodded thoughtfully. The situation of Prince Ming's return to the capital several days ago had been described to her countless times by her brother, who had eagerly recounted it with shining eyes.

During this suppression of the rebellion, the Prince of Ming ordered a thousand cavalrymen to launch a surprise attack on the camp of the Southern Frontier Barbarian King, burning all the provisions to the ground. As the Southern Frontier Barbarian King fled outward, the Prince of Ming personally led three thousand cavalrymen to intercept them head-on. The Southern Barbarians' army of one hundred thousand troops retreated a thousand miles, with thirty Southern Barbarian generals slain by the Prince in the forefront. Among them was the Barbarian King's heir, who also fell under his blade, greatly diminishing the morale of the rebel forces. Prince Ming's reputation resounded far and wide throughout the Southern Frontier.

Within ten days, another crisis emerged. Zhou Ning, the governor of Lingzhou, stationed his troops at the strategic location and conspired with the fleeing Southern Barbarians, declaring himself king. In response, the Prince of Ming was commanded to suppress the rebellion. While blocking the enemy forces at Qinzhou, the Prince also led his troops to construct a mountain road through the rugged terrain of Chong Mountain, catching the rebel forces off guard. 

Along the way, they encountered fleeing Southern Barbarian rebels. Using a deceitful surrender tactic, the Southern Barbarian King slaughtered eleven generals of the Great Li Dynasty. Enraged, the Prince of Ming ordered the execution of all Southern Barbarians, decimating their tribe. Seizing the opportunity, they decisively defeated Lingzhou, executing Zhou Ning and hundreds of officials who participated in the rebellion. After three months, the Prince of Ming successfully quelled the rebellion in the Southern Frontier, earning renowned achievements throughout the empire. 

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Upon the triumphant return of the army, the court and the people were jubilant. Initially, the Emperor intended to personally greet the victorious troops outside the city walls. However, due to his advanced age, he delegated the task to the Crown Prince, who led a hundred officials to welcome the triumphant army on behalf of the Emperor, rewarding them generously.

The grandeur of the army's return to the capital was a scene that Ouyang Nuan did not have the chance to witness. She only knew that Ouyang Jue's admiration and reverence for Prince Ming had reached an indescribable level. At the same time, she was also well aware that with Prince Ming's success, there were naturally those who felt disappointed, such as the melancholic Prince Qin.

As Gao Xuiniang left, Ouyang Jue walked in. His bright eyes gleamed with excitement. "Sister, about the princess's flower appreciation banquet, Grandma said I could attend. Is it true?"

Ouyang Nuan lightly brushed her fingers over the white jade flute, pretending to be indifferent. "Haven't you always disliked such lively gatherings? Sister understands you. You don't have to go if you don't want to. I'll talk to Grandma about it."

"Ah!" Ouyang Jue's face visibly fell, disappointment evident in his expression as his eyes dimmed. Yet, stealing a glance at Ouyang Nuan, he hesitated to voice his request. Ouyang Nuan looked at him and chuckled, "Giving up so easily? Don't you want to meet the great hero you admire in your heart?"

"Sis, you're lying to me! You'll take me, won't you?" Ouyang Jue bounced with joy, his eyes sparkling. Ouyang Nuan sighed softly, "Seems like you really do admire that prince quite a lot."

"Of course," Ouyang Jue straightened his chest, nodding vigorously as if trying to convey his overflowing admiration to Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "With so many trusted advisers and strategists by his side, as long as one isn't too foolish, they wouldn't return defeated. Why do you care so much?"

"Sis, this time the Prince of Ming conquered three cities on the first day after arriving in Nanjiang, burned the enemy's food and grass, and with only three thousand men successively defeated twenty thousand, fifty thousand, seventy thousand, and eighty thousand troops. In the end, he faced a hundred thousand Southern Barbarian soldiers... This southern expedition, he conquered twelve cities, fought in seventeen major and minor battles, unstoppable, not relying on any advisors or generals to lead the charge!" Ouyang Jue exclaimed passionately.

Ouyang Nuan chuckled, "I've heard you say these words countless times, haven't I? One, two, three... seven times, perhaps? My ears are practically calloused from hearing it. Maybe this Prince of Ming has three heads and six arms, who knows? You might be scared stiff when you meet him! Don't come crying to me then."

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“Sis! I won't!” Ouyang Jue said earnestly. "In the future, I will definitely lead troops into battle just like the Prince of Ming!"

Ouyang Nuan nodded. "That's something for the future. For now, focus on your studies."

Ouyang Jue looked at the dazzling treasures on the table, feeling a bit disappointed involuntarily. He looked at Ouyang Nuan and said, "Sis, you don't know, those noble sons in the academy are just idling away their days. All they do is enjoy the pavilions, towers, boats, exotic treasures, and luxurious food. They're not here to study at all. Being with them, you can't learn anything."

Ouyang Nuan picked up a crystal-inlaid jade cup and played with it, her eyes seemingly filled with endless radiance. However, her tone was calm as she said, "Jue, your father sent you to study for two reasons. One is to secure a good future for yourself, and the other is to make connections with influential people. You see others enjoying themselves, engaging in all sorts of leisurely activities, but do you know what schemes they are plotting behind the scenes? Those noble youths around you, born into privilege, have complex networks of relationships behind them. Not one of them is a simpleton. While you study at the academy, the more they flaunt their absurdity, the more diligent you should be. Learn skills, pay attention to what others are doing, pay attention to worldly affairs. As the saying goes, all worldly affairs are matters of study. Being astute in human relations is akin to mastery of literature. You must learn everything, pay attention to everything..."

Ouyang Jue heard these words with some resistance in his heart. He was deeply repulsed by the arrogance and extravagance of those noble sons, and even more disgusted by their ugly faces of mutual flattery and collusion. However, he knew that what his sister said was not wrong. 

In these days, he had seen his sister collecting poems and articles of the Grand Princess, diligently imitating her handwriting. His sister had an extraordinary memory, and she knew every poem and article of the Grand Princess by heart. She studied them meticulously every day, trying to understand what the Grand Princess liked and disliked, aiming to enter her inner world in order to win her favor.

"Sister, you forcing yourself... you are exhausting yourself like this. The tutors in the academy may be highly learned, but they are narrow-minded and look down on each other. Sometimes, when they see others being blamed unfairly, even if they don't take pleasure in it, they remain silent to protect themselves. They rarely stand up for justice. When they see someone influential, even if they don't flatter or fawn, they always try to get close..." Ouyang Jue's eyes flashed with a faint silver light.

Fang Mama looked at the young master and couldn't help but sigh inwardly. The young miss was becoming more formidable by the day, but this young master... His temperament was very much like that of his deceased mother. He was upright, but unfortunately, he was overly proud and self-righteous, which ultimately wasn't a good thing.

"Forced?" Ouyang Nuan's face showed a faint smile. "What is forcing oneself? There are people in the fields working day in and day out, sweating profusely just to feed their families, but we live in luxury, enjoying wealth and privilege. What's a little effort compared to that? Is that considered exhausting? In this world, everything belongs to the royal family. The officials belong to the royal court. As long as you gain the favor of the emperor, that's all that matters. He is the true king. No one dares to defy him. His words are imperial decrees. His words are as valuable as gold and jade. If he says you're innocent, you're innocent, even if you're guilty of great crimes. If he says you're guilty, you're guilty, even if you're entirely innocent. Since honor and disgrace lie with the emperor alone, everyone will try to get close to him, to please him. But pleasing him is not easy. Do you think these royal family members will like you for no reason? Jue, you must remember, to preserve the overall situation, to pursue your ambitions, you must be willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means behaving like a dog."

Ouyang Jue was shocked by these words. He couldn't believe that his sister, who lived in seclusion, had such insight. But what she said was completely contrary to the teachings of the sages that he had learned...

Ouyang Nuan calmly said, "You mentioned that your classmates are all arrogant aristocratic youths, so you should use them to test your own cultivation and endurance. Practice how to remain calm and composed regardless of the situation. Your instructors may appear dignified on the surface but are actually sycophants who cling to the powerful. You need to test your insight and ability to flatter and please them. I want you to learn from their every action and expression, to understand their thoughts. If one day you can make everyone like and admire you, I will allow you to join the military."

"Older Sister, joining the military only requires perseverance and strength," exclaimed Ouyang Jue, his eyes wide open, reflecting the radiant beauty of Ouyang Nuan's face.

"Strength? If the Prince of Ming was just a commoner, why would he command the army and issue orders surpassing those with higher seniority? Perhaps he wouldn't even have the chance to showcase his talents! What are you compared to the Prince of Ming? You don't have the powerful Prince Yan backing you, nor the Crown Prince suppressing political enemies for you in the court. Even if you were on the battlefield, you would only start as a low-ranking officer. You'd have to charge ahead in battle, and before you even achieve any merits, you wouldn't know how many wounds you'd accumulate. Is this what you call building achievements?" Ouyang Nuan said lightly, her dark eyes unwavering as she looked at Ouyang Jue.

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"I...," Ouyang Jue stuttered. Suddenly, he realized that what his sister said was something she had always wanted to express but had never verbalized.

"During the previous dynasty, there was a military god. He was invincible in battle and undefeated in siege. But in the end, he died at the hands of his own people. Do you know how he died?"

"You're referring to Chen Yunzhi?" Ouyang Jue furrowed his brow. "He faced the enemy in battle, winning countless victories. However, due to jealousy from his own ranks, when he was pursued by the enemy, the city's defenders refused to open the gates. He had no choice but to fight to his death..."

"So, even if you possess extraordinary talent, you still need to understand the ways of the world and human nature. If he had managed everything well and calculated people's hearts early on, would he have ended up in such a predicament? As a military talent, you not only need the ability to lead troops in battle but also extraordinary insight and manipulation skills, both above and below you. Otherwise, not only will you fail to bring glory to the country, but you will also only end up sacrificing yourself, causing unnecessary grief to your family. By urging you to understand human emotions, I don't want to see you become a source of sorrow for others in the future. Do you understand?"

Ouyang Jue also looked at his sister, falling into deep silence. He pondered the meaning of her words, and also what he could really achieve if he were to go to the battlefield. Building a career and making achievements, without sufficient strength and background, he wouldn't even have the chance to showcase his talents. 

He had always disdained to curry favor with the powerful, but his sister was telling him that as long as he could achieve his goals, ingratiating oneself with the powerful was just a means to an end. As long as he could seize the opportunity to showcase his abilities, what did it matter to bow to others? 

It wasn't about patience as he had thought, but about seizing every opportunity and advancing step by step. Though his sister's tone was stern, every word was genuinely for his own good. He grasped the key point suddenly, lifting his head and earnestly looking at Ouyang Nuan, saying, "Sister, one day I will meet your expectations."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, "I'll be waiting for that day."

After Ouyang Jue left, Ouyang Nuan stood up and walked to the oval window intricately carved with clouds and cranes. The window was covered with a greenish translucent veil, giving even Ouyang Jue's departing figure in the courtyard a hint of clarity... Watching her brother's footsteps become lighter and faster, Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes for some reason.

"Miss," Fang Mama looked at her with concern.

Ouyang Nuan turned around, a trace of nostalgia flashing in her dark eyes as she softly said, "Mama, do you think Jue resembles Mother? Grandmother once said that Mother also had such a stubborn temperament."

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"That's why Madam left so early. A tree that stands tallest in the forest is often the first to be felled. In this world, there is never room for those who are too pure..." Mama said, understanding Ouyang Nuan's thoughts. "Miss wants Young Master to adapt to the ways of the world, hoping he becomes more worldly-wise and establishes himself in society."

"Miss, you are not wrong. Everything you said is for Young Master's own good," Fang Mama sighed like this.

Ouyang Nuan looked at her hands and murmured softly, "Stained with blood, step by step... Is this kind of life really suitable for Jue?"


Ten days later...

The sky was as clear as water after rain, and Ouyang Nuan was dressed in a garment with a clear sky blue color, with a straight collar, flat sleeves, a cinched waist, adorned with rose and butterfly patterns woven in golden thread along the edges. A white jade button was fastened at the chest, making her look elegant yet not overly adorned. Ouyang Nuan looked at herself in the mirror, smiling faintly. The reflection of the beauty in the mirror smiled back, captivating anyone who beheld it. Hongyu praised, "Miss, everyone says that Princess Rong is unparalleled in beauty, but from my perspective, it's because you rarely appear in lively occasions! They are just shallow in their judgments."

Ouyang Nuan shook her head with a smile and said, "Princess Rong can gain the favor of the Empress Dowager. She is not an ordinary woman. Let's not make unwarranted comments."

"Yes." Hongyu pushed aside the gawking Changpu next to her, who was staring foolishly at Ouyang Nuan. "What are you still looking at? We're about to go to the princess's mansion. Be quick-witted and don't cause trouble!"

Changpu looked at Ouyang Nuan, then at Hongyu, and stuck out her tongue. "This servant won't! This servant will definitely protect Miss well!"

Fang Mama looked at the clever and loyal Hongyu and the silly yet devoted Changpu, her face showing a worried expression. Ouyang Nuan whispered softly, "What is Mama still worried about?"

Fang Mama sighed and said, "Miss, let this old servant accompany you. Otherwise, this old servant really won't feel at ease."

"Your leg ailment hasn't fully recovered yet. It wouldn't be right for you to go out and suffer needlessly, would it? Listen to me. Don't go out. Rest assured, I'll be fine."

Fang Mama couldn't help but touch her the corner of her eye, carefully wiping away the tears. She said, "In the blink of an eye, Miss has reached the age to attend the Grand Princess's flower appreciation banquet. If the Madam in heaven knew, she would surely be delighted."

Hongyu, upon hearing this, showed a mocking expression on her face. "I'm afraid there's another Madam who's going to be furious!"

Ouyang Nuan shook her head. "Enough, let's not talk about irrelevant people. Let's go."

Ouyang Jue had been waiting in the courtyard. He inherited Lin Wanqing's elegance, with an added charm from Ouyang Zhi. Naturally handsome, he lacked the restlessness of a child. Instead, he exuded a gentle and calm demeanor, with an added sense of maturity compared to his usual self. Due to his young age, this temperament was still combined with a charming aura that made it impossible for people to look away.

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He came up and took Ouyang Nuan's hand, his eyes shimmering. "Sister."

Ouyang Nuan nodded, holding his hand as they went to bid farewell to their grandmother in the Shou'an Hall, then left the Ouyang Residence and boarded the carriage.


Furui Court.

Ouyang Ke smashed the plum blossoms in the white jade vase, her face flushed with anger. "Mother, they are going too far. I haven't even glanced at the invitation from the Grand Princess!"

Madam Lin sneered. "Ke'er, your grandmother now treats us mother and daughter as enemies. How could she allow such a good opportunity for us to appear? Not to mention you, she didn't even inform me. She has decided to only let Ouyang Nuan and her brother go."

"But - there have never been such things before. Grandmother would never do this!" Ouyang Ke slumped into a chair, full of frustration and despair.

Madam Lin walked over, stroking her temple. She smiled and said, "Don't think about these troublesome matters. Come, take a look at the shoes mother has made for you."

Madam Wang approached, holding a pair of embroidered shoes adorned with large night-blooming cereus flowers. Ouyang Ke glanced at them blankly as Madam Lin personally crouched down to help her put them on. "Try taking a few steps," she said.

At the mention of walking, Ouyang Ke's face immediately contorted with disgust and resentment. Nonetheless, she had to endure and stand up, taking a few steps before turning back to look at Madam Lin in surprise. Madam Lin wore a gentle smile on her face as she said, "These shoes may look like ordinary embroidered ones, but there's more to them inside. When you wear them, walking will be effortless."

The pair of shoes, one slightly higher than the other, was angled and sized perfectly to fit Miss Ouyang's feet. They provided stability, compensating for any irregularities in her gait. To the casual observer, there was nothing unusual about them. Madam Lin had put in a great deal of effort to make these shoes perfect.

Since Ouyang Ke became physically disabled, she had not stepped out of the house. She detested the schadenfreude in people's eyes when they looked at her. Now, with this pair of shoes, she paced back and forth, her face alternating between joy, excitement, and ultimately turning into anger. She flung the shoes away, saying, "Do you expect me to live a life of pretense forever? Mother, you promised to avenge me! Ouyang Nuan is the one who caused me to become like this. Do you want her to shine brightly at the flower appreciation banquet?"

Madam Lin smiled faintly and calmly picked up the shoes again, handing them back to Ouyang Ke. "Silly girl, put them on quickly. Mother has already planned everything. There's no need for you to worry."

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"Mother, what do you mean?" Ouyang Ke's face showed a puzzled expression.

Wang Mama smiled and said, "My dear young miss, Madam has already made arrangements. You just focus on recovering from your injury. Let her have her moment of triumph once more. Wait and see what her final outcome will be!"


The grand princess's banquet this time was not held at the grand princess's mansion in the capital, but rather at a distant villa. As the carriage from the Ouyang Residence traveled along, Ouyang Nuan and Ouyang Jue played chess all the way, not feeling the distance at all.

Upon arriving at the villa's gate, Ouyang Jue was the first to step out of the carriage. He immediately turned back to assist Ouyang Nuan. Just as Ouyang Nuan's foot touched the ground, they heard a mocking laugh, "How come even the Ouyang household's assistant minister received an invitation?"

Ouyang Nuan looked up and saw a tall figure approaching. He was dressed in light purple court attire, with a smile that seemed to emanate divine light, and his eyes were as serene as ancient still water, clear and bright. He smiled gently as he looked at Ouyang Nuan. Despite wearing luxurious clothing at the moment, he appeared even more dazzling than when he was dressed in military garb, making it difficult for people to look directly at him.

"Greetings, Your Highness," Ouyang Nuan stepped down from the carriage and curtsied gracefully. Ouyang Jue also bowed respectfully, his young face serious, revealing no hint of his thoughts.

"Your Highness," Ouyang Nuan's face lit up with a smile. "What a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Not at all. I heard that Miss Ouyang was also coming, so I came specifically to apologize," Xiao Tianye said with a gentle smile.

Ouyang Nuan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Prince Qin has never been in the wrong, so what apology is there to speak of?"

"Even if I never admit fault, you always manage to make me bow my head. That ability alone is enough to earn my admiration," he said with meaning behind his words, seemingly trying to show goodwill to Ouyang Nuan while also hinting at something else. But when she tried to refute him, she couldn't find a point to argue against.

Ouyang Jue stood by Ouyang Nuan, his young face tensed. "Sister, shall we go in earlier?"

"This is..." Xiao Tianye gazed at them for a moment with an unfamiliar look, until a guard leaned over and whispered something to him. 

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Then, he showed a look of sudden realization. "Ah, so it's Young Master Ouyang. Please forgive my ignorance. Although we met at the hunting ground last time, you didn't leave much of an impression on me. Outsiders only know about the remarkable young lady of the Ouyang family; they don't know about the Ouyang Young Master. Always leaving the danger to his sister, Young Master Ouyang must be quite fortunate. What do you usually enjoy doing? Embroidery, playing the qin?" 

Even though his deliberate provocation might have affected someone with less composure, Ouyang Jue's eyes, like black jade, merely flashed for a moment before he lowered his head again, taking Ouyang Nuan's hand and moving to enter, seemingly oblivious to the remark.

Xiao Tianye raised an eyebrow, taking two steps to block their path, preventing them from passing.

"Young Master Xiao seems to have some free time," Ouyang Nuan remarked, looking at him with a brilliant smile. "While Prince Ming has been making military achievements on the battlefield for the country, it's a pity that I've never seen Young Master Xiao's presence there. It seems you also dislike showing your face. I wonder what you do in your spare time? Do you, like our Jue, enjoy embroidery and playing the qin?"

Xiao Tianye's gaze turned cold. "I am indeed idle by nature. Not engaging in battles is fine by me, especially since I don't have such a capable sister protecting me at every turn..."

Ouyang Nuan felt Ouyang Jue's hand growing colder in hers, yet he gripped hers tighter. She maintained her smile, speaking warmly, "Oh, don't say that, Young Master Xiao. You come from a noble and distinguished family, always high above us commoners. Why bother with people like us? It would only belittle your status."

"Commoner," Xiao Tianye's eyes seemed unfathomable as he chuckled. "You call yourself a commoner? Well, with your sharp tongue, you could claim to be unbeatable. I wonder how others would react if they knew that the elegant and graceful Miss Ouyang is actually a fierce woman capable of anything. What expression would they have then?"

Ouyang Jue suddenly raised his head, his eyes burning with rage. He bit his lip, wanting to say something, but in the end, he remained silent. He knew all too well that he couldn't afford to cause trouble for Ouyang Nuan. Endure it! Even if it's unbearable, he must endure it!

Ouyang Nuan furrowed her brow, realizing that Xiao Tianye was clearly trying to provoke Jue into anger, perhaps even to the point of making him lose his composure in public and inviting ridicule. If she intervened, it would be seen as diminishing Jue's authority, dampening his spirit. If she protected him, it might be interpreted as Jue being incapable without her help. If she remained silent, her brother would likely be at a disadvantage against Xiao Tianye's sharp tongue.

As she hesitated, unsure of what to do, Ouyang Jue stepped forward and whispered softly, "Your Highness, I have offended you before, and I deeply apologize. From now on, I will never be as disrespectful as I was last time. Wherever you are present, I will give way and show the utmost respect. Please, forgive my sister, who leads a quiet life away from worldly affairs. I implore you to spare her any further difficulties."

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Seeing how quickly he managed to control his emotions and refrain from being provoked by Xiao Tianye's taunts, Ouyang Nuan's lips curled slightly upward, even surprising Xiao Tianye himself as he glanced at Ouyang Jue.

Standing not far behind Xiao Tianye, Hezhou quietly observed the young man before him. He couldn't help but notice the complete absence of recklessness in him. Despite being provoked by the Prince of Qin, he remained composed and even articulated such calm words. It was a level of maturity and wisdom that even adults might struggle to achieve. He couldn't help but admire Ouyang Jue's display of maturity. His gaze then shifted to Ouyang Nuan, who maintained her serene composure, prompting him to inwardly marvel at the remarkable siblings produced by the Ouyang family.

However, Xiao Tianye didn't look at Ouyang Jue. Instead, he kept his gaze fixed on Ouyang Nuan. Seeing her calm demeanor, devoid of any signs of anger, Xiao Tianye felt a twinge of displeasure, finding it quite frustrating. His smile faded, and he remarked, "It seems that Miss Ouyang now considers me a stranger?"

He remained standing in the middle of the path, showing no intention of making way. Ouyang Nuan sighed softly, about to speak, when suddenly someone loudly announced, "The Prince of Ming has arrived!"

Despite the constant flow of carriages and bustling crowds moments ago, the entrance to the villa fell silent in an instant.

The handsome black-clad guards, with their stoic expressions, rode alongside, each carrying a long saber at their waist. Despite the dazzling sunlight, the blades emitted a chilling glint.

A young man dismounted, draped in an apricot-colored cloak adorned with ancient phoenix patterns. His slender, elongated phoenix eyes exuded nobility and grandeur, with unfathomable depths in their jet-black pupils. He seemed so noble that he appeared out of place in this mundane world. As the wind lightly tousled his hair, he stood there, casting a glance in the direction where Ouyang Nuan and her companions were.

Ouyang Jue was momentarily stunned, suddenly realizing that the person before him was the very object of his admiration. From a young age, he had been praised for his outstanding appearance wherever he went. Yet now, in comparison to this man, he felt utterly inadequate.

Ouyang Nuan heard the sound of someone dismounting from a nearby carriage, followed by murmurs: "Prince Ming..."

The guards behind also dismounted, and Prince Ming walked towards the direction where Xiao Tianye and the others were.

Xiao Tianye couldn't help but clench his fists, wishing he could punch the unbelievably handsome face of Prince Ming.

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His expression was grim as Prince Ming approached closer, seemingly ready to pass right by Xiao Tianye.

However, he effortlessly brushed past the distinguished Prince Qin without a second glance, his cloak embroidered with ancient phoenix patterns fluttering gracefully in the wind.

Prince Ming completely ignored the poised and ready Prince Qin...

Seeing this scene, for some reason, Ouyang Nuan suddenly felt like laughing. And because she felt like laughing, she genuinely smiled.

With Ouyang Nuan's smile, it was as if a clear moon had emerged from behind the clouds, illuminating the entire sky with its brilliance. Her radiant smile was so captivating that even Ouyang Jue and Hongyu, who were accustomed to seeing her smile, were still enchanted by the sudden radiance she exuded! Even Xiao Tianye, completely forgetting the recent unpleasantness, found himself immersed in her unexpectedly radiant smile.

The Prince Ming, who had already walked past, seemed to recall something suddenly and stopped in his tracks, turning back. He gazed at Ouyang Nuan as if reminiscing, while his attendant beside him softly inquired, "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

The Prince Ming shook his head and then briskly walked away.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's expression, Xiao Tianye realized she was mocking him, and his face immediately turned sour. Ouyang Nuan chuckled softly, "The banquet will start soon, Your Highness. Allow us to take our leave."

Once inside the mansion gates, they were naturally guided to the banquet hall.

As they walked along, they found themselves in a garden filled with ancient towering trees, peculiarly shaped rocks, and winding paths around mountains and water. Pavilions, towers, and corridors dotted the landscape, offering ever-changing views that seemed like entering a different world. At this early hour, the morning mist had not completely dissipated yet. 

The bright red peach blossoms, soft pink apricot blossoms, and various colored roses were initially shrouded in mist. However, as the sun rose, its rays dispersed the fog, revealing the vibrant and colorful flowers in full bloom. A gentle breeze blew through, causing petals to flutter down, accompanied by cool dewdrops drifting onto Ouyang Nuan's shoulders. She smiled faintly, lightly brushing them away, unknowingly becoming a picturesque scene herself, leaving observers in awe.

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