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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 62: 

Second Miss turned Drenched Chicken 

"Then Miss Su might have to wait for a while," replied Ouyang Nuan casually.

Madam Su raised her eyebrows and said, "Miss, I only asked you to teach calligraphy just now, but you refused. This time, it's just to have you give some guidance on Yun'er's embroidery. Why do you refuse? Are you looking down on my family?"

Ouyang Nuan looked embarrassed and said, "Madam Su, I really don't have the time. I'm going to Ningguo Temple to offer incense this time, and the Grand Princess has taken care of me a lot. My grandmother reminded me that I should send a return gift. I started embroidering a piece to give to the Grand Princess, but I'm slow at it. I've only finished half of it. If I stop now to teach Miss Su, it might take a long time. Madam Su is an elder, she will understand."

Old Madam Li's eyes lit up. "For the Grand Princess?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Yes, my grandmother said we should send a return gift. I feel that even the most precious things in the Grand Princess's mansion might not compare to something handmade with sincerity."

Old Madam Li nodded in approval. "Indeed, the Grand Princess has praised you greatly this time. You should reciprocate."

Madam Su paused and said, "But when will it be finished? Otherwise, I can have Yun'er help."

Ouyang Nuan blinked her beautiful eyes innocently. "Madam Su, you just mentioned that Miss Su is not skilled in embroidery. Besides, the gift for the Grand Princess requires careful consideration. If Miss Su isn't proficient in embroidery, I'm afraid she won't be of much help. If she stays behind, I won't have time to accompany her, and she might feel bored. It's a pity my sister isn't here. She could have kept Miss Su company. It's really a shame."

Madam Lin's face looked strange, while Ouyang Ke was currently lying in the courtyard recovering from her injuries. She cried in pain every day, making a fuss, and had no mind to accompany Su Yunniang. Although she hated it deeply in her heart, she could only smile and say, "Nuan'er is skilled and resourceful. It probably won't take much longer. When the time comes, we can have Miss Su come over."

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Ouyang Nuan earnestly said, "Mother is right. Father has already mentioned that several important figures have personally come to request the Hundred Longevity Painting. After I finish the embroidery for the Grand Princess, I still need to quickly sketch new designs. Considering the time needed, it may take at least half a year, if not a full year. However, I wonder if Miss Su will still be in the capital by then?"

Madam Su 's face turned slightly red, feeling somewhat embarrassed. However, inside, she was thoroughly irritated by Ouyang Nuan's indirect criticism. Madam Lin quickly chimed in, "Well, in that case, it's fine. Sister, it would be great if you could bring Yunniang here more often. I enjoy having company around, and seeing Yunniang always brings joy to me!"

Madam Su's expression improved slightly, and she continued chatting with Madam Lin.

Su Yunniang walked up to Ouyang Nuan and casually touched the cloak on her body, saying with a smile, "This cloak is really beautiful. I've never seen anything like it before."

Ouyang Nuan subtly shifted her body away, while Old Madam Li watched coldly, saying nothing. Su Yunniang, seeing Ouyang Nuan's indifferent response, was not bothered. She continued speaking to herself, which began to annoy Old Madam Li. She stood up and said, "Wanru, accompany Madam Su for a while. I'm not feeling well and need to rest."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Then I'll help grandmother inside."

Madam Lin hurriedly interjected, "Nuan'er, why are you leaving so hastily? Madam Su is still here. It wouldn't be proper for you to leave so soon."

Old Madam Li's expression darkened upon hearing this. Su Yunniang quickly stepped forward to hold Ouyang Nuan's hand, smiling sweetly as she pleaded, "Grandmother, let Sister Nuan'er accompany me. I don't have any sisters around, and I always enjoy talking to her!"

Old Madam Li's intended outburst was immediately halted. Maintaining her dignity, she refused to argue with a young girl. Ouyang Nuan noticed her discomfort and smiled, saying, "In that case, Zhang Mama, please assist grandmother inside. I'll stay and chat with Miss Su for a while."

Old Madam Li nodded and gave Madam Lin a deep look, causing Madam Lin to lower her head before she turned and left with Zhang Mama.


In the Ouyang Ke's Pavilion, Xia Xue tiptoed into the room and whispered softly in Ouyang Ke's ear, "Second Miss, I heard from one of Madam's maids that Madam has invited Madam Su to the mansion today!"

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Ouyang Ke's eyes lit up at the news. She eagerly grabbed Xia Xue and asked, "Has Brother Su come?"

Xia Xue looked confused, prompting Ouyang Ke to express her frustration, "I'm talking about Su Yulou, Young Master Su!" Xia Xue shook her head and replied, "Apologies, Second Miss, I do not know."

After a moment of thought, Ouyang Ke said, "Help me up!" She had been bedridden recovering from her injuries for these past few days. 

Xia Xue became anxious upon hearing this. "Second Miss, you cannot! The doctor said you must not leave the bed for a hundred days. If you worsen your condition, Madam might beat me to death!"

Ouyang Ke paid no heed to Xia Xue's pleas. The image of Su Yulou's beautiful face and graceful demeanor had been lingering in her mind for days. Enraged, she exclaimed, "Are you afraid of my mother beating you to death but not afraid of me?" Xia Xue, recalling Second Miss's ruthless methods of punishing maids, knelt down and begged desperately, "Second Miss, please don't force me. I really can't do it..."

However, Ouyang Ke ignored her and struggled to get up by herself. She demanded, "No need for your nonsense. Just go and help me freshen up and change clothes. Bring me the most exquisite pomegranate-red Yunjin satin dress!" Xia Xue, knowing she couldn't persuade her, trembled as she went to fulfill her orders.

When Ouyang Ke appeared in the main hall of Shou'an Hall in her vibrant attire, Madam Lin jumped up and exclaimed, "How did you, this young miss, come out!" As soon as the words left her mouth, she suddenly realized her mistake. After all, outsiders were unaware of Ouyang Ke's injury. She couldn't help but glance at Madam Su, seeing surprise on her face but no other expression. Only then did Madam Lin feel relieved. In front of guests, she dared not show excessive reactions. She could only signal to the maid beside her to assist Ouyang Ke.

Ouyang Ke was dressed in a pomegranate-red, Pingjin cloud satin coat adorned with gold threads, with a golden pearl tube on her head and a delicate three-dimensional coral butterfly gold pendant swaying. She wore a gold-twisted chain on her wrist. Such a vibrant outfit would normally enhance her beauty, but now it only accentuated her pale, sickly appearance.

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Ouyang Nuan stood up, smiling as she went to assist her. "Younger sister, you're still recovering from a serious illness. Why did you come out?"

Ouyang Ke wished she could shake off her hand, but remembering Madam Lin's instructions, she could only take a deep breath and smile. "Sister, I heard that Sister Su also came. I wanted to see her!" With that, she looked towards Madam Su and Su Yunniang, but her face quickly showed disappointment.

Ouyang Nuan concealed a hint of mockery at the corner of her mouth and said lightly, "Since younger sister gets along so well with Miss Su, why don't you stay a bit longer before leaving?"

Ouyang Ke had already expressed her disappointment. Seeing that Su Yulou had not come, she felt greatly disappointed, but she couldn't show it and couldn't just turn around and leave immediately. She could only stay and chat, but as soon as she sat down, she felt a dull pain in her chest and calves where she was injured.

Madam Lin felt anxious when she saw this. She thought that this girl was really disappointing. Upon hearing that Madam Su had come, she immediately rushed over, but now she couldn't say anything. She could only glare at Xia Xue, the maid beside Ouyang Ke, as if she wanted to dig a hole in her face.

Su Yunniang asked with concern, "What happened to Second Miss? Weren't you fine when we last met?"

Ouyang Ke's smile froze on her face for a moment, unsure how to respond. Instead, Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Younger sister was indeed fine before. It's just that she caught a cold a few days ago. We thought it was a minor illness, but it turned out to be more serious. She ended up bedridden. Fortunately, with mother's attentive care, she's getting better now." 

Su Yunniang's expression was subtle, and she exchanged a glance with Madam Su, both appearing surprised. 

Ouyang Ke, however, seemed to ignore their reactions and stuttered, "Did Brother Su not come today?"

As soon as those words were spoken, Madam Lin's complexion changed drastically, and even Madam Su's smile carried a hint of sarcasm. Su Yunniang glanced at Ouyang Ke, who looked expectantly at her, then at Ouyang Nuan, who was calmly drinking tea with her head down. She couldn't help but feel puzzled. What was going on? Why did this question, which should have been asked by Miss Ouyang, come from Ouyang Ke's mouth? 

Nevertheless, it was also convenient. She had been worried that Ouyang Nuan wouldn't ask. Now that someone else had asked, it was even better. She smiled and said, "Of course, brother also came. He said he went to Songzhu Courtyard to ask Young Master Ouyang for advice on archery."

Ask Ouyang Jue for advice on archery? Ouyang Nuan's lips curved in a half-smile. Su Yulou was superb in archery. When did he need to discuss archery with Ouyang Jue, a child? This was truly amusing.

Su Yunniang glanced at Madam Su, her smile even brighter, and said, "Elder Sister Nuan, last time I came in a hurry and didn't have a chance to properly explore your mansion. Could you take me around?"

She's trying to find a way to go to Songzhu Courtyard, isn't she? Ouyang Nuan looked at her without a word. Before she could speak, Ouyang Ke immediately said, "I've been bedridden for days and haven't seen Brother for a long time. Sister Yunniang wants to explore, so why don't we go to Songzhu Courtyard together?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Madam Lin and saw the livid expression on her face. If it weren't for Madam Su's presence, Madam Lin might have dragged Ouyang Ke away by her ear... Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Is your health better now, little sister? It's windy outside, so it's better for you to rest."

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Su Yunniang also looked worried and said, "Yes, Little Sister's not feeling well. You should rest more."

"I'm completely fine now!" Ouyang Ke was afraid they wouldn't let her go, so she stood up immediately, inadvertently aggravating her injury. The pain distorted her smile, but she walked over to Ouyang Nuan's side and pleaded, "Elder Sister, please let me go, okay?"

It's difficult for her indeed. Despite hating herself deeply, she still had to put on a show of sisterly affection in front of others. Ouyang Nuan sighed softly in her heart, feeling some pity for Ouyang Ke. Madam Lin, such a person, could give birth to a daughter like Ouyang Ke—it's perhaps karma at work. With a smile on her face, she softly said, "Mother, if little sister wants to go, what do you think?"

Madam Lin's face turned cold as she said, "Ke'er, you're not fully recovered yet. Nowhere is an option for you to go. Someone, escort Miss Ouyang back to her room!"

Ouyang Ke's expression changed, her smile fading as she spoke stiffly, "Mother, I just want to go out for some fresh air. I won't cause you any trouble."

Madam Lin stared at her coldly, her gaze seemingly capable of swallowing her whole. Ouyang Ke involuntarily shrank back, but unexpectedly, she persisted. It seemed that the charm of a handsome man far surpassed the authority of Madam Lin as a mother. Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyelids, hiding the shimmering light in her eyes.

Seeing the awkward situation, Madam Su quickly intervened, "Wanru, if Ke'er wants to go, let her. If you're worried, just have more maids accompany her."

Madam Lin felt as if she had swallowed a bitter pill. Unable to express her grievances in front of Madam Su, she could only force a smile and say, "My daughter is just too lively, always wanting to go outside. It's partly my fault for restricting her movements these days. It's inevitable that she wants to come out for a walk. Well, you all take good care of Miss Ke'er. If she suffers even a scratch, I'll hold you all accountable!" Madam Lin spoke coldly to the maids beside Ouyang Ke.

Su Yunniang pursed her lips. Just now neither Old Madam Li nor Madam Su had exchanged many words. In fact, the Old Madam had seemed rather impatient. The attitude towards Madam Su and her daughter was lukewarm at best. It seemed that there was no particular affection towards her brother. 

On the other hand, Madam Lin seemed very fond of her mother, as if she was actively trying to match her daughter and her son. And then there was this second miss who suddenly appeared. Although she had a smiling face, the atmosphere between her and her elder sister was always strange. What was even stranger was that the last time she saw Ouyang Ke, she was healthy and lively, but now, she seemed to struggle to speak, couldn't sit still, and appeared pale and sickly. It all made this family seem quite peculiar.

Walking out of Shou'an Hall, Ouyang Nuan led Su Yunniang slowly ahead, casually introducing the scenery along the way. Su Yunniang listened half-heartedly, constantly inquiring about the whereabouts of Songzhu Court.

With her injuries still lingering, Ouyang Ke naturally walked slowly, inadvertently falling behind. She whispered to Xia Xue beside her, "Do you think my mother had ulterior motives for inviting the Su family today?"

Xia Xue, having a slight understanding of her young mistress's thoughts, could only speculate about Ouyang Ke's preferences. "This servant speculates that Madam intends to arrange a marriage for Miss with someone from the Su family, although this is mostly Madam's own idea. I don't think Madam Su has much interest in Miss, but she seems very concerned about you. When you entered, Madam Su immediately greeted you with concern, not showing the same warmth toward Miss."

Ouyang Ke asked, "When Brother Su came last time, were you there too? Did you see if he seemed to glance at the screen a few more times, as if he knew I was behind it?"

At that time, Xia Xue's status was lower than Qiu Yue's, so she was only waiting outside and didn't witness anything. However, she couldn't say that directly and had to go along with Ouyang Ke's thoughts. "That's natural. Second Miss is so beautiful. As she grows older, she'll surely captivate all the young gentlemen in the capital."

Ouyang Ke listened with satisfaction, her face flushing with excitement. Finally, she felt a bit relieved. With a disdainful snort, she said, "Ouyang Nuan is just older than me. It's only because Madam Su favors her inheritance that she has this opportunity. Otherwise, even if she wanted to marry Brother Su, she probably wouldn't have the qualifications. Hmph. Just seeing her annoys me! I can't let her smoothly meet Brother Su!" With newfound grievances and resentments flooding her mind, Ouyang Ke suddenly smiled. "But I have a way." She whispered a few words into Xia Xue's ear.

Xia Xue listened, her face gradually losing color. "Miss, this is not acceptable!"

"What's not acceptable! If you dare not, I'll find someone else. But after this, you'll be kicked out of the Ouyang residence!" Ouyang Ke threatened fiercely.

Xia Xue bit her lip, hesitating as she glanced at the delicate and beautiful figure of her young mistress. She could only say, "I'll do my best to help Second Miss Ouyang stop Miss Hongyu."

Only then did Ouyang Ke nod, raising her voice suddenly. "Sister, I'm tired of walking. Let's rest at the pavilion up ahead."

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Ouyang Nuan stopped and turned back, smiling gently as she looked at Ouyang Ke. Seeing her somewhat guilty expression and lowered head, she said, "Then let's take a break."

In front of the pavilion, there was a pool of water. Despite it being winter, the water around the pool was frozen, while underneath, dark springs still flowed. The maidservants spread soft cushions on the stone benches inside the pavilion. 

Su Yunniang sat comfortably and admired the couplet inside the pavilion. She softly recited, "Centuries pass like fleeting guests, a moment of quiet sitting resembles immortals." She praised the poetry in the pavilion.

Ouyang Ke's smile seemed a bit forced as she replied, "It was written by my sister."

Su Yunniang showed a look of pleasant surprise and said, "Eldest Miss Ouyang is truly remarkably intelligent. This sentence is indeed full of spiritual energy. Speaking of which, it's quite a coincidence; my brother also enjoys writing poetry."

Ouyang Ke's expression turned even uglier. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. In the past, she truly enjoyed poetry, calligraphy, and painting. However, Madam Lin said that women should focus on virtue rather than talent, which made her give up on these pursuits and focus on traditional female skills instead. 

This couplet was a remnant from her childhood. After her rebirth, she had picked up these hobbies again. However, she no longer had any affection for them. In her eyes, everything was merely a tool for manipulation, not personal interests. Su Yunniang's attempt to make her feel a connection with Su Yulou's interests would likely end in disappointment.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's faint smile and sensing that she didn't want to pursue the topic further, Su Yunniang couldn't hide her disappointment on her face.

Ouyang Ke couldn't sit still anymore. She suddenly lowered her head and began to cough heavily. Xia Xue quickly instructed the maids standing nearby, "You go fetch a companion cloak for Second Miss. You go get Second Miss's medicine. You go report to Madam, saying that Second Miss seems to be feeling unwell after catching a cold. You..." In the blink of an eye, she dismissed all four maids.

Su Yunniang watched with a strange expression on her face. Ouyang Nuan remained silent but had a faintly mocking curve at the corner of her mouth. The mother and daughter seemed surprisingly aligned before committing mischief. Indeed, who would commit misdeeds in front of others? It always had to be done behind someone's back!

Ouyang Ke signaled to Xia Xue with her eyes. Xia Xue walked over to Hongyu's side and said with a smile, "Hongyu, I have something to tell you." Hongyu glanced at Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan seemed as if she hadn't heard anything, quietly sipping her tea. Hongyu hesitated for a moment before following Xia Xue.

Ouyang Ke saw the others walk away, and as if the coughing spell hadn't happened at all, she continued to chat and laugh with Su Yunniang. After a while, she stood up and walked to the railing, leaning out and saying, "I remember there used to be koi fish in there, but they're nowhere to be seen in winter..."

Su Yunniang couldn't help but remind her, "Second Miss, this railing is low. Be careful not to fall."

"I'll be fine," Ouyang Ke smiled and turned to Ouyang Nuan, saying, "Sister, come and see. It looks like there's one here!"

Ouyang Nuan remained calm, with a faint smile on her lips. "You're such a child, little sister. Take a look for yourself."

Seeing that her sister wasn't taking the bait, Ouyang Ke wasn't willing to let it go easily. She suddenly pretended to be in pain, exclaiming, "Sister, my foot hurts again! Oh, it seems like I can't even stand up. Sister, please come help me!"

Ouyang Nuan quickly stood up and rushed over to help her, while Su Yunniang remained seated, her face showing surprise. Just a moment ago, everything was fine. How did it suddenly turn out like this? She was still puzzled when she saw Ouyang Ke suddenly reaching out and pulling Ouyang Nuan with force, as if trying to steady herself with her sister's help. But before she could fully understand what was happening, she saw Ouyang Ke's body leaning forward abruptly on the railing, and then she fell straight into the pool.

"Ke'er!" Ouyang Nuan exclaimed in shock, turning back and shouting, "My sister fell into the water, help!"

"Something's wrong. Someone fell into the water," Su Yunniang screamed in panic, joining in the cries for help.

Hearing the screams, Xia Xue and Hongyu, who were talking nearby, were shocked and pale, rushing over in a panic.

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In the main hall, Madam Lin was conversing with Madam Su when she heard the commotion. Madam Lin remarked, "Last time at the birthday banquet, Young Master Su truly displayed remarkable talent. Sister, you are truly fortunate."

Madam Su smiled and said, "Yulou is indeed very promising." Then she paused before continuing, "Wanru, now that you are pregnant too, you must give birth to a son this time. That way, you can overshadow their siblings' limelight!"

Madam Lin's smile stiffened momentarily. The fact that she was carrying a lone star in her belly was probably widely known among the influential circles in the capital by now. Madam Su had been in the capital for some time, but her unawareness of this fact was evident. It only indicated that the Su family did not bother about the concerns of the noble ladies. Madam Lin could only respond, "That would depend on the heavens' will. As you may have noticed, our Miss here is indeed quite formidable."

Madam Su chuckled, "If she wasn't formidable, would you have urgently summoned me all the way from Jiangnan? Without her prowess, where would my Yulou stand?" She then expressed genuine concern, "No matter how formidable she may be, once she's married and living under her in-laws' roof, she'll still have to consider her mother-in-law and husband's opinions. You're overestimating her. But rest assured, your days ahead will surely become smoother."

Madam Lin smiled knowingly, understanding Madam Su's implication. She glanced around discreetly, acknowledging that Madam Su was reminding her that they were still in Shou'an Hall and there was no need to speak explicitly. Changing the subject, she suggested, "Why don't we visit the Songzhu Courtyard later? The children are there. They might be enjoying themselves by now."

Madam Lin then mentioned, "I've heard that Young Master Su's archery skills are quite exceptional. Today, I'll have the pleasure of witnessing it firsthand."

Just as they were conversing, a mother hurriedly entered and whispered something into Wang Mama's ear. Wang Mama's expression immediately changed. She glanced at Madam Lin, causing her heart to sink. Hastily, Madam Lin inquired, "Is there something happening outside?"

Wang Mama urgently exclaimed, "The young ladies were playing, but somehow Second Miss ended up falling into the pond!"

Madam Lin's expression changed instantly. With a swift motion, she stood up. "Ke'er still has injuries! That..." Before she could finish, Madam Su quickly rose from her seat. "Quick, let's go see!"

Meanwhile, in the water, Ouyang Ke screamed, "Sister... you're going to drown me..." Her original intention was to push Ouyang Nuan into the water, preventing her from running off to the Songzhu Courtyard to flirt with Su Yulou. Moreover, with the cold weather, Ouyang Nuan would catch a cold if she fell in. However, just as she extended her hand, Ouyang Nuan deftly evaded it, causing her to lose her balance and fall into the pond! 

With no other choice, she pretended to be drowning, swallowing water and appearing as if she were on the verge of death, waiting for someone to pull her out. Then she would shift all blame onto Ouyang Nuan, accusing her of intentionally pushing her into the water, claiming she wanted to drown her!

Su Yunniang ran over, gripping Ouyang Nuan's arm anxiously and shouting, "Quick! Miss, hurry and go save Second Miss!"

Ouyang Nuan pretended to act like she was going to rescue someone. She had just loosened her outer cloak when suddenly, a strange expression crossed her face. Su Yunniang urgently asked, "What's wrong?"

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Ouyang Ke struggling in the pond, then suddenly exclaimed, "Sister, stop struggling. Just stand up!"

Noticing that Ouyang Ke was still struggling and hadn't heard her, Ouyang Nuan signaled to Hongyu, who had already arrived. With her sleeves rolled up, Hongyu leaned over the railing and grabbed Ouyang Ke's hair, pulling her upwards with all her strength. Taking advantage of the buoyancy of the water, she effortlessly lifted Ouyang Ke to the surface.

Meanwhile, the maids who were cleaning the courtyard had also rushed over. Together, they helped pull Ouyang Ke out of the water. Ouyang Ke leaned over the railing, coughing up water. Ouyang Nuan took off her cloak and handed it to her to keep warm.

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Madam Lin rushed over at this moment and, upon seeing the scene, immediately exclaimed, "My Ke'er, what happened to you?" She examined Ouyang Ke carefully, finding that aside from being a bit pale, there was no serious injury. 

Ouyang Ke was trembling all over, clutching Lin's wrist tightly, and cried out, "Mother, sister tried to drown me!"

Everyone present was shocked and turned their gaze towards Ouyang Nuan.

Ouyang Nuan looked bewildered and said, "Sister, what are you saying? Why would I do such a thing?"

Ouyang Ke gasped for breath and said, "Sister, why are you so heartless? The pond is so deep, you deliberately tried to drown me. What have I done to offend you? Mother, you must stand up for me!"

Madam Su widened her eyes and asked Su Yunniang, "What exactly happened?"

Su Yunniang also looked puzzled, while Ouyang Nuan wore a slightly embarrassed expression and said, "My sister accidentally fell into the pond, and it seems... she may be a bit disoriented. Miss Su should have seen it too. Why would I arbitrarily push my sister into the water?" She glanced at Su Yunniang, a hint of insinuation flashing in her eyes.

Su Yunniang was taken aback. Naturally, she wanted to please Ouyang Nuan and immediately whispered, "Yes, I did see it. It was Miss Ke'er who accidentally fell into the pond herself."

Ouyang Ke was too angry to speak. Madam Lin's voice turned sharp: "Nuan'er, are you still trying to deceive us? The pond is so deep. Are you trying to drown your sister? Even if you didn't push her in, you clearly know how to swim. Why didn't you go in and save her?"

Ouyang Nuan finally showed a hint of surprise on her face. She said, "Mother, you've misunderstood. The pond used to be deep, but a few days ago, Father ordered most of the water to be drained because there was too much mud in it. If Ke'er fell, she probably didn't notice. If she stands up, the water only reaches her knees."

Madam Lin was taken aback, and Ouyang Ke's face turned even paler. She couldn't believe it and turned to look at the pond. The maidservants and mothers nearby lowered their heads, trying to conceal their uncontrollable smiles.

It's downright ludicrous. Is there anyone in this world more foolish than Second Miss Ouyang? She clearly fell in by herself, yet she insists that Eldest Miss Ouyang tried to drown her. How could anyone be so naive? Who in their right mind would choose to harm someone here? She spent so long in the pool, yet didn't even notice that the water only reached her knees, and continued struggling. It's simply baffling. 

Little did they know, Second Miss Ouyang had actually injured her leg. She'd been keeping her leg curled up and her body hunched over, desperately trying to make it look like she's drowning. Of course, she didn't realize anything was amiss.

With deliberate sternness in her eyes, Ouyang Nuan said, "Xia Xue, Madam has repeatedly instructed you on how to take care of Miss Ouyang. How could you be chatting away on the side?"

Xia Xue was so frightened that she couldn't utter a word. Madam Lin, in a fit of rage, slapped her forcefully, exclaiming, "Hurry up and help Miss Ouyang up!"

Despite being wrapped in a cloak, Ouyang Ke felt the biting cold creeping in. Her lips turned purple from the chill, and her body was covered in thin shards of ice. She couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably as the cold penetrated her heart, causing unbearable pain throughout her organs. Especially her leg, it felt like a tearing, agonizing pain. She cried out, "Mother, my leg! My leg!"

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Madam Lin's expression abruptly changed, and she screamed, "Quick! Lift Second Miss Ouyang back! Get a doctor! Fetch a doctor!"

Madam Su and Miss Su exchanged bewildered looks, unsure of what was happening. Little did they know about Ouyang Ke's leg injury, which required at least a hundred days to heal, and considering her leg was almost broken! 

Dr. Qian had put a lot of effort into taking care of her. All she needed to do was stay in bed and rest properly, and she would have recovered in due time. But she insisted on getting out of bed, and even soaked herself in the icy pool for so long. 

Naturally, her condition worsened. Madam Lin, disregarding any further confrontation with Ouyang Nuan, ordered her servants to carry Ouyang Ke back to her Courtyard, her face pale with worry.

Madam Su and Miss Su were utterly surprised by the scene. Just as they were about to inquire about Ouyang Ke's condition, they saw Ouyang Jue approaching from the wooden bridge, accompanied by a dashing young man. It was none other than Su Yulou. 

Miss Su hurried over and said, "Brother, Second Miss fell into the pool!" 

Ouyang Jue's face turned pale upon hearing this, rushing over to check on Ouyang Nuan repeatedly, "Sister, are you okay?" 

Seeing her brother's alarmed expression, Ouyang Nuan immediately reassured him in a gentle tone, "I'm fine. It was Ke'er who fell in, no need to worry." As she raised her head, her gaze met a pair of bright eyes. 

Su Yulou was dressed in a silver-white brocade robe with a green silk sash tied around his waist, adorned with a lotus-patterned jade pendant. He looked tall and handsome, with an air of elegance and refinement. He stared fixedly at Ouyang Nuan, who returned his gaze coldly, causing Su Yulou to pause in surprise.

Ouyang Nuan said lightly, "Madam Su, with my sister's accident, my mother may not be in the mood to entertain you. Please go back today. We will make amends another day."

Madam Su, seeing the situation, knew it was not appropriate to stay longer. She smiled and replied, "In that case, we will take our leave. Please make sure to inform us about Second Miss's condition."

Ouyang Nuan nodded slightly and turned, saying, "Hongyu, see our guests off."

"Yes, Miss."

As Ouyang Nuan walked away, Su Yulou kept watching her retreating figure. Su Yunian quietly tugged at his sleeve and said, "Brother, let's go."

Su Yulou nodded, his face still showing a hint of perplexity. Why did he feel like Ouyang Miss harbored such dislike towards him? It didn't make sense. They had no grievances in the past, right? Perhaps she was just not accustomed to meeting new people? Su Yulou pondered over this as he turned and left with Madam Su.

As he walked away, Ouyang Nuan, who had turned around in the corridor, suddenly looked back, casting a cold glance at him, with a faint smirk playing at the corner of her lips.

"Jiejie, what happened?" asked Ouyang Jue.

"Nothing. Let's go to Shou'an Hall," replied Ouyang Nuan.

On the way, Ouyang Nuan recounted the situation to Ouyang Jue in detail. Ouyang Jue nodded and remarked, "Ouyang Ke brought this upon herself!"

As the pavilion was close to Shou'an Hall, Old Madam Li had already received the news. Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, she maintained a calm demeanor and kindly inquired, "Nuan'er, are you injured?"

"No, grandmother, don't worry. It's just that my sister seems to be hurt."

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"Oh dear, how did this happen? This will only worsen her condition. Zhang Mama, send someone to check on Second Miss and report back," Madam Li instructed.

Zhang Mama acknowledged and left. Old Madam Li then asked with concern, "How could she be so careless and end up like this? Wasn't she supposed to go to Songzhu Courtyard? How did she end up falling into the pond?"

"Originally, I was walking with Miss Su and my sister. Later, my sister said she was tired and wanted to rest at the pavilion. So, we stopped for a moment. My sister mentioned there used to be carp in the pond and wanted to take a look. But the railing was too low, and she accidentally fell in... It's my fault for not taking better care of her," Ouyang Nuan explained.

Hongyu, understanding the situation, added, "Madam, it's not our young lady's fault. Miss Su and I were there too. We all saw clearly that Second Miss fell in by herself. But after she came out, she insisted on blaming our young lady."

Ouyang Nuan's expression turned stern as she immediately cautioned, "Hongyu, refrain from making baseless accusations!"

Ouyang Jue, seizing the moment, impulsively interjected, "Grandmother, Second Sister insists that Sister pushed her and tried to harm her!"

The Old Madam, however, discerned the underlying meaning and sighed, "Nuan'er, there's no need to hide it from me. This isn't the first time, and who would believe it anyway? Ke'er always gets into trouble herself, yet she always tries to pin it on others. It's like she's been blinded by greed. She wasn't like this before. How did she become so muddled?"

As she spoke, Yumei brought warm soup for Ouyang Nuan to drink. Madame Lin suggested, "It's windy outside, have a cup of ginger tea to ward off the cold."

Ouyang Nuan's eyes shimmered with gratitude as she replied, "Thank you for your concern, grandmother."

Old Madam Lin nodded and smiled kindly, "Silly child, grandmother always believes in you, so don't worry."

Ouyang Jue's dark eyes gleamed brightly as he remarked, "Grandmother believes, but I'm afraid others won't!"

"Won't believe it? The pool water was just drained a few days ago, and Li Yiniang even reported it specially. It's impossible to drown in it. Yet she insists that Nuan'er wanted to drown her. Who would believe that?" Old Madam Lin shook her head, sighing, "Ke'er, this child, has really disappointed me. How could she become as shallow and ignorant as her mother?"


Chasing Clouds Pavilion

Su Yulou was alone in his room painting when Madam Su walked in. Su Yulou quickly bowed to Madam Su.

Madam Su gestured, "Come, sit with me and talk."

Su Yulou walked over and sat down beside Madam Su. Madam Su looked at her son's face, still handsome. With a jade-like appearance, his lips were slightly upturned, as if smiling faintly.

"Are you in a good mood?" 

Su Yulou paused for a moment and asked, "Why do you ask, Mother?"

Madam Su said, "I noticed you went to the Ouyang residence today, and it seems you're in a good mood..." She sighed again. "Your sister said you didn't like the Ouyang family's daughter. But the Ouyang family's daughter is a rare beauty with that kind of temperament. Even if you didn't like her upon seeing her, Mother is just worried about you."

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Su Yulou hesitated for a moment, seemingly lost in contemplation as he gazed at the green potted plant beside him. After a long while, he finally spoke, "Mother, what are you worried about?"

Exactly what was going through Su Yulou's mind was unclear, even to Madam Su, his own mother. He seemed to have a very high standard when it came to choosing a partner. Over the years, there had been no shortage of beautiful maids in the mansion, yet he showed no interest in any of them. It seemed he had made up his mind to marry a perfect celestial being. 

Whenever she suggested he meet noble young ladies, he had always shown reluctance, though not outright refusal. But this time, when she asked him to visit the Ouyang residence, he went willingly. His subsequent happiness upon returning home left her somewhat puzzled...

Madam Su replied calmly, "Actually, the current situation seems relatively favorable, albeit slightly different from what we initially anticipated... However, if Madam Lin could gain control over the Ouyang residence and manipulate the young lady, then this marriage proposal would naturally have a better chance of success. As it stands, Madam Lin's influence seems to have waned, and this young lady holds a high status and reputation. It would be quite challenging to arrange a marriage between her and you, my son."

Su Yulou interjected, "Mother, there's no need to rush. Everything requires careful planning and consideration."

Madam Su's gaze fell upon Su Yulou. "You denied it before, but now you finally admit it. You truly like this young lady from the Ouyang family."

Su Yulou furrowed his brows slightly. "Whether I like her or not, Mother, you've already made the decision, haven't you?"

With a sigh, Madam Su replied, "It's important that you genuinely like her in your heart for this marriage to be successful." Standing up, she walked to the table and asked, "What are you painting?"

Su Yulou hurriedly took a few steps to put away the painting spread out on the table. Madam Su remarked, "The ink has just dried. Are you planning to ruin this painting?"

Su Yulou smiled and decided not to hide anymore. Instead, he said openly, "If Mother wants to see, then please look."

Madam Su's eyes lit up as she looked at the painting. The woman depicted in the painting was elegant and graceful, resembling a fairy, especially her eyes, which seemed to flow like a stream, exuding resilience and composure. The painting resembled Ouyang Nuan so much, especially her captivating eyes, which were unforgettable.

Madam Su turned to look at her son's expression, paused for a moment, then smiled meaningfully and said, "Mother guessed it right. You've indeed taken a liking to Ouyang Nuan."

Su Yulou smiled faintly and said, "Isn't that the case for you too, Mother? Although Ouyang Zhi is just a Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, Ouyang Nuan has the Marquis Mansion as her maternal family, which naturally elevates her status. Haven't you always hoped to find support in the capital? Isn't this a ready-made opportunity?"

Madam Su smiled faintly and replied, "Silly child. Mother originally considered your future prospects, but ultimately, you'll spend your life with her. It's important that you like her."

Su Yulou cleared his throat and fell silent. Instead, he turned to look at the painting, a hint of nostalgia on his face. Seeing this, Madam Su understood everything. With determination in her heart, her expression turned cold as she said, "If you truly want to win over this Miss Ouyang, you need to take action."

Su Yulou was taken aback, looking up abruptly at Madam Su...

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