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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 61: 

Those Who Follow Me Will Prosper, Those Who Oppose Me Will Perish

The situation escalated quickly. The night watch maidservants had beaten the Second Miss, which not only alarmed Old Madam Li but also startled Ouyang Zhi. Old Madam Li immediately ordered someone to summon Li Yiniang and, after some consideration, specifically sent Zhang Mama to fetch Ouyang Nuan.

The maidservants carried Ouyang Ke to a side room and promptly went to fetch a doctor.

In the main hall, Cai Mama, the head of the night watch, knelt in fear at the foot of the hall. 

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When Madam Lin woke up, she gave Cai Mama a fierce slap. "How dare you strike the Second Miss? Have you gone mad?" She wore an expression that seemed like she could devour someone whole, terrifying Cai Mama into bowing repeatedly. 

"How would this old servant know it was the Second Miss? She was supposed to be eating her vegetarian meals and chanting Buddhist scriptures in the ancestral hall. How could she suddenly appear at Madam's courtyard gate? Even if she really wanted to come out, she would have been accompanied by maidservants and matrons. How could she sneak out alone in such a stealthy manner?"

Madam Lin sternly declared, "Nonsense! Ke'er is the honorable Second Miss. Does she need your permission, Cai Mama, to come see me whenever she wishes? It's clear that you were instigated by someone and persecuted Ke'er in every possible way. Taking advantage of her visit to me, you intentionally seized her and brutally beat her! You deserve to be killed immediately."

Cai Mama, who had been promoted by Li Yiniang and was not part of Madam Lin's entourage, repeatedly kowtowed upon hearing this. She cried out to Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi, "Madam, Master, I am innocent! When we encountered the Second Miss, she refused to answer our questions and even kicked one of her maidservants who tried to approach her. That's how this incident occurred. We accidentally injured the Second Miss, and we truly deserve severe punishment. But none of us expected the Second Miss to be lurking at the gate of Furui Court in the dead of night. Please, Madam, Master, consider our loyal service and spare us!"

The night watchmaids, numbering around twenty to thirty, mostly just watched as the thief was caught, perhaps kicking the culprit once or twice to give the impression that they were diligently protecting the household. However, Cai Mama's statement implicated everyone. Could she alone be lying? Would all these maidservants also lie? Who would have expected a delicate and noble young lady to be wandering around the mistress's courtyard in the dead of night? If she got caught and mistaken for a thief, who could be blamed?

Madam Lin couldn't contain her anger upon hearing this. Wang Mama quickly supported her and said, "Old Madam, Master, Madam isn't feeling well. Please allow me to speak. Mama Cai, let me ask you this: when you found the Second Miss at the mistress's courtyard gate, why didn't you report to Madam first instead of taking matters into your own hands and beating her? Is there any reason to attack without first identifying the person? Clearly, you were instigated and acted intentionally!"

Li Yiniang, standing nearby, hurriedly added, "Cai Mama informed me because there were few people on night duty. Mama Wang, accusing her of being manipulated, what exactly do you mean?"

Wang Mama snorted coldly and retorted, "Is Li Yiniang here to fulfill her night duties, or does she have other intentions? Only the heavens know."

Ouyang Zhi became furious, almost slamming the table. However, the Old Madam beside him let out a heavy cough, prompting Ouyang Zhi to glance at Old Madam Li with confusion. Old Madam Li shook her head, signaling him to observe quietly.

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and stood up, saying, "Mother, please calm down first. It's late, misunderstandings are inevitable among family members. Let's have a peaceful discussion instead of arguing."

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Seeing an opportunity to de-escalate, Old Madam Li quickly added, "Exactly. Cai Mama already explained that she asked Second Miss who she was, but the Second Miss refused to answer and insisted on peeping from outside the courtyard. Only then did things escalate without reason. How can it be interpreted as intentionally harming someone? Not to mention Wang Mama's claim of manipulation behind the scenes. It's simply outrageous!"

Madam Lin's tone turned cold, "What do you mean by 'peeping'? Is it considered peeping when one's own daughter stands outside the courtyard? The night watchmen dare to act without clarifying, is this the rule of the Ouyang Residence, or is it a rule set by Old Madam Li? My Ke'er has been injured like this, can you afford the consequences?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded and said, "Mother is right. It was indeed inappropriate for Cai Mama to act without clarifying the situation first. But let's not bring up the notion of being manipulated by someone else, as it only exacerbates the situation."

Madam Lin couldn't contain herself and sneered repeatedly, "Alright, alright! What a noble and righteous young lady you are. Instead of speaking up for your sister, you're siding with these servants. Could it be that you're in cahoots with them?"

Ouyang Nuan's face showed astonishment, unable to believe it. She said, "Mother, what are you saying? I was merely speaking the truth. My sister was ordered by grandmother to reflect in seclusion at the ancestral temple. How could she suddenly run out? Even if she came to see you, why didn't she inform grandmother and come during the day? Why sneak out alone at night? Who would believe that such a thing happened in our Ouyang family?"

Li Yiniang also chimed in, sounding distressed, "Indeed, Madam, this is truly a misunderstanding. Please don't dwell on it."

Madam Lin sneered, "What nice words! You've clearly conspired together. It's a den of snakes and rats, targeting my poor daughter!"

Ouyang Nuan blinked her eyes, tears gathering on her long lashes. She said, "Mother, I am also your daughter. Can you not feel my heartache seeing my sister injured? But there's always right and wrong in every situation. Even if Cai Mama and the others were at fault, it was simply due to their haste, grabbing someone without clarifying first. If you're angry, you can punish them directly. We all understand that you're upset about my sister's injury. But no matter what, you cannot... repeatedly claim that this was someone else's premeditated plan. If it were truly planned, who would have expected my sister to sneak out in the middle of the night? Who could have foreseen waiting for her at the Furui Courtyard? And how could anyone predict that she would remain silent and run away upon seeing someone? All of this is just a coincidence, a misunderstanding. Mother, insisting on framing it as a conspiracy will only unsettle our household and distress grandmother and father."

Madam Lin's heart was filled with hatred, to the point of murderous intent. She exclaimed loudly, "What misunderstanding? What unsettling of the household? You've beaten Ke'er like this, can it all be dismissed with just a misunderstanding?"

Old Madam Li coughed heavily and spoke in a cold tone, "You still have the nerve to speak up. I instructed her to reflect in seclusion, but she instead snuck out in the dead of night and caused this trouble. She's brought shame upon herself. What more do you want? Do you want me to kill these maids and mamas to satisfy your anger?"

Madam Lin raised her voice, "Old Madam, Ke'er is your own granddaughter. She's lying there with her life hanging by a thread, yet you don't stand up for her. Instead, you're siding with these servants. They've dared to harm their mistress. Shouldn't they all be punished by death? If this matter spreads, what kind of image will our family have?"

Old Madam Li snorted coldly, while Ouyang Nuan spoke softly, "Mother, you haven't visited Grandma to inquire about her health these days. She's ill, yet even so, if you're angry, don't take it out on Grandma. Just discuss it with us. If there's anything improper, I'll take responsibility and make amends!"

These words instantly ignited the suppressed anger within Ouyang Zhi. His face turned ashen, and he erupted in anger, "Image? How dare you talk about the family's image! When the Old Madam is sick, Nuan'er serves her tea and water, attends to her meals, sleeps late and rises early. But you, this daughter-in-law, not to mention serving medicine, you haven't even shown your face! What right do you have to talk about the family's image? These servants, being so insolent, not understanding their place, it's all because of your example as the mistress!"

Madam Lin was taken aback for a moment, then retorted, "I have come over these past few days. It's just that Zhang Mama always said the old madam wasn't in the mood to see me. How can you blame me for that?"

"These past few days? How many days has the old madam been sick? And you only remembered to come see her now? When the old madam regained consciousness, her first words were asking where you were. It's your duty as a daughter-in-law to attend to your mother-in-law. Now you can't even fulfill your basic duties. Even if this matter is taken to the Marquis's residence, you'd still be in the wrong!" Ouyang Zhi gasped for breath, his anger blazing. "Let me ask you, do you understand the principles of respect and humility? Do you understand the principles of wifely and filial piety? Even if the old madam is angry with you and doesn't want to see you, you should kneel and beg for her forgiveness. But what did you do? You closed the door and acted as if the old madam didn't exist! Is this your idea of filial piety? It's because of you that the whole family is in turmoil!"

Ouyang Nuan softly advised, "Father, please don't be angry. It's just a misunderstanding. Mother, please apologize to Grandma quickly, and this matter will be resolved."

Madam Lin, full of resentment, exclaimed loudly, "You treat Ke'er like this, and yet you expect me to apologize? Let me tell you, it's not going to happen!"

Ouyang Zhi shouted loudly, "If you continue like this, don't blame me for being heartless!" His voice and demeanor were fierce, displaying extreme anger. However, Ouyang Nuan was well aware that Ouyang Zhi was a typical soft-hearted person. To make him truly sever ties with Madam Lin, it would either require her committing a major offense or her backing collapsing behind the scenes. So she knew that this display was just a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Madam Lin also understood this. However, accustomed to being lofty and aloof, she couldn't tolerate such threatening words. Seeing her once amiable husband now speaking to her so sternly, she was about to get angry. But Wang Mama, standing beside her, tugged heavily on her sleeve. 

Madam Lin immediately realized the situation, suppressed her anger, and tears streamed down her reddened eyes. Covering her lips, she cried, "Is my husband really so cold towards us mother and daughter? Ke'er is your own daughter. If she's been seriously injured, are you really going to ignore it and let the culprit go unpunished?"

At this moment, the curtain suddenly lifted, and Yumei respectfully walked to Old Madam Li's side, loudly reporting, "The doctor has examined her and said that Second Miss only suffered superficial injuries. With some rest, she'll be fine."

Madam Lin's face changed instantly, shouting, "Where did you find this doctor? Nonsense! Ke'er almost lost her life, how can it be just superficial injuries! I don't believe it! Sir! Sir!" Her face was covered in tears, presenting a pitiful and moving appearance as she pleaded, "Ke'er is such a young girl. How could she withstand the rough treatment of those maids? Sir, please go and see her. It hurts my heart to see her like this. She is your own daughter. You've cuddled and cherished her. You even said—"

Ouyang Nuan spoke softly, "Yes, Father, Sister went to reflect in seclusion. But just now, the maid said she doesn't know why Sister jumped out of the window and ran away. We should wait until Sister wakes up to ask her again. Maybe the days in the temple were too harsh, and Sister couldn't bear it with her delicate body. Moreover, Sister is already injured. Father, why not go and comfort her personally? Just make sure to keep the maidservants in check and prevent them from spreading rumors."

Eating vegetarian meals and chanting in the ancestral hall, yet unable to endure hardship and fleeing in the middle of the night, not to mention being caught and beaten without a word, now lying there like a dead dog, it's simply humiliating. 

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Zhi's anger surged, his previously wavering expression instantly turning cold and merciless: "What are you staring at! If I continue to indulge, it's likely to set a bad example. From this day forth, Cai Mama will be immediately demoted to a common servant, and all others will be fined half a year's salary. Another person will be assigned to treat the injuries of the second young lady!"

Each person received punishment, but none were expelled or sold off, all out of fear of the matter spreading further. Li Yiniang tentatively asked, "Should someone tidy up the second young lady's courtyard? She hasn't been back there for a long time..."

"Tidy up what? Send her back to the ancestral hall to recover! No one is allowed to visit her without permission!" Ouyang Zhi said angrily.

Madam Lin almost collapsed on the spot. Wang Mama exerted all her strength to support her and whispered, "Madam, please take care of yourself."

"Father, how can the ancestral hall provide proper care for her injuries? Shouldn't we release her temporarily and let her return once she's healed?" Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, her voice very soothing.

Old Madam Li coughed softly and said, "Let her recover from her injuries. There's no need for her to go back to the ancestral hall."

"Grandmother is kind-hearted. Sister will surely be grateful for your grace," Ouyang Nuan said warmly. Only by releasing Ouyang Ke and letting Lady Lin see her injured daughter every day would be the true heartache.

"Alright, alright. Since Grandma has spoken, let her recover outside. Everyone can disperse!" Ouyang Zhi waved his hand impatiently.

Madam Lin suddenly looked up and saw Ouyang Nuan looking at her with sympathy. The simmering resentment almost reached its peak, wishing to rush forward and tear Ouyang Nuan apart, but restrained by the situation, she couldn't act. 

Her body trembled with suppressed anger, causing even more concern for Wang Mama. "Madam is pregnant and should be cultivating tranquility, but I didn't expect one mishap after another... How can she be at ease to nurture the fetus?" Wang Mama quickly whispered in Madam Lin's ear, "The young master's safety is paramount, Madam..."

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Madam Lin grit her teeth, her facial muscles almost spasming. Despite this, she was reminded by Wang Mama's words, forcibly suppressing the almost outburst of bitterness. She said, "I'll go see Ke'er and then leave."

Ouyang Nuan understood that Madam Lin was enduring the pain of a blunt knife cutting into her flesh. She smiled faintly and said, "Mother, please go quickly. Sister must be eagerly awaiting your arrival!"

Madam Lin's outburst ended without any resolution, and she was deeply worried about Ouyang Ke. She had no choice but to leave with her entourage. Ouyang Zhi also stood up, saying, "Daughter, let's go back. Old Madam, it's time for you to rest." He spent the night at Jiaoxing's place. In the middle of the night, he was dragged out of his warm bed, already brimming with frustration. 

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes and said, "Father, take care."

In the room, only Ouyang Nuan and Li Yiniang remained. Li Yiniang was still gazing at Ouyang Zhi's departing figure absentmindedly. Ouyang Nuan had approached Old Madam Li by then and asked, "Grandmother, were you frightened by tonight's events?"

Old Madam Li shook her head indifferently. "I'm fine." Her illness had almost subsided. It was just the pent-up anger that couldn't be resolved. She had been wanting to teach a lesson to Madam Lin, and now that she had come to her, it was a perfect opportunity to vent. With Ouyang Zhi scolding her face-to-face, Old Madam Li felt a sense of relief. She held Ouyang Nuan's hand and said, "Do as you see fit. Those people all think there's some ulterior motive. Just ignore them from now on."

Ouyang Nuan said with a heavy heart, "My sister has a fiery temper, and she harbors resentment towards me. If I say a few more words, Mother will feel that I'm being too critical of her, and it might lead to more conflicts, causing distress to Grandmother. If I ignore her, given her temperament, she's bound to encounter difficulties in the future. How can I not worry? It's just that Mother doesn't understand my concerns."

Old Madam Li nodded in agreement. "Ke'er indeed lacks maturity. Not only is she not as talented or beautiful as you, but her temperament is also inferior. She has caused so many troubles. It will be difficult for her to find a suitable match in the future. When I sent her in, I truly hoped she would reflect on her actions. Once everyone forgets about the incident, I planned to release her. But who knew she wouldn't appreciate my efforts at all? Instead, she couldn't endure the simple life inside and ran out on her own, only to be mistaken for a thief and beaten. Where in the world can we find such a daughter from the Ouyang family? It's simply disgraceful! Having a child like her is truly unfortunate for the family."

Ouyang Nuan, hearing this, gently comforted Old Madam Li, "Grandmother, you must focus on getting better first, despite your worries." She then took the bowl of medicine from Zhang Mama's hands, gently stirred it, checked the temperature, and personally helped Old Madam Li drink it.

After Old Madam Li finished the medicine, Ouyang Nuan stepped aside and glanced at Li Yiniang, who had been standing there all along. Li Yiniang immediately snapped out of her thoughts and swiftly fetched some clean water from the table to serve Old Madam Li. She then took some preserved fruits from the box and fed them to Old Madam Li.

Exiting Old Madam Li's room, Li Yiniang whispered, "Miss, I heard that Second Miss' ribs were broken, and even her leg bones were fractured!"

Ouyang Nuan's tone carried a hint of worry. "Yes, indeed. I wonder if it will lead to any lasting harm. If it affects her legs, it will be troublesome in the future."

Li Yiniang inwardly admired Miss's decisiveness. Miss appeared gentle and quiet on the surface, but her actions in handling the whole situation were ruthless and cunning. From arranging the personnel to orchestrating every detail, she skillfully led Ouyang Ke into the trap, orchestrating the entire incident seamlessly. 

Li Yiniang couldn't help but feel a chill thinking about it. Despite being only twelve years old, Miss displayed such shrewdness and decisiveness. If she were to take real action in the future, Madam Lin would likely face dire consequences. Li Yiniang couldn't fathom how a young girl could possess such deep and resolute thoughts. The current Miss was no longer quietly enduring. She showed through her actions that those who followed her would prosper, while those who opposed her would perish!

At that moment, Ouyang Nuan whispered softly, "Father has been favoring Wang Yiniang, did Li Yiniang feel sad just now?"

Wang Yiniang referred to Wang Jiaoxing. Ever since Ouyang Zhi took her as his concubine, he spent half of the month at her place. Jiaoxing was adept at flattery, skilled in seduction, and willing to employ various methods to keep Ouyang Zhi by her side, making Li Yue'e, the favored concubine, pale in comparison. Li Yiniang, who used to be the sole favorite, now had to share Ouyang Zhi's affection with Wang Jiaoxing, which naturally left her unhappy. She was caught off guard by being exposed by a young girl, feeling somewhat tongue-tied and unsure how to respond.

Ouyang Nuan's beautiful eyes shimmered with a dazzling brilliance as she continued, "In the past, there were many young and beautiful ladies in the mansion. However, few of them remain today. Wang Yiniang is a clever person who knows who your true reliance is and what is most useful to hold in your hands, isn't she?"

李姨娘 was momentarily stunned, understanding that the young miss was reminding her that the master's favor was temporary, and gaining the old madam's favor was the key to standing firm in the mansion. During the old madam's lifetime, seizing power within the mansion and securing more benefits for oneself was the proper path.

Ouyang Nuan continued softly, "Aunt, it hasn't been long since you entered the household. Little Master is still hoping for you to give him a little brother."

Upon hearing this, Li Yiniang's expression brightened immediately. She replied, "Thank you for your auspicious words, young miss. Even if I do have a son in the future, I won't vie with Young Master for anything..."

Li Yiniang was well aware that with the support of the young miss and the trust of Old Madam Li, even though she was just a concubine, she would be able to stand firmly in the Ouyang family.

As for vying, Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. Neither she nor her brother cared about anything in the Ouyang household. It was Li Yiniang who wanted to give birth to a son under Madam Lin's watchful eyes, and she would have to navigate through the obstacles herself...

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Li Yiniang saw the faint smile at the corner of Ouyang Nuan's lips, which seemed like a luminous pearl, casting a glow of elegance. However, the joy in her heart suddenly faded. The serene demeanor exuded by this elegant girl made Li Yiniang feel a sense of calmness, as if she were an elevated figure. She had always thought of herself and the young miss as collaborators, but now she felt that she had been subtly led by the other party without even realizing it.


Back in her own courtyard, Ouyang Ke lay on the bed, covered in bandages, breathing heavily. Madam Lin sat beside the bed, still weeping softly. She murmured, "It's all mother's fault. I failed to teach you patience and instead encouraged you to be competitive. Now, look at what has become of you."

Ouyang Ke's face was pale with misery as she uttered with resentment, "Grandmother and father are both heartless. I've suffered such injustice... They didn't even bother to ask, let alone come to see me."

Wang Mama wiped her tears and said, "Miss, don't worry. Just now, the master was just considering the Old Madam's feelings. He does feel distressed about Miss' injury. Look, he immediately called for the best doctor and even instructed to fetch ginseng from the warehouse."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Ke's resentment on her face subsided slightly. Madam Lin let out a cold laugh and said, "In the past, if the master had heard about your injury, he would have come immediately. But today, he didn't even bother to take a look. Truly heartless! Now, all his thoughts are focused on that pair of vixens. He wouldn't spare a thought for our mother and daughter's well-being! And with that venomous Ouyang Nuan inciting matters on the side, we've become thorns in their eyes and meat in their mouths! Do you really think Ke'er's injury was an accident?"

Ouyang Ke was startled and asked, "Mother, what do you mean by that?"

Madam Lin swept her hair aside, a hint of coldness in her smile. "You silly girl. Why do you think they went to such lengths to send Qiu Yue in? It was all part of their plan! You originally let Qiu Yue take responsibility for that matter. With fear in your heart, how could you bear to keep someone like Qiu Yue, who harbored resentment against you, by your side? It was bound to cause a scene. I'm afraid someone has been watching you closely already. As soon as you ran over to her place, they knew. Those guards are usually patrolling around, but why did they all gather at the entrance of the Furui Courtyard tonight? And they just happened to catch you! Once they caught you, they wouldn't give you a chance to speak or defend yourself. They immediately resorted to violence! Think about it, if there wasn't someone pulling the strings behind the scenes, who would have the audacity to attack you at the entrance of our courtyard?"

Wang Mama pondered for a moment and said, "Madam means, all of this was arranged by Li Yiniang?"

Madam Lin snorted, "What does she count for? She's just being used as a pawn! There's much more to this. Haven't you noticed how everyone in the mansion now looks up to Miss Ouyang? Even Madam has to invite her to the Shou'an Hall before doing anything. Don't you understand?"

"It's Ouyang Nuan! It must be her!" Ouyang Ke tried to sit up from the bed, but was immediately struck by intense pain in her chest and legs, causing her to cry out and sweat profusely. Madam Lin hurriedly went to support her. "Don't move, don't move! Are you trying to kill me with worry? With injuries like this, what else do you want to do?"

Ouyang Ke's face was covered in beads of sweat from the pain. Gritting her teeth, she said, "I want to go and hold her accountable!"

Madam Lin looked at her with resentment and said, "Hold her accountable? You can't escape her watchful eyes with every move you make! If you go to her now, you might even end up handing your life over to her!"

Wang Mama, shuddering at the thought of Ouyang Nuan's terrifying nature, tried to persuade, "Miss, Madam is right. Miss Ouyang seems so mysterious and ominous now. Even the servants in the Listening Pavilion have to tread carefully around her. It's better for you not to invite trouble! Focus on healing your injuries. The doctor said they're not severe, just superficial wounds. But even minor injuries to muscles and bones take time to heal!"

"Superficial wounds?" Madam Lin snorted, her face filled with resentment. "What superficial wounds? Those maids do all the rough work daily, and they carry sticks in their hands. You can't see anything on the surface, but who knows what's underneath? Look at Ke'er, she can't even get up. Is that just superficial? Tomorrow, we'll invite Doctor Qian. I don't trust the people they brought in! My own flesh and blood was beaten like this at the doorstep of my own house. Ouyang Nuan is truly ruthless!"

Madam Lin saw everything happening right at the doorstep of Furui Courtyard, and to her, this was the cruelest aspect of Ouyang Nuan's actions. She didn't catch Ke'er elsewhere; she waited until Ke'er came to the doorstep of Furui Courtyard before having her caught. It was like killing a chicken to scare the monkeys, telling Madam Lin that a steel blade was constantly hanging over her head! It was truly beyond tolerance!

"Mother! I refuse to accept this! I won't swallow this anger! Do you know how those people beat me?" Ke'er lifted her dress to reveal her body covered in bruises, tears streaming down her face. She cried so hard that she was almost breathless. "Mother, you must avenge me! You must seek revenge!"

Madam Lin's resentment towards Ouyang Nuan grew stronger as she thought about it more. She felt that Ouyang Nuan was ruthless and cunning, and if she didn't take action now, there would be no way out. She also felt heartbroken seeing her daughter suffer so much. Just as she was about to swear to avenge her, Wang Mama coughed softly nearby, alerting Madam Lin to the situation. 

Today's incident could be seen as a trap set by Ouyang Nuan, waiting for Ke'er to fall into it. But if Ke'er had known how to endure, this incident wouldn't have happened. Unfortunately, Ke'er was too impulsive, always eager to compete and unwilling to take any loss. 

She didn't know her own limitations and dared to confront Ouyang Nuan head-on. She was so incompetent! Madam Lin lamented her own lack of ability; she only knew how to cry but didn't know how to scheme. If she didn't take this opportunity to teach Ke'er a lesson, it would only further fuel her unruly behavior, and who knows what trouble she would cause in the future!

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Madam Lin gathered her resolve, suppressing her heartache as she admonished Ke'er, saying, "Ke'er, you're not young anymore. You can't continue to act recklessly like before! Do you realize that if Ouyang Nuan had wanted you dead today, you wouldn't have survived? She could have ordered those maids to beat you to death and report back to her. But she spared your life! This is her way of warning you, warning me, warning us not to test her limits! And what about you? You've already earned a reputation for being unruly and unreasonable." 

With a heavy heart, Madam Lin continued, "You keep causing trouble one after another. How do you expect to marry in the future? After this incident, you must learn your lesson. You must abide by the rules in front of others. She is your elder sister, the eldest daughter of the Ouyang family. No matter how much you hate her in your heart, you must show respect on the surface. You cannot afford to give others any more reason to criticize you. For the next few days, you must stay in your room and reflect on your actions. If you can't understand and improve, don't expect leniency from your father or me!"

Ouyang Ke burst into tears, crying out, "Mother, it's all Ouyang Nuan deliberately provoking me. She's causing me harm, and you still say it's my fault! I won't change! I won't change! I'm not wrong! You must kick Ouyang Nuan out and beat those maids and servants to death to vent my anger!"

Madam Lin stood up abruptly, about to get angry, but Wang Mama quickly placated her, gently approaching Ke'er and consoling her, "Miss Ke'er, you must understand Madam's concerns. The moment she heard about your injury, she was beside herself with worry. In this household, only Madam truly cares for you. If you continue to cry and make a scene like this, even Madam will become annoyed with you. Then who else will help you?"

Ke'er was taken aback, her voice immediately softening, feeling the pain all over her body intensify. She buried her face in the bedding, crying uncontrollably.

Madam Lin sighed in relief, feeling that her daughter was hopeless. She wasn't even a match for Ouyang Nuan in cunningness, lacking wit. But what could she do? She had spoiled her too much. With a heavy heart, she lowered her voice and said, "Now that you're injured, don't think about anything else. Focus on recovering. Mother will settle the scores for you one day. I'll make Ouyang Nuan suffer a thousand times, ten thousand times worse than you! Today, you broke a rib. I'll make her suffer a fate worse than death. Just wait and see!"

"Really?" Ouyang Ke lifted her tear-stained face, looking hopeful.

Madam Lin nodded solemnly. "Mother assures you. But you must promise me, from now on, you must not act recklessly. No matter how others provoke or incite you, you cannot act without considering the consequences. Today's situation was very dangerous. If you had lost your life, Mother would truly be heartbroken."

Ouyang Ke nodded, but her movement aggravated her injury, causing her to cry out in pain. Madam Lin hurried to comfort her. Worried about her injury, Ouyang Ke asked, "Mother, will I have scars on my body?" Wang Mama spoke softly from the side, "Miss Ke'er, the effect of this jade ointment is excellent. In a few days, you will fully recover, and there won't be any scars left on your body."


Ouyang Nuan walked into the garden and saw Cai Mama trying to leave quietly. She spoke up to stop her.

Cai Mama stood nervously in the shadow of the lamp, a hint of panic in her demeanor. She cautiously asked, "Does Miss have any further orders for this servant?"

Ouyang Nuan looked at Cai Mama in silence until she became uneasy. With a wry smile, she said, "Miss, what are you looking at this servant for?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "I was thinking, today Mama has suffered injustice. You were just doing your best to catch the thief for the family. Who would have thought it was Second Sister? Sigh, you really have been wronged. There are many servants in the house, but the most valuable are loyal and brave individuals like you. Today, you were demoted to a common servant, and your monthly allowance will surely be reduced significantly."

Cai Mama stammered, "This servant feels ashamed. It's all because this servant acted recklessly and caused trouble."

Ouyang Nuan said, "It's not all your fault. Sister also has her shortcomings. But after all, she's the young mistress. Mama, hitting her, was indeed a mistake. No wonder Grandma and Father are angry. Anyway, once Grandma calms down in a few days, I'll speak up for you. I'll ask for you to return to the garden and find you a better job. How does that sound?"

Cai Mama was overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down, kowtowing, "Thank you, Miss, for your grace."

"You don't need to thank me. Today was just a misunderstanding. I've already spoken to Aunt Li. Your monthly allowance won't be reduced at all. Please be more lenient today and don't blame Second Sister. She's just young and ignorant," Ouyang Nuan said with a smile, looking very kind. 

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Hongyu walked over and discreetly handed over a heavy purse. "Cai Mama, take a good rest for a while."

Cai Mama was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling and kept bowing to express her gratitude. However, Ouyang Nuan had already walked far away. 

Seeing this, another Mama, who had been following her, looked envious and mocked her, saying, "Truly a sycophant, always wagging your tail."

Cai Mama coldly snorted and stood up, spat on the ground, and said, "What do you understand? Whose world is this in the end? Can't you see clearly? You blind fool." 

With that, she wiped her mouth, hid the money pouch, and smugly thought to herself that indeed, obeying the young miss's orders was the right choice. Not only did she receive a reward, but there would also be better prospects waiting for her in the future. Unlike following the Madam, where there were no benefits, and she would bear the consequences if anything went wrong. Truly, it was like the difference between heaven and earth!


Upon returning to the Ouyang Nuan's Pavilion, Hongyu whispered, "Miss, why did you praise Cai Mama in front of others?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and replied, "What do you think Madam Lin's reaction would be if she heard what I said to Cai Mama today?"

Fang Mama, who had been standing nearby, was puzzled at first, but suddenly understood. He said, "Miss, are you trying to provoke the Madam?"

“Provoking her?” Ouyang Nuan shook her head, her smile becoming even softer. "I just want to see how a cornered dog will jump the wall."

Madam Lin might appear gentle on the surface but had a strong character within. After suffering such a big loss today, she would surely try every means to regain her dignity. However, Ouyang Nuan was curious about what actions she would take. In this regard, she held an attitude of anticipation.


Madam Lin endured calmly until one afternoon half a month later when Zhang Mama came to invite Ouyang Nuan to the Shou'an Hall. Fang Mama couldn't help but wonder, "Usually, at this time, Old Madam is taking her afternoon nap. Why does the young miss have to accompany her today?"

"Madam Su from the Su family has arrived, and she says she wishes to invite Miss to accompany her," Zhang Mama said with a smile.

"Oh?" The smile on Ouyang Nuan's face faded. Madam Lin was truly persistent. She stood up and said calmly, "Hongyu, help me change clothes."

When they arrived at the Shou'an Hall, Ouyang Nuan was dressed in a short jacket woven with silver and gold, adorned with twin phoenixes. She wore a light blue soft-woven skirt with willow patterns around her waist. She only fastened a plain white waistband with a crescent moon water wave pattern. Over it, she draped a large cloak of Qing Dynasty green, embroidered with golden phoenixes surrounded by bamboo leaves. It was extremely bright and beautiful, making Madam Su unable to take her eyes off her.

Old Madam Li sat in the seat at the head of the table, while Madam Lin sat below her on one side, and Madam Su sat on the other side at the lower end.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, seeing it was difficult for Old Madam Li to still put on a show of affection for this daughter-in-law who was not well-regarded in front of outsiders. She approached them with a graceful step, paid her respects, and then stood behind Old Madam Li.

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Su Yunniang also stood behind Madam Su, dressed in a light rose-red embroidered skirt with pale yellow pleats, with a pair of pink lotus jade bracelets on each wrist. Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan enter, she looked at the gorgeous cloak on Ouyang Nuan's body with envy. In the capital, not everything could be bought with money alone...

Old Madam Li said quietly, "Madam Su is too polite. We exchanged greetings at the last birthday banquet. It's unnecessary for you to visit again today."

Madam Su then shifted her gaze slightly away from Ouyang Nuan and smiled at Old Madam Li. "Old Madam, you're too kind with your words. Since I married into Jiangnan many years ago, I've lost touch with most of my acquaintances in the capital. It's rare to have such a good rapport with Wanru, so I will often visit the mansion. Old Madam, please don't feel troubled by my visits."

Before Old Madam Li could respond, Madam Lin chimed in with a smile, "Sister, you're being too modest. You're an honored guest here. I can't invite you enough. Old Madam loves company and welcomes any disturbances. You must come to visit more often in the future."

Madam Su's smile grew even brighter as she replied, "As long as you don't mind, I'll certainly come to visit often. It just so happens that Yunniang and your young miss get along exceptionally well. She's been insisting on coming over, saying she wants to learn calligraphy from the young miss!"

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes and said calmly, "Madam Su, you're too kind in your praise. I merely accompany my brother in practicing calligraphy during leisure time. It's hardly worthy of being called calligraphy. If Miss Su is truly interested, perhaps it would be better to seek instruction from a renowned teacher." 

Madam Lin scolded, "Nuan'er, you're being too modest. Mother just praised you to Madam Su, saying how well you write, and encouraged Yunniang to visit often. By saying that, aren't you undermining mother's words?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and said, "Mother, you're too kind. I just don't want to take up Miss Su's time unnecessarily."

Madam Su smiled and said, "Young Miss, your reputation precedes you. I've heard even the Grand Princess speaks highly of you. Could it be that you think Yunniang is dull and unworthy of your guidance?"

Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "Madam Su is too kind. Often, fame can be burdensome. Since Miss Su is dedicated to learning, I do know a few reputable teachers I can introduce to her."

Su Yunniang detested activities like calligraphy and painting. Madam Su had mentioned these things to create an opportunity for her to get closer to Ouyang Nuan. Hearing that Ouyang Nuan refused to teach her and even suggested introducing other teachers made her anxious. She said, "Mother, if Miss Ouyang is unwilling, then forget it. I actually wanted to ask her to teach me embroidery!"

Since calligraphy wasn't an option, they sought another route. The mother and daughter pair were up to no good, but Old Madam Li concealed her displeasure, showing no signs of it on her face.

Madam Su continued smiling and said, "I've often heard that Miss Ouyang is skilled with her hands, especially in needlework. My daughter, however, is rather clumsy. She can't even embroider a pair of mandarin ducks properly; they end up looking like chickens. Tomorrow, I'll have her sent here to learn from Miss Ouyang. I hope you won't hesitate to give her some guidance and help me properly discipline this girl."

This was an attempt to barge into the inner chambers. Old Madam Li's eyes widened suddenly; she had never seen such audacity! From Madam Su's words, it seemed she even wanted Su Yunniang to move in! As expected, Madam Lin, upon hearing this, revealed a meaningful smile and said, "That would be perfect. Nuan'er is too quiet by herself. I'll feel more at ease with someone accompanying her. There are rooms available in Nuan'er's Pavilion, so Nuan'er shouldn't refuse, right?"

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