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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Family 

 Chapter 60: 

When the Paths of Confrontation Meet, the Ruthless Prevail

"Brother, I'm experimenting with a new embroidery pattern. It's something I designed myself, so you wouldn't have seen it before. I'm trying out different patterns and techniques to see what works best."

On the yellow satin, intricate patterns were arranged row by row. Ouyang Jue felt these patterns were unfamiliar, each one stitched with threads of different colors. Pointing at one of the hexagonal motifs, he asked, "What does this mean?"

"This is a hexagonal ingot box. There's a saying in folk culture that goes, 'A closed box signifies harmony and abundance.' It suggests that the contents of this box will always be plentiful, based on a homophonic interpretation," Ouyang Nuan softly replied.

"Oh, I recognize this one!" Ouyang Jue exclaimed, pointing at the second pattern, a light black design. "This is a drum beater used in opera performances. I've seen people use ropes to strike it and produce sounds. Why did you embroider this pattern, and why is it a different color from what I've seen before?"

"The significance of the drum beater is 'neatness and moderation,' symbolizing orderliness. Most drum beaters you've seen were probably made of purple sandalwood, hence their deep purple color resembling ink. But since I'm embroidering on yellow satin, pairing it with purple would seem tacky. Using a light black color is more appropriate," she explained.

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Ouyang Jue nodded and continued to look, quickly pointing at the third pattern with excitement. "Ah! This is an archway!"

Hongyu, standing nearby, couldn't help but chuckle. "Young Master, this isn't an archway. It's the Dragon Gate from the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon's gate!"

For this Dragon Gate, Ouyang Nuan had used almost every vibrant color available, creating a gathering of hues resembling a rainbow. It was incredibly beautiful. Ouyang Jue felt a bit embarrassed, realizing that embroidering an archway-like image might not be auspicious. He pointed to the little fish beside it. "So, these are the carp?"

Ouyang Nuan nodded. "That's right. The fish symbolizes prosperity." In fact, there was something she didn't mention. Originally, she planned to embroider two fish swimming together, a male and a female, symbolizing harmony between couples and prosperity for their offspring. However, Ouyang Nuan had second thoughts. Considering the Grand Princess had lost both her husband and daughter, seeing such imagery might evoke painful memories. So, she decided to embroider only one fish. This meant she had to put in even more effort and attention to detail.

Hongyu explained, "Young Master, for this fish, Miss has put in a lot of effort! The rest of the fish is embroidered with gray thread, but the scales are made with a luminous silver color. It took quite some time just to find this type of thread, and then artisans had to use silver powder to dye the thread to achieve such a dazzling effect."

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"Indeed, it looks incredibly lifelike," Ouyang Jue exclaimed, carefully studying the shimmering fish scales for a while before involuntarily praising. Then his gaze fell on other elements. "The body of the crane next to it is pure white, with a purplish-red top. Such vibrant tones... It's truly indescribably beautiful. Sister, you really put a lot of thought into this. No wonder everyone says you're clever, resourceful, and beautiful inside and out."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "You've correctly inferred the meaning of the crane, but can you recognize the last three items?"

Ouyang Jue knew that cranes symbolized longevity, representing immortality. His gaze shifted to lingzhi mushrooms and pine trees. He understood that these two items represented auspiciousness and resilience. However, he couldn't figure out the last item, the white jade-colored object resembling a three-legged cauldron.

He admitted honestly, "Sister, I can't guess the last one. Why does it look like a cauldron missing one leg?"

Ouyang Nuan chuckled and explained, "This is a pan, an ancient musical instrument. Nowadays, only musicians of the royal court would use it. When playing this instrument, one must not strike too forcefully but gently, to produce a clear and gentle sound. Even amidst the harmonies of a hundred instruments, the sound of this instrument can easily be distinguished. It is said to be incredibly beautiful! This signifies uniqueness and excellence. These eight items embroidered on the yellow satin represent the Eight Precious Treasures. Do you understand now?"

Ouyang Jue stood silently for a long time, so long that Ouyang Nuan thought he wouldn't speak again. Then suddenly, he said, "This embroidered piece... is it meant to be given to the Grand Princess?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and nodded, her eyes sparkling with delight. Ouyang Jue lowered his head and said, "Sister, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't need to curry favor with these nobles."

"In life, one must sometimes bow their head. The Grand Princess has shown us kindness, and this kindness cannot be repaid with just an embroidered piece. I'm merely expressing my gratitude." Ouyang Nuan said lightly, but Hongyu knew it wasn't that simple. 

While the Grand Princess was being cared for, Ouyang Nuan was simultaneously designing wooden horses and iron hoops, instructing craftsmen to make them. She even found time to embroider this Eight Precious Treasures design, staying awake for three consecutive nights. 

To perfect this piece, she searched for symbols of auspiciousness and good fortune, dismantling and redoing the embroidery repeatedly. Even the most skilled embroiderers in the capital wouldn't invest so much effort into a single piece. It was all for whom? No one knew better than Hongyu. In Ouyang Nuan's eyes, the most important person was her younger brother.

Ouyang Jue's eyes welled up with emotion. He lowered his head and remained silent for a long time before saying, "It's not like that at all! Sister, it's all because of me! If I hadn't offended Xiao Tianye by accidentally intruding into the hunting ground, you wouldn't have had to bow to the Grand Princess!"

Hongyu was taken aback, and she followed Ouyang Jue's gaze to Ouyang Nuan. However, Ouyang Nuan didn't lift her head, continuing to embroider the yellow satin in her hands with utmost seriousness. Her expression was unreadable. 

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It wasn't until she finished the final stitch on the pan flute that she reached out and patted Ouyang Jue's head, seemingly to express her approval. "As long as you understand my intentions, it's enough. Although the Grand Princess has a bad temper and is hard to fathom, deep down, she isn't malicious. Moreover, she did us a real favor by allowing you to escape from Prince Qin's clutches. Even if she asked for my eyes, I wouldn't hesitate to give them to her."

Ouyang Jue was startled, and his dark, bright eyes unknowingly filled with tears. Ouyang Nuan smiled as she looked at him and said, "You're a boy, don't cry so easily. Sister can shield you from these things, but there will come a day when Sister can't protect you anymore. When everything depends on you, can you still afford to shed tears? Who will still feel sorry for your tears then?"

Ouyang Jue wiped away the tears that were about to fall, his eyes reddened from the effort. Ouyang Nuan sighed and looked towards the courtyard, deep in thought. "All along, Sister has been doing her best to protect you, but this time I realize that I can't protect you forever. Our aunt, she may seem kind, but she's ruthless. Over the years, so many lives have been lost in our father's mansion, so many people have been sold off. Once a woman becomes pregnant, she disappears without a trace. Did you know? They are also our brothers and sisters, but who will protect them?" 

In such an environment, who wouldn't want to be the legitimate son or daughter? Who would want to become a bastard child whose life couldn't be guaranteed? But under the pressure of life, even legitimate children, how many can maintain a pure, bright, and worry-free life?

Ouyang Jue listened quietly, slowly understanding Ouyang Nuan's meaning.

"My little brother has grown up," Ouyang Nuan said with a smile on her face but tears in her eyes. "I believe you understand everything. No matter how hard Sister tries, she can only protect you in the backyard, from being harmed by others. But the storms ahead, you'll have to face them on your own."

Ouyang Jue leaned closer to Ouyang Nuan, feeling a warm and gentle fragrance that made him inexplicably close to her. He whispered softly, "Sister, from now on, Jue will never act rashly again. I won't make you worry. I will endure everything and never cause trouble for you again."

After a moment of silence, Ouyang Nuan spoke again, but this time her tone was unusually solemn. "You misunderstood Sister's meaning. Sister isn't asking you to endure everything. You must differentiate between what's important and what's not. You can endure minor matters that don't affect the overall situation, even if someone slaps you in the face, you must grit your teeth and endure it. But if it affects the overall situation... Jue, you must remember, when it comes to life and death, every inch of land must be fought for. If you continue to endure blindly, you will be the one to die. If your mother hadn't endured blindly, she wouldn't have died so early!"

Ouyang Jue's heart trembled. His mother died in the hands of the seemingly kind but actually wicked Madam Lin, paying for it with her life for nothing!

When two paths converge, the ruthless prevail.

Ouyang Nuan hoped that Ouyang Jue could understand this principle well: trivial matters that do not affect the overall situation should not be taken to heart. But once someone truly blocks your path, they must be ruthlessly eliminated without mercy.

Hongyu looked at Miss Ouyang with new understanding for the first time. If she directly told the young master these words, given his young age and recent setback, he might not take them to heart. However, by first doing many things to please the young master and bringing up the topic she wanted to discuss herself, Miss Ouyang could ensure he would listen attentively, touched by her thoughtful gestures. Miss Ouyang's ingenuity was truly unparalleled.

Ouyang Jue couldn't help but reach out and touch the lively and vivid carp on the yellow satin. He whispered, "Sister, I saw that person the morning before yesterday. She usually acts very affectionate when talking to me, but the day before yesterday, she was cold and distant. She barely said a word. Although she didn't say much to me, I feel she must hold a deep grudge against us. Sister, you must be careful."

Ouyang Nuan knew he was talking about Madam Lin and smiled, saying, "Her mind has always been narrow. If she loses in one game, she must make up for it in another. I guess, in a few days, she will definitely invite Madame Su for a gathering. In short, she won't let us live in peace. Ouyang Jue, you know how suffocating life has become for her, and she wants to take it out on us."

Ouyang Jue frowned. "I heard that Ouyang Ke cries and makes a scene day and night at the ancestral temple, I am afraid that grandmother will soften her heart and let her go..."

Ouyang Nuan smiled as she lifted the yellow satin and examined it in the sunlight, a hint of satisfaction on her face. She said lightly, "There's no need to fear about grandmother. After all, father's future is the most important thing at the moment." The implication was clear: for the sake of father's future, what sacrifices can be made for Ouyang Ke, who was born under an unlucky star? Grandmother wouldn't even care.

Ouyang Jue murmured, "Could it be that sister has other plans? I see Madam Lin with an indifferent expression. I don't know when she might suddenly turn hostile. Sister must be prepared in advance."

Ouyang Nuan's smile was gentle as she turned to Hongyu and said, "Go and tell Li Yiniang to take good care of our sister and have her focus on reciting scriptures for mother's blessings at the ancestral temple."

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Hongyu hesitated for a moment, but Ouyang Jue had already understood. He immediately said, "Don't you see? I've heard that even though Ouyang Ke lives in the ancestral temple, her treatment is still according to Miss' standards. Although she's the second Miss of our family, this time she's being punished by grandmother. To avoid gossip from outsiders... you should follow sister's instructions. Li Yiniang should know what to do."

Hongyu immediately understood the meaning behind Young Master's words. Her lips curved slightly as she said, "Yes, sending meat, poultry, and fish to the ancestral temple is disrespectful to our ancestors. If we continue doing so, Madam Lin will surely be angry when she finds out. It's better to cut it off early."

Ouyang Nuan was indeed planning to cut off all supplies to Ouyang Ke in the ancestral temple, forcing her to endure hardship there. However, this would push Ouyang Ke to desperation, and they didn't know what she might do in her desperation. 

Though Ouyang Jue agreed, he expressed some concern, saying, "Sister, do you have any specific plans?" 

Ouyang Nuan didn't answer directly but quietly said to Hongyu, "Our sister is now left alone with only one servant at the ancestral temple. It must be very lonely for her. Since Qiu Yue is also being punished, let her accompany our sister. This way, Mother can also rest assured and take care of her pregnancy."

Qiu Yue became the scapegoat for Ouyang Ke, destined to never see the light of day again. She had long harbored deep resentment towards Ouyang Ke. As soon as Ouyang Ke entered the ancestral temple, Madam Lin's first priority was to separate them by any means necessary. However, Ouyang Nuan insisted on sending Qiu Yue to care for Ouyang Ke. Such a calculated move showed Ouyang Nuan's depth of thought, likely to leave Madam Lin infuriated to the point of spitting blood if she found out. Hongyu lowered her head, covering her slightly upturned lips, and said, "Yes, Miss, I'll go and arrange it immediately."

Ouyang Jue wanted to ask something, but Ouyang Nuan picked up the yellow satin and asked him, "Do you think this gold thread would look better on this carp?"

"No, I think this color is better," replied Ouyang Jue.

Quietly, Hongyu left the courtyard and headed straight for Li Yiniang's residence.


Soon, under Li Yiniang's arrangements, Pei'er, a trusted maid, led a group of maidservants to take care of Ouyang Ke's daily life in the ancestral temple. Ouyang Ke looked on indifferently at the crowd, showing no emotion on her face, but the flames of anger in her eyes were impossible to conceal.

Pei'er smiled and said, "Second Miss, our Mistress was afraid that you might need someone to take care of you here, so she deliberately sent someone over. She's someone you're used to. I believe she can take good care of you."

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Qiu Yue walked in from outside, her head bowed low, her figure as thin as a dry branch. Ouyang Ke's expression changed at this sight. She suddenly took off the golden hairpin from her head and handed it to Pei'er. "I don't want her. Get me someone else!"

Pei'er, with a forced smile, returned the hairpin, saying, "How could I dare to accept Second Miss's belongings? You better keep it yourself. Mistress has reported to Old Madam Li, and she has agreed. Besides, the person has already been sent over. There's no turning back now."

Ouyang Ke's face changed drastically, unable to contain her anger any longer. She scolded, "You dog slave, what right do you have to dictate to me? I said I don't want her, so she should be sent back! Who does Li Yiniang think she is? Let me tell you, I'm the legitimate Second Miss of this mansion. She's just a concubine, still half a servant in front of me. She's only temporarily in charge of household affairs because of my mother's pregnancy. Does she really think she's the Madam here?"

Pei'er's face immediately turned unpleasant. Since Li Yiniang took over the household affairs, she had been riding high, and all the maidservants below had been trying to please her. Even the Eldest Young Miss had never said a harsh word to her. But this Ouyang Ke, treating her like a dog, didn't even consider her current situation. 

Hmph, she looked coldly at Ouyang Ke and said in a chilly tone, "Second Miss, Old Madam Li instructed you to reflect, not to enjoy luxury. You are indeed the Young Miss, but these words are not from me, they are from Old Madam Li. Why take your anger out on me, a servant?"

Ouyang Ke's face turned pale. "I don't believe it! I want to see Grandmother! I want to see my mother!" With that, she tried to rush out, but Pei'er stopped her. "Second Miss, please don't make it difficult for us servants!" Saying this, she signaled to the maidservants nearby, and someone immediately stepped forward to hold Ouyang Ke back, preventing her from running outside.

Ouyang Ke kicked, punched, and cursed at the approaching maidservants, even biting one of them. The maid screamed and finally let go. Although Ouyang Ke was unharmed, she was still filled with fear and anger. She had never been treated like this before in her life. She had an indulgent mother, Madam Lin, who protected her, a loving father, Ouyang Zhi, and although her grandmother was strict, she had never scolded her. Ouyang Ke had developed a domineering and unruly temperament, accustomed to being the one who bullied others. Who had ever dared to bully her?

Unable to swallow this humiliation, Ouyang Ke yelled, "Donghe, are you dead!?"

Donghe was the maid sent by Madam Lin to accompany Ouyang Ke and protect her from being wronged. She was sharp-tongued and bold. Seeing the second miss being mistreated, she immediately rushed forward and scolded Pei'er, "What kind of thing are you? You're not even worthy to carry shoes for our young miss. You dare lay a finger on our young miss, and when I report this to Madam and Master, let's see what charges you'll face!"

Pei'er was bumped by Donghe and staggered back, filled with anger. Her eyes narrowed, and she sneered, "Even when the Second Miss throws a tantrum, you don't know how to calm her down. Instead, you're adding fuel to the fire here. Do you think this temple is a place where you can act recklessly? Whatever the Second Miss says, I dare not refute. Who do you think you are? Don't think I won't deal with you!"

Ouyang Ke gave a signal, and Donghe understood that the Second Miss wanted her to give the other party a taste of their own medicine. Immediately, she rushed forward and forcefully pulled Pei'er's hair, continuously scolding her for her insolence. Pei'er screamed, "Why aren't you pulling her away?!"

The maidservants didn't like the unruly behavior of Donghe or the arrogance of Pei'er. They found it amusing and stood by, enjoying the spectacle. One of the maids loudly exclaimed, "Oh my, what kind of place is this? How dare you cause such a commotion!"

Amidst the chaos, there was a loud crash. In the midst of their struggle, they accidentally knocked over the incense table, causing a white jade Bodhisattva statue to fall and shatter into pieces on the ground. Everyone was stunned.

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Donghe cried out in a voice that shook the heavens and earth, "Help! The Second Miss is being bullied to such an extent! Even the gift that the Miss prepared for Old Madam Li's birthday has been smashed! What are we going to do? Oh my, I have no way out now. I'll just fight it out with you!"

Ouyang Ke looked on coldly, a satisfied expression on her face. She wanted to make a scene, to let everyone know. It would be best to bring her father and grandmother here, to see what kind of life she was living. Let them see how Li Yiniang was bullying her. Even if she made a mistake, she was still the young miss of the Ouyang family. 

Now, even a maid dared to cause trouble in front of her. Hmph, when her father and grandmother found out what was happening behind the scenes, Ouyang Nuan wouldn't get away with it! However, when she glanced over, she saw Qiu Yue's cold, eerie eyes staring at her, and her sense of satisfaction disappeared in an instant.

Donghe was extremely fierce, and Pei'er couldn't resist. She was forcibly scratched and her face had several bloodstains. Donghe didn't relent, charging forward to attack her. "Pay me back for the Guanyin statue that belongs to our Miss! You heartless person! You want to harm our Miss, you want to harm me. Since I'm already doomed, I'll fight you to the end!"

Pei'er knew she was in trouble and could only desperately argue, "It wasn't me who smashed it! Clearly, you deliberately crashed into it. You want to falsely accuse me! There are so many witnesses here, everyone saw it. You're just falsely accusing people!"

Donghe spat on her face, "Bah! Who do you think you are? Who do you think your mistress is? You, a lowly servant from a humble background, dare to scheme against the Second Miss. You wretched thing!"

Hearing her insult her mistress, Pei'er finally became angry and her eyes turned bloodshot. She rushed forward, and the two of them immediately wrestled into a ball. Peier fought fiercely and surprisingly had strength. Donghe, who had previously relied on her quick wit, suddenly found herself in a disadvantageous position. The two of them fought fiercely, causing chaos in the room, with many things being smashed. Other maids, pretending to intervene, released Ouyang Ke, and the room descended into chaos!

Pei'er shouted, "Why hasn't someone gone to fetch Li Yiniang yet?"

Li Yiniang was in the midst of receiving reports on the recent happenings in the mansion when suddenly she heard a commotion outside, followed by the door being slammed loudly. Someone shouted in a panic, "Oh no, something terrible's happened! Second Miss has gone mad, and her attendant, Donghe, is fighting desperately with Miss Pei'er! Li Yiniang, please hurry and go see!"

Rushing over in alarm, Li Yiniang collided with Ouyang Nuan, who had just emerged from Ouyang Jue's Courtyard. Li Yiniang quickly greeted her, "Miss, I heard Second Miss is causing trouble. Should I report this to the Old Madam?"

"The Grandmother hasn't been feeling well these days. If you go now, won't it only upset her more? I'll handle this," Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, her eyes gleaming with a reassuring smile, which oddly comforted Li Yinaing's troubled heart. 

"Very well, then I'll leave it to you, Miss," Li Yiniang agreed.

Although Second Miss had lost control of the situation, her status remained prominent. Li Yiniang, being just a maid, couldn't suppress Ouyang Ke. As the eldest daughter and someone highly regarded by the Old Madam, only Ouyang Nuan could command authority. Li Yiniang secretly rejoiced at this, relieved that she wouldn't have to intervene directly to resolve the situation. It seemed like a win-win for everyone.

Noticing Li Yiniang's thoughts from her expression, Ouyang Nuan didn't expose them. Instead, she smiled gently and said, "Aunt Li, lead the way."

As they entered Ouyang Ke's room, they saw Donghe still kneeling on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably and repeatedly hitting herself in the face, lamenting her incompetence and failure to properly protect the gift to the Old Madam. She cried out about being unable to protect the Second Miss from the maids' insolence and her own powerlessness.

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"What's going on here? How could there be such a commotion in the ancestral hall? Are you trying to upset Grandmother?" Ouyang Nuan walked in slowly, and as she did, all the maids hurriedly knelt down to pay their respects.

Seeing the arrival of the Eldest Young Miss, Pei'er couldn't care less about her disheveled appearance and immediately stepped forward to explain, "Eldest Young Miss, you've arrived. I couldn't handle it anymore..."

"What's going on here?" Li Yiniang frowned, asking, "I told you to bring someone to attend to Second Miss. How did it turn into such a mess?" She glanced at Second Miss and exclaimed, "Oh my, what happened? How did it come to this? Qiu Yue, quickly assist Second Miss with her grooming. We can't let outsiders see her like this!"

Pei'er wanted to say something, but Li Yiniang signaled her to stop with a glance, then instructed, "Hurry up and help Donghe up."

Reluctantly, Pei'er stood still, refusing to move from her spot.

"Make her kneel!" Ouyang Nuan said coldly, startling everyone. All eyes turned to the usually gentle and calm eldest Miss. They heard her sneer, "Mother tasked her with caring for her sister, yet she caused such a disturbance in the ancestral temple! She can't even handle trivial matters properly, and she even dropped grandmother's birthday gift. What use is she? This is disrespecting Miss because of her young age, disrespecting grandmother's authority. If Mother weren't pregnant and trying to accumulate virtue, I would have dealt with her and her sister already. She's clueless! Get out and kneel!" Her voice turned icier as she spoke.

Donghe looked around anxiously, her eyes wide with uncertainty, pleading to Ouyang Ke, "Miss, I've always been devoted to you. You must help me!"

Ouyang Ke sneered and arrogantly addressed Ouyang Nuan, "What's there to fear? You're my maid, given to me by Mother herself. Without my orders, who dares to touch you!"

Ouyang Nuan responded calmly, "When will you ever mature, sister? Grandmother sent you here to observe fasting and pray for the well-being of our unborn brother. Yet here you are causing such a commotion. Do you still want to stay here, or do you think this temple is a suitable place for you to spend the rest of your life? If you choose the latter, not only will I spare this foolish maid, but I'll also let her stay here with you for the rest of your life!"

Ouyang Ke was taken aback, her complexion turning pale as she exclaimed, "You're lying! Father won't abandon me. Mother will save me!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and replied, "Do you know what Father said when Grandmother decided to send you here?"

A shiver ran down Ouyang Ke's spine involuntarily as she stepped forward, looking at Ouyang Nuan, asking, "What did he say?"

"He said it would be best to keep you here for a year or so. You can only come out when you've learned your lesson." Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly as she gazed at Ouyang Ke, noticing her complexion turning even paler, lips tightly pressed together in silence.

Ouyang Nuan raised an eyebrow, observing Ouyang Ke's trembling lips and the resentment in her eyes. Eventually, Ouyang Ke lowered her head, gritting her teeth as she said, "Forget about just one servant girl. If Sister agrees, even sacrificing two or three lives is nothing but squashing a few ants. Do as you wish with Donghe; I won't intervene."

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Li Yiniang's tense nerves gradually relaxed. Ouyang Nuan had effectively grasped Ouyang Ke's weak spot with just a few words. Initially, Ouyang Ke had intended to escalate the situation and then appeal to the Old Madam on her own behalf. However, with Donghe and Pei'er's quarrel inadvertently damaging the Old Madam's birthday gift, things had gone too far. If it reached the Old Madam's ears, Ouyang Ke's release might be indefinitely delayed, pending her punishment.

In other words, whether Ouyang Ke could leave or not was now in the hands of Miss Ouyang. Realizing the importance of the situation, Ouyang Ke wouldn't jeopardize her own future just to protect a servant girl. She had already betrayed a servant to save herself once; she could certainly do it again.

Donghe immediately understood. She raised her hand and slapped herself hard on the face: "I was wrong! I was blinded by my own arrogance, not knowing my place. I have made a mistake and won't dare to do it again. Please forgive me, Miss." The room fell into a profound silence, with only her pleading and the sound of slapping echoing.

Looking at her, Ouyang Nuan glanced indifferently. Hongyu's voice was cold: "Can't you hear what Miss said? Drag her out!" Donghe was terrified, about to scream for mercy. Li Yiniang's face darkened, glaring at her. A servant covered her mouth, and several others swiftly restrained her and drug her out.

As Donghe struggled desperately, Ouyang Ke stared, dumbfounded. The room fell into a dead silence.

Qiu Yue stood coldly on the side, watching without any reaction. She was personally selected and trained by Madam Lin years ago, specifically to take care of Ouyang Ke. She had been with Ouyang Ke for many years, already a capable senior maid who managed all aspects of Ouyang Ke's life, far better than the average girl outside. 

Accustomed to wealth and luxury, her perspective and thoughts were naturally elevated. She thought about what she should and shouldn't, most of which revolved around securing a good future for herself. For instance, becoming a concubine to the master after accompanying the young miss, and then smoothly ascending to the position of a mistress. So she had always devoted herself to Ouyang Ke, hoping to secure a good future for herself. 

However, in the end, she was inexplicably betrayed by the mistress she had served for so long. Now she was sentenced to spend her life in this household temple. All her beautiful dreams turned into bubbles, and even the family she supported with her monthly wages had lost their livelihood... In her heart, she truly hated Madam Lin and her daughter.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at Qiu Yue and said, "From today onwards, you will serve Miss Ouyang Ke well here."

Qiu Yue lowered her head and replied, "Yes, Miss. I will do my best."

Ouyang Ke looked at Qiu Yue's expressionless face and couldn't help but shiver involuntarily.

As Ouyang Nuan walked out of the room, Li Yiniang tentatively asked, "Miss, about Donghe...?"

"From today onwards, she will be punished to do laundry. As for what to say to Grandmother and Father, Li Yiniang should know, right?"

"Of course. It was she who accidentally shattered Grandmother's birthday present, and Miss Ouyang Ke drove her out of the temple," Li Yiniang smiled in response. Ouyang Nuan nodded and said, "My younger sister is still young and inexperienced. I appreciate your efforts in looking after her, Aunt Li."

"Yes, Miss. If Miss Ouyang Ke behaves improperly in any way, I will make sure to report it to you," Li Yiniang's smile grew even brighter.

Ouyang Nuan said calmly, "Aunt, you're being too kind. My sister's health is delicate, and I worry that any discomfort might exacerbate her condition."

"Miss is right. I will ensure she is well taken care of. If Miss Ouyang Ke feels unwell, I will immediately inform you," Li Yiniang promptly corrected herself, her smile reflecting her deference to Eldest Miss Ouyang Nuan.

Ultimately, Ouyang Nuan had provided her with enough incentives, and Li Yiniang was not foolish; she knew how to reciprocate kindness. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Thank you for your understanding, Aunt."

"Miss, you're too polite."

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Li Yue'e turned her head and instructed a young maid outside, "Keep a close eye on Miss Ouyang Ke secretly. If anything goes wrong, be careful with your hide!"


In the dead of night, Ouyang Ke suddenly opened her eyes to find Qiu Yue standing rigidly by her bedside, staring at her intently. Startled, she sat up in bed and exclaimed, "What... what are you doing?" Qiu Yue, disheveled and barefoot, maintained a cold demeanor, "This servant was afraid Miss Ouyang Ke might have nightmares, so I'm keeping watch here."

"You... you go away!" Ouyang Ke, frightened by her eerie presence, shouted loudly.

Qiu Yue glanced at her and silently moved aside. However, an hour later, when Ouyang Ke woke up thirsty, she found Qiu Yue sitting at her bedside again, staring at her with a cold gaze. No matter how much she scolded, Qiu Yue seemed determined to stay.

After two consecutive nights of disturbance, Ouyang Ke was both afraid and exhausted. Unable to endure any longer, she finally fell asleep. However, she was soon awakened by a searing sensation on her face. Wiping it off, she was horrified to find Qiu Yue sitting by her bedside, holding a candlestick. The liquid dripping onto her face turned out to be candle wax! Unable to bear it any longer, Ouyang Ke shouted, "Don't sit here. Go and fetch me a glass of water!"

Qiu Yue coldly remarked, "Why does Miss Ouyang Ke need water at this late hour? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

Ouyang Ke hesitated for a moment before retorting with a stern expression, "Just go when I tell you to go. Why so many questions?"

Qiu Yue's gaze remained eerie and penetrating, akin to that of a female ghost. However, out of habit developed over the years, she reluctantly complied. As Ouyang Ke crawled out of bed from behind, she suddenly grabbed a porcelain pillow and viciously smashed it onto Qiu Yue's head. There was a muffled groan as blood gushed from Qiu Yue's head, and she collapsed limply to the ground.

Throwing aside the porcelain pillow, Ouyang Ke felt a wave of fear wash over her. This wasn't her intention, but these past few days had been unbearable. With no good food to eat, unable to sleep, and constantly accompanied by this resentful maid, today it was candle wax, but who knew what tomorrow would bring? 

Ouyang Nuan was trying to kill her. She couldn't just sit around waiting to die. Despite her efforts to send messages to her mother for help, none seemed to get through. Now, she had to sneak out herself. Once she saw her mother, she was sure she could come up with a plan! She couldn't bear to live another day in this terrifying situation!

Ouyang Ke didn't spare a glance at Qiu Yue lying on the ground. She leaned out of the window, crawled onto the windowsill from the table, and then rolled down into the flowerbed outside. Her arms grazed and bruised, but she gritted her teeth against the searing pain. She made a silent vow, swearing to herself that when she rose again, she would repay Ouyang Nuan for this humiliation a hundredfold. Surveying the pitch-black surroundings, she clenched her fists in determination and swiftly disappeared into the darkness.


Not long after she left, a maid emerged from the corridor with a lantern in hand. She whispered to the maid beside her, "Quick, report it. Say that Second Miss Ouyang has escaped!" When the news reached Ouyang Nuan, she was just finishing the final stitch on an embroidery of the Eight Treasures. Without lifting her head, she calmly remarked, "The night is too dark. You must be mistaken."

The messenger, Cai Mama, asserted confidently, "Miss, there's no mistake. Second Miss Ouyang injured Qiu Yue and escaped through the window."

"A young lady from a noble family like her, how could she possibly escape through a window? This is preposterous. Perhaps you've mistaken a couple of petty thieves for my sister. If you don't hurry and catch them, you'll be held accountable for your negligence," Ouyang Nuan remarked calmly, setting down her needle.

Cai Mama looked perplexed as she gazed at Miss Ouyang, not understanding her intentions. Hongyu whispered softly, "It's just a thief. Catching them and giving them a beating should suffice. There's no need to make a fuss, Mama."

Cai Mama hesitated, glancing at Miss Ouyang, but seeing the brightness in her eyes and her blossoming smile, she was struck by her captivating beauty. With a sense of awe, Cai Mama lowered her head and said, "Yes, I'll immediately instruct the servants to capture the thief."

On her way, Ouyang Ke encountered several groups of night patrol women, which made her heart race with fear. Finally reaching the entrance of Furui Courtyard, she was about to knock on the door to let the maid inside know to let her in, when suddenly, she heard a thunderous voice from the ground, "Who's there?"

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Realizing the danger, she was about to answer when a slap landed on her face, followed by a heavy blow from a cudgel. Being still young and having endured days of fear, she couldn't withstand the assault any longer. Stumbling and falling to the ground, she gasped for breath, mustering all her strength to desperately utter, "It's me..."

However, the person wielding the cudgel didn't give her a chance. They rained down blows on her head and body, shouting loudly, "Quick, someone come! There's a thief!"

Ouyang Ke couldn't accept this fate. She desperately struggled to push herself up and push away those people, but they were prepared and quickly covered her mouth, dragging her into a dark corner and mercilessly beating her! The screams and curses of the night patrol maids grew louder and louder, drowning out all of Ouyang Ke's attempts to plead her innocence.

The maids from Furui Courtyard heard the commotion and came out to investigate, but they were blocked by someone. With an apologetic smile, Cai Mama explained, "Sorry, the night patrol women found a little thief. She refused to answer questions and tried to run away. We're just teaching her a lesson! Sorry for disturbing Madam!"

Wang Mama, from inside the courtyard, shouted loudly, "What's going on? Where is this place? How dare you cause a ruckus here?"

The gatekeeper maid called out loudly, "The night patrol caught a little thief stealing things. Mama, please go to sleep, it's not a big deal."

Wang Mama nodded, completely unaware that the person being beaten half to death over there was her Madam's beloved daughter. Without a second thought, she turned and went back into the house.

Ouyang Ke was in a state of panic, tears streaming down her face from the pain. However, she couldn't utter a single word, having been beaten for so long that she had almost lost the strength to even whimper. It was only when the night patrol maid waved her hand and said, "Take her to the Old Madam for punishment," that anything changed.

When Madam Lin received the news and rushed to Shou'an Hall, she found Ouyang Ke lying on the bed, covered in dirt and unable to make a sound. Madam Lin recognized her daughter at a glance. Instantly, her blood surged to her head, and with a sharp scream, she fainted on the spot...

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