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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 50: 

The Second Young Miss is Shameless 

Ouyang Nuan waited until Hongyu and Wenshuo returned. She whispered a few words to Hongyu and watched her leave before leading Wenshuo back to the theater. During this time, Yinxing had been wanting to leave but was always pulled along by Wenshuo. She was reluctantly forced to follow behind Ouyang Nuan back to the theater, only to find that the performance had already ended. All the madams and young ladies were sitting together playing cards.

Old Madam Li was sitting there, and when she saw Ouyang Nuan, she smiled and waved at her. "Come sit down, help me with the cards, my eyesight isn't good."

Before Ouyang Nuan walked over, she glanced at Yinxing with a faint smile. Yinxing immediately felt a chill run down her spine. She suddenly realized that if Miss Ouyang were to expose everything here, she would be completely finished! But Ouyang Nuan just smiled and walked past her without paying her any further attention. Yinxing was already nervous, and seeing Wenshuo staring at her made her stand still, lowering her head to look at her own toes, feeling like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

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Ouyang Nuan sat down beside Old Madam Li, who wore a kind smile on her face and began chatting with her absentmindedly. Old Madam Ning, sitting opposite them, nodded slightly with a smile upon seeing this scene, secretly feeling that Nuan had indeed grown up. If it were the it used to be, Madam Lin would have left long ago, and how could she possibly stay and sit down to play cards with the elders?

Old Madam Li, Old Madam Ning, Aunt Sheng, and Aunt Jiang were all seated together. Ouyang Nuan looked around and noticed that all the other madams and young ladies were present except for Ouyang Ke. She smiled and asked, "Where is Ke'er?"

"Didn't she go to find you earlier? Why didn't she come back with you?" Aunt Sheng asked in surprise.

Ouyang Nuan pretended to be surprised. "I didn't see her at all?"

Madam Shen glanced at Madam Jiang and said, "You and your mother left first, and she followed right after. How could you not have seen her? That's strange."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and remained silent. Madam Jiang's hands paused over the cards, unable to resist lifting her head to gaze at the gracefully long and soft eyes of Ouyang Nuan. Her gentle and reserved profile resembled that of her late cousin from many years ago, Lin Wanqing, a renowned beauty in the Capital. 

However, Ouyang Nuan's beauty surpassed that of Lin Wanqing's by threefold, and most importantly, she exuded a calmness, a demeanor of composure and unrushed elegance. Madam Jiang found herself momentarily lost in thought, realizing that the impression of the timid and fearful girl who used to follow behind Lin Wanqing did not match the current image before her. An inexplicable sense of foreboding slowly crept up her spine. 

She forced a smile and said, "Perhaps K'er found the play dull and went out for a stroll. She'll be back shortly, I suppose."

Ouyang Nuan's delicately arched long eyelashes remained unmoved, and her beautiful face smiled gently. As she heard the words, she seemed to casually glance at Madam Jiang. Ouyang Ke had just met her beloved, and now she naturally had to go to the Furui Court to express her determination. However, she wondered how splendid Lin Wanru's expression would be upon learning that her daughter dared to disrupt her plans. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to witness that scene herself...


Madam Wang assisted Madam Lin as she reclined on the luxurious red sandalwood couch, intricately carved with dragons playing with pearls and clouds spraying water. She tucked a large red and gold brocade pillow behind her back and offered her a cup of hot tea. Madam Lin let out a slow breath and said, "I wonder if it will succeed..."

"Madam, you underestimate it. Look at the handsome appearance of Young Master Su. Which young lady wouldn't be moved upon seeing him? Even if Miss rarely goes out, it's the first time in all my years of service that I've seen such a thing. As long as that girl follows your instructions and locks the door while they're together, everything will be settled!"

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"Ah, if most of my people hadn't been pinned down by the Old Madam these days, why would I have to take such risks?" Madam Lin sighed.

"Madam, rest assured, that girl is bound by a tight contract. Her whole family is under your control. Even if she were beaten to death, she wouldn't dare to reveal your involvement. She would simply claim she thought there was no one in the courtyard, so she locked it. No one would know it was all arranged by you..."

"Do you think that old fox at Shou'an Hall is dead? She's very shrewd. How could she not figure out it was me? But she realized it too late. As long as Ouyang Nuan doesn't show up by dinner time, I can openly search for her everywhere. With everyone's eyes on us, if they see her with a young gentleman in the courtyard, even Old Master won't be able to say anything. By then, not just the Old Madam, even Old Madam Ning will have to concede!"

"Madam's plan is indeed ingenious. However, this old Mama doesn't understand. If Madam wants her to marry, she could pick anyone. Why go through all this trouble to pair her with Young Master Su, especially when he's so far away in Jiangnan?" Wang Mama expressed her slight confusion. "Just locking Ouyang Nuan with any man would create a fait accompli. Why go through all this trouble to pick out Su Yulou?"

"You don't understand. Do you remember what happened last time with Zhang Wendin? After that incident, I carefully pondered it. I was too impatient back then. The Old Madam dotes on her grandson the most. Now, she's also pleasing the Old Master and Old Madam. If this marriage is too suspicious, the Old Madam might just create chaos, refusing to let Ouyang Nuan marry. My efforts would be in vain then. Moreover, even if Su Yulou is good, he's just a lowly merchant. My eldest daughter considers herself a noble lady, born into a distinguished family. She's quite prominent. But once she marries Su Yulou, her life is over. In a couple of years, when Ouyang Ke is older, I'll plan for her to marry into a good family. By then, Ouyang Nuan won't even compare to Ouyang Ke, not even a toe." 

"Yes! Madam's foresight is truly remarkable. Once Miss is out of the picture, wouldn't Young Master be completely under Madam's control?"

“Hmph, exactly. Originally, I planned to keep Ouyang Nuan around for a few more years, to avoid others saying that this stepmother of hers is harsh on her. Who would have thought she's so cunning, rushing to oppose me like this? Since it's come to this, where can I tolerate her?" Madam Lin took a sip of tea, her eyes revealing a trace of resentment. "Isn't she eyeing me, her stepmother, saying I have no say in her marriage? So be it. Let her go and align herself with Su Yulou. Let's see how it ends up in the end!"

Just as she was speaking, there was a sudden bang at the door. "Who's there!" Madam Lin shouted sternly.

"Mother, it's me!" Ouyang Ke walked in from outside, and Madam Lin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her. "Has the play finished?"

"I didn't want to watch the play," Ouyang Ke stepped closer, urgency in her voice. "Mother, do you really want Su Yulou to marry Ouyang Nuan?"

Madam Lin was taken aback, somewhat slow to react. Why was her daughter looking so urgent? "...Ke, didn't you already know about this matter? Why are you coming to ask me now? You should be by the Old Madam's side at this time. How did you end up here? If someone sees you here with me, what would they say?"

"I don't care! Mother, I like Su Yulou, and I want to marry him! I must marry him!" Ouyang Ke lifted her delicate chin defiantly, her tone resolute!

Madam Lin was greatly shocked, sitting up abruptly from the couch, she exclaimed, "Have you lost your mind? Nonsense!"

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"Mother, I want to marry Su Yulou. I like him. I just do," Ouyang Ke repeated loudly, showing no sign of timidity.

"You disobedient girl! Shut up! He's not worthy of you! Don't you dare mention this matter again!" Madam Lin was furious, she swung her hand, knocking over the teacup, and splashing water all over Ouyang Ke's dress.

However, Ouyang Ke, accustomed to being spoiled, showed no fear. Instead, she widened her eyes in disbelief, "How could it be? I've never seen anyone as good as Brother Su!"

Madam Lin was enraged, but Wang Mama hurriedly came to soothe her, "Madam, please don't get angry, be mindful of your health! Miss Ouyang is still young and naive. Let's talk slowly!"

Madam Lin's anger subsided gradually as she stared at Ouyang Ke's innocent face. Her expression turned serious, "Think carefully. What is Su Yulou's status? What is your own status? Mother has her reasons for wanting him to marry Ouyang Nuan. You should use your brain and not act blindly."

Ouyang Ke clenched her teeth and said, "Mother's purpose is nothing more than to control Elder Sister. You could easily choose someone else instead of Su Brother!"

Madam Lin, unable to speak due to anger, turned red in the face. Wang Mama couldn't bear it and said, "Miss Ouyang, everything Madam does is for your own good! It's not easy to make Elder Sister fall in love with someone and get approval from Old Madam. Why don't you consider Madam's feelings a bit more?"

Ouyang Ke retorted angrily, "I don't care! I just like Brother Su! Mother, you can't make Ouyang Nuan marry him!"

"Stop talking nonsense! 'Brother' Su!? How long have you known him? How do you know he wouldn't willingly marry Ouyang Nuan? Do you think the Su family is foolish?" Madam Lin was furious, pointing at Ouyang Ke with trembling fingers. 

She said with hatred, "The Su family is nothing more than a merchant family. Even if they are wealthy, they are still looked down upon in the capital. But look at Su Yulou. There's not a hint of merchant air about him. His family has groomed him to be like the young masters of noble families, excelling in both literature and martial arts. Even here in the capital, he stands out. Do you think the Su family has been striving for so many years just for fun? Do you think they're satisfied just because they've made a connection with a Ministry of Personnel official? Have you ever thought about Ouyang Nuan's status? Her biological mother is a legitimate daughter of the Marquis's family. If it weren't for this status, how could the Su family possibly come knocking on our door? Apart from this layer, you should also consider that even if I were more capable, I couldn't manipulate Madam Su. When I mentioned this matter to her before, she hesitated. But do you know what she said to me after seeing Ouyang Nuan? She said it would be a great blessing to marry such a daughter-in-law. Do you know what that means? They are eyeing the beautiful and noble Ouyang Nuan, not you! Don't get your calculations wrong!"

Madam Lin, in her frustration, spoke in a disordered manner, which only added fuel to the fire. 

Ouyang Ke immediately jumped up, "Mother, do you also look down on me? Do you think I'm not as good as her? Apart from this status, where am I inferior to her? She's just relying on her silver tongue and a face that can seduce men, isn't she? Mother, am I really your daughter? How can you always speak up for her?" Thinking of being suppressed by Ouyang Nuan at the banquet today, Ouyang Ke was extremely angry. She didn't want to consider Madam Lin's intentions at all. She just felt it was too much for others to criticize her for not being as good as her elder sister, but even her own biological mother said so. It was too much!

"Miss Ouyang!" Wang Mama was also anxious. "Why are you saying such things? You're hurting Madam's feelings. She's always thinking of you wholeheartedly. How can you misunderstand her like this?"

Ouyang Ke felt she had gone too far with her words, "But, but..." She rushed over and grabbed Madam Lin's sleeve, anxiously saying, "I, I... Brother Su, he..."

Madam Lin impatiently shook off her daughter's hand and sternly said, "What Brother Su? What relation do you have with him? Even if Su Yulou is good, he is still the son of a merchant. How can you marry him? Do you want to infuriate me to death?"

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"Mother, he's the best, I just like him," Ouyang Ke was enchanted by Su Yulou from the moment she first laid eyes on him. How could she even consider anyone else, let alone imagine Madam Lin's efforts behind the scenes?

"But Ke'er, mother said he's not worthy of you. In the future, mother will find someone better for you!" Madam Lin said in a promising tone. However, Ouyang Ke's face flushed red, and she shouted loudly, "I don't want it! I don't want it!"

With a loud slap, Madam Lin harshly struck her across the face. Ouyang Ke covered her face, staring at Madam Lin in disbelief. From childhood to adulthood, her mother had never treated her like this. She was shocked and stunned, tears welling up in her eyes but too afraid to fall. "Mother, how could you..."

Madam Lin looked at her own palm, her face revealing an expression of reluctance. Her daughter had been raised under her care since childhood. She had never experienced such injustice before. 

However, this was a critical moment, and she had to steel herself. "In the past, it was all my fault. I've always thought of you as a child, considering everything for you, shielding you from everything. But I didn't expect you to grow up day by day, and now you don't even listen to your mother's words! Look at yourself, how can you resemble a young lady from a noble family? Even daughters from humble families wouldn't behave like you, speaking nonsense! You dare to come to me and say such things without any sense of shame. It's simply disgraceful. If you dare to speak such irrelevant words again, I'll lock you up directly and won't let you see anyone until you get married!"

Ouyang Ke had never been scolded like this before. Frightened, tears streamed down her face. Hearing Madam Lin's harsh words, she collapsed at Madam Lin's feet, sobbing uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Old Madam Wang hurriedly helped Ouyang Ke up and sat her down beside her, then fetched a wet towel to wipe her face. "Miss, please don't cry. Listen to Madam's words and don't cause any more trouble." Ouyang Ke remained silent, but her crying intensified, as if she wanted to cry her heart out and show Madam Lin how much she was hurting.

Seeing her daughter in such a state, Madam Lin couldn't help but feel a pang of heartache. Her previous anger turned into disappointment, and she sighed heavily. "Ke'er, listen to me carefully. I come from the Marquis's mansion and have witnessed countless struggles and conflicts to please my stepmother and sisters. I've put in so much effort, even bending over backwards just to gain their trust. Look at me now, enjoying this prosperity. Do you know how many years I've spent planning behind the scenes? But you're different from me. You've been pampered by me since you were little, indulged in everything. I would give you the moon and stars if I could! You've never experienced the pain I felt when I had to carefully consider every stitch and thread, afraid of stealing the limelight from my legitimate sister. You don't know how hard I had to work to marry your father. But enough about that. Just remember, everything I do now is for you. As long as your elder sister marries Su Yulou, my biggest worry will be gone. Then you will be the only young lady in the Ouyang Mansion. You can have whatever you want. So, you must listen to me now and not ruin my plan!"

Ouyang Ke stopped her tears and listened intently. Madam Lin paused for a moment before continuing, "The Su family may have their eyes set on climbing the social ladder, but they don't realize that Old Madam Ning is proud and stubborn. If Ouyang Nuan marries Su Yulou, wouldn't Old Madam Ning be utterly disappointed? Forget about the Su family; even Ouyang Nuan herself might not want to see them! Hmph! The Su family will have gained nothing but lost everything. Once Ouyang Nuan loses her value, and your father, who is selfish, will anyone stand up for her? She may have a good life in the Su family, but..."

"But I like..." Ouyang Ke murmured, trying to interject softly.

"What like? This is a serious matter of marriage. Since ancient times, it has been decided by parents and matchmakers. How can an unmarried young lady like you dare to talk about 'liking' someone? Don't utter such shameless words again. Do you really want to become a laughingstock in front of your elder sister? Or do you want me to never hold my head up high in this mansion again?"

Ouyang Ke, usually proud and assertive, couldn't help but speak up in frustration, "Mother, that's not what I meant!"

"I hope not," Madam Lin sighed in relief. "Get Ouyang Nuan out of the picture, and Ouyang Ke will be able to shine. Next year, I'll give you another younger brother. With me pampering you and a brother supporting you in the future, you can comfortably enjoy your life as the young lady of the Ouyang family. Isn't that good?"

Ouyang Ke couldn't help but think of Su Yulou's handsome face and hesitated, "But... Brother Su has been very kind to me. If he were to be matched with Ouyang Nuan..."

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Madam Lin's frustration flared up again as she scolded, "You foolish girl with no insight! Just because someone smiles at you, you think they have taken a liking to you? Let me tell you the truth. With Su Yulou's looks, I have no doubt that Ouyang Nuan will be pleased! Su Madam has already told me that Su Yulou, young and handsome as he is, is proud and arrogant. The Su family has introduced him to many noble young ladies, but he has looked down on all of them. Even if Su Madam takes a liking to Ouyang Nuan, he might not agree! That's precisely why I have arranged for them to be locked together. Even if Su Yulou disagrees, he will have to agree under the circumstances!"

王妈妈, who was listening nearby, was shocked. She had thought that tricking Ouyang Nuan to meet Su Yulou and then locking them together was to ensure everything went smoothly. She had never expected this underlying reason. It sent a chill down her spine, making her realize how cunning and terrifying Madam Lin's mind could be.

"You better stop entertaining those inappropriate thoughts. If you say another word, I'll have you locked up immediately. And don't even think about laying eyes on Su Yulou when he comes to the mansion," Madam Lin said fiercely.

Ouyang Ke burst into tears again. She stood up abruptly and stomped her foot. "Mother, you can't do this!"

This girl seemed completely blinded by beauty. Even after all this discussion, she still couldn't see reason. Madam Lin had hardened her heart completely this time. Pointing at Ouyang Ke, she scolded, "You're just a young girl. Have you no shame? A noble young lady like you dares to utter such disrespectful words after meeting someone just once! Are you trying to drive me to an early grave? Do you even know what shame is?"

"Shame? You only know how to talk about shame. Do you even know what shame is when it comes to being with Father? Back then, Ouyang Nuan's birth mother hadn't even died yet! Do you think no one else knows? I know you took some secret medicine to push back my birthdate by two months!"

Madam Lin was struck by Ouyang Ke's words, her face turning a mixture of pale and blue. She wished she could slap Ouyang Ke to death. However, Ouyang Ke turned and ran away while crying. Wang Mama wanted to go after her, but Lin stopped her with a loud voice: "Let her go, this shameless creature! She doesn't resemble my daughter anymore!"

After speaking, Madam Lin was so angry that all her strength seemed to dissipate at once. She slumped onto the bed, unable to utter a word. She breathed heavily, gasping for air. Wang Mama hurriedly went to help her, gently patting her back and consoling her in a low voice: "Madam, you're with child, you must take care of yourself. Miss is still young, she'll learn slowly..."

Madam Lin's face was full of disappointment as she said, "I never expected it. Wanqing was gullible and easily deceived, while the one she gave birth to, Ouyang Nuan, is cunning and ruthless. I am intelligent and resourceful, yet I gave birth to such a worthless trash... I planned so much for her, but in the end, she just stood in front of me and scolded me. What am I trying to achieve? This shameless disaster... Even if she's young and ignorant, how could she say... how could she say such things?"

"Madam, please calm down. Miss Ouyang just couldn't see clearly for a moment. Seeing Brother Su, young, handsome, and charming, even a tree would be moved, let alone Miss Ouyang. When she grows older and sees more of the world, she'll come to understand. Please don't get too worked up," Wang Mama said as she served Madam Lin a cup of tea, which helped soothe her nerves. However, fatigue still lingered on Madam Lin's face.

Seeing Madam Lin's complexion improve slightly, Wang Mama continued, "Madam, your words today were indeed a bit harsh. It's understandable that Miss Ouyang misunderstood."

"She needs to be scolded awake! I've been dealing with Madam Su for many years. How could I not know her intentions? She only has this one son, with such appearance and intelligence, she wishes he could marry a princess. But the Su family is not from a prestigious background, and they don't have much influence in the capital. That's why they set their sights on our family, not for Ke'er, but for Ouyang Nuan! I hate to say discouraging words, but just look at Ke'er. In terms of appearance, cunning, and methods, where does she compare to Ouyang Nuan? Even I think this way, let alone Madam Su. She's the one who's eager to marry into their family. The Su family also has to think highly of her! It's enough to make me want to die from anger!"

王妈妈 gently comforted Madam Lin while touching her chest, cautiously saying, "Madam is right. Miss Ouyang's temperament should be restrained. Today, she disregarded everyone and caused a scene. If she ruins Madam's plan..."

Madam Lin nodded and said, "Yes. From now on, have someone keep an eye on her for me. She mustn't cause any more trouble!"

While the Madam Lin's courtyard was bustling with activity, Madam Lin didn't have the chance to inquire about Ouyang Nuan's whereabouts, completely unaware of the scene that had unfolded in the courtyard.


In the main hall of the Ouyang residence, the walls were adorned with precious paintings from the previous dynasty. Natural redwood tables were adorned with Qing Dynasty colored enamel vases, each containing peacock feathers. The purple-gold incense burner emitted a nostalgic aroma, while tables and chairs were set up for guests to dine. On a specially arranged small table, there were writing utensils for poetry.

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Ouyang Zhi spoke up, "Merely drinking wine isn't very entertaining. Why don't we have some fun with poetry? Anyone unable to compose one will be fined a cup of wine!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Ouyang Zhi, with a curious look at the various gentlemen present, pointed to the plum blossom forest outside and said with a smile, "Let's use the plum blossom as the theme. Everyone, please unleash your creativity."

This was a customary activity at the Li family's banquet, and everyone was accustomed to it. Liao Yuan, the Minister of Personnel, who had always enjoyed associating himself with elegance, enthusiastically supported the proposal. He said, "Since that's the case, He Feng, why don't you compose a poem to kick things off? Let's see your talent shine."

Liao Hefeng, the eldest legitimate son of Liao Yuan, was gentle and refined. When he heard his father calling him, he smiled and stood up. After a moment of contemplation, he walked to the paper and, with swift strokes of the brush, wrote down a poem.

A servant lifted his poem and everyone saw the title "Early Plum Blossoms" as the servant read aloud: 

"Amidst the frozen woods, the solitary plum thrives. 

In the deep snow of the village ahead, last night, several blossoms bloomed. 

Their fragrance wafts through the quiet, and birds come to admire their beauty. 

If the coming year follows the same rhythm, they will bloom first to grace the spring stage."

The crowd nodded in approval, praising Liao Hefeng's poetic talent. Lin Zhiyu, the son of the Minister of War, pondered for a moment before saying, "Brother Liao's poetry is exquisite, but in my humble opinion, while the poem mentions early plum blossoms, the techniques used don't quite capture their earliness. A more precise technique would be better."

Liao Hefeng thought for a moment and then said happily, "Indeed, 'a branch' would be more appropriate! Here, let me toast Brother Lin."

Lin Zhiyu smiled faintly, accepted the wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp. As the son of Lin Wenyuan, Lin Shi's biological brother, he naturally received some extra attention from Ouyang Zhi. Seeing his dignified appearance and calm demeanor, Ouyang Zhi couldn't help but feel pleased.

The crowd couldn't help but cast their eyes on Master Lin Zhiran. The current Marquis of Zhenguofu was Lin Wenlong, but there was also the formidable Minister of War, Lin Wenyuan. Just now, the second young master of Zhenguofu had shown remarkable talent, but they didn't know how this eldest young master would respond.

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Ouyang Jue was particularly attentive. He harbored resentment towards Lady Lin and, by extension, didn't have much fondness for his cousin, Lin Zhiyu. Despite Lin Zhiyu being a charming and handsome young man, Ouyang Jue couldn't bring himself to like him and hoped that his elder cousin, Lin Zhiran, would outshine him completely. However, Lin Zhiran merely smiled faintly, drank his wine leisurely, and didn't show any other reaction. Seeing his calm demeanor, everyone felt somewhat disappointed. 

At that moment, Lin Zhiyu, noticing Lin Zhiran's lack of response, stood up and said, "Allow me to compose a poem as well."

Just then, a servant approached Ouyang Jue and whispered a few words in his ear. Ouyang Jue's expression changed slightly, and taking advantage of the distraction of the others, he quietly left the banquet hall and headed outside. This action went unnoticed by the others, except for Lin Zhiran, who had been quietly observing while drinking his wine, showing a keen interest.

Before long, Ouyang Jue returned to his seat. People nearby asked where he had been, and he simply smiled and replied, "Just had a few drinks, had to visit the restroom."

Someone joked, "You missed out. Your second cousin is truly talented. Even Master Liao praised his poem just now!"

"Is that so?" Ouyang Jue listened, revealing a smile. His dark eyes, however, fell upon Su Yulou. Suddenly, he spoke loudly, "Master Su, how about you compose a poem as well?"

Since returning from his reverie, Su Yulou had been sitting there in a daze, seemingly burdened by heavy thoughts. Hearing Ouyang Jue suddenly call his name, he naturally snapped out of it. However, he remained unruffled, calmly smiling as he stood up. "Very well, I shall do my best."

Approaching the table, he didn't immediately pick up his brush. Instead, he raised his gaze to look outside the window. There, he saw the brilliant and enchanting red plum blossoms, resembling clusters of burning flames. Their irresistible beauty was like that of a cold and elegant maiden, exuding a unique charm and emitting a faint, refreshing fragrance. In his mind, he couldn't help but picture the graceful figure of Ouyang Nuan, finding the plum blossoms even more elegant and delicate. Moved by this, he picked up his brush and wrote on the paper:

"Spring wind sends greetings to the village,

Faint fragrance dissipates as shadows wane.

Throughout my life, I've never favored common peach and plum,

After seeing the plum blossoms, I'll sleep through spring."

His poem was imbued with a sense of elegance and tranquility, capturing the ethereal beauty of the plum blossoms and expressing a preference for the refined over the ordinary.

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The crowd nodded in approval after reading, except for Lin Zhiran, who smiled and said, "Brother Su, this line of poetry seems to have a hidden meaning..."

Others didn't understand what he meant. Su Yulou's expression turned cold as he responded, "I wonder if Brother Lin has any other clever lines?"

Lin Zhiran stood up, seemingly intentionally opposing Su Yulou, and walked to another small table in the hall. He picked up his brush and wrote a poem without hesitation. Seeing him act mysteriously, everyone got up from their seats to take a look. It was then that Ouyang Jue quietly took Su Yulou's poem and instructed a servant to discreetly remove it. Only then did he walk over with a smile.

Lin Zhiran wrote without hesitation:

"By the lamp, reading the carved characters, the wind is gentle,

Like iron-cold branches depicted in a painting.

Today, the plum blossoms are just right,

Gazing afar into the vast sky."

Ouyang Zhi nodded in approval after quietly reading it aloud. He remarked, "A good line indeed." The meaning behind the poem was subtle, far more intriguing than Liao Hefeng's, Lin Zhiyu's meticulous craftsmanship, or Su Yulou's elegance and grace. It seemed this young master of the marquis's mansion harbored great ambitions...

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Su Yulou looked at Lin Zhiran with a gloomy expression, but noticed a faint smile on his face, hinting at something deeper.


The atmosphere there was lively and cheerful, with the female guests also enjoying themselves. However, when Ouyang Ke returned from Furui Pavilion, she no longer wore the bright expression she had before. A hint of melancholy had crept into her demeanor. Ouyang Nuan observed this silently, without saying a word. Shortly after, Hongyu returned. Seeing this, Ouyang Nuan stood up and addressed Old Madam Li, "Grandmother, I'll go check if the refreshments are ready." Old Madam Li nodded with a smile. Ouyang Nuan stood up, and Wenxiu gave Yinxing a sideways glance before following along.

Ouyang Nuan took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wrapped the poem scroll handed to her by Hongyu, tying it into a lover's knot. Just then, Wenxiu, who had purposely lagged behind, emerged with Yinxing. Ouyang Nuan handed the handkerchief to Yinxing and said softly, "I had already figured it out. This handkerchief belonged to the Second Miss. Please return it to her for me."

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Yinxing was so scared that she fell to her knees with a thud, pleading, "Miss, it wasn't intentional, I swear... It was...," She wanted to say that everything was planned by Madam Lin, but with her entire family's lives in Madam Lin's hands, uttering a single word could lead to death. So, she continued to sweat profusely as she desperately knocked her head on the ground, hoping that Ouyang Nuan would spare her.

Ouyang Nuan didn't show a hint of anger on her face. Instead, she smiled and said, "I won't ask who the mastermind behind this is, and I'm not asking you to die. Just return this handkerchief to Second Miss. Tell the truth—that it was Master Su who asked you to return it to her."

Yinxing took the handkerchief, her face filled with immense confusion and hesitation. Hongyu whispered softly, "You're selling yourself for a death contract, aren't you? Remember, it's not just the Madam who has the power to deal with you; offending her would mean death. Offending Eldest Miss would result in consequences far worse than death!"

Yinxing's heart sank. She pleaded bitterly, "I beg you, Miss, spare this servant just this once. Whatever you say, this servant will do."

Ouyang Nuan nodded and said, "When Madam Lin inquires later, just blame Second Miss for spoiling her plans at the time. Tell her that the handkerchief was also a gift from Second Miss to Su Yulou. Claim that you knew nothing else. Then, your family won't be in trouble."

Yinxing continued to knock her head repeatedly and crawled away. Ouyang Nuan watched from afar. Indeed, Yinxing handed the handkerchief to Ouyang Ke. Ouyang Ke only saw the handkerchief folded into a concentric shape and quickly stuffed it into his arms without inspecting it closely.

In the courtyard, Old Madam Li grew tired of playing cards and leaned against the recliner, laughing and discussing the precious embroidered double-sided Guanyin painting with Old Madam Ning. Upon hearing that Ouyang Nuan had already gifted the embroidered piece to Old Madam Li, Old Madam Ning smiled and nodded. Other ladies and misses on the side also praised Ouyang Nuan for her filial piety.

After directing the maids to serve delicate refreshments, Ouyang Nuan returned to Old Madam Li's side and sat down, saying, "You may not know, but although the double-sided Guanyin embroidery is also a treasure, I have seen another interesting piece of embroidery. It was embroidered by the famous embroiderer Lan Fang from the capital. Although it is only a small handkerchief, it utilizes techniques such as shading, blending, rolling, hiding, and cutting. Using the needle as a pen and the thread as ink, the patterns produced are smooth, free-flowing, bright, and soft in color. Not only does it enhance the wetness of the ink, but it also has a clean and transparent texture. It is truly remarkable!"

Miss Liao also chuckled, saying, "That's right. I've heard that Lan Fang's embroideries are renowned for their lifelike quality. Embroidered flowers emit fragrance, embroidered birds seem to chirp, embroidered tigers appear to run, and embroidered figures convey vividness. However, her embroidered pieces are all treasures that are hard to come by in the market."

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Lin Yuanrou sneered inwardly. What's so hard to come by? Those are just embroideries from ordinary families. In households like theirs, who doesn't have such items? With a faint smile, she said, "Who said they're hard to come by? I just acquired one last month. I immediately gave it to Ke'er to enjoy! Ke'er, why don't you bring it out for everyone to admire?"

Ouyang Ke was startled and desperately signaled to Lin Yuanrou, but the latter didn't understand what was happening. Confused, Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "That's right, Sister Rou is correct. Ke'er, quickly bring it out for everyone to see."

Most of the ladies present had some exposure to such items, but the status of the young ladies varied, not all being as esteemed as those from the marquis's household. Hence, there was a curious anticipation among them to see the handkerchief. They urged Ouyang Ke to bring it out. Ouyang Ke's face grew even redder as she stammered, "I... I forgot it when I went out..."

"It's alright. Just have a maid fetch it," Ouyang Nuan said with a gentle smile, reassuring the situation. The others nodded in agreement.

Ouyang Ke thought to herself that it wasn't a big deal after all. The handkerchief was just tied into a knot, and if anyone asked, she could simply say she did it out of curiosity or as a playful gesture. Others wouldn't have any leverage over her. She gritted her teeth and said, "I suddenly remembered that I had it with me. There's no need to go back for it." With that, she pretended to search herself for a moment before finally taking out the crimson silk handkerchief from her bosom.

Miss Ke, the daughter of the Chief Minister of Personnel who was sitting nearby, promptly snatched it from her hands with a playful grin. "What's so precious about this that you're keeping it close? Let me take a look!" She seemed to show a hint of slyness when she noticed the knot, but she didn't comment further. After all, it was common for young ladies to engage in such playful acts secretly. It wasn't surprising that Ouyang Ke hesitated to reveal it; she probably didn't want others to tease her. Miss Ke cast a sidelong glance at Ouyang Ke, chuckling inwardly as she unfolded the handkerchief. "Let's see what's embroidered on it!"

Ouyang Nuan looked on coldly as she heard Miss Ke exclaim in surprise. A piece of paper flew out from the handkerchief and landed at Miss Shi's feet. She picked it up and read aloud, 

"Spring wind sends greetings to the village,

Faint fragrance dissipates as shadows wane.

Throughout my life, I've never favored common peach and plum,

After seeing the plum blossoms, I'll sleep through spring..." Her voice trailed off as she realized what she was reading.

The young ladies exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what had just transpired. How could a perfectly normal handkerchief suddenly produce a piece of poetry? It was indeed strange!

The commotion caught the attention of all the ladies present, and their gazes converged on the thin sheet of paper. Ouyang Ke's face turned as white as a sheet in an instant!

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Su Yunniang also approached to take a closer look. Her expression changed visibly upon recognizing her brother's handwriting. She cast a suspicious glance at Madam Su, who remained oblivious to everything.

On seeing the scene, Old Madam Li chuckled and said, "Let me have a look!" A maid handed over the handkerchief and the piece of poetry to Old Madam Li. Although her facial expression remained unchanged, her eyes briefly flashed with anger, a change so swift that only Ouyang Nuan, who was very familiar with Old Madam Li, noticed it. 

Old Madam Li smiled as she folded the piece of poetry and tucked it into her sleeve. She remarked, "Silly girl, trying to imitate what those poor scholars do with their poetry. Truly making a fool of herself!"

Upon hearing Old Madam Li's remark, the young ladies chuckled knowingly, assuming that Ouyang Ke's sour verses were merely the result of adolescent infatuation. They laughed and joked about her, seemingly dismissing the matter. However, the astute Madams among the audience were well aware of the poetic activities of the young masters in the front courtyard. Now, with a sudden appearance of a poem in the hands of the young miss' in the back courtyard, no one knew who sent it or where it came from. 

Ouyang Ke had shamelessly concealed the poem within the handkerchief. At such a young age, her audacity knew no bounds! Both Madam Shen and Madam Jiang, the two mistresses of the mansion, wore expressions of subtle mockery. Madam Jiang's face, in particular, was rather unsightly as she glared at Ouyang Ke. Only Old Madam Ning, seemingly unaware, engaged Ouyang Nuan in conversation about other topics.

Old Madam Li felt deeply aggrieved, but she maintained a facade of happiness and continued conversing with everyone. Although no one openly confronted Ouyang Ke, her actions had already brought shame upon her own reputation.

Ouyang Nuan observed everything, her smile growing even more genuine and warm despite the situation. She continued to assist Old Madam Li in welcoming guests, engaging in conversation with the young ladies, behaving as if nothing had happened. 

This demeanor persisted until everyone finished their refreshments and it was announced that the guests in the front hall had dispersed. The various mistresses and their daughters then began to bid farewell, rising from their seats one by one. Old Madam Li personally escorted Old Madam Ning and the two Madams of the mansion out. 

Upon returning, she turned to Ouyang Ke with anger and slapped her across the face. "You wicked girl, why aren't you kneeling down!" Ouyang Ke immediately knelt down, tears streaming down her face. Zhang Mama, standing nearby, hurriedly tried to console her. "Madam, let's discuss this further in Shou'an Hall!"

Old Madam Li, still seething with anger, pointed at Li Yiniang and ordered, "Go and summon your master's wife as well. I want to ask them how they've raised their daughter to become such a shameless creature!"

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**A Note From the Author**

Everyone says there's too much intrigue and too little romance in the drama. That's because we haven't reached the sweet moments between the male and female leads yet. When the time comes, you'll find that there's actually too much romance and it's also cloying.

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