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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 51: 

 The Skin of a Beauty

Just as the banquet in the main hall had ended, Ouyang Zhi was invited by Madam Lin to the Furui Courtyard.

Lately, he had been bothered by Madam Lin and had been intending to visit Li Yiniang's place in the evening. If it weren't for Mama Wang coming to personally invite him, saying that Madam Lin had something important to discuss, he wouldn't have gone.

"What... what did you say?" Ouyang Zhi asked in confusion. "You want Madam Su to stay at our mansion?"

Madam Lin smiled and replied, "Master knows about it. Madam Su and I have always been good friends. This time, she couldn't find a place to stay temporarily in the capital, so I offered her one of our courtyards. It's not a difficult thing to do. Isn't the empty courtyard to the south of our house available? We can lend it to her for a period of time. As soon as she finds a house, she'll move out."

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Ouyang Zhi wasn't particularly concerned about having more people in the house, but he was puzzled. "But the Su family is wealthy, and they must have many servants. How can they all fit into two courtyards?"

"Master, you're worrying for nothing. Madam Su also mentioned that she didn't want to trouble us with too many people. If the servants can't be accommodated, they can stay at the villa outside the Capital. It's not a big deal."

"Well... have you asked Mother?" Ouyang Zhi's expression revealed some hesitation.

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"I've already talked to Old Madam about it," Madam Lin replied evasively, not mentioning whether Grandma Li agreed or not. Regardless, as long as Ouyang Zhi agreed, he was the head of the household. Grandma wouldn't be able to say anything.

"But Young Master Su is so handsome, and we have two daughters. Is it...?" Ouyang Zhi still harbored doubts.

Madam Lin smiled faintly. "I understand that Master is concerned about avoiding suspicion. Ke'er is still young, so it's not a problem. But Nuan is getting older. If necessary, we can try to avoid letting them meet in the future. That way, we can also prevent any gossip from spreading." In reality, she wouldn't mind if some gossip did spread.

Ouyang Zhi frowned. "Nuan'er? I'm not worried about her. She's calm, dignified, and well-educated. She won't do anything out of line. It's Ke'er who's too young and unpredictable. You're her mother. You should keep a closer eye on her. Don't let her act wild all the time. She should focus on learning feminine skills in the house! Learn from her sister—steady and generous, sensible and considerate. I heard she even presented a longevity painting to Grandmother today. I've seen the calligraphy, and it's indeed thoughtful. Tomorrow, the whole Capital will know about it. Everyone will know that we have a rare and talented young lady with filial piety in our family. I don't expect Ke'er to be as clever as Nu'an, but she should learn to focus on needlework and behave properly."

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What kind of talk was this? Madam Lin was furious. She hadn't received a single word of praise for the precious jade Buddha she had worked so hard to acquire. Instead, Ouyang Nuan had stolen all the limelight, and now she was being criticized. She grit her teeth, suppressing her anger, and gracefully approached Ouyang Zhi, gently massaging his shoulders and relaxing his muscles. Leaning close to his ear, she whispered like a gentle breeze, "Ke'er is young, and she'll grow sensible in time. It's Nu'an who's getting older. Today, I saw that Young Master Su is so young and talented..."

Ouyang Zhi suddenly turned around, looking at Madam Lin in disbelief. His heated mind immediately cooled down at her words. "What are you talking about? What does Nu'an have to do with Young Master Su?"

Madam Lin hadn't intended to reveal this so soon, but after hearing Ouyang Ke's words, she couldn't grasp the situation and wanted to prevent any further complications. She had to probe a bit. She continued, "I see that Young Master Su is truly talented. Many people have taken notice. Plus, when Madam Su saw Nu'an, she seemed delighted as if..." 

Ouyang Zhi abruptly stood up, forcefully pushing away Madam Lin's hand and staring at her in silence. Madam Lin felt goosebumps all over her body under his gaze, forcing a strained smile. "Master, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Zhi sneered, saying, "I don't know. Nuan is still so young, and you're already arranging a marriage for her? What's the logic behind this? Her marriage—neither I, her father, nor Grandma, her grandmother, know about it. Did you decide on your own?"

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Madam Lin clenched her sleeves tightly, her voice trembling as she spoke, "In other families, isn't it usually the mother who first assesses a son-in-law? I didn't insist on marrying Nuan off. I just found Young Master Su quite likable, so I mentioned it. Master, blaming me for this, isn't it a bit too much? Did I say something wrong?"

Ouyang Zhi's face turned extremely ugly as he spoke coldly, "Do you still think you're in the right? Do you know how the title of Marquis of Zhenguo was obtained? It was bestowed by the late Emperor in recognition of the former Marquis's courageous defense and service to the crown, even risking his life! Although Old Madam Ning is just a woman, she is a dignified first-rank lady with a strong, upright character, greatly respected by all. Even the Princess Royal must show her some respect! If it weren't for Lady Wanqing insisting on marrying me back then, do you think her family would have considered me worthy? Now, look at my eldest uncle, whose health is failing, yet he receives generous favors from the Emperor on every festival and occasion. What does that signify? It's the Emperor signaling to the world! And as for Nuan'er's cousin, Lin Yuanxin, today I heard from the Minister of Personnel that the Crown Prince intends to propose marriage to her for the Imperial Grandson. Regardless of whether it's just rumors or true, those are individuals we cannot afford to offend! Do you think you, a stepmother, can casually decide on a daughter's future, as if we were an ordinary family? Nuan'er isn't to be promised by you! Madam Wanqing passed away early, and in Old Madam Ning's eyes, Nuan'er is her precious jewel. Who dares to touch Old Madam Ning's precious jewel? Let me tell you, not even you, let alone Old Madam Li herself, can make such a decision without careful consideration!"

Madam Lin's eyes turned red with anger, and she felt like she couldn't catch her breath, wishing she could faint right then and there. Trembling, she said, "Master, what are you thinking? Even if she's your favorite, she's still your daughter. No matter how powerful the Marquis of Zhenguo's family is, they are still outsiders. Can they really prevent us from marrying off our daughter?"

"You're confused!" exclaimed Master Ouyang, berating her relentlessly. "Even without considering the Marquis's family, with Nuan'er's talents and beauty, who knows what kind of prominent figure she might marry in the future? How could I be so foolish as to betroth her to a mere merchant? It would be squandering a rare gem, squandering it!" He repeated himself, his mind filled with frustration. Yet, he dared not mention the fact that the Prince of Ming County had once sent envoys bearing gifts. If Nuan'er could eventually align herself with the Prince's household, he, Ouyang Zhi, would soar to success, and the Su family would be nothing!

Ouyang Zhi's mind was consumed with thoughts of seizing opportunities, especially after seeing the longevity painting today. He felt that no debutante in all of the capital could compare to his eldest daughter. As this thought swelled within him, his confidence skyrocketed, and he couldn't help but boast, "Hmph, if it weren't for our family's insufficient background, Nuan'er would be worthy of becoming the Crown Prince's consort!"

Madam Lin couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at the overconfident Ouyang Zhi and said, "Master, have you lost your mind?"

As soon as the words left Ouyang Zhi's mouth, he regretted them. In truth, his family's background wasn't that low; it was just a matter of aligning with the royal family... The daughter of the Marquis of Zhenguo marrying into their family might only become a concubine, considering that the Ouyang family was just a Ministry of Personnel official. 

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Others might not even regard them highly. Indeed, when it came down to it, the Crown Prince's status was too high, and the Prince of Ming County shone brightly. Ouyang Zhi and his wife were merely dreaming. Yet, what did it matter? There were plenty of princes and royal grandchildren to go around. As long as his daughter married into a noble family, their future prospects would rise.

However, Ouyang Zhi had another thought. Considering the uncertainty surrounding the Emperor's intentions and who would ascend to the throne in the future, he realized that Nuan'er was just one person. They couldn't marry her off to multiple households. He had to choose wisely! The more he thought about it, the smarter he felt. He almost completely disregarded Madam Lin's words. 

Thinking to himself, he said, "You'll see. With Nuan'er's talents and beauty, which prestigious and noble family wouldn't want to marry her? Just wait a couple more years, and suitors will be knocking down our door. You don't need to worry about it!"

Madam Lin felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her head, instantly cooling her down. Still, she persisted, "Although there are many noble families in the capital, those aristocratic young gentlemen might not be as outstanding as Young Master Su!"

Ouyang Zhi sneered, "Women's knowledge is simply laughable! Before you speak, you should think. Don't make a fool of yourself! Do you really think the sons of noble families would easily flaunt themselves in public? Not to mention the Crown Prince's residence, even in the households of the highly esteemed Prince Qin, Prince Jin, Prince Yan, and Prince Zhou, there are still crown princes and marquis without legitimate consorts. Even if these noble families are too lofty for our family to climb, there are still the Princes of Chu, Qi, Lu, Shu, Xiang, and Dai, as well as the Marquis of Su, who could potentially offer marriages. I refuse to believe that with Nuan'er's talents and beauty, she couldn't marry even a prince!"

This harsh and urgent speech cut through Madam Lin like a steel blade, leaving her feeling scorched with anger. If Ouyang Nuan were to marry into those prestigious families, she would truly soar to great heights. Then, neither she nor her daughter would have any place in the household. It seemed like a dead end for them both. 

Tears welled up in her eyes as she said, "The things you and I discuss as husband and wife are not to be spread around. Hearing you say this, I feel happy for Nuan'er. You don't need to be angry. We can discuss everything calmly. Besides, it's painful for me to hear you say such things. Have you forgotten about our daughter, K'er? She can also pave the way for you in the future!"

"Her?" Ouyang Zhi sneered. "If it weren't for the incident with Zhang Wendin, I might still have faith in her ability to make something of herself. But look at what she's done! If you hadn't worked so hard to suppress it, the whole city would know by now. Which family would want such a daughter-in-law? With her lack of sense and understanding, even if she married into a prestigious family, she wouldn't last a year. Do you expect anything from her? Don't sincerely harm me!"

Upon hearing this, Madam Lin's eyes welled up with tears. She couldn't help but cry out, "If you want to say it, just say it, why hurt people's hearts like this? K'er is also your own flesh and blood, don't you want to secure a good future for her? Besides, she is also very capable, how is she inferior to Nuan'er?"

"Different? They are worlds apart! You have lofty aspirations but a muddled mind, indulging in wishful thinking! There's a limit to climbing social ranks! Do you even understand your own background? K'er is your own daughter. How could someone from such a distinguished family even consider her? You understand nothing, just indulging in foolish fantasies!" 

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Madam Lin felt like a steel blade had pierced her heart upon hearing this. She hated it most when others implied she was a commoner. Her expression changed as she asked, "Are you suggesting that I, as her mother, am hindering K'er's future?"

With a contemptuous snort, Master Ouyang replied, "You already understand it yourself. Do I need to spell it out? The royal family values the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate offspring the most. You're of low birth, so how high could your daughter's status possibly be? Stop deluding yourself."

Madam Ma's heart twisted with hatred, but her mind cleared a lot because of it. She sneered inwardly. 'You're speaking so confidently, yet you don't even know that your precious daughter has already been involved with Young Master Su. It's too late, everything is too late. Your plans to climb the ranks have all gone down the drain. Soon, that thorn in your side, Ouyang Nuan'er, will be uprooted!' 

Thinking this, she softened her tone and leaned closer to Master Ouyang, her eyes filled with silk-like charm. "Husband, where do you think you're going with this? I was just talking about our daughter. Why would I bring up myself? You already know my low status. Why are you suddenly disdainful of me? If that's the case, then I might as well die and be done with it..."

Upon seeing her soften her tone, Master Ouyang's anger also subsided slightly. He let out a long sigh and said, "There's no need for that. Now that you're pregnant, take good care of yourself. Don't dwell on unnecessary matters. If you really like Young Master Su, you can marry Ke'er to him in the future. But as for Nuan'er, don't even think about it."

Madam Lin, seeing that her usual tactics were ineffective at this moment, knew that Master Ouyang was now infatuated with the young and beautiful Li Yiniang and not very interested in her. Moreover, due to her pregnancy, her body had changed, and she no longer possessed the slender beauty she once had. 

Especially upon hearing Master Ouyang's suggestion of marrying Ouyang Ke, she couldn't help but feel angry, but she dared not show it and could only continue, "Master, I originally admired Young Master Su, but hearing your words, I understand now. He is ultimately the son of a merchant, and no matter how outstanding he may be, he is not a match for our family. Although Ke'er may not be as good as Nuan'er, she is still obedient and lovely. With proper guidance, her future marriage prospects will not be lacking. Master, she is also your own daughter. You cannot neglect her!" 

Master Ouyang, feeling somewhat annoyed, nodded hastily and said, "I understand, I understand. Don't talk about this anymore. I have other matters to attend to. I won't stay here tonight!" With that, he got up and left without any lingering.

Madam Lin watched his retreating figure, a cold smile playing at the corners of her lips. Go ahead, soon you'll discover that your pride and joy daughter will bring disgrace upon herself. Then we'll see if your plans still work out as you hoped.

Just as Master Ouyang walked into the courtyard, he suddenly saw a maid from Shou'an Hall rushing to deliver a message, saying that the Old Madam instructed him and Madam to come immediately. Master Ouyang found this very strange. Madam Lin, however, followed him out with a smile on her face, thinking that the Old Madam had already discovered Ouyang Nuan'er and Young Master Su together in a room. She was thrilled and couldn't help but reveal her triumphant expression.

Upon arriving at Shou'an Hall, Master Ouyang went in first, only to find a scene that made his face turn pale with shock. Madam Lin followed behind him, expecting to see Ouyang Nuan'er and Young Master Su bound at the mercy of the hall. However, what they saw was Ouyang Ke, crying and pleading for mercy.

Ouyang Nuan and Li Yiniang were by Old Madam Li's side. Li Yiniang couldn't hide her schadenfreude, but Ouyang Nuan's face showed sympathy and distress. When she saw Master Ouyang and Madam Lin rushing over, she immediately approached them, urging, "Father, Mother, you finally came. Please persuade grandmother quickly. She wants to kill Ke'er!"

Madam Lin's face changed drastically upon hearing this, and she looked at Ouyang Nuan and then at Ouyang Ke, who was kneeling on the ground. In the candlelight, Ouyang Nuan's serene and beautiful face seemed genuinely anxious for her sister's life. However, to Madam Lin, she appeared terrifying, like a grim reaper demanding a soul. Without saying a word, Madam Lin rushed forward and demanded, "Old Madam, what is going on here?"

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"What's going on? I should be asking you, as her mother! What's wrong with your daughter? She caused such a scene at my birthday banquet, in front of so many ladies and young misses!" Old Madam Li retorted with a mix of sarcasm and resentment.

Madam Lin was stunned. She couldn't help but look at Ouyang Ke, wondering what had happened. Her plans seemed foolproof, so why was it that Ouyang Nuan seemed perfectly fine while Ke was kneeling there, looking as if she had committed a grave offense?

"What happened, Ke?" Ouyang Zhi asked sternly.

Ouyang Ke burst into tears. How could she explain? Should she say that she gave her handkerchief to Su Yulou and then Su Yulou returned it along with a poem? That would be admitting to a secret exchange. How could she dare to say it out loud?

Ouyang Ke was unaware that Su Yulou had casually tossed the handkerchief to Yinxing, and then it ended up in Ouyang Nuan's hands. She then sent Hongyu to the main hall to ask Ouyang Jue to find a personal item from Su Yulou. 

Ouyang Jue casually picked up the poem and brought it over. Ouyang Nuan then handed both the poem and the handkerchief to Yinxing, forcing her to return the handkerchief to Ouyang Ke. When Ouyang Ke received the handkerchief and saw the heart knot, her heart raced, and she didn't notice that there was something else inside the handkerchief. 

Moreover, she couldn't open the heart knot to inspect it closely in front of everyone, so she just kept it. Then, Ouyang Nuan deliberately attracted attention to the handkerchief, prompting Ouyang Ke to take it out, leading to this disaster...

Underneath these layers of events, it was just a trivial matter. If blame must be assigned, it should fall on Ouyang Ke for her unfortunate luck and foolishness. How could a young girl hand a handkerchief to a man? If Su Yulou had any sense, she wouldn't have accepted it. Ouyang Nuan stood in the room, her face showing sympathy but her eyes glaring coldly at everything. 

Zhang Mama explained, "Master, everything was fine at Old Madam's birthday banquet today. But unexpectedly, the young miss from the Marquis's Mansion insisted on seeing Second Miss' handkerchief. After Second Miss took it out, somehow there was a poem hidden inside the handkerchief. Old Madam became angry as soon as she saw it."

"What poem? Bring it here, let me see!" Ouyang Zhi frowned, and a maid handed him the lacquered tray. Ouyang Zhi flipped through the handkerchief on top and then carefully examined the poem. Suddenly, he became furious and strode up to Ouyang Ke, delivering a fierce kick. "Shameless thing!"

Madam Lin immediately wanted to rush forward to protect Ouyang Ke, but Ouyang Nuan grabbed her arm. With genuine concern, she said, "Mother, you're still carrying the younger brother. Don't get hurt as well." In her pitch-black eyes, there was an endless coldness, seemingly filled with boundless resentment. Yet her voice was gentle and soothing. Madam Lin trembled under her gaze, unconsciously biting her lip. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and handed her over to Wang Mama, who rushed up anxiously. "Wang Mama, take care of Mother. If anything happens to her, you won't live either."

Wang Mama desperately supported Madam Lin, avoiding eye contact with Ouyang Nuan. She felt terrified of this young miss, as if she were a demon coming to claim the Miss' life. Yet, she wore the disguise of a mesmerizing beauty, bewitching everyone around her. It was truly frightening, making one's heart tremble with fear.

Madam Lin forced herself to calm down and exclaimed, "Master, what's the matter with this poem? Tell me! What's wrong with Ke'er?"

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Ouyang Zhi threw the poem onto her face, and Madam Lin examined it. Seeing that it wasn't Ouyang Ke's handwriting, her eyelids twitched, and her heart raced with shock. She looked at Ouyang Ke with a mixture of suspicion and uncertainty. Could this girl, could she possibly...?

"This is a poem composed by Su Yulou today!" Ouyang Zhi's voice thundered like an explosion, leaving Madam Lin dumbfounded.

How could this be? How was this possible! Madam Lin felt like she was about to faint. Seeing Ouyang Ke shrinking in fear, she immediately assumed that she had taken Su Yulou's poem. Panic surged within her. What should she do now?

Li Yiniang stood by with a smile and said, "Master, the Second Miss is young and confused for a moment. She just needs proper guidance in the future. Why resort to violence?"

"Hmph, she has no shame at all. Why should I give her any face? A young girl actually dares to hide a man's poem!"

"Master!" Madam Lin snapped out of her daze and interrupted loudly. "Even if this poem is from Su Yulou, so what? It's not a love poem! How does that implicate Ke'er in anything inappropriate?"

"'Never fond of common peach blossoms, after seeing the plum blossoms asleep through spring!' Think about it carefully. Doesn't this poem imply something more? Don't you understand?," Ouyang Zhi's voice grew more convinced, interpreting the lines as indicative of affection towards Ouyang Ke. "After seeing the plum blossoms asleep through spring. Doesn't that suggest that after seeing Ouyang Ke, others pale in comparison? What a romantic young man. He's quite competent!"

Ouyang Ke sobbed miserably. Madam Lin abruptly walked up and grabbed her sleeve, speaking in a stern tone, "Stop crying!" Ouyang Ke was shocked by the terrifying expression on Madam Lin's face, and for a moment, she forgot to cry. Madam Lin held onto her tightly, her face filled with severity, refusing to admit, refusing even if it meant death! Ouyang Ke finally realized and cried out, "Father, I'm innocent! I didn't do it! I don't know how that poem ended up in the handkerchief."

Madam Lin turned back resolutely and said, "Madam, Master, although Ke'er is young, she wouldn't do something as ignorant as this. While Young Master Su was composing poems outside, she was watching a play in the inner courtyard. How could the poem end up in her hands? It's possible someone deliberately framed her!"

"Framed?" Old Madam Li sneered, "Ke'er, let me ask you. Is the handkerchief yours?" Ouyang Ke's face was covered in tears, full of fear and anxiety. Seeing her grandmother's cold indifference, she nodded involuntarily.

"The handkerchief has been in your possession all along. Tell me, who could reach into your embrace to frame you?" Old Madam Li's voice was extremely cold.

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Ouyang Ke gritted her teeth and said, "Grandmother, that handkerchief... That handkerchief..."

Madam Lin exclaimed loudly, "The handkerchief must have been dropped. Isn't that right, Ke'er?" 

Ouyang Ke immediately nodded, saying, "Yes, it was dropped!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "That's right. The handkerchief must have been picked up by someone else. But where did Ke'er drop the handkerchief, and how did she manage to find it again?"

Ouyang Ke hesitated, trembling lips unable to speak. The handkerchief was clearly given away by herself. Could she say that Su Yulou returned it? No, absolutely not. She couldn't let anyone know that Su Yulou had sent the handkerchief back, not even that it was handed to her by Yinxing. If anyone asked, she would definitely say that Su Yulou had ordered someone to send the handkerchief to her. If she admitted to this, she would be admitting to the accusation. She couldn't afford to take the blame! 

With a determined heart, she said, "I... I dropped it in the garden... Later, I found it myself while searching there. Because I was in a hurry to go back, I just took the handkerchief and left without noticing if anyone had tampered with it!"

"Are you suggesting that someone picked up your handkerchief, tampered with it on purpose, and then put it back for you to find? Do you think everyone is as foolish as you?" Ouyang Zhi exclaimed angrily.

Ouyang Nuan sighed and said, "Father, there's no need to be angry. With so many people in the house today, perhaps it was just a prank by someone."

"Who would joke around like this for no reason? It's more likely that she colluded with Su Yulou, shamelessly," Ouyang Zhi said angrily.

Old Madam Li sneered and said, "Nuan'er, you're too kind-hearted. How could you believe such nonsense? Although there were many guests present today, none of them had any grudges against her. Who would want to frame her for no reason? Even if it was a setup, do you think they would have deliberately tampered with the handkerchief in such an obvious way to incriminate her? Is she blind, unable to open the handkerchief and inspect it carefully before putting it away?"

Even Madam Lin, never mind the them, felt that this lie was too clumsy. She couldn't help but feel frustrated, glaring fiercely at Ouyang Ke. Ouyang Ke shrank back, throwing herself at Madam Lin's feet, "Mother, please save me! I really didn't know anything!"

Ouyang Zhi's voice was filled with anger as he continued, "Listen, you still don't know how to reflect on yourself! Instead of reflecting on your own actions, you're blaming others. I don't understand. As a young lady from a respectable family, who would have a reason to harm you? Why didn't he go after your sister? Perhaps you're even more outstanding than her. Are you inviting jealousy? You are my daughter. I have always protected and cherished you. Compared to other young ladies, your life has been more than comfortable! It is said that young ladies should read extensively to be knowledgeable and understanding of the world. I don't expect you to be as intelligent and courteous as your sister, but I just want you to stay obediently at home. Yet you can't even do that! At such a young age, first it was Zhang Wendin, then Su Yulou. Are you going to fall for every man who comes along, without any shame?"

The words were harsh, almost like a stab in the back, and Ouyang Ke burst into louder sobs, his tears and snot staining Madam Lin's skirt. 

Madam Lin watched with a heartache as if being stabbed herself. Trembling, she said, "Master, Ke'er is truly innocent. Perhaps it's Su Yulou who has set his eyes on Ke'er, wanting to attach himself to you and scheming against her?" At this point, she couldn't care less about dealing with Ouyang Nuan; saving Ouyang Ke was the top priority.

"Someone scheming against her? Don't delude yourself. Su Yulou comes from a wealthy family; he's seen all kinds of beauties. How attractive is he? Does anyone really fancy her? Do you think your daughter is a celestial being? Hmph!" Ouyang Zhi sneered.

"Father," Ouyang Nuan gently intervened, "there's no need to be so severe. Ke'er is lively and lovable, indeed quite likable. But I don't think Young Master Su is that kind of person. Moreover, as a young man, he doesn't have any maidservants by his side. How could he have crafted such an exquisite token? It could very well be a misunderstanding." 

Ouyang Zhi looked at his sensible and kind eldest daughter, feeling even more disgusted with Ouyang Ke, but he remained silent, his face cold. However, a sudden thought flashed through his mind. Nuan'er was right. Su Yulou, young and handsome, with deep schemes, and the ambitious Su family could easily aim to climb high. It's possible they saw potential in Nuan'er! 

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Furthermore, Su Yulou, being a young man, hadn't brought any maidservants today. How could he have thought of making a token like this? It seemed highly unlikely that there was any clandestine affair. Instead, it was more probable that Ouyang Ke, driven by her own desires, stole the poem and secretly crafted it into a token, which was even more disgraceful!

Madam Lin had never seen Ouyang Zhi with such a murderous expression, and she felt a hint of fear creeping into her heart. 

Sensing the danger, she immediately spoke up loudly, "Master, there were so many people coming and going in the garden. Who can guarantee that the handkerchief is clean? Ke'er must have been framed. Even if she wasn't, it's possible that another young lady from another family deliberately took her handkerchief to wrap a poem for her beloved, and out of panic, fearing discovery, she left it in the garden." Madam Lin began to panic and speak without thinking. 

Despite this, Ouyang Nuan smirked, wearing an expression of surprise: "But today, there were young gentlemen from various families in the garden, and all the young ladies were in the pavilion, so who dared to go near there?" 

Old Madam Li sipped her tea, speaking coldly: "Everyone else refrained, yet she dared to go! Knowing full well that there were so many young men in the garden, she still dared to go. What was she planning?! No wonder, with so many of us enjoying the play in the garden, everything was going smoothly, but she insisted on going to play in the garden. So this was her plan all along."

Ouyang Ke had a bitter truth to tell but couldn't bring herself to say it. Going to the garden was originally Madam Lin's idea to create an opportunity for Ouyang Nuan and Su Yulou to meet. But now it had become her own downfall! Her insistence on going to the garden was already suspicious, and claiming to have lost her handkerchief there made it even worse. Anyone would think it was intentional!

Without waiting for Madam Lin to react, Ouyang Nuan sighed first and said, "Father, with so many people present at that time, if others were to know that this was Su Yulou's handwriting, sister's reputation would be ruined! If it were just a poem, it could be explained away as admiration for Su Yulou's talent, but with the handkerchief wrapped around it, in the shape of a heart, everyone saw it. Even if they don't say anything out loud, they'll have suspicions. If it becomes gossip, it won't just tarnish sister's reputation but also implicate you with the accusation of lax parenting. Thankfully, Grandmother was wise enough to hide the poem first. Most people will probably think it was just sister having some fun with poetry."

"Nuan'er, there's no need for you to cover for her. Do you think the Madams and Misses present today are all fools? That whatever I say, they will believe?! Let me tell you, each one of them is sharp. They may not say anything, but they understand perfectly well! This banquet has been a disgrace, and it has even implicated you siblings. In the future, people will talk about having such a shameless sister!" Old Madam Li sighed, slamming her teacup heavily on the table.

"Grandmother, what you said is absurd. She is my own sister. Do you think I'd worry about my sister implicating me? Even if it were true, Ke'er will always be my sister. Of course, I'll protect her," Ouyang Nuan said with a smile, showing deep sisterly affection. Madam Lin gritted her teeth in hatred but couldn't bring herself to refute.

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Madam Lin's hand fiercely pinched Ouyang Ke. Ouyang Ke shuddered and quickly responded, "Father, other young ladies may not dare to approach the garden, but the maidservants do! It must have been Qiu Yue! It must be Qiu Yue's doing! Besides her, no one could have gotten close to me. The handkerchief must have been stolen by her! First, she stole Su Yulou's poem using my name, fearing I might discover it and quietly returned the handkerchief, but with something dirty stuffed inside! I didn't know anything, Father. You have to believe me!"

Ouyang Nuan looked coldly at this absurd drama. If there was an award for shamelessness, this mother-daughter duo would undoubtedly be the second to none. First, they claimed the handkerchief was lost, then they concocted a story about Su Yulou admiring Ouyang Ke and sending her a poem. Ouyang Zhi didn't even believe them. They even tried to pin it on other young ladies, and when that failed, they resorted to framing an innocent maid! However, their poorly crafted story was full of loopholes. Who would believe such nonsense?

Madam Lin, as if finally finding an outlet for her frustration, angrily scolded Ouyang Ke's maid, Qiu Yue, who stood there stunned: "You audacious wretch! Today, you took the opportunity to go to the garden, seduce Su Yulou, pick up the young lady's handkerchief, steal Su Yulou's poem, and even made it into a love token to frame the Second Miss! Confess honestly, and I might spare your life!"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Yue was completely stunned. She fell to her knees with a thud, unable to comprehend how everything was pinned on her when she had witnessed Miss Ouyang giving the handkerchief to Su Yulou with her own eyes. Now, she was being accused of stealing it! How could she, a mere maid, dare to commit such an act? Trembling with fear, she repeatedly kowtowed and pleaded, "I dare not, I dare not! I beg for the Madam and Master's understanding!"

Ouyang Nuan returned to stand behind Old Madam Lin, wearing a smile that seemed to say everything without saying anything.

Madam Lin's expression darkened. In her eyes, this situation had become a farce, yet Madam Lin remained oblivious. She scolded, "You wretched girl! Do you still dare to claim innocence? How could Second Miss Ouyang, a young lady of her stature, give her handkerchief to a man? It's much more plausible that you, who have access to her belongings, stole her handkerchief. Do you think that by falsely accusing Miss Ouyang, you can marry into the Su family?"

The maids and mamas in the room all wore expressions of sympathy. They watched as Madam Lin and her daughter shifted all blame onto Qiu Yue, a lowly maid. Qiu Yue trembled all over, unable to utter a word of defense. 

Madam Lin, usually gracious and magnanimous, exuded an air of authority as the Madam of the household. While Second Miss Ouyang treated Qiu Yue kindly, showing her trust and respect, it was appalling to see how, in this critical moment, Madam Lin and her daughter used the vulnerable maid as a scapegoat. Such behavior revealed the true nature of their character, and it was truly terrifying to witness.

Ouyang Nuan watched quietly, taking in the expressions of everyone in the room. Finally, her gaze settled on Madam Lin, who was speaking sternly. She couldn't help but smirk slightly, realizing that perhaps Madam Lin, in her constant flow of words, was unaware that she had already lost the trust of those around her. A mistress who was ready to sacrifice anyone at any moment, and a master who shifted blame onto subordinates when faced with trouble – who would still wholeheartedly devote themselves to serving them? It was laughable indeed.

With a sigh, Ouyang Nuan's face softened into an expression of sympathy as she spoke, "Father, let it go. Continuing to investigate this matter will only tarnish Sister's reputation. I believe Qiu Yue, a mere maid, wouldn't dare to act so audaciously. Let's just consider it a misunderstanding and move on."

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All eyes in the room turned to Ouyang Nuan, seeing her compassion and kindness. It was clear that Qiu Yue had chosen the wrong mistress. If she had a compassionate and kind mistress like Ouyang Nuan, she wouldn't have ended up in such a situation. In contrast, Madam Lin and her daughter, who had been relentlessly pushing to sacrifice Qiu Yue, seemed truly frightening in comparison.

Ouyang Zhi looked coldly at Madam Lin and her daughter, his expression filled with disbelief. Meanwhile, Madam Li had lowered her head to drink tea, as if watching a farce unfold.

At this point, Madam Lin had no other options left. She approached Qiu Yue and squatted down beside her, speaking softly with only the two of them able to hear, "With your death, your entire family can secure peace and prosperity."

Qiu Yue trembled all over, looking into Madam Lin's eyes filled with icy resolve. Finally, a look of despair appeared on her face. If she didn't confess to the crime attributed to Ouyang Ke, her own family would also face death. "Madam, Miss, you have such cruel hearts!" she whispered in utter hopelessness. Lowering her head, she continued, her voice choked with tears, "Yes... everything was done by me. I... I admired Young Master Su's talent and falsely accused Second Miss. In the end, I thought if I followed Miss... I could be married into the Su family..." Her words trailed off into sobs.

Madam Lin stood up slowly, her chin raised defiantly as she spoke in a cold tone, "Madam, Master, even though Ke'er has been negligent, she is still a daughter of the Ouyang family. Do you want to see her completely ruined by false accusations?"

She gambled, betting that Madam Lin and Ouyang Zhi would accept this flawed lie to preserve Ouyang Ke's reputation!

Ouyang Zhi stared harshly at Madam Lin. His eyes were filled with restrained anger. Eventually, he let out a long sigh and slowly said, "Madam is right. This servant girl harbors such malicious intentions. Now that she has confessed, execute her by flogging until death! Someone, drag her out!"

The maids outside responded in unison. They dragged Qiu Yue to the courtyard and tightly bound her with ropes. Without any mercy, they mercilessly beat her! The entire house echoed with Qiu Yue's agonizing screams and the sound of heavy wooden boards striking her body! 

Inside the room, Ouyang Ke showed no emotion, Madam Lin listened indifferently, Ouyang Zhi wore a cold expression, and even Old Madam Li closed her eyes slightly, as if dozing off. All the maids and mamas in the room displayed expressions of unbearable distress.

In the face of propriety, they knowingly sacrificed the life of an innocent maid, Qiu Yue, even though they knew the real culprit was Ouyang Ke. Ouyang Nuan's fingernails involuntarily dug into her palms. These people were her family, yet how cold-blooded and terrifying they were, akin to a pack of wolves disguised in human skin!

Qiu Yue had followed Ouyang Ke for years, and while she may not have committed heinous deeds, she had engaged in her fair share of bullying. Ouyang Nuan remained silent throughout, until after thirty lashes were delivered outside. It was then that she stepped forward slowly and said, "Grandmother, Father, may Nuan have a word?"

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**A Note From the Author!**

...Actually, you know, the outcome everyone imagined for Ouyang Ke was indeed considered, but later on, there came an even more twisted and painful fate — I truly am wicked.

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