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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 49: 

The Mantis Stalks the Cicada, 

Unaware of the Oriole Behind[1]

"This is my sister," Ouyang Jue said curtly, showing a reluctance to disclose even Ouyang Nuan's name when referring to this gentleman, Su Yulou.

Su Yulou looked at Ouyang Nuan, feeling that her brows resembled the mountains in spring and her eyes mirrored autumn waters. Although she was young, her beauty was indescribable. He couldn't help but smile faintly and said, "Miss, greetings."

There seemed to be a warmth in his gaze, a subtle eagerness as if to ignite her as well. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "No need for such formality, Young Master."

Ouyang Jue heard his sister's voice, sensing something different from usual. Upon closer inspection, Ouyang Nuan's face appeared as gentle as ever. However, this subtle change could only be noticed by Ouyang Jue, her close brother. 

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Su Yulou, on the other hand, remained oblivious. 

Ouyang Jue disliked the handsome young man getting close to his sister and said coldly, "Sister, I'm going to the main hall. Are you coming back?" 

Ouyang Nuan nodded and replied, "Grandmother must be looking for me everywhere. You go ahead." With that, she gave a slight nod to Su Yulou, turned, and left, with Hongyu following her. However, Hongyu couldn't help but glance back at Su Yulou, thinking to herself that his appearance was truly charming. No wonder all those young ladies were so excited just now. Yet Ouyang Nuan turned and walked away without any hesitation.

Ouyang Nuan walked for quite a while, while Su Yulou remained standing in place. Ouyang Jue cleared his throat lightly and said, "Su Gongzi, aren't you going to the main hall?" Su Yulou was taken aback and turned to see Ouyang Jue looking at him displeasedly. 

He gave a slight smile, as if oblivious, and nodded to leave with him. However, he couldn't help feeling surprised inside. Usually, when ordinary young ladies saw him, they would either blush shyly or stutter, or even try to get closer to him. But this Miss Ouyang seemed completely indifferent, as if she didn't care at all. Was she pretending to be calm or playing hard to get? Thinking about this, he couldn't help but develop a different kind of interest in Ouyang Nuan.

Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan walked quite far before slowly releasing the hand she had been clutching tightly in her sleeve. When she looked down in the sunlight, she noticed blood stains on her fingers from scratching with her nails. Hongyu exclaimed, "Miss, what happened to you?" Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "I just stood for too long, and my head started to ache a bit. It's nothing to fuss about."

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In the main hall of the Ouyang residence, Ouyang Zhi sat at the main table with seven or eight officials who were close to him, while the other tables were reserved for the young masters. As Su Yulou sat down, he engaged in relaxed conversation and dining with the others. 

Most of them came from prominent official families. Initially, there was some disdain for his identity as the son of a merchant, but witnessing his remarkable archery skills in the garden just now had subtly diminished that contempt. Now, at the banquet, everyone seemed to be testing him, constantly toasting to him. Su Yulou accepted each toast with a smile, engaging in friendly conversation with each person. He appeared completely at ease, leaving a very favorable impression on everyone. 

During the conversation, topics ranged from poetry and literature to music and local customs of various places. Su Yulou demonstrated his profound knowledge and understanding of every subject, impressing everyone with his versatility and erudition. Gradually, the disdain toward him from the young masters dissipated, except for Lin Zhiran, who remained aloof and indifferent.

During the banquet, a maid accidentally spilled some wine on Su Yulou's sleeve while pouring. Su Yulou frowned slightly, and Ouyang Jue, who was also seated at the table, couldn't help but speak up as the host: "What's going on here? This servant girl is too careless!"

The young maid, still quite young, immediately knelt down and apologized profusely, saying it was unintentional. Su Yulou, as a guest in someone else's home, didn't want to make a scene and simply said, "It's alright," though his sleeve was now damp and uncomfortable.

The maid quickly suggested, "Please, sir, come with me, and I'll clean it up for you."

For Su Yulou, who valued cleanliness, having a strong smell of alcohol on his clothes was unacceptable. Hearing the maid's offer, he set down his cup and stood up. 

Ouyang Jue furrowed his brows, saying, "But you have to toast to my father later."

Su Yulou, who was fastidious by nature, smiled and reassured him, "There's still time. I'll be back soon, and it won't delay anything."

Ouyang Jue nodded and instructed the maid, "Don't go to the backyard. If you accidentally offend any young lady there, there will be serious consequences!"

The maid nodded nervously and led Su Yulou away. Ouyang Jue didn't notice anything amiss and remained seated, while Lin Zhiran, seated at the head of the table, lifted his head, watching Su Yulou's departing figure with a pensive expression.

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Su Yulou followed the young maid through the front hall and back into the garden, eventually arriving at a more secluded courtyard. The maid instructed him to wait in the courtyard while she went inside. Shortly after, she returned with a basin of warm water and helped him roll up his sleeve, carefully washing away the stains. Then, she dried his hands with a clean cloth, smiling cheerfully as she said, "Master, it'll be all right soon. No need to worry."

Su Yulou's expression turned cold, and he spoke slowly, "How could someone as nimble as you accidentally pour wine on me?"

The young maid was very clever and sweetly replied, "Master, you seem to imply that I did it on purpose. I wouldn't dare." She looked at Su Yulou and sighed, "You are truly handsome, unlike any young master I've seen in this mansion. You seem almost divine!"

Although her words were charming, there was a flicker of something strange in her eyes. Su Yulou suddenly felt uneasy and grabbed the maid, demanding harshly, "Who sent you? Why did you bring me here?"

The maid spoke softly, "Master, I'm just following Madam's orders. Please wait here for a moment. Madam has arranged everything..."

Su Yulou gave a cold smile and stood up, ready to leave. The maid, however, quickly blocked his path and waved a piece of jade pendant in front of him, asking, "Master, do you recognize this?"

Su Yulou recognized the jade pendant as something belonging to Madam Su, his mother. He stopped in his tracks, his voice turning colder, "What is your mistress trying to imply?"

The maid lowered her head, hiding any hint of deceit in her eyes, and said, "Master, just wait here. Even if my mistress intends harm, would Madam Su harm you? In any case, it's a great opportunity. If you miss it, you'll regret it..."

Meanwhile, when Ouyang Nuan returned, the play had reached its sixth act. On stage, the actors were singing, "A big wild goose lands on the plain, drooping its head, its wings stained red. When will the hero come? To avenge his chest pierced by the enemy's arrow!"

She stood by the door, listening intently to these lines, and couldn't help but smile. Seeing her return, Old Madam Li was delighted and immediately gestured for her to come over. Ouyang Nuan smiled as she walked over to her side, and Old Madam Li asked, "Did you just see Jue'er?"

"Yes, grandmother. Jue'er asked me to greet you on his behalf," Ouyang Nuan replied with a smile. Over there, Old Madam Li looked this way, and she heard Ouyang Nuan continue, "Jue'er is such a silly child. He said he wanted to shoot a lucky arrow to wish grandmother a long life. While everyone else left, he was still practicing in the garden, even though his hands were all torn up. I felt really sorry for him."

Old Madam Li couldn't believe it. She quickly instructed Zhang Mama to fetch some white jade ointment. "Tell her to send it to the young master, and make sure you see him apply it before you return."

Madam Lin, sitting beside Old Madam Li, heard this, and her eyes revealed undisguised resentment. Ouyang Nuan's son was the darling of the Ouyang family, while her own son was burdened with the ominous title of a lone star before even being born. All of this was caused by Ouyang Nuan. She secretly swore to make her pay a painful price!

Madam Su, sitting next to Madam Lin, whispered, "You didn't mention before that Miss Nuan is such a beauty."

A coldness flashed in Lin's eyes, and she politely replied, "Nuan is like my elder sister. Her appearance is indeed remarkable. Please don't mind me, madam."

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Madam Su whispered softly, "Where did you get that idea? Your words make it seem like you consider me an outsider. I've given you that jade pendant, so you mustn't go back on your word!" Her tone grew more intimate, especially with the faint lines of happiness around her eyes.

Madam Su looked at Ouyang Nuan, repeatedly assessing her. She thought that with Yulou's talent, success was surely within reach this time. If he were to marry such a noble daughter-in-law, the future prospects of both the Zhen Guo Marquis Mansion and the Assistant Minister of Personnel in the imperial court would undoubtedly be secured for the Su family. In that case, wouldn't Yulou's future be exceptionally bright? With these thoughts in mind, her eyes sparkled even more brightly.

Lin observed Madam Su and guessed what she was pondering. She couldn't help but sneer inwardly. The Su family was just a family of merchants. Despite their wealth and status, they were still considered insignificant in the eyes of the influential figures in the capital. Even if Su Yulou achieved success, his foundation was still too shallow. 

Ouyang Zhi would never agree to marry his eldest daughter to such a family, especially considering the cunning and scheming Old Madam Li behind them. How could she possibly consent to let her legitimate granddaughter marry into a merchant family? However, if Ouyang Nuan herself was willing, determined to marry Su Yulou, then it would be beyond reproach. 

Originally, she had planned to wait until Ouyang Nuan was older before making a move, but now it seemed that there was no time to wait. Every day Ouyang Nuan spent in this mansion was a threat to her own interests!

Madam Lin coughed heavily a few times and called out to Ouyang Nuan, "Nuan'er, come over here to Mother."

Ouyang Nuan glanced lightly at her and was about to walk over when Old Madam Ning suddenly grabbed her hand. Ouyang Nuan understood that her grandmother was worried that Madam Lin had ulterior motives. However, in such a public setting, Madam Lin was still her stepmother. Ignoring her completely would not be conducive to the reputation of her siblings. So Ouyang Nuan reassuredly patted Old Madam Ning's hand, then approached Madam Lin gracefully with a smile on her face.

Before she could speak, Madam Su pulled her aside and examined her closely. Feeling her cold fingers, Madam Su couldn't help but remark, "Why are the young lady's hands so cold?" She then handed over her hand warmer. "Quickly warm up."

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and replied, "Thank you for your concern, Madam. It's just the cold weather. Please don't catch a cold yourself." With that, she returned the hand warmer to Madam Su.

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Madam Su's smile froze for a moment as she realized her intentions were too obvious. She noticed several other ladies casting sidelong glances at them, including Old Madam Ning and Madam Li, which made her feel a bit embarrassed. She dared not reveal anything further.

Madam Lin chuckled and said, "Nuan'er, Madam Su is family. There's no need to be so polite."

Ouyang Nuan smiled politely, but there was a hint of coolness in her gaze as she replied, "Mother, guests should be treated with respect. Madam Su is your esteemed guest, so I must not neglect her."

Madam Lin, being the wife of an official from the Ministry of Personnel, was elevating Madam Su, a merchant's wife, to such a high position, which naturally raised suspicions. Upon hearing Ouyang Nuan's words, several other ladies exchanged knowing glances, sensing deeper implications. Madam Lin inwardly lamented the situation but maintained a composed facade.

Before long, fatigue crept onto Madam Lin's face. Concerned, Madam Su asked, "Are you feeling tired, Madam?"

Madam Lin nodded and smiled, "Being pregnant with twins makes me naturally more fatigued than others. Just sitting for a while tires me out." With that, she stood up and apologized to Old Madam Li, "Mother, I'm not feeling well. I'll accompany everyone until here and then head back. I hope you won't mind."

Old Madam Li, feeling disdainful towards her daughter-in-law, had no intention of keeping her around. She waved her hand dismissively and said, "There are plenty of people here. You don't need to accompany us. You may go back."

Madam Lin acknowledged and bid farewell to the other ladies. Suddenly, she staggered and seemed unable to maintain her balance, accidentally falling against Ouyang Nuan. Ouyang Nuan quickly supported her and whispered, "Mother, please be careful."

Seeing this, Old Madam Li's disdain for Madam Lin intensified. She instructed, "Ke'er, escort your mother back."

Ouyang Ke stood up, but Madam Lin quickly interjected, "There's no need. Ke'er is still young. Let her accompany Old Madam instead. It's the same if Nuan escorts me back."

This was quite peculiar. Madam Lin didn't seem to want her own daughter's company but insisted on displaying affection towards her stepdaughter in front of everyone. Was it to gain reputation, or did she have other intentions? Ouyang Nuan gazed calmly at Madam Lin, a faint smile playing on her lips. Regardless of the reason, she felt no fear. With a gentle smile, she said, "Very well. Then allow me to escort Mother back. Please enjoy the performance, esteemed guests."

Ouyang Nuan walked past Ouyang Ke's side, leaving her with a peculiar smile as if by chance. Witnessing this, Ouyang Ke felt deeply unsettled. She was aware of Madam Lin's scheme, but she hadn't expected Su Yulou to be such an outstandingly handsome man. It was because of this that, upon seeing Su Yulou, she suddenly wished her mother's plan would not succeed! Especially with Ouyang Nuan flashing such a smile at her, seemingly provoking her. Ouyang Ke felt increasingly uncomfortable, her brows furrowing tightly.

Madam Lin leaned on Ouyang Nuan as they walked out together, wearing a look of apparent weakness. She smiled and said, "Thank you, Nuan'er. Mother has inconvenienced you to the point where you couldn't even enjoy the play. I feel really guilty."

"Mother, don't say that. People often say life is like a drama, and a drama is like life. Isn't it the same wherever you watch it?" Ouyang Nuan's smile was very sweet, but Madam Lin felt a chill in her sweetness. She involuntarily clenched her own hand, suppressing the urge to shake her off, and continued walking forward, all the way to the garden. Suddenly, she exclaimed, "Oh no, Wang Mama, where's my red carp silk sachet? It was here just now!"

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Wang Mama became anxious upon hearing this. "Could it be misplaced somewhere? Madam, the courtyard is bustling with people. If it accidentally falls into the wrong hands, it would be troublesome. I'll hurry to search for it!" 

Ouyang Nuan watched the exchange between this master and servant with a cold gaze, inwardly scoffing. How could something from the Madam's person go missing so easily? What was the meaning behind this drama?

Wang Mama, with a thick skin, continued, "Miss, Madam left in a hurry and only brought two maids. Could you please have your maids assist in searching as well?"

The weather was cold. Ouyang Nuan decided to leave Fang Mama in the Listening Warm Pavilion and only brought Hongyu and Wenshu with her. Upon hearing Wang Mama's words, she couldn't help but smile. "Mama, you could have just asked directly. Wenshu, please go and assist Madam in searching."

Wang Mama led the three maids away, leaving only Madam Lin, Ouyang Nuan, and Hongyu to continue forward.

Madam Lin said, "Nuan'er, I wanted you to accompany me because I have something on my mind to discuss with you."

As expected, Ouyang Nuan smiled, "Mother, you can say anything you want."

Madam Lin squinted at Ouyang Nuan and whispered, "Nuan'er, you're not young anymore, are you?"

Ouyang Nuan gently smiled, "Grandmother says I'm still a child!"

Madam Lin smiled faintly, "That's because Old Madam pities you. Girls from families like ours often have their betrothal arrangements settled by your age. Frankly speaking, for girls like us, it's not a big deal to have a betrothal arranged even at a young age."

Ouyang Nuan responded calmly, "Mother, are you implying that you want your daughter to leave home early?"

A cold light flashed in Madam Lin's eyes, but she pretended to be coquettish, "How could that be possible? Mother is wholeheartedly thinking of your best interests. If the boys from good families slip away, and we wait until you're fifteen to start planning, we might not find a good match..."

Ouyang Nuan lowered her eyes and said, "I'm still too young. It's better if Mother doesn't discuss such matters with me. If Father and Grandmother find out, they might get angry."

Madam Lin sneered inwardly. Suddenly, she grabbed Ouyang Nuan's hand and sighed, "Poor child. I never wanted to discuss these things with you. It's just that your biological mother passed away early, and Master is busy with official duties. Old Madam hasn't been involved in household matters in recent years. Only I, as your biological aunt, have been looking after you. Speaking about such matters openly in front of others is taboo. There's nothing we can't talk about between us, mother and daughter! You should also think more about your own future."

Speaking with apparent sincerity, her eyes shimmering with tears, if it weren't for her past life experiences, Ouyang Nuan would never have imagined that Madam Lin's acting skills had reached such a pinnacle. Now, she felt not even the slightest hint of being moved, only an overwhelming sense of disdain. She responded lightly, "Mother, you've misunderstood. I have my grandmother's love, my father's care, and a younger brother to rely on in the future. What do I have to pity myself for? In comparison, your health is not well, so you need not worry about such trivial matters."

Madam Lin's heart skipped a beat, feeling somewhat annoyed, but she continued, "Nuan'er, I'll say something you may not want to hear. Although the Old Madam is kind, she's not your birth mother. Even if she wishes to consider you, she's old and cannot fully attend to you. Your father is also absent-minded. You should consider your own future. Don't be too naive, or you'll regret it in the future."

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After beating around the bush, all this was just a prelude to what she wanted to say next. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and replied, "Mother, I owe you for your infinite care over the years. If I marry early... how could I bear to leave you?"

'You're not dead yet. How could I leave my brother in the care of a mother like you, a wolf in sheep's clothing?'

Madam Lin smiled gently, "Silly child, just hearing those words from you is enough. It hasn't been easy for me to run this household all these years, and you've seen it all." She paused, feeling nostalgic. "People say being a stepmother is difficult. It doesn't matter that Jue'er has misunderstood me all this time, but you must believe in me. I've always had your and your brother's best interests at heart. I would never harm you."

'It's because I believed in you that Jue'er ended up in such danger, and I found myself in dire straits,' Ouyang Nuan thought, outwardly Ouyang Nuan said calmly, looking at Madam Lin. "I will never forget your kindness to me, even if I wanted to."

As she uttered the phrase "never forget," her smile was exceedingly sweet, yet it carried a chilling undertone, causing a shiver to run down Madam Lin's spine. She felt an inexplicable sense of dread, as if some kind of ominous oath had been made, yet she couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

On the topic of planning for her own future, Madam Lin repeatedly brought it up, but Ouyang Nuan skillfully diverted the conversation each time. Unconsciously, they walked through the garden, until a young maid suddenly ran out from the side, appearing flustered. In her haste, she accidentally bumped into Hongyu. Madam Lin scolded, "Stop right there! Acting so recklessly, what kind of behavior is that?"

The young maid immediately knelt down, looking extremely nervous, and said, "Madam, I serve in the front hall. Young Master accidentally drank too much and complained of a severe headache. I was sent to find Miss."

Ouyang Nuan's heart skipped a beat. Jue'er was just a child who never drank alcohol on regular days. Today was different, and as the host, he was supposed to have some. She had already instructed him to drink sparingly. How did he end up drinking too much? Madam Lin chuckled and said, "It's fortunate you ran into us. If you had rushed in directly, accidentally bumping into Old Madam or other esteemed guests, what would we do? Never mind. Nuan, you go with her to check on Jue'er."

Ouyang Nuan glanced meaningfully at the young maid and deliberately hesitated, saying, "But what about you, Mother? Wang Mama and the other maids are not around. It wouldn't be appropriate for you to return alone!"

Madam Lin's lips curved into a slight smile, seemingly casual as she replied, "Then let Hongyu assist me back."

Waiting here! First, Wenshou was called away, then it was Hongyu. What exactly does Madam Lin want to do? One coincidence after another, it has turned into an inevitability. Could it be that she wants to repeat the incident with Zhang Wendin? Ouyang Nuan scrutinized Madam Lin carefully, but couldn't detect any clues. She couldn't help but show a sincere smile, "Madam is indeed considerate. In that case, I'll go see Jue'er first. Hongyu, please take good care of Madam and make sure to safely escort her back to Furuai Court."

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Hongyu responded, but there was a hint of worry in her eyes when she looked up. Ouyang Nuan nodded slightly to reassure her before watching Madam Lin leave with Hongyu. Then, Ouyang Nuan turned back to the messenger girl, staring at her intently, "Who did the young master toast to at the banquet? How many drinks did he have? Where is he now? Who is serving him? If he's drunk, who allowed you to come and fetch me? You were waiting in the front hall, so who gave you permission to run to the backyard to find someone?"

As the string of questions came out, the maid couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, lowering her head as she replied, "I'm not sure of the details, it was... the people around the young master who asked me to pass on the message to Miss."

Pass on the message? Ouyang Jue's attendants had already been investigated. They were all clever, reliable, and of good character. Even if he was truly drunk, they should know how to handle it. Why would they send a stranger maid from the front hall to fetch her, especially to deal with waking him up from drunkenness? Moreover, why didn't they come themselves? It was absurd reasoning. But in the past, Ouyang Nuan would have believed it. Madam Lin was simply counting on her prioritizing Jue'er over everything else, gambling on the principle of "concern leads to chaos." However, now, who played the cicada, who played the mantis, and who played the oriole was up for debate. Ouyang Nuan smirked inwardly.

"If that's the case, then lead the way," she said with a slight smile on her face, but her words carried a hint of coldness. Under the gaze of Miss, the maid couldn't help but feel her spine shiver slightly, and she obediently replied in a low voice.

Walking all the way, they finally reached a secluded courtyard in the western corner of the garden. The maid forced a smile and said, "Miss, Young Master is inside. Please go in."

However, Ouyang Nuan smiled back at her as if waiting for her to leave before entering the room herself.

The maid's smile remained, but there was a hint of urgency in her eyes. "Miss, Young Master is waiting for you."

Ouyang Nuan's smile remained gentle. "There must be plenty of people to take care of Young Master. How old are you? What's your name? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The maid looked a bit nervous. "My name is Yinxing. I've only recently entered the mansion. Perhaps you've been busy with important matters, Miss, and didn't notice me."

Ouyang Nuan's smile was radiant. "I had no idea there was such a clever maid in the mansion," she said, her face showing a hint of melancholy. "It seems that many new people have joined us. I heard that the mansion released many maids some days ago. Oh, my grandmother said she wanted to reorganize the courtyard, so many old servants left. Time really flies, doesn't it? I still remember Jiang Mama, who used to take care of us siblings when we were young. She was such an energetic person, but her health declined after just a few years. This time, I even pleaded with my grandmother to let her stay and retire, but she insisted on returning to her hometown when she got old. I really can't bear to see her go! When my brother used to cry and fuss, even the wet nurse found him annoying, but Jiang Mama never minded. She was the best at making us happy, and she even knew how to make bamboo dragonflies..." She seemed to be gearing up for a lengthy discussion.

Yinxing looked at her standing at the door, refusing to enter. The cold sweat on her forehead kept increasing, almost overwhelming her. This young lady, despite her tender age, was not someone to be trifled with. Madam asked her to escort her here, thinking it would be an easy task, but she never expected it to be so difficult... Completing it might invite trouble. But now, she had no choice but to see it through to the end. She made up her mind and said, "Miss, please go in quickly... The young master must be getting impatient..." As soon as Ouyang Nuan entered, she locked the door! Following Madam's orders, she locked Miss and the other person inside!

Ouyang Nuan glanced at her, a smile playing on her lips. "Yinxing, after all that talk, I'm feeling thirsty. Go and pour me a cup of tea!"

What? Yinxing was stunned. Pour tea?

The smile on Ouyang Nuan's face turned cold. "What? Can't I even command a maid like you? Or do you only see Madam in your eyes and not me, your young mistress?"

Yinxing's heart trembled. She lacked the courage. Her voice trembled as she spoke. "Young Mistress, I... I didn't mean that."

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"No need to trouble yourself. Since the young master is here in this courtyard, he must have prepared the tea himself. How else would he sober up?" Ouyang Nuan sneered. "You've been lying to me from the start! The young master isn't in there at all, is he?"

"I dare not! I absolutely wouldn't dare deceive the Young Mistress! The young master is indeed inside. However, since no one usually resides in this courtyard, the young master instructed his attendants to fetch the sobering soup from elsewhere. That's why there's no one waiting outside. I'm afraid the stove in the courtyard is still cold, and for a moment, no one can attend to the Young Mistress," Yinxing explained anxiously. "It's not that there's no water; it's just that the water has been brought to clean the robe for Su Yulou. If I go back inside to boil water, it will all be exposed, won't it?" Yinxing fretted inwardly.

"Since there's none here, you can go pour tea elsewhere," Ouyang Nuan said coldly.

Yinxing's eyes darted around, her mind racing. "Perhaps the Young Mistress should go inside first. I'll immediately go pour the tea," she suggested hastily.

At that moment, Ouyang Nuan caught sight of a glimpse of a pale embroidered skirt behind the plum tree not far away. She couldn't help but sneer inwardly. However, her face remained calm as she said, "Since when is it your turn to tell me what to do? You'd better leave now!"

Yinxing involuntarily clenched her sleeves, thinking that it would only take a moment to pour the tea and return. Hastily, she said, "Yes, Young Mistress, please wait a moment. I'll be right back." With that, she hurried away.

Ouyang Nuan watched as Yinxing ran off into the distance, then cast a cold glance in the direction of the plum village. She heard someone behind her asking, "Where did everyone go? What's going on?"

Then, a young nobleman with a light fur coat emerged from behind, none other than Su Yulou.

It was indeed him! Ouyang Nuan respectfully bowed her head and greeted, "Master Su." She already understood Madam Lin's scheme.

Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, Su Yulou flashed a faint smile. "Young Mistress, I apologize. I didn't expect to find you here," he whispered, then added in a low voice, "Where did that maid go? She didn't even mention that the Young Mistress was here!"

What a pretentious act! First, Madam Lin arranged for Su Yulou to appear in front of everyone, intending to make Ouyang Nuan fall for him. Then, she schemed to have Ouyang Nuan escorted to the pavilion to witness Su Yulou's archery skills in public. If she were truly a naive young lady, how could she not have a secret admiration for him? Then, Madam Lin seized the opportunity of her dizziness to have Ouyang Nuan assist her in leaving—diverting everyone's attention. 

Then she had Yinxing lead Ouyang Nuan into the courtyard, planning to lock the gate behind them. Would she, an unmarried young lady, be able to explain herself clearly? Ha, Madam Lin was convinced that Ouyang Nuan would fall for Su Yulou, so if she couldn't explain, she would just go along with it and marry him, right?! It's ridiculous! 

Such crude tricks might work once, but to dare to try a second time! Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Unexpected things happen sometimes. Master Su is too polite. I'll take my leave now."

Before Su Yulou could say anything, Ouyang Nuan walked away without looking back. She faintly heard him calling after her, but she pretended not to hear. Su Yulou wanted to catch up to her, but he was suddenly stopped by someone else...

Su Yulou frowned at the elegantly dressed girl in front of him, showing a hint of confusion on his face. "You are..."

"Brother Su, I'm Ke'er. I just saw your amazing archery skills at the pavilion. I... I admire you very much," she said, slightly flustered.

Su Yulou was greatly surprised upon hearing this but had no choice but to pause and inquire, "You are Uncle Ouyang's daughter?"

Ouyang Ke's face turned even redder, and the gleam in her eyes intensified. She said, "Brother Su, you know me!"

Su Yulou had indeed heard Madam Su mention that Madam Lin had only one daughter. However, Ouyang Ke was still very young, her figure hadn't developed yet, and her demeanor was far less impressive than her sister's. Unlike Ouyang Nuan, who stood out among many young ladies. How could he have noticed Ouyang Ke? But now she was blocking his path, so he could only ask, "I have heard my mother mention you. Do you need something from me?"

Ouyang Ke had never spoken to such a young and handsome gentleman before, and her heart was pounding nervously. She pretended to be calm, smiling slightly as she said, "I didn't intend to come here. When I saw Brother Su here, I just wanted to talk to you. There's nothing else."

Su Yulou felt somewhat impatient, but out of politeness, he couldn't speak harshly. He simply said in a calm tone, "It's getting late. I need to return to the main hall. You should also go back early, little miss."

Ouyang Ke was taken aback. Seeing Su Yulou about to walk past her, she hurriedly stopped him and said, "Brother Su, wait a moment. I have something to say."

Su Yulou looked at her with confusion. Ouyang Ke had only intended to keep him around a bit longer to exchange a few more words. Now, feeling even more flustered, she blurted out, "How long will you stay in the capital?"

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Su Yulou's brows relaxed slightly, but his tone remained somewhat cold as he replied, "It might be for a while."

Afraid of creating an awkward atmosphere, Ouyang Ke continued, "Um... will you often visit our house?"

The question sounded odd. Su Yulou looked at Ouyang Ke and eventually answered somewhat vaguely, "I'm not sure."

Feeling hopeful yet also realizing her eagerness, Ouyang Ke changed her tone and said, "My older brother, Ouyang Jue, his archery skills are not very good. My father has been wanting to find someone to teach him. Would Brother Su have the time to give him some guidance?"

Su Yulou nodded and replied, "My mother and Madam Lin are good friends. I might come by often in the future. If Minister Ouyang doesn't mind, and the young master has no objections, I would be willing to spar with him."

His eyebrows were long, his eyes smiling, radiating confidence and humility in his words. Ouyang Ke couldn't take her eyes off him, feeling her heart racing and nerves in a frenzy.

Su Yulou was very astute. Seeing her flushed face and her demeanor resembling that of an infatuated young girl, he guessed that this second young miss might have feelings for him. However, she was just a daughter of a concubine in the Marquis's mansion, her status and position far inferior to that of Miss Ouyang. Moreover, her appearance, temperament, and elegance were incomparable to Ouyang Nuan's. He did not consider her a factor to consider for marriage.

The Su family was indeed wealthy and renowned in the south, a shining presence in the eyes of ordinary people. However, once they arrived in the competitive and cutthroat environment of the capital, the Su family's status was no longer exceptional. Without influential connections or a solid foundation in the capital, Su Yulou found himself lacking compared to the scions of prominent families. Despite his talent and ambition, he felt constrained by his identity as a merchant's son. How could he be content with such limitations? This trip to the capital was his chance to showcase his abilities!

Su Yulou was an ambitious individual, fully aware of his extraordinary talents and striking appearance. He believed that if he could secure a advantageous marriage in the capital, it would pave the way for his future success. There were plenty of noble and wealthy women in the capital, and he was confident that he could find a suitable match to elevate his status. However, he also harbored a youthful arrogance; he not only desired a high-born wife but also a peerless beauty. Ordinary women simply did not catch his eye.

His visit to the Ouyang Mansion was partly to assess the prospective bride arranged by his mother. He needed to determine whether she was worth staking his future on. However, Miss Ouyang's cold demeanor towards him stirred an inexplicable feeling within him. When she turned to leave without a second glance, he swallowed his pride and attempted to stop her, even though he could have simply let her go. Yet, his attempt was thwarted by the unexpected intervention of the second young miss of the Ouyang family, leaving him feeling a mix of frustration and irritation.

However, Su Yulou maintained his composure, not allowing his annoyance to surface. He politely bid farewell to the second young miss, apologizing for his abrupt departure. But just as he was about to leave, she rushed over and thrust something into his hands, whispering, "This is for you!" before darting away as if fleeing from a ghost.

Curious, Su Yulou glanced down at what she had given him and was surprised to find a red silk handkerchief adorned with a golden toothpick.

At that moment, Yinxing hurried over with a tray of tea. Upon seeing the scene, she froze in surprise and asked, "Master Su, where is Eldest Miss Ouyang?"

Young Master Su roughly guessed that Madam Lin was creating opportunities for Ouyang Nuan and himself to be alone together, but this time, they only exchanged a few words. He felt somewhat unhappy about it and said lightly, "She's already gone. Forget it, give this handkerchief back to your Miss!" With that, he threw the handkerchief to Yinxing as if he didn't want to say anything more and quickly walked away.

Yinxing stood there, placing the tea tray aside. She was about to pick up the handkerchief that had fallen on the ground when she saw a pair of embroidered pearl shoes approaching her. Looking up, she exclaimed, "Miss!"

Ouyang Nuan picked up the handkerchief from the ground and gently dusted off the dirt, appearing to be quite regretful.

Yinxing lowered her head, not daring to say a word. Why did Young Master Su say that Miss had already left when she was clearly still here? What was the reason for her staying here? Could it be that she had discovered her intentions? No, it couldn't be! Yinxing comforted herself while sweating nervously. But then she heard Ouyang Nuan chuckle and say, "Alright, I don't feel like drinking tea anymore. Come with me." With that, she shook the handkerchief and then twisted it into a ball before tucking it into her sleeve.

Ouyang Ke remained unchanged in this life as well, and upon seeing Young Master Su still being enchanted, she disregarded Madam Lin's plan and wanted to get close to him... Madam Lin, such a mother, actually gave birth to such a foolish daughter. It was not in vain that she deliberately delayed time to wait for her to come. It was truly a good show! Ouyang Nuan's lips curled into a faint, indifferent smirk.

Yinxing looked at Ouyang Nuan with puzzlement, not daring to say another word. She couldn't figure out what this young lady meant...

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[1] "The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind":  This is a proverbial expression originating from a Chinese fable. It means that while one party is preoccupied with pursuing or attacking another (like the mantis stalking the cicada), it is often unaware that it is itself being targeted or pursued by a third party (like the oriole targeting the mantis). In broader terms, it implies a situation where someone is so focused on one goal or opponent that they overlook other potential threats or dangers lurking nearby.

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