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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 46: 

Ways to Deal With Unruly Girls 

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Aunt, Old Madam Ning always tells me that although Mother is not her biological daughter, she has been clever and gentle since childhood. Old Madam is genuinely fond of her and raised her as her own daughter from a young age. The kindness of a stepmother often surpasses that of a biological mother, you know? You just mentioned Mother's childhood loss of her mother. If Old Madam were to hear about it, she would be deeply saddened!"

Madam Jiang blushed, realizing her mistake. In aristocratic families, it's always about recognizing the legitimacy of the stepmother over the birth mother. Today, her words were indeed quite inappropriate!

With a cold expression, Old Madam Li continued, "As long as Wanru stays in her place, Madam Jiang need not worry about her well-being in the mansion. Zhang Mama, inform Madam that her sister-in-law is here. I'm sure she'll be delighted to hear."

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"Thank you, Old Madam," Madam Jiang said with a smile as she stood up to take her leave.

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently, "Aunt, there's no need for such formality. Grandmother has always been lenient. Please convey my regards to Mother and advise her to take good care of her health and recover soon."

Madam Jiang entered the Furui Courtyard, where Wang Mama was already waiting at the door. As soon as she saw Madam Jiang, she hurried forward to greet her.

Madam Jiang inquired, "Is your mistress doing well?"

Wang Mama's face showed concern as she replied, "You'd better go inside and see for yourself."

Madam Jiang furrowed her brows and followed Wang Mama into the room. Madam Lin was already seated by the table, waiting. Upon seeing the curtain being lifted and Madam Jiang entering, she quickly got up to welcome her and guided her to sit on the large kang near the window. Then, she personally offered her a cup of tea. "Sister-in-law."

"Why did you summon me in such a hurry? Is something urgent?" Madam Jiang asked.

Madam Lin's eyes reddened instantly, looking as if she had suffered some grievance. "It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, but now it has turned into a disaster."

"What happened exactly?" Madam Jiang furrowed her brows. Originally, Old Madam Li had been polite when she saw her, but today, her attitude seemed different. Moreover, the messenger who had come to fetch her had only mentioned urgent matters without specifying further. Now, it seemed that the situation might be more serious than she had anticipated.

"Madam Jiang, you don't know. Our mistress is pregnant, which should have been a blessing bestowed from the heavens. But for some reason, that nun, Master Huian, declared this child as a cursed lone star. All of this must be the doing of Miss Ouyang. It's just that the Old Madam and the master are both upset with the mistress for the time being. I fear this child won't be allowed to stay," Wang Mama said, tears streaming down her face.

"A cursed lone star?" Madam Jiang was stunned. However, her mind raced quickly. Master Huian held a distinguished position in the capital. How could Ouyang Nuan, just a little miss, possibly influence her? Could it be that the Old Madam was also involved in this matter? She was astute and immediately grasped the key points.

"Madam Jiang, do you think we can find a way to change this cursed lone star designation?" Wang Mama continued to ask.

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Madam Jiang sighed, "Sister Hui'an holds a remarkable position, even the Empress regards her highly. It's impossible to overturn her words at the moment."

"Are we supposed to just let them get rid of my flesh and blood, Sister? This is my only hope. I've waited for so many years for this child. You know it well. Now, you must help me!" Madam Lin pleaded urgently.

Madam Jiang nodded thoughtfully. After pondering for a moment, she came up with an idea, "This situation may seem difficult, but it's not impossible. Fortunately, you sent the message in time. With your brother and me here, even if the old lady and your husband have any ideas about harming the child, they wouldn't dare to act recklessly. First, we must ensure the safety of the child. Then, we can find a way to remove the label of 'cursed star' in the future. No matter how cruel they may be, seeing their own grandson will soften their hearts. However, you must be cautious. Endure any grievances during this time. Don't ruin everything just because of a momentary anger."

This was also Madam Lin's intention, but now that it's spoken by Madam Jiang, she feels an added assurance and can't help but smile: "Indeed, Sister-in-law, your considerations are thorough."

Madam Jiang smiles and says, "Rest assured and take care of yourself. When this child is born, with an uncle who is a Minister of War to support, there's nothing to fear. Moreover, your elder brother has even greater plans in store!"

Madam Lin's eyes light up: "Could it be that my elder brother..."

Madam Jiang sneers, "He won't last much longer. The Marquis's mansion will be ours sooner or later. As for you, you should also hurry up and give birth to a son. Otherwise, it's all empty talk in the end."

Madam Lin nodded in agreement, but there was an undisguised sense of satisfaction in the corners of her eyes and brows. As long as her elder brother inherited the title of Marquis, she would be the honorable Marquis's own sister. By then, her child would undoubtedly inherit the Ouyang Mansion! All talk of being a "lonely star of ill omen" was nothing but nonsense.

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As soon as Madam Jiang left, Madam Lin immediately changed her clothes. She put on a bright red brocade robe with golden threads, adorned with a goose-yellow lotus leaf hem and a phoenix-tail skirt. She wore a phoenix hairpin with red gemstones and matched it with large red spinel earrings. Looking into the mirror, she felt a bit lacking, so she added a rose-red mink cloak, completely dispelling her previous resentment and paleness, and instead exuding a cheerful atmosphere.

"Madam..." Wang Mama looked at her, hesitant to speak.

Madam Lin gave a cold smile. "I want them to see that I am the Madam of this household. They think they can climb over me just because they have the support of the Old Madam. Well, they can wait and see. Sooner or later, I'll deal with each and every one of them!"

Madam Lin approached Shou'an Hall with a smile on her face, displaying grace and elegance. As the maid drew back the curtains, she could already hear Old Madam Li's laughter from inside.

Inside the room, Ouyang Nuan was telling a joke, which amused Old Madam Li greatly. Li Yiniang was also there, sharing the joyous atmosphere. It was a scene of harmonious happiness.

Li Yiniang had her hair styled in a horse-tail bun, adorned with two small pomegranate flowers. She wore a plain green outfit with delicate floral patterns, her eyes shimmering with gentleness, resembling a delicate willow. Despite feeling extreme disgust upon seeing her, Madam Lin maintained a joyful expression on her face as she greeted Old Madam Li respectfully, saying, "Old Madam." She then added with a smile, "I wonder what brings such joy today?"

The previously somber atmosphere dissipated with Madam Lin's arrival.

Old Madam Li's smiling face from moments ago turned cold instantly, while Li Yiniang abandoned her lively demeanor and cast her gaze downward, seemingly oblivious to everything around her. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Mother has arrived, please have a seat."

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"Old Madam Li insists I shouldn't sit, so how could I dare?" Madam Lin replied with a smile, her words sounding both genuine and artificial.

"You are too polite," Old Madam Li replied indifferently as she sipped her tea, then instructed Wang Mama to get a chair, "Since you are with child, please, have a seat and speak."

Madam Lin expressed her gratitude and gracefully took a seat.

"Have you taken the doctor's medicine? Are you feeling better?" Old Madam Li inquired.

Madam Lin smiled in response, "Thank you for your concern, Mother. I am much better now. Perhaps it's the joy of impending motherhood that invigorates me. I feel a strong connection with this child."

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Li couldn't help but cast a cold glance at her abdomen, her gaze carrying an indescribable chill. "It seems you are quite fond of this child," she remarked coldly.

Madam Lin suddenly turned to look at her, her eyes gleaming with intensity. "Mother..." There seemed to be a hint of moisture in the corners of her eyes.

"No need to be nervous," Old Madam Li said calmly. "Since even the wife of the Minister of War personally came to visit you, you should also make an effort to recover quickly and give birth to a healthy child."

With those words, the weight on Madam Lin's heart lifted. It seemed that the Old Madam had changed her mind and agreed to keep the child. However, the reason behind it was not because she had suddenly seen reason, but rather because Madam Jiang's visit made her realize that Madam Lin had a strong backing. She had to temporarily compromise.

"Understood." With her goal achieved, Madam Lin nodded in contentment, while discreetly observing Li Yiniang and Ouyang Nuan with a smile playing on her lips.

Li Yiniang's expression remained remarkably calm, as if she hadn't heard anything at all, showing neither joy nor sorrow. Yet, deep within her eyes, there was an unmistakable trace of jealousy and resentment. 

Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan smiled warmly at her, as if she would be happy even if Madam Lin were to give birth to a son. Why couldn't she be like Li Yiniang, who could reveal everything with just one look? Madam Lin thought to herself, feeling secretly irritated.

Time flew by, and the Ouyang residence remained calm and uneventful. With Old Madam Li's direct indication, Li Yiniang gradually took over the reins of the steward's authority. She was very obedient and sensible, handling everything according to each person's status without excessively touching upon anyone's original interests. Whenever there was indecision, she would defer to Old Madam Li for a decision, and for the time being, everyone was satisfied. 

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Ouyang Zhi didn't care much about who managed the household affairs. As long as the household was in good order, the servants were obedient and everything was well-managed, he was quite content. However, Madam Lin was extremely frustrated. 

Old Madam Li extended her control over the household affairs from half a month to after the child's birth, under the pretext of Madam Lin needing rest due to her pregnancy. Madam Lin was unwilling to accept this and tried various means to manipulate Ouyang Zhi. Sometimes she pretended to be sick, sometimes she fainted, sometimes she vomited, and sometimes she complained. 

But Ouyang Zhi remained adamant. No matter how much she made a scene, he ignored her, rarely even visiting the Furui Pavilion, fearing the unborn child might harm him. Furthermore, Madam Lin's appearance was affected after she became pregnant, so Ouyang Zhi was more inclined to seek pleasure from the youthful and beautiful Li Yiniang. 

Seeing the situation was not in her favor, Madam Lin decided to focus on nurturing her unborn child wholeheartedly. She was determined to give birth to a healthy son to show everyone, firmly set on having this child inherit the Ouyang family name and completely dispel the notion of the ominous star.

After that, Madam Jiang came again, this time sending a maid named Jiaoxing over, clearly indicating that it was a gift from the Lady of the Shangshu. Initially, Li Yiniang didn't know the true nature of Jiaoxing. When she went to deliver some items to Madam Lin, Jiaoxing blocked her at the door, claiming that Madam Lin was feeling unwell and asking Li Yiniang to wait. 

Li Yiniang waited in the cold wind for an hour, but in the end, she didn't get to see Madam Lin. When Li Yiniang returned, she naturally fell seriously ill. Concerned, Ouyang Zhi asked how she had caught a cold. Li Yiniang, weak and silent, said nothing, while her maidservants complained bitterly and exaggerated the situation. Enraged, Ouyang Zhi went to confront Madam Lin. 

However, Madam Lin's eyes reddened as she spoke, "Master, I am truly unwell and unaware of this matter. If it was any other maid in the courtyard, I would allow her to be disciplined. But it happens to be Jiaoxing. You know, she was sent by Second Sister-in-law to take care of me during my pregnancy. If she is punished, wouldn't it be humiliating Second Sister-in-law publicly? By then, Second Brother's reputation would also suffer."

This statement was quite clear. Jiaoxing was a gift from the Lady of the Shangshu, not just any servant in your Ouyang Residence to be dealt with as you please. If you were to strike her, it would be a blow to Lin Wenyuan's dignity. 

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You are just a Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice, while she is a Minister of the Ministry of War. Official rank determines one's superiority, and you dare not try to strike her. Ouyang Zhi's arrogance was instantly dispelled, and he retreated after uttering a few embarrassed words. In the end, Li Yiniang realized the true power of Jiaoxing. 

From then on, everyone in the residence avoided crossing paths with her. Seeing even the most favored concubine having to tread carefully around her, Jiaoxing couldn't help but become even more audacious. Before long, everyone in the Ouyang Residence knew about this formidable maid by Madam's side.

Upon returning to the Wennuan Pavilion, everything appeared as usual. People in the courtyard were busy with their tasks, and they stopped to bow upon seeing the young lady approaching. However, when she reached the corridor, there was no one on guard, which infuriated Fang Mama. 

She was about to express her displeasure when Ouyang Nuan raised her hand to stop her, saying, "There's no need to be angry, Fang Mama. Let's first find out what's going on."

Turning the corner of the corridor, they saw three or four young maidservants and two maids gathered around another maid, who was wiping her tears incessantly, her nose red from crying.

Seeing Ouyang Nuan's arrival, the mothers all stood up with smiles on their faces, but the little maids looked uneasy and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Sun Mama immediately came over and handed over a hand stove: "Miss, I've been keeping the charcoal warm for you."

Ouyang Nuan smiled as she took it, but Fang Mama's face turned cold: "Sun Mama, what's going on in the courtyard? Why are people standing around chatting instead of working? How are you managing things?"

Fang Mama was the person Ouyang Nuan trusted the most, and Sun Mama didn't dare to be presumptuous. She smiled and replied, "Fang Mama misunderstood. Baojuan just went out and accidentally slipped and fell. She's crying, and Huiyu and the others are consoling her."

"Oh, slipped and fell?" Ouyang Nuan glanced at Baojuan, who kept her head down and didn't dare to look at her. She couldn't help but think that this fall must have been quite remarkable to leave a handprint on her face.

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Baojuan was always timid and avoided trouble, keeping her head down and not daring to say a word. However, Huiyu was straightforward and outspoken. Pointing at Baojuan's face, she said to Ouyang Nuan, "Miss, Baojuan didn't just slip and fall somewhere. She was hit by someone!"

Sun Mama inwardly lamented. She had been trying to smooth things over, but now Huiyu dared to speak out about it. She hurriedly interjected, "Miss, don't listen to this maid's nonsense. Baojuan accidentally dropped a bowl, and in a fit of anger, I slapped her..."

Huiyu wanted to say more but was fiercely glared at by Sun Mama, so she angrily pouted and remained silent.

"Sun Mama is usually very kind. How could she hit someone over a trivial matter?" Ouyang Nuan said calmly. "Hongyu, go find out the truth of the matter and report back to me."

"Yes, Miss."

Sun Mama blushed and dared not speak any further.

Ouyang Nuan returned to her room, and within half an incense stick's time, 

Hongyu lifted the curtain and entered. "Miss, here's what happened. Today, when Baojuan went to fetch your breakfast, Jiaoxing happened to be there in Madam's room. She insisted that Madam's stomach wasn't feeling well and wanted something else to eat. The kitchen steward said all the breakfast items were pre-selected by each room, and if she wanted something else, she had to order it in advance. Jiaoxing refused to listen and demanded the kitchen make something fresh for Madam, asking her to wait. At that moment, she saw Baojuan about to leave with the food box. She immediately rushed over and forcibly took the bowl of date and Job's tears porridge, saying that Madam, being pregnant, couldn't afford to go hungry and asked you to wait. Baojuan couldn't bear it and tried to explain, but she was slapped by Jiaoxing..."

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"Oh..." Ouyang Nuan listened, sneering coldly. It sounded like just a bowl of porridge incident, but in reality, it was an excuse to publicly strike her own maid. Jiaoxing indeed had quite the audacity. And the person behind her must have put in a lot of effort... "Surface-level calmness for nurturing the fetus, but actually scheming in the dark! Very well. Instead of enjoying peaceful days, they insist on coming to stir up trouble. Truly making their own misfortune."

"Hongyu, I heard that Jiaoxing is exceptionally beautiful. Is that true?" Ouyang Nuan's eyes shimmered with an indescribable charm.

"In response to Miss, that girl has a slim figure, fair and clear skin, and exquisite features. She is indeed quite attractive," Hongyu replied after carefully recollecting.

Beautifully born, with a fiery temper and obedient to Lin's commands. Aunt Lin sent such a person, probably aiming to have Madam Lin take her in for Ouyang Zhi. Then they could use the opportunity to keep Ouyang Zhi at the Furui Courtyard. This could also serve as a warning to those unruly concubines. Unfortunately, Madam Lin was extremely jealous and would never tolerate such a beautiful maid getting favored. With that, Jiaoxing's usefulness would be greatly diminished.

"Hongyu, later, you'll instruct them to prepare some delicate pastries to send to the Furui Court," Ouyang Nuan said slowly, a hint of cunning gleam in her eyes.

"Miss wants to send them to Madam?" Hongyu asked in confusion. In the past, it was always Miss who personally delivered them. Why today...?

"No, send them to Jiaoxing," Ouyang Nuan said with a faint smile, winking at her.

When Hongyu arrived at the Furui Court, she found Jiaoxing standing at the door. Her face was cold as she spoke, "Madam isn't feeling well and is resting. If Miss has any instructions, please tell me, and I'll convey them inside."

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Hongyu's smile was very charming. Seeing Wang Mama coldly watching from the corridor, she raised her voice, "I'm not here to see Madam. This morning, one of the maids in the courtyard offended Miss Jiaoxing over a trivial matter. Miss feels guilty about it and asked me to bring you some snacks, as a way to apologize on behalf of the maid."

With that, she opened the food box she was carrying. Inside, there was a small plate of jujube and yam cakes, a small plate of water chestnut cakes. When she opened the second layer, there was a plate of sweet osmanthus and steamed chestnut flour cakes, all still emitting steam and fragrance. Wang Mama took a look and thought to herself that Miss was always good at winning people's hearts. It was just a trivial matter, yet she even sent someone to apologize specifically. Others might think she was very benevolent, but Wang Mama knew she was the kind of smiling tiger who hid her claws. With a cold snort, she turned and walked away.

Even knowing that Madam resented Eldest Miss deeply, Jiaoxing couldn't bring herself to kick the smiling Hongyu out. Originally, Jiaoxing thought the other party had come to settle the matter from earlier in the morning. Who would have thought they were here to apologize? With a cold face, she couldn't continue to be stern. She awkwardly said, "Miss, please come into my room and have a seat."

Once inside, Hongyu took out the food box and placed it on the table, then pulled out a red envelope from her sleeve and handed it over. "This is what Miss asked me to bring to you. She said Madam is pregnant, and Wang Mama is getting older. Sister Jiaoxing is now the most trusted person by Madam. What happened this morning was just a misunderstanding. Please forgive her."

Jiaoxing skeptically took the envelope and found two gold rings inside, one with a ruby set in it, and the other shaped like a pearl flower. A smile appeared on her face, and she said, "How can I accept this?" In her heart, she thought it was no wonder everyone in the Ouyang household praised Miss for her kindness. Clearly, she had bullied her maid, yet instead of retaliating, she was apologizing and even compensating her. It was truly rare.

"Hongyu, Miss is truly kind-hearted and won't take it back once it's given to you. Sister Jiaoxing, please feel free to accept it," Hongyu reassured.

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Jiaoxing's smile became even brighter involuntarily. She quickly fetched a stool for Hongyu to sit on, and the atmosphere between them gradually eased.

Hongyu glanced around the small yet clean and tidy room and remarked, "I've heard that Sister Jiaoxing is sharp and decisive. Seeing how neat and tidy this little room is, it's evident that you are both skillful and intelligent."

Although Jiaoxing smiled at her words, there was a hint of displeasure in her heart. She arrived last and received the worst room, having to share it with someone else. It was far from what Madam had promised her. However, she couldn't show any dissatisfaction in front of Hongyu. She forced a smile and said, "You're teasing me. Tidying up the room is just part of my duties as a maid."

Hongyu smiled and asked, "But what kind of person are you? You won't stay in this kind of room for long. Why bother to clean it up?"

Jiaoxing paused for a moment, her eyes flickering slightly. "I'm just a maid. Where else can I live if not in such a room?"

With a slight smile, Hongyu said, "Don't hide it from me, Sister. Everyone in the mansion knows...” she trailed off, elongating her words, “Madam is pregnant, and at this time, Madam of the Marquis' Mansion sent a beauty like you. Need I say more?" Then she pointed towards the main room where Madam Lin resided.

Jiaoxing forced a smile upon hearing this. "Madam of the Marquis' Mansion sent me to serve Madam. There's nothing else to it. Sister, please don't misunderstand."

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"Is that true?" Hongyu deliberately feigned astonishment. "I heard a few days ago that the steward of the mansion came to propose marriage to Madam on behalf of his son, and it was about you, Sister. The steward's son follows the master and has a bright future ahead. Many maids in the mansion couldn't secure such a good marriage proposal, but Madam refused. She said you were sent by Madam of the Marquis' Mansion, so she couldn't decide. After the steward came out, he told everyone that you would eventually marry the master and become a concubine... Everyone knows about this!" Then, she muttered to herself in a strange tone, "But why hasn't Madam let the master accept you into his quarters?" 

Jiaoxing couldn't believe that Hongyu would bring up such matters. Initially, Madam of the Marquis' Mansion did indeed imply that she should come here to help capture the master's heart, so she had always assumed that Madam Lin would let Ouyang Zhi take her in. But after waiting for two full months, Lin showed no sign of movement, which made her start to feel anxious.

Hongyu exclaimed, "Oh my!" with a self-conscious look, as if she had spoken out of turn. "Why did I bring up these things? Madam will make the final decision on such matters. Sister, just wait to live a good life." Jiaoxing's smile became even more forced, and after exchanging a few more pleasantries, Hongyu stood up to take her leave. 

As she reached the door, she paused, turned back to look at Jiaoxing, and said, "Sister, although we've only known each other for a short time, we seem to get along well. Don't blame me for being nosy, but you should still think more for yourself." Jiaoxing watched her leave with a complex expression on her face, feeling a surge of inexplicable and indescribable emotions welling up inside her.

As soon as Hongyu left, Lin immediately summoned Jiaoxing and stared at her, asking, "What did Hongyu say to you?"

Jiaoxing forced a smile and replied, "Madam, Miss asked Hongyu to come and apologize to me."

"Nothing else?" Lin pressed, her eyes fixed on her without blinking.

"Madam, she also asked if I am accustomed to life here. Oh yes, she sent a food box with quite a few snacks. I haven't touched any of it. Would Madam like to try some?" Jiaoxing asked softly.

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Madam Lin replied coldly, "Eating her food might cause indigestion. Keep it for yourself."

Feeling a jump in her heart at the cold gaze, Jiaoxing lowered her head and said, "Does Madam have any other instructions?"

"None. You may leave," Lin said calmly, her expression returning to its usual calm demeanor.

After bowing, Jiaoxing turned and left. Madam Lin watched her retreating figure, her expression growing increasingly grim, and then she turned to Wang Mama beside her, asking, "What do you think Ouyang Nuan means by this?"

"Madam, I really can't fathom the intentions of this young lady," Wang Mama shook her head and said, "Regardless, now that you are pregnant, she wouldn't dare to lay a hand on you."

"Hmph. My children have been doomed by her to become lone stars. What else does she not dare to do?" Lin snorted coldly, her eyes full of resentment.

Lowering her voice, Wang Mama said, "Madam, let's put aside the matter of the young miss for now. I will keep an eye on her. Surely she won't be able to pull anything off. But as for this Jiaoxing, do you have any plans?"

Madam Lin frowned, saying, "Second sister-in-law's intention indeed seems to be to have me accept the girl for the master. By doing so, she hopes to keep the master under my influence. However," she didn't want to cultivate another rival for herself. 

In case the second sister-in-law had ulterior motives, Jiaoxing could very well become another Zhou Yiniang. Thinking of this, her gaze turned even colder as she continued, "Second brother may have my best interests at heart, but there's a layer of separation between me and the second sister-in-law. Her true intentions remain unknown. For safety's sake, I'd rather choose a docile and easily controlled girl from my own maidservants."

Just then, they heard a maid calling from outside, "Jiaoxing, what are you doing in there?"

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Jiaoxing's panicked voice came through, "I... I'm afraid Madam Lin may have other instructions."

Madam Lin's expression changed, and she exchanged a glance with Wang Mama. Wang Mama hurried to the window, swiftly opening the lattice. She caught sight of Jiaoxing hurriedly leaving. After closing the window, she returned to Madam Lin's side, saying, "Madam, about what was just said..."

"Whether you heard it or not, go and inform Manager Miao that I've accepted his proposal for marriage. However, Jiaoxing will remain in my courtyard to serve even after she's married. I still have a use for her."

"Madam, should we inform Madam Jiang?"

"No need. I'll simply say that Jiaoxing and Manager Miao's son have mutual affections and came to me to finalize the match. She can't blame me for that." Madam Lin's tone grew colder, and Wang Mama knew she didn't want to discuss it further. With a sigh, she refrained from further persuasion.

In the afternoon, Ouyang Nuan came to visit Madam Lin. This time, Jiaoxing stayed inside and showed no intention of coming out to obstruct. 

Ouyang Nuan made her way smoothly into the courtyard. Upon receiving the news, Madam Lin's attendant hurried out to greet her. She saw Ouyang Nuan dressed in a honey-colored cotton robe, a light silver-red long coat with a plain linen long skirt. There was not a speck of makeup on her face, yet she exuded an indescribable beauty. She retained the youthful vigor of a young girl while also carrying herself with dignity, as if she had stepped out of a painting. 

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This sight surprised the attendant once again. The maid opened the embroidered curtain for her, revealing Ouyang Nuan's slight smile as she entered. Inside, she saw Madam Lin seated on a couch covered with bright red satin, wearing a large red mink cape over her shoulders, a rouge-red embroidered silk jacket with golden threads, a dark blue silk cloak with engraved silver patterns, and a bright red silk dress. 

The gold earrings with emerald droplets on her ears swayed gently, accentuating her radiant beauty. She looked exceptionally noble and elegant, but the signs of pregnancy and emotional distress were evident on her face, beyond the concealment of any makeup.

Maid Lixiang was standing by the edge of the kang, holding a small lacquered tea tray with a tiny covered teacup inside. Madam Lin was about to take the tea from her hands when she saw Ouyang Nuan approaching. Her face immediately lit up with a gentle smile as she said, "On such a cold day, it's so thoughtful of you to come. Please, come and sit down quickly."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and walked over. "How are you feeling, Mother?"

Madam Lin replied, "I'm much better now, thanks to your constant concern."

Ouyang Nuan sat down on the kang, and just as Madam Lin was about to speak, she suddenly coughed. Ouyang Nuan hurried forward to help her ease her cough, then accepted the tea that Lixiang handed over. After tasting a small sip from the teacup lid to ensure it was at the right temperature, she sat by the kang and served Madam Lin tea with gentle and natural movements. 

Her demeanor was so tender and considerate that it left Lixiang stunned. She couldn't help but think that anyone who saw the young lady would assume she was Madam's biological daughter due to her filial piety and grace.

Madam Lin observed this scene with complex emotions. Nowadays, everyone in the mansion praised the young lady for her upright character, broad-minded behavior, gentle temperament, and extraordinary beauty, contrasting her unfavorably with Second Miss Ouyang. 

However, only Madam knew the truth - that despite the young lady's smiling demeanor, she was actually a cunning and formidable character with a sharp tongue. Yet, no one could catch even a hint of her true nature. 

Wang Mama sighed inwardly and said with a smile, "The young miss is indeed gentle and considerate. It must be because she's accustomed to it from serving the Old Madam."

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Ouyang Nuan glanced at Madam Wang and nodded, saying, "Mother's health is not well, and she's expecting another child. She can't serve in front of grandmother. As her daughter, it's only natural for me to fulfill my filial duties. What do you think, Madam Wang?"

Madam Wang's expression stiffened, and she glanced at the solemn-faced Madam Lin before lowering her head and smiling, "Yes, Miss is right." She had intended to make a sarcastic remark, suggesting that Ouyang Nuan was like a lapdog by the Old Madam's side, but Ouyang Nuan subtly hinted that Madam should have been the one attending to the Old Madam, especially considering she hadn't done so since her pregnancy began. This Miss was not one to take any slight lying down.

"By the way, Mother, I almost forgot the main matter. Grandma's birthday is on the fifth day of the second month. I've written a longevity character and prepared it as a birthday gift for her. I'm not sure if it meets her preferences, so I'd like to ask for your advice," Ouyang Nuan said with a smile, as if the previous incident hadn't occurred.

"This kind of matter should be decided by your father. I don't understand these things," Madam Lin replied with a smile, inwardly looking down on the idea of a single longevity character being considered a birthday gift.

"You're right, Mother. I've already sent someone to invite Father here. I hope he and you can help me evaluate it. I just hope Grandma will like it," Ouyang Nuan said.

Though Madam Lin's face still bore a smile, she couldn't help but feel puzzled. What was Ouyang Nuan's intention? Why did she want Ouyang Zhi and herself to evaluate it together? Was there some hidden agenda? After careful consideration, she realized that she had kept herself secluded and had no leverage that Ouyang Nuan could exploit, so she felt slightly reassured.

Ouyang Nuan and Madam Lin exchanged a few more superficial words before Hongyu rushed in through the curtains.

"Madam!" Her face was pale, but her eyes were unusually bright, showing a determined expression. Following closely behind her was a maid, sweating profusely and looking fearful. "Madam, I couldn't stop her..."

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"What's going on here? Get her out of here!" Madam Lin was annoyed. She had just informed Jiaoxing about the marriage decision made for her, so her sudden entrance surely meant trouble! She directed the maidservants to drag her out.

Jiaoxing's eyebrows furrowed, her eyes widened. "Who dares to touch me!" She used to be the favored senior maid by Madam Jiang's side, fierce and cunning. Here, she had always relied on being granted by Madam Lin, and who dared to challenge her authority in the Fuyuan Courtyard? Now, seeing her tantrum, everyone was momentarily stunned, unsure of how to proceed.

"Nuan'er, Mother has some matters to attend to, so why don't you go back first," Madam Lin said to Ouyang Nuan, standing nearby. She couldn't lash out directly at Jiaoxing, so she wanted to send her stepdaughter away first.

"Mother, what's going on?" Ouyang Nuan's expression turned puzzled, her eyes shimmering with a hint of grievance. "Is there anything between us that we can't talk about?"

Madam Lin's hand, clenched into a fist, remained tightly at her side. Though her nails dug into her flesh, she showed no sign of discomfort, smiling instead. "Nuan'er, you're imagining things. It's not like your mother has any secrets from you. Well then, Jiaoxing, what do you have to say?"

"Madam!" Jiaoxing knelt down with a thud. "I refuse to marry the son of the steward!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

Madam Lin's voice turned icy cold, like frostbite. "Jiaoxing, I have matters to discuss with the young lady today. If you have something to say, save it for later!"

"Madam!" Jiaoxing suddenly lifted her head. "Madam, my previous Madam didn't send me here to marry the son of a steward, didn't she tell you?" Her chin jutted out sharply, her eyes filled with anger. "She sent me here to share your worries and serve the master!"

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"You, you maid—" Madam Wang widened her eyes, staring at Jiaoxing in disbelief. "You... you've gone mad, daring to speak such words in front of Madam!"

Ouyang Nuan's expression remained calm as she observed Madam Lin's face turning pale in an instant. Then she turned to look at Jiaoxing and slowly said, "Auntie Lin only sent you here to serve my mother well. What you're saying is absurd."

Jiaoxing's eyes held an indescribable determination. "I was indeed sent to serve Madam. But my contract of servitude still belongs to the Marquis Mansion. Even if Madam wants to marry me off casually, Madam Jiang wouldn't agree!"

"So, what do you want?" Ouyang Nuan's voice gently filled the room, soft like a spring breeze brushing against the face, yet strangely carrying a seductive allure.

The hint of hesitation on Jiaoxing's face only flashed for a moment. She came to this mansion because Madam Jiang promised her a concubine position, which was almost like being a mistress herself! She didn't come here to become the wife of a mere steward! Thinking of what Hongyu said, she became even more determined. She declared loudly, "I beg Madam to grant me a favor. If Madam despises me, then let me return to the Hou Mansion!"

"Outrageous!" Madam Lin was so enraged that her face turned purple. 

Madam Wang hurriedly approached and gently patted her chest, saying, "Madam, you're still pregnant. Take care of yourself and don't let this little troublemaker ruin your mood!" Then, she sternly addressed Jiaoxing, "Since you came to the mansion, how has Madam treated you? You ungrateful wretch! If it weren't for Madam protecting you and allowing you to act so recklessly here, would you dare to challenge her now that you've grown bolder?"

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Jiaoxing was taken aback, a hint of fear flashing across her face. Seeing this, Ouyang Nuan sighed and said, "Jiaoxing, what are you saying? Even though the son of Steward Miao will marry you as a secondary wife, he is still under his father's authority. How could it be wrong for you to marry him? My mother is genuinely looking out for your best interests. You must understand this clearly."

"Secondary wife?" Jiaoxing's eyes nearly shot flames. "With my looks, countless stewards in the Marquis's residence would seek to marry me. Why would I willingly come here to be someone's secondary wife? There's no way the madam can force me into something I refuse!" 

Lixiang, who had been serving Madam Lin for many years and knew her temperament well, couldn't bear to see Jiaoxing's future put in jeopardy. She hurriedly approached and grabbed her, saying, "Jiaoxing, please don't speak to Madam like this."

Thinking of Madam Lin's words about finding a reliable servant among her maids, Jiaoxing felt a surge of anger. She shook off Lixiang's hand coldly and said, "Stop pretending. Who do you think you're fooling? Your fawning and timidity—are they not just to make Madam think you're obedient, hoping to climb up and become the concubine of the master in the future?"

Lixiang was stunned, then couldn't believe her ears. She had only wanted to help, but she was misunderstood like this! It seemed that being a good person was truly impossible! As she raised her eyes, she met Madam Lin's cold, snake-like gaze. Quickly, she knelt down, prostrating herself on the ground, and pleaded, "Madam, spare me, I dare not have such thoughts!"

However, Jiaoxing paid no heed and continued, "Madam, since the Marquis's residence sent me here, I have devoted myself wholeheartedly to serving you. Day and night, I've been by your side, sharing your worries and easing your burdens. Even if I haven't done anything remarkable, there's still some loyalty and affection in my efforts. How could you give me away to someone else as a secondary wife? That would be betraying the intentions of my original mistress. Madam, I didn't mean to defy your wishes. It's just that I can't bear to leave your side. With Wang Mama getting older and the other maids being timid, if someone dares to bully you in the future, who will speak up for you? Considering the care I've provided for you, please allow me to stay by your side!"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Nuan looked at Madam Lin, sighed and said, "Mother, I'll speak honestly. Jiaoxing's character and temperament are exceptional. It would indeed be a pity for her to marry Miao Mu as a secondary wife." She glanced at Jiaoxing and continued, "If you were to truly marry her off to him, I'm afraid even Second Aunt wouldn't easily agree to it..."

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