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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 45: 

 In Stepmother's Belly Resides a Lone Star of Calamity

Fang Mama and Hongyu went over to take a look and saw that the cloth doll was made of simple white silk, with a row of words written from top to bottom, detailing the stepmother Lin Wanru's name and her date of birth. On top of the doll, there were also small needles inserted all over its body. Both of them couldn't help but turn pale!

Madam Lin really spared no expense. In order to frame Ouyang Nuan, she even included her own date of birth, showing how deep her hatred for her went. First, she deliberately pretended to be sick in front of Old Madam Li and invited the Daoist nun, insisting on performing the ritual in the Eldest Miss' Pavilion while everyone else was away. 

Then, she buried the cloth doll while only Master Ma and her two disciples were in the yard. They buried the doll in a corner under the wall. Then Wang Mama found an excuse to search, and when they dug out the doll in public, they had both physical and testimonial evidence. 

The owner of the yard would be accused of using witchcraft against Madam Lin. By then, Madam Lin would probably claim that Ouyang Nuan tried to harm her because she was pregnant, fearing that her son would threaten the position of Young Master Jue. 

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In this way, Ouyang Zhi would certainly not forgive easily! It's possible that even Young Master Jue would be mistaken for an accomplice... What a vicious plan!

Ouyang Nuan lightly hooked the corner of her lips, flipped her sleeves, and tossed the cloth doll to Hongyu. "Burn it."

Soon, the cloth doll was thrown into the brazier, and Fang Mama picked up the fire tongs and stirred the charcoal a few times. The cloth doll meticulously crafted by Madam Lin soon turned into ashes. Ouyang Nuan smiled and said to Changpu, "You've worked hard, Changpu."

"I haven't done anything. It's the Young Miss who is truly clever. If it weren't for you asking the Young Master to find this well-trained dog and deliberately starving it for a day, I'm afraid we would have suffered a big loss today," Changpu said modestly, smiling shyly without taking credit.

Hongyu, feeling a bit dissatisfied, asked, "Young Miss, are we just going to leave it at that?"

In the flickering firelight, Ouyang Nuan's clear and cold eyes seemed to be tinged with a layer of splendid color. She smiled and said, "Since they've come to us, of course, I must return the favor with a generous gift."

Half an hour later, Ouyang Zhi, with a furious expression, brought Ouyang Ke and Master Ma to the Shou'an Hall. Ouyang Ke rushed to speak, "Grandmother, Sister has gone too far this time..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the other half got stuck in his throat. Beside Old Madam Li stood a person with a faint smile on her face, appearing very gentle and obedient. Who else could it be but Ouyang Nuan?

"Sister, what's going on?" Ouyang Nuan asked in surprise.

Ouyang Ke pointed to the bandaged nose and the whimpering Master Ma beside her, saying, "Grandmother, look at this. Sister allowed the vicious dog to attack, resulting in Master Ma's nose being bitten like this! The doctor said if it's not properly treated, it could leave future troubles!"

Ouyang Zhi also said coldly, "Nuan'er, you have indeed gone too far this time. How could you injure Master Ma like this?"

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"Father is right. Jue saw a rare-colored dog at the market and insisted on bringing it back to show grandmother. I was afraid he would disturb grandmother, so I said to bring it to the Listening Warm Pavilion for me to see. It just happened to coincide with Madam Dao's arrival for the ritual, and unfortunately, it startled her! I feel really guilty about it..." Ouyang Nuan said with deep regret, her expression sincere and delicate, making people unable to bear blaming her.

"You—" Ouyang Ke's face turned pale, then flushed red in anger. She wanted to scold, but didn't know what to say. She just kept a stern face and remained silent.

Old Madam Li impatiently interjected, "Enough, enough. Can you blame Nuan'er? She allowed a Daoist nun to perform rituals in her courtyard, which was fine. Nuan'er obediently gave up the courtyard, when she said there was something dirty to be investigated. After poking around and finding nothing, she ended up getting bitten by a dog. Can you blame Nuan'er? Have you thought about how people would laugh at us if this matter spread? It's simply embarrassing!"

Ouyang Zhi hesitated. Originally, he wanted to scold Ouyang Nuan, but seeing Old Madam Li's angry face and his eldest daughter's eyes filled with grievance, he didn't know what to say for a moment. He could only grit his teeth and say, "It's all the fault of that animal. Tomorrow I'll have it beaten to death!"

Ouyang Nuan sighed and said, "Father, daughter thinks that the dog is just an animal, ignorant of human affairs. Mother is pregnant and sick at this time. It's not suitable to kill it. Let's spare it."

Ouyang Zhi frowned, thinking it was indeed inauspicious. He waved his hand and said, "Then let it go."

Ouyang Ke harbored deep resentment. Since the doll couldn't be found, there was no way to frame Ouyang Nuan. Pursuing this matter further would be meaningless. She decided to speak up, saying, "Grandmother, Master Ma has something to say to you!"

Madam Dao, covering her face and emitting a strong smell of blood, walked over. Seeing her disheveled appearance and lack of the usual dignified demeanor, Madam Li couldn't help but feel a bit repulsed. She frowned and asked, "Do you have something to say, Daoist Nun?"

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Master Ma glared at Ouyang Nuan with resentment and said, "Madam, there's something I'm not sure whether to say or not, but since your husband invited me here, I must speak my mind. Do you know that this young lady's birth date clashes with the child in Madam's womb?"

"What did you say?" Both Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi were stunned, while Ouyang Ke's face showed a cold smirk.

"Old Madam, Venerable Huian from the Ningguo Temple requests an audience," interrupted a servant.

Old Madam Li stood up abruptly, her usually calm demeanor now trembling with excitement. "What? Venerable Huian? Please, come in!"

Ningguo Temple was a place of spiritual retreat bestowed with its name by the Emperor himself. The abbots chosen to lead were always carefully selected. Abbess Huian, the current leader, was highly respected and revered for her teachings and virtues. It was rare for Old Madam Li to even get a glimpse of her when she went to offer incense, let alone have her visit her home. It was truly a stroke of luck!

Before long, faint sounds of a wooden fish could be heard in the air. The person recited a verse, "Namo Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva!" and gently opened the curtain, stepping inside with measured strides. All present turned their gaze towards the door and saw a person of around fifty years old. Although their appearance was ordinary, there was a natural aura of compassion and kindness between their brows. It was as if they were a blooming white lotus, invoking involuntary reverence from those present.

Old Madam Li, seeing that it was indeed Abbess Huian, smiled so warmly that her eyes disappeared. She personally went forward to greet her and asked, "Venerable Abbess, how come you are here?"

"Amitabha Buddha. This humble nun happened to pass by here and sensed an unusual atmosphere in the residence. I thought there must be something happening, so I intruded," Abbess Huian replied with a serene smile.

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"The venerable abbess is right. It was indeed the aura of this young lady that clashed with the child in Madam's womb, causing this anomaly!" exclaimed Master Ma, hastily speaking and causing a sharp pain in her nose, prompting her to cover it to avoid any draft.

"Daogu, perhaps you should hold your tongue for a moment," Madam Li said coldly, casting a disdainful glance at her. She found Master Ma's demeanor rather repulsive. "I wonder, venerable abbess, what do you mean by this unusual phenomenon?"

"Let's not rush into discussing this matter. Since I am already here, it might be a kind of fate. Let me divine for the household," Abbess Huian said after seating herself, pondering for a moment before speaking slowly.

Madam Li was overjoyed at the prospect. In the capital's aristocratic circles, who wouldn't want the divination of Abbess Huian? She rarely agreed to such requests, so for her to come voluntarily was a tremendous joy. Even Ouyang Zhi, who usually dismissed supernatural matters, showed a hint of happiness upon hearing this. Obtaining Abbess Huian's divination would be a prestigious affair to boast about. 

Only Ouyang Ke furrowed her brows, thinking that this old nun was meddling unnecessarily. She chose the crucial moment to interrupt Master Ma's words!

After examining Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi's birth charts and comparing them to their facial features, Abbess Huian praised them continuously. She remarked that Old Madam Li possessed both wealth and blessings, with boundless fortune. She also mentioned that Ouyang Zhi had a prosperous official career, would have many children, and would lack nothing in fortune and prosperity. Both Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi nodded in agreement, smiling brightly.

However, when it came to Ouyang Nuan's turn, Abbess Huian stared at her eyebrows and eyes for a long time, repeatedly examining her features. Finally, she said, "You have an extremely noble destiny. This humble nun dares not calculate further."

Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi exchanged a puzzled glance. They found it strange that Abbess Huian couldn't read Ouyang Nuan's fate when she could read theirs. However, Abbess Huian refused to explain further, merely smiling and remaining silent. Ouyang Nuan wasn't concerned about her own fate. Instead, she calmly smiled at Abbess Huian and said, "Venerable abbess, my mother is ill. I wonder if you could divine for her as well to see what is causing her illness?"

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Master Huian nodded and said, "Alright."

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Zhi immediately wrote down Madam Lin's birth details respectfully and handed them over, saying, "My wife has been pregnant for over a month. Since yesterday, she suddenly complained of severe body pain that she couldn't endure. I would like Master to take a look and see what the reason might be."

Master Huian lowered her head to look at Madam Lin's birth details, nodded slightly, and then asked, "Do you know when your wife conceived?"

Ouyang Zhi looked a bit embarrassed. With a cold glance from Old Madam Li, he smiled and answered the date of conception.

Master Huian lowered her head to calculate for a moment, her expression becoming solemn. She furrowed her brows and asked, "Is it really so?" Ouyang Zhi nodded and said, "Yes."

Master Huian suddenly sighed deeply, and without saying a word, she stood up as if to leave. Old Madam Li panicked and hurriedly stopped her, asking, "Master, what's wrong? Have we offended you in any way?"

Master Huian shook her head and said, "There are some things that cannot be said. Please forgive me for disturbing you." With that, she was about to take her leave. Old Madam Li felt even more puzzled and quickly stopped her, earnestly pleading, "Master, is there something you want to tell us? Please, you must tell us the truth!"

Ouyang Nuan smiled gently and said, "Master Huian, you just said that passing by is fate. My grandmother truly respects you, so why hold back half of what you want to say? How can she be at ease in the future? You are compassionate, so please speak freely."

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Ouyang Zhi also looked puzzled and hurriedly approached, earnestly saying, "Master, please speak frankly."

Master Huian furrowed her brow, remained silent for a while, and then sighed, "Since it's like this, then I'll speak frankly. The child in Madam's womb carries the fate of a lone star born under an inauspicious month, day, hour, and wind. It's what we call the fate of a solitary star, where the advancing aspect signifies loneliness and the retreating aspect signifies isolation... This is a very bad omen, indeed!"

"The fate of a solitary star?" What does that mean?" Old Madam Li's face suddenly changed, and she grabbed Master Huian's sleeve, saying, "Master, you must clarify this!"

Master Huian sighed and said, "Initially, I noticed a layer of dark energy shrouding your household, which raised suspicions in my mind. I came specifically to read the fates of everyone here, and found no abnormalities among the household members. However, it was only when Master Ouyang mentioned the date of Madam's conception, combined with the anomalies observed in Madam's body and the layers of dark energy I had previously seen, that I dared to conclude. The child in Madam's womb carries the fate of a solitary star, which is a fate of punishment and conflict. Madam's sudden bodily pain is caused by the negative energy emanating from this child. And this is just the beginning; the fate of a solitary star brings conflicts with parents, siblings, spouses, and children. It severs familial ties and makes marriage difficult, leading to a solitary and difficult life... Alas, I fear that the original lifespan of the Old Madam and Master Ouyang will be completely cut off due to this child. It's a tragic fate. May you all live a pious and virtuous life, for how could such misfortune befall you?"

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Li's face turned pale. She couldn't help but recall the dream described by Ouyang Jue, she couldn't help but feel alarmed and horrified. Ouyang Zhi said he wanted to name the child Ouyang Hao. The Book of Yu mentions the vastness of floodwaters. Wasn't the surging water a manifestation of Ouyang Hao? The flood washed away the house and crushed oneself. Wasn't this a harbinger of the child causing harm to loved ones? This was truly a warning from heaven! Oh my, she thought she could find some solace in the fact that, although Madam Lin was unpleasant, the child was still of the Ouyang family. Little did she know that this child would turn out to be a malevolent star.

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Upon hearing this, Ouyang Zhi stepped forward immediately, his face showing an urgent expression. "Master, can these words be taken as true?"

Master Huian's face darkened. "This nun was merely passing by this place, with no prior connection to your family. How could I speak nonsense? The words have been spoken; whether you believe them or not is up to you."

Ouyang Ke listened with disbelief, her face turning deathly pale. What was going on? Clearly, Mother fell ill as a means to frame Ouyang Nuan, but how did it become twisted in Master Huian's mouth to be attributed to her brother's influence? This was completely contrary to Mother's original intentions!

Old Madam Li and Ouyang Zhi exchanged a glance, both of them believing eighty percent of it. Since Reverend Huian had no prior association with the Ouyang family, there was indeed no reason for her to deceive them. So, could this child... really have the fate of harming their loved ones?

"Master, please don't be angry. Father is also anxious. Just now, listening to your guidance, I couldn't help but feel worried that the brother my mother is carrying might indeed harm our close relatives. Is there any way to resolve this?" Ouyang Nuan asked with a worried expression.

Master Huian sighed. "Miss, it's not that I refuse to help. As the ancient saying goes, the influence of the Lone Star cannot be stopped. It harms one's parents and close relatives, and even the Nobleman of the Heavens cannot offer salvation. Cultivating oneself and doing good deeds is the best solution. I advise you all to do more good deeds and be more cautious in the future."

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Li became anxious and firmly grasped Master Huian's sleeve. "Master, what if something were to happen to this child now?"

Ouyang Ke was instantly shocked and turned pale. "Grandmother, how could this be?"

"That's right, it's not the future young master who has the fate of the Lone Star, but instead..." Master Ma started.

"Master, you still have something to say?" There was a faint glint of coldness in Ouyang Nuan's eyes as she smiled gently. "Dear Daoist, you're seriously injured and should rest well. Besides, there are matters to attend to at home today, making it inconvenient for us to receive guests. Rest assured, I will personally visit you another day with a generous gift to apologize!"

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Master Ma knew that with Master Huian's visit today, her scheme was in vain. She feared that Madam Lin wouldn't offer a single penny. The disparity in prestige between Master Huian and herself was like night and day. If she continued to confront her, everyone would think she was trying to deceive them, damaging her reputation and making her business difficult in the future. 

Caught in a dilemma, upon hearing about the apology with a generous gift, she immediately forgot her grudge over her injured nose and forced a smile. "Yes, Reverend Huian is right. My cultivation is shallow, and I mistook the noble aura on Eldest Miss Ouyang for a malevolent one. It seems the malevolent aura must be in Madam's belly after all."

"If you dare to spout nonsense again, I'll cut out your tongue!" Ouyang Ke stomped her foot, speaking fiercely.


Ouyang Zhi slapped Ouyang Ke hard across the face. Ouyang Ke, shocked, covered her face, not understanding why her father suddenly hit her. 

Ouyang Zhi spoke icily, "Stop! No rudeness to guests! Get out now!"

Ouyang Nuan's gaze turned cold, though she expressed surprise, "Father... She's young and ignorant. Please don't be angry!"

Ouyang Ke glared at Ouyang Nuan with resentment but dared not leave. If she left, what would they do if Old Madam insisted on finding a way to terminate the child in Madam's belly? That child was their only hope now! Madam had been hoping for a son for so many years, thinking that having a son would change their fortunes. How did it come to this? Seeing the situation, Master Ma awkwardly made a bow and followed her maid out.

Old Madam Li wasn't foolish. As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them. There were plenty of ways to handle not wanting this child. Why ask for help from Master Huian? If word of this spread, it would bring shame upon the Ouyang family. Her face turned slightly red with embarrassment, but Ouyang Nuan came over at just the right moment to support her, saying, "Grandmother, don't worry. Take your time to explain. Master Huian is not a stranger. She will understand."

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Li nodded hastily, saying, "Yes, Master Huian, I beg you to think of a solution!"

Master Huian responded, "At this point, all we can do is do our best and leave it to fate. From today onwards, the Old Madam must recite prayers a hundred times a day to bless the Ouyang family. As for the child, after it's born, it should be sent to a temple as soon as possible. Find a highly respected monk to guide him and let him become a monk from then on. This way, he won't burden the family and can accumulate blessings for himself, seeking a better future."

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"No way!" Ouyang Ke almost jumped up. This younger sibling was their biggest bargaining chip against Ouyang Nuan. How could they send him to a temple as soon as he was born? She couldn't care less about the consequences now. She rushed forward and grabbed Ouyang Zhi's arm tightly, urgently saying, "Father, the sibling in mother's belly is your own flesh and blood. How can you believe the nonsense of this old nun?"

"You wicked creature! Why aren't you kneeling down?!" Old Madam Li was extremely infuriated. This Madam Lin, using every possible means to harm her eldest grandson, still wouldn't give up. She actually wanted to give birth to a Heaven's Lone Star, intentionally wanting to sever the Ouyang family's lineage! Even her granddaughter, had no sense of propriety, daring to make a scene in the ancestral hall. It was truly outrageous!

Seeing his mother furious, Ouyang Zhi forcefully pushed Ouyang Ke away. Ouyang Ke, caught off guard, fell to the ground, staring in disbelief at her heartless grandmother and father, trembling with anger.

Ouyang Nuan watched Ouyang Ke crying and making a scene without caring about her image. She sneered inwardly, knowing that in her grandmother's heart, daughters-in-law and granddaughters were insignificant. Sons and grandsons were the ones who mattered most, especially Ouyang Zhi. He was her future support in her later years. How could she easily let someone harm him?

Sure enough, without hesitation, Old Madam Li agreed, "Thanks to Master Huian's guidance today. If you hadn't come, we would have ignorantly accepted such a sinful fetus. If my son is harmed in the future, our family's lineage will be cut off! Master Huian, rest assured. We will definitely follow your instructions! Soon, we will also rebuild the golden body of the Bodhisattva in the temple, hoping to dispel disasters and ensure a lifetime of peace!"

Master Huian nodded and smiled, "May the compassion of the Buddha bless you, ensuring the longevity and prosperity of the donor's descendants."

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Old Madam Li chanted a Buddhist mantra softly, "May it be so. Amitabha Buddha, may the Bodhisattva bless us."

As Master Huian was leaving, Old Madam Li personally escorted her to the door, while Ouyang Nuan assisted her step by step and helped her into the carriage.

Master Huian smiled with folded hands and said, "There's no need for a long send-off. Please, stay here, donor."

"Farewell, Master." Ouyang Nuan's face carried a gentle smile, her beautiful features radiant and captivating, almost too dazzling to look at. Master Huian took another careful glance at her before smiling and boarding the carriage, departing from the city.

After circling around the city for a while, Master Huian's carriage did not return to the Ninguo Temple but instead entered the backyard of the Zhenguo Marquis Residence. 

Old Madam Ning was already waiting for her there. Master Huian smiled as she approached to pay her respects, but Old Madam Ning quickly helped her up, saying, "We are old acquaintances, no need for such formality."

Master Huian smiled faintly and sat down beside the Old Madam. Her tone was unexpectedly concerned: "Are you feeling better?"

Old Madam Ning nodded, smiling: "I've been much better these days. A'Nan, are you doing well?"

Du Mama smiled as she watched them, serving tea and then stepping aside to wait.

Huian Master smiled gently and lightly patted the old lady's hand, her eyes flickering with a subtle light and shadow: "I've always been well. It's just... Hua Jun, you've aged. There are white hairs growing on your head..."

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Although there was still a smile on Old Lady Ning's face, tears had begun to well up in her eyes as she spoke, "Of the sisters I knew in my youth, only a few of us are left now. Sometimes, I often recall the first time I saw you. That year, you were only eleven years old, wearing a butterfly hairpin adorned with emeralds, walking towards me. The butterfly's wings fluttered, looking so ethereal..." She paused, her gaze falling on the Buddhist cap worn by Huian, feeling a pang in her heart, unable to continue her words.

Others would be extremely surprised to hear this, as nowadays almost everyone knows Huian as a respected Buddhist nun, but very few are aware of her noble origins. In fact, Huian came from a prestigious family and was a close friend of Old Madam Ning since childhood. However, after her parents passed away one after another in her early years, she refused the path chosen by her family and resolutely chose to become a nun.

"No need for such sentiments," she said softly. "I was born into a wealthy and influential family. I spent half of my life deciphering people's intentions, even fearing their malicious thoughts in my dreams. I have grown tired and weary. I once told you that I would rather become a nun than stay at home and live under the scrutiny of those people's whims. Do you remember? I have never regretted those words."

When her own parents passed away, her vast family fortune was seized by her uncle and aunt, and her promising marriage prospects were snatched away. She went from being a wealthy heiress to a lonely girl at the mercy of others' whims. How could she not harbor resentment? What was most detestable was that those people still wanted to marry her off to a playboy, ruining her entire life. In that case, she would rather give up the extravagant wealth in others' eyes and endure the coldness and loneliness of the temple for the rest of her life.

It may sound easy to say "constantly accompanying the green lamp and ancient Buddha," but for a young girl to endure such days in a temple is truly a heart-wrenching torment! 

Old Madam Ning understood this all too well, which made her even more sympathetic to Huian's plight. Thinking back on her own life experiences, she felt a pang of sadness, and her words couldn't help but carry a hint of desolation: "You're right. It's hard to reconcile. Back then, you were already engaged. It was clearly a perfect match, but your aunt falsely accused you of being afflicted with a vile disease and forcibly gave that person to your cousin, delaying your life forever. Whenever I think about it, I can't help but resent why the heavens allow such wicked people to act with impunity, forcing helpless women into a corner!"

"You!" Huian Master smiled generously, "In this lifetime, I endured pain and torment in the first half of my life, and in the second half, I had to abandon the secular world and devote myself to the Buddhist hall. But compared to ordinary women, the experiences I've had in this lifetime are far more colorful. The Empress Dowager wants to come to Ningguo Temple to listen to me lecture on the scriptures, and the Empress and other imperial concubines spare no effort to bribe and curry favor, hoping I'll give them a favorable fortune! It's ironic that my cousin, who was once so jealous and malicious, persecuted her step-siblings and tarnished her reputation, ended up causing her own mother to die of anger. Compared to them, I'm much more at ease." With that, she chuckled.

Old Madam Ning chuckled, "You're still the same, always appearing gentle on the surface but with the firmest resolve inside, refusing to bow down no matter what."

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Master Huian sighed softly, "Without this demeanor, how could one navigate through this long journey of life?"

"You're right. Even my life may not be much better than yours. First, I lost my beloved daughter, then my husband passed away, and now my son is lingering on his sickbed. Despite the seemingly prosperous appearance of the Marquis' Mansion, it's actually fraught with treachery and deceit. I really feel..." Ning Dowager sighed deeply.

Huian Master's voice softened with compassion as she spoke, "Your life hasn't been easy either." After a moment, she smiled faintly, "But I can see that your granddaughter is not someone to be trifled with. Faced with the same persecution from her stepmother, if it were me back then, I might have been driven to frustration and anger, but she handles it with grace, without a hint of resentment. Instead, she faces it with a smile and even had the foresight to seek your help in advance. Honestly, if it weren't for your personal invitation, why would I bother visiting the modest Ouyang residence?"

Old Madam Ning nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed. Without your intervention, that foolish Old Madam and heartless father wouldn't have been so easily convinced."

Huian sighed and continued, "If only your daughter had half the resilience of your granddaughter, she wouldn't have been driven to her death by a mere concubine."

Old Madam Ning furrowed her brow, recalling the past when her daughter, despite being seriously ill, still pleaded with her to accept that heartless husband. She couldn't help but feel distressed and angry. 

"Wanqing was so foolish. I warned her not to trust that woman too much, but she insisted on believing in the facade of sisterly affection. I had intended to marry that woman off far away, even made arrangements, but she was cunning. Not only did she seduce her brother-in-law, but she also deceived my naive daughter, who knelt before me despite her illness, begging me to approve! At that time, Wanqing only thought that woman would treat her children well. Little did she know she was bringing a wolf into the fold for her children. Now it's too late for regrets! I only regret not being ruthless enough in the past. I should have eliminated her when she was still vulnerable, sparing us from the current predicament!"

Huian nodded and said, "It's not too late to know now. But we must be cautious about her elder brother, who has become the Minister of War. You should relax about everything. If you have any matters, you can discuss with Nuan'er. Having more people to help you will make things more thorough."

Old Madam Ning smiled and replied, "Look at what you're saying. Even though Nuan'er is clever, she's still just a young girl. Leaving her in that household, dealing with the cold-hearted grandmother, heartless father, and malicious stepmother, I already worry enough. How could I let her worry about me?"

Huian shook her head and smiled, "I have followed the teachings of my master in the monastery for many years. It's not without reason that I have spent all this time in cultivation. Today, speaking of that unborn child as a star of disaster was originally your request. I agreed to it, but it also somewhat compromised my own practice. Since it has come to this, I am not afraid of revealing secrets. Your granddaughter is blessed with an auspicious fate. When she truly comes into her own, I'm afraid you, the Old Madam of the marquis's mansion, will have to rely on her even more!"

Although Old Madam Ning was not entirely convinced, tears welled up in her eyes uncontrollably as she gently wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. "If that's really the case... my poor girl in heaven must be smiling now."

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Huian nodded and said, "If you truly wish to see that day, you must take good care of yourself. Avoid all those trivial matters, don't listen to them, don't look at them. Just focus on your health, eat well, sleep well, and teach your grandson. You are the dignified Madam of the Marquis's Mansion, a first-rank titled lady. You are their biological mother. If those ignorant people dare to harm you, even as a nun, I will fight to the death to discuss matters of morality and justice with His Majesty the Emperor!"

Old Madam Ning was deeply moved, gripping Huian's hand tightly, unable to speak for a moment. Meanwhile, Du Mama watched from the side, secretly amused. Despite practicing for many years, Huian's nature had not changed much. She was always sentimental. Otherwise, she wouldn't have readily agreed to Old Madam Ning's request the moment she asked. Nor would she have disregarded her identity as a nun and spoken such heartfelt words.

"Old Madam Ning, in this world, you're the only one I can confide in with such words. If it weren't for the urgency of the situation, I wouldn't have dragged you into this mess," Old Madam Ning said, her hand trembling slightly.

"That's nonsense. Even though I've become a nun, this thin monastery gate cannot shield me from worldly matters and people. One must still partake in the grains of life and enjoy the worldly pleasures. If I truly sought enlightenment and the bliss of the Western Pure Land, why would I serve the empress dowager and the emperor? Furthermore, even if it's just for the sake of the last person who calls me 'Miss Huian,' I must give it my all," Huian replied.

"I'll always remember your kind intentions. Rest assured, I'll do my best... At least until I see my granddaughter married. Then, I can witness the downfall of those petty people with my own eyes!" Old Madam Ning said solemnly.


Furui Tang

Before Madam Lin could finish listening to Ouyang Ke's words, she trembled with anger, her lips trembling so much that she couldn't speak. Seeing this, Wang Mama hurriedly went up to comfort her: "Madam, madam, you have a delicate constitution, you must take care of the child!"

"Child! What use is this child now!" Huian's prestige was so high that since she pronounced this child as a star-crossed child, who else could say anything? Perhaps even her husband would no longer hold any expectations for this child! Madam Lin meticulously staged this drama with great effort. Now it was all in vain. 

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Her precious son in her belly had become a star-crossed child, a disaster to loved ones and friends. It's over. All over! She had longed for the arrival of this son, hoped for so many years. Now that she was finally pregnant, it turned into a disaster that everyone feared to approach! 

This was going to ruin all her hopes! Madam Lin suddenly slapped the edge of the bed, her eyes red with rage!

Seeing the situation, Wang Mama became extremely anxious, but she couldn't calm down Madam Lin, who seemed to be going crazy. She had no choice but to turn around and grab Ouyang Ke's hand, asking, "My dear Miss, did the master say anything?"

Ouyang Ke shook her head repeatedly, looking extremely discouraged. 

Madam Lin, upon hearing this, became even more infuriated. She wished she could rush out and slap Ouyang Nuan a dozen or twenty times. 

Originally, as long as that nun firmly accused Ouyang Nuan of conflicting with her unborn son and using witchcraft to harm her, she would have requested Ouyang Zhi to send Ouyang Nuan out of the mansion, whether to the temple or to another courtyard. 

Then, Ouyang Nuan's life would have been over. Without this powerful sister to protect him, Ouyang Jue would have been at her mercy. In less than two years, she would have sent him down to meet his own mother. By then, her son would have become the legitimate eldest son! Everything was planned so meticulously. She never dreamed that Ouyang Nuan would turn the tables on her like this!

"Ouyang Nuan, Ouyang Nuan, you're so cruel!" Madam Lin gritted her teeth, wishing she could tear Ouyang Nuan's flesh and blood apart while she was still alive.

"Madam! Madam! I implore you to calm down. Things have already reached this point. You mustn't lose your composure!" Wang Mama knelt down, pleading desperately.

Madam Lin was well aware of this, but she had never been as disappointed as she was now. Was she supposed to let Ouyang Nuan trample over her like this? Wang Mama kept trying to persuade her, but Madam Lin remained infuriated.

Ouyang Ke complained, "It's all because of that Master Huian. She chose the most critical moment to appear. If it weren't for her, Ouyang Nuan would have been kicked out of the house by now!"

"Now, what's the point of saying all this? If only I had known earlier, I would have waited until the child was born to argue," Madam Lin said, touching her stomach. She forced herself to calm down, but the thought of what had happened kept swirling in her mind. She couldn't figure out how to salvage the situation now.

"Mother, I heard Grandma say today that she doesn't want to keep this child," Ouyang Ke said, shuddering at the memory of Old Madam Li's icy tone.

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Madam Lin's expression turned icy, but Wang Mama slowly spoke up: "Madam, if that's indeed the case, you should start planning ahead."

"They dare! My elder brother is the Minister of War, and if they dare to touch me, my brother won't let them off!" Madam Lin said angrily. Wang Mama had a sudden realization: "Madam, we can also inform the Elder Master and Mistress in the Marquis's residence about this matter."

"Yes!" Madam Lin's eyes brightened. As long as her elder brother supported her, Old Madam Li wouldn't dare to harm the child no matter what. If she could safeguard the child for now, she could figure out other solutions later. She refused to believe that when Ouyang Zhi saw his chubby little son, he could still be heartless!

"Then, Madam, you quickly write the letter, and I'll find a way to send it out," Wang Mama urged hastily.

Madam Lin nodded repeatedly and quickly penned a brief letter. Wang Mama tucked the letter into her sleeve and left. Ouyang Ke looked at Madam Lin anxiously, asking, "Mother, will this work?"


In Shou'an Hall, the scent of fresh pine incense wafted lightly through the room. Old Madam Li sat on the grand embroidered cushion, her face dark with worry.

On the other side of the room, Ouyang Zhi sat silently in his chair, his expression heavy. For what seemed like half an incense stick's worth of time, neither of them spoke.

Finally, Old Madam Li broke the silence. "This child cannot stay."

Ouyang Zhi pondered for a moment. Although it was his own flesh and blood, the risk of the child being a cursed star from heaven was too great. It might not be worth it in the end. There would be other children in the future. Even if Madam Lin couldn't conceive, he still had Li Yiniang, and there might be other women who could bear children for him. 

But before he could speak, Zhang Mama entered to report, "Madam, the Second Lady of the Marquis of Zhenguo's Manor requests an audience."

Jiang Shi? Old Madam Li frowned. Lin Wenyuan, the Minister of War, was Madam Lin's own brother. Why would his wife arrive at this particular moment? Could it be that she had received some news...? It had only been two hours since Abbess Huian left. 

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Old Madam Li couldn't help but grit her teeth inwardly. She said, "Ask her to wait in the front hall for a moment. Zhi'er, you should excuse yourself first." After a moment's thought, she added, "Go and summon Eldest Miss Nuan."

"Understood," Zhang Mama nodded and thought to herself that the Old Madam truly relied heavily on Miss Nuan nowadays.

When Madam Jiang entered, Ouyang Nuan was sitting beside Old Madam Li, affectionately massaging her legs. Upon seeing her enter, Ouyang Nuan raised her eyes, sparkling like stars, and calmly gazed at Jiang, reminding her of a deep, unfathomable lake, sending a chill down her spine.

Madam Jiang had a broad forehead and a prominent nose, making her quite attractive, but her gaze was somewhat condescending, giving off an air of superiority. Zhang Mama served her tea, but she didn't touch it. Instead, she gave a slight smile to Old Madam Li and asked, "Madam, how are you feeling?"

Old Madam Li nodded, her attitude neither warm nor cold. Even though the woman before her was the wife of the Minister of War, she didn't feel the need to show deference given her own status as an elder.

Ouyang Nuan smiled and asked, "What brings Aunt here so suddenly?"

Ever since their last encounter at Rongxi Hall, Jiang had learned not to underestimate Ouyang Nuan. Smiling, she replied, "Your uncle heard that your mother wasn't feeling well, so he asked me to come and check on her."

'Not feeling well, huh... Master Huian just left in the morning, and now Madam Jiang is already here in the afternoon. The news spreads fast,' Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. 'Madam Lin wants to keep this child. The best way is to reveal her pregnancy to the Marquis's Mansion. Lin Wenyuan will certainly support her. Is Madam Lin using 'not feeling well' to warn me that she has the backing of her elder brother Lin Wenyuan? Or is she worried about the unborn child and intentionally sought someone for comfort? Whatever her purpose is, I don't care. I hadn't planned anything for this unborn child anyway. Everything is Madam Lin's own doing. Trying to harm me with the child is truly delusional!' Ouyang Nuan thought to herself.

"What nonsense is this?" Old Madam Li said calmly. "When she came to greet me this morning, she was perfectly fine. I haven't heard anything about her feeling unwell. Since Wanru is in my house, she is one of us. Although the Ouyang family may not be as wealthy as the esteemed Minister Lin, we can still afford doctors. Please tell Madam Lin to reassure Minister Lin that there is no need to worry about his younger sister."

Madam Jiang, donning a cold expression, slowly replied, "Old Madam, please don't misunderstand. We don't have any other intentions." She sighed and continued, "Wanru has always been intelligent and sensible since childhood, earning the affection of the Old Marquis. Although she is not his biological daughter, she has been cherished like a precious gem. My husband specifically instructed me before she came here. Wanru has a straightforward nature and is sincere in her actions. If she has done anything to offend you unintentionally, I hope you can forgive her, considering the loss of her mother at a young age."

'Direct and sincere?' Is Lin Wenyuan speaking in irony? The way he describes Madam Lin makes her seem pitiable and worthy of sympathy. It's utterly ridiculous.

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**A Note From the Author**

Actually, the protagonist is just facilitating things, gradually leading Madam Lin to her own downfall. When the protagonist truly takes action, the stepmother won't be able to withstand it anymore - someone is playing a dangerous game!

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