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Rebirth of the Noble Daughter of a High Ranking Family 

 Chapter 44: 

Thwarting My Stepmother's Poisonous Schemes 

Ouyang Nuan returned to Rongxi Hall, where she spent some time comforting her grandmother before coaxing her to rest, and then she went back to the Ouyang residence.

Her first stop was to report the day's events to her grandmother.

Outside the entrance of Shou'an Hall, red lanterns were already lit, and all the maids and servants bowed respectfully as she passed by. Their faces were adorned with smiles, but as she moved closer to the main hall, the number of people dwindled, and the atmosphere became increasingly solemn.

The maid lifted the curtain for Ouyang Nuan, revealing a scene where Old Madam Li sat above with a look of annoyance, Ouyang Zhi sitting beside her with a grim expression, Madam Lin standing by with a strange smile on her face, and Aunt Li lowering her head, seeming unwilling to speak further.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at the man kneeling below and smiled, "Grandmother, why are you so angry?"

The people in the room all turned to look at Ouyang Nuan, except for the man kneeling on the ground, who kept his head down and his body curled up, looking as if he had committed a grave sin.

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"Nuan'er," Madam Lin began, her face showing a hint of annoyance but her eyes gleaming with triumph, "I originally came to discuss the funeral arrangements for Zhou Yiniang. But who would have thought...?"

Aunt Li raised her head and glanced quickly at Ouyang Nuan before whispering, "Miss, Steward Zhang,  has been kneeling at the door all day. He insists that the child in Aunt Zhou's belly is his and wants to take the body back to his hometown for burial. This angered Grandma, and she wants to interrogate him personally!"

Oh? He's been kneeling all day? Grandma doesn't intend to investigate this matter further. However, Madam Lin is still not giving up, wanting to establish the extramarital affair of Zhou Yiniang. She's relentless, unwilling to let go even of the deceased. She's quite persistent. 

However, it's unclear what promise she made to the steward to make him take such a risk. 

"Fetch a seat for Miss." When Madam Li saw Ouyang Nuan, she ignored the person kneeling on the ground and instead inquired about the situation at the Marquis's residence. 

Old Madam Li inquired to the Old Madam and Madam Shen's health, and so on. 

Ouyang Nuan smiled and briefly recounted the situation, expressing thanks on behalf of the Old Madam Ning for Old Madam Li's concern. Old Madam Li nodded in satisfaction, her previous anger diminished.

Seeing them getting along better, Madam Lin couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. She turned her eyes and said, "Madam, forgive me for speaking out of turn. Since Steward Zhang insists on an affair with Zhou Yiniang, and she's no longer with us, why should we stop others from reuniting with their family?"

Perhaps the mention of "reuniting with their family" struck a nerve with Ouyang Zhi, who had been keeping his anger in check. Suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of injustice, he couldn't contain his rage any longer. He exclaimed, "Zhang Yashan, are you truly forgetful of kindness and loyalty? Who sheltered you and provided you with a meal when you were destitute and alone in the capital? Is this how you repay me?"

Zhang Yashan knocked his head heavily on the ground, then lifted his head, his voice trembling, "I beg the master to be merciful. Yiniang and I were deeply in love since childhood. She was sold by her uncle due to poverty, and ended up in the Ouyang residence. I traveled a long distance to find her. It was not easy for us to be reunited. Now that she's gone, even if you spare me, what's the use... I beg the Master and Madam to show mercy!"

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"Zhang Yashan, have you lost your mind? How dare you spout such nonsense, tarnishing Yiniang's reputation! The master and Madam will never tolerate this!" Li Yiniang said coldly.

Zhang Yashan knocked his head again before taking out a handkerchief from his pocket, trembling as he spoke, "I dare not speak falsely... I have evidence!"

He shook out the handkerchief, and Ouyang Nuan glanced at it from the corner of her eye, only to see the words "Husband Zhang" written on it. Ouyang Zhi stepped forward and snatched it, taking a closer look. He saw the elegant handwriting on top, unmistakably Yiniang's handwriting. His face immediately flushed red, and he kicked Zhang Yashan stumbling with one foot, exclaiming, "Utterly despicable!"

Li Yiniang leaned over to take a look, only to find a love poem written on the handkerchief, signed with Yi Niang's maiden name, Xiang Xue. Her face turned pale, and for a moment, she was speechless. 

Meanwhile, Madam Lin stood calmly behind, with a cold smile on her face, thinking to herself, "You were crying so bitterly in Yiniang's room, but now you've slapped yourself in the face!" 

Seeing this, Old Madam Li was naturally furious and about to explode in anger, but Ouyang Nuan gently intervened from the side, saying, "Grandmother, don't be angry just yet. Mother used to run the household very strictly. If there is no summon from the master, the household staff are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard casually. I wonder how Manager Zhang managed to enter the inner courtyard and make his way to Yiniang's yard without being seen by all the maids and mothers in the yard?"

Madam Lin was caught off guard by the response, and she sighed slowly before saying, "Nuan'er, my dear, as much as I manage affairs daily, there are always oversights. It wouldn't be surprising if some rascal took advantage of the late night to sneak into the inner residence and cause trouble. But it's also because Yiniang was careful!"

"You're right, Mother," Ouyang Nuan nodded in agreement, then continued, "Grandmother, this matter concerns the reputation of our Ouyang family. Naturally, we must investigate it thoroughly. May I ask a couple of questions?"

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Old Madam Li hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. 

Ouyang Nuan thanked her and then stood up, walking over to Ouyang Zhi's side. She whispered softly, "Father, may I take a look at this handkerchief?"

Ouyang Zhi looked at his daughter, surprised that she wanted to see the handkerchief. He furrowed his brow with suspicion but still handed it over to her. "Go ahead, though I don't see the point. It's just a filthy piece of cloth!"

Ouyang Nuan carefully examined the handkerchief and then turned back, smiling as she asked, "Manager Zhang, you claim that this handkerchief was given to you by Auntie Zhou. Do you have any witnesses?"

"Well..." Zhang Yashan hesitated involuntarily. "This matter, Mama Cui in Yiniang's courtyard knows about it."

Madam Lin calmly said, "In that case, let's have Cui Mama come in for questioning." Cui Mama was her subordinate and would undoubtedly follow her instructions.

"Let her in!" Madam Li ordered.

Cui Mama entered the room, trembling as she knelt down to greet everyone. Ouyang Nuan asked, "Cui Mama, did Auntie Zhou give Manager Zhang a handkerchief?"

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Cui Mama hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, Zhou Yiniang did give Manager Zhang a handkerchief, and there was also a love poem written on it..."

Madam Lin smiled, feeling a heavy burden lifted from her heart.

"Then when did she write it?" Ouyang Nuan asked gently, "Where did she write it? And who was with her at the time?"

Cui Mama was stunned. Although she had been questioned before, Madam hadn't mentioned she would ask about these details! She stuttered, "It... it was one evening about half a year ago. I was waiting nearby and saw Zhou Yiniang writing it behind someone's back."

"Oh, so Cui Mama personally witnessed it," Ouyang Nuan chuckled. She walked up to Cui Mama, unfolded the handkerchief, and asked, "But is this the one?"

Without hesitation, Cui Mama nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes!"

Ouyang Nuan continued, "What is written on this handkerchief? Could Cui Mama read it aloud for me?"

"Closely together day and night, with you in the same heart, life after life..." Cui Mama stared at the words on the handkerchief, before Ouyang Nuan continued with a smile, "Is this the sentence?"

"Yes, it is what Eldest Miss Ouyang said," Cui Mama repeated.

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and turned to show the handkerchief to everyone in the room. 

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When Ouyang Zhi took a look, he saw: 'Amidst a thousand miles of yellow clouds and bright sunlight, the north wind blows geese and snow falls densely.' He hesitated and said, "Nuan'er, what is this..."

"Father, I just realized that I accidentally took the wrong handkerchief earlier. The one I showed Cui Mama was actually a new poem that Jue'er learned at the academy and doodled on when he came back. Oh, it seems Cui Mama might have been mistaken for a moment too," Ouyang Nuan said apologetically as she discreetly put away her own handkerchief, as if it were a genuine mistake.

"Master, it's quite strange that Cui Mama, who clearly can't read, insists that there was a love poem on the handkerchief. It's very suspicious!" Aunt Li noticed the anomaly and reminded from the side.

Ouyang Zhi frowned, his gaze on Cui Mama turning sharper by the moment. Cui Mama's face paled, while Madam Lin suddenly raised her voice, her tone icy, "Cui Mama, do you understand the gravity of deceiving the master and mistress?"

Cui Mama trembled slightly, saying, "I dare not deceive Madam and Master. Although I can't read, I did hear Zhou Yiniang recite it several times. How could I forget?"

"Is that so? Cui Mama, I recall there was a maid named Huan'er by Auntie Zhou's side. Where is she now?" Ouyang Nuan asked softly.

Cui Mama lowered her head, concealing her unease in her eyes, and replied, "She was overwhelmed with grief after Auntie Zhou's death, crying incessantly day and night. So, I sought permission from Madam to send her away from the mansion."

Sent out of the mansion? Perhaps Huan'er refused to assist you in falsely accusing Auntie Zhou and was disposed of. Ouyang Nuan knew they wouldn't easily reveal any flaws, so she smiled faintly and walked slowly to Zhang Yashan. She asked, "Zhang Yashan, do you know when Auntie Zhou gave you this handkerchief?"

Zhang Yashan had already prepared his answer and replied without hesitation, "As Cui Mama just said, it was six months ago."

"Oh, six months ago," Ouyang Nuan repeated, pretending to be puzzled. She continued, "Father, I'm not proficient in ink, but I vaguely feel that this ink isn't of high quality. Could you please carefully examine the ink marks on this handkerchief? Can you tell what type of ink was used?"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Zhi was momentarily stunned. He took the handkerchief from Zhang Yashan again and carefully examined it under the candlelight, then asserted, "This is ink from Yunzhou."

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Ouyang Nuan nodded in admiration and said, "Father truly is knowledgeable and well-read. Just from these few strokes, he can determine the origin of the ink."

Ouyang Zhi's face still held traces of anger, but his eyes involuntarily revealed a hint of surprise as he continued, "A child like you wouldn't understand. Ink from Yunzhou tends to have a bluish hue, is heavy with impurities. I've never been fond of it. Our household has always used ink from Qingzhou. Not only is it fine and dense in texture, but it also has a lustrous black color and moderate viscosity. It makes no sound when applied to the inkstone. If it weren't for the recent flooding in Qingzhou preventing the transportation of ink, our household wouldn't have resorted to using ink from Yunzhou..." As he spoke, Ouyang Zhi's expression suddenly changed!

Half a year ago, the household exclusively used high-quality ink from Qingzhou. As Zhou Yiniang resided within the estate and rarely ventured outside, even if she had wanted to write a love poem for her lover, where would she have found inferior ink from Yunzhou? 

Ouyang Zhi was also an intelligent man, but the recent unsettling events had clouded his mind. At this moment, the realization struck him like lightning. 

He abruptly turned around and forcefully flung the handkerchief onto Zhang Yushan's face, his brows furrowed in anger, his teeth clenched as he declared, "This handkerchief was clearly written recently!"

"Since this handkerchief was written recently, why claim it was from half a year ago?" Ouyang Nuan's voice was low but clear, tinged with a hint of curiosity, yet resonating throughout the room, audible to everyone present.

Zhang Yushan hesitated, saying, "Master, I dare not lie. This is indeed my cousin's handwriting." 

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Madam Lin was startled by Ouyang Zhi's roar. She had instructed Zhang Yushan to claim that the handkerchief was given half a year ago, intending to make Ouyang Zhi believe they had been colluding for a long time, thus convincing him that the child was not his flesh and blood. However, she hadn't anticipated Ouyang Zhi would deduce from the ink that the handkerchief was recently written. 

Upon hearing Zhang Yushan's words, Madam Lin quickly regained her composure and asserted her authority, "Master, please examine carefully whether it is indeed Zhou Yiniang's handwriting."

"Master, handwriting can be imitated. Just by seeing Zhou Yiniang's writing once, anyone can replicate it. There's nothing strange about it," Li Yiniang interjected indifferently. Seeing Ouyang Zhi's expression change, she knew he was already halfway convinced.

"Humph, today's performance is quite spectacular, playing tricks to deceive even me," Old Madam Li said coldly. "A'Zhi, it seems your household is not clean. But it's not Zhou Yiniang who's up to no good, it's someone with ill intentions trying to frame her!"

Ouyang Zhi's face alternated between shades of green and white, pointing fiercely at Zhang Yushan, "Drag him out and beat him to death!"

Before Zhang Yushan could utter a word, Cui Mama had already collapsed to the ground, crying out, "Master! Master! Spare us, please! We had no choice!"

"Shut these two slaves up!" Madam Lin reacted swiftly, shouting sternly. Immediately, eight strong maidservants rushed forward to gag the struggling pair and dragged them out, paying no heed to their desperate resistance.

Old Madam Li watched with cold eyes, refraining from intervening. She found it ridiculous how the troublemakers were now the ones calling for the capture of ghosts. Madam Lin seemed to have blinded herself and deafened her ears to reality! If it weren't for the Marquis Mansion and her brother's reputation, she would have been dealt with long ago.

The gentle voice of Ouyang Nuan rang in Ouyang Zhi's ears, "Father, the priority now is not to escalate the situation. If things get out of hand, it will not only disgrace our family, but also potentially tarnish Mother's reputation as a stern mistress unjustly accusing her maid. It won't be as simple as dealing with a few people; it might even draw the attention of the Minister of Personnel. Father, you may be implicated in this..."

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With this realization, Ouyang Zhi couldn't help but shudder, his voice filled with hatred: "From today on, no one is allowed to mention Zhou Yiniang's matter. We'll tell others she died of illness. Anyone who dares to bring it up again will face family discipline!"

As the situation reached this point, Madam Lin felt the most frustrated. She had intended for Li Yiniang to convince everyone that Zhou Yiniang's suicide was a demonstration of her innocence, allowing her to then bring Zhang Yashan forward as a witness. With the presence of a lover, she had believed that Ouyang Zhi would have no choice but to believe. Who would have thought that those damned words from Ouyang Nuan would render all her efforts futile? It was infuriating beyond measure!


Ouyang Zhi returned to the Fuerui Pavilion with a dark expression on his face. As soon as he closed the door, he coldly ordered everyone to leave. He found a chair and sat down, panting heavily, glaring at her.

Madam Lin felt a bit uneasy in her heart, but still approached with a smile on her face, saying, "Master Ouyang."

Without a word, Ouyang Zhi delivered a fierce slap across her face! Madam Lin let out a short, sharp scream as she received the slap on her left cheek. She couldn't believe it, touching the swollen half of her face, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Ouyang Zhi, appearing aggrieved and wronged.

Ouyang Zhi, filled with anger, demanded, "Tell me, were you the one scheming behind the scenes? You couldn't bear to see a concubine giving birth to a son, so you conspired with Zhang Yashan to frame her, ultimately forcing her to her death. Is that true? Where is your former virtue and decency? Despite being from the Marquis Mansion, you are capable of such deeds!"

Madam Lin, feeling aggrieved, pleaded, "Husband Zhi, you must have misunderstood me. I was delighted when the concubines bore sons for you. How could I commit such a malicious act? It was all because of that Zhang Yiniang. She told me that Zhou Yiniang had an affair with someone. After investigating, I found out that Zhou Yiniang did indeed have a close relationship with Zhang Yashan, especially since the doctor confirmed her pregnancy. 

"I was furious when I heard this news and blamed her for her indiscretion. Not only did she have an affair, but she also concealed her pregnancy. I tried my best to keep the matter hidden, even when someone maliciously spread rumors and slandered me. I endured it all to protect our family's reputation. Later, Zhang Yashan insisted that he had an affair with Zhou Yiniang. I had no choice but to present the matter to the Old Madam for judgment. Today, upon hearing your accusations, I realize that there are indeed some suspicious aspects to this matter. Even if I have made mistakes, it was out of concern for you and the purity of the Ouyang family bloodline!" Madam Lin shifted all the blame onto Zhang Yiniang, who had once been a maid but was elevated to the status of a concubine. Her sole purpose was to make Ouyang Zhi believe in her innocence.

"Zhang Yashan has lost his mind. Without your instigation, would he dare to claim he had an affair with me?" Ouyang Zhi scoffed.

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"A'Zhi, I have always been in charge of the inner courtyard," Madam Lin sobbed. "If I wrongly accused Zhou Yiniang, wouldn't that imply I failed to discipline her properly? Think about it carefully. Why would I act so foolishly?"

In the past ten years, Madam Lin did indeed manage the Ouyang residence very well. She could be considered Ouyang Zhi's capable assistant. Ouyang Zhi was somewhat swayed by her words and hesitated, saying, "If it's not you, then who else could it be?"

Madam Lin sighed and said, "Can't you see it yet, A'Zhi? I have always been strict in managing the household, and I have made enemies at every level. If you ask me to point out the mastermind behind this, I truly cannot say. But think about it. Who wouldn't want me to regain control of the inner courtyard? And who has the ability to make Madam Li speak on her behalf? Hasn't Li Yiniang been whispering in your ear?" Ouyang Zhi was left speechless. Madam Lin continued, "Their plan is quite effective. It has driven a wedge between us, damaged our relationship, and tarnished the reputation of the master of the house. I always wondered whom I had offended so deeply that they would resort to such malicious tactics against me!"

"Stop it!" Ouyang Zhi stood up abruptly. "I refuse to believe Yue'e is capable of such things."

Madam Lin rushed into his embrace, tears streaming down her face. "Alright, Zhi Lang, I won't say anything more. You can choose not to believe anything else, but you must believe in our ten years of marriage. I have loved you deeply, willing to sacrifice everything for you. How could I ever do anything to make you unhappy?"

Ouyang Zhi's heart softened slightly. While he didn't believe Li Yiniang, a delicate woman, could be the mastermind behind this, his suspicions of Madam Lin also lessened. Madam Lin took a shallow breath, saying, "It hurts." Then, tears continued to stream down her face as she softly added, "A'Zhi, are you really willing to strike me like this..."

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"Wanru... it's my fault. I'll call the maid in to apply the medicine for you," Ouyang Zhi said hastily, now believing Madam Lin's words and rushing to open the door. But Madam Lin gently held his hand, saying, "No, don't worry about the servants seeing us. If you truly care for me, there's some medicinal oil in the room. Let me fetch it and apply it myself..."

Ouyang Zhi nodded, and Madam Lin finally felt relieved. Just as she was about to smile, her vision suddenly blackened, and she fainted.

Ouyang Zhi was startled and quickly called for Wang Mama, rushing to bring in the doctor who usually treated Madam Lin. After examining her pulse for a while, the doctor couldn't help but smile and say, "Congratulations, congratulations. Madam's pulse indicates good news!"

With these words, Madam Lin was filled with overwhelming joy. For a moment, she was so excited that she couldn't utter a word. Wang Mama's face was almost blooming with a smile, and she hurriedly said, "Doctor Qian, please take a closer look. Madam has been feeling a bit unwell these past two days. Please pay special attention."

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Upon hearing this, Doctor Qian immediately understood Wang Mama's implication and smiled, saying, "I see. No wonder there are signs of instability. Madam needs to rest more and maintain a cheerful mood, and be careful to ensure the safety of the fetus."

Ouyang Zhi had initially thought he had lost a child, but now unexpectedly received good news of another one. He was so overjoyed that he didn't know what to do. He quickly asked Doctor Qian to write a prescription and repeatedly instructed someone to go to the old madam to share the good news. Madam Lin, blushing, deliberately said, "Master, Doctor Qian mentioned some instability. If you tell the old madam now, what if the child cannot be retained?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Ouyang Zhi's face beamed with joy as he said, "Doctors always say such things. Even if there's no illness, they have to find something to say. If everything is fine with you, why would they need to examine you? His words are meant to put your mind at ease and let you rest assured. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything with the old madam. This time, you must give me a son!"

Doctor Qian was writing a prescription in the outer room and chuckled, "Madam, if Master Ouyang says so, then you can rest assured and recuperate."

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Ouyang Zhi laughed and said, "Doctor Qian, please make sure to pick out some good tonic medicines for my wife. If it turns out to be a son, there will be generous rewards!"

After Doctor Qian finished writing the prescription, Ouyang Zhi happily escorted him out. Wang Mama returned, closed the door, and said to Madam Lin, "Madam must be overjoyed."

Madam Lin sneered, "I've been feeling aggrieved these days. Now that I have this baby in my belly, it's time for me to hold my head high."

Wang Mama smirked and whispered in Madam Lin's ear, "Miss used to act against Madam because she thought being the legitimate eldest daughter gave her the upper hand. But now that Madam has a son too, the young master won't be as favored by the old madam anymore. In the future, if Madam wants to get rid of him, the entire Ouyang family will be under your control."

Madam Lin pondered for a moment before saying, "Don't underestimate that little girl. Despite her young age, she's quite cunning. In these recent incidents, she's been instigating the old madam and Li Yiniang against me while pretending to mediate between us. Now not only does the old madam rely on her, but even the master has praised Nuan for being very filial. If only my child had half of her cunning, then I'd be at ease."

Wang Mama chuckled, "That little troublemaker who dares to go against Madam Lin will have her day of reckoning. We'll just marry her off and be done with it. And by the way, imagine the look on Li Yiniang's face when she finds out you're pregnant!"

Madam Lin's joy grew as she thought about it. "That little troublemaker must be dumbfounded now. As long as this time it's a son, I'll be able to stand tall in front of the Old Madam from now on!"

Wang Mama smoothed out the blanket for her and said with a smile, "Madam, rest assured, it's definitely going to be a boy."

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Madam Lin nodded and said, "If that's the case, I won't even have to fear the Old Madam anymore." She thought of Li Yiniang and couldn't help but smile as she gently caressed her abdomen.

Li Yiniang was stunned when she heard that Madam Lin was feeling unwell because she was pregnant. She had worked so hard to distance Ouyang Zhi from Madam Lin's favor, yet now, Madam Lin was effortlessly gaining the upper hand by being pregnant. How could she not be infuriated?

When the news reached him, Ouyang Nuan was playing chess with Ouyang Jue.

"Pregnant?" Ouyang Jue's chess piece fell on the board with a loud clack. "How is that possible?"

Fang Mama lowered her head and said, "Young Master, the doctor has already examined her pulse. It seems to be true."

"Damn it!" Ouyang Jue exclaimed angrily. "This is outrageous! I'll go tell the Old Madam!"

"Stop!" Ouyang Nuan said calmly.

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"Sister..." Ouyang Jue paused, and Hongyu quickly stepped forward to pull him, urging, "Young Master, you're being too hasty. This news was sent by the Old Madam herself. She's known about it for a while."

If the stepmother could gain the Old Madam's favor and bear a son this time, it would mean she could walk with her head held high in the Ouyang residence from now on. Ouyang Jue couldn't contain his frustration. Ouyang Nuan's face wrinkled, and her dark eyes showed a hint of annoyance.

"Sister?" Ouyang Jue turned to look at Ouyang Nuan, his voice tinged with panic. "What should we do?"

Seeing a pair of clear eyes staring at her like mountain springs, Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Come finish the game first."

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Ouyang Jue was accustomed to listening to her, so he reluctantly returned to the table and sat down again, fiddling with two chess pieces. The white pieces clacked against his fingertips. After thinking for a while, he reluctantly made a move.

Ouyang Nuan glanced at where he placed his piece and couldn't help but shake her head with a smile. Jue was a clever child, but when it came to chess, he was always too impulsive, constantly calculating how to be daring and adventurous, coming up with unconventional moves, boldly advancing, disregarding the consequences, trying to corner the opponent at every opportunity without following any chess principles, completely improvising, driven by his emotions.

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"If you proposed to play chess with me, you should focus more. We can discuss other matters later," Ouyang Nuan said slowly.

Fang Mama glanced at the chessboard, where the black pieces had already occupied half of the territory, and couldn't help but chuckle. The young miss's chess seemed to follow established rules, but her layout flowed smoothly like running water. She balanced offense and defense everywhere, her moves agile and unpredictable. Even the most cunning tactics were often anticipated and cleverly neutralized by her in advance. Facing off against her, the young master was like facing an impenetrable fortress, finding it difficult to gain any advantage.

As expected, Ouyang Nuan placed the final piece, securing a complete victory. Ouyang Jue widened his eyes and murmured, "It's impossible. You clearly gave me a three-stone handicap."

She smiled faintly and replied, "Your lack of focus in chess is one thing. Your reckless behavior is another. Acting without understanding your opponent is the third. The overall situation has already been decided, so why struggle anymore?"

Ouyang Jue was taken aback by her words, and although he harbored some doubts, he couldn't find words to refute her for a while. He struggled to argue, "I just lost focus for a moment. I'll definitely win back later! This time, you give me three stones? No! Five stones!"

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Ouyang Nuan replied calmly, "Chess is ultimately a game. It has boundaries and rules that must be followed mutually. So, no matter how strange the tactics may be, they appear powerless and ridiculous in the face of a predetermined outcome. Even if I gave you five stones, you still wouldn't win."

"Older Sister, I've never won a game whenever I play chess with you, and you never let me win once!" Ouyang Jue looked remorseful.

"Jue, you must remember, when playing chess with others, you can give them stones, but never the game. Giving stones is a kindness, but giving the game is an insult. When I gave you three stones, it was out of sibling affection. If I let you win the whole game, it would be deceiving you. Life is like a chess game, and chess is like life. As your older sister, I can give you a chance, but will others readily yield? Instead of feeling frustrated and blaming others, why not think about how to win this game with your own ability?" 

Ouyang Jue, who was bright, blinked his eyes and said, "Older Sister, why do I feel like there's more to your words?"

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "You're the legitimate eldest son of the Ouyang family, the rightful young master. In the hearts of Grandmother and Father, you are irreplaceable. Regardless of whether someone else is born as a dragon or a rat, it doesn't concern you. Instead of being frustrated and blaming others, why not think about how to stand on your own two feet? Do you understand?"

With that, she stood up, looked at Ouyang Jue, and said with a smile, "I'm going to congratulate our parents. Will you come with me?"

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Ouyang Jue subconsciously wanted to refuse, but seeing Ouyang Nuan smiling at him as if he were a child, he couldn't help but stand up and say, "Older Sister, I understand what you mean. I'll go there with you."

"Actually, we're going to Shou'an Hall," Ouyang Nuan corrected with a smile. Though there was a hint of contentment in her smile, she was pleased that Jue had learned how to keep his emotions hidden, which was what she cared about most.

Upon arriving at Shou'an Hall, they indeed found Ouyang Zhi, Madam Lin, and Ouyang Ke there. Ouyang Nuan pulled back the curtain with a smile and said, "Grandmother, we're here to congratulate our parents."

Madam Lin smiled like a loving mother and replied, "It's only been a month now. We can celebrate when the child is safely born. But your kindness is truly appreciated."

Ouyang Ke, seeing the smile on Ouyang Nuan's face, disdainfully pursed her lips, but quickly changed her expression when she noticed Ouyang Nuan looking at her. She then said with a smile, "Sister, guess whether Mother is carrying a boy or a girl?"

Ouyang Nuan chuckled and replied, "I'm guessing Mother will give birth to a little brother for me. Then Jue will have a companion."

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Old Madam Li laughed and said, "It's hard to predict. When I was carrying your father in my belly, everyone guessed it was a girl. I didn't believe it. Boys are held with their backs facing outward, and they move in one place. No matter what others said, I was convinced it was a boy. When he was born, it turned out to be true. I wonder if your mother will be as fortunate as me..."

Ouyang Nuan noticed the smile on Madam Lin's face, which seemed unchanged but had a hint of displeasure in her eyes. She couldn't help but smirk inwardly. It seemed that her grandmother already had a strong aversion to Madam Lin. Even if Madam Lin gave birth to a boy, it wouldn't necessarily bring her much joy. Of course, if the child belonged to Li Yiniang, it would be a different story...

Ouyang Ke chuckled, "Grandmother, don't worry. Mother will definitely give you a grandson this time. Father has already chosen a name for the little brother. His name will be Ouyang Hao!"

"Nonsense! How can you decide on a name before the child is even born? This is absurd!" Old Madam Li's face darkened, and Ouyang Zhi quickly blushed and apologized, "I was carried away by excitement. Please forgive me, Grandmother."

Old Madam Li snorted coldly and ignored Madam Lin. She focused on holding Ouyang Jue's hand and asking about his studies. Madam Lin's expression grew increasingly unpleasant, even making Ouyang Zhi feel a bit embarrassed sitting there.

Ouyang Zhi whispered to comfort Madam Lin, "Since you're pregnant, it's better to go back and rest."

Madam Lin nodded and stood up, but as she walked towards the door, she suddenly screamed, her body swaying and falling into the arms of Wang Mama, who was close by. This sudden shock was alarming. Ouyang Zhi jumped up immediately, Ouyang Ke rushed over swiftly, but Ouyang Jue was stopped by Ouyang Nuan. She said, "Don't go disturbing. Stay with grandmother and make sure she doesn't get too upset."

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After saying that, she took a few steps forward, as if she intended to approach, but stopped at the edge of the crowd. She didn't come closer.

"Wanru, what's wrong with you?" Ouyang Zhi was puzzled, holding onto Madam Lin tightly, fearing that she might have some accident.

Madam Lin's face was full of pain, and she cried out, "I don't know. My head hurts, my waist hurts, my stomach hurts, I feel so uncomfortable, it's like my whole body is burning. Husband, save me, please save me!"

Ouyang Zhi was alarmed by her cries, questioning Wang Mama anxiously, "What's wrong with Madam? How could you all take care of her like this? Hurry, help Madam back!"

Wang Mama showed a panicked expression and said, "Sir, I've never seen Madam like this before. What on earth is happening! Madam, oh my, Madam, please don't scare this old servant!"

"Quickly! Help her back!" Old Madam Li also stood up, raising her voice.

Ouyang Zhi, fearing that Madam Lin might have some mishap, quickly apologized to Old Madam Li and half-supported, half-carried Madam Lin away. Old Madam Li stood in the room, her face showing a hint of bewilderment. She asked Zhang Mama beside her, "What do you think is wrong with her? She was perfectly fine just now."

"Madam may be feeling unwell," Zhang Mama replied with a forced smile.

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Old Madam Li shook her head and said, "It doesn't seem like it. It looks more like she's been affected by something evil."

Ouyang Jue also found it very strange and couldn't help but tug on Ouyang Nuan's sleeve, asking, "Sister, what do you think is wrong with her? Why is she suddenly in so much pain? Sister?"

Ouyang Nuan didn't answer. She continued to stare coldly in the direction Madam Lin had left, pondering over the words "affected by something evil" that Old Madam Li had just said, deep in thought...

Ouyang Nuan returned to her courtyard, pondering over Madam Lin's actions repeatedly, feeling more and more suspicious. Just when she was pregnant and everything seemed to be going smoothly, with her father's full support, it wouldn't be surprising for her to feign illness to seek attention. However, the sudden onset of pain all over her body... "affected by something evil"... A flash of cold light flickered in her eyes as she asked, "Fang Mama, who does Old Madam Li most devoutly believe in when she burns incense and worships Buddha on ordinary days?"

Fang Mama replied, "Old Madam Li believes most in Bodhisattva. Whenever there's a difficult situation or a joyous event in the family, she always goes to the temple to pray and offers some incense and money. Miss, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Ouyang Nuan closed her eyes and pondered for a moment. Then, she suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Fang Mama, quickly go to the Marquis Mansion and tell Du Mama that I need Old Madam Ning's help for something."

Ouyang Jue, hearing this, was very puzzled and asked, "Sister, what's going on? Do you need my help?"

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Ouyang Nuan smiled slightly and said, "There is indeed something that I need your help with. Come closer, and I'll tell you." That night, it was said that Madam Lin had cried all night, complaining of headaches, backaches, and stomachaches. She felt unwell all over, and even Doctor Qian was kept up all night trying to figure out what was wrong. However, no one could figure out the reason, not even Ouyang Zhi, who stayed by her side every step of the way. Even Old Madam Li, out of concern, sent Zhang Mama to check on her twice during the night.

The next morning, Ouyang Nuan took Ouyang Jue to pay their respects. Although Old Madam Li was happy to see her grandson, she was still puzzled and asked, "Jue'er, why didn't you go to school early today?"

Ouyang Nuan joked with a smile, "Grandmother, he was being naughty and refused to go to school today. He even took the day off without telling his teacher."

"That's not true," Ouyang Jue retorted, with dark circles under his eyes. "Grandmother, don't listen to Sister. She's teasing me again! Today, I told her that I had a strange dream last night and couldn't sleep all night. She just wouldn't believe me and insisted that I was making excuses and being lazy to skip school. Grandmother, please reason with her. How could I, such a diligent child, possibly be lazy? I just couldn't sleep well last night and needed a day to rest!"

Old Madam Li looked at him, noticing the blackness under his eyes. Although she felt sorry for him, she was also puzzled. "How can a child like you have trouble sleeping? Did you drink strong tea before bed? I've told you so many times, but the servants dare not restrain you. You should be more careful yourself..."

"Grandmother! It's not like that! I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt of a flood. The whole house was submerged in water. I was searching everywhere for you and Sister, but I couldn't find you. And then I saw..."

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"Jue'er! How could you take things from a dream seriously? Stop talking about it. Grandmother, don't mind him. He's just playing around like a child!" Suddenly, Ouyang Nuann's voice rose, revealing a rare stern expression towards Ouyang Jue. Startled, Ouyang Jue fell silent, looking at Ouyang Nuan, unsure of what to say next.

Old Madam Li and Zhang Mama exchanged glances. Zhang Mama smiled and said, "Since Miss doesn't want to talk about it, Master, you shouldn't either. Mama has something to ask Miss for!"

"What is it, Zhang Mama?" Ouyang Nuan asked with a pleasant expression.

"Madam wants a Silver Mirror Gold Nine Phoenixes with Inlaid Jade Headband. She couldn't decide on a suitable design after looking for a long time. I thought Miss could help us make a decision!"

"You don't need to ask, just give your orders directly," Ouyang Nuan replied warmly.

"In that case, please come with me to the warm room, Miss, and I'll bring out all the designs for you to choose from," Zhang Mama suggested.

Ouyang Nuan nodded and stood up. She turned to Ouyang Jue and said, "Stay here and chat with Grandmother properly. Don't speak nonsense."

Ouyang Jue stuck out his tongue at her retreating figure and then turned back to nestle into Old Madam Li's embrace. "Grandmother is always the kindest to me. Big sister is so fierce!" he muttered.

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Old Madam Li gently patted his back and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Besides me, this old lady, the one who loves you the most is Nuan'er. She treats you like her own, protecting you at every turn. How could I not know that?" 

Ouyang Jue looked up at Old Madam Li. Regardless of how she treated others, she was indeed good to him. Even more sincere than his father. With these thoughts, his eyes involuntarily reddened. Old Madam Li quickly pulled him into her embrace and affectionately urged, "Tell me carefully what you dreamt about last night."

Ouyang Jue thought for a moment and said, "Last night, I dreamt of a flood. The water was fierce and powerful. I was in a small boat, searching everywhere for you and Jiejie but couldn't find you. Eventually, I saw all the houses being washed away by the flood. Jiejie was pinned under a beam, motionless and covered in blood. No matter how I called out to her, she wouldn't respond... I was terrified. Then I saw... I saw you, Grandma... and then a wave hit, and even I fell into the water." Ouyang Jue couldn't continue. His eyes showed extreme fear.

Old Madam Li's heart trembled upon hearing this, her eyelids twitching, but she forced herself to remain calm. She gently patted Ouyang Jue's hand and said, "Silly child, isn't your sister and grandmother safe here? It's just a dream after all, and dreams are often the opposite of reality."

Ouyang Jue seemed to find the dream absurd as well and smiled awkwardly, "Grandma is right, it's just a dream. But I had it repeatedly all night, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep and just waited until dawn with my eyes open."

"Silly child, there have never been floods in the capital," Old Madam Li chuckled. But her laughter suddenly stopped, a flash of something passing through her eyes. She grabbed Ouyang Jue's hand and asked, "Jue'er, are you sure it was a flood?"

"Yes, it was a huge flood, I was terrified," Ouyang Jue replied with a lingering fear in his voice, squeezing Old Madam Li's hand in return. "Fortunately, when I woke up, both you and sister were fine."

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Old Madam Li smiled and comforted him a few more times. When Ouyang Nuan returned, they quickly changed the topic. Ouyang Nuan noticed the shift but didn't reveal anything.

After Ouyang Nuan and her brother left, Old Madam Li recounted everything to Zhang Mama. Zhang Mama chuckled and said, "Madam, the young master is still a child, taking dreams so seriously. There have never been floods in the capital since ancient times."

"I used to think so too, but the more I think about it, the more it feels wrong. People often say that dreams are a warning from heaven. Do you think the heavens are trying to warn us?" Old Madam Li asked, her meaning clear.

Old Madam Li remained silent, but she lowered her head, repeatedly murmuring a phrase from an ancient book, ""The flood is vast, the flood is vast, vast and increasing."..."

Zhang Mama knew that Old Madam Li was deeply superstitious and must have suspected something, but she couldn't directly address it. She could only offer a few more words of persuasion, but Old Madam Li's expression remained dark.

In the Ouyang residence, Madam Lin had cried out in agony all night, causing Ouyang Zhi to suffer from a headache throughout the night as well. Upon seeing this situation, Wang Mama whispered, "Master, it seems like Madam has been struck by something. Perhaps we should invite a spiritually adept nun to come and take a look..."

"Nonsense! As a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Personnel, how can I allow my wife to see some mystic instead of a proper physician? Such talk would bring ridicule upon us!" Ouyang Zhi angrily rebuked, his face flushed with anger.

Madam Lin screamed on the bed, clutching her head and crying sorrowfully. Ouyang Zhi was startled by her cry, wanting to go in and check on her, but he was stopped by Ouyang Ke, who said, "Father, I implore you, please bring a Daoist nun to see Mother. If she continues like this, what if she harms the younger brother?"

Ouyang Zhi hesitated for a moment, unable to find the words to respond. Finally, he stamped his foot and said, "Fine, go ahead. Quietly. Don't disturb others."

"Yes," Mama Wang lowered her head, a slight smile appearing at the corner of her mouth.

After about half an hour, Mama Wang returned with a Daoist nun. She introduced her to Ouyang Zhi, saying, "Sir, this is Master Ma, who is very famous in Kyoto. Many families invite her for rituals to ward off evil. With her presence, Madam is sure to be safe, and mother and son will be secure!"

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Ouyang Zhi nodded and addressed the solemn-faced Master Ma, saying, "Then I entrust this matter to you. If my wife is indeed safe, there will be a generous reward."

Master Ma, in her forties, with a round face and narrow eyes, dressed in Daoist robes, nodded solemnly. "Rest assured," she said.

She went in to check on Madam Lin and emerged after a while with a grave expression. "Madam has been disturbed by something. We need to perform a ritual to dispel it," she said.

Ouyang Zhi immediately ordered, "Did you not hear what Master Ma said? Prepare the incense table immediately!"

"No, this place is not suitable. I just checked your mansion and found that the courtyard in the northeast direction is the most suitable. Please ask everyone in that courtyard to leave. I will perform the ritual there and dispel the disturbance."

"The northeast courtyard? Isn't that where Nuan'er resides?" Ouyang Zhi nodded and immediately said, "Send someone to inform Miss Nuan to prepare. Later, the Daoist nun will go there to perform rituals for Madam's blessings."

"Indeed." Wang Mama and Ouyang Ke exchanged a glance before leaving. The cries of Madam Lin continued to echo from that direction. Ouyang Zhi, feeling troubled by the sound, paced around the room.

Upon reaching the Eldest Miss' Pavilion, Wang Mama and the maidservants barged in with determination. Upon seeing Ouyang Nuan, Wang Mama greeted her with a forced smile, "The servant pays respects to Miss."

Ouyang Nuan was seated in the corridor reading a book. She smiled at Wang Mama and asked, "What brings Mama here?"

Wang Mama replied with a smile, "It's nothing major. Madam is feeling unwell, so Master has invited a spiritually adept Daoist nun to perform rituals. She chose Eldest Miss' Pavilion for the ceremony. We seek Miss' understanding."

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Before Ouyang Nuan could respond, Fang Mama's expression turned stern as she said, "What are you saying, Mama? Miss hasn't even married yet. This courtyard isn't open to just anyone. If something happens here, can you bear the responsibility?"

Wang Mama's expression darkened. "Miss hasn't spoken yet. Why are you in such a hurry, Fang Mama? It's not my decision; it's Master's orders. If Miss is truly unhappy, I'll report back to Master. There's no need to take it out on me!" She then turned to Ouyang Nuan, seeking her opinion. "Miss, please judge the situation."

Ouyang Nuan spoke slowly, "Wang Mama, there's no need to be upset. Fang Mama is also considering my well-being, isn't she? But Wang Mama is right. Since it's for my mother's well-being, there's no harm in letting this courtyard be used."

Wang Mama's face lit up with joy. "The servant knew Miss would be reasonable."

Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly. "Hongyu, tidy up the courtyard and ask any unrelated people to leave. We shouldn't disturb such an important ceremony."

Wang Mama left happily, and Ouyang Nuan watched her retreating figure with a cold smile.

The Daoist nun entered from outside. Ouyang Nuan smiled and gestured to her, but the nun gave her a cold glance and ignored her. She then called the two young Daoist nuns accompanying her to bring in a load. Fang Mama glanced at it and frowned—it contained yellow talismans, glutinous rice, soybeans, incense candles, and similar items.

After the two young Daoist nuns arranged everything, a small altar was set up, surrounded by yellow talismans. Grains were placed on the altar, and incense candles were lit. The two young nuns stood on either side of the altar like guardians. Half an hour later, the Daoist nun, with her hands behind her back, declared coldly, "The time has come. I will commence the ritual. Please, everyone, step aside."

"You—" Fang Mama thought the nun was being rude to Miss by speaking like that. Ouyang Nuan waved her hand to stop her and smiled amiably. "Mama, ask everyone to leave. We shouldn't delay the nun's ritual."

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All the maids and Mama retreated as instructed, though they were curious. In the courtyard, the Daoist nun had already begun her ritual. She took out three sticks of incense and lit them on the candle placed on the table. Stomping her foot abruptly, she shouted, "Five Thunder Generals, General of the Fire Chariot, ascend to the heavens and descend to the earth, drive away thunder and clouds, lead the divine troops, urgently summon them, do not delay! Protect the disciples, grant me divine powers, urgently as per the law!"

Ouyang Nuan glanced back lightly, meeting the Daoist nun's gaze. Initially, the nun hadn't paid much attention to her, considering her just a twelve-year-old girl. But at that moment, seeing her gentle smile with a chilling aura in her eyes, the nun couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

With the main gate firmly closed, Hongyu whispered in Ouyang Nuan's ear, "Miss, what if she's up to something inside..."

"I'm waiting for her to come out," Ouyang Nuan replied, her lips curling into a smile.

Not even half an incense stick's time passed before the courtyard gate reopened. The Daoist nun emerged with a righteous expression and loudly proclaimed to Wang Mama and the group of maids guarding outside, "This courtyard is unclean. Something has collided with Madam."

"You have some nerve!" Fang Mama's face was full of anger as she scolded, "This is our Miss's courtyard. How dare you spout nonsense here!"

Wang Mama glanced coldly at Fang Mama and asked the Daoist nun, "Is what you said true, Daoist?"

The Daoist nun's face showed a trace of anger as she said, "Whether you believe it or not is up to you! If you want Madam to recover, you must expel the little ghosts in this courtyard! If you don't believe, then I'll take my leave! Seek help elsewhere for your Madam's illness!"

Wang Mama hurriedly stepped forward to intercept, smiling apologetically, "Please wait, Daoist. Let me have a word with Miss."

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The Daoist nun snorted arrogantly and turned away. Wang Mama approached Ouyang Nuan with a smile on her face, "Miss, I know you're filial. Could you please accommodate..."

"Since it's said to be unclean, naturally we must clean it thoroughly, inside and out," the Daoist nun said coldly.

"You—" Hongyu's face flushed with anger. This was the Miss's courtyard. How could they allow such a person to disturb it so thoroughly!

"Hongyu, don't be rude," Ouyang Nuan intervened, gently restraining her. "According to the divination, does it mean we need to search this courtyard?"

Wang Mama smiled apologetically, "Miss, this matter is of great importance. For the safety of Madam and her child, Master instructed us to conduct a thorough investigation. Please forgive us."

Ouyang Nuan smiled and said, "Mother is too polite. What does it matter for the sake of Mother's recovery? It's nothing." Then she turned and instructed all the maids and Mamas, "All of you go back to your rooms and wait. If the Daoist nun needs anything, be sure to cooperate actively."

With everyone inside, Changpu stood still. Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly and said, "Changpu, yesterday Jue said he wanted to bring a little something to give to me. Now it seems he's about to arrive. Go ahead and greet him, tell him I'm busy today, so he doesn't need to come over. Just bring the item back with you."

Changpu nodded firmly, and others couldn't help but smile at her solemn expression. Yet, she appeared like a soldier obeying a general's command, dutifully turning around and running off.

A hint of satisfaction flashed in Wang Mama's eyes as she said, "Miss, indeed, you've thought this through thoroughly. The young master is impulsive; he might misunderstand something. It's best that he doesn't come. Well then, let me start searching from the courtyard."

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Ouyang Nuan smiled faintly, "No, we'll start from my room."

"Why is that?" Wang Mama looked embarrassed and troubled.

"Why not? We'll start from my room, then proceed to others'. Search thoroughly! Wang Mama, I made it clear beforehand. Today, it's an exception for outsiders to enter this courtyard for the sake of my mother. If you find anything, that's fine. But if nothing is found, I'll report to grandmother that instead of a Daoist nun, you invited a charlatan. You'll bear the consequences yourself."

Wang Mama noticed a fleeting hostility in Ouyang Nuan's face and instinctively responded, "Yes."

Leading the search team, Wang Mama went through each room, pretending to inspect and touch everything. Meanwhile, Ouyang Nuan sat quietly in the courtyard, paying no attention to their actions.

Fang Mama followed closely, watching for any suspicious movements. She coldly warned, "Be thorough in your search. If you find nothing, be wary of your own skin."

In the courtyard, Ouyang Nuan closed her eyes slightly, patiently waiting.

After searching all the rooms and finding nothing, Fang Mama sneered. It wasn't surprising; with an outsider like the Daoist nun entering, naturally, all the rooms would be locked, and nothing would be found. The Daoist nun's eyes flickered, and she pointed to a spot under the wall in the courtyard, saying, "I sense the heaviest demonic aura here. Dig!"

Wang Mama clapped her hands, and a servant immediately brought a hoe forward. After digging in several places without success, the Daoist nun waved her hand and said, "This object harbors strong malevolent energy. I must handle it personally." With that, she took the hoe from the servant and vigorously dug into the designated spot under the wall. In no time, she exclaimed, "Found it!" While shouting, she held up a doll she had found, and Wang Mama's face lit up with a smile.

Just in that moment, the Daoist nun saw the expressions of everyone in front of her freeze. Then, she heard the rapid and loud sound of footsteps behind her. Curious, she instinctively turned her head to look, only to widen her eyes in terror—

A large, shiny fur-covered wolf was charging fiercely and madly towards her!

It was terrifying!

The Daoist nun was so frightened that she froze on the spot. Her usual skills of deception seemed to have vanished. She had never encountered such a huge dog before, almost half the height of a person. With its tongue hanging out and eyes red, it rushed towards her like a battering ram, incredibly frightening!

There's an ancient saying, "When facing a dog, don't run, face it directly." However, the Daoist nun had completely forgotten this saying, even forgetting her own mission. Without thinking twice, she ran for her life! She ran frantically towards Wang Mama's direction. Startled, Wang Mama tried to catch her and snatch away the doll, but she didn't realize someone had tripped her, causing her to fall face-first into the ground.

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The others had already moved aside, even the two young Daoist nuns dared not intervene to help their senior. Wang Mama was trying to get up, and Fang Mama went to assist her, but deliberately stepped hard on her old waist. She pretended to be concerned and exclaimed, "Oh my, Wang Mama, are you alright?"

Some people wanted to help when they saw this scene, but the mothers in the courtyard, under the cold and watchful eyes of Ouyang Nuan, stared at them fiercely, afraid to move, fearing that the big dog might turn its attention towards them!

The Daoist nun, with no clear escape route in mind, ran frantically towards the exit.

Finally, the Daoist nun tripped over the threshold with a loud thud. The big dog pounced on her fiercely, biting down hard on her nose. The Daoist nun screamed in agony, the sound piercing and terrifying, as if it could shatter the heavens!

Ouyang Nuan listened intently, a faint smile appearing on her face.

Meanwhile, Changpu stood by the door, laughing.

The Daoist nun, clutching her nose in pain, rolled on the ground. At this moment, she cared little about the doll; she had no idea where it had ended up.

"What kind of beast is this! Quick, catch it!" Wang Mama was enraged, finally breaking free from Fang Mama's grasp. She jumped up and shouted loudly, but she had broken a tooth when she fell earlier, and her speech was now muffled and comical due to the blood in her mouth.

Chāngpú put her fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply. The wolf dog, as if responding to a signal, obediently returned to her side, sticking out its tongue as if awaiting its owner's reward. Chāngpú patted its head, showing appreciation.

Ouyang Nuan angrily scolded, "Changpu, what kind of dog did you bring here?! You've made a mess of my courtyard! Get down on your knees!"

Chagpu immediately knelt down with a thud, exclaiming, "Miss, I'm innocent! This dog was bought by the young master from the market. He said it was especially big and fierce, very rare. He wanted to bring it here to show you, but who knew it would be so hungry that it actually bit the Daoist nun's nose..."

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Someone in the courtyard chuckled, followed by many others covering their mouths to stifle their laughter. Wang Mama, furious, didn't care about her muffled speech due to her mouth injury, which was bleeding profusely. She shouted loudly, "Quick! Help the Daoist nun up!" Ignoring her own injuries, she rushed over and helped the Daoist nun up, who was groaning in pain. Wang Mama frantically searched all over the Daoist nun's body, even turning her sleeves inside out several times, but couldn't find the doll, sweating profusely with worry.

Ouyang Nuan's face was very serious as she coldly said, "Wang Mama, what are you still looking for? Are you planning to watch the Daoist nun bleed to death?"

Wang Mama suddenly understood and looked back at Ouyang Nuan with wide eyes, a look of pure fear on her face. Ouyang Nuan walked over gently and reached out to help Wang Mama, but she took a step back. "Mama, what's wrong? Did you break your tooth and lose the ability to speak?"

"Miss, you are too kind-hearted. Even when they were ransacking this courtyard, you still have such a compassionate heart," Fang Mama stepped forward, staring at Wang Mama. "So, Wang Mama, did you find anything?"

Wang Mama looked around at the people in Ouyang Nuan's courtyard, and suddenly cold sweat poured down her back. She realized in horror that she herself, the one who set the trap, had unwittingly become the prey on someone else's chopping block. How foolish she had been to feel proud! This Ouyang Nuan was simply a demon reincarnated! Terrifying beyond measure! Oh Heavens!

"Miss, forgive me. I'll first take the Daoist nun back to administer medicine. I'll come back... I'll come back to apologize to you later!" Wang Mama said, panting as she supported the Daoist nun, her voice trembling.

Ouyang Nuan smiled apologetically and said, "It's all because of Jue'er's mischief. I'll definitely discipline him properly when we return."

Wang Mama felt that this courtyard was too eerie, and this young miss was even more terrifyingly eerie. She didn't want to stay for another moment and quickly ordered the people standing nearby, "Let's go! Hurry!"

The maids and servants who had come with her followed Wang Mama with downcast faces. Even after they had gone quite far, they could still hear the Daoist nun's painful groans.

After closing the door, Ouyang Nuan reached out her hand, and Hongyu placed the doll she had picked up from the ground earlier into her palm. Ouyang Nuan took a look at it and sneered, "Just as I suspected."

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**A Note From The Author**

Many have said that Lin Shi must not give birth to a son. Well, Qin thinks... even if she does, it won't bring any good... Hahaha. But Madam Lin's scheme is not just about framing the female protagonist; there's more to come...

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